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Fantasy Within the Core

StoneWolf18 said:

no slide






Let me just tell you that after today, I'm sticking to the plain and boring style Character sheets that I do. I spend enough time coming up with the character information. I don't need to spend another hour trying to figure out the damn code.
Kiroshiven said:
Let me just tell you that after today, I'm sticking to the plain and boring style Character sheets that I do. I spend enough time coming up with the character information. I don't need to spend another hour trying to figure out the damn code.
Gah...no need to get so hostile...
Kiroshiven said:
I'm not being hostile. I'm being blunt.......but I can understand where that comes off as hostile. *offers hug* I'm sorry.
*Accepts hug* It's alright, I can be quite straightforward as well so no hard feelings. ^-^
StoneWolf18 said:
Nope. I get that quite a lot actually. xD
Anyway, thank you again for the help. I now have a CS that isn't too bad. Now it's just a matter of waiting everything out. *yawns* 915pm already. Ugh. Work at 8am tomorrow. *cries in a corner*
We're still waiting on a couple of people to post their sheets, so hopefully we'll be able to start by Friday :3
Alright guys, after the last person post her character sheet we would start. I apologize for the long wait and thank you for your patience.
Red will be posting her character shortly, so the roleplay will start first.

The first post is up, I look forward to your replies!
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@DergTheDergon Hey there, I'm equally excited for the roleplay! Your first post's great, however, there's some tiny things I want you to fix. The date is not in November, but in February ^^'' This may not be important, but in case time flies fast I don't want the year 2052 to be over that quickly.

Also, the monitor has yet to expose my character's face yet. The screen remains blue but only his voice could be heard, which is, as you should know, the voice of a young man. It's so that it can make his later actual first appearance easier. I hope you change it if you don't mind, I apologize if I have not stated it clearly.
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Posted!! Really excited for this rp, I seriously hope an awesome story develops. Can't wait to see everyone else's post too!
Aiakaos said:
Posted!! Really excited for this rp, I seriously hope an awesome story develops. Can't wait to see everyone else's post too!
Me either. Super promising already, from just reading the first four post IMO. Btw Aiakaos, I'll give some of the others time to post thier first post before I respond to your character but I don't plan to ignore him lol.
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DergTheDergon said:
Me either. Super promising already, from just reading the first four post IMO. Btw Aiakos, I'll give some of the others time to post thier first post before I respond to your character but I don't plan to ignore him lol.

Aiakaos said:
Okay awesome! Haha thanks for letting me know :)

I actually have prepare a reply, but I guess, I'll just wait for the other's post as well.
Niceee! I'll be looking forward to Alex's reaction then lol. Aw geez, I guess the only real challenge so far is to be patient!

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