Story WitherRose Mental Institution


Cogito, Ergo Sum.
Roleplay Availability
I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Nation Building

The fluorescent humming of the lights above me woke me up. I was in some hospital bed. There was a nurse next to me, however I couldn't see her as my vision was blurry to the point of blindness. From then, I remember nothing. Yet I still have some white bandaid on my left arm, just above the elbow. I must have gotten an injection. Then, here I am, in this small room, 5mx5m, gray in colour. Moisty, very cold. There were some pipes inside that always pumped out hallucinogenic gases to put me asleep. Then, knocked out from there. I now am in some white room, completely devoid of anything other than a bed. The surfaces are all smooth too to prevent sensory stimulation. And the lights are very bright. There's not even a blanket! I was already starving, it had been 14 days since I'd eaten. I've lost a few calories by now, that's something. Upon further inspection, there's no door I can seem to find, either that or I'm blind. Maybe it's hidden in the walls, who knows?

A rat. How did it get here? This is the so-called best institution with NO rodents, yet here I find some. How hilarious. My vision is very blurry now, I've barely been able to sleep! I've only been able to make a makeshift blanket by some of the torn up fabric in the corner. Yet that doesn't really protect me from the cold, or the lights, the lights are more annoying. There are no ventilation systems or at least air-conditioning. I hallucinated this time where I died midwork and I walked towar


Madness, the epoch of Judas is over. I know everything about spiders, the dusty cobwebs located in my mind. Those distant memories mean nothing to me now, family is just a structured oligarchy and friends are your worst enemy.

After some therapeutic treatment (and taking the medicaments I so blindly didn't see), I managed to retain some sanity. Though I still have some insane nightmares, likely being shredded and eaten by... Him. It was too much to bear, he was everywhere. And not in a good way, he would make fun of me in the back of my mind and reveal all my darkest fears and insecurities to the guards. Anyways I've seen the outside world. I guess. When I got out to play in the basketball yard, I saw the sun for the first time in what felt like ages. I was filled with hope and wonder... And that got crushed 15 minutes later when we had to eat lunch. I got sent back to my asylum and ate what seemed to be pasta with some french fries, delicious. I guess the only good thing about this place was the fact that there was good food. Not that I'm taking it for granted or anything.

It is tomorrow, and we had a special event, today, we would share our imaginary "companions" and have them meet the others. I didn't want to tell anyone about him, Azeryum (as he had called himself that), he was my constant tormentor. I believe his atrocities are worse than any human torture conducted... After a while it was my turn, and everyone looked at me...
Silence, complete and utter silence for a while before I spoke up.... It felt so awkward... Everyone looked at me like some psychopath when I told them his appearance, and the guards sent me to my aslyum for "disturbing the others" with my companion. Tch, atleast Azeryum is real. We both know that, he is my tormentor.
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It was after a moment of silence, that I would face my most traumatic events. The guards called in an exorcist. Exorcist Thomas Glamourfrings of the Vatican City. Apparently I had been 'possessed' by Azeryum. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was attached to the being. Despite it's sadism. It is the only thing keeping me sane. When it turned around midnight (or so I assumed it was midnight, again, I couldn't tell the time in that white box). I fell asleep. And then, nothing else for a few minutes. I did feel some very fast recitations of what I assumed to be prayers. And I'm pretty sure I growled. That was when Thomas concluded that I was, intact, possessed by an Eldritch being. After reporting this to the staff, they were outraged and asked him what he could do. So, he entered again, and recited a very strong prayer that echoed in the back of my mind...

"The infinite repertoire of skulls call you to the Catacombs, Azeryum. You mumble the names of a myriad of different ancient mummies. It is feeble how your calls don't attract anyone other than mortals. I am sad to inform you that your time has ccome. Either leave this body, or you will face extreme measures. Your name is but a remnant of the past. Leave, leave, leave!"

it didn't respond, Azeryum. it just... Left, like that. Or did it? The staff felt an uneasy presence lurking, they heard an incomprehensible mix of Aramaic and perfect Latin being whispered into everyone's ears. I woke up, and my eyes shrank to extreme levels. I didn't have any pupils. Other than a white puddle of death... They declared me 'sane' again.

And I left the clinic, here I am now. 15 years after the company dissolutioned for crimes against humanity. It makes me a little happier. I am back home.

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