With Doubtful Thoughts


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
((Sign-up is here... http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/with-doubtful-thoughts.6260/))

From atop her mountainside that she called home, Kaety looked at the lands, seeing another village disappear before her eyes. She wasn't looking out of a window, at least not a normal one. She was gazing into her portal, her own brand of magic that allowed her to see events around the world... and on Earth as well. Kaety slammed her fist against the portal, making it ripple like water, and she turned, pacing around her large home. There were tons of books lying around, one large spell-book in particular on a pedestal of sorts, opened to a spell for summoning.

She stared at the page, her pacing stopping as she looked at the page, her expression that of desperation and sorrow. Kaety had been watching some humans from Earth, ones who were not like the others, ones who did not conform. These people had a certain spark, and didn't belong to the bleak world they were born to. Kaety knew that if she were to bring them here, their lives would never be the same. They would never be the same. It was a risk, but a necessary one and she knew it.

The war that had ravaged Ciel long ago had left it's scars, but most had forgotten, few people lived that long anyways. Dragonkin might remember, but Kaety wasn't dragonkin. She was a sorceress, and she knew what happened, and knew too well that it could never be allowed to happen again. It nearly destroyed this land, the Rieltans and Sevilans at each other's throats, everyone at war. That was when Earth started to go downhill as well. The corrupt politicians from any side, the pollution, the deforestation, people had given up trying to save it. They had given up imagination, hope, and creativity.

Kaety couldn't take it anymore, over a thousand years of doing nothing but watching the worlds both go to hell. She watched, and practiced, waiting until she could finally get them here. Teleportation between universes was never an easy task, but she was determined. "They will be scared..." she mumbled to herself, a thick accent that could only be comparable to a Scottish one adorning her voice.

She walked out, grabbing the large book, holding it out on her arm as she did so, and she stopped on a large natural patio made of rock right off from her house. Kaety, being as old as she was, had a castle as a house, huge and sprawling, on a mountainside. Caves and random plateaus were common. This one, however, had large symbols etched into the rock, carved a while ago as she prepared for this moment.

The symbols began to glow a bright purple color, and Kaety began to speak in an unknown tongue, and she closed her eyes. This went on for a long while, she seemed almost in a trance, then her eyes opened, and she jumped as thunder clapped dramatically. There was a bright flash of light, then there were suddenly a number of children in front of her from Earth, and one from Ciel, none older than 20. Her book slammed shut, and she looked at them, unsure what to think. They didn't look like much, but maybe looks would be deceiving.

"Alright," Kaety said, her voice loud and authoritative, "Take a moment to get used to yourselves, and your surroundings. Ask me what you may. You are all here to save both our worlds. Welcome to Ciel." She looked at the others, and put her book down, then walked towards them, expecting many questions. Some of them even had cat ears now, which she knew was not normal on Earth.

((C h a t N o i r, Thesmashbro, Nikki Rodgers, HaruAketchi, Aiko Ramiano, Post away, remember to take turns, and also remember, if your person is from Earth, this is a HUGE shock to them, of course. This will be the first time they see a non-city, see lots of trees, etc. Also, some of them suddenly have ears or the like. I trust you all to play this well. Thank you.))
"One... Two... Three... And says the fourth, who will be the next to be reaped from existence in a gray world?"

There sat a lone girl, slightly minding her own business upon a bus bench. In a world where you could step upon another industry every three seconds, and where everyone was nearly the same as everyone else... Well, you would expect it to be a utopia for urbanization.

The girl smiled. As people walked by, minding their own business as she was, one wandered towards the bus bench and sat right next to the girl. This man was nicely dressed, wearing a crisp black suit with a firm red tie and lounging a large suitcase filled with who-knows-what. A generic businessman. It was time to make a move.

The girl, dressed in red and black and cursed with pale skin, resembled a ghost. Her red eyes, as many have said before succumbing to doom, could pierce even the sturdiest of souls. Her talent made it all worse, for it made it seem even more convincing that she was not normal at all. She stood up from the bench, and commenced what would be the man's end.

"You must be looking for enlightenment. True intelligence that would surely come to you and cause you to rise up to the top of your game. You want to be better than you already are, correct?"

The man, slightly frightened, rose his head and looked around. Looks like she hit the jackpot. He didn't know where the voice was coming from but it was severely convincing and persuading... And trancing...

"You want this power? I will give you the power you need. You must follow me."

The girl took the first steps, advancing away from the bus bench. The man followed, his regular senses crippled by the psychological trick played by the girl. Soon, the two were in a place far from the public and anyone else who would come to venture.

"Businessmen are so easy to trick, aren't they?" The girl gave a wicked smile. Before the man could realize what he was pulled into, the girl had already came to the man's throat. It was quick work done by the sharpness of a cutting knife, and in the end, the man had suffered from choking on his own body fluid.

"My name is Noelle Noire. Remember me as Noire. Remember it, when you go to the afterlife!" Noelle left the bleeding body for nobody to see until it was smelly enough to be noticed. When she gone to enjoy another go at her entertainment, she was gone. Mysteriously.

Noelle couldn't see where she was now... Her eyes wouldn't allow it. She also felt very different. She tried to get up to stand, but she just couldn't muster the strength and she fell back down to her side. "What happened... What's wrong with my eyes... Why can't I see..." Noelle growled. She tried bringing a hand to her face, to wipe her eyes, but they felt different. What was going on?
Leibas was on his computer back home. He was searching the web for some more quotes he could use, even though he already knew a plethora. While searching, he came across a strange ad. It didn't have any words, just a lot of colors. Normally he wouldn't click any ads, but he was compelled to as if by magic. After his mouse clicked the ad, he was gone.

The next thing he knew, he was standing with a bunch of other kids in front of another girl. He looked around at his new surroundings. He saw trees... lots of them. "Mysterious ad... strange portal... new place that resembles nothing from earth..." He thought to himself, trying to figure out what was going on. His face lit up as he realized what was going on. "AWESOME!" He yelled as he jumped into the air, miscalculating due to his new agility and landing on his face. He began to stand up but then he realized that he had cat ears and a tail. He looked at his tail and, a few seconds later, pounced on it with a "Nya!", but his body movement caused his tail to move out of the way. He went in circles playing with his tail before finally giving up and standing with the rest of the kids.
Ritakki was on the burnt broken tree at near her house. "Can't i just find a regular tree..." Ritakki said to herself in a disappointed way and quietly as if people were near. She looked up at the sky. It was all black and smokey. "Grandfather told me stories from great great grandfather about Earth how there was grass, trees, blue skies and flowers, whatever that is. It could just be a tale or not," she questioned herself. She started to think a lot about it. "Probably just a tale, grass isn't a thing anyway." She heard her dad snoring peacefully. She looked at her watch to see what time it is. "It's time to give dad his pills. I really hope he gets better soon," She told her self as she looked down.

A thick branch broke off the tree which was the one Ritakki was standing on. She fell 12ft. She closed her eyes and there she was, on the ground leaving the thick branch falling on her. Since she is so delicate she felt like she was about to die. "Owwww!" Ritakki screamed in pain. She started to cry because she felt so much pain in her body. She pushed the branch off of her. "I gotta give dad his pills. I gotta give dad his pills" is all Ritakki thought. Ritakki kept weeping in pain. She couldn't move at all. Ritakki tried to get up but failed. She crawled instead. Her pace was slow though. "Will I be able to give dad his pills?" the thought was getting mixed with the pain inside her head. Almost half way there but Ritakki couldn't hold the pain any longer. All she did was stop, collapsed, crawled up in a ball and cried in pain. "Is there someone near to help me? No.. no there isn't." She thought to herself wishing someone can make her pain go away.

She passed out. A feeling came on her as if she was falling or flying up high. Her eyes were shut tight. She was to scared to open her eyes with this feeling. The feeling stopped. Her shiny eyes opened slowly. The place was different from Earth. Right away, she knew she wasn't at home. "Wh-wh-where am I?" She thought. The pain was still inside of her. "Where's dad? He needs to get better!" Trying to get up and forgetting about the pain, she was looking for her father. "I can't find the house. Father!" She fell to the ground crying about two things; her father and the pain.
Ginko was standing in the woods a few miles from his cottage. "There seem to be no deer out this season." the moment he said that he heard some rustling in the bushes behind him. "Alas, sustenance." he drew his bow and aimed at the bushes behind him, waiting for whatever was in there to come out. "By the divines may my bow not tire, i ask the spirits that guide me to grant the power of fire...." he said in a whispered tone, trying not to scare whatever was in the bushes. after he cast the spell a coat of red aura covered his arrow. "here it comes..." the moment he saw the deer come into sight he closed his eyes firing his bow. when he opened his eyes, he saw his arrow flying off the side of a mountain face. "What in the....?" he turned around and saw a crowd of others about his age. he looked down at the platform he was standing on and there were these glowing symbols. "these are symbols of the lost arts..." He then looked back up at the crowd of people,"which one of you...?" he then stopped his sentence when he noticed someone he hadn't before. He then approached her and grabbed he by the collar, "Where am I?! And what are these black arts you preform?!" he said referring to Kaety.
(Sorry for the wait)

The lowly allays of the city were home to the sort of scum that Kashika was used to, the foul air, the rank smell of garbage, and the slums that roam them just to survive. There in an alleyway in the dead center of town Kashika threw a man up against a wall, a blank expression crossing his face. "I told you to get that man that took my 'supplies'. You failed me yet again, you trash." He let the grip from his hand let go and the man fell to the ground panting as Kashika turned around, his eyes closed with no expression on his face. He whispered under his breathe. "You live like a sad dog, and you'll die like one too..." With a sift motion he pulled a detached pipe from the walls and turned to strike the man when suddenly Kashika famished.

Once he got over the fact of being stunned he wiped his to see where he was, but he didn't even know. The voice of someone speaking didn't even affect him. He looked down at his arm, a worried expression crossed his face. He looked back up at the person, the same look still on his face. Slowly. rocks start to form from the tips of his fingers and made it's way across his body til the right half of his body was in complete golem form before stopping. "W-what... What is happening...?"
Reliana's parent's had gone out for food,leaving her in the house alone.At times like this she would usually take out her violin,that can switch into a guitar,and play something related to her tone.Reliana opened the private closet of her and her mother,where they kept their music and songs.She took out a sheet of paper and began to write down notes and lyrics.For some reason felt compelled to write certain lyrics,after a while she picked up her violin,now a guitar,and began to strum along with the music.Seconds later,her voice began to flow with the notes,"I Sing for the voice that beckons.The magic that calls you & me.We have the spark that others don't,something we can create & they won't.Our minds are filled and ready to burst,be we hide our talent because we fear for the worst.There is land that is yearning for us.We make no deal,but we will be on CIEL!"

The feel of the song was magical,and it was as if her mind was in another place.When the high note came,her high shut,and she was filled with magic and power.Her voice rang out above everybody else's,and she could feel and she felt strange.She opened her eyes to find herself on unknown mountain,she could hear the heart beats of the people around her,she could see the sound waves dancing around her,and she could feel the vibrations the sounds cause,"What...in...the...world..."She stuttered as she looked around at everyone,each and all of them looking creepy and/or weird.She looked at her own body,and could tell not much had changed except her hair had become a dark rose red.
A wolf girl, a boy who seemed very excited about a tail, someone sobbing on the floor, another boy who was half morphed into a golem of sorts, and a seemingly normal girl looking around with red hair. That was what was around Kaety... that and one other boy from Ciel, who was now holding her by her collar. Without missing a beat, she smiled at him, and pushed him off of her. A staff appeared in her right hand, tall, and with a large floating ball at the top of it.

"You are on my mountain. Still on Ciel. Look around..." She looked at him for a moment, thinking, "Ginko. That is your name. Yes? I do not do dark arts, not any more than your arrow was of the dark arts. Or black arts, as you called them." She brought a hand up to her mouth, deep in thought, then she looked at Ginko again, "You have heard of a legend... yes? The great war, eons ago? It was ended by a young lady. Yes...?"

Kaety paused for his reply, then breathed out, "Well, Kaety Jenora, live and in the flesh." As she said that, she patted him on the shoulder and walked past him, letting it sink in as she set off to help the other children. Kaety looked first at the wolf, though she knew that the wolf was usually a girl, "Hello there Noire. Try calming down." She looked towards the boy who was half golem at the moment, "That goes for you too, Kashika. Calm down, and remember how you usually look. Focus on it, and just picture it. Once you feel everything is right, hopefully you will be in the right form."

Kaety moved next to the girl who was crying, going from the most shocked to the least. She knelt down to her, and touched the girl's shoulder, speaking quietly to her, "Ritakki is it..? Hey... Everything will be ok. Ok? I know you worry for your loved ones at home. Most of you probably do... It will be for the best though. It has to be." She was not only assuring the girl, but also herself.

Her next move was to again stand, moving towards the boy with a smile. She passed him with a smile, "Leibas..." Then the last girl was passed by Kaety as well, "And Reliana." A sigh escaped her lips as she moved once more to the head of the group, and looked at them all, "There is so much to tell you all... It would take more than one lifetime. In short, this is Ciel, and this world is dying much like your own has been. I have chosen you all because you have a certain spark, and never fit in. Simply put, you are all here to save the world!"

She squeezed her staff, nervousness setting in. Kaety hadn't talked to anyone really in a long time, and with such a large weight resting on everyone, it honestly scared the heck out of her. The group that was here didn't make her feel any better, "Umm... For now... For now just settle in. There are more than enough rooms to house you all. Find me if you have more questions... I will talk to you all again with a more definite plan later. I will be in my library." Kaety walked off, her staff disappearing in her hand as she moved to her library to look over her spell-books.

((Post freely now... She will talk to your characters again probably after everyone sleeps.))
Still in pain, she looked for a walking staff or at least a big stick. No luck. She turned neko to see if it would be easier to carry her self. It worked, she could carry herself but she's still in pain. Walking around this strange place, she couldn't handle that she's lost. She went to a beautiful tree to lay against it. She turned back to her human formed and pulled out her iPod and plugged her earphones to her ears. She calmed her self down by listening to her favorite bands such as My Chemical Romance and Hawk Nelson. Listening to music in pain again, she looked up at the sky and fell asleep.
Kashika was almost stunned by this woman's words, but decided to take in her advice. He closed his geyes and tried to focus deep in his mind. As this was happening, the rocks slowly disappeared from his from his body, receding to the tips of his fingers before completely gone. Then as Kashika let out a sigh of relive, he lost control of himself and the rocks almost instantaneously covered his entire body until he was completely enclosed, showing his true golem form. Kashika didn't become worried has he was before, instead, he let out a disappointed sigh, he knew he wouldn't have much control over this until he learned. He began to walk around the grounds, trying not to go inside as he might break any furniture. He spotted the girl sleeping on the tree and decided that might be his best bet, so he went to the other side of the tree and lay carefully. Then, with many things running through his mind, Kashika fell deep asleep.
"I bet they'd love me in Japan." Leibas thought to himself. He looked at the other people around him, wondering why some of them seem so scared; this is way better than anything back home! Then again, turning into a golem does sound a bit freaky... He was getting tired, and apparently so was everyone else. He looked for a place to curl up and sleep, but then he remembered: he is a cat! cats sleep anywhere! Leibas then sat down where he was, curled up, and fell asleep almost instantly.
Emily wandered about her new scenery. She was sure others had tried to get her attention or show her this new land but she was too awed. She walked throughout the building that looked like it was a masterpiece compared to the blandness of Earth. She wondered what this place was a she regretted not listening to the people that were at the entry to the new world. "Hello?" she said aloud, "Emily is lost. Can anyone help her?" Despite her recent cry for help she continued wandering, hoping her rescue would find her. Looking out one of the windows the outside was even more amazing. The moon hung over a colorful and amazing scene. "Emily hasn't seen something like this," she said quietly to herself. She wished she would have come here, to this world, earlier. Emily adored it all. The color, the creativity. And nobody to pick on her as far as she was concerned.

Emily yawned, still gazing out the window in hope to see wildlife of some sort. Creatures like humans had to exist in order to create a house as amazing as this one. She wasn't to curious about seeing them but in this world she wondered what kind of animals lived here. Her legs were growing tired for standing in front of the window for so long. Her eyes became heavy as she turned and sat next to the window, slowly falling asleep. "Emily loves it here. She doesn't want to leave," she whispered to herself.
Ginko continued looking forward as the woman walked past him. "could that really be her?" he then thought for a moment, he looked down at the markings on the floor and remembered that he learned about this in the mages academy when he was a child. "their centuries old according to the books...." after realizing that those markings are older then he was, and that no one else on ciel has the power to do something like she just did, as far as he knew; he came to the conclusion that she was telling the truth. he then looked down in shame of the large scene he had just made. "I must apologize...." ginko whispered to himself as he walked in to kaety's large house, or a castle as one could call it. as he walked in he caught sight of someone fading around the corner of a large hall. he then dashed down the long hall and turned the corner. when he entered the room he found himself in a massive library filled with ancient spells and incantations, and standing in front of him, was lady kaety, admiring her collection. "m'lady!" ginko said as he kneeled in front of her. "forgive me of my disrespect, i knew not who you were. i was hasty. what can i do in order to redeem myself??"
Reliana stared up at the sky in amazement.She couldn't believe she was on a completely different planet than earth,and this planet actually had trees and wild-life,not the techno-filled so called metropolis.She marveled at the huge castled,that Kaety called a house.She stumbled her way inside as she tried to come to terms with her new abilities.Besides just seeing the sound waves in the air,she could the mana,or magic flow, everywhere.She could even tell how strong they were in the magic field.Reliana found her way into the libray and could field the magic radiating from the books in the place.She noticed Ginko and Kaety,"Excuse me...."Reliana spat with a rather rude tone,not intentional.Reliana looked up at Ginko and Kaety,"I was just wondering,why can I see,what I presume is,sound waves and magic wavelength?"She questioned.
In an instant Kashika instantly awoke and quickly sat up. "Another nightmare..." He looked down at his hands, seeing the thick stone engulfed around him, but then he started to realize that he wasn't covered by rocks, he was rock. He could feel no flesh when he hit himself, no nerves felt as if they were in flesh. Kashika had become a monster in his own eyes, but to him it felt natural. "I am not one of human decent, I must find out me." He stood up and stretched, the rocks all fitting back into perfect placement. He peered down at his arm and saw that the odd tattoo's were engraved into the rock, just like when he was human, Kashika made the connection and decided to travel down to the library to figure out what was happening with himself. Walking inside through the beautiful halls and glorious scenery, he realized how much a waste earth had really become, he had witness its worst after all...

Kashika arrived at the grand door of the library, the vibrant colors of which he has not seen since a boy. He opened the doors and continued his way inside, seeing rows apoun rows of books, more then one could see in a lifetime. "I'll find something in here." The seamlessly endless rows at least had them numbered in alphabetical order and he searched for t to find tattoo. On his way down to there he ran into the sorceress and decided not to bother her, seeing as if she was doing something.
The sound of large doors opening shocked Emily awake. "Hello?" she asked aloud, "Is somebody here with Emily?" She got up and thought about it. Despite how huge the castle was that sound was able to wake her up. She looked around and saw several branching hallways. She looked down the nearest one and saw two grand doors open to a library. "How did Emily miss that?" she asked herself as she walked down the hall. Emily walked in and saw tons of books in the millions of bookshelves. Just as before she was awed by this, but she didn't forget why she was here. "Hello?" she asked walking throughout the rows, "Anyone here~?" As she was walking she saw a young man walking away from another person. She slowly walked up to the boy, "Hello? Can you help Emily find her way around?"

Kaety looked at Ginko and Reliana, smiling all the while, "Ginko, do not worry. If I wasn't myself, I wouldn't have believed it either. It has been..." She began to count on her fingers, "Oh gosh... At least a few thousand years. Over one thousand. I know that. I lost count honestly. People from Earth had a figure called Merlin, and from what I know about him, I could take him on easily in a fight."

She turned from directly talking to Ginko, to instead speaking to Reliana. She saw Kashika and then Emily, and her eyes widened, "A new girl. I must have missed her. I will need to talk to her later." Kaety's eyes went again to Reliana, "Sorry about that. You are Reliana, and you see these things? Interesting. Why? Your soul connected to that magic the best. An interesting talent to say the least. I haven't heard of someone doing such, but new magics pop up often. Don't worry about it. I have to ask though, what does my magic aura look like?" Her eyes were alight with curiosity, and a smile seemed permanently plastered on her face. She knew she would have an uncommon 'aura' or 'flow' when it came to magic.
(Guessed that :P )

Kashika turned to the girl, seeing that she was completely clueless. "I do not no my way around either girl, Emily will have to find someone else to help." He didn't know who this Emily person was but he presumed that she was missing about the castle or something. Either way it did not matter, Kashika continued to search through the books til he saw one that caught his eye. 'Forbidden clans of the Tattoo'. This is what he was searching for. With his hands, he gently grabbed the book, trying not to harm it with his rock sharp hands, and placed it on a nearby table.
Noelle flinched. How the lady knew her name puzzled her even more than how she got to the odd place where she was randomly transported to. As she stopped whining out in confusion, her sight gradually came to her. But not in the way she was expecting.

She could only see in shades of grey and red. Those in red were living and moving things, which she presumed to be other people like her. Everything else was greyscale. "I heard of this before... I must be a canine of sorts..." She raised a skinny paw to her mouth. The same sinister grin from before appeared on her sooty face. "I've been wondering why everyone else appeared to be idiots in that stupid megalopolis... I was just different. What a revelation!" Noelle wobbled to her feet, to attempt to walk on all fours. It didn't take her very long to walk inside the house. "I'm interested. Count me in this, whatever..." Noelle crawled only a little of the way inside and fell asleep near the entrance with her body curled around her.
What Kaety thought was indeed true,"Your aura is vibrant with years of knowledge.It dances around like their more to learn,but at the same time glides across the air in sorrow.It's sadden because both of our worlds are dieing,but filled with joy because we have come.Just from looking at it,it seems as if it could take physical form at any moment."She explained as she looked through,not at,Kaety.To Reliana,Kaety's magic flow was magestics and amazing,something she could never put in complete detail.Even the sad part of the young woman's aura brought a smile across Reliana's smile,"It's just magestic and magical.It looks like it is drawing me...no,us in."She continued with a smile and a gleam in her eyes.
After taking her nap, Rikki had never felt better. She started to explore this strange place to look for her dad. "Wh-wh-where am I? I want to go home," she kept crying out loud. Beginning to run, she was still looking for her father. "Dad, Daddy? Where are you..." she cried for him. She fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands crying. "I-I-I-I Can't fine him... Where are you... Don't leave me...am I dreaming or am I truly alone?"

Rikki couldn't give up... not like this at least. She started going farther and farther looking for him. Feeling so alone because no one else was here she started to create a song about her feelings. "I've been alone all along.

With negativity sinking inside me.Feeling so desperate for someone to hug..." Rikki didn't care if it didn't make sense or she might be tone deaf. She just wanted to sing about her feelings.
Despite what the boy said Emily stuck around him. "Tattoos?" she asked as she yawned again, "Emily is vary tired, do you know where she could rest? Surely you must know somewhere Emily can sleep." She watched him as he read through the book when something occurred to her, "Wait when did-" She cut herself off then looked t the boy, "Err, never mind." When did she wake up this morning? What did she do before this night? How did she get here? It had just come to Emily that she couldn't remember anything recent. Today, yesterday, this week. She remembered other days and memories she would never forget. This was odd. She didn't even remember waking up this morning.
Kashika peered over from his book to look at the girl. 'How strange.' "Look I do not know more than you do at this point, all I can do is wonder who this Emily person is, is she your friend, a comrade, who?" She seemed to be awfully interested in this Emily person. He continued to flip through the pages of the book until he was in a dead stare with one of the pictures, they were nearly identical tattoo's to his own. Kashika put his finger to the passage and began to read softly aloud. "The irezumiSōzō clan was a powerful clan around the time before the great war, then after sending its members into battle, they slowly began to vanish until directly after the wars end, the last know user of the tattoos fanished." This was indeed what he was looking for, but not nearly the information he needed. He looked on the section of the clan, there were pages upon pages but it was more of just history. He set up the book and begun to look around for the i's in this giant library.
"Oh, i understand." ginko said as he slowly stood to his feet. "but is there really nothing? are you sure theres nothing i can do at all to help around here? i tend to get bored quickly." he said with a half smile on his face. he was very confused about what to do, should he stay here, or should he return to his normal life on that lonely mountain. but if anything ginko felt sorry, sorry for those that were brought here against their will, he could return to his home, his family, they couldnt. but what they say of their world maybe they dont want to.
Kaety smiled knowingly at the girl, "I am happy that you seem to like it. Both of our worlds are in danger. Pompeii, the plague, Hitler even... all set in action because of mishaps here. I fear what will happen if things progress. your world is nearly dying. Our's has... odd... things happening to it. Whatever may come, if you do not stop it, it would mean quite possibly the literal destruction of Earth, along with whatever happens to Ciel..." She looked down, her hand up to her mouth, visibly shaken, then she shook it off and smiled weakly at Ginko who stood.

"Unless you want a very long trek, you will have to stay here," Kaety said, knowing that where he had been teleported from was on almost the other side of this large planet, "However, if you want, you can help me with something." Kaety stood, and smiled at Reliana before grabbing Ginko's hand and walking off, "Feel free to follow, but I think you would find a lot of interest in some books on magic and energy." As she walked off, she turned for a moment, moving her hand, and specific books floated down from their shelves, making a stack in front of Reliana.

She pulled Ginko along at a fairly fast pace, smiling all the while, "Now, we won't be staying here for long at all really. Staying the night, maybe two, then off we go. I have a portal ready and waiting, though not active, specifically to get started on this mission. I do believe that everyone should have dinner though, so... would you mind helping me to make it? You may ask questions as we do so. Anything really."

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