With Doubtful Thoughts

True.... It can be easily misused as well. I don't mind the writing in the book thing. It can be explained as a crutch for conjuring magic. How about your guy can only make small minions appear. Helpers of sorts? What do you think The Librarian
Mmmm... I actually like that a lot better than what I had, but he's still got to be able to defend himself... OH, how about instead of writing in a book, he just writes with a magic quill in midair? If he writes the name of a minion, he summons the minion, and if he writes the name of a weapon, the Quill turns into the weapon? Obviously nothing overpowred, but just general stuf, like a flaming sword?
thats really cool, a very good idea. the minions should take a portion of his power, that way the more he summons, the weaker the minions and him get. to keep you from building an army lol
Alright. I like that idea muchhh more. The Librarian, you are accepted. Please write as though you had just appeared, a late comer. You can appear anywhere in the castle, but the patio would make the most sense. Have fun!
Name: Cel Nu Torren

Nickname: Cel

Age: 23. True age unkown.


Race: Rieltan

Specialties: Sword user. Creative Military Strategist. Artist.

Abilities: Healing through light manipulation.

History:Cel was born on Ciel. His mother died from giving birth. His father was A general in the war but was slaughtered among the masses. Cel was raised by his father's brother with the hopes that he would follow in his father's path. Cel doesn't see the point in such a war and is always disobeying orders. He constantly runs among the forest just to escape his uncle.

Personality:Cel is a kind and generous person who will help anyone despite his uncle trying to make him a hardened war hero. He values the life of another and could never take one's life.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/golden_dragon_by_leon_hearts-d4h3k0t.png.99451a6c588953992ddfb8d7cf52b6fd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/golden_dragon_by_leon_hearts-d4h3k0t.png.99451a6c588953992ddfb8d7cf52b6fd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • golden_dragon_by_leon_hearts-d4h3k0t.png
    572.7 KB · Views: 34
Nameless said:
Name: Cel Nu Torren
Nickname: Cel

Age: 23. True age unkown.


Race: Rieltan

Specialties: Sword user. Creative Military Strategist. Artist.

Abilities: Healing through light manipulation.

History:Cel was born on Ciel. His mother died from giving birth. His father was A general in the war but was slaughtered among the masses. Cel was raised by his father's brother with the hopes that he would follow in his father's path. Cel doesn't see the point in such a war and is always disobeying orders. He constantly runs among the forest just to escape his uncle.

Personality:Cel is a kind and generous person who will help anyone despite his uncle trying to make him a hardened war hero. He values the life of another and could never take one's life.

Appearance: View attachment 12002
like your character. i was just thinking we needed another person from ciel in the story.
Nameless, Accepted! You can perhaps be at the nearby town, investigating it because of orders or something. The group should be there soon.

Name: Churchill Harrison

Nickname: Church

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Specialties: Martial arts and cooking

Abilities: Churchill is able to morph, animorph and summon animals to his aid. Specific animals have specifically super humanly enhanced features or powers pertaining to their species. When in one animals for such as wolf the only animals he can summon are wolves.

History: Churchills family was a mix of a native american and one of the white men whom cam to america. During his entire life he and his mother and father grew up on the Indian reserve. When he turned of the age 11 his mother came down with an incurable disease and he prayed to the animal spirits to aid him. Sadly they never came and his mother passed away two days later. Since his mother was no longer there his father had nothing keeping him there so he left him alone to be raised by the village chief. Eventually he went off into martial arts where he was a prodigy black belting or reaching the highest rank of any he has ever tried.

Personality: Churchill is very attuned to nature causing him to be quite placid and calm. However, as most know when animals are thretened they become violent and tend to bite.

Appearance: animorphic forms ill give descriptions when used but i would hope the animals are self explanitory

Name: Quincy Jackobs

Nickname: Q

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Apparition

Specialties: He excels in most types of combat and is a great multitasker. He is quite good at sneaking around and stealing items right off peoples bodies or their homes.

Abilities: He is a being with the ability to take over object(s) and use it (them) as bodies. He can also take over the bodies of animals and plants and use them as host bodies. (He animates or takes over things by placing himself inside them. He is in able to do this to humans unless they are dead.)

History: Quincy has been on Ciel for his entire life since his creation. He has lived a slight sad life because he was only ever seen as a shadow instead of what he really was unless he took over something as a host. With out the need for a home or food to eat he spends most of his time creating mischief.

Personality: He is a fun loving character and a man of many words but has some serious abandonment issues due to the fact that he feels as if the entire world has abandoned him.



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