With Doubtful Thoughts


I am the Deathkitten! Fear me!
The Story of Ciel, the planet of imagination:

Imaginative thoughts have been dwindling, dying out as it were, at least in this world. This is due to a large war that went on in another universe that is connected to our own. This world is the source of all imagination, it is a world that rivals all the known things in our own universe. There are things that one would never see on Earth, that are common place there. If that world dies, our world will continue to become bleak, and we will never see the destruction we are causing.

This war was caused by rival factions, as it always was with war. There were the Rieltans, who were effectively the light, and the Sevilans, who were moreso creatures of the dark. Each thought they were right, and that the other was horrid, and should be eliminated. There was no clear winner, they seemed evenly matched. There was an outside involvement that turned the tides of war though, a young girl born between the sides. She went unnoticed by most, until she came of age, and stopped the war. For now...

The sides have been hostile ever since, always one wanting to kill the other. There were small battles popping up here and there throughout the ages. The young girl, watching all this from afar, her age or looks never changing thanks to magic. She saw all this going on, the pain that it caused the planet, and she knew of the far reaching effects that it would have.

There was a planet she knew of, connected to this one, that would be dying. Earth was no longer the world that we know today. Huge metropolises covered the surface, forests were all but gone, the sun almost blocked out every day from smog and who knows what other pollutants. That world was advanced in technologies, but short and infantile in understanding.

The young girl, a sorceress in her own right, one that rivaled even the great Merlin in strength, she watched Earth die slowly as she did her own world. One day, she decided something had to be done. That this could go on no longer. She used her magic to find those on Earth with the spark.

These kids, ones with this spark, never really belonged in the dull reality that is Earth. They always looked for something more. They were the kids, sitting by, staring at a computer screen, or a piece of paper, making their own masterpieces... their minds were never dull, they always were creative, and thinking. They had what it would take to save not only the young girl's world, Ciel, but also Earth.

The World Around You:


This world is completely different from Earth. They are stuck in almost the Medieval Era. This does not mean they are not powerful though, or not smart. They have heard rumors of your world, Earth, but most do not believe in it. They do have magic though, and an assortment of monsters that Earth does not, along with all of Earth's creatures. Most want no involvement in the warring factions, and know of the tense peace that they have at the moment. They do, however, usually pick sides, and know who they want to win.

There are entire sections of this large world, twice the size of Earth, if not more, that are broken in a sense. They are blank, no color in some cases, where everyone who was in the area at the time seems depressed, and almost bland. In other cases, entire towns have gone missing, including the people. There are instances of other odd occurrences as well.This world is dying, and everything is going to hell.

Otherwise, this world is incredibly beautiful. There are huge, sprawling forests, with trees as tall as skyscrapers in some cases. The sky is a perfect blue when the sun is out, and there are fantastic seasons. If it weren't for all the craziness, this world would be perfect.


A sprawling hell hole called a metropolis. You can come from the same side of the Earth, or entirely different countries. It doesn't matter. Everywhere you look, there are factories, or buildings, or roads, or people. There is an extreme overcrowding problem, and there are times that you can go a week or easily more without seeing the sun, even though the climate has risen dramatically. It keeps getting hotter and hotter. You seem to be the only one, or one of few, around you that likes to do something artistic.

Schools have turned into institutions. No art classes, just strict education, and harsh P.E. classes. There is no room for individuality or freedom. Conforming is the norm, so to speak.

Your role in all of this:

You are one of the chosen ones with the spark. You were a normal human, living on Earth, but suddenly you have abilities, and some of you even look different. You have to learn to cope with all of this new stuff, and also save your worlds. You will never be the same.

You may also be a resident of Ciel, someone who is either normal, with small magical abilities, or something odd and magnificent that can help the ones with sparks. This is your world. Fight for it. You have seen all of these things happen, the world you love degrading, and you finally feel like it is time to do something. You learn of the sorceress's plan, and speak to her. She allows you to join in and wait as she summons, and talks to, the children.


  1. No god-modding please. We are all more mature than that.
  2. Be kind and courteous to others.
  3. Pg13 material only please, a little cussing or romance is fine, just don't push it.
  4. Other site rules apply.
  5. One, high school sized, paragraph per post Minimum please.
  6. Be creative, imaginative, and awesome.
  7. Put the word, "Creative" somewhere in your sheet, and bold it, to make sure you read.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Please put pronunciation, if your name is hard to pronounce)

Nickname: (You can ignore this line if your character doesn't have any.)

Age: (Normal ages, if from Earth. If from Ciel, have a reason for advanced age)


Race: (After you get to Ciel, what are you?)

Specialties: (Things you can do. NOT supernatural abilities.)

Abilities: (After you get to Ciel, what can you do?)

History: (On Earth, or on Ciel. What is your backstory? This is not the moment you get to Ciel. That hasn't happened yet.)


Appearance: (Picture or description)

My Characters:

Name: Kaety Jenora (Pronounced Kay-tea Jen-or-a)

Nickname: Kae (Pronounced Kay)

Age: Unknown. Looks to be about 20.

Gender: Female.

Race: Sorceress.

Specialties: Unknown.

Abilities: Magic.

History: Ciel is her birthplace. She grew up with a father from the dark, and a mother from the light. She is the one who stopped the great wars that ravaged the lands, and the one who has decided that the only fix is to bring you all to Ciel. She wants people to be Creative again. Her history past that is unknown at this time.

Personality: Serious, and desperate, but also cool-headed. She knows what needs to happen, and will pay whatever price she needs to, to save the worlds.



Accepted Characters:

Kaety Jenora (kinadra)

Noelle Noire (C h a t N o i r)

Leibas Ofbacca (Thesmashbro)

Maddilynn Rebecca Elizabeth Patrolium (Nikki Rodgers)

Ginko Saturashi (HaruAketchi)

Ritakki Ariona (Aiko Ramiano)

Kashika BukiS?z? (weirdbraxto)

Emily Cript (dististik)

Reliana Annabeth Queen Smith (Mitaku)

Auron Loveless (ReinTagochi)

Jason Thrace (The Librarian)

Cel Nu Torren (Nameless)

Churchill Harrison (anonymous92)


I may add images, or town names, or things of that sort at a later date.
Name: Noelle Noire

Nickname: Noire (AKA She prefers to be called Noire, her last name.)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: [i'll fill this in when I get an idea.]

Specialties: Ventriloquism. She can make it appear that she is not actually speaking, but another thing or object or perhaps someones subconscious.

Abilities: In her beast form, she can turn invisible (not including the markings) and shoot paralyzing needles through the pointy hairs on her spine.

History: Noelle was a killer even at a way younger age. She was always different, and she couldn't get over the fact that she was. She grew segregated from the common, a bit of an introvert, a tendency to despise everyone else. She thought getting rid of people would do the world a good-enough favor, so she did just that.

Personality: Noelle is generally uncaring for most, and indifferent to almost anything. She tends to go on disobedience streaks. When intimidated or provoked, she will do just that and attempt to do the same. Otherwise, she can be quite scary, mean, and cruel. If anything comes across her that she actually does find interest in, she will comply, and that's probably the only situation where she will actually do so.






Name: Leibas Ofbacca [LAY-bahs OF-bahkah]

Nickname: Baka

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Neko

Specialties: Quotes, tropes, and comedy (specialty in comedy is debatable depending on who is listening to him). Creative.

Abilities: Claw retraction, enhanced dexterity, enhanced agility, and enhanced hearing.

History: Always a joker, Leibas would rather make a funny comment that get a good grade (which is how he got the nickname "Baka"). His main pastime is looking at the internet and preparing jokes to use later. He is also well versed in the rules of fiction.

Personality: He is hardly ever serious and loves to poke fun, in case you didn't figure that out by the history section of this bio. The only times he is serious is when someone is in serious danger.






Bunny's Appearence: ( Described in History )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-4.jpeg.009adf741e5b7bf34c9fbca15a0be01f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-4.jpeg.009adf741e5b7bf34c9fbca15a0be01f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Maddilynn Rebecca Elizabeth Patrolium

Nickname: Maddie

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Sorceress

Specialties: Creative Writting, Imaginating Things, Singing, Acting.

Abilities: Magic & The Ability to Bring to Life her imagination. By this I mean, if she can focus enough on something. As in a drawning, or A Story she could bring it to Life.

History: Maddilynn was Born on Earth. She loved everything in her small town. The wood's behind her house, the Free will town. Everything. That is, until one fateful night, a fire caught and burned down two houses. Her's and an Old abandon one. The fire was started on the vacant lot. Maddie had survived the tragidy, while her family of four perished. Maddie dipped from Society, becoming very quiet. Many came to express their grief but she just pushed them away. Maddie only had one thing survive the fire, A Stuffed Bunny. She keep's this dear and near to her heart because it was her siblings. Maddie was different than everyone, Somehow and she knew it. But could never tell.

Personality: Maddilynn is now Quiet and shy. She rarely talked to others. She bundle's up her emotions and express them in her writting. Maddie doesn't talk much, her basic reply to anything is a nod of her head, or a shrug. Maddie rarely smile's, so when she does that person must be special to her.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-96.jpeg.0c5f4a3162145c349be895943567cddd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/images-96.jpeg.0c5f4a3162145c349be895943567cddd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ginko Saturashi


Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human, or whatever the normal race on ciel is called. Sevilan

Specialties: He is extremely efficient with a bow, and is adept in potion making. when he shoots the arrows he can hold his breathe and it will almost seem slow motion to him.

Abilities: considering that he started on ciel he's had these abilities his whole life. he is able to charge his arrows with a srange magic coating them with fire, water, earth, or wind. causing them to do damage of that element.

History: He was born on ciel and live in the mountains with his mother and father. from time to time he travels the land in search for new adventures and discoveries.

Personality:he is not very talkative and very matter of fact. very straitforward.


Name: Ritakki Ariona

Nickname: Rikki


Race: Neko

Specialty: Cooking, Hiding, creating Creative art, Singing, and the piano

Abilities: Aiming, Speed, Climbing, Clawing, Combat Skills, and Super Sonic Hearing, Remembers everything (which lead her to flash backs), and super sonic hearing (So hearing something small can hurt her ears easily)

History: Rikki is born from Earth. She killed her mother by an accident when she was practicing her aiming at age 8 with her bow and arrow. She hit her mother on the throat which lead her to die. Because of that she is insecure about handling weapons and cries at random times because she has flash backs. She still lives with her father who is really ill.

Personality: Shy, Insecure, kind, Delicate (so one little poke can be painful to her), relies on music when upset, and ignorant.


Normal- (I created her my self)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8c78741_LittleMissQueen.png.a9b186162a21319ffb129d18b470f7de.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd8c78741_LittleMissQueen.png.a9b186162a21319ffb129d18b470f7de.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Neko- (This one i didn't create)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Neko.jpg.f4d0dbe5135e5d483bb44cc288b61abb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Neko.jpg.f4d0dbe5135e5d483bb44cc288b61abb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aiko Ramiano, Accepted. Cute picture. She will be... Annoying... as a character. Something the Rp needs. As soon as I post the Rp, I will tag everyone and let them know. ^.^ Should be soon, if timing allows.
Name: Kashika BukiS?z?

Nickname: Zuzu

Age: 19

Gender: male

Race: Living Iron Golem (Human like stature + 'human' heart)

Specialties: Forging creative weapons, philosophy

Abilities: Summoning using exotic symbols

History: Born to the parents of two from Ciel, he was immediately rushed into his families crazy 'habits'. At his young age he was given odd tattoos, granting him the power of creation, not knowing the meanings at the time nor their power. Soon after he was torn apart from his parents, being taken to Earth where he was quickly given a reality check. The 'caretakers' of him were the lowest of the low in society, almost disowning him, though they never even said anything to him anyways. He lives in the darkest corners of the cities, thinking on a warm pool of blood, fresh from the bodies of those unlucky.

Personality: He is very secluded in his thoughts and speech, though tends to do well in groups as far as action. He is 'stone' cold other then this. (Pun intended)

Appearance: (This will be difficult)

Body structure golem form


Human form


'Please alert me of any issue with my character, I know this stretches things quite a bit but I like the idea :P
Oh yeah, fixed that part :P Anyways when he is in Ciel he is in his 'true' golem form but I also wanted to show what he looked like when he was human. It will explain itself later fully but that is a quick explanation.
Name: Emily Cript

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Specialties: Good at understanding complex contraptions, motifs, or thoughts

Abilities: Temporalkenisis (Freeze Time w/ Mind) for short amounts of time

History: Was known to be a strange girl because of how well she comprehended the normally uncomprehendable and talking in third person. She never had any friends though she tried to make some. She was quite lonely and wanted to freeze time and stay by herself forever in a lot of situations where he found herself clinically depressed.

Personality: Sadness and depression causes her to be awkward and she talks to herself extremely commonly. Tries to be social but isn't vary good at expressing social behavior


Name: Reliana Annabeth Queen Smith

Nickname: Real,Anna,Queen

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Race: Witch

Specialties: Martial Arts,Gymnastics,Writing,Singing,Dancing,and Perfoming

Abilities: Runic Magic and Sound Manipulation - She is able to use Runic magic for long distance combat,and close-quarter combat.Sound manipulation is a major part in her combat,she is able to regenerate by vibrating her cells,create shields by condensing the sound waves around her,and create weapons and blasts from the energy of sound.She also turn her voice into a hypnotic one or an Siren's,luring people toward her or to their doom.

Musical Combat - She can summon her violin or guitar,as a weapon.If she plays a note on them,she can make the physical,so they are able to attack or regenerate someone.

History: Reliana's family dull and boring,except for her mother,brother,and herself.Her mother who loves to sing and play violin,secretely,taught her brother and Reliana.Reliana's brother fell ill,from unknown reasons,and died a few years later.Her brother had left soemthing for her mother to give her which was a violin,which can turn into a guitar,specially made for her.When her father was out of the house,her mother would join her,in playing,singing,and dancing,but when her father returned,they would revert back to their boring & dull mask.

Personality:Calm,Collected,Flirty,Passive Aggressive at times,Cynical

Magic is Creative
Mitaku, one, your history doesn't make sense. Why would she be from a performing arts school? People aren't creative on earth anymore. Two, you didn't read the rules. 
Mitaku, accepted now. Please post.
Name: Auron Loveless

Nickname: Rain

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Specialties: Parkour, extreme coordination, Strategic planning (he doesn't like to go into a situation without thought of all possible consequences), Manipulative

Abilities: Complete Telekinetic (Empathy, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Eidetic Memory)

History: His Father is a senate on earth and is extremely respected. He pushes politics into Auron's life and paves his path for him. Auron went through school with extremely high grades and was sought after by many Universities for him to attend. His father chose his school and major for him and he obediently followed in his fathers footsteps. During his first year of school, a girl invited him to go into a restricted area. She lead him to an area of destroyed buildings. There he saw a full moon free of haze. He fell to his knees in awe of the beauty. From then on , he could no longer see the bland world for what it was. Shortly after he dropped out of school and lived a life full of color.

Personality: Manipulative and extremely cunning, He rarely has to do much of anything to get what he wants,

Has a strong sense of solitude and doesn't take the time to build relationships but he will if it helps move his goal forward, He is very fond of the Earth's moon, It only comes out every so often so when it does he sets everything else to the side and stares at it, Doing parkour helps free his mind of mental stress and keeps him fit

Appearance: He is about 6'0 and his body type is average build but fit.

Face (CREaTivE)



btw. Abilites grow through out the story. Telepathy is limited. Telekinesis and Eidetic Memory is his forte. Empathy is somewhat limited as well
ReinTagochi, Accepted. You can post. Make sure you read the other posts to get a grasp of what's going on right now. Just act like you were one of the ones teleported as well ^.^
(I knew I forgot something... forgot to put creative in.)

Name: Jason Thrace

Nickname: Jay, JJ, Thray

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Author

Specialties: An aspiring writer, he's very creative ; he can find a way to turn anything into a story. He can also find a ship in everything.

Abilities: If he writes in his Book (which never seems to run out of pages) and whoever judges his writing judges it as acceptable, whatever he writes comes to life or to pass.

History: He was found by his adoptive parents in a crumbling building that had recently suffered a fire. He quickly got bored with reality and turned to writing to satisfy his need for...his word for it was 'abnormalness'.

Personality: Cheerful, dramatic (overly so), loyal. He'll stick by his friends no matter what, hate his enemies with a vengeance whatever they do, and beat on anyone who tries to hurt anyone. Unless of course they deserve it.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Wolf.jpg.f9e48b5b04fa403e784b11c8783f6bbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Wolf.jpg.f9e48b5b04fa403e784b11c8783f6bbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="The Librarian](I knew I forgot something... forgot to put creative in.)
Name: Jason Thrace

Nickname: Jay, JJ, Thray

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Author

Specialties: An aspiring writer, he's very creative ; he can find a way to turn anything into a story. He can also find a ship in everything.

Abilities: If he writes in his Book (which never seems to run out of pages) and whoever judges his writing judges it as acceptable, whatever he writes comes to life or to pass.

History: He was found by his adoptive parents in a crumbling building that had recently suffered a fire. He quickly got bored with reality and turned to writing to satisfy his need for...his word for it was 'abnormalness'.

Personality: Cheerful, dramatic (overly so), loyal. He'll stick by his friends no matter what, hate his enemies with a vengeance whatever they do, and beat on anyone who tries to hurt anyone. Unless of course they deserve it.

Appearance: View attachment 11885

I personally think that you should CHange his ability but thats just me 

[QUOTE="The Librarian](I knew I forgot something... forgot to put creative in.)
Name: Jason Thrace

Nickname: Jay, JJ, Thray

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Author

Specialties: An aspiring writer, he's very creative ; he can find a way to turn anything into a story. He can also find a ship in everything.

Abilities: If he writes in his Book (which never seems to run out of pages) and whoever judges his writing judges it as acceptable, whatever he writes comes to life or to pass.

History: He was found by his adoptive parents in a crumbling building that had recently suffered a fire. He quickly got bored with reality and turned to writing to satisfy his need for...his word for it was 'abnormalness'.

Personality: Cheerful, dramatic (overly so), loyal. He'll stick by his friends no matter what, hate his enemies with a vengeance whatever they do, and beat on anyone who tries to hurt anyone. Unless of course they deserve it.

Appearance: View attachment 11885

cool pic though

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