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With DemonGirl27

SomaFel said:
he then turns right again, into his dorm room, as soon as your inside he locks the door.
Dakota pants leaning back against the door, before sliding down and sits on the ground panting while starting to laugh a bit. "That....was crazy.....and exciting." She soon closes her mouth as she hears the crowd in the hall of where the dorms are.
Byron looks a bit angry, he doesn't like all the attention, he doesn't want to be known as a prince he just wants to be normal.

The crowd quickly moves on, seeing as how they can't find their prince.
DemonGirl27 said:
Dakota sighs and catches her breath, "Next time.....wear a disguise."
"that won't help, just standing next to me and you will know it's me, I'm a human air conditioner...I bet your wondering who my parents are that makes me a prince...."
"yeah...a king and queen.....to be more specific queen Elsa and king Bi-Han also known as sub zero...."
DemonGirl27 said:
"Huh...." she shrugs, "And? You may be a prince but your you....what's the problem with that?"
Byron says"I don't like the attention, people wanting to be my friend just because I'm a prince and nothing more, its annoying."
SomaFel said:
Byron says"I don't like the attention, people wanting to be my friend just because I'm a prince and nothing more, its annoying."
"Tell them off...people should respect people from who they are on the inside, not the outside......That's what my grandmother use to teach me when I was young."
DemonGirl27 said:
"Tell them off...people should respect people from who they are on the inside, not the outside......That's what my grandmother use to teach me when I was young."
The bell rings, letting you know there is fifteen minutes until class starts..."hey what classes you got? Maybe we have some similar ones" Byron says

This is byron<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d25f968_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesD1ESRBTB.jpg.4503f81921699855ee566c429210bf8a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d25f968_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_imagesD1ESRBTB.jpg.4503f81921699855ee566c429210bf8a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_imagesD1ESRBTB.jpg
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DemonGirl27 said:
Dakota gets up and tells him her classes, before looking at him "What about you?" she asks
"well it seems I have the same exact classes, that's kinda cool" Byron says.
When she opens the door, she looks around to make sure the coast was clear before heading out walking with him to they're first class
DemonGirl27 said:
When she opens the door, she looks around to make sure the coast was clear before heading out walking with him to they're first class
The first class you go to is magic class. When you enter, the teacher, professor Snape says" take a seat anywhere just make it quick."
She picks a random seat and sets her bag down, before looking at the proffessor wondering what they were going to learn today. Dakota was excited to learn from the teachers her mom use to have, so she would think they would want high standards from her about her grades. Of course she knew it was her dream to come here, like her family have when they were teenagers. She's still adjusting to how she is actually attending the school

Byron takes the seat next to you.

Professor Snape says" today and probably for the next month, I will be teaching you how to control your individual magics...lets get started by giving a demonstration on what you can do....you there with the red glasses, state your name and show us what you can do." Byron stands up and introduces himself , "I am Byron. And I have ice magic" and then he blasts a target with a small ball of snow"good,next..." Snape says pointing to Dakota.
Dakota stands up and clears her throat, making her voice clear and loud. "My name is Dakota and I have the power of telekinesis." Concetrating, her eyes glows as she brought her hand out. One of the students bags glowed, as it started to float up from the ground. But it soon fell back down, as she couldn't keep it up long enough. She then sits back down on her seat
DemonGirl27 said:
Dakota stands up and clears her throat, making her voice clear and loud. "My name is Dakota and I have the power of telekinesis." Concetrating, her eyes glows as she brought her hand out. One of the students bags glowed, as it started to float up from the ground. But it soon fell back down, as she couldn't keep it up long enough. She then sits back down on her seat
"good, we will work on it....next." (no I'm not going through every student just some)

A kid with a long scarf and a fedora stands up "my name is Ronnie and I am the god of randomness" some students looked like they didn't believe that. Ronnie waves his have in the air and suddenly everybody has chocolate filled pumpkins.
Dakota looks at the chocolate filled pumpkin on her desk and smiles, thinking it was pretty interesting. She got hungry just by looking at it, but didn't really know if it was edible. After Ronnie a girl stands up and speaks up, "My name is Lily and I have the power of pyrokinesis." With a snap of her fingers, her thumb lights on fire but it didn't affect her all that much. Lily puts out the fire and sits down, waking towards Dakota. Dakota waves back with a smile
So the teacher gets through pretty much everybody else in class(unless you have someone else you wanna bring in)
The bell rings, time for the next class, for you and Byron that just so happens to be weapons training.

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