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Fantasy Witch Hunt


Weird Bunny Lurker
(Anime pic here)


Prisoner #:

"Crime" Committed:


Age: (6-18)





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Name: Ange Reverend

Prisoner #: 5562319

"Crime" Committed: Talking Back

Gender: Female

Age: 16


Ange is fiery, calculating, and clever. She doesn't usually respect authority or care much for it. She doesn't usually talk to people because she's worried about lashing out. She's incredibly socially awkward and has a hard time making friends. However, she is determined and will do anything for her way.


Ange was born in a wealthy family, an only child for all of her life. Her parents were always busy with something that she didn't know about; it always confused her. She was always kept away from other children, and when she was four, her father began to act....strange. Visions of power swam in her head, and everytime she asked him about it, he lashed out on her. A few months later, Ange felt a power run through her. A wonderful, good power. This scared her father even more. He locked her away from other kids because she was different, and later rose to become the founder of N.O. He gained control over the country, because adults liked his views. And Ange watched him rise behind a barred window. More children got locked away for their powers, and finally Ange decided something; it was time to make a change. And she was going to start it.


She has the ability to control the element of water.





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Prisoner #: 666

"Crime" Committed: prophesised the murdre of five world leaders and called demons to protect her




Personality: quiet, shy, not one to start conversations


Silith was born into an orphanage and lived there till she was 4. On her fourth birthday she profesised the murdure of there leader and three days later it happened. After that she was thrown out into the streets and prophesised four more assassinations then the government came to take her and she used her powers to kill three guards before she was taken

Powers: foresight, telekanesis, master of the black arts




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"You think a bullet will kill me?! Try your hardest to end my life! You'll likely to see your own grave before mine!"

~Augustus while being tortured


Augustus Jones

"The unkillable"

Prisoner #:


"Crime" Committed:

Simply being alive.






At times Augustus can be psychotic, cold, cruel, and harsh to adults. The only reason he's still alive is because the Adults haven't figured out to kill him yet. He isn't afraid to be reckless or stupid, and he has a high pain tolerance. Though some wounds can be too much for him. Augustus isn't afraid to rebel back at the adults, but ultimately his biggest fear is actually dieing.


Augustus lived a relatively normal life, until the N.O. took him away from his parents at the age of 6 years old. He was the first kid to arrive at (other than Ange) and for the most part he was a lab rat. For years the N.O. used all their torture methods on him, but every time he was still alive. As frustrated as they were the N.O. decided to keep him alive, and use him as a test subject for new torture methods. Augustus eventually hated the N.O. Other kids call him the Unkillable due to his resilience twords the cruel torture methods.


His cells rapidly regenerate, the only way to kill him is to remove all the blood from his body, or by any means of disease and suffocation. still feels all the pain, but he tries his best to fight through it.


His prisoner number is burned into the skin on the back of his neck.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Compa_Kid.png.cc4e602c740174e22b91645cade7389a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Compa_Kid.png.cc4e602c740174e22b91645cade7389a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name

Lucy Lager

Prisoner #


"Crime" Committed

Being 'suspicious'






Despite her age, Lucy is very intelligent. She has an excellent memory and can count complicated calculations mentally. However, she's very submissive and obedient, to the point of being and a doormat, and she can't stand up for herself. She's sweet and kind, but she can be a little shy around strangers. Lucy is very curious and is always yearning to learn more.


Lucy is the child of two young parents. They were ver kind and caring, noticing the girls intelligence early and helping her develop it, however they were also somewhat naive. When their child gained the power to heal, they became afraid that it was some sort of dangerous mutation or disease that would be harmful for their child, and as such sent their kid away to the N.O. genuinly believing that they would just do an examination and cure her. The little girl arrived a few days ago.


Lucy has the power of healing.


Lucy is unusually short for her age. Her mother is a police officer and her father works at a daycare.



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Prisoner #: 7445789 and 7445790

Crime Committed:

Lucy: Pushing a kid off the swing.

Alicia: Not cleaning her room.

Name: Lucy and Alicia Red

Age: 8

Gender: Female



Lucy on the left, Alicia on the right.

  • Height(Lucy): 4'1
  • Weight(Lucy): 56 lbs
  • Height(Alicia): 4'0
  • Weight(Alicia): 54 lbs



Lucy is the more exciteable one out of the two by far. She is extremely hyperactive and asks probably far to many questions as most kids her age do. She tends to like playing tricks on people, especially friends, which is kind of what landed her in the facility in the first place. She's typically a kind and sweet girl despite her mischievious tendencies, however.


Alicia is the more calm and reserved of the two. She isn't exactly shy by any means, she's simply more quietspoken and not as hyperactice as Lucy. She's just as kind and caring as Lucy, however, especially when it comes to her sister. She's definetely over-protective of her sister, much to her annoyance, but she is nonetheless. She's decently intelligent due to how much she reads, seeing as most of the time you see her she'll be reading a book of some kind.


Lucy and Alicia were pretty much inseperable since the time they could both walk and talk. As such it was probably a good thing they were both found out to posses powers at roughly the same time by their parents. Alicia had summoned up food for her and her sister while Lucy was playing around with electricity and causing her and her sisters hair to frizz and stand on end.

Of course, both powers were potentionally very dangerous. At first their parents didn't want to give them to the N.O, but in the end the N.O found them. And so they've been in the prison for roughly two months.



Lucy has the ability to control lightning. Varying from mild static shocks, taser strikes, to shocks strong enough to cause severe burns and paralyse limbs. As her to charge your cellphone!


Alicia has the unique ability to summon anything she can think of, within reason. She can't summon a fire breathing dragon, nucleaer bomb, or a massive sky scraper. She cannot summon anything living either. She can however summon food, building materials, books, some weapons, etc. Everything is temporary except for food, however, and depending on how complex the items are she can only summon up to 4 things at a time.

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Eden Levoy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.27f481aeb938e4fc6a5e46acd391c8a3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.27f481aeb938e4fc6a5e46acd391c8a3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Prisoner #: 62615769

"Crime" Committed: public display of magic

Gender: female

Age: (6-18): 17

Personality: quiet, peaceful, childish, kind.

Backstory: Eden's was raised by her father, as her mother was a high paying prostitute, and lived a life of lavish and comfort with her gentle father. She tripped one day, in a public square, nine years ago. She attempted to catch herself, and found a fractal of icy crystal caught her instead. She, herself, had conjured it. Her father begged her to conceal it, and kept her under lock and key. She obeyed dutifully for three years. She went outside, for a walk in the gardens one day, which surrounded her family's large manor. Little did she know, she was being watched. She was running her fingers through the fountains, watching them freeze; all she can remember from then was being drug away from her estate, kicking and screaming for her father, while he tearfully watched.

Since then, she has spoken to few, and refuses to speak of the incident.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.54f35a708289b70330228d12500b2557.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.54f35a708289b70330228d12500b2557.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Ice conjuring and control, and some (limited) flight

Other: She is mentally unstable due to her heavy medications to keep her subdued and calm. She suffers mainly from delusions, memory loss, and bipolar disorder.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4ba10c8b8852c7472c11cceab27534b2.jpg.1874fb76e2c1bc215c2712d604c0de39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="110820" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4ba10c8b8852c7472c11cceab27534b2.jpg.1874fb76e2c1bc215c2712d604c0de39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Takia Hígosha

Prisoner #:


"Crime" Committed:

Disobedience, Public display of powers, and murder.



Age: (6-18)



Free spirited, loyal, friendly


Takia was raised by mainly his grandmother. His parents were both drug addicts and abusive parents. He was out with his parents and grandma going to a restaurant for dinner. His parents told him to paybfor the dinner since they both wanted to save their money for drugs. Takai refused without a second thought. They kept demanding him to and he kept refusing. This was his first crime. His parents then hit both him for disobeying and his grandmother for trying to pay. Takia was okay with being hit since he's use to it, but what made him angry was that they hit his grandmother. Takia summoned his sword, using his abilities(his second crime), then he used his sword to kill both of his parents. (This was his third and final crime.) Soon after Takia was forced into imprisonment.


Aura Manipulation and Regeneration


The sword in the picture is connected to his soul. Only he can summon and desummon the sword. Only he can wield it.



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Name: Abel "Sebek" Mason

Prisoner #: 6877352

"Crime" Committed: Massacre

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Abel is very defensive. he doesnt like people really, but thats to be suspected. in truth, he's really just shy, but he comes off as cold and aggressive. he isnt used to talking to people. and even with his angry demeanor, he has a soft spot for kids. he would do anything to keep a child from crying. he cant stand it. it gets to him...

Backstory: he isnt one to open up...

Powers: Abel has gained the name "sebek", for his abilities. he can take the form of a large crocodilian beast, resembling the god "sebek" lovecraft wrote about.

While in this form he gains monstrous strenght, bullet proof scales, a high healing factor, and the smell of a hound. he follows instinct more than anything, and protecting what he calls his territory is the most noticeable...

Other:his "sebek" form

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Name: Aiden Pollard

Prisoner #: 0003257

"Crime" Committed: Eavesdropping

Gender: Male

Age: 14


Aiden is a unique young man, being compassionate and clever. He tends to put others before himself and cannot stand the mistreatment of other people, especially females. He is friendly and social and makes friends easily. He's curious about the world around him, and when he has a dream, he will pursue it. However, he doesn't think very highly of himself. He tends to get overly emotional sometimes and it's really easy to offend him.


Aiden lived for most of his life in a poor family. His father was a drug addict, and his mother had been killed in a car accident. Aiden was constantly abused and neglected. It was hell every time he walked through the door. His father was always smoking and gambling with his buddies. Then the N.O. rose, offering money in exchange for him. His father willingly gave him up.






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u asked for an anime pic. I wasn't smart enough to find one, so I made a simple drawing enough to explain. Sorry.

Appearance: Wears a special material suit most of the time. Appearance without the suit, well.... Think of gollum from LoTR series. Only a bit taller with a bit more flesh and a bit smaller eyes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.73fad349eaad51dbe346e6a380ee4a50.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111124" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.73fad349eaad51dbe346e6a380ee4a50.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The suit. Yes, it's a biohazard sign in the chest.

Name: November Foxtrot

Prisoner #: 0002000

"Crime" Committed: standing in public, escaping lab

Gender: male

Age: (6-18) 16

Personality: unpredictable, violent(sometimes), silent(most of the times)

Backstory: Because of his powers, he was raised by N.O. since he was a baby, and spent most of his life inside the suit. Since he couldn't eat well due to his 'conditions', he didn't get to be fat. He spent some of his childhood being a part of an experiment N.O. specially organized to use his disease and gas as a weapon of some sort. He was able to escape when he was 13, but he was caught and was sent to the prison for standing in the public.

Powers: -Creates an unknown type of disease around him that is fatal to everyone but him.

-When he breathes out, he lets out a type of gas that melts most types of materials. He is also immune to this gas.

Other: talks slowly.



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Character Completion

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/ANIME-GIRL-STAY064.jpg.7f6887040bd0ba4489ef4aa834f506c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111177" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/ANIME-GIRL-STAY064.jpg.7f6887040bd0ba4489ef4aa834f506c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




Cassidy Nightingale

Prisoner #:


"Crime" Committed:

Messing around with political figures, killing them, ext...








Umbrakinesis - can manipulate and control darkness or shadows.

Animated Shadow - Animate one's shadow.

Light Absorption - block out light in an area.

Night Vision - see in the dark.

Sacred Darkness - create holy darkness.

Shadow Camouflage - be unseen in shadows.

Shadow Mimicry - become a shadow.

Dark Light Manipulation- create the darkest light in existence.

Really anything that involves shadows.




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Name: Merlin Emrys

Prisoner #:00000003

"Crime" Committed: Helping with the demoralization of the nation and causing social unrest. (He said the new order was bad and started a small resistance.)

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Personality: He's kind and over trusting and tries to see the good in every person even though it might endanger himself. He's however extremely protective of his friends and will do anything to keep them save, even murder.

Backstory: He had a pretty normal childhood and tried to hide his powers but eventually he couldn't take it anymore when his best friends was kidnapped by the order. He let himself be captured in order to find his old friend.

Powers: Telekinesis: He can move objects with the power of his mind. The current limit of his power is lifting a man of 100Kg.

Mind reading: He can read the minds of people without magic, he doesn't use this often because of his morals.

Mind control: He can control people who are weak of mind. He also doesn't use this very often.


Name: Amelia and Emaline

Prisoner #: 776378 & 776379

"Crime" Committed: being 'too connected'

Gender: female

Age: 13

Personality: Amelia is very protective of her sister and hates being separated from her. Emaline tends to keep her headphones on too block out others thoughts. She can still communicate with Amelia with the headphones on. Emaline is very friendly and easy going. She adores her sister. Amelia is more mature (physically & mentally) and reserved.

Backstory: Amy and Emy lived with their parents until their powers were noticed. Their parents thought it was just a twin connection when the girls seemed to know what the other was thinking all the time. It was when Emaline fell out of a tree while playing and the cut appeared on Amelia's arm as well that N.O. noticed the girls. After Amelia healed her own arm and Emaline's healed as well, N.O. came and took them away.

Powers: They can communicate with each other telepathically.

Amelia always knows where her sister is and if somethings wrong. Any would Emaline gets will appear on Amelia as well.

Amelia has healing powers. Emaline can hear others thoughts.

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  • Prisoner #: 6689021

    Crime Commited: Black Magic

    Name: Sakura Hayano

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female



    • Height: 5'6
    • Weight: 120 lbs.

    Personality: Sakura is a typically quiet-spoken person. She rarely speaks unless spoken to or it's a friend or of course unless it's Lynn. She's not exactly shy, she just likes her peace and quiet. Despite all of that, friend or not, she is typically a nice person. Unless you get on her bad side, somehow, usually by hurting Lynn in some form. She's not a morning person, so it's also wise not to bother her then too.

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femjapanriceball said:
(Anime pic here)
Name: Luna North

Prisoner #: 6901

"Crime" Committed: Attempting to practice magic

Gender: female

Age: (6-18) 16

Personality: flirt, can be shy or cocky, mood swings, adventuresome, creative

Backstory: grew up on the streets but found an escape from her misery through magic

Powers: simple spell casting, learning to develop her powers



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(Anime pic here)

Name: Hanako

Prisoner #:34567213

"Crime" Committed: Flying

Gender: Female

Age: 10

Personality: Shy, but very kind too her close friends, she is a nice person, just very emotional, and can start crying over just even a dead animal.

Backstory: Her mother and father abandoned her when they saw here wings she was flying away from the when the N.O. spotted her.

Powers:flight, small ice magic

Name: Jekkel


“Crime” His crime is a crime of stealing but stealing and giving back to people that need it more he is more or less a robin hood. But he only kills when he needs to

Age: 15

Personality: Fun, creative, sensitive, caring, stubborn and really aggressive if you get on his bad side

Backstory: As a young lad he was a little stiff but he was happy he was always doing what he was told but he never really thought much about it. His parents were fairly wealthy people and they always gave to the poor but he did not really understand why they did that, they had all that money why would they give it away for no reason without anything in return. This was a question Jekkel pondered very often but he was never able to figure it out. One day when his parents were falsely accused of a witch and a warlock, they said they got their money from stealing and killing people with their powers witch (Ha the puns)was not true. Jekkel was devastated after his parents were burned to death. It was shortly after that all their family wealth was stolen and Jekkel was a poor orphan boy on the street. No one really seemed to care about him they would walk by him practically without noticing him, never did anyone ask are you ok do you need some food it was that day when Jekkel swore that he would help anyone in need. Jake started to steal from the rich but only because he was in need, but still no one ever noticed him. He later found out way nobody could see why.

Powers: Stealth and abnormal speed (Not super speed there is a difference)

Name: Deverell Hunter

Prisoner #: 777

"Crime" Committed: Deverell was caught practicing witchcraft by a neighbor.

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Personality: Deverell has always been very serious, even at a young age. He keeps a tight control of his emotions and chooses to follow logic rather than his heart. He considers overly emotional people to be moronic and underdeveloped, but at the same time he is deeply jealous of people who can be themselves and act silly without a care. He is devilishly clever and can think his way out of almost any situation, and always puts himself before anyone else.

Backstory: Deverell comes from a rich family that lived in a huge mansion. His parents realized he was a genius at the age of five when he read all the encyclopedias in his father's office. By the time he was ten, he had read every book in their library and was bored with mundane subjects. He moved on to the occult and became deeply immersed in witchcraft. Deverell found that he had a natural talent for magic and his powers grew quickly. With a little research, he discovered that he one of his ancestors came from Salem and that was where his abilities came from.

Deverell mastered every spell and ritual he could find, and because he had a very detailed memory, he remembered every single one. When he turned eighteen, he was so confident in his powers that he got a little careless and was caught levitating in his backyard.


- Light anything on fire just by looking at it.

- Move objects with his mind, the bigger the object the harder it is to move.

- Levitation.

- Healing.

- Force fields.

- Spells and rituals.

Other: Deverell always carries a black cane with a silver handle.

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