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Despair :3
In the year 2199 a large black tower erupts from the middle of North America ripping it in two. Nicknamed the Witches Spire, a wide debate began between scientists and historians alike. Within a matter of a few months, several more of these Witches Spire's began erupting in the center of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica. With their sudden appearance came the arrival of what people called Witches. People corrupted by the light thrown off by the Spires light would either become one of two things: Drones of the Spire or Witches.

The Drones seemed harmless for the most part, but their main purpose became evident very quickly as they dragged anyone they find into the Spires light. The witches, harbingers of the Spire were given powers to protect the Spires and kill anyone who dared to get to close. Fearing the worst from these abominations, the United Nations banded together to create a special program using weapons they hoped could kill the Witches and destroy the Spires once and for all. The ones wielding these weapons were known as Witch Bladers.
Sarah appeared in front of the spire just as Orona had described in the contract. She was shocked how only moments ago she was in a boring classroom and suddenly she was experiencing the adventure of a lifetime. Remembering her decision and what she knew she stood forwards into the light looking at the Spire that was before her. Waiting for whatever both it, the adventure and the universe had in store for her.
The spire, towering above her would seemingly extend far beyond the clouds above. Its pure black and green trimmed frame would start to hum with a dark energy and without much warning a green ray of light would shoot down to the ground enveloping the girl. The light would not only blind her but as the light faded, she would disappear from sight into the Spire without a trace.

Far on the other side of the city...

Lance Evans, 17, (Witch Blader) defends a small child from a witch and a horde of Drones.

"Mister, what are we going to do?" The little boy behind him asked gripping tightly to his sleeve. "I'm scared!" Lance reached back patting the kids head as an act of reassurance. Looking to his left he could see the broken body of his sister. No doubt she had fought to save this little boy too.

"If only I were here earlier..." He said closing his eyes in disappointment. "Then maybe I could have..." He raised his head to face the Drones and the Witch, a cold expression rising on his face.

"That is a nice expression you have there. Stay like that. I will want to savor someone so willing to die." The Witch waved the Drones away, her feet beginning to finally touch the ground. Pointing her finger in the direction of the boy she drew a quick glyph in the air in front of her. "Now suffer!" The moment the glyph vanished a series of energy swords began to rain from the sky down in his direction.

Jumping back, Lance caught the boys arm and pulled him out of harms way. "Why must you monsters exist?" He grumbled, turning to deflect another barrage of swords coming from his left. "Damn, at this rate I wont be able to close the distance." He found himself once more having to dodge away closer to the building behind them. "She's trying to pin us... kid. When I give you the go ahead, run and hide in that alley." He ordered to the kid. The kid looked up terrified, but quickly nodded. "Good..." Another barrage appeared from above, "Go!" The kid sprinted down the alley before the Witch could react.
"Damn you! Drones, get the runt!" The Drones, a group of zombie like humans shuffled by, their eyes glowing a cool shade of amber. "I will have them rip that runt to piece! I wont let him into the light." She raised her hand to her face, "But its no matter. I guess I can bathe in your blood first." She began to giggle to herself, "That girl didn't struggle much." She licked the blood from her fingers, "But I am sure a boy like you will provide me with excitement."

"You talk to much," He stated pulling the pistol from it holster and taking aim, "I plan on wrapping this up rather quickly." With that he moved towards the Witch, his hand pressing the soul gem on the left side of the barrel. It hummed a dull white before a glyph appeared in front of him. While holding the gun it began to morph into the shape of a spear. Drawing back his hand he lobbed the spear into the sky.

"Fool, you left yourself wide open!" As she dropped her hand from her face, she began writing glyphs in front of her in rapid succession. Before Lance could comment he realized a bit to late that he was now surrounded by a wall of swords on all sides. "Humans, weak, pitifu-..." She was going to continue her comment, but the spear Lance had thrown had done its job. Arcing downward it impaled the Witch right in her neck and down into her back.

"Told you, you talk too much," he grumbled to himself snapping his fingers. This prompted the spear to send an electric current through her body. He did this a number of times util he was sure she was no longer able to move. Walking over to her body, he brought the spear down across her chest before pulling it out. The blood sprayed over his face as he reached into her body, yanking out a pulsing blue orb. Turning the spear over he slotted the blue orb into an open slot and pressed it in for the first time. The spear shifted from its spear form into that of a beautiful sword. "I see. I can make use of this." Reverting his sword back into a gun, he holstered it and pulled out his cellphone. "Yeah, its me. Right, I need a med team, and a clean up squad. Yes, the Witch is dead." He looked down at the witch with disgust before moving to track the Drones from earlier.
The last thing Sarah remembered was a blinding light before she vanished into the Spire. But still, she woke up in a cushioned garden, confused and honestly wondering what happened. She expected the light to kind of do it's thing and then let her be, not transport her somewhere else. She got up from where she was laying down and looked around her. Slowly, she started to explore the garden and the buildings it was connected to. She was filled with excitement and thrill, longing to be able to make something of herself even if she may just end up back in her classroom.
She found a room with a title in a language she didn't know but opening the door a blast of energy was shot straight at her head. She looked around herself in even more of a daze than she'd been in before,
"Where the hell am I?" She muttered as a figure appeared before her.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there." The witch spoke bowing her head quickly in apology, "My name is Cassandra, I am a teacher here. I am quite sure that if you were chosen by the Spire then you are here as a chosen one. Please, this way." The witch spoke kindly. Directing the girl to follow her.

Mad-Moony Mad-Moony
Mad-Moony Mad-Moony

"Sarah. Hm, many of our strongest and more...interesting witches had names starting with S." Cassandra looked back at the girl with an inquisitive look, "I do hope that you are compatible here." She gestured to a rather large room ahead. "First stand in the center and I will determine the color of your Soul Gem. If you have one we will go from there." Cassandra tilted her hat up out of her face, "Worst case if you don't have a core we will just have to kill you." She laughed heartily. Despite the light and airy way she spoke it was blatantly obvious that she was not bluffing about her threat. "Don't worry I am sure you will do fine." A dull green jewel sat in the center of the room; the octagon shape of the room giving it a interesting honeycomb look. On each wall sat a different symbol: glyphs. Materializing from another open doorway was yet another Witch. This one seemed a bit colder then the light and airy Cassandra. "Oh hi Scarlett, we have a new potential Witch here."
Scarlett didn't speak, but instead stood watching with her eyes narrowed at the girl. There was something about Scarlett that would, if Sarah was paying attention, would terrify her. "Hmph." She grunted raising a hand to her chin. She didn't really care one way or another, but if the girl didn't pass the test on the other hand... A cold, malicious smile rose on her lips. She couldn't help it, the idea of cutting the girl in half was already crossing her mind and before she knew it the yearning to kill her was growing. Her outfit and weapon transitioned into what she considered her 'awakened' state, "Now let's see her Soul."


"Scarlett can be pretty murderous sometimes..." Cassandra admitted shaking her head.
Sarah nodded and gave Scarlett a once over, looking her up and down. She actually reminded Sarah of some of her friends that managed to drop out of school to pursue their, let's say, 'passions'. She started walking closer into the room and stopped close to the middle, wondering how they would test her soul. Sarah was a generally care-free and relaxed person, she didn't mind people looking at her or treating her poorly. But she had to admit Scarlett had a bit of an edge to her that she wasn't too fond of.

Monokuma.is.best Monokuma.is.best
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Cassandra raised her hands to face in front of her, spell circles enveloping both of the palms as she moved them around in front of her. "Hm?!" Her eyes widened a bit. "Well that is quite unexpected..." Scarlett's patience was beginning to shorten the longer she took. "If I am not mistaken..." She passed the circles over Sarah one more time, "yup. You have a purple Soul Gem. I would say that that is pretty rare actually. A Spire Witch. We have been waiting for one of these." Scarlett's eyes widened in shock.

"Are you certain?" Watching Cassandra nod calmly, Scarlett sighed, her body reverting back to her usual form. "Bring her to the meeting. Don't be late Cassandra."

Cassandra saluted Scarlett, who turned and vanished from sight, her aggravation very apparent on her face. "So with something this rare, we will need to talk to the counsel members. All of the other purple Soul Gems have pretty much been destroyed. So you are, quite literally, a god send to us." She pointed to a magic circle in the corner of the room, "We will be headed to the room now. The first time going there might be a bit jarring, so if you puke, please do so discreetly." Once again Cassandra sounded rather cheery, but the underlying tone under it was rather serious. "After you, Sarah."
Sarah nodded and walked into the direction that Cassandra had pointed out, she walked into the circle and wondered if Cassandra was following, but still, she looked ahead of her not wanting to show any weakness or doubt.
Mad-Moony Mad-Moony Cassandra stepped on the magic circle directly behind Sarah and within an instant they were transported somewhere else entirely. They would find themselves walking forward toward a large Iron door, and with a wave of her hand, the doors creaked open. The room beyond, a large opened windowed circular room with a open view of the clouds in every direction. They were so high up that the sun beaming down felt almost on top of them. In the center of this glass room was a marble table and 10 chairs seated around it. Among them were only seated 5 people in total. One of them, Scarlett, was already sitting down with a cocked eyebrow at how unaffected the girl seemed.

"Close the door." An older woman commanded, sitting at the head of the table. "We must get this meeting underway immediately." Cassandra quickly closed the door and the door vanished within the glass. In fact it seemed that the room was non existent and the only thing visible was the table. "Now, Sarah, my dear. Please sit beside me. We have many things to discuss." The woman's head sported one horn, which curved backwards. If Sarah knew anything about myth and fantasy she would know that this person was the equivalent of an Oni.
Sarah sat down next to the woman, with small amounts of fear bubbling inside her, yet not enough to show. She wasn't sure how to address people either and wouldn't want to make anyone upset by calling someone by the wrong title.
Mad-Moony Mad-Moony "Now let us get to the meat and potatoes of this conversation. For nearly 100 years we have been pushed to the brink of extinction by these accursed Witch Bladers, but now with our newest addition we can finally achieve our goals. First she will bring back the Spires and then when she gathers the power, she will raise our father from the dead." The Oni like woman, who Sarah would find out was named Sky, gestured to Scarlett to speak.

Scarlett seemed annoyed if nothing else by being put on the spot like that. "Yeah, yeah, I guess we get to bring our old man back." She seemed both happy and rather apprehensive of the topic for some reason. " I guess it can't be helped. If we are to survive it only makes sense..."

The time within the room seem to slow to a crawl as the everyone except Sarah would freeze in place. "Sheesh, all the same with these lot. Skylar this and Skylar that. Ugh, rather boring wouldn't you say new girl?" The girl at the far end of the table, with her legs up shifted to look up at her with a coy smile. "I said many times we should just go and kill the supposed resistance, but they are far to scared to act without their 'daddy'." She stood up and then just as quickly was standing beside Sarah. "Tell me, girlie, are you really our ally? I promise not to tell the others. Speak into my ear." She leaned forward to see if she would tell her or not.
Sarah smirked and leaned back slightly, "Honestly, I don't give a damn about your whole war, I just want to, lets say, release some stress in ways that wouldn't be seen as legal."

Monokuma.is.best Monokuma.is.best
The girl smiled, leaned back and laughed to herself. "Yeah, I a definitely going to like you." She walked back to her seat, "If you need anything let me know. I think wee are going to get along just fine. You can always tell who a person truly is in stopped time." Adjusting her hair she snapped her fingers, the time slowly began to creep back to regular speed again.

"...for us." She turned to face Sarah. "If she fails though..."

Cassandra interjected, "She wont because I will be training her. She will be ready in no time." Scarlett scoffed and waved her hand with doubt. The other 2 girls were silent. One sleeping and the other reading a book in boredom. "Don't let them fool you Sarah," She whispered, "They are all excited to see you. Its just that everyone is on edge."

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"I don't scare easily, don't worry," She smirked winking slightly, "And hey I already have a few tricks up my sleeve, I know how to fight..."
"I am glad to hear that dear." She whispered. Sky turned to face them, "Um was there anything else we had to discuss?"

"Yes. It appears that Lapis has died. Her core has been stolen much like all of the others." She leaned forward with a serious face. "It is one thing for it to be recruits, but we are the 'last ones' around. We can't exactly let this go." She turned to face Cassandra, "Cassandra. Take our fresh new Witch for some real combat practice." She bowed quickly taking the girl out to the surface. Once they were gone she turned to Scarlett, "Tail them. If 'he' shows up kill him."

Scarlett cracked her knuckles. "You don't have to tell me twice." With that she left as well, a smirk rising on her face.

"Interesting. I think I will go gather some data."
Sarah stood up with the other witches and made her way to the training grounds. She didn't think that she'd learn much. But she also didn't know the training secrets of this world.

Monokuma.is.best Monokuma.is.best
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Mad-Moony Mad-Moony (sorry was moving back into my place)

As the two witches took the magic circles back to the surface, they appeared just on the other side of the tower. Strangely this side of the tower appeared to be a meadow, vastly different from the city that lay just on the other side.

"So let me explain the towers to you for a bit. When the first one arose it appeared a long way from here on another continent. And as the increase of witch activity grew, so too did the number of towers. The south, West and East face of the tower are all old world areas." Cassandra motioned behind them, "this area we are in is steeped in magic and is the new world. For every tower we bring together the more the world will look like this." She motioned to the beautiful land ahead of them. "So knowing this we will be training your magic here and then we will go into the city for combat."

She took a deep breath and continued talking, "First imagine in your minds eye a soft light of your favorite color. Reach out with your hand and your mind to grab ahold of it. Hold it's image in your head and let it's shape change into the thing you are most comfortable with. Finally, drag your hand back and 'pull' that image from your mind into the physical world."
She closed her eyes and imagined as Cassandra had instructed, her eyes filling with a leafy green and her hand spread towards the various moving shapes and obscurities. She held on to one of the shapes that stood out, and after a few attempts, a small terracotta potted plant of Myosotis Alpestris was being held in her hands.

Monokuma.is.best Monokuma.is.best (No problem, I may not be on as much anymore since I've started to get a lot of assignments, but I'll still be on)

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