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Fandom Winx Club RP - interest thread

Hey y’all,

This thread to see if there is anyone who would be interested in working a Winx Cluub Fandom RP idea that I have. The Story would take place many years after the show so there would be all new charcters. I would need at least six fairies and three witches but male characters are welcome. The idea is that a new cosmic power has entered the magical dimension in the form of a new fairy and this fairy and her friends must protect it from the witches. So what do ya say?
Well if we do this as a 1x1 would you be able to take on multiple characters or would you just be wanting to play one?
Cool. How many characters would you like? If you want to do three (one from each school) I could handle the rest of the characters.
That works for me. I’ll go and set up the RP in the 1x1 section and then send you the link then. I’ll make the character sheets tonight and then post it all together in the RP.

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