Winton Academy (Character Sheets)


Magic Eight Ball
Your Name and Age:

Character Name: (first and last)

Character Age:


Occupation: (student or teacher)

Looks: (vivid description, faceclaim/playby, or a picture of a real person.)

Talent: (singing, instrument, dancing, acting)

Biography: (history and personality, two paragraphs minimum.)


Main Thread.


Your Name and Age: Sarah, 16.

Character Name: Abigail "Gail" Sholz

Character Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Looks: FC: Lucy Hale

Talent: Dancing

Biography: Gail, simply put, is a spoiled brat. She grew up in a wealthy family, and she's always had more than she needed and everything she wanted. Growing up like that, of course a young girl will become a bit bratty. She has trouble realizing that not everyone is out to cater to her every whim and fancy, and the fact that she's good enough at dancing to get into Winton Academy seems like a given, so she can sometimes seem a little less than grateful for her position at Winton. When Abigail doesn't get what she wants, she'll kick, scream, yell, and become altogether annoying until she finally gets whatever it is she is out to get.

But Gail isn't all bad, really. She does genuinely love dancing, and the thought she might be able to dance for a living seems fitting. She has a very good heart, and her abundance of wealth is something she will not hesitate to share with people she cares about (even if it's not her money she's spending.) Even if she comes off as a little snobby, Gail usually always means well. She can be a bit meddlesome, putting her nose in where it doesn't belong, in an attempt to help people. Basically, Gail is probably a bit annoying, but a sweet girl at the same time.
Your Name and Age: Hazel, 16

Character Name: Talia Masen

Character Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student

Talent: Singer and actress

Biography: Talia has been through much more than anyone else she has ever known. Talia's father walked out on Talia's mother when he found out she was pregnant. Her ex-boyfriend died in a motorcycle accident and a few weeks later, Talia found out she was pregnant with his baby. Her best friend, Hayley, has been there for her throughout her entire life, and Talia's pregnancy only made their friendship stronger. About a year ago, Talia gave birth to her daughter, Rosalie Hayley Masen.

Although Talia has been through a ton of shit, she's a fighter. Talia has a bright and bubbly personality. She's always full of life. Talia is a very spiritual person just like her mother, and calls Hayley about 10 times a day. She loves animals, and has a big heart.

Looks: FC: Ariana Grande <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/ariana.jpg.01c38224dd2cec6735801339949ca1b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/ariana.jpg.01c38224dd2cec6735801339949ca1b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Your Name and Age: Vika, 14

Character Name: Zillah Rozenthal

Character Age: 15

Gender: female

Occupation: student


Talent: Mainly violin, but can also play the cello, guitar and drums.

Biography: Zillah always had a things for the arts - she was always noticed for her natural ability to just pick up an instrument or dip a brush in some paint and unleash her imagination. This was also what she enjoyed best, so as a result, she spent most of her time just doing what truly enjoyed. Her family was wealthy, so they had no trouble getting Zillah music and art teachers.

Since Zillah worked incredibly hard for the things she loved, she never got around to making friends. She just found it hard to just walk up to a person and talk to them freely. What was she afraid of? Even Zillah didn't know, but there was always this voice in the back of her head, whispering the worst scenarios that could happen if she spoke to a stranger. That's why she decided to come to Winston Academy - to overcome her shyness and make friends while still being able to concentrate on her talents.

Zillah is quiet, shy. She isn't the kind of person that will often start a conversation. Even if it's hard for her to open up, she likes to think and care about other people. Her biggest fear is becoming arrogant.
Your name and age: Ellie, 15

Character Name: Iris Kaipo

Character Age:16


Occupation: Student



Talent: Electric Guitar, Drums, Cooking, Singing.

Biography: Iris' mother died when she was 6. Soon after, her father became an alcoholic and left Iris alone in their house when she was 8, never returning. She's been living in an orphanage since then. Because of her straight a's, she got accepted into Winton Academy.

Iris likes to act tough and act as if she doesn't really care for anything, but she can be really soft and caring. She is pretty protective and loving when it comes to people she cares about. She can be really fun and cool about everything at times. If you were to get on her bad side, she can become very violent. Overall, she is very hardworking. She's never had many friends, and doesn't like to get to close to people because she's scared of getting hurt.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/fdhs.jpg.cf3ab6070aa1353990e9495042b864ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/fdhs.jpg.cf3ab6070aa1353990e9495042b864ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Your Name and Age: Ember, 20

Character Name: Samantha Chantel

Character Age: 26

Gender: Female

Occupation: Teacher


Talent: Samantha is a highly skilled harpist. She can also teach other string instruments


  • Personality

    Samantha suffers from a crippling case of agoraphobia and social anxiety. She has extreme trouble talking to others. She gets very nervous and choked up when in large groups or asked questions by strangers or near strangers (even ones as simple as "may I take your order?") and as such has become quite the introvert. She often gets so shy that she cannot continue to speak during conversations, and unless she knows someone very closely she has trouble speaking up around them at all. That being said, around her sister and a few very close friends who she has grown comfortable with she can behave normally without risk of panic attack. So, while it may be very difficult to talk to her at first, with enough care and work to get close to her and enough time to let her settle in with you being around, she can calm down and react fairly normally - even have a normal friendship or relationship with someone. You just have to be willing to put in the effort.

    Withdrawn as she is, Samantha can be so polite that it's painful - rudeness tends to cause attention, but more than that her mother ingrained her with a very strict etiquette, which she has yet to shake.

    When she is comfortable with someone she can speak at length about her passions - music and books, particularly fantasy. Being such a shy girl, Samantha's closest friends have always been the characters on the page, and she has an extensive library. She can go on for hours about her favourite books and characters, and often feels closer to fictional figures then she does people in her every day life. She can quite contentedly spend hours making up stories in her own head, and if someone were to offer to play a game of pretend with her chances are that, if she knew them well enough, she'd gladly accept despite being nearly twenty-seven.

    As a musician, she can also happily go on about music of most if not all genres, though she speaks most eloquently about her own style, given that it's what she's studied for years and what she makes her life off of now.

    She's also very picky about scents - because her mother has her own perfume line it's something she was brought up around, and something she has a very strong opinion about, if you you can only get her to speak up about it in the first place.

    The only time she really has any sort of spine is when she's teaching, and even then she can be pushed around by her students somewhat - an unfortunate state, really, but she's quite talented and when her students finally realise they need to learn they can often pick up quite a bit from her. She's much better with older classes, because the more she gets used to her students the more she's able to actually put her foot down. With first year classes she normally gets walked all over, but by the time they get to their final year she can usually tell them to sit down shut up and learn - and, more than that,

    actually make them do it



    Samantha was born two minutes after her sister, Casi, to the slightly less rounded Clarissa Chantel. Clarissa would go on to take a look at the two newborn girls, and decide that perhaps motherhood wasn't her calling after all. She would hold them briefly in her arms before handing them to her husband and telling him she was tired and he really ought to have the nurse take them away. The next logical move was to hire a nanny, give her precise instructions on how the girls were to be dressed and how they were to behave (after all, they had to keep up the family name) and then visit her twin daughters only on special occasions and on once-weekly family meals. The girls father, on the other hand, would take one look at his newly birthed daughters and decide he loved them deeply and would likely never be able to refuse them a thing were it in his power to grant. Unfortunately, the one thing he was unable to grant them was time - a busy man, he was regularly called out of the country for meetings and other work related business. The only way he saw to make up for this was with lavish gifts and general spoilage which, while always nice, was never quite the father daughter time either girl sought after.

    Growing up with such little parental contact usually leaves one with two main paths to venture down: You could be complacent and obedient, hoping that by acting like a model child the people who made you might decide to be model parents and actually spend time with you... or you could act out dramatically in the hopes that they'd come home if only to discipline you. While her sister took the route of the wild child, Samantha slid down the other slide, quietly doing whatever she was asked by her mother and withdrawing into herself more with each passing day. She behaved well and did as little to stir up trouble as possible, though Casi occasionally dragged her twin into the messes she created.

    After years of home schooling by private tutors hired by their mother, both girls were sent off to the closest thing this world has to a proper finishing school in this day and age.

    Going from a highly controlled at-home lifestyle to living on ones own suddenly was quite a shock for both girls. Casi took to her first taste of freedom like a fish to water, taking off into the world with a vow never to return to the caged home life she once lived. Samantha, on the other hand, found herself quite terrified of the prospect of living not only on her own, but surrounded by strangers she was expected to talk to and be friendly with. Outside of skating lessons, she'd never really know people beyond her nanny and tutors and her immediate family - during the lavish parties her mother had a penchant for throwing she'd hide herself away in the corner and hope that no ones son felt obliged (or, more likely, pressured by his parents or her parents or both) to ask her to dance. Now she was surrounded by people and had no idea how to cope. She panicked, and for the first time since birth she found herself completely inarticulate. From that point forward, Samantha drew herself into her shell and allowed only a select few in.

    She finished school having made only one friend aside from her sister, a girl she would go on to a college of the arts with where she studied music for years before graduating and going off to being her career as a harpist. More endeared to her mother then Casi had ever been, and choosing a career more suitable to her status and her mother's idea of what a lady of their household should be doing before finding a suitable man, Samantha has gotten to continue to enjoy the benefits of her well to do upbringing.

    After college Samantha moved from the comfort of her home to a flat furnished and paid for by her parents. There, she settled in comfortably, slowly building up her library to match the one she left behind at the house, paying for the books with the money she made performing (luckily enough she discovered that playing an instrument was enough distraction to help her handle a crowded room, and when you were playing with the concentration a harp required people rarely stopped to ask you questions if you were working in a hotel lobby, adding to the ambiance), and taking care of matters of food and utilities with the money her trust fund left to her.
Name:Sam Pottorff.




Talent:Mainly singing but he loves to dance,

Bio:Sam loves to be around people that are happy. He is a funny guy and once in a while he can be sot of flirty. Sam's just a big goof that hangs out with a lot of people. He plays football and is the quarterback but recently he's had to stop for a little because of his passion. Singing. His favorite kind of music to sing is laid-back but strong music. He has a big voice that compares to no other, he's been told a lot to try out for a singing show like American Idol but preferred to stay here and continue on with school.

Your Name and Age: Nicole, 15

Character Name: Riley Timmons (Likes to be called R)

Character Age: 15

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student


Talent: singing, dancing, drums, acoustic guitar.

Biography: Riley grew up with a semi-poor family. She never had much money for things, so she usually wears the same clothes every week. She usually uses her money on food or makeup/hair supplies. Riley grew up with an abusive father, but no one knew about it, not even her mom. She's been pushed around by him and sometimes her for all her life. She's an only child so she is the target. She got her nickname "R" from her grandfather, who passed away from cancer. He had a problem with his memory so he called her that and she liked it and kept it ever since.

Riley is a sweet, edgy type of girl. She is a tomboy but girly girl at the same time. She does boy things, but looks girly while doing them. Riley is adventurous, daring, artistic, talented, just a lot! She goes to parties whenever there is one, and when shes there she is always the center of attention. Riley has done a lot of things that most fifteen year olds haven't. Smoked, drank, lost her virginity, just a lot. Riley gets bullied a lot, called a sl*t and other names, and the trouble at home doesn't help.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/riley.jpg.748701af2efccb56ae9a0ed1fb7cfb5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/riley.jpg.748701af2efccb56ae9a0ed1fb7cfb5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Your Name and Age: Olivia 13

Character Name: Lena Manson

Character Age: 15

Gender: Female

Occupation: student



Talent: Singing, guitar, bass, violin, drums

Biography: Lena likes to see the good in people. She makes friends really easily and puts trust into those people. She is spontaneous and can be loud at times. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and stick up for herself or the people that needs it. Lena's father left her and her mother the day she was born. He mother isn't taking it well and sends most of her time drinking and Lena takes care of her and cleans up after her. She is really close to her grandma growing up and visits her every Saterday, even though most of the time her grandma doesn't remember who she is. She sticks out in a crowed and never really fit in, but she try's to pretend that it doesn't bother her.
Your Name and Age: Cailyn/ 15

Character Name: Hana Spudd

Character Age: 17

Gender: Female

Occupation: Student


Talent: Dancing and Acting


Hannah was born to Jarred and Miranda Spudd on a rainy day in May. Hannah's name means grace and harmony, so naturally Miranda insisted her daughter did dance classes. It was true love. She'd stay up past bedtime practicing her routine, and you'd be put in to a trance with the way she moved. Some described her as moving quietly yet fast and swift, and all the while with poise, like a deer. She was very proud, but never boastful of her skills. It wasn't until 5th grade she realized her aspiration for acting. There was a school musical, Cats, and naturally she wanted to be in the dance ensemble, but her friends insisted she tried out. When she took stage in front of the staff and judges, they were blown away. Every word, every syllable, every sound came out so naturally, it all seemed so real. She was guaranteed the lead role, and began taking acting classes along with her dance classes.

Hannah is a very down to earth girl, one might say. She is very mellow and quiet, who never really went out of her way to converse in school, she feels most comfortable with a close friend in a quiet place. She's decently shy, not really attempting to meet people, and felt most uncomfortable being forced to meet someone. If she starts the conversation, she's probably very interested in you. Nonetheless, she's very friendly. The only problem is she's too naïve, and very gullible. You can trick and persuade her easily.
Your Name and Age: Ana/ 13

Character Name: Emily Haze

Character Age: 16

Gender: female

Occupation: student

Looks: (in attached files)

Talent: sings,dances, plays drums,piano, and guitar

Biography: Emily was always the girl that didn't care what people said or cared. She simply ignored them as if they were a roach crawling up wall about to be squished. Emily loves to party and pretty much is invited to everyone's parties. She has been acting this way since her parents died 5 yrs ago and really doesn't want anyone's sympathy. Always has a lollipop in her mouth because it keeps her quiet. When she sings or dances the crowd always goes wild. She works at a pizza place down the street from the school were she sometimes perform. Emily considers playing drums, guitar, and piano as just another hobby worth sharing with the world. Her Aunt owns a apartment building which is where she is staying. Her parents left her over 1 million dollars but she is saving that for special occasions such as college. When you talk about here she walks away inless she has something to say. Emily loves to tease boys and let them know her presence.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc932785_cute-eyes-fofa-girl-glasses-Favimcom-186493(1).jpg.7c56caf90f17121a349990ccce496b0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2428" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc932785_cute-eyes-fofa-girl-glasses-Favimcom-186493(1).jpg.7c56caf90f17121a349990ccce496b0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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