Winterwood High


Junior Member
Winterwood High

Welcome to Winterwood High, where everything has a twist. Located in a bustling city, the student body is as diverse as they come. Also diverse are their secrets. Make friends, flirt, and socialize your way to the top of the social pyramid.


1. Please make an effort with grammar and spelling.

2. No godmodding

3. I will allow swearing, drugs, alchohol, and o
ther things of that nature.

4. Try and keep it interesting!

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(if any):



Brief Backstory:

Occupation (if any):

Appearance (picture,
preferably a real photo):


Full Name: Lucienne I. Prend

(if any): none

Age: 16

ersonality: Lucienne is a very rage filled girl. She stays silent about it, but in order to keep her cool, she needs to restrict her interaction with all others. Sometimes she blows her top, and when she does she can't be stopped. Her fits scare Lucienne, and it depresses her that she doesn't even have control over herself half the time.

Brief Backstory: Lucienne came from unmarried parents with serious relationship problems. Her father was and still is abusive. Her mother, desperate for control over any aspect of her life, pushes Lucienne around because it's the only thing she can control.

Occupation (if any): Lucie
nne works constantly to save up for college some day.

Appearance (picture,
preferably a real photo):

Full Name: Rileaya I. R. Munsdeane

Nickname (if any): Riley

Age: 17


Riley is a loner and doesnt make friends easily. she is good at reading people and can manupilate people easily. She loves to read and sing. every now and then she writes a song and is found humming all the time. her mother was and still is a drunk. her father abandoned them when she was 8 and she has learned to live without him. she has

Brief Backstory:

her mother was and still is a drunk. her father abandoned them when she was 8 and she has learned to live without him. she almost had a little sister when she was 6 but her mother had a miscarage(sp). she fell in love with a boy named Devlin when she was 16. they have been together ever since, she was told to dump him by her mother or get out of 'her' house. she is now living with her boyfriend and his family.


she works at a privat school on M W & F. she is working hard to move out of this state with her boyfiend and start a life with him in Tennesse.

Full Name: Erin V. Blake

Nickname (if any):none


Personality:Erin is a wallflower and she doesn't really talk but when you get to meet her she's quirky and fun to be around. She loves to dance and play a lot of instruments. Erin is also a huge tomboy.

Brief Backstory: Erin's parents divorced quickly after she was born so she lived with her dad for most of her life. One day, Erin's dad got into a car accident and her and her brother were then raised by their aunt. She doesn't usually like going home because her aunt is an alcoholic so she is usually hanging out with her brother.

Occupation (if any): Barista at Starbucks

Appearance (picture, preferably a real photo):View attachment 11577

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Full Name: Hayden J. Blake

(if any):none


ersonality: Hayden likes playing sports and doesn't really have any friends. He is a person that is easy to talk to. He tries to be open but i doesn't really work.

Brief Backstory:Hayden's parents divorced a few months after he was born so he lived with his dad for most of his life. One day, Hayden's dad got into a car accident and him and his sister were then raised by their aunt. He doesn't usually like going home because his aunt is an alcoholic so he is usually hanging out with his sister or kicking a ball around.

Occupation (if any): none

Appearance (picture,
preferably a real photo):View attachment 11580

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Full Name: Felix Martirosov


Age: 18

ersonality: Felix is a very kind person and sensitive after all that has happened to him, but tends to push people away too quickly and rudely for his own good when he feels that they are getting too close. Many people do not understand this and think that he has some kind of dark secret to hide but he is actually very open with every one and isn't afraid to share past experiences. Besides most people the only thing Felix has a soft spot for is animals and would never hurt one in his life.

Brief Backstory: Felix's father left the family at a very young age and for a while he was legally missing. When Felix's 13th birthday came around he received a letter in the mail from his missing father wishing him a happy birthday and telling him all that happened. He hadn't really died or anything, he just cheated on Felix's mom and started a family with another woman. While Felix's mom was a little hurt but glad he was okay Felix broke down inside. In his opinion, he would rather have a dead father that loved him 'till the very end rather than a cheater who didn't care about his feelings. Many women told Felix's mom that all men were like that to make her feel better, and because of that he made a vow that he would never fall in love so that he would never hurt a woman or child like his father did. He has broken friendships and hearts with that promise and it seems like no matter what he can never win. Now that he is 18, has freedom, and his mother is pressuring him to date before it gets too late he isn't sure if he will be able to keep his vow for much longer.

Occupation: Felix works in a bookstore, where he can get discounts on textbooks for college.


Sexuality: He hasn't really put much thought into that, but he's probably straight

[Hurray for gender-balance! :3]
Riley walks down the hall with her books in her hands and her bag over her shoulder. she walked with an attitude and like she owned the place. she walked to her locker nest to the Biology class room. she turned the lock and opened the door, she switched out her books and shut the door. when she did her boyfriend was standing there leaning up against the other lockers. her heart stopped and she gasped. her boyfriend did not liked to be angered and wouldnt let her have any freedom, but she loved him any ways. if she didnt listen he would hit her and send her away. she was weak willed and didnt do anything to stop this. "oh. Hi Devlin." she kissed him and gave him a hug. "h... how was first period?" she asked him trying to act as perfect as possible for him. (i will play the boyfriend everyonce in a while) Devlin said, "it was good and your class was good as well?" she looked at him and said weakly "Yes. it was fine." she turned to walk away and he grabbed her shoulder pulling her to him. "I didnt say you could leave did I?" he demanded. her heart had stopped and she said very scared, "N....No... im so sorry... i was just running late... i have to get to class can i go please?" he look at her and said," Fine but i want to see you after class right here understand?" she nodded, kissed him on the cheek and walked away, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

(this is a picture of 'Devlin':
Lucienne was just annoyed. Nothing ever went her way, and today was another exception. Grades started to mean nothing to her when she realized that getting 100s on tests was a simple task. She focused instead on just getting through high school. She hated this place and everyone in it.

There are people who think that the whole world is theirs. There are annoying jocks, male and female. She wanted nothing more than to just get the hell out of here and away from this city. She couldn't get far away enough from her family. Actually, it wasn't much of a family. There's usually a marriage between parents in a family. There's normally sit down Sunday dinners in a family.

It's not like other people here hadn't experienced it, but she did feel alone. She's been trying to rake up some money to get her own place, but her mom spent it on an abortion. She was just destined to spend eternity in this hell. Suddenly. she noticed a pretty girl with an attractive guy. It was just so typical. She bumped her shoulder into the girl on purpose, but it could easily pass as an accident. People like that girl made her want to puke.

((Sorry, but she thinks Riley is annoying, because her preconceived notion about people in general is that she's going to hate them! ))
Full Name: Annabeth Rose Atwell

Nickname (if any): Anna,Annie

Age: 16

ersonality: She used to be confident and the popular girl, but when her parents moved her and her brother to America from South Africa, she was the opposite. She steers away from anyone that might pose a threat and it takes a while for her to open up to people. But if you're friends with her, she will be loyal, bubbly and a nice person.

Brief Backstory: A year ago, her parents moved her and her brother from South Africa to America. Her brother secretly getting money to go back, and tries to get Annabeth to help him.

Occupation (if any): No

Appearance (picture,
preferably a real photo):View attachment 11781

Sexuality: Straight

Full Name: Ezra Atwell

(if any):

Age: 17

ersonality: He's secretive and "happy". He is normally very nice and funny.

Brief Backstory: After his parents moved him and his sister to America, he's been getting money to go back.

Occupation (if any):

Appearance (picture,
preferably a real photo):View attachment 11782

Sexuality: Straight
Felix stood by his friends locker and watched the couple from the corner of his eyes. Men like those were exactly the reason that Felix greatly disliked being a male. Men were never any good, and he wished that a minority existed that contained the somewhat pure boys. No matter how perfect one seemed every single one of them had a flaw, or just too much testosterone.

Pardoning himself, Felix left his friend and approached the boy. It was only until he had reached him that he realized he didn't know what he was going to say. Filling his cheeks with hot air and then letting it out he pointed at the boy awkwardly. Felix thought before his face lit up in rememberance. "Devlin! Your girlfriend has told me a lot about you." Felix neary face palmed himself but resisted the urge to do so. Where was he going with his? Why couldn't he seethe in anger in silence?
Annabeth walked to class and looked ahead. She tried not to make eye contact with anyone.

Ezra walked ahead of his sister and rolled his eyes at her insecurity. "Seriously Anna? You're fine. Calm down."

(Sure thank you!)
Lucienne was walking through the crowded hallways of Winterwood once again, trying to weave in and out of the crowd. She wasn't happy, but her mood took a downturn when she saw two people, presumably a couple.

It's not like she believed in love or anything,

and relationships were a serious risk. She eyes them in disgust but was also fascinated by them in weird sense. She decided it would be best to approach them in a normal manner. "Uhhhhh have either of you seen Clara Prend?" She asked nonchalantly. Her best friend's name rolled off her tongue easily. It would seem normal enough

(sorry for short crappy posts. I'm on my phone)
I'm probably going to be on for a few

Annabeth looked at her in confusion. " No sorry."

Ezra clearly looked bored and just waited for his sister.
Full Name: Farrah Elizabeth Hayes

Nickname (if any): Fairy

Age: 16

ersonality: Farrah is a uniquely styled and outgoing girl. She stands out from others, and tries to be kind to everyone she meets. She is an extremely loyal friend, but rarely gives anything away about her past. She loves to read and always has a song stuck in her head. Farrah can make anyone smile but also has a bit of a serious side. She tends to be sarcastic and defensive about her friends. She isn't afraid to get in a fight, but she would never start one.

Brief Backstory: Since she was a little girl Farrah has gone through gymnastics, Karate, Kick Boxing, Judo, swimming and archery. She lives with her godmother as both of her parents dies in a mysterious car crash when Farrah was only a baby. Their bodies were never found, but Farrah knew she would never see them again. Shortly after their death Farrah always had the sense she was being followed, which had caused her to move many times. Farrah is an only child and tries to seem positive on the outside in order to hide the sadness and confusion she hides on the inside.

Occupation (if any): Karate instructor and gymnast

Appearance (picture,
preferably a real photo): View attachment 11789

Sexuality: Bisexual (It doesn't really matter to her)

(I can make a boy as well if you would like!)
I raised my hand and asked to go to the restroom. i walked out the door and when i turned to go into the bathroom the door opened and a girl wiht blue hair ran into me and we fell to the ground with a thud.
(Sure! Go on ahead!)

Lucienne slammed her locker shut and looked around her to see the thousands of students alive and moving. Everyone seemed so happy despite being here so early and she could imagine that each one of them had their own problems. She preferred to keep quiet entirely instead of just skirting around the topic. She glanced at the bustling people once again and scowled at them.
Annabeth walked to her locker and got her books. She yawned and closed her locker. "I want to go home."

Ezra rolled his eyes at his sister. "Everyone wants to go home, Annie. Not just you."

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