

Empress of Potatoes
JJennibee submitted a new role play. @JJennibee, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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I'm sure you guys know the basic things to put down for a character, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.

You need a name obviously, age, general bio, appearance (either a picture or description) and special skills (even if your character isn't of age it helps to know that in the future), and anything else you feel is necessary. Oh and to figure out the age of your faery, just take how old you want it to be in human years and multiply that by 14. So if you want your character to be 15 years of human age, multiply that by 14 and you have the faery equivalent.

Kori Schwarten

She is 238 (equivalent to a 17 year old human)

Her mother died in labour but it hasn't affected her much since her father was there for her. Here father is 630 and an inventor for the colony. He builds things and makes things that make the colony and lives of the faeries more efficient. She aspires to be just like him, even helps him in his projects.

She's also always wanted to explore the outside. No one will tell her what is out there so she intends to find out herself if she ever gets the chance.

She is tall with slim arms and legs and a tiny waist. Her wings are long and have a design on them that represents her personality, as all faeries have, some say the wings determine what a faery does for the colony. Her hair flows down to her waist in blandishments green waves, freckles dot her cheeks and other places in her face. Her eyes are a deep sapphire, and her lips a palish pink.

Joshua Gillers


He lives with his aunt and uncle while his parents are in rehab for reasons. He is very quiet and to him self and down the street of his house is a lake with a huge tree beside it. He usually uses it in his drawings and art. Sometimes he sees little figures that he drew subconsciously.

He has dark black hair that sometimes falls into his eyes which are an emerald green. His skin is fair and slightly pale. He is tall with a reasonable amount of muscle so he is in shape.
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My characters name is Clyve. He's 224 years old, is very intelligent, funny and very laid back. Although, his short temper and inability to think ahead can put him in tough spots. Whether it's with his mother, the queen, or the scout troop he's been wanting to join since he was young. Clyve unfortunately lost his father at a very young age. The loss of his father is what compels him to strive to be the best scout this colony has ever seen. He is tall for a fairy, has brown hair and brown eyes, and has a very slender figure
Harley Faye

266 years (19 human years)


Orphaned at a young age, Harley grew up as a loner, acting as an enigma to all in the colony. She is distant, somewhat shy, but very intelligent, dignified, and skilled in battle. If she is approached for help, Harley is one of the most valuable scouts in the troop. She had to fight for her survival, and is regarded by some as a hero. Harley will protect anyone in the colony if need be, but for unknown reasons. She can be very skeptical, planning, and maybe even desensitized, almost like the ideal soldier. Harley never had much status, so her family name slipped into the cracks of time.

Harley has a very androgynous appearance, with short and almost glowing white hair, slightly muscular build, and taller stature. She has fair skin with marks and designs reflecting her family name along her arms and back. Her eyes are a very deep, vibrant, and glowing scarlet, although she is partially blind. She has a bandage wrapped around her right eye like a patch. Her wings are a dark red with her family crest embedded on them, as well as arrowheads and aura-like inscriptions. Harley wears typical scouting attire, and is always seen wearing a black collar with a bright blue gemstone embedded inside, and carrying a white bow. She changed her appearance in order to be guaranteed acceptance into the troop.

Because she can't see very well, she utilizes her special power: aura sensing. Harley can sense magnetic fields, objects, and attacks, as well as magic and heat; she always knows where an enemy is positioned. Despite her handicaps, she can easily retaliate and defend with her nearly perfect accuracy and speed. Physically, she isn't powerful, and her lack of communication can cause friction with her teammates.

Harley's primary mission is to investigate the new occurrences and find out more about her family and her past.
Name: Fen


Age: 196 (About 14 in human years)

Species: Faery

Power: Light. She is able to change herself into a ball of light, it can be rather blinding(Not permanently) if you are too close.

Personality: Shy, cautious, skittish, quiet, un-social, friendly, caring, +

Extra: Fen never really knew her family, so she is alone now. She normally is all by herself and will only speak if she feels she should or must. Once spoken to she is friendly however. She doesn't normally use her powers, and has no specific job at the moment.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf096edbe_Fenthelightfairy.PNG.695ef41af6b51dcb37eb70bd4065c83e.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8bf096edbe_Fenthelightfairy.PNG.695ef41af6b51dcb37eb70bd4065c83e.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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