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Realistic or Modern Willow Creek Foster Home

Kane continued eyeing Vincent but glanced at Quincy and Twix too as they ate before noticing Breena "Hey, Bree" he said as he shuffled out of the kitchen doorway and leaned against the wall, wondering who was going to win, somehow his non-existent money was on Twix

@TuffBbg @SomatoToup123 @Crimson smile

Vince and Quincy

Vincent finally noticed Kane's looks, but instead of reacting as his brother did, he shot him a confident smile, the race pumping adrenaline through his veins. Although his stomach was larger, he just couldn't seem to keep down the large intake of sugar at one time, so instead of continuing on only to through up, Vince stopped, his face going a little pale. He leaned over the table and coughed a bit, trying to regain his breath. Quin noticed his brother looking a bit sick and stopped eating, his concern greater than any race. "You okay Vinny?" The use of the nickname showed he was really worried for his twin, his full attention turning to him.

Quincy got up and went to the sink, pouring a cup of water to give to Vincent. He came back to his seat and passed it to his twin, making sure that he could drink it properly. Once Vince was done, he turned to Beatrix with a grin.
"Well kid, looks like you won."

A light blush crossed Kane's cheeks at the smile as he watched them and frowned a bit as Vince started looking sick before walking over to Beatrix "Good job kiddo" he praised "My non-existent money was on her the whole time" he teased the twins with a smirk as he ran a hand through his own hair "Anyway, I have some drawing to do......A lot of it" he said with an exasperated groan

@SomatoToup123 @Crimson smile

Vince and Quincy

Despite him almost throwing up, Vincent still had that grin on his face. He chuckled as Kane praised Trix for winning, but also pouted slightly. "So you didn't even think I'd win?" He was joking, but his voice had a whiny tone in it. Quincy wanted to gag at the sight, but he nudged his twin under the table instead. "Ouch," Vince gave Quin a look. "Really Q? Anyways, maybe you can, show me some of your drawings?" His attention was back on Kane, but Quincy wasn't having any of it. He nudged his brother again and, before Vince could respond, stood up, pulling him with him. "We actually have stuff to do Vince, remember? So let's go." It wasn't that he didn't like Kane, it's just Quin is very protective of his brother, his twin. Vincent was the only person he could really trust, and he was not going to lose him.

"Yay, Waffle's!"
Trix yelled in glee throwing her arms in the air excitedly to. I knew my plan would work! Suckers. Grabbing her fork she began eating another one of her waffles in celebration. In truth she had made it look like she ate more then she actually had so far. The game was all about waiting for the other opponents to knock themselves out. They didn't really think I could eat more waffles then them did they. Shouldn't have bet against the trickster.

Beaming up at Kane as he ruffled her hair she gave him a syrupy smile in thanks. At least not everyone in this house is foolish enough to bet against the trickster. Turning back to her waffles she began eating her waffles to hide her snickers. She was halfway there the remaining six before she felt a stomach ache coming on. Shaking her head she downed her juice before going to put her waffles up for later. Turning to look at Erin she grinned up at her in thanks. "Thank you fow the waffles!"
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Kane frowned but shrugged "Whatever, another time, Vince?" he asked with a head tilt before they left and looked down at Beatrix "I'll be in my room drawing if you need someone to play with" he said and pat her shoulder before going upstairs to his room, he pulled out a chair to a desk and sat down, He got his manga stuff out and began drawing, tapping the pencil against the desk as he seemed to get lost in thought

@SomatoToup123 @Crimson smile

"Will do Blondie. " Trix yelled after Kane in agreement waving syrup covered fingers in the air. Knowing better then to touch anything she raced to the nearest bathroom and onto the stepping stool next to the sink to wash her hands and brush her teeth. Mouth open wide she made sure she didn't miss a tooth before jumping back down. Stepping out into the hall she looked around wondering what she should do now. She didn't want to go play alone or bother Kane while he was working, and knew the other's were probably up to no good. If they were even still in the house. They really aren't that sneaky. Then again they don't account on little old me seeing them. Amatures. I wonder if I can get Erin to take me to the park. Weren't some of the other kids planning to play soccer there today? Mind made up she raced to the kitchen skidding to a stop in front of Erin. "Pwetty please, can we go to the pawk today? I pwomise I'll twy not to get into a fight. "
Rose goes into her room to play her guitar and work on her song. She is so excited to he writing new material compared to her last couple songs. Rose always keeps her distance from the rest while writing her music. Mainly to avoid noise.
Breena Verdes

Breena smiled as the children left the kitchen, stretching once more and heading back upstairs. She didn't really know how to spark conversations with the kids. How do you start it? ''Oh yeah, did you hear about Kylie Jenner being pregnant? Blah blah blah? " Breena shook her head, smiling still as she headed back upstairs to her room. She walked to her closet, looking for something casual but confy to wear, so she could go to the coffee shop. She picked out a long sleeved, beige turtle neck and a pair of skinny jeans with her combat boots and a cardigan. She sighed softly and laid down on her bed, feeling worn out and tired.

Tate climbs out her window carefully until she hits the ground. She walks out into the front yard and she turns to look at the house she has been living in and shakes her head and mutters
"I don't do family breakfast. " She then goes and walks to her friend's house, his name is Andy and he always has a extra box of cigarettes waiting for her. She gets to his house and then goes to the side of it. Andy's ma isn't the most nicest person to be around, it's actually because of her that Tate met Andy. She got locked up and Andy had to go into CPS, and he met her who was going into her fourth home of the year. They hit it off right away and stayed close ever since. She climbs up using the ladder that Andy leaves for her in the bushes, she opens the window and climbs into his room.

Tate shakes her head seeing Andy knocked out.
"Andy, get the fuck up. " SHe says pushes him off the bed. He lifts his head and groans "Dude! I was dreaming about a hot girl and guy in bed with me! " She laughs and says "Whatever, I need to smoke. Give me my pack and I'll be on my way and you can go back to your nasty dream. " He shakes his head, getting up and going to his dresser. He takes out a box of cigs and throws them to her. She catches it and waves goodbye. "I'm going back to the house. Text but not after six. I got work you know." She says smiling. Andy laughs and nods getting back in his bed and laying down.

Tate climbs back out the window and down the ladder. She hides it and runs back to the house, climbing back up her window and closing it. She looks at the pack and sighs
"I wish I could quit but life is shit." She mumbles opening it and lighting it.
Kane eventually got tired of drawing manga and decided to start drawing people who lived in the house, he started with Trix, then Rose...then eventually the twins, glancing out his open door every so often in case someone came in, He was always kind of embarrassed by his drawings, he didn't think his realistic ones were all that good
Rose walks out of her room. "Hmm... What can I do now?" she mumbles. She walks passed Kane's room. "He must be drawing again" she whispers to herself. Rose could never understand how he seems so bummed out a lot. Maybe it's because she's never really feeling down often anymore. Rose sneaks up behind him and tackles him. "Whatcha doing?" she laughs.

Tags: @Bea
Kane jumped out of his skin and glared behind him as he quickly put a blank piece of paper over the piece he was drawing on "Just working on my manga for the deadline my manager is up my ass about, Why?" he asked, not even phased by the fact Rose was kind of hanging on him now


Vince and Quincy

They made their way to their shared bedroom, Vincent plopping on his bed immediately as he got there while Quin moved towards the window. He surveyed the outside area, mentally calculating how their plan was supposed to work. All they needed to do was jump down and go. But the fact that Vince seemed a bit sick from those pancakes still worried them a bit. "You sure you alright Vinny?" The worried twin asked, casting his brother a glance. Vincent gave a quick nod, a small smile growing on his face. He sat up and went to the window with his twin. "Do I have to keep telling you? I'm fine, stop worrying so much." Quin only gave a little nod before turning back to the window. Vince got back up and went back to the bed.

"So then what's up with you and Kane?" He asked, his back to his brother. A faint blush grew on Vincent's face as he nervously chuckled. "Nothing, I'm just interested in his drawings." Quin also chuckled, but in disbelief. "You know I don't believe you, but whatever. I just think getting involved with him is a bad idea." Vince only gave a shrug. "Whatever, I'm going to get something to drink, hold on." Before Quincy could reply, Vince was out of their room and back downstairs.

(Alright my groove is back, let's do this. @Bea)

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