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Realistic or Modern Willow Creek Foster Home


Theatre kid for life!

Welcome to Willow Creek Foster Home.

This is your home now, we aim to make all of our kids feel

accepted, loved and safe here for as long as you are here.

-Be respectful outside of rp

-Try to be literate. No one is perfect but no

"text talk" please.

-Be as active as possible. I get that we all have

lives outside of RPnation and life can be insane

But please try to post as much as possible.

-And enjoy-

Rules (You have to follow):


Erin hums softly to herself as she walks silently down the grand oak stair case into the large dining room and kitchen, flipping on a couple of lights as she goes. It is early, 6:30 on a Saturday morning, and she is the first one up as usual. Flipping on the coffee maker she digs out the stuff from the cupboard to make home made waffles. She can tell that today is going to be a good day.
Kane was awake but laying in his bed on his phone in the dark, flipping through messages sleepily, his long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail to keep it from getting too tangled, He was probably the only one who secretly hated this place but he would never tell anyone that, Who'd care if he did anyway? He didn't go to school, he was just a drop out who decided he liked drawing manga better

"That's my hat!" Trix mumbled still caught in renments of her dream as she was slowly pulled out of sleep with the scent of waffles. Becoming faintly aware of the coldness of the room she turned to burrow deeper into her covers when her hand connected with something hard making her yelp in surprise and slight pain. That had stung! Blinking she glared at the offending object slightly confused. It was her plastic steering wheel. "Shouldn't you be in my playhouse?"

Wrapping the covers around herself she sat up and was surprised to find herself in the aforementioned playhouse. I must have fallen asleep here! Trix realized slightly disgruntled. It was always weird waking up anywhere but her bed. Even if her playhouse is technically part of her bed. Her dream floating back to mind she hurridly lifted her hand to her head and sighed in relief when she found it safely on her head. Patting it she praised. "Good hat!"

Becoming aware of the faint smell of waffles Trix eyes lit up. She loved waffles! Scrambling to get up and off her bunk bed she stumbled stepping off the ladder but quickly regained her footing and was off to the kitchen shouting for all the house to hear. "Waffle's. We get Waffle's!"

Tate lays in her bed not wanting to get up. If she gets up, that means school but nonetheless she gets up. She pulls her hair out of her face and sniffs the air, "It's waffles today..." She mumbles smiling "Trix loves waffles. She is going to be very happy if she haven't already stuffed her face with them." Then she hears Beatrix yelling "Waffle's. We get Waffle's!" '

She laughs as she hears her, and then rubs her eyes softly as she gets up looking for her gray sweater. Tate was in a black tank top and green pajama pants, but she doesn't have anything covering her scars. She hates when people stare at them, plus nobody knows about her arms. That was her little secret and she would rather it stay a little secret. She finds it and throws it on while putting on her contacts and grabbing a book, this time it was
The Giver. She just started reading it and loved it alot.

Tate walks downstairs as she yawns softly, she gets to the kitchen seeing Trix already there
"Hey Trix." She mumbles softly smiling at her as she sits at the table. She nods at Erin while sitting down and beginning to read her book. She bites her lip as she gets to the good parts.

@Crimson smile @KaiAnLEE

Vince and Quincy

Vince was the first one up, stretching with a long yawn as he got out of his bed. He made his way to their closet, pulling out a simple light blue shirt with some khaki pants. Once he was done dressing, he made his way over to his brother's bed, giving him a few pokes on the cheek before he finally woke up. Quincy groaned loudly before blinking his eyes open, his face in completely disarray as he looked around.
"Why so early?" He whined while he finally gathered himself together enough to sit up. Vince let out a quiet chuckled at his twin's question.

"Come one, get up. We have to go get breakfast." Quincy complied without argument at the mention of breakfast, and went to their shared closet only to pull out the same outfit. It was kind of cliche for twins to match, but they loved to see the confusion on others' faces when they try to contrast the two. When both were dressed and ready, they made their way downstairs, taking a seat next to Tate. "Morning." Quince mumbled, his voice still raspy. His brother followed suit and took a seat next to him.

"What are you reading?" Vincent asked, curiosity laced on his face.

"Good morning. " Twix chirped to the motherly as she clambered onto her chair. Foldings her legs under her so she could clearly see the table she turned to Erin with wide eyes and held her arms out wide as she began her usual waffle bargaining. "Pwetty please, can I get this much Waffle's? If I can I'll be this good for half an houw today?"

While waiting for a response she turned and smiled at Tate when she arrived shortly followed by the twins. A mischievous idea coming to mind she turned innocent eyes to everyone there.

"Hello, Tate. Hello Twinsies. Want to play a game?"

Kane groaned quietly as he sat up at the smell of waffles, he rubbed his eyes and got up, pulling on a pair of bright teal skinny jeans and a grey v-neck, he undid his ponytail and brushed his hair out, yelping every so often at a few knots he brushed out. He opened the drawer next to his bed and put in his eyebrow ring and earrings before heading downstairs "I see your lively this morning, Twix" he smiled sleepily, Kane was not a morning person.

@Crimson smile @SomatoToup123
Rose started to wake up slowly. "Gosh, I don't feel like moving.... Should I wake up..?" she mumbles to herself. Her mind was telling her yes, but body was like nope. Until she smells the waffles. "Yep!" time to get moving I guess" she says to herself.

Rose wakes up and puts her lip piercing in. She makes her bed and picks up the cereal she brought up in the middle of the night. Walks in the kitchen and puts it in the sink. "Good morning everyone. I think Kane's awake. Who knows" she smiles.

Tags: @Bea

"Mowning Kane. Mowning Rosa!" Trix greeted the two as they arrived. "I had a dweam a doggy stole my hat. I chased after him and woke up full of enewgy. Luckily I still had me hat though. Oh, then thewe is waffles. "

After explaining her surplus of energy Trix turned back to the twins and Tate eagerly waiting an answer. She didn't forget to ask Kane and Rose though. "Want to play a game you two?"
Kane sat down and laid his head on the table still not fully awake "Maybe later Trix, alright?" he asked as he gave her a small grin, the smell of waffles waking him up a little bit and rolled his eyes at Rose

Vince and Quincy

Quincy slammed his head down on the table, trying to fall back asleep. Like every other teen, he hated waking up early usually just caused trouble with his twin in the afternoons. Upon hearing Trix's request, he shook his head, not even in the mood to eat. "Not now Beatrix, I'm tired." Vince, on the other hand, was fully awake and ready to eat. He too hated waking early, but his mood was a lot better than his brother's. "Sure, we'll both play with you." He gave his brother a smirk as his head shot up from the table. Quin shot his twin a glare before turning back to the youngest girl. "Fine, I guess I am playing after all."

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Will there still be waffles later? Trix wondered as Kane rejected the offer. Oh, well I can probably find something to take their place. Shrugging the delima off she brightened when the twins said yes. "Awesome! The name of the game is waffle gambles!"
"Rolling your eyes isn't polite Kane!" As she pushes his head jokingly. She always messes with Kane because he seems pretty upset a lot and tries to bring out a smile. "Trix, you know I would darling but I'm in a hurry to finish a song". Rose takes a seat and began to eat a fast pace. "These are so good dude!" She announces.

Tags: @Bea @Crimson smile
"Good morning everybody." Erin says with a huge, genuine smile on her face. "How are we all this morning?"

"Twix you may have as many waffles as you want." Pouring herself more coffee, Erin removes the last of the waffles from the grill and takes a seat.

Kane tried to not laugh but let a small chuckle escape as his head was pushed "Don't eat so fast, you'll get a stomach ache Rose" he said as he shook his head and sat up, taking a single waffle and drenched it in syrup as he began cutting the squares off perfectly "Then again I have a deadline to meet" he muttered under his breath with a sigh


Vince and Quincy

Both twins looked at the younger girl with curiosity on their faces. The game had the word gamble in it, so they didn't know what to expect, but Vince nodded anyway, confirming their approval. "Sure, what is this game about?" He asked, fixing two plates of waffles and putting one in front of both him and his brother. Once he was siting again, he grabbed a waffle and took a bite from it with Quince doing the same as they both waited to Trix to answer. Erin came to take a seat, and when she asked how they were this morning, Quincy groaned. "I think after this I'm just going to go to my room. I mean, I'm feeling a little sick, and I'm sure Vinny feels the same, we do share a room after all." Did he really feel sick? No, but the lie basically rolled off his tongue as if it were the truth. Really, the the twins were just trying to get out of the house, without permission.
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Tate shakes her head softly
"Not now Trix and you can have my waffles. I'm not hungry. " She then turns to Vincent "It's a book called The Giver. It's a really good book. " She answers honestly. She doesn't feel like snapping at Vincent for asking such a innocent question.

She then gets up and grabs a plate and put some waffles on it and put it in front of Trix. She added her own share of waffles on there as well.
"There you go" She mumbles and then turns to Erin. "I'm going back my room. " She says quickly and wasn't making eye contact with Erin. Truth was that she was going to sneak out her window and go to her friend's place for an early smoke and then come back but she didn't need to know all the details or any of them.

Tate kisses the top of Beatrix head while saying
"I'll play with you after I get some naps in. I don't go to work until 6 today." and walks upstairs quickly not saying anything to any other members of the foster family she was in. She goes in her room and starts getting dress, grabbing her black beanie and her concealer just in case she had to take off her jacket which was an black leather one of course.

@KaiAnLEE @SomatoToup123 @Crimson smile
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"That's ok. Waffle's!" Trix answered the one's who said no cheering as Tate layed her plate in front of her. Mentally forgiving the other's for not wanting to play her game she beamed up at her in thanks. Grabbing the syrup and butter she drowned the giant stack of Waffle's before digging in. She ate one of her waffles before answering the twins. "It's actually mowe of a dawe. We eat as many Waffle's as we can befowe laying on the couch upside down. The last one to feel queasy and give in wins. Winner get's all the loser's waffles next time we have some. "
Kane listened to the game and snickered at what the twins just agreed too, he finished eating his single waffle and took his plate to the kitchen, Washing it quickly and put it away before leaning against the doorframe "I want to watch this game, My deadline can wait" he said with a smirk seemingly directed towards Vincent

@Crimson smile @SomatoToup123
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Vince and Quincy

Both twins were a little shocked at her game, however, Vincent put his fork down and splattered syrup all over his waffles. "I doubt we're going to lose but let's do this." Quin also drowned his waffles with syrup, deciding to just skip the butter. Despite the age difference, Quincy actually felt a little competitive over this. But then again, he was going against a 5 year old, so there was no way he could lose. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Kane smirking at Vince. What was his problem? He didn't know if it was a good thing or if it was bad, but he felt very protective of his twin. Quin almost felt like glaring at the boy, but he kept to himself as he got ready to eat. "We're ready when you are." Vince said, smiling at the younger girl.

"Yay!" Cheering Trix scrambled off her chair and over to the fridge. Grabbing a juice box she hurried to sit back down. Getting comfortable she opened her juice and set it down beside her plate. Picking up her fork she shot the twins a daring look. "Ready? Set, go!"
Breena Verde

Breena yawned, sitting up in her warm, toasty bed, her stomach making a rumble telling her to eat. The night before, she had been working on a news article she had been asked to write, about Willow Creek and its history, had taken forever, but she finally finished. She swung her fluffy, black covers off her leg and stepped onto the cold, wooden floors, stretching and letting her bones pop. She grabbed her glasses and slipped on her slippers, beginning to head out of her room, hearing a bit of chatter downstairs. Breena smiled and ran a hand through her hair, beginning her walk down the staircase and into the kitchen to find most or all of tr kids, she didn't really keep track. She stood in the opening, leaning against the wall and watching as Twix dared the twins. She shook her head and laughed, walking over to the young one and kissing her head.
"Be careful there. Don't want to clean up any vomit again." Breena chuckled lightly and waved to the rest of the kids in the home, smiling at Erin.

( @Bea
@DreamsAreForDreamers @RSedinger )

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