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Request Willing to do free art of OC's


  • Apologies, everyone. I fell sick and then experienced a prolonged bout of executive dysfunction (I couldn't work up the will to do anything apart from sleep and eat and crawl through schoolwork). I'm alright now, and should be able to work again. I won't be able to do any more full-bodies, sorry everyone on the waiting list.
  • Also, just a note I should have put at the beginning: I can only work from images and/or detailed text descriptions.

1Closed- Communist
2Closed- Sunstone
I'm willing to do some freebies of people's OCs, just leave detailed refs with any images and descriptions, and whether you want a headshot (~2 days), half-body (~4 days) or fullbody (~7 days). Also willing to do creatures/animals. Willing to do kemonomimi (animal ears and/or tail), but not anthro/furry. I work kinda slow since IRL is a bit busy, but I want to do some art, so... this will probably be open for ~3-4 slots and then refilled as I finish.
Samples in spoiler below, (scaled down).




Probably not as detailed as this
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Ooooh, I love your artwork! I'd really like a picture of my OC Tara. I'm definitely willing to wait for a full body.

Here's the reference I have so far, drawn by the lovely Veno on these very forums:


As for further appearance and personality details...

Tara has lightly tan skin, gray eyes, and shoulder length wavy black hair with a side cut on the right side of her face. She's tall and lanky and has an androgynous form accentuated by her personal style. She wears glasses, probably retro hipstery sorts like in the picture here. She's in her mid to late 20s.

She has old burn scars on upper body, visible on both arms + hands and the right side of her face. Her wardrobe of choice is basically like punk fashion or stuff bikers would wear. Leather jacket, jeans, boots, that sort of thing. Any makeup she wears is just to accentuate her androgynous style. She's quite fond of the color turquoise so that might work its way into her wardrobe too.

Her personality is super impulsive, a little bit reckless, say the first thing that comes to mind, wear her emotions on her sleeve. Sometimes she uses this as a deflecting mechanism like for example "I feel like absolute shit about something but I'm not comfortable talking about why so I'm going to distract you with the first inane thing that comes to mind". She's going through a lot of shit in her life right now so the emotions she's letting flop all over the place aren't all sunny and positive but she does use humor as a coping mechanism too.

Basically to summarize one of the plotlines I have her in she suddenly manifested the ability to melt down most everything she touches into a weird gray sludge and caused a huge accident when it happened. Said accident resulted in loss of life which is what the goopy ghost brigade in the picture here symbolizes.

Overall she's definitely a kind and heroic sort despite her impulsiveness and her personal arc is basically coming to terms with what's happened, learning to control her power, and then beginning to use it for good because with great power comes great responsibility.

The setting she's a part of is a retrofuturistic anime OVA called Giant Robo so if you google like Giant Robo OVA or something you can get an idea of the general sense of style. Everything's very over the top in this setting and Tara's no exception, ahaha.
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Hey just stopped by to say your art is exceptional ^_^
I don't have any requests. Although I would like to point out it's not called a commission if you're not making money off it.
ooh, lovely art! i'm definitely interested in a request ^^ i'd certainly be willing to wait for a full body, your poses are great!

how about my character spook? i have a few picture references i drew myself that i'll include.

he's a gloomy teen with pale skin, delicate features, big, expressive green eyes and fluffy, blue-black hair that often covers one eye or even half his face. spook usually dresses in dark colors, wears black eyeliner and has snakebite piercings. he rarely smiles, and often looks sad even when he isn't.

I like your artwork. Do you think you can draw a full body picture of my character, Marionette? She's a carefree woman who's always smiling and has a sweet tooth. However, when the situation calls for it, that side of her fades away in favor of a more serious, sinister, and even dangerous persona. She has long, black hair that reaches her waist and purple eyes. She wears a long, grey gown with sleeves that reach past her hands and feet.
Mind drawing the following?

A being standing at 6'2 height with an average muscular build. He wears a white lab coat that he always keeps open, a black sweater vest underneath, grey jeans with a black belt and silver buckle, black military boots and black leather gloves. Believe it or not, he has a dark pumpkin for his head, with green flames inside of the said pumpkin and his body is made out of roots.
Here's a challenge for you, draw this character. If you need a little bit more of a general description, he's a centaur with a steampunk rifle, a mask, and a black cloak. The picture I have ripped off of goggle pretty much sums up how I want his body to look, but adding the mask, rifle, and cloak would be exceptional. Good luck <3.
If you're still open, I've got a request. I commissioned an artist to draw one of my characters several days ago, so here's some reference. A fullbody pic would be nice.


Cocky and confident in his abilities, Mountain is your typical MLG tryhard. He much of a trash-talking loudmouth, not afraid to vocally voice his opinions in the most offensive way possible. He loves taunting his opponents, and he often gets distracted by this. Although he isn't exactly the smartest tool in the shed, he is smart enough to plan ahead, and is highly unpredictable, moving in erratic patterns. He has a tendency to underestimate female fighters, normally yelling at them to stay in the kitchen, when he's not insulting physical appearance. Mountain has also shown to have an inability to pay attention, getting distracted and bored easily. Loves Mountain Dew, Doritos, and Doritos-flavoured Mountain Dew.
Oh, if this is still open, I've got a request for you! PM me if you've still got a slot open and are interested.
I like your artwork. Do you think you can draw a full body picture of my character, Marionette? She's a carefree woman who's always smiling and has a sweet tooth. However, when the situation calls for it, that side of her fades away in favor of a more serious, sinister, and even dangerous persona. She has long, black hair that reaches her waist and purple eyes. She wears a long, grey gown with sleeves that reach past her hands and feet.


  • Marrionette for imaginaria.png
    Marrionette for imaginaria.png
    125.5 KB · Views: 13
Hi! Could you maybe do a halfbody or headshot of my oc Ben Frost?
I only have one picture of him but I can show you what clothes he wears :)



He has brown hair

If you do draw him, can he look slightly grumpy, or look as if he's in the middle of shouting something mean? thank you!!!

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