Wildwood Academy


Forever Dreaming
Before filling out your Character Sheet(s), I suggest reading through the rules. Just a suggestion.

Wildwood's Applicant Form (Students)






Appearance: (Can be anime, realistic, or a description)




Personality: (1 paragraph please)

Background: (At least 1 paragraph)

Schedule: (See Overview)


Freshmen/9th (14-15 years old) , Sophomore/10th (15-16 years old) , Junior/11th (16-17 years old) , Senior/12th (17-18 years old)

Staff forms (Teachers)



(See Overview)



(Can be anime, realistic, or a description)

Personality: (1 paragraph please)

Background: (At least 1 paragraph) (Explain how/why they came to teach at Wildwood)


Note for Teachers: You may choose up to two classes to teach if you wish.
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Skylar Trinidad






Freshmen (9th grade)







Able to shift freely between Human and Wolf form

Enhanced predatory skills -- if she were to hunt she'd be good at it

Enhanced hearing, and slightly faster than a normal human when in human form


Good reflexes--Dodges most things easily

Enhanced hearing --Don't go planning right in front of her.

Could probably live off of meat and water alone

Would be good at survival and cold doesn't effect her as much


When faced with a stronger opponent, she stands little to no chance if cornered.

Too much heat is not good for her


Skylar is arrogant but friendly. She enjoys being in the company of others, especially those she likes. By nature, she is rather protective of her friends and family. It is not a good idea to get on her bad side. If she feels threatened or sees her friends being threatened, her first instinct is to confront and drive the threat away. Which can sometimes include violence. She is also prone to holding grudges against people. Her favorite color is light green. She absolutely loves meat and prefers it over vegetables and plants.


Skylar is the daughter of two prestigious Okami. Her parents were always to busy to be with their little girl, so she spent the beginning of her life living with her aunt. Her parents died in a forest fire in Skylar's 10th year, and her aunt took full guardianship. She began attending human schools, and learned to live in her human form. At age 12, she had made a best friend out of a human. She was invited by the other girl over for sleepover, and she had accepted. She made the mistake of shifting into wolf form at the sleepover, and was driven out by the other girls family. From that day on, she decided to avoid making friends with humans. Her aunt decided to send her to Wildwood Academy in hopes that she get the best education possible.


1st period | 8:30-9:17

Languages of the world

2nd period | 9:22-10:10


-LUNCH- 10:14-12:54

3rd period | 12:58-1:46

Art of Medicine

4th period | 1:50-2:38


5th period is from 2:40-3:34

Martial Arts

-DINNER- 4:00-5:30





Griffin Oton






Junior (11th grade)






Death Whisper

Fear Manipulation


He can sense others fear and use it to his advantage

He can receive warnings from ghosts


He hears the voices of the dead, and often receives headaches due to this.

He could be easily tricked if a ghost were to use a false voice or name

He cans no traits from these abilities and is exactly like a normal 16 year old boy.


Griffin is very laid-back and carefree. This being said, he isn't one for activities having to do with other people. He considers no one as a 'friend', rather preferring to think of others as assets. He would probably help someone out if they were close to death, or in dire need of help, but other than that, he couldn't care less what happens to other people. He's not really into lectures and homework, but he'll complete his work anyways. His favorite color is orange with yellow coming in as second favorite. He gets annoyed easily and tends to ignore people who annoy him.


Griffin is and has always been an orphan. He has lived in orphanages and foster homes all his life, constantly changing out towns and homes. He never had a set 'family'. He was eventually adopted, by the Oton family. A nice couple, but really, really annoying. They insisted he make friends and complete his studies with good grades. He lived alongside three other adopted siblings, but he never really paid attention to them. The Oton's decided to send him to Wildwood Academy and shipped him off at the age of 14. He is in no way new to the academy, seeing as how he's been there for exactly 2 years, and is starting into his third year now.


1st period | 8:30-9:17

Martial Arts

2nd period | 9:22-10:10

Languages of the world

-LUNCH- 10:14-12:54

3rd period | 12:58-1:46


4th period | 1:50-2:38

Control of Magic

5th period is from 2:40-3:34


-DINNER- 4:00-5:30


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Nicholas Acel de Treville









Appearance: (Can be anime, realistic, or a description)


Hypnotizing Singing Voice

I guess that goes with mind control

Chrome Blue


His looks and his ability to sing will let him escape from most problems without a fight

He is quite the Prince Charming


He has no super powers to harm people, other than his voice

Anyone can fake falling for him, it's not to difficult with ear buds

Personality: (1 paragraph please)

Nicholas Acel de Treville is an interesting boy, or rather young man, you see, when you get the son of what was the aristocracy, and have someone who really could not care less about other people, you get him. It would be easy to compare him to an antagonist, but really nobody knows what evil goals he has, he's more of a social enigma, he is sure that friends are less useful as friends and more-so as tools. Knowing this, most people avoid him if possible, but there is a catch. He is a total genius at math, so much so that he has already advanced as a junior to Calculus BC, and plans to do Multivariable Calculus that same year. Sometimes Sophomores, Juniors, and even Seniors go to him for math help, but mostly come the freshmen, who have no clue about him. A sort of pervert hiding behind a perfect look, along with something resembling sociopathia, Nicholas Acel de Treville remains as isolated as a new freshman.

Just how he likes it.

Background: (At least 1 paragraph)

Nicholas Acel de Treville was "born" as the son of a very wealthy family, wealthy through the means of a lot of sales, like a lot of sales in the real estate through owning a company, so Nicholas led a privileged life, raised by loving, if strict parents, however strict they may have been, something was decidedly off with Nicholas, he had no friends, friends he did have were later beaten up, or got into some trouble and had to leave the school, only to the benefit of Nicholas it seemed. However not even his parents knew of the fact that he wasn't human, at least not before he knew. Though many could call him a changeling, he refers to himself as nothing more than an organism, whether this is to confuse people or not is up to the person who learns about him. Knowing his true identity, he proceeded to do the most awful of things :murder. The purpose unknown, all that people think is that the parents killed themselves, and the boy ran away from home. This made enrolling hard but never the less, the open door policy the school had allowed him in, and so he took his first steps into Wildwood Academy, choosing the most advanced of math courses, language courses, and the like. He gained a reputation around the school for being a sketchy guy, a point dexter who wasn't to be trusted by the older people, and sort of known to be after the younger ladies for his own reasons. Nevertheless he remains in good standing with the school.

Schedule: (See Overview)

1st period: Languages of the World

2nd Period: Math (Calculus BC Advanced)


3rd period: Math (Multivariable Calculus Advanced)

4th period: Control of Magic

5th period: Weapons


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Name: Jean-Baptiste "John-John" Bellot

Gender: Male

Class: Control of Magic, Algebra

Age: 27

Species: Human

Appearance: A 6 foot 2 broad man with dark mocha skin and coffee brown eyes. While he may have been a bookworm and scientist his entire life , Jean-Baptiste knew better than to let his body falter while his mind flourished. As a result he's kept active his entire life, never quite an athlete but a step above his intellectual brethren.

Personality: Jean-Baptiste is a rather warm man almost fatherly; he makes friends easily and enjoys company. He's quick witted, slow to anger, and some have even called him charming, but he does so simply because he thinks it's right. While he's hard to offend and even harder to make angry when it's called for his normal cheerful demeanor hardens, showing a more militant and strict side. Jean-Baptiste will not be pushed over nor walked on, but he's more than willing to be your friend.

Background: (At least 1 paragraph) (Explain how/why they came to teach at Wildwood)

Jean-Baptiste is a Magician by trade who looks at the practice of Magic as a form of mathematics, believing that spell-casting is a side effect of solving cosmic equations. Much like any scholar he's conducted many experiments and as a result developed a thesis; The irrational number "Pi" is the single reason that magic can exist. Being on the precipice of middle age he knows he won't be the one to prove it; too many theorems, too many questions, too little time. So he's come to Wild Wood Academy not only to teach future generations magic, but to find a protege to pass on his notes and hope for finding out whether he's right or wrong.


Note for Teachers: You may choose up to two classes to teach if you wish.
Name: Sophie Rosewood

Gender: female

Age: 17

Grade: eleventh

Species: Kinnara (half human half bird)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime-girl-angel-wings-sadness-wallpaper-1920x1200.jpg.d183c358fa1f792c92bce225ef6b90d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/anime-girl-angel-wings-sadness-wallpaper-1920x1200.jpg.d183c358fa1f792c92bce225ef6b90d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities/Powers: can fly, her feathers can be flung like daggers

Advantages: sky attacks, powerful, smart, coy, cunning

Disadvantages: not at all stealthy, her daggers cause her to lose feathers, resulting in decreased flying ability until they grow back, poor social skills

Personality: Sophie is incredibly shy at first, until she gets fully aquatinted with her surroundings. Due to her large cumbersome wings, she was teased in school before coming to wildwood. This resulted in incredible mistrust within Sophie, as well as becoming very introverted. She is very sweet, especially to animals, unless she feels threatened. One can frequently find her with a myriad of books in her hand, for backpacks do not fit her winged form. She blushes a lot, mostly due to her shy disposition. Her favorite color is a soft azure, just like the sky

Background: Sophie was born from two humans, which is incredibly rare for a Kinnara. They both were carriers of the gene, resulting in Sophie's grand, ivory wings. Growing up sheltered from other humans, Sophie lived a life void of friendship or socializing. Her parents took her to countless doctors to try and "fix" her, however the amount of nerve endings entangled in her spine were too great to remove without further damaging her. The strawberry blond girl was happy despite the small plume of feathers attached to her body. Her dispotion soon changed, however, due to her encroaching parents. Sophie was seen as an abomination by her father and a broken child by her mother. Both outlooks still haunt the girl to this day.


1st period: martial arts

2nd period: art of medicine

3rd period: algebra

4th period: control of magic

5th period: weapons


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1857903810002601040115.png.2ecda4e1e6e0b6ae56a47c803b71f0ec.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="38471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1857903810002601040115.png.2ecda4e1e6e0b6ae56a47c803b71f0ec.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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