Wild Of The Night


New Member
The town of Cherry Hill is a very normal small town where everyone knows each other, all the parents went to the same school and now so do their children do. Now a few new families has moved into the neighbor hood, one family is very outgoing and social with the the town folks while the other strange family keeps to themselves, only coming out on cloudy days or days with sunglasses on. After these families moved in, strange events been taking place along with a few people going missing. In a town with no secrets, people are begin to question their neighbors.



3-4 sentences(no 1 liner)

Prearranged friendships is okay

2 characters pre person

Be active in this rp

Be creative

Have fun!

Vampires: 1 spaces open:

Vampire 1: Conner Manson

Vampire 2: Ren Soraba

Werewolves: 1 spaces open:

Werewolf 1: Jasper Flox

Werewolf 2: Taylor Rose

Humans: 1 spaces open:

Human 1:Avery Rose Lane

Human 2: Cory Magton


Psi Vampire - A vampire that feeds off the energy of people around them. They don't drink blood from humans nor animals.

Blood Vampires - A vampire who gains energy from drinking blood. They must drink fresh blood to gain energy and prefer's human blood.

Inheritor Vampire- Theses are Genetic vampires, except they are born, not turned. The vampire traits will remain inside them until around the ages 12-puberty is when they are awaken. They will remain the same age that puberty stopped. In order to be one of these vampires you either have to have a human and vampire parents or both vampire parents.


You're either born a Werewolf from two that are one or a human and werewolf. If you are born a werewolf then you are able to transform into one at anytime you please and can control your strength and abilities.

If you were put under a curse then you are not a full werewolf and only turn into one at night to roam the streets to feed. If you're this kind of wolf, you can't control the nature you are in with it is night fall.


Nothing special here bro! Humans have no powers or abilities.

Character sheet:


Age(from 10-27):





Picture(descreption or anime picture):

My characters:

Name: Zara Hayven

Gender: Female

Age(from 10-27): Looks 19

Background(short): Zara was born a vampire in the late 1800's to Apollo Hayven(Inheritor Vampire) and Minerva Hayven(Psi Vampire), both of her parents vampire royalitiy but left Italy to the new world. She quickly adjusted to the new world and recently her parents had another baby to add to the covered.

Personality: Zara has a very 'outthere' personality. She's always going against her parents wishes just for the fun of it. She's very laid back to most people an knows what to say at the right time since she can feel peoples moods.

Race: Inheritor/Psi Vampire

Other: Her name comes from the Greek Goddess of hunt, wildness, wild animals, night, and the moon.

Picture(descreption or anime picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/swirl.jpg.18a396f4ab754db697d2b42a4ed1eba0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/swirl.jpg.18a396f4ab754db697d2b42a4ed1eba0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Themis Hayven

Gender: Female

Age(from 10-27): 12

Background(short): Themis was born in the early 2000's to Apollo Hayven(Inheritor Vampire) and Minerva Hayven(Psi Vampire) who are both vampires. Even though Themis know what she is, she doesn't really like it as much as she should since she knows that people would look at her like a monster if they new the truth.

Personality: Themis is very mature for her age. She's the complete opposite of her older sister who is outgoing and fun to be around while Themis is very aloof to people and their feelings since she already knows what they're feeling.

Race: Inheritor/Psi Vampire

Other: Themis name comes from the Greek Goddess of divine law and order.

Picture(descreption or anime picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/AnimeVampireGirl.jpg.cc7ae20dbd6aeecec1cbad1ac9e61a67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/AnimeVampireGirl.jpg.cc7ae20dbd6aeecec1cbad1ac9e61a67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Their parents):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/animecouples-jpg.jpg.b1a7cc261f76b022d252f709bc2222bb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/animecouples-jpg.jpg.b1a7cc261f76b022d252f709bc2222bb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Apollo: Looks 24(born in the early 1600's), works as a history teacher, enjoys Greek Mythology, loves his wife and two children. He has a very patient personality towards his wife and kids but can have a short temper towards his students and anyone who hurts people. His name comes from the Greek God of sun, music, archery, poetry, healing, and prophecy. Minerva: Looks 21(born in the late 1600's), is a school nurse, looks her family and designing their home once a month. She is very soft spoken woman with a kind heart to people that she comes across but can be very aloof. Her name comes from the Greek Goddess of wisdom, weaving, art, warfare, and reason.

Name: Avery Rose Lane

Age(from 10-27): 16

Background(short): Not really much to say about her life. Avery was born and raised here. She never got a chance to leave this place, where nothing ever changed. She always dreams of the day she turns 18. The day she can leave home. At school she is kind of the loner, always keeps to herself.

Personality: Avery is a very quiet and open minded person. She doesn't judge. She is the kind of girl that stays in the background and doesn't get into anybody else business

Race: Human

Other: She loves music...

Picture(descreption or anime picture):


Name: Conner Manson

Age(from 10-27): 18

Background(short): Conner was turned around 1939, during world war 2. He had a life before he was turned. A family, friends, and a girl... He lost all of that the day he was turned. He doesn't exactly remember how he was turned. He just remembered waking up in the woods hungry for blood...

Personality: He doesn't talk much. And when he does he doesn't say anything to personal. Though if you give him some time to warm up to you you'll find he is really funny and full of things to say.

Race: Blood Vampire

Other: He fought in world war 2 before he was turned.

Picture(descreption or anime picture):

I hope it's okay...
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Name: Jasper Floxs

Age(from 10-27): 18

Background(short): Jasper been living in Cherry Hill all his life. He grew up around his father mostly since his mother passed year main years ago. When Jasper came home from school one day he found his father murder and no one knows by who but he believes it could of been a vampire.

Personality: He can be the stand offish type who flirts with many different girls just for the heck of it. He has a short temper which can't be good since he's a full werewolf. He can lose control at times but not in front of people who can get hurt.

Race: Full blooded werewolf

Other: He's an only child.

Picture(descreption or anime picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/AnimeBlondeBoy3.jpg.b64b8b3fcf7c5667947748ffe45ba350.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/AnimeBlondeBoy3.jpg.b64b8b3fcf7c5667947748ffe45ba350.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Cory Magton

Age(from 10-27): 14

Background(short): Cory family moved to Cherry Hill since his father is looking for work. Shortly after moving here he was incountered by a very fast creature who just sniffed him and then left. Now Cory is curious about what lays in this town.

Personality: He's very rude and loud some times to people that is older than him and it's mostly males since he believes he his grown up enough to take care of himself. He's very shy around girls and tends to avoid them.

Race: Human

Other: He likes to read and draw

Picture(descreption or anime picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_m766ldOsVq1r81tfto1_500.jpg.ba3d752f5885c15d4a25be32b9b9a334.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/tumblr_m766ldOsVq1r81tfto1_500.jpg.ba3d752f5885c15d4a25be32b9b9a334.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Taylor Rose

Age(from 10-27): 15

Background(short): (Her parents were werewolves, but they didn't tell her) Taylor was born into an abusive family and wasn't wanted which would make you think that she'd turn mean, but that's not the case. She soon ran away and became lost in the woods and found out about her abilities. She currently lives alone which doesn't help with her fears, but she toughs them out on her own.

Personality: She is quite bubbly and can be a bit childish, but stands up for others and will never turn her back on anyone in need, whether it leads to her being in danger or worse. She likes to make friends but is shy around strangers.

Race: Werewolf

Other: She is afraid of thunder and the dark.

Picture: (She has brown hair and green eyes)


Name: Ren Soraba

Age(from 10-27): 18

Background(short): He's been a vampire since he was born but his mother died when he was young from sickness. He likes his dad but he was pretty close to his mom so he's a bit more quiet than he used to be.

Personality: Ren is pretty quiet and independent. He doesn't mind talking, he just doesn't do it much but when he does, he's pretty confident and easy going. He isn't much of a fighter, but when he gets angry he tends to be violent.

Race: Psi Vampire

Other: Likes to tease people



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