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Wife Swap RP anyone?


Elder Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My requirements:

-Please don't join the RP, and then drop it right in the middle. It bugs me when people only post once, or post a few times and then just leave. Seriously, I've had 2 people express interest in this and then heard nothing back.

-Please be advanced. At least four paragraphs per post with good spelling, grammar, and detail. I can make exceptions at times. This is a big thing for me. I get annoyed when people can't do this. I don't mind a few screw ups, but if you 'typ LIek diss' and don't use decent capitalization and punctuation, or use long run on sentences I'll most likely drop the thread or ignore the request to RP with me. Everyone makes mistakes, and I understand that, but if you can't manage basic grammar then please don't ask to RP with me. If you can't think of what to reply with, PM me and I can add a bit more. I would prefer you to match my length.

-Be active PLEASE. I'm online most every day. I haven't Rped on a while due to real life issues, and I understand you might need to drop. If you do please PM me first.

My characters are a group of drag performers and trans people. Jedediah and Titus are a couple, and they took in Jaden, a kid from an abusive family. My idea is kind of something like the show Wife Swap or Trading Spouses, where one parents swaps houses for two weeks with the family's rules the first week and new parents rules the second (Jedediah is the one who swaps) Your characters would be the opposite of mine, the way the show usually is (Maybe very strict/religious). I'm DYING to do this.

Jedediah Calder (Lady J Sinclair)

Age: 30

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Gender: Genderfluid, any pronoun



Jedediah was born to a southern family, the youngest of four brothers. Their mother was, for lack of a better description, a loose cannon. Jedediah is close to her, but even now can't deny that she was manipulative and did emotional damage in their childhood. Their father was an alcoholic, and largely absent for most of their life. Their mother remarried, and though their stepfather was involved plenty in most things, school band, all of Jedediah's academic feats, he never really wanted to be involved in what Jedediah cared most for–their drag. They began going to bars as soon as they hit the age, keeping it and their bisexuality a secret from their parents. When they did come out, people weren't exactly accepting, especially not in the south. Shortly after that, they met their drag mother, a transgender woman named Masha who, upon first meeting Jedediah, offered help to "keep you from embarrassing yourself." Though Masha was harsh, it helped Jedediah improve immensely, and the pair grew extremely close. Shortly after, Jedediah met their longtime partner Titus at one of their shows, and the two fell hard for another. He became their support system, never minding the bipolar outbursts, or the bursts of anxiety making sure everything was just right before a show. The pair's honeymoon period never really ended. Life went on, with Jedediah's drag only getting better and their relationship growing stronger. About a year ago, Jedediah met Jaden, a nervous kid from Chicago, where they currently live now. Originally, Jedediah gravitated toward them because they thought they were cute. The two became extremely close, Jaden spent most every night with them and Jedediah became Jaden's mother figure, since the kid's biological mother had been a poor excuse for one. Shortly after, they became Jaden's drag mother as well, surprising everyone including themself, as Jedediah only had two drag children–Edie and Johanna–and the pair had both had to try time and time again to impress Jedediah before they would even consider it. Jedediah had turned down so many performers in the past, and did not take the idea of drag children lightly. But Jedediah saw talent and potential in Jaden, and Lady J eagerly began to show Tommy off to the drag world, though he was still far too nervous to get on a stage. Shortly after Jaden's entrance into the drag world, their family situation got worse, and the end result was for Jedediah, Titus, Edie, and Johanna to move all of Jaden's things into Jedediah's house while their family were out. This surprised everyone, as Jedediah was not quick to offer their house. Jaden has lived with them ever since, and their anxious and depressive tendencies are slowly fading. Jedediah is energetic and highly feminine, taking great pride in how they dress. They aren't afraid to fight for the people they care for, and can have a sharp tongue when crossed.

Titus Redding

Age: 28

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Brown

Gender: Trans man (he/him)


Titus had two brothers, and for a while, he was the sister. He spent his life feeling out of sync with himself, and became very withdrawn. He eventually found a word for the way he felt, and after finishing high school, came out to his family as a transgender man. His parents did not take it well at all, and act as though he never came out. He eventually met Jedediah at a bar, and the pair fell in love. The only real argument he has with Jedediah is about his messiness. Titus usually forgets to clean, leaving Jedediah or Jaden to pick up after him. The only time he manages organization is when doing something with Jedediah's drag, as Jedediah is a bit of a perfectionist about such things. Unlike Jedediah, he is quiet and soft spoken, less wild and in your face than his partner. It is rare to see him angry, and even rarer to see him hit someone, as he is a staunch pacifist. When Jedediah first brought Jaden to the house, the kid was too nervous to talk with Titus much, but now the two are quite close, as they share the same soft spoken nature at times. He does not share the love of the stage that his partner and adoptive child do, only having set foot on one once as a romantic gesture to Jedediah, a performance which he promptly vomited after due to nerves. He was a punk in his younger years, something he shares with Jaden. He is the manager of a small coffee shop.

Jaden Ferlington (Tommy Rotten)

Age: 19

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Gender: Genderfluid (They/them or he/him)



Jaden was the eldest of four. They often felt neglected by their mother, as they didn't share the skills that their siblings did, such as sports. They much preferred drawing and rock music to anything else, things their mother didn't take much pride in. Their father was pleased with them, but often busy with work and leaving Jaden with their mother most of the day. They weren't close with their siblings, and their brother, although younger, was extremely emotionally abusive no matter what Jaden was doing. Their mother was proud of the usual things: good grades, and such, but she and Jaden were never close, and their personalities clashed, her never really understanding Jaden's humor or desires. Jaden was bullied mercilessly at school their whole life, and forced to be their mother's Barbie doll through all of it. Around thirteen, they discovered the music they now love–“punk rock, and became more interested in what they wore. They put effort into their looks, an effort their mother dislike since they were always wearing black. A few years later, Jaden found a way describe their gender, and though hesitant to use it at first, began making changes to make themself happier, such as cutting their hair, an act that their mother and siblings were not at all pleased with. Shortly after, they came out, changing their name from Ashley to Jaden, and wearing a chest binder most days to conceal their breasts. The abuse was amped up. Their brother rarely ever stopped, often getting physical, and Jaden was punished, often physically, when they fought back. Their family gave them very little respect, and what little acknowledgement of their gender there was was never good. The abuse only aggravated their mental illnesses, making them more anxious and more depressed, things their mother wouldn't take seriously. She took Jaden to therapy and doctors, but fed them all lies to what was happening to Jaden, which led to them being poorly medicated and several suicide attempts. Around 15, Jaden discovered drag kings, and eagerly began to teach themself the makeup and performance skills they would need and taking the name Tommy Rotten. Their family of course, disapproved, and often went to great length to stop it, such as stealing Jaden's makeup an clothes they'd worked hard to make. Shortly before their eighteenth birthday, they began talking to Jedediah on the Internet, completely terrified to do so, intimidated by the other's presence and talent. Shortly after their birthday, the two started spending time together, and much to Jaden's surprise, they were liked. Even after several panic attacks and self destructive episodes, their bond only grew, Jedediah always ready to help them and desperate to keep them safe, often having to restrain their arms during such episodes to keep Jaden from scratching or biting themself. Jaden spent nearly every night at their house, usually sleeping curled between Jedediah and Titus, something that when it had been offered instead of the couch, had surprised them, but quickly become a frequent arrangement. Jedediah took Jaden on as their drag son fairly quickly, and Jaden was eager to learn, and eventually did find themself on the stage. Jaden thrived with Jedediah and Titus. They were less anxious, less depressed, and surrounded by people who respected the person they were without question. Jedediah and Titus, as well as their friends, became like family. As Jaden's family situation worsened, Jedediah and Titus grew concerned, and moved the kid into their house. There was a lot of crying, and sons rotten words from their biological family, but Jaden survived it, safe with their new family. They are close to Edie and Johanna, their drag sisters.
This is very interesting to me! I cannot PM yet because of the 10 post rule that I have not met yet due to my lack of roleplaying. I made this account a while ago, but I have since been too busy to roleplay regularly. I am excited to start again! I have never had strict/extremely religious characters before, so this will be new for me. I am curious to how everything will work out, and I hope I can roleplay to your liking, as you seem quite experienced.

If you are interested, I think I will have a family of four or five. The entire family will have a heteronormative, if you will, mind set with gender roles taught strictly. The younger children, however, will not be as molded, so I feel Jedediah will eventually be more accepted through their connection to them. I think the mother of my family should be the "swapping" spouse. She will be used to doing everything for her children, as in cooking, cleaning, etc. etc. The father of my family will have a high position in million dollar company, and he typically works all day, including extra hours he stays at the office to avoid going home. My children will include a spoiled teen daughter and two hyperactive boys who try to get attention through rude outbursts and destructive behavior. The youngest child will be the other brother's follower, finding the older boy amusing but abusive.

Basically, the parents are more worried about keeping their status and home in check rather than raising their children properly. They go to church every Sunday, claim to be faithful Christians, but at the same time support sibling arguments. The father believes the boys need to "fight it out" and will discipline either for crying or tattling. His daughter, however, is expected to be dramatic and praised for everything. The mother favors to youngest, so he feels unsafe without her skirt to hide behind. There is tension throughout the household, and it is normal for either the father or teenager to leave for days at a time when they "can't handle it."

These are just random thoughts, but I can come up with real character profiles if you are open to roleplaying with me. I am going to bed soon, but I will be on tomorrow, when I can. Also, let me know if you think the father should by the "swapper" instead. @PunkPrince
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