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Active [Widersia - Wrenchvale - Clockhaven] The Tinkerer’s Triage: Meetings! Meetings! And more meetings! II


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
1. Narration posts will be every TUESDAY between 8-10pm MDT time.
2. COMMUNICATION IS ENCOURAGED. I can not say this enough, if someone misses around for TWO WEEKS without explanation or a 3. response they will get kicked, if you cannot post and know you can’t PLEASE state that ahead of time to prevent this.
4. This Roleplay will be TWO MONTHS long. Which is precisely eight weeks, and two scenes.
5. If no one posts for the week this roleplay will end early.
6. Combat is NOT enabled.
7. Creative Liberties were taken with this post.
8. This roleplay is not accepting new Participants

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Eriedeth Pip: Acquire harvester Asset, Meet up with Widersia Merchants guild representative, and successfully negotiate in a way that impacts the company Positively
SixSense SixSense - Julius Astreus Astrolgia: Meet up with the Widersia Merchants guild representative and successfully negotiate in a way that impacts the company Positively
Maxxob Maxxob - Erich Zann: Meet up with Widersia Merchants guild representative and successfully negotiate in a way that impacts the company Positively
NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Leiana Offer: Meet up with Widersia Merchants guild representative and successfully negotiate in a way that impacts the company Positively
Maverick Six Maverick Six - Vincent: Gain reputation with the Widersian Merchant’s guild

Outside of the Clockhaven capital, not too far out on the outskirts was a small village called ‘Wrenchvale’ The buildings mimicked the style of architecture that could’ve been seen in Clockhaven. The Victorian-styled buildings puffed smoke from Chimneys and machines alike. Oil lamps lit up the dark allies, the green was yellow and dead crunching beneath the feet of one of Clockhaven’s newly blossoming companies.
“Here we are,” Eriedeth told Julius, Erich and Leiana.

Pierre who had been among them unfortunately disappeared, they would have to handle that before it negatively affected their company, something that was only acquired recently. Termination surely would do. Eriedeth elaborates.

“This is Wrenchvale, I’ve been talking to their mayor about buying mine from here so we can harvest the supplies ourselves to save ourselves on the company budget. I am also using the money I acquired from previous adventures before the company to invest in this.”

Between drug busts, helping a small Otezian village, and finding stuff in the ruins of a village with questionable people she found herself with some money, that was hardly enough for the mine. But if she needed to she could make another trip to Ryke and Investigate something for their investigator's guild.

“We aren’t too far out and this shouldn’t take long. We should be able to make it back in time for The Meeting tomorrow with the Merchant’s Guild in the evening.”

Villagers moved around their homes as everyone went from their day-to-day lives, Anyway could easily appear in this town as it was one of the less enforced ones. Enemy forces would have to take down people outside the village and have to face the wraith of the villagers and their guns if aggression showed itself. Otherwise, the peaceful place was welcome to newcomers.​
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Interaction: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Adept Tinkerer, Adept Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


Village Outskirts​

Home sweet home.

His time in the Republic had been fulfilling -- as he'd undertaken a task which did well for the soul. He might get a nice mine of his own out of it and the experience was valuable wherever he could get it. He found himself learning better by doing then anything else. Already he'd gone from a novice to an adept in his crafting expertise and had spent enough to upgrade his car.

That said, it wasn't exactly the best thing for his pockets. Thus he'd take up a little bit of contractor work for a small startup company. Tinkerer's Triage what's it's name. In addition to a bit more pay, Vince would get the opportunity to set himself with the merchant guild proper, as well potentially form some new connections with this company. It was good to have friends in the industry, but he'd just have to see who this group was. There were a lot of unknowns in concerns to the path that he'd take to his dreams or if his dreams would even remain the same. There were things on his mind.

However one thing was for certain -- and that was that he'd keep going forward.




Somewhere outside the town -- one could hear the roar of an engine as a car came zooming towards it. It felt nice to be on roads that were mostly paved even if his car was made to go just about anywhere and everywhere. It was once he came to the little town's gates that the large, armored hot rod would finally start to slow down. After a few moments at the front of the village, low rumble could be heard as speedy yet spacious looking hot-rod began to cruise along through streets, taking care to maneuver carefully.

An arm hung leisurely outside of the vehicle.

Looking around the village -- he had a particular person in mind. Apparently, he was meeting with a Squirrel Chick. Thus he kept his peepers out for such a person. Sucks as it is to say, Beastkin were a lot less common in Widersia then it was in Taeko.

Second was the place. It didn't really seem like the town was that big, so it made it a little bit.

Using the car's natural in built systems, he sought to glean the attention of someone. [Honk Honk]


A window open and one would be met by a smell that somehow mixed the oil of work, the smell of nicotine and yet freshly scented cologne. After all he wanted to make a good impression on the group. As the window rolled down, they'd be met with the visage of someone eyeing them down with a cool expression.

"Yo! Are you the tinkerer's triage group? I'm the "hired help." The names Vince." He said, waving to those who were present as he looked them over too. Outside of what seemed like their leader to him, he didn't know what the hell to expect and would be meeting them all for the first time.

Vince looked around again to get a feel of the immediate surroundings. The place seemed pretty open and he wondered simply where exactly they were going to head to next.

"I think I overheard you talking about making it back in time. Don't mean to brag but this old girl will get you back there, fast. At least, if that's where you're going anyway."

He says, giving the car a firm slap on the door with an arm hanging out the window. Honestly, he probably couldn't hurt it bare-handed even if he wanted to.

Actions: 1/3

HP: 2/2 (E - Grade Vitality)
Armor: 1/1 (F - Grade Heavy)

1. Honk Honk - Control Environment F, Energize F - Vince honks his horn. Why he's honking at you can be for any number of reasons. It's probably to get attention. - F Grade Ability - 0 Post Cooldown

F - 0 Post Remaining
E - 0 Post Remaining
D - 0 Post Remaining

Lucky Charges: 2/2

Julius Atreus Astolgia


Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer, Tinkers Triage Owner, House Astolgia Gentry, Novice Artificer, Novice Enchanter

Character Sheet

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Maverick Six Maverick Six

Since meeting with Illya, business has picked up and work was the only thing on Julius’s mind. After all, the business wasn’t going to prove itself. Being away from the hustle and bustle of clockhaven felt odd however he understood the need for business trips. Procuring a mine would cut down on costs used to purchase refined materials and allow them to take on bigger projects.

“Not as loud as what I’m used to.” Julius replied to Eriedeth. “But a quiet town is good for production.” He smiled at his furry friend before hearing the honk in the distance. A car would roll up with a scruffy, shady man inside that he was here to help.

“Didn’t know you hired help. Naturally I would be inclined to voice my opinions about this but his ride is pretty nice.” Julius would approach the grease monkey with a smile, the smell of nicotine and oil would assault his nose but his expression wouldn’t shift. His experiences in workshops and garages had developed a tolerance for the smell. He could applaud him for at least cleaning himself up and using some air freshener.

“Nice ride Vince, names Julius. Im a member of Tinkers triage and a co-founder.” He would extend a gloved hand as he inspected the car from a closer look. “You seem pretty confident in your girl. What’s her specs?” He’d prod the question at him as he knelt down on the floor and examined the tires on the car.

The mention of Vince offering Eriedeth a ride back pushed an overprotective nerve in the read head. “If you’re offering a ride, I hope you got room for me in there as well. It might be a little cramp for me but I’ll be fine.” He’d respond with a smirk.
[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense Maverick Six Maverick Six

Erich's return from the Underbelly ended up being quite uneventful: no shadowy figures in alleyways trying to mug him, no rat pharmacist to engage on their offered drugs, no half-construct with a pneumatic arm to break it apart. Not even the occasional dagger twirling, smug bandit was found in the Ryken forests. It was a strange calmness which often allowed the engineer with ample time for absent-minded thinking. A pretty dangerous prospect indeed. Give him long enough, and he might start drawing blueprints for a thought-controlled death ray.

"When negotiations can be used to strike advantageous deals, that would often be preferred." Erich said about the ongoing talks with the mayor. "Sieging the village would be a tad time-consuming with too much of a repercussion. A classic scenario depicted in appendix XII, section A1." He produced a rather thick handbook from his white coat, titled 'Nykkon Conglomerate General Manual (with extra volume on females)'. The trusty manual, of course! Nothing wrong could ever come out of using a guide, created to be used in a dystopian, private controlled, technological future, in a world with Elves and Demons. Somewhere, an HR department cried with joy having their work so thoroughly studied.

"About that meeting with the Merchant Guild..." Opening the manual, he effortlessly landed in a specific page, titled 'Dealing With Regulatory Bodies of Backwards State Controlled Societies'. Ugh, regulatory bodies? What a pesky concept. Nothing could ever to go with unregulated, cackling scientists. "... do we have enough funds for a bribe if necessary? From my knowledge, regulatory bodies often times are riddled with corruption, which makes them pretty easy to deal with as long as their pockets are full." Erich asked Eriedeth, seriousness present in his tone. "Oh, I know! Perhaps just insert a control chip right into their brains! Mmmm... do we even have those?" Ah yes, the classic approach to handling bureaucracy: bribes first, mind control if necessary. Somewhere, the spirit of laissez-faire capitalism was shedding a single tear

Closing and pocketing his trusty manual once more, Erich turned around as the honking and vrooming reached his ears. Raising a single eyebrow, his hazel eyes first scanned the car in which a man was inside, before looking at the man himself. "Greetings, Vince. I'm Erich Zann, another co-founder of the Tinkerer's Triage and also [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]. Is that a combustion engine or have you used an alternative power-source for it?" Erich asked, approaching the vehicle and engaging in his [The Rizzgeneer]. Intently, he looked at the vehicle, dripping with intensity, as if he was about to ask someone in marriage. But, as we know, that would be impossible. Erich's factory settings wouldn't allow for that.

"No tesla coils or high-powered lasers." He sighed, heartbroken. Don't give up! A tesla coil will be just around the corner! "A ride would certainly be nice, though."

1 - The Rizzgener - Engineering B + Appraisal D + Seduction E - During his inspections of mechanical devices, Erich ends up getting a tad too itense with his gaze - Grade B 4 Post Cooldown

CDs: B 0/4
“Desperate times come with desperate measures. Pierre has disappeared with no response. We will need to tackle those matters as soon as possible. Vincent will be a stand-in so we don’t seem as short-staffed as we are currently.”Eriedeth had explained to Julius.

Turning to Vince, she honestly hadn’t seen a car in a very long time. She knew there were some but Widersia was not as advanced as earth. Not a lot of people had cars most of them not even knowing what one was unless they were Widersan and heard about them, potentially people from the Duchy might know however she has yet to visit there. She explains to Vince, “Thank you for coming, and a ride back to Clockhaven would be much appreciated after we’ve acquired the mine. thank you for the offer. I’m Eriedeth.”

She then tells Erich. “We are not ‘sieging’ the village. I’ve been talking with the mayor over it for quite some time. Its a simple finality of a deal. The thing with the funds….I don’t think we’ll have the funds to bribe in a worse case emergency. But we do have a Widersan noble on our team. That might help. Control…chips…? I forgot you aren’t even from here—no we do not have those and I do not plan to be the one to invent them.”

She face palmed when Erich spoke to the car. “Erich. Please, we are better off making our own tesla coils. I have yet to find someone else who has made an equivalent. Why would a car have lasers?”

Sometimes Eriedeth was easily reminded of why she didn’t ask where the hell Erich came from. She gestures to everyone. “Alright follow me.”

After that she guides everyone, on foot might be worth noting as driving and wasting fuel for something not even 5ft away seemed like a ridiculous idea. They made it to a seemingly old mine. Dust covered the stain metal railings, and rust lined them there were old carts scattered in some parts of the tunnel that spiraled down into the depths with a broken railway on the ground.

“Greetings Mayor Hugo!” Eriedeth greeted a balding human.

“Greetings, Pip.I assume this must be your company?” He had answered with a nod.

“Three of them is. One is a temporary hire unless he wants to join the company as a Permanently. No changes on the deal I assume?”

Mayor Hugo agrees. “Nothing has changed,” he took out four pieces of paper and handed them to Eriedeth,

“Pass those to your company and have them sign and pay up.”

Eriedeth would hand copies of what was the related business papers for this purchase. She handed Hugo the money and signed hers. Julius, Erich, Leiana were expected to sigh theirs. Vincent not being a employee would not be given one but he could bud in if there was an asset he was interested in.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

Interaction: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense
Equipped Titles: Human [Mundane], Adept Tinkerer, Adept Blacksmith, Isekai, Mechanic
Language Key: Common | %Analog% |


Village Outskirts​

Am I even gonna wanna work with these people?

The question lingered on Vince's mind perpetually as he got a first impression of the so called "Tinkerer's Triage".

If Julius was being overprotective, Vince didn't seem to mind or care. Receiving a compliment to his car was one of the fastest ways to getting on Vince's good side. "Thanks! I worked pretty hard on her. Took a while to get it assembled."

Specs were asked for and specs would be received.

"Managed to get it going from 0 to 60 in about 3 seconds. The unfortunate part is I'm having a hard time getting it to go much faster than that. Managed to get it some air conditioning. All wheel drive for those long road trips on dirt roads." He smirks. "Only partially." He says when asked about whether or not the car is an internal combustion engine. "Turns out magic makes a good power supply. It's fuckin' everywhere. Still though, I can only get so much power out of it at once. So it's a hybrid. Some components are internal combustion. But no gas. Got it to run pretty well on coal and nitrous oxide when I wanna do more then cruise." The problem his car had reminded him a bit of the problem his car had.

"Cramped? Not at all." He said, given his car's capacity. "As you can see. Room for three in here. Gonna have to make trips two and from for a group this big. But It'll cut down on the trip for sure." A closer look at Vince's tires and Julius would see that the tires appeared to be made of stretchy quartz as opposed to rubber. Something which was more abundant in this world then before. In general, one could easily get the impression that Vince's car used Widersian technology as a base before deviating from it.

"Tesla coil? Mind control chips?" He shrugs. "Who needs any of that shit when you got a good fashion battering ram. Far as I know, hitting shit really really hard still works just fine!" He said to the man as he was practically eye-fucking his car. "Sorry there. But she's mine. Sounds like you want another all together, my guy." Vince wasn't sure why, but he started to feel a bit defensive by the way Erich was seductive looking at his car, his voice having taken a slight edge.

He says exiting the car, raising a brow as the man suggested planting chips in people. "Far as people go, you can call pretty old fashioned too. Opposed to mind control, would rather talk to someone first. And if they don't bite, then talk to someone else." It seemed about as simple as could be.

"He is joking, about the mind control chips right?" He asked to no one in particular before they were to be off. Vince left his car sweet car behind with the doors locked, leaving any would-be robber to be content with its locked doors and reinforced armored chassis. Vince walked with little more than a pistol on his hip, choosing to leave his armor behind. There wasn't much use in walking around with it on a day-to-day basis.

Talking with a mayor would probably be Vince's introduction to some of the politicking that might be needed. Still, for this part, he was mostly quiet. The deal going on at the moment didn't concern him. And he was mostly here for the guild.

"Nice mine you got here. I'm trying to get one of my own lined up. Hopefully can start building once it all goes down." For now at least, he just watched it go down and commented.

Actions: 0/3

HP: 2/2 (E - Grade Vitality)
Armor: 1/1 (E-Grade Light)

F - 0 Post Remaining
E - 0 Post Remaining
D - 0 Post Remaining

Lucky Charges: 2/2

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[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense Maverick Six Maverick Six

“No sieging the village, got it.” It appeared that Erich didn’t have too much of a problem accepting a less violent solution, even if it wasn’t as exciting. “What? One of us is a noble?” That information was a bit new, even for him. Crossing his arms and caressing his hairless chin, his hazel gaze shifted between Eriedeth and Julius. “By the process of elimination, would Julius be this noble?” Taking in consideration the native population of Widersia, that was a safe bet. “You are missing out on the control chips, that is for sure!” Yes, dear reader. Erich was a man of peace. Why resort to bloodshed when you could simply rewrite someone’s personality at the molecular level?

“I see, I see. Mana crystals/particles and coal.” He nodded as Vincent explained how the engine of his car worked. “Enriched uranium could make for an excellent power-source if one would make microfusion cells with it, if only it could be found.” Of course, why not go for quite the unstable material in a car? “Just need to be careful to not get into any accident! Those usually result in quite the explosion, followed by a shockwave and radiation.” Isn’t exciting to turn even the smallest of bumps into a catastrophic scenario? And all that poisoning, mmmm, it brings warmth to one’s heart!

“Well, sure, running over the representatives of the Merchant Guild is a workable idea.” Crossing his arms, Erich pondered. Who knew vehicular manslaughter was the very pillar of blossoming enterprises. “But I think that there could be rippling consequences.” Ah, so there it was. The line Erich would not cross. Not mind control, not siege warfare, but grand theft auto with intent to kill. Concluding that it wasn’t the best of plans, the engineer tilted his head, noticing the edge that Vincent’s voice had gained. “Coveting another man’s machine is a heinous sin. One I would never commit.” He offered, stepping away from Vincent’s car. Ah, so that is where the line was drawn for Erich, not murder, sieging villages or robbing people of their autonomy. Dully noted.

“Talk could work… as long as you have material to blackmail them.” Oh. “Maybe they have been pocketing the guild’s funds; maybe they have been accepting bribes; maybe they have been meeting people they shouldn’t meet in a dark alleyway, wearing a trench coat with lingerie underneath.” Ah yes, classic extortion techniques. One part financial embezzlement, one part inexplicable fashion choices. Uncrossing his arms, Erich appeared to have come to a small resignation. “But I suppose we could try just talking with them.”

Then came another heartbreak. “Why would a car have lasers?” Crooking his neck towards Eriedeth, the expression on Erich’s face was one of disbelief. “If removing people and obstacles out of the way aren’t good reasons for a vehicle to shoot high-powered, concentrated beams of light, perhaps even low-to-medium velocity plasma, then nothing else can justify its existence.” Shaking his head, his gloved hand would move to caress the toy-looking gun located on a holster strapped to his belt. He had to make sure that the Danger Vaporizer feelings weren’t hurt, after all.

And, as the group continued their trip to the village, soon enough Erich’s hazel eyes would set upon Hugo, the mayor.

“Erich Zann, a pleasure doing business with you.” He said, upon receiving a contract.

The engineer would begin reading the contract, from top to bottom, going line by line. “Seems good enough.” Quickly, the pen slid through the paper, his signature being put down. Next, he would hand it over, along with the required cash. And just like that, a legally binding agreement was signed. Who needed careful deliberation when you had a gut instinct honed by years of dystopian corporate policies?

CDs: B 1/4
Julius Atreus Astolgia


Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer, Tinkers Triage Owner, House Astolgia Gentry, Novice Artificer, Novice Enchanter

Character Sheet

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Maverick Six Maverick Six
Maxxob Maxxob

”Siege is out of the question, matter of fact. Dont touch anyone Erich. Not even a handshake.” Julius wagged his finger at his compatriot. He acts seemingly normal this whole time, now when they have some official business he wants go completely off the rails. ”Bribes are risky as well too, too much to lose if it goes south. We’d be black balled from Widersia entirely. Are you trying to speed run prison?” He questioned Erich.

The topic of Pierre rustled his feathers,”if I knew he was going to go MIA. I’d have snatch the pen from his hands at the end of the competition. It’s best we tie that loose end up before things become complicated.” He groaned.

Vincent obliging to his questions would extract a smile, “not bad not bad at all, she sounds pretty good.” He smiled, Erich too joined in on the conversation. Mentioning enriched uranium as a substitute for power made Julius chuckle. ”Emphasis on not crashing, magic and radiation is a good way to turn to ash.” He looked towards Vincent with a smile.

“Better cooling and magic induction is a start. Handle more fuel for bigger output, though 3 seconds is already a lot. Go under and you’ve got to have some serious reflexes.” He held a chin up, “since we’re acquainted now and will be tied to connected in one way or another from here on out. I’d hate to hear you got scraped off the pavement.” He smirked, ”as for Erich, I don’t know if he’s really joking. I mean he hasn’t done anything yet but so it sounds like empty threats but he seems a little off you know.”The guy was an enigma, and today would be the perfect day to find out if he was serious or not? Right?

” You’d be right, I am the noble of the group. Son of a Baronet, I don’t let it be known often. It’s fun to see how people treat you before they know.” He smirked, “I also don’t really like throwing the Noble weight around, I like to get around with my own merits.” Julius wasn’t looking for a handout, he just wanted a fair chance. They all deserved it, the merchants guild can be rough. Widersia was a place of commerce and trade. If you didn’t provide some form of value then you will fade into nothingness.

Hello Mayor Hugo, a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled, accepting the paperwork and signing. Then putting his cash in the pot as well.

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