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Finished [Widersia] Shadow Play: Act II


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
This RP is closed and not open to people joining except if I give permission. Can't guarantee perfect posting schedules but I'll at least try to keep it to every 4 days or when everyone has posted.
This follows directly after Shadow Play: Act I and continues from where it left off.

Giovanna ( Femboy Femboy ) (Attentive Student E)
Zahrah Fiore ( Elvario Elvario )
Erich Zann ( Maxxob Maxxob )
Valen 'Val' Rerin ( Sir Mayday Sir Mayday )
Dreayth Dominatus Malus ( SixSense SixSense )
Oden ( SilverFeathers SilverFeathers )

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense

Back in the once-a-theatre cave that they had left off in, the entrance had been blocked by a fall of rubble from above, it could be moved but likely take a lot of time. The most obvious direction to go was a tunnel lit with torches along its walls, though a dark and unexplored tunnel had lied completely untouched and unvisited. With the defeat of the Dark Narrator, the 'Dark Charm' that was within his heart had turned out to be a cute little glass turtle with an orange-ish inside of which was now held and kept within Zahrah's hold since they had managed to grab it when Dreayth stopped the escaping hand with it in its possession. The inside of the turtle lightly glinted, as a noticeable light-gold effect had been added to the inside of it when it rested in Zahrah's hold long enough.

Without any employer or tour guide to give them direction on where to go or what to do, nor some evil spirit threatening to kill them or force them through a play, it would end up being up to the group of three on where to go. They wouldn't have a clue where Giovanna was, but they'd at least have somewhat of a clue where Erich and the Spiderlady had went, which was in the big cavernous abyss of a hole where they couldn't see the bottom... if they wanted to go hunting for their friend that was.

Outside of the charm and observations around the room, the only thing they held left was the key that Erich had obtained earlier from the puzzle. There was no idea what it was meant for, but among everything else, it had remained in his possession when the illusionary theatre had vanished. Though, there was noticeably something else on the ceiling hanging from strings.
The strange doll things from before, now noticeably marionettes strung up from the ceiling and lifeless in their movements. There was quite a decent amount of them with different faces and outfit changes up above, though they were at least mere string-attached dolls at least for now. With occasional small amounts of falling pebbles or gravel, it would likely be best that the group sorted out there next plans soon enough, whatever that might have been...

Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Delilah, as she had decidedly called herself, went along with Valen through the unknown underground as she opted to spending their travel time answering some of the questions Valen had in order to get him trusting her and help him feel more aware of his surroundings. He was at the least proving a much braver and confident being than she had been expecting, especially since he had no real weapons or combat tools at his disposal.
"Hm, we could both go our ways, but perhaps I may be of benefit to your dear friend, but I suppose that'll come later wouldn't it? We'll get there with time. Anyway, thank you for the compliment" she smirked with a soft hum, leading him along as she listened to what he did for a living.
"Oh, isn't that how things always start? I would've hoped people could have picked their posion better when it came to choosing somewhere else than here, but that'd be if people showing up wasn't to my benefit. I'd expect there to be some sort of valuables or rare things here outside of the Narrator's dark heart, but I wouldn't be so sure where they'd be. For things he considers props with value, he'd end up hiding them who-knows-where, knowing him it might even be somewhere stupid he can't reach. Like down here, he would barely dare come down to these depths in fear of his own theatre or safety, wouldn't have thought someone so ghostly could be so afraid. But that's just the way of life here, it's just one big glorified tomb where the dead are trapped and drive themselves insane, although I've never really figured out why we can't leave or be put to rest. Believe me, I'm sure we all would've left if we could... " Giovanna spoke in explanation, looking around the caves they walked through as she gave such exposition. Keeping her eyes out to make sure they didn't get lost or take a wrong turn, she heard Valen ask more about her in specific as she contemplated whether to speak on it further before eventually caving in (see get it cave pun).

"Well, I guess you could say that I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took a wheelbarrow to the knee during an excavating process here, real bad. This place used to just be a cool set of unexplored ruins with its own monsters and stuff, much like any simple dungeon you'd think of. I remember exploring it during what feels like forever ago, though there was fallen rubble and such all over the place blocking some of the ways, that and someone thought there might be valuable ore and such in the walls. So, a small no-name mining team was hired with money we didn't much have to help clear up the place and the ways, which turned out to be a horrible idea. The execution of it all was fine, but the main thing we found was this big hall. It was quite nice, amazing architecture, must've been pretty historically old, though some genius had some fantasy idea to make a big theatre out of it. That same guy, when he died, would turn into that evil twisted thing you saw above. There was a lot of other stuff that happened, though at some point a wheelbarrow full of stone was slammed into my leg from a cave instability accident and, that's where I got left. A whole lot of people who just didn't trust eachother, I don't really know what got everyone all against eachother or untrusting at some point, but everyone had their own dreams and pressures to abide by. I can only assume someone found something they didn't want to share, that and we were working around a place that was somehow barely still keeping its roof up. Those who had come here had died at some point, and become trapped and driven insane over many years, I couldn't even begin to guess how long it has been... " Delilah spoke, thinking over it and falling quite for a little while as her smile dropped.

Though when they travelled further, they started coming towards somewhere which looked like it was very bright and vibrant. The contrast from the dark and dull caves to the vibrant thing ahead of them were too hard to determine what it was from a distance, though Delilah at least perked up a little once she saw it.
"Ah, this must be the right way, although that is very bright... I can only assume there must be some fake-world nonsense still in the works. From what I know or guess, your minotaur friend Giovanna must be trapped in some other story, though considering we would be foreign entries we can likely lead her out of it and aren't stuck to that false reality. That probably gives me an idea where some of those valuables you might be after are, I wouldn't think that Charm of his would give him so much power, he must've found other magical items that are allowing him to amplify and keep up said illusions and spells that he must have implanted around. I've never gotten the ability to see for myself, but I'd bet that he's running some other trickery behind the scenes... since we are maybe at our destination, was there anything else you feel necessary to ask?" Delilah questioned as she gave a small smile, realising she didn't answer his dice question and looking to the two dice he still had managed to keep in his possession.

"Oh, those... well, it was initially Mr. Storyman's idea to create these little cubes as ghost-prisons of sorts to keep better holds on us, though once he started putting these in use, us remaining spirits hid away as much as possible although that didn't stop him from dragging us to him when he wanted us around. In this place, us unliving at least have some capability of power and control, and one thing that evil speaker never learned is that with a prison-cube like that... well, in the right ways does it allow you to use that manipulation of those contained inside. So, I wanted to use that for myself... though I lost possession of them, and now it seems you've managed to get your hands on them. They weren't meant for this use though, so I'm a bit questionable on how long they'd last... they do have the souls of dead people trapped inside after all" Delilah added, not sounding like she was overly serious about the origins or meanings behind the magic dice. Either way, they were clearly headed to their next target in order to locate and help out Giovanna.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Look, TheTimePiece hasn't posted in the Sky City thread, so how am I supposed to know in what way or fashion she gets booted out of the Sky City? I dunno, but she's either probably slowed her fall or landed by this point. You know, Oden's a bird, they probably wouldn't die from fall damage just like that. To be honest, not very logical for the Sky City people, I get that you're immediately getting them out of your city because they don't have permission to be there but where's the line drawn between people who can and can't fly? To those who can, sure they just get pushed out, but for those who can't just end up getting a complete execution via gravity. What absolute genius politician thought of that one- oh right the plot, anywaaay...
Outside of a visible entranceway into a dark tunnel, lied a caravan next to a campfire and multiple people talking. However Oden exactly showed up to the scene, they'd be able to hear an annoyed caravan-driver annoyed and venting about something to a young, shorter man clad in armour who appeared to be listening to them. The birdkin would be able to ovearhear their conversation which appeared to be about the cave entrance.
"I've been waiting here for ages, and there's no signs of any of them coming out. I'm not fit to be the kinda guy to go in there, and I sure as hell ain't risking my own life into some dark, unknown place. Yet I'm not here to sit around all day and night waiting on some random adventurers" he argued, of which the young man pondered over it for a moment.
"I could go give it a look, though I'm not used to doing solo stuff like this, I was just out here visiting a friend in Clockhaven. Hm, I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a peak if people really did go in there and haven't come out... " he spoke softly in a light voice, before his attention was distracted by Oden. He was a little offtaken by the sight of Oden in Widersia, but perhaps much could be a surprise at times. He glanced to the bow in her possession, and decided to just throw out a question seeing as there would be no harm done.
"Um, excuse me, are you an adventurer too perchance? Do you think you can help me with exploring this cave to help search for five people who had went in and haven't come out yet? I don't ask of you to get in any danger or such, it'd just be a little more helpful if I wasn't going in alone and, w-well it's not like I have anyone else out here to ask or reach out for on short notice. That is, if you're not busy or anything. My name is Kindle... the 2nd, to be exact. Kindle was my mother's name... " he asked with an awkward smile in invitation for her help, though there was shuffling around his collar as a small little creature popped its' head out.
It was very, very small and fluffy. He noticed it and smiled.
"Oh, and this is Bip. She's not from this region, I actually have to get back to the West Empire at some point to help with these guys in the wild, though I have time before that to take some detours around the continent. She's just my little friend, she won't do any harm or trouble".​
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Zahrah Fiore


From: https://www.zerochan.net/3034810
Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Draeyth SixSense SixSense | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Languages: Common | %Analog% | #Abyssal# |

Zahrah, having been able to take the little glass turtle from the hand. “Got it!” Considering this was somehow important, they figured they'd best keep it somewhere safe. So they quickly swallowed it. Nowhere safer than inside of them, right? “Goddess?!? Hello? I got the Dark Charm! What do we do now?” They called out, hoping to hear word from the fertility goddess about what to do next.

To their surprise, however, their surroundings looked totally different. “Wait, wait, wait! Do you two see this as well? We we always in a cave, or am I hallucinating?” They asked, rather confused. “Oh my, sounds of rumbling and shaking? Are we going to have an underground earthquake? That'd not be nice...” And with that the entrance came crashing down.

They'd look between the well-lid tunnel and the dark one, then nodded. “Let's go there!” They pointed at the Dark tunnel. “We had to find a Dark charm, so surely the Dark tunnel is where we need to go next.” They stated their flawless logic. “Oh, by the way, were you two alright?” They'd ask, hoping they were. “Things got pretty confusing and dangerous there for a moment. I hope miss Giovanna and mister Valen are also alright.”
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Character Sheet
Femboy Femboy
E: 0/1​
The last thing Oden saw was the sight of Squink being led away to safety by the little robot Iro, which let her heart feel more at peace, even as the rest of her world was suddenly encased by a stony darkness. Without any time to process what had even just occurred, the old owl could feel herself being launched violently, her talons and wings scraping against rock as she struggled to find balance in her new cage. A sudden magical shiver passed through her body, insinuating some sort of portal/teleportation usage, before she suddenly felt herself falling for what felt like an eternity.

Somewhat finally able to steady herself during the fall, Oden quickly figured out that she had been thrown out of the Sky Kingdom for reasons unknown. Perhaps she had been too sick during the airship ride and had missed or slept through some important clearance post. Either way, it seems she was going to crash-land somewhere on the surface below, and she could only pray that they had been kind enough to send her towards or near the second continent, and not that dreaded monster-filled first.


The crash was sudden and violent, sending splinters of cracked stone throughout the air. When she regained consciousness, she found herself flat on her belly, facing the debris of protective, flickering blue runes that slowly flickered out and ran out of mana. It took the grey owl quite a bit to stand up and get her old bones up and working again to walk forward.

Finally, some time later, Oden chanced upon some signs of life, and audibly sighed in relief that they were not monsters. The mention of 'Clockhaven' was also immensely reassuring, as even if she was far from home, at least it was not that racist Eastern Empire. With a fair few feathers and fluff sticking straight up, looking like she'd either had quite the journey or had roughed it out all night for some reason, she approached slowly and gave each face a polite nod. "It's nice to meet you all, Kindle the 2nd and Bip. You may call me Oden." She began sincerely if wearily, briefly turning towards the caravan-driver if he wanted to introduce himself as well.

"I am unfortunately not a registered adventurer or the like, but I've had my fair share of combat and travels." She chuckled gently at the question and invitation, rotating her head to briefly peer and listen into the darkness not far ahead of her ([Scout E]).

A cavern. Just the idea of it brought back bad memories, of naked rats, druggies and corpse explosions, but she squinted away those lingering dark thoughts in favour of the timid human stranger before her. Being fearful of material things was annoying. If she must, she would face it straight on countless times to conquer that fear/distaste, and fix herself.

"I can't say I'm the biggest fan of caves. But I'd be willing to help you out, Kindle. That is, if you could possibly spare me some aid as well. Any sort of charity you may have on hand would be appreciated, like food, water or any knowledge of shelter..." She requested sincerely, trailing off as she tried to ponder a game plan on how to return to Kuridan ([Persuade F]). "I've unfortunately had a bit of a rough time as of late." She explained a little more gently, trying to pat down some of her misshapen feathers.

  • Scout E
    • Feature [Darkvision], Heightened Sense E [Hearing] [Sight]
    • Try a preliminary investigation into the dark cave.
  • Persuade F
    • Persuasion F, Insight F, Etiquette F
    • Try to politely persuade Kindle, and adjust her tone/phrasing based on her insight into his character.
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Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy

Dreayth would glare at Zahrah with great frustration, "Why would you eat it!" the monster shouted in annoyance. His anger steeping from the fact that he wished to utilize the power of the tiny turtle. However, until they made it out he would have to curb his agenda. He'd sigh heavily while facepalming before pushing the thought out of his head entirely. "That monster that you had been clinging onto so tightly is no longer around, they were simply using you to achieve their desires."

Dreayth would hum as he surveyed the new setting closely. There wasn't much choice in where to go as the path they had come from was now blocked off, "I'm fine" the monster muttered in response to the pinkets concern as he descended the lit path.

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Feeling the wave of relief wash over his body, after the stinging pain, Erich began approaching both Zahrah and Dreayth, catching a small glimpse of the glass turtle before it was swallowed whole by the doll. "Oh... glass is in your diet? That is quite curious. I suppose there could be some minerals one could get by ingesting glass..." By his tone, Erich seemed to be a bit unsure of his own words.

With his hazel eyes darting around the new scenery. "Maybe we have been in some sort of mass hypnosis or reality fabrication ever since we stepped into this place. Whatever the case might be, the villagers, the würm, the narrator, everything else seemed to be fake. Although... where is Valen?" He would scout the area with his eyes once more, but found no trace of the adventurer.

Erich blinked a few times as Zahrah asked if he was alright, tilting his head slightly. "Despite suffering some high-degree of temporary pain, I'm fine. Seems my body didn't sustain any actual damage from it." Stating a bit impersonally, it appeared he was still suffering some effects from the sudden flaring of his nervous system. "Let's head to the Dark tunnel then. We might find something of interest in there."


Mentions: Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense

Valen dug in his pack looking for a light source as he walked beside the woman, giving a huff as he pulled out a broken lantern. Glass shards littered the ground, and he gave one look at the shattered lantern before tossing it to the side. He looked up with a raised eyebrow as she mentioned herself of being of some benefit after all this "...Yeah something to talk about later. Something to look forward to after all of this." Valen said before they discussed more.

The being spoke very much he thought. Maybe she was just getting his guard down to eat him. Yet he was pretty sure she could kill him even if his guard was up. It was a strange sensation. Her words filled the cave, and it felt more like a stroll with a fellow adventurer for a moment. Shame everytime he glanced to her he was reminded what he was dealing with. A monster. A spirit maybe even daemon.

"Sounds like we all are just actors in the end for something by else. Maybe someone is getting a laugh from watching all this, someone worst than the storyteller. But who knows, we just have to dig to the bottom of this." He thought outsourcing as he walked next to Deliah. Looking back from where they came he frowns. "Hope the others are alright...maybe I have already gone a bit mad like the rest stuck here. I should have stayed with them." He shakes his head and continues looking up at her "...Sorry you got left behind. Noone deserves that...but hey we got each other now while in this mess. We can both get out of here. Then we can do whatever we want after."

Valen tried not to think how Deliah beside him was likely insane herself. "So everyone down here died, went made and became a spirit. Interesting, but that is not for me."

As they saw a light ahead Valen would say "More artifacts? Hmm after all this trouble to get one I am skeptical to try and get more." He would give a tired grin. "But making that pigshit shadow weaker is good in my book. "

He would roll the dice in his hand looking them over "so a part of you is in here huh? I will be careful." He would roll the dice between his finger and raise one up to his eye looking into it. "Let me know if you start hurting or feel roughed up. These cubes seem to have gone through a bit already, and can't lose you." He said bluntly as he truly meant it...he would have no idea where to go then.
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Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense
Among the awkward silence of the caverns, Dreayth's frustrated yelling to Zahrah eating the charm would quietly echo a little throughout the cave system, nothing else audible anywhere to be found other than the voices of the three who were left alone together. With Zahrah... for some reason, choosing to consume the glass turtle, she'd find it smoothly slide down and into her inner insides with the feel of the little glass figurine's weight resting upon and within her inner cotton. Although it should have remained feeling smooth, the time it rested comfortably within her non-biological stomach alternative of a resting place for it, it would feel like it was a little sticky and comfortably placed inside of her. With time, it would start to feel rather stuck inside like glue, perhaps concerning that it might not so easily come out of her.

Otherwise, without much to say since it's literately just a desolate cave with not much going on other than the blatantly given choice of directions, it appeared the group wouldn't come to a unanimous decision for their path to choose. With Zahrah and Erich choosing to go down the ominous and dark path, Dreayth would opt for the option to explore the brightly lit path on his own without the other two. With the group seemingly even more split up than before, they'd have to hope things worked out for them and that they could successfully reconvene in such an underground labyrinth.

SixSense SixSense
Dreayth's quest along the spookily lonesome well-lit path would go on... and on, for a little while. Kind of just following a straight carved out path up until a small set of stairs. Then just on a little more, up until the look and colouration of the walls started to change a little. They become darker in colour, and a little more dense, up until he felt himself passing through some sort of particle-surrounded translucent magical barrier into some sort of different area entirely. It felt exactly like what the Dark Storyteller's illusionary world prior from before looked like, although it felt and looked a whole lot more real. What was a simple trip into the depths was becoming a lot more elaborately strange, with the long tunnel behind him feeling suspiciously unsafe to remain in.
The place he ended up was a lot brighter, brighter even than the story they were stuck in before. Barely any distance at all from where he had appeared, he'd find himself at a village. An oddly colourful and vibrant place, where the townspeople walking around looked... a lot more on the short-side. It must have been some sort of village of halflings or gnomes or something. Though while they didn't pay much attention or notice Dreayth, there was an audible sound of crackling thunder and lightning despite the fact that it was broad and sunny daylight. People would start hurrying around to hide and lock themselves in homes, screaming and yelling amongst themselves.
"It has returned!"
"Run, run, it's happening again!!"
"That wicked Lich has come back!"
Multiple voices called out in panic, and amongst a dark storm of formed clouds in the air appeared some sort of creepy being followed by an ominous (and stinky) green fume cloud. He stood at 7'4" tall, breathing in a huskily tone as he twisted his head around.
"Where... are they? I know they are here, tell me where they are, and I may spare you" he answered, his stare turning to Dreayth and not recognising the man. It was clear despite the fact whatever was happening was none of his business, the story was going to forcibly drag him into it.
"Horned stranger, the powerful Wizarding Ox expects me to retrieve and return a prisoner who is expected to be hiding out within this village. Pray tell of where they may be, or you may suffer and be struck down with the rest of these pint-sized heathens" he uttered, reaching into his cloak and pulling out a longsword with an aura of the same stinky ol' fumes that trailed behind him. He slowly pointed it towards Dreayth.

"I will not need ask again, answer or perish... " he glared, slowly approaching him looking visibly ready to strike at a moment's notice whether it be by physical strike or by some sort of magical cast. Many of the smaller beings looked on in fear and secrecy, not knowing who the other tall stranger was and unsure if he too was here to be something to fear or something else entirely. Apart from the words spoken by the green, smelly being that threatened Dreayth, not a single peep or audible bird or anything was anywhere to be heard. The entire scene was completely silent as this encounter took place.

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob
Zahrah and Erich would find themselves without their totally-beastial companion Dreayth who had chosen the lit route, the two of them descending onto the darkness that was the dark tunnel. And yes, it was very dark. It would possibly be likely that they'd bump into a wall or two, but there would with time be a light at the end of the tunnel. Not a bright one, not a very dim one.

And then a sudden drop.

With a few bounces around between random small cavern tunnels that didn't seem like they were meant to find their way falling through, they'd eventually and strangely crash through the ceiling of some sort of laboratory. There was an odd feeling of all of it feeling off, like it too was another fake world. Though this once seemed more real.
Some sort of weird lab that looked like it would fit right at home in Widersia, though instead of it being in Clockhaven or something it was instead deep underground. Though where it should be underground, the lab had windows to look outside. In fact, it was a lovely bright and sunny day outside. There were research notes abundant, lots of technological tools and such, with different organisms and organic pieces kept preserved in some sort of liquid. Most notably on the table in the center of the room, was a man with a white sheet that should have been covering him mostly fallen off. His eyes were closed like he was sleeping, and he was purely motionless.
He was honestly quite huge, taller than the Dreayth guy who accompanied them prior. There was a flippable switch next to him with painted yellow words on it reading 'ACTIVATE - BRING TO LIFE'. Next to that, a little note stuck to it reading: 'DO NOT TOUCH, SERIOUSLY, DO NOT BRING LIFE TO THIS CREATION, LEAVE IT BE'. The switch was tantalisingly red, the metal that made it up was so shiny and chrome, with it looking so freshly oiled and ready to flip. Whilst this was going on, Zahrah would hear faint voices that sounded like it was coming from the Fertility Goddess even though she was nowhere in sight.

"You succeeded incorrectly... I am, strangely impressed... " it spoke, cutting out for a short while before speaking again.
"... but you ate it, you must be careful. You don't want to become a vessel for another... be careful, utilise your kindness... " the voice spoke again, not continuing any more for the moment. Erich would be able to notice a yellowish hue in Zahrah's eyes that clearly wasn't there before every so often.

Among all the other strange bits of creations and pieces, there was very clearly just straight up a door to leave next to a window. It was very obvious that it lead to the outside, of which was extremely bright and sunny. Although they'd leave this clearly not-alive man who was on a table next to the totally inconspicuous BRING TO LIFE switch alone in the dark in this random lab, they'd be able to leave and find out where they were or what to do. It was clear none of their friends or Giovanna were in here anyway.

Near the door, was clearly a big pinboard of different research notes and pieces of news and information. From daily happenings, to fashion and baking contests, to some sort of newsletter that spoke of a new ruling power in the local region. It felt like what was said would definitely tell them that wherever they were wasn't within the Second Continent. Or, on the possibility that they were still stuck experiencing false illusionary stories, wherever the story was set wasn't in the Second Continent.

Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Delilah nodded softly, listening to Valen as she pondered for a moment.
"Perhaps we are, but at least we're still in control of our own actions. And if I have to say, it's clear that you haven't lost your mind yet. It's not like you're talking to yourself and imaginary people, believing situations around you are real... hm, don't think too hard on that one" Delilah commented with a smile, though trailing off a little and not entertaining the idea too hard. Nodding at his suggestion that they could both escape and get out together, it was atleast pleasing to hear.
"I'm sure you'll be able to locate your friends in due time, these caves and whatever false nonsense is around here shouldn't be... too confusing, then again it's a bit much for myself to have taken a look all this time that I wouldn't be surprise if things I thought I knew had abruptly changed overtime due to influence of others. Don't worry too much about the dice harming me, just make sure that they don't get lost or fall into the wrong hands, most of that power is utilising... other spirits trapped inside them anyway" she spoke, moving on towards the light.

"The more we worsen and weaken that Narrator's power, the better things'll be. I'm not sure whether or not to have too much faith in your companions seeing as they stayed up there, but I do consider how they may think they are to kill a ghost. That charm of his is allowing him to withstand a physical form, but until you all regroup or plan, or if you have some priest or exorcist, that seems like a one-sided downhill conflict" Delilah added, the two heading towards the light as they approached into a new opening. It felt like they were crossing into yet another illusionary, false area although it felt a whole lot more real than the one they were stuck in before. They'd come out upon a clifftop within a bright environment, the most immediately noticeable thing in the very, very, very far distance was some sort of large city primarily composed of shiny and crystalline light-blue structures.
(yes i get the image is at night, just imagine its at day)
"Hm, I... have never seen that before, I feel like I would've noticed if that twisted being had been working so long on some sort of fake story like this in the background. Surely this isn't just to imprison someone, I wonder what he's been doing down here? Why would he want to try and make up all this even though it's just not real? The moment this all comes down, it'll just reveal to be some meaningless section of a few caverns in the end, though he's clearly put in work to make it all seem like the real deal. Anyway, lets try and get this over with, from what I can sense your minotaur friend has to be somewhere in this illusion, all we have to do is find her... which might be harder than thought now that I look at it. Though, I'm seeing somewhere we can maybe start... " Delilah spoke on wordily, though her attention dragged downwards from looking at the distant city to a small colourful village below their cliff. From the looks of it, there was panic and strange stuff going on down there that was very hard to make out from atop the cliff they were on.

"Perhaps we could investigate there first of all, though to be honest I don't see another way down, there's not a convenient cushion this time. As much as I could easily just go down there, I can't really leave you stuck up here, and to be honest I don't have the strength to carry you down... in fact, now that I'm feeling it... " Delilah went onwards, taking a look over the cliff as she tried to comprehend a few things, before realising and stepping away from the edge for a moment as she tried to concentrate.
"I don't feel like I can freely float at all anymore, that's... concerning" she added.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Kindle gave a small nod to Oden's greeting, hesitating a little when the owlkin said she wasn't a real adventurer but brightened up more once they had confirmed about their experience. He gasped a little once he realised he hadn't offered anything in return or that there would be some sort of payment, since even normal adventurers would likely expect something of the sorts. He nodded, and moved to his shield of which conveniently had a holdingspace bag that appeared strapped there so he could carry his belongings without inconvenience.
"Oh, oh, yes! I'm sure you'll be well rewarded for it. I can only assume they went down there for treasures or something else, but I'm not overly interested in things like that, I've got simpler wants if that's maybe not trying to be too humble. I do have water and some food if you need it, I'm sure I can always stock up at my next stop, but offering and sharing is the least I can do for someone who's willing to help" Kindle smiled as he offered two said things, which would be regular water as well as different snacks of nuts, sandwiches, biscuits and other assortments of rations to keep himself and companions he'd come across well-fed and supplied. His smile faltering a little once he had heard of the owlkin's woes, he perked back up with his smile and kept his look to Oden.

"Oh, maybe I can try and offer help after this. I've got friends and connections quite all over the place that I like helping out, maybe in return I can help lend you a favour too. I'm sure it'd be no trouble at all. A stranger is just a friend you haven't made yet, after all" Kindle cheerfully chimed, glad that the owlkin was to be a helpful new friend who could aid their way. The caravan driver was clearly growing impatient with their waiting, but supplied them both with a lantern each on their trip into the depths.

They would follow along tunnels and stairs, along what seemed like deactivated and cleared puzzles, to descend into the depths of which they would find themselves obstructed by a sudden cave-in. Kindle's smile dropped at the sight of it.
"Oh no, I wonder how long this has been here. Maybe they've been trapped for hours!" he uttered, rather concerned, though with a glance at the top of the rubble he had calmly raised his shield.
"I can tell that the ceiling isn't being supported by this rubble, it should be safe to clear it so we can move forward. I've done this kind of thing before" Kindle calmly answered to Oden with a reassuring smile, and raised his shield. It was enveloped with some sort of magical spell giving it an orange-gold glow as he took a step back in preparation before slamming his shield into the rubble with a magically-infused shield bash. Surprisingly, it worked, and the rubble was broken and cleared away. Despite a little bit of dirt and gravel that fell upon them, he lightly shook his head to clear it off.

"See, nothing to it! Now, it's just a matter of finding where they went off to. Hm, where do you think we should go? Honestly, it's a little hard to see around here... " Kindle answered as he tried to peer around the dark cave. Though thanks to Oden's vision, she should be able to easily see her way around the area quite well.
It kind of felt like some sort of abandoned camp or place of stay in an open cavern. Across the room, was visibly some sort of large wooden platform that looked like a stage. In the center, a giant hole that lead down into darker depths of which it felt too difficult to see the bottom. Around the room, two other noticeable pathways that looked like mineshafts supported by wooden support arches. One was well-lit with torches along the wall, of which Kindle was able to make out due to the torch light, although the other path most noticeably had a much more imprintable floor. In the dirt ground was the clear imprint of what looked like the shoes of a singular person who had went that way (because neither Oden or Kindle would be able to magically determine the off-chance that a second person going that path was literately too light to leave an imprint in the ground), though on closer inspection the other path also held the footsteps of a singular person. It was quite a query on what direction to go, but for the moment it was only the one path that was visible to Kindle. The hole was still an option, considering Oden did possess the power of flight, but it appeared even more suspicious and dangerous than the other two.

Kindle looked to Oden a little, wondering if she could make anything of it, the three routes of the hole, unlit mineshaft tunnel and torch-lit mineshaft tunnel ahead of them.
"Usually, it's not wise to go stumbling around in such pitch-black dark, it might be a little rude to ask if you've got any ideas... " Kindle, who was left with the vision of just a dark room, asked Oden.​


Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Valen would grin at the comment of imagining others. "Hard to get that out of my head now that you mentioned it. Could be imagining all of this...though if that was the case I would seriously question why I would think of such a...refined companion such as you." Valen would say as he would rub at his chin, looking at the large proportioned Delilah next to him. She was unnerving but as she talked, he could not help but feel comforted with not being along. And she was easy on the eyes if you ignored the teeth, spider-like appendages, and the predatory look in her eyes... hells maybe he was going mad with such thoughts.

He would run a hand through his hair as they came out into the bright light. He blinked and rubbed his eyes before looking around "..Too confusing? He has a city down here. At this point anything is possible, and I would likely believe it." He would raise a brow at her as they both looked at the city in the distance. His eyes would glow with a yellow light as he looks at it..but it was honestly too far away. His mind gleamed nothing of what was occurring. He would frown and narrow his eyes at the city as Delilah spoke on. "Who knows what goes in a person's mind. Yet if you had the power would you not do the same? Trapped with the ability to create something fake. You would probably create yourself a nice comfortable place to rest. Or someplace to amuse you. I would...I would make a tavern. Fill it with characters of all odd sorts."

He would turn and look at the village "If you can sense her, we can probably find her if we keep moving." He stopped as he looked back at Delilah. Her admittance of her powers not being the same and even maybe weakening? They made the hairs on his skin stand up. Right now, she was the obstacle between the Storyteller and himself. If she weakened... No better to not think about it. He would hum as he would look at her and then look around, setting his pack on the ground. "Then we adapt. We make our own way down." He would make his way over to the cliff edge studying it and then the ground.

1725911052064.pngHe would fetch a piton out of his pack and a hammer. He studied the ground. His eyes glowed yellow as he placed the piton and hammer it down. The clinking of metal against metal heard as he smashed the piton down. "We shall climb down the rope reaches just enough witha small drop. Hope you can make youself smaller if not..well spiders are good at scaling right?" He would tie the rope to the piton with a quick release not. Pulling on the rope to test it. He would look up at her as he held onto the rope and let it down over the cliff watching how far it would get them.. "Hope you did this as an adventurer. If not, well we can take it slow. I can't leave you stuck up here of course..." He teased. "Just follow me." and his eyes glowed yellow as he started to descend down the cliff with a wink before scaling down. Glancing towards the village as small figures ran about.

With a practiced hand, and a good eye. Valen made his way down. Crooks and nooks were easy to spot and he used them well. Places to put his feet and hands. It felt relaxing to do this task, maybe the simplest task of the day. Just Valen in a fake world, climbing down a fake cliff, to a fake village with a huge spider woman...With a steady slow pace he would descend. Looking up and then to look at his companion to check on her or see if she was even following. He would look back at the surroundings and city in the distance. Well, if today was his day to go..it still was a nice sight even if it was an illusion.

  • By The Book - Culture F, Investigation F, Stealth F - Allows the user to focus on the fine details before them, and focus their minds on developing theories of the scene before them with a subtle approach. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Femboy Femboy

Dreayth follow the lit path, his stomps heavy and audible displaying his anger within the recent events. He didn’t particular know where he was heading but as long as the pinkett wasn’t around he was fine. If he had stayed any longer he would have torn the cotton from their innnards with his teeth.

Alas, he had to look past that and into display a sense of farsight. There will be time for bloodshed and he must play nice in order to achieve what he wants for now. Politics was what this world called it, using lies and deception in order to attain your desires. If something were to happen to Zahrah who possessed many titles, someone would come looking.

The path would end with Dreaythfinding himself within a small village, he was already a large individual however this place seemed extra small along with its inhabitants. The sudden sound of thunder and clouds would call for the horned beings attention followed by screaming. As he turned he would see a rather ominous creature that smelt of a putride odor. Seems like a trend was starting between this guy and the dark one, perhaps even the spider smelled to a degree.

Dreayrh would stand unphased by the appearance of the cloaked man. The spear known as Dominatus resting on his shoulder as he looked the being in the eye, perhaps his grand standing would garner a few onlookers from the village as the two individuals confronted one another.

“I know nothing of a man hiding. I have no allegiance with these rodents.” He would furrow his brow as he gripped his spear tighter. “However you must want a death wish threatening me.” The horned monster would hum while flashing a smile.

Without hesitation he would swing his spear in a wide arc towards the midsection, utilizing his strength in order to create distance between the two. “Come, I’ll send you back to your master in rotten pieces.” Dreayth smirked as he spun his spear before moving in to attack twice more.

1.Domination (Fighting Style E, Super strength F, Knockback f) Cooldown 1 post - Dreayth uses a wide swing and overwhelming strength to knock back his enemy.
2.Basic attack
3. Basic attack
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Dreayth SixSense SixSense

Why would they eat it? Simple. “Safekeeping!” They would have answered. “Well, yes, I know the Sad Snake was fake, as his insides were all empty and stuff...” They'd reply, not sure why Dreayth wanted to point that out all over again. As Dreayth would tell them he was fine and walk off the other way, they'd wave. “Alright, have fun and see you later!”

With that, it was just them and Erich. To that point, Erich was confusing them. “Of course I don't eat glass, don't be silly! I don't eat at all. I'm just ingesting it because it's easier to keep it safe like that! Glass is pretty fragile and all, right?” They were pretty proud of their clever thinking.

The next bits confused them. “You mean to say it's like we have all been doing magic mushrooms and sharing the same hallucinations? If that were true, surely they could've been a bit happier or something, right? Then again, perhaps this is just a REALLY amazing theatre and everything we're doing since we entered has been part of the play and some people are watching what we doing without us knowing about them. Like how people would watch movies or read stuff through screens back in the old world! Oh, oh! Perhaps we're on one of those shows and this is live theatre!” That'd be an exiting thought.

As for Valen, they shrugged. “He should still be with spider mommy. Perhaps he's in the direction that the shirtless mister went or perhaps he met back up with miss Giovanna.” There were more than a few options there.

“Oh no, pain is bad. I'm glad it didn't leave any permanent damage though! I should learn healing at some point. I'm pretty sure knowing how to do that would increase the happiness of the people I heal, no? I once met a fox mister who was smoking a lot and said it wouldn't be bad for happiness because he could just heal his lungs and it was a revolutionary thought!” They wanted to share that bit for a bit.

“Dark tunnel, dark tunnel~ The darker it is, the more exciting it gets~” They would add, skipping into the darkness with Erich.

Whilst they could feel the turtle getting a little stuck, they didn't mind it too much. Perhaps it was just getting comfortable and all that. No need to worry.

After a bit of a rough journey, they would eventually fall into a laboratory. “Oh me, oh my, that was quite the trip and tumble.” They stated, having landed head-first and upside down into a cabinet. “I think the room is upside down.”

Eventually realising it wasn't the room, but them, they climber around to get up and upright. “Oh, wow, this just screams evil scientist lair, does it not?” They asked. “Oh cool, they even got a Frankenstein's monster. Do you know that one? It was a pretty good-for-happiness story!” They would state, looking at the big guy. “Although I think that touching levers and buttons that with warning labels near them is always really bad for happiness, so I guess we should let this one sleep.” They'd nod to themselves and their flawless logic.

“Oh, I can hear the fertility goddess! She's impressed that I succeed incorrectly. I need to be careful not to become a vessel. Do you know what that means?” They'd ask Erich.

That said, their mind was elsewhere. “Wanna go outside? It seems like the sun is shining and all~” It looked like too nice of a day to spent it indoors. “Also, is it me or are those notes suggesting we're like, somewhere totally random? Like another planet, or pocket dimension, or the first continent, or the unrevealed third continent, or another dimension?”

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Erich tilted his head slightly, listening to the explanation given by Zahrah. “I see, you swallowed it only for safekeeping. Effective, I suppose.” He murmured, albeit not that sure of how safer the glass turtle would be inside their stomach, rather than being carried around. Well, at least it kept away from sight of would be bandits, right? “Good thinking.” The concession was accompanied by a nodding of his head.

“Well, the possibility is there for us to being watched by some unknown spectators, for sure. As far as we know, this could very well be in some sort of program, every movement, word, action being dictated by one or more mysterious identities. If this were a show, would it be comedy or drama, though?” The tinkerer appeared to be curious about what genre all that had transpired so far could fit. Certainly, it would need to be a multi-genre show, right?

“Even if Valen incorrectly accused me of arson, hopefully he will be alright. He did say something about making alcohol or something along those lines. It would be a shame if that knowledge would go to waste.” Crossing his arms, he began wondering. “Talking about the shirtless mister, Dreayth did seem quite a bit unnerved that you swallowed the glass turtle. Do you think that he might eat glass for his nutritional needs? Hunger can make people behave erratically.” Coming with what appeared to be the most logical conclusion, Erich was none the wiser of the true objective held by the horny man.

“Pain does bring unhappiness with it, unless we are talking about one of those people who find happiness in it… mmm… I forget the noun.” He began tapping his chin with his index, trying to remember the word. “But generally, freeing someone from pain, be it physical or mental, will, at the very least, remove the unhappiness from them.” His eyes would widen a bit, before nodding a few times to Zahrah’s example. “Through the healing of his own lungs, he could enjoy his vice and not suffer the consequences of it. Fascinating! I bet the same could be said for those who abuse alcohol, if they could heal their livers!” The example led him to the next, close, logical conclusion.

Eventually, as both him and Zahrah ended up falling through the ceiling of a chamber. Erich would, thankfully, fall on his bottom. “Ow, ow, ow!” He exclaimed with the impact, before getting up on his feet and rubbing the part which hit against the ground. “I… I think we are in a floor below from where we were previously.” He said, before taking a good look around the room.

“An evil scientist lair… this is exactly what it looks like. Pretty vintage to what I am… well, was used to.” His hazel gaze darted towards the stitched together creature, right in the center of the chamber. With palpable curiosity, his eyes darted between the being and the lever beside it. “The Modern Prometheus? I have some flickering memories about that tale… but doesn’t it end with all characters being dead at the end?” He would ask, thinking that the story had an opposite from happiness. Maybe Zahrah and him knew different versions of it? Or maybe his passing memory about it was just hazy.

“Maybe it is best to leave that lever alone. We are unsure of what sort of brain or internal programming this creature possesses.” Following suit along the doll, the engineer would stay clever from the lever, instead walking towards the pinboard, eyes darting around it quickly to gather whatever information would call his attention the most.

“Mmmm? She is talking to you?” His attention would shift towards Zahrah, looking a bit confused about the hue which began appearing in their eyes. “Have your eyes always had a golden hue?” He asked in turn, before answering their question. “A vessel is usually a recipient for something. If the glass turtle that was inside the narrator was that ‘Dark Charm’ you had mentioned, maybe it has the possibility of turning you into a creature just like him?” Putting his hypothesis forward, he crossed his arms above his chest. “That is my take on it, at any rate.” Uncrossing his arms, his eyes darted towards the door.

“The notes seem to point towards exactly that. We could be somewhere else entirely… well, we will only know if we check it out. Let’s go outside and see what is happening.” Erich agreed and was ready to leave the laboratory.
Oden (#ACA9A7)

"Well, us entering to help does not mean those down there will necessarily share the reward." Oden chuckled briefly at the naive comment. "But thank you Kindle, you're a kind soul. I'll try my best to be of assistance." She nodded righteously, taking just a small sip of water and a nutty biscuit for now, although she had yet to figure out how much of his outward kindness she could believe. "Let's focus on your matter for now." The old owl advised calmly, her gaze flickering briefly towards the impatient caravan driver, before taking her lantern and also entering the cavern's depths. Although she didn't need the light herself, allowing her companion to see better could only really be beneficial.

The sight of stairs and deactivated puzzles on their way in was very peculiar yet telling at the same time. This was not an ordinary cave, that was for sure. She silently wondered if she had signed herself up for too much, but, it seemed a little late to have regrets now.

As her companion raised his glowing shield, Oden instinctively raised her wings to defend herself from the resultant rubble rain, though the aftermath was less messy than she expected. Noticing the efficacy and power control he used, she silently appreciated him a little more, wondering if she was even really needed here. "That was quite impressive boy." She chuckled, shaking off the minor cloud of dust that had enveloped her feathers. If briefly, she couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic. Although she had gone the sniping path and not the brawler, she once knew plenty that loved to show off rocky and explosive feats like that back in Kuridan.

"If it's hard for you to see, we should follow the most well-lit path no?" She smiled without much hesitation. "Think we should clear out the easiest paths before trying to tackle the harder ones for no reason. But I'll look around a bit first." She hummed, lightly treading around and noticing the footsteps on each path before briefly hovering by the stage's mysterious hole.

"How many went missing again? Was it five?" Figuring out the answer herself on recollection, she sighed. "It looks like they split up, it might take a while rounding them all up." Oden shook her head, wondering what kind of situation might have led to them making that decision. "There are two paths here, only one lit, but both with footsteps. There's also a large hole on the other side of the room someone could have fallen down." She explained out loud readily, before returning to Kindle's side. "I say we stick to the lit path for now. Maybe find one of the people missing and get a better grasp of the situation from them."
Fortunately, the following trek remained uneventful, up until the strange magical barrier at least. Oden paused for a moment before passing through, keeping in mind the heavy probability of illusions and magical hijinks.

Her eyes burned at the sudden bright interior, squinting for a while before she could even properly make out the scene. It was like a colourful wonderland and a nightmare all at the same time, what with all the storms, screaming and the two evil entities standing at the village entrance. As silence reigned, and the demon and lich seemed to speak and suddenly clash, Oden whispered to the adventurer beside her.

"Do you by any chance know what the people we need to find look like? Whilst the two monsters fight, we could take the opportunity to look or sneak around. Or we could just kill them both whilst they're distracted with each other." She mused without much thought, wondering if perhaps like the Lich mentioned, the someone they were looking for was hiding here. With violence ensuing, the old owl held her bow at the ready, but she would not strike without understanding the circumstances. "I have little context on what's happening, or if this place is even real. Can't say magic has ever been close to my realm of expertise. Did you maybe get anymore context from the caravan driver?" She perked up after some more thought, though she warily kept her attention on the two monsters.
Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
As Valen spoke of what the Narrator had done with his power, she held for a moment in silence but nodded as she felt like she could only find herself agreeing with said point.
"That's true, I think anyone would imagine and create an experience they'd want to live in. Like a safe space or a big sandbox, though I'm only concerned how far this actually spans. Maybe it just keeps going on forever somehow, or it messes with the mind... " she pondered, watching Valen as he took the lead to coming up with an idea for how to get down as he started looking through his own possessions. She hadn't expected him to take charge so suddenly or be so prepared, but she quietly watched to see what he had in preparation as a way to get down the cliff.

"Oh, I didn't even consider you'd have this all ready, but... thank you, that's very helpful and useful. I can see why a group of adventurers would want someone like you around. I should be able to manage getting down, at least thanks to you" she softly answered with a smile. She too would follow his lead and start taking the rope he made, using her own spider appendages to grasp and steady herself against the cliffside in order to make it easier and safer for herself whilst they rappelled down. The two would rather safely and efficiently manage to make their way to the bottom without much trouble. Delilah would hesitate a little and look to Valen once he had reached the bottom.

"A-atleast have the courtesy to not look up, I'm still a woman-ghost you know. You and I don't know how much under the dress is and isn't there as my current self, so keep your eyes to yourself" Delilah suddenly spoke out, trying to quicken her descent down until she too reached the bottom. Once at the bottom, they'd be in able and easy distance of the village. Clearly, there was a whole lot of bad stuff going on in the village, and upon going closer to investigate they would be able to find Dreayth along with two other strangers appearing to be confronting some sort of... thing. That thing hadn't noticed them though.

"Isn't that one of the people you were with? You should still have those dice, right? Maybe you could get the ambush on whoever the dead man walking is, since it's not like there's a force currently conflicting or aware of you right now, so as long as your rolls aren't for too lofty requests maybe it'll work. Or, I suppose we could just keep a mental note and go look for the rest of your companions and Giovanna. I can sense what direction she's in, although it feels like a long trip... it'd likely be best if time isn't wasted, but that depends on how many of your friends you want to collect along the way or leave to fend for themselves" Delilah considered, as Valen would be able to see and witness what was going on between the confronting groups. Any sort of secret ambush he could come up with would be in his favour, but considering he wasn't exactly a fighter himself he'd have to utilise his dice to get creative with it whether it be by something more direct or the means to enact a plan. Or, there was always the option to leave them and continue with finding Giovanna.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
"Oh, yes, it should be five that went missing. Yeah, I can't see any of those other ways you say are there but going the lit way feels the safest option for now... hey, doesn't it feel weird that this is some underground place and that a tunnel-worth of torches is still remaining lit? Unless you maybe think they did it, that just seems a little weird to me... " Kindle spoke in consideration as he followed along with Oden, too walking through the strange magic barrier and into a completely different area he didn't recognise in the slightest. Wiping and trying to adjust his own eyes to the bright sight, the area they had came across was way more colorful and whimsical than he had been expecting.

"Did... oh no, did I die- d-did we die?" he asked rather nervously, having not expected to see such a thing. Though with the weird things going on and the sighting of Dreayth and the Lich facing eachother down, he could only assume this wasn't some pleasant peaceful afterlife... or maybe, it was some weird whimsical place where you battled, or something. He truly wasn't sure what to make of it. Looking to Oden as she asked about the people, he mentally fumbled around looking for an answer.
"As for what they look like... I don't remember if he gave me a better description, but the caravan driver explained it as a really big blue woman, three guys of which one had horns and was shirtless for some reason, and someone else with bright pink hair who they thought could be a girl, or a feminine boy, but they weren't sure. I mean, I can only suppose we'll have to figure it out or will realise it when we come across them... I-I mean, that's a shirtless guy with horns right there... i-isn't it? Or am I just seeing things now?" Kindle asked, gesturing to Dreayth. When the owl asked about anything else, he shrugged.
"No, not really, nobody else had been down here yet I think. Uh, maybe we can... ask them? I don't think it'd do good to just try and sneak around past them when we don't know... wherever this is. I don't recognise any of this, unless this is somewhere in the Fae See or something" Kindle idly considered, as the confrontation between the two infront of them would go on. Kindle would feel his little moth friend Bip shuffling around near his neck, but tried to concentrate for the moment.
The Lich would prepare himself as Dreayth approached with his leading attack, their weapons clashing against eachother as the Lich was shoved back although managed to stay on his feet rather well. He gave an empty stare to Dreayth, releasing a husky breath as he spoke once more inbetweenst the man's attacks.
"So desperate to fight back, and yet you do... you would have made a useful servant to the All-Powerful Wizard if you would be willing. But I doubt after your actions, that will ever happen. Such a shame, our Supreme Ruler is looking for stronger and attractive men befitting of perhaps descriptions like yours, but one so troublesome would not be fit to even be in the same room as them" the Lich answered, blocking Dreayth's attacks again with his longsword up until the last of which greatly struck his arm. Although, the Lich only looked at the injury and only made a low singular chuckle at the experience as he placed his hand to it. The damaged bone and area would begin rather quickly begin healing itself back up, as he looked back to Dreayth.

"But as it seems, not strong or smart enough... such a shame that a fool like you doesn't understand that simply hitting your problems with that flimsy stick will not solve anything. You are merely a fraction of the power I have been blessed with... " the Lich began, raising his longsword to point at Dreayth before he hesitated beginning to notice something.

In the background, Kindle was a bit distracted and didn't immediately notice Bip slip out from the safety of his chestpiece collar, getting a little startled and flailing his vision around.
"B-Bip, bad time, bad time! Come back please, it's a bad time to play!" he uttered, looking around before noticing where the tiny, fluttering creature had gotten off to. It was quite hard to notice with its' small handfitting size and its completely silent flight.
The little fluffball of a creature had managed to get away from Kindle and fluttered its' tiny self over to Dreayth as it perched itself upon his shoulder. It would blankly look up at him with its' little black eyes and gently rub its fluffy self against him.
"B-Bip, bad time, no playtime, not time to make friends! Oh... " Kindle tried to quietly urge her back, though at this point it felt too late to even try to convince the little creature.

The Lich had noticed the little creature, looking to it for a moment.
"What an odd, vulnerable, useless looking thing. I feel like the Grand Wizardous Ox would adore this tiny pest as a pet. Relinquish it into my possession, or face death. If you hand it over willingly, I will find killing you afterwards mildly more enjoyable. Are these yet other peasantry companions of yours?" the Lich questioned, raising his sword to point at Oden and Kindle. Kindle was quite hesitant, but now he just had to help his little Bip out of trouble.
"Uh... I dunno, but I can't allow you to take the... little moth thing, it's mine" Kindle answered back, of which the Lich wasn't very happy about such a response.
"It will be yours no longer, mere little peasant. I will slay all of you, for the glory of my Great Ruler" he answered, infusing his sword with energy for what looked like his next attack. Kindle hesitated and raised his shield, ready to do combat since it appeared like it may be necessary.
"Uh... I don't really know where, this is, but lets hope we can find those lost adventurers soon. So we can leave... we should probably remember where that entrance is... " Kindle continued, whispering the last part to Oden. Looking to Dreayth, he nervously smiled.
"Um, h-hi, you wouldn't happen to want some help would you? We're a little lost and trying to look for some people and don't really know where we are. T-that and, I kind of need Bip back" Kindle spoke out to Dreayth despite the fact he was caught within what seemed like a troublesome fight. The Lich was clearly about to attack with who-knows-what at any moment, but Kindle at least held ready to assist with the fight to help. He gave a quiet glance to Oden, wondering if she too was going to lend a hand to... a complete stranger in some weird place fighting some weird thing.

Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario
The 'Fertility Goddess' wouldn't have anything else to say as the two made the choice to leave the lab and its' Frankenstein-esque occupant alone in peace to go and take a look outside to see what they could find. As the two approached the door, it opened completely fine as they were greeted with the bright light of the outside world. From the seems of it, the interior and architecture of the lab must've been rather soundproofing for it was blocking all that was going on outside. There was a distinctive big sign, and much plastering of it all around, which read the name 'Doctor Khleckovischz's Memorial Fun-Day Fun-Faire'. And that's exactly what it looked like.
Oh there was games and food everywhere, lots of people frolicking about and partaking in all sorts of things. Bands and parade floats, tents and performers galore. It was all so much of a distraction that nobody would have noticed Zahrah and Erich exiting from the lab to begin with. There was constant cheering and laughing, and confetti and dancing, all the machines and games and amusements looked rather specifically crafted with that similar vintage mad scientist look although with much more appealing colors and pretty looks to them. Among it all, among the different patrons and fairegoers, creations and stitched together beings much like the one in the lab roamed and visibly looked like they were hosting and running the entire thing, working the games and booths and everything.

It would be then that the Fertility Goddess would whisper words to Zahrah.
"Do not distract yourself too much, you have much ground to cover, focus on the important things. Start looking for your companions, and the minotaur... ". Zahrah's eyes would too have that same glow, so Erich would be able to recognise that she was being talked to.

Further away from them, in the fair, a rather undead-looking girl in a black dress would wave and call to them.
"Hello? You two, are you lost or something, or looking around? If you're looking for where to go, there's the free treats being given away and the eating contest over with the cupcake and ice cream vendors that way. There's also a ton of games up and running like the ring-toss and duck-love games and bowling, there's also the different rides you can find around the place. Oh, I'm sure the public performance stage could always look for new acts of talent, whether you're... good at dancing and singing like others here, or magic tricks or something else cool to show. Up there isn't really part of faire grounds so it's best if you both stay down here for now" the girl waved and smiled, not having noticed them come out of the lab or paying it much mind.

Split from their group in some unknown place, Zahrah and Erich were at least approached by the presence of this stranger zombie girl who appeared more than willing to help them for no real reason at all, but were completely lost from the rest of their comrades with no real direction on where to go. However, they'd be able to notice a big city in the far distance of which there was very clearly a very cool and shiny original golden tile road leading in its' direction.
The girl was silent for a moment, now having approached and stood near them with a small smile.
"So... may I assist you two? Perhaps you two were looking for the Tunnel of Love? That is a very popular attraction, I can assuredly take you there if that's what you wish, unless you had anything else to mind. I am but one of many creations here to lend a hand if you have anything to ask~" she cheerfully added.​


Mentions: Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

"We all have to pull weight; I'm just doing what I was brought on this quest to do. Explore." Valen said as he descended.

As they climbed down, Valen's mind wandered. The slow pace they took gave him time to think without the presence of the storyteller in his mind. It was peaceful, without the logical statements of Enrich or the barrage of unfiltered thoughts spoken by Zarah. He paused for a moment to realize that Dreayth was much more reserved than the others, well. A bit blood thirsty but that wasn't anything new. He shivered as he remembers Koralia the shark woman...

He hoped his current party members were alright and with the living. It was not the same with Delilah, who with every word he had to take with a pinch of salt. He stopped his reflecting as he neared the bottom and hopped down the ground with a thump. He gave a breath and looked up "Made it, now come al-" He stopped as Delilah hesitated above him before speaking. Valen would raise an eyebrow "...Wait how do you not know what yo- Never mind." He said as he realized he was still looking up as she started to scale down at a faster pace. His eyes widened at the sight of the spider woman coming down, and the wind sending ripples across her dress. Maybe she did not know but if Valen did not look away he would! He quickly realized that maybe he should do what the magical spider woman wants or she may eat him, and his eyes left her curvy figure in an instant. He looked down at the ground and scratched at the back of his head. A slight tinge of red to his cheeks. He cleared his throat and looked away from the cliff and his current companion. He coughed and turned his head about to try and focus on something else. His eyes focused quickly on the village "Oh look trouble, l-lets..go investigate!" He says as goes forward into likely danger at a slightly faster pace but not giving up his stealth.

In the village, past the running halflings. Eventually coming upon the sight of one of his companions. "Dreayth..he is alive." He mutters and then looks back at Delilah. "..We are helping him. Even if I went down the hole with you...I am not leaving him to fight that creature or illusion. I hope to find the others as well." He paused as more and more people arrived and the lich went on about a Great Ruler. Valen frowned and looked at Delilah "My right? Still not sure what your dice can do or not. But lets try this. I have no weapons, Dreayth is more suited for an attack and those others with him. Real or not."

Valen would take the dice in hand and roll them after the clouds thundered overhead. He would look around for a moment his eyes glowing yellow and he would whisper to the dice and Delilah. "The clouds gathered and blackened over a small town. A buildup in them strengthen by magic unknown. Let it release out onto that monster in the green cloud. And silence the servant so others may strike him down and make him cowed."
Last edited:
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Erich Maxxob Maxxob

“Indeed! It's super effective! It's got the thickest layer of cotton I have around it now, nobody can take it, it can't fall out of any pockets or be stolen and I feel like it just started making itself cosy as well!” They'd clarify their decisions.

“Hi, hi, hi! To all of you watching, hello~” They would wave around, just in case. Then turn back to Erich. “Well, the snake bit was pretty dramatic, until I realised it was fake. The others seemed to be pretty dramatic and stuff as well, but meeting Spider Mommy was fun and hanging out with you is a lot of fun as well... so maybe it's a dramatic comedy or a comedic drama?” They logic was flawless as always.

“He must've only done so to get more drama for the viewers.” They nodded, as things made more sense now. “That's also why mister Dreayth might've said a few mean things. Do you think miss Giovanna is in on it? That she went off to go watch as well, rather than act along?” Now there was a thought.

They weren't suer about the other Dreayth thing, but they had a theory. “I think he was jealous. The tiny turtle looked really adorable and a lot of big muscular man don't dare to say that they like tiny and cute stuff, so he must've wanted to pet it before I ate it or something. I didn't want to risk it getting lost though, but perhaps we can find him another tiny turtle or some other cute thing. That was for sure the reason.

“Oh, I think I was told about that, masochism and sadism, right? I never fully understood those~” They'd reply, too cheerfully for the topic. “Deliver me from pain! I think that's a saying? I forgot.” They'd mumble the last bit. “Exactly! Not just alcohol and smoking, it might even work with drugs! Even if they'd accidentally kill themselves with it, they could be resurrected, although that would be costly, I think!” They'd add to the last bit.

“Yeah, the evil Frankenstein's lair stuff for sure!” They'd agree with Erich. “Hmm. I think I have no memory of Promotheus, because my brain is cotton and my databased are gone and all that.”

They would not at Erich. “Indeed. Pulling unknown levers might be bad for happiness.” That was just some basic knowledge.

“Yep, the fertility goddess is still chatting! I wasn't sure if you heard, so I'm just repeating her at times!” They would explain. “Are my eyes golden? I don't think my mommy made them like that.” They'd state. “Whhhhhhhhhaaaat?” They reacted, shocked. “I don't want to become someone that mean and evil. Surely that wouldn't happen, right?”

They'd look at Erich with non-teary eyes, as they didn't have tear ducts, but still. “If I start turning evil, please do what you must and remove the tiny turtle from my innards. You're the only one I can entrust with this!” They would stated, getting on their knees and holding their hands up to him in a begging manner. After, they'd whisper. “How's that for drama? Do you think the audience will like that?”

“Wooow, this place is so nice an colourful and bright and stuff!” They'd exclaim in awe.“The budget for this must be amazing!”

“Ohhh, that's a shame. The fertility goddess is saying that we can't hang out for long.” They'd relay the message again.

Their own warning went immediately ignored when they saw some relative of Tiefy. “Oh me, oh my, how wonderful! You must be family of Tiefy! Are you also from the Briar forests?” They'd enthusiastically ask the zombie girl as they ran up to them. Trying to shake her hands with both hands of their own, if not outright hug her.

“We fell into here after we met a mean narrator, a fertility goddess and a spider mommy, we're now looking for two horny people, a shirtless and a blue one, as well as a guy looking for loot!” They explained their situation perfectly.

They shook their head. “Sadly, I can't eat, it'll just get my insides dirty. Games are fun and I would love to perform, but we're starring in a show already and we gotta work out that plot first. Besides, the fertility goddess told us we should hurry.” They looked at the stage longingly. “Although... maybe one song? Can I do one song, Erich?” They hoped to get some approval from a second opinion.

That's when they realised they were being thoroughly rude. “Oh me, oh my, I'm so sorry miss. I didn't even introduce myself! I'm Zahrah Fiore, researcher of happiness, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing and Understudy~ I'm also pretty good at performing!” They'd list off the titles that totally made up their identity.

“The tunnel of love? Oh, that sounds lovely! They say love is great for happiness! Do you want to go try it with us?” They'd ask the zombie girl. “Oh, anything to ask? Have you seen our companions, the ones I mentioned?” They'd already described them rather clearly, so that shouldn't be an issue.

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“A dramatic comedy has a better ring to it. Also, your company has been lots of fun, too.” He would not to himself, deciding what genre would fit their situation better by name only.

“Giovanna? Into the whole watching thing? A voyeur?” Erich’s mouth turned into an “O”, as that hypothesis hadn’t crossed his mind so far. “That makes sense! It is the only explanation as to why she didn’t end up participating in the play. Mmmmm… I wonder if all bovine females are like that.” He began scratching his head as he considered the possibility.

“I think you are onto something about Dreayth… To keep his ‘macho’ persona, he could very well be repressing the feelings of joy towards cute objects, such as that glass turtle.” The tinkerer turned pensive for a moment, as if wondering about something. “Do you think we would be able to bring him out of his shell? Maybe if we find some small animal, like a kitten or a puppy, that could work, right? Or, perhaps, some other small horned animal to match his own horns!” That made sense… didn’t it? Matching horned creatures?

“That is right, sadism and masochism! I think it is said that those kinds of proclivities are likelier to appear in individuals that show some extent of damage to their brains. Not sure, however, as I am neither a neurologist nor a neuroscientist.” That was a bit too outside his area of expertise. “Even being resurrected after an overdose? That sounds pretty incredible… even if it is costly. Where I came from, people could enjoy a vast quantity of drugs. Most of them, however, reduced their will to act significantly, so staff, like me, were strictly forbidden in enjoying them.” But that wasn’t to say that Erich was never curious about the effects of them.

“I can’t hear her speak. Maybe you two have a private, neural bond that allows for silent communication.” He expanded on his inability to hear the Plump One. Shaking his head, he would answer them. “I can’t say for sure that is an impossibility. Vigilance might be necessary to not become a creature such as the Dark One.”

And, for a moment, Erich’s expression became serious, his hazel eyes meeting Zahrah’s pink, pleading(?) ones. “You can leave it to me. If worse comes to worst, I promise to retrieve the tiny turtle from its current resting place and make sure Dreayth can eat it. However, I shall do my best to not let things take such a course.” His tone was serious, as he made that solemn vow, right hand darting to rest upon Zahrah’s shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “I think that one was pretty good.” He winked at them.

“Well, well, well… Doctor Khleckovischz’s Memorial? I wonder what kind of doctor he was… PhD or MD?” He would think to himself for a moment, before shifting his attention to all the fanfare happening.

His eyes widened, not really having seen anything like that without being a simulation or artificial made. The music, the smell of food, the cheering. It was almost a bit too overwhelming for him, but Erich maintained his curiosity, his gaze sliding all over the place.

“Just as Zahrah here said, we had quite the trip to end up in here. I am Erich Zann, Expert Tinkerer, Technological Eccentric and Ally of Lykra, the Champion. I’m fine as far as nourishment is concerned.” He would say, not really feeling peckish at the moment.

“One song? Sure, go right ahead. That might end up making people happy.” He gave his approval, thinking that it could be a good opportunity for the doll to follow their objective.

“A Tunnel of Love? Ohhhh…” That had picked his interest, immensely so. After all, love had to do with the whole dating thing, wasn’t it? Or was it more like an interview? He wasn’t sure, but that could advance his own personal research. “Giving the tunnel a try could make leaps and bounds in my research. And, if you join, that could be a good idea. Even more if it is one of those ‘the more, the merrier’ type of situations!”
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

A smile crept up on to the monster at the mention of servitude, he’d spin his spear playfully as he began to laugh.

“Servitude! Hahahaha! You humor me plague bearer. However you are correct about one thing: you disgusting lap dog. Your master and I are unfit to be in the same room.” Dreayth would grin as he severed the man’s arm with ease, his spear cutting through the limb like butter.

Though clearly this wasn’t enough, as the monster would regenerate quickly. The limb that had been lost would quickly return anew. Which only seemed to excite him more, “Ah yes, this is why fighting freaks is exhilarating. You never know what kind of strange ability they might possess. Come then! Show me how blessed you are!” Dreayth lower his stance on the balls of his feet in reaction to the lich raising his sword. Something would come to intervene, a small and fluffy creature that resembled a moth would find respite atop the monster shoulder, instinctively Dreayth was prepared to grab it and strangle the life out the creature however a voice would interrupt the action. Seemed as though they had some visitors, however Dreayth questioned whether or not they were real or an illusion. The dark one was indeed dead and the glass turtle resided within the pink haired idiot, so perhaps these people being real were the truth.

The mentioning of lost adventurers would confirm this real which Dreayth would shake his head, “We're not lost, simply preoccupied. However if you want to assist me in dispatching of this grunt I won’t mind.” Dreayth would sigh, a bit reluctant to accept the help however he didn’t have much choice. “Just try not to get in the way”

With that Dreayth was off, starting off with his signature attack as he thrusted his spear at the Lich repeatedly placing emphasis to strike at the monster's core as opposed to any limbs.

1.Relentless assault (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F)Cooldown 0 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes with his spear, chipping at his foes' defenses with each strike.
2.Relentless assault (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F)Cooldown 0 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes with his spear, chipping at his foes' defenses with each strike.
3. Relentless assault (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F)Cooldown 0 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes with his spear, chipping at his foes' defenses with each strike.
Oden (#ACA9A7)

Character Sheet
Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense
C: 0/3​
"You and I both look quite alive to me." Oden chuckled back gently, her gaze briefly flickering downward. "But anything could be possible after stepping through that barrier." She hummed more solemnly, faintly eyeing the thunderclouds and pastel housing before focusing back on the clash between titans.

Staring at that monstrous lich and the bloodthirsty demon silently, she quirked an eyebrow at Kindle's thoughts. "I don't know why you'd want to approach either of them, especially in this situation, but be my guest." She sighed softly, ready to aid however she could, despite how suicidal she thought his idea was.

As she briefly glanced back at Kindle however, she caught a glimpse of something white flashing by. Before she knew it, little Bip had somehow perched itself rather stably atop Dreayth's shoulder, despite the whole battle going on, which was honestly quite impressive.

Still, having a sword suddenly pointed toward yourself was never the most pleasant of experiences. Narrowing her eyes, the old owl briefly acknowledged Kindle's fears with a nod as he engaged in combat. "We followed a single road here, if logic serves us well, we won't have a problem making our way back." A low chuckle escaped her. "But something tells me it won't be that easy." She simply smiled back calmly. Still, she did her best to recall the location and direction of whence she came, using the local environment as a landmark, even if part of her believed that it wouldn't be of use in the end.

Interfering in a clash between two towering monsters seemed nonsensical, but the circumstances were what they were. She could only hope Bip would have either abilities to protect itself, or the sense to flee when things inevitably got even more chaotic.

Dreayth's usage of 'we', alongside Kindle's descriptors, made Oden have to realize this bloodthirsty demon was one of the ones they were meant to help and save. It was peculiar, but she wouldn't question it for the moment. Arrogant, insane or bloodthirsty folk had never been her cup of tea regardless.

The old owl raised her bow with familiarity, her clawed fingers quickly finding their usual position as she breathed in. To aim for his longsword-wielding arm or merely his skull: decisions decisions. If there was any skill she might have a semblance of confidence in however, it would be her aim. Tried and true, she sent forth a silver arrow, honing in on the Lich's clouded skull with a silent gleam.

  1. Commit the way back to memory
  2. Take aim at the Lich's skull
  3. Silence C
    • Fighting Style [Kyudo of the White Dawn] [Bow] C, Range Technique Core C (1,000ft), Accurate Technique Core C (Target Spd - 4)
    • Oden focuses intently, putting her all into a single arrow. This seemingly ordinary arrow is near undodgable, able to streak across vast distances inescapably towards its target.
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Following along and watching due to Valen's wanted desire to assist Dreayth with his own encounter, remaining in wait as he made his roll of the dice in order to affect the circumstances. After said roll, the dice would make a stronger blue glow to them for a moment before returning to normal. Delilah held silent for a moment, thinking it over as she turned her vision to the confrontation at hand.
"I guess for the moment, we can only wait to see what happens... " she murmured, wondering if the illusionary place might break the rules on said dice or if it would indeed work.
Kindle paid mind to what Oden had to say about their return path, but for the moment kept their focus ahead of them just in case Bip were to get into such danger. The Lich Dreayth was fighting gave one more slow look to Oden and Kindle, before huffing and returning his death stare back to Dreayth.
"You entertain yourself with pointless jests, it is a pity, for you to find such amusement in what will be your own demise. I will not accept any insults to my Master, even laughably terrible ones. I will show you what it truly feels like to suffer at the hands of my bestowed blessed power, and you will writhe, suffer and die in pure agony along goes with your peasant allies... " the Lich answered in a grumbly tone growing more annoyed, raising his sword ready to strike with some sort of magical capability. Though before he was able to do so, the darkened clouds originally brought with his presence crackled and shifted slightly with a blue-colored energy and sparkle to them. The Lich hesitated a little as his glance couldn't help but be slightly drawn to whatever strange thing was happening there.

"Hm?" he briefly muttered, before what looked like a blue bolt of lightning had struck down from his own clouds directly onto him. He froze up and hissed in agony, almost looking like he was going to drop his sword in the process before the bolt strike had finished and ended. His breath was a little shaky, but he tightened his clutch on his sword and looked to the three.
"You think that dirty magic was enough to stop MY blessed power?" the Lich asked with a quiet, wheezy laugh before his previously struck arm due to Dreayth's prior attack looked to corrode and crumble off like dust. It was like some sort of effect was struck onto him blocking his regenerative capabilities.

"What!? My blessed power? How could you stop it!?" he immediately questioned in frustration after, almost like it was completely ironic that he would be so simply countered.
"No matter, you will still-" he had immediately began to try to talk again, before Dreayth's relentless strikes began attacking him as he did his best to suddenly block and parry with his sword. Though, Dreayth would find himself successfully able to defeat the weakened Lich in duel and land several hits on him as the putrid being moved back trying to remain defensive of itself.

"You... cannot defeat me, for I am immortal-" the Lich tried to answer, though his final words were once again ironically cut off by a single fired arrow from Oden striking straight into his skull and fracturing through it. He held stood in silence for a moment as the light faded from his... well, he doesn't have eyes, or light in his eyes, but imagine if there was light in his eyes and it was fading. Anyway, the Lich would soon enough not be able to speak any more as he soon enough started cracking and crumbling away until he was naught but fading dark dust being blown away by the wind. With his rather easy and anticlimactic defeat, the darkened clouds would start clearing up and any bright blue sky would remain completely unobstructed.

Kindle found that his assistance didn't seem like it was much needed, for Dreayth's bravery and Oden's precision felt much capable enough to handle the situation. He couldn't place a finger on which one held magic capabilities though, but for the moment he found Bip actually returning to his side after the Lich's defeat had taken place and putting Bip back in the safety of his chestpiece collar with a little amount of chiding added.

After an awkward delay of silence, short-heighted villagers of said village would take a peek to see what was happening amidst all the silence, and the defeat or missing presence of the Lich that had been present just prior was now absent. It was soon enough to be acknowledged as a victory on the sudden group of strangers' part, and it wouldn't take much time at all before said villagers would soon enough come cheering and celebrating with applause for both the successful heroes and for the safety of their own town.

After a moment, a slow-moving older lady of very small stature would come out to see the group and greet them with a warm smile.
"Oh, it has been so long that we have been constantly visited and terrorised by those hooligans, why I never expected to see the day a couple of strangers would show up. Although, where are my manners? I am the Village Chief of this quaint little place, I became so after my hard work after travelling and looking for refuge after escaping the Diamond City prison compounds. I wouldn't think they'd be able to find out where I was" the older lady lightly chuckled, rather leaving her explanation at that as she looked among the group.

"What an interesting collection of individuals, I wonder if the five of you are some sort of prophecised heroes that would be able to restore balance to the world after such tyranny took it over... " she spoke, her eyesight soon enough turning to where Valen and Delilah would have been secretly watching and influencing the conflict.
"Yes, even with my eyesight I wouldn't let anyone be sneaking around or past me, I've known you were there the entire time. You should come and introduce yourselves rather than hiding out all shifty-like... " she answered to them, gesturing to a big city in the far, very far distance. It was the same one Valen and Delilah would have seen on the cliff.
"The Diamond City is such a long way away, but is a magical place both of power, relaxation and riches, although some of that gets to peoples' heads too much. Life is much more pleasant out here, though the newest ruler of that city is doing such bad business to the local world for their own entertainment. It'd be nice if someone could go out there and make a change of things, heck, I'm sure if strong individuals such as yourselves went out and did it, it would be no trouble at all. You'd have this entire world at your fingertips if you did that... " the Village Chief added, thinking for a moment before reaching into her bag.
"Oh but where are my manners, I should at least give you a gift for your troubles... I have many treasures over my travels, some of which I had to politely recollect from the Diamond City guards after they were so wrongfully taken from me. Hm, where is it... oh, ahah!" she continued talking as she went around in her bag before pulling out what looked like a small, diamond-decorated crystal lockbox.

"This is a very special lockbox that contains something very special, although I haven't been able to locate the key to it... from what I heard, it's supposed to give you a clear sign whenever you may be drawing closer to the key but I've never been able to found it. It appeared to be of incredibly high importance to the Diamond City, maybe it could be something of truly incredible value" she offered the box to Dreayth first of all.

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob
The zombie girl was quite confused by whatever Zahrah was talking about, having no idea who Tiefy or where the Briar Forests where. Remaining silent for a moment, she tried to figure out what to say before answering to the doll.
"I've... never heard of those places or people before, you must have travelled from really far to get here. Either way, it's always nice to have new visitors, hopefully this Tiefy person you speak of can come and visit one day too" she softly answered, her hands being shaken by Zahrah in greeting having not expected the pink-haired doll to be so lively or energetic. Her further explanation of where they originated from was even more completely bizarre.
"Uh... d-do you need medical attention?... " she asked quite nervously, wondering if they had injured their head or something although Erich appeared to confirm it. Along with the long explanation of their titles and accomplishments, she was becoming more lost and confused by the moment as her smile faltered, holding her head trying to focus on all that she was hearing.

"Uh... uhm, r-right, yes, that... means something, uh, anyway... " she faltered a little before just deciding it may have been the easiest option to move along rather than trying to process the utter strange nonsense they had stated going through, everything they had said just sounded like completely meaningless gibberish. The zombie just chose to move on to the matter of Zahrah wanting to sing a single song, of which sounded like a pleasant thing... if the girl could actually sing and wasn't going to ridiculously scream their lungs out or something.

"Right, yes, you're free to sing a song if you like. If you're really interested in checking out the tunnel of love, I'm sure there's always time afterwards. The line for the Tunnel of Love is probably quite long right now, so if a good song is sung then you'll likely attract attention and shorten the line too. Allow me to show you the way~" the zombie cheerfully answered, though became a little more nervous when they both started inviting her to join them in the tunnel of love.

"U-uh, that's a two-person thing. S-since you two seem very close, m-maybe you two both should go on it. I-it's for two very close people to get closer on a personal level, and have a good time and things... " she added, opting to show them the way to the stage for the moment.

Leading them to where the performance stage was, it was decently sizeable and had a small group of musicians already playing to present viewers. It was clear they'd be done soon, and Zahrah would be able to take the stage next when she was ready.
"Okay, uh, do you have a song or something in mind that you have to perform, because the current group will likely be done any moment. Are you going to be joining her too in her performance, Mister Erich?" she asked, gesturing to the doorway that would lead up to the stage. They wouldn't have much time to prepare if she wanted to go up and perform right now.​


Mentions: Femboy Femboy SixSense SixSense @silverf

Valen watched in anticipation waiting for something or anything to happen. He had a slight frown on his face as it seemed nothing was happening. He looked at Delilah and was starting to say "Well it seems they do n-" The boom of lighting striking cause his head to whip around. He wrapped an arm around his companion and a look of joy was on his face as he shook her and held her close "Look we did it! AHAHAH! Nice work! They work!" Valen gave a laugh and looked back to the smited lich. Which was still standing. Yet it fell to the martial prowess of Dreayth and the other illusions helping. He chuckled under his breath and watched as victory was achieved and the villagers coming out of their homes. Valen hummed and was silent as he contemplated actually showing himself...well too late as a old woman ratted Valen and Delilah out. Valen frowned and noticed how he was holding Delilah close, he coughed and let go of Delilah and ran a head through his hair.

Valen would rise from where he was and walk forward. He would raise a hand in greeting, his eyes on Dreayth. "See you are still alive Dreayth, well fought. Tried to help out with that lighting earlier...not a fighter like you." He would look at Dreayth and just give a small grin "Did the others make it?..Did you slay the Storyteller?" He paused and frowned, before saying "And I am real..to prove it. Hmmm on the carriage here..you told us 'Being shirtless reconnects you with the environment.'

Valen would rub at the back of his head as he looked at everyone and the old woman "Valen is the name and with me is my..." He paused as he looked at Dreayth and made sure to say "Lovely and very helpful companion Delilah. A fellow Adventurer!" Valen scratched at his chin as he did not know how Dreayth would react to the sight of the spider woman again. "We are not shifty. Simply helping from the side."

He would look over all those assembled. Looking at them with a flash of golden eyes as he tried to discern anything from these illusions. "Greetings.." He would listen to the old woman and watch as she handed a box to Dreayth before saying "Look we are simply searching for our party members and our boss. Have you seen a minotaur woman called Giovanna? She is very blue..and tall. You can not miss her."
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Erich Maxxob Maxxob

“I'm glad to hear that! I believe your presence has been most happiness inducing as well!” They'd cheerfully reply to Erich.

“Voyeur... voyeur... I feel like my databases should contain that, but they don't. So voyeurs are the ones that like to watch things? Like television? Like the show we're on right now?” The next thing was also confusing. “You think it's bovine related? Not because she's horny or blue?”

They nodded a the Dreath bit. “Exactly!” Erich's suggestion was also brilliant. “That's a great idea, genius! Perhaps we can get him a plushy or something? Oh, horned animals? We should get him a goat or sheep plushy!” They'd turn to their zombie friend. “Can we get goat or sheep plushies here? We want to get one for our friend!”

They clicker their tongue. “I speak six languages nearly fluent, but the 'proclivity' word escapes me.” They admitted. “Ah, I see. I wonder if healing can also bring back you will to act. If not, that would indeed be a problem. I think not acting makes you unhappy in the long run.” They'd have to think that one through a bit more.

“Oh, me and the goddess have a private bond? That'd be fun! Though I can't hear her all that often either.” They'd admit. “I'll try be my most vigilant! I don't want to become a Dark One! I'd rather remain a Plush One! Or Pink One! Or both!” They'd confirm.

They shook their head at Erich. “No, if the Tiny Turtle makes someone a Dark One, we can't give it to Draeyth either!” They didn't want someone else becoming a Dark One instead. “I'll just try to tame the tiny turtle in my stomach!” They stated, with some baseless conviction.

“Whooo! I can do a song!” They stated, upon the permission. They would also nod at Erich's next statement. “Indeed, as the hippies used to say, love needs to be shared among all!” They stated full of conviction. [Smooth Talker B]

Smooth Talker – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, Empathy B, Insight B, Performance [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle] B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B Languages [Common, Terran, Beastial, Sylvan, Monster, Analog] – Character combines whatever (meta)knowledge they can find out about someone with persuasive, empathic and seductive smooth-talking, acting and spoken word in an attempt to make others act according to their will. Character speaks to them in whichever (of the main) languages they are most comfortable with. - Grade B Energised – 3 Post Cooldown

Zahrah was surprised the zombie girl didn't hear about the places or people before. “Are they not part of this show as well? Oh, that's a shame.” They would state, wondering if this shows continuity was ruined somehow. “Oh, I bet Tiefy would love to visit! You could honestly be like sisters! You're both equally pretty as well!”

“Medical attention? I'm made out of cotton, so I'd need a seamer at worst, but I tend to be able to fix myself up, so I'm good!” They would reply cheerily. “Thanks for the offer though!”

“Alright, I'm going to dedicate my song to you, miss... miss...” Did they ever learn her name? “Miss adorable zombie.” They eventually settled upon. “It's not a pretty song, but it's a really fun one and I think you'd be able to put up some really sweet dance moves to it! I'll even show you how!”

After stating it, they'd hurry to the state to sing and dance at their best!
Performance [Acting/Singing/Dancing/Spoken Word/Tin Whistle] B
Zahrah's Chosen Song

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“Exactly, voyeurs like to watch things! For sure, if we are being watched by someone, or more than one, they are sure to be voyeurs. And… well…” He would think to himself for a moment, when Giovanna’s situation was mentioned. “... it could be a combination of the three: her being a bovine, horny and blue. Watching could help her in one of them…” Erich answered however, from his tone, it was clear he was unsure about that.

“You think that is a good idea?” The inventor smiled towards Zahrah, seeing how well his idea was being accepted. And he would nod enthusiastically, the options given by the doll being perfect for Dreayth. Turning to the zombie girl, he increased the ante, chiming in as well. “Just as Zahrah said, would there be any cute, horny plush that we could acquire? We have a friend that loves playing the macho man, scowl and all, but he is a big softie, you see, even if he won’t admit it. We want to get him the perfect gift which will distract him from the little glass turtle that Zahrah swallowed to keep safe!” Unknown to him, Erich was just dragging Dreayth’s reputation through the mud even further. If the demon had luck, he wouldn’t end up meeting the zombie girl.

Tilting his head, he decided to expand on the word. “Proclivity means that one is more likely to do something, because of a certain reason. For example, I have the proclivity to want to dismantle technological assets, thanks to my own background in engineering.” The inventor tried to give a personal example for the word. “Wha…” He appeared to be taken aback for a moment. “Do you think that being brought back to life could remove one will to act? That would be horrible… almost like a botched lobotomy…” He would wince a little even thinking about it. He certainly wasn’t one who would like to have his will taken away.

Erich would concede to Zahrah’s point, nodding. “Okay, if things end up going in an unforeseen way, I will be sure to keep the tiny turtle hidden somewhere, away from everyone.” That seems like it was the best option, just to be sure no one would become like that shoddy narrator.

“Ow, come on! If something is fun when done by two people, it would certainly be even better when done in a trio or a quartet!” Trying to bring up the ante once more, he gave Zahrah his full support when trying to convince the zombie girl to end up joining them in the tunnel of love.

“Well… I certainly needed some medical attention some time ago, but I got that covered.” With a mischievous smile, he brought from the insides of his coat an unknown and curious metallic ampule, its surface smooth and without any kind of label on it. “It is handy to carry these around, for sure.” He laughed a bit, thinking about his own ingenuity.

Thinking a bit about the zombie girl’s question, seeing Zahrah moving into the stage, he began considering if he would join her performance or not. “I suppose I could try to do some dance moves… let me see if I can remember something and how it could be done.” Trying to pull from his memory, Erich would also get into the stage, remaining a few feet behind the doll, as a backup dancer.

He was a bit surprised by the music of choice by Zahrah, his hazel eyes widening infinitesimally as she began singing the heavy-loaded song. Yet, as soon as the word zombie was caught by his ears, he knew what he had to do, of course. Pulling as much from his memory as he was allowed to, and performing as well as his lack of performance would also allow him, he would begin performing the “Thriller”. After all, that made sense, no?
Oden (#ACA9A7)
Watching their opponent conveniently hesitate, before being conveniently struck by blue lightning conveniently right before he was about to strike, left many questions. The lich's monologue was also rather comical, as if he thought time would stand still enough for him to finish whatever speech he was trying to make: though perhaps it would've been helpful to have let him finish first.

Still, it was hard to tell if the things that were happening were part of this strange magic space's 'setting' or if there were also other additional outside influences like herself, Kindle, Bip and the horned demon. The vast potential of magic truly did always make one's head hurt.

However fortunate and improbable it had seemed, at least they had resolved the current problem safely. Briefly glancing at the now clear blue skies, she trotted on over to Kindle and Bip's side, watching the reunion with a small nod and a subtle sigh of relief.

The old lady and her whole spiel very much sounded like something out of a child's fairytale. Perhaps it was the pastel, brightly coloured realm she found herself in, or the very convenient happenings and sudden exposition, but Oden found herself very doubtful of everything. It felt like a 'game' or a 'trap', but now that she had been dragged in, she supposed there was no going back. And that thought brought back very unpleasant memories of a certain rat-filled underground city she'd rather forget.

Shaking her head, she disregarded the 'very special lootbox' offered to the demon in favour of the two strangers over the horizon, a glasses-wearing human and quite the voluptuous spider woman. "I don't think that woman fits any of your descriptions. But that human seems to be part of the adventuring group." She commented idly towards Kindle, assessing each stranger carefully. Seemed the human was a mage of some sort with his talk about the lightning. Quite the potent one at that, to be able to cast magic from so far with such strength. "Kindle, I'm not sure this group really needed saving." She couldn't help but chuckle lightly, before nodding and bowing politely, reminiscent of Kuridan etiquette, as the human introduced himself.

"It is nice to meet you both, and to see you both seemingly well and alive. I am Oden, not from the Diamond City or this village, but Kuridan." She chuckled, leaving Kindle to introduce himself and inform them of why they were here. She was just a recruited tagalong after all. "How did you all get separated?" She inquired simply, wondering if heading towards the Diamond City was an inevitability, with both this lootbox and the group's missing members.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Dreayth had to admit the bright flash of lightning caught him off guard, it couldn’t possibly have been more well timed. It would reveal the perfect opening for the monster to end this battle quickly. A wide grin was plastered on the Dreayth’s face as he smelled blood in the water and with a series of well placed strikes the battle would be over.

The partially clothed being would turn to the familiar voice cheering behind him. Another surprise as he was sure that the spider woman had devoured him by now. Dreayth would stamp his spear into the ground with an inquisitive glare.

“As if I’d fall to a mannequin.” He’d scoffed, slightly offended that Valen believed they wouldn’t make it out alive. “The others are alive however we decided to explore our own paths.” The comment about clothes quelled most of Dreayths suspicions, “that you are right, being shirtless provides an experience unlike any other. Especially when you have the muscles to show it.” He’d give Delilah a smirk after that comment before turning to the others.

The inhabitants of the village would come to peek and see what had transpired and much to their satisfaction they were pleased to know the lich had been vanquished. Being dubbed a hero twice in the same day made the monster chuckle.

“Haha, the pleasure is all mine” he’d reply doing his best humble act, little did they know he wasn’t picking a fight on their behalf. However, being rewarded for it nonetheless was nice. The mention of Diamond city also piqued the monster's curiosity, perhaps they should head there next.

“Thank you for the lockbox, I’ll make sure to take care of it” he smiled gritted teeth, annoyed at the fact that it would be of no use to him without the key. Who gives a half baked reward? He would turn to the beast who introduced herself, “Dreayth, nice to meet you Oden. We got separated from the person who issued our job via a strange barrier. I was with 2 other party members not too long ago however we went our separate ways to explore the cave. They took a path not lit and I took the lit path.” Dreayth would look towards Valen with a slight glare, “and Valen here has been busy hanging out with Delilah, whom we found down here.” The monster would turn to the chief, “would it be possible to tell us the fastest way to Diamond city. I have a strange suspicion we might find a blue horned friend there.”
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SixSense SixSense
The Village Chief handed over the lockbox with a smile, not seeing or thinking much problem with it as it felt apparent that the others were either reconvening with eachother or just meeting for the first time. She smiled and listened as each of them had ended up introducing themselves, Kindle giving a small nod of his head and a light wave.
"Uh, hi, I'm Kindle. I'm here too to look around and help find people who are lost" Kindle had mentioned in short, not really sure how much he should be adding to the conversation as Delilah had joined along with Valen and giving a light bow of her head once Valen had introduced her. On Oden's whisper, he shrugged.
"Well, maybe they wouldn't be able to find their way out. I didn't know who or what we were looking for that well, I wasn't imagining it'd be all this and they'd just be a little stuck or something... " Kindle softly answered back, having thought it would have all been much simpler.
"Yes. I'm here along with him for personal business, but I'm also looking for specific things, and to help them join up again with their companions. Though seeing as we've already found one of them, that's at least a step in the right direction" Delilah answered as she looked to Dreayth's mentioned shirtlessness and rather blatantly looking him over with a small smirk on her lips.
"Hm, it is quite pleasing to the eye, I'd must say. Though I'd still prefer a little charm and personality behind the pretty face and good body, perhaps that's something you could learn a little of from your... cooperation... " Delilah smugly added, having noticed Valen's prior reaction to being close to her before and placing a light hand on his shoulder as she referenced what Dreayth could do better. Giving a smile and wink to Valen along with a soft giggle, she added.

"Don't worry too much, it's not like I've been stuck alone underground for what could be several years. Ladies get lonely after all, although I do value my secrecy and privacy with myself. I'm not fleeting entertainment you know" she'd teasingly mention, turning her attention back to the matter at hand.

The Village Chief listened to the places mentioned, feeling a little rather confused at wherever Dreayth might be saying they came from or wherever said 'Kuridan' place was as she scratched her chin in thought, hearing both Valen and Dreayth talk about the Diamond City and a blue horned woman. Thinking over it for a moment, she came to a thought.

"Oh, big, tall, muscular woman with horns? Long, white hair? Yeah, I know that one. A lot of people know that one, absolute plague on these lands. No idea how she got in charge, but that monster became lead of the Diamond City and things have kept worsening since... well, except for the luxurious and powerful citizens there. If it does anything to get her out of power, then I'd be happy to help. In fact, I think I have something which might've been waiting for you all this entire time. Hold on, let me find it... it was some thing that seemed impossible to use, but was to be usable by a bunch of people who were strangers to these lands and beyond as a way to get to exactly where they needed to go... ahah" the old lady spoke as she rummaged around in her back, eventually pulling out a large, circular steam-punk machine pod that clearly didn't look like it fit in any sort of way as it loudly thudded on the ground. It was clearly something they could walk into, and the interior was some sort of vague, portal-looking space. It looked like some weird thing completely fitting of Widersia.

"I don't even remember where I got this one, it just strangely showed up in my possession I'd say... maybe about a week ago? I don't even know how it fit in there or anything, but I could eventually find out that someone or something who had made it or put it there called it a... " the Chief slowed, trying to process what it was called as she tried to think on it. She looked a little unsure of if she was even right.

"A... 'plot device', I think it was called? It was said on it somewhere or something else or something, it truly escapes my mind, but I couldn't even begin to think what a 'Plot device' could actually do other than wherever I read that before. I thought it was maybe some sort of special thinking space that helps improve your intelligence, but I'd only suppose I was wrong... since you seem like such a bunch of strangers, perhaps it'd work for you and take you where you need to go?" the lady offered, of which she was a little surprised and stepped back when the pod's door so suddenly opened when she finished talking.

"I think I could probably take a guess as to who put that one in here and had it not see any use... " Delilah mumbled absentmindedly.

Considering how big the world they must have been in was, plus the travel time, the 'plot device' pod would end up being their easiest option... and probably forced option, for some complete unknown reason that may or may not have also been related to travel time. Yes, it was travel time. It was simply faster, and what luck they encountered it.

Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob
Nameless local zombie girl would continue on listening rather unsure of both of their lively personalities, smiling and gesturing to the rest of the surrounding event scenery as they asked about the chance of getting a lovable gift for their friend.
"Yes, I'm sure that around here you will find the perfect thing you may be looking for. We do have stalls and gift shops and such for these kinds of things, but there's also many to be won from games and activities all around the place for you to enjoy at your leisure. Maybe while you're performing, I can try to locate such a stuffed toy for you both" she answered with a soft smile, a little hesitant and taken aback once the performed song choice was going to be dedicated to her for some strange reason.

"I'm sure anything else can wait until your performance is over, good luck, I believe you two'll do great!" she chimed in with a smile, letting them go off to partake in an impromptu musical performance.

Simple enough to state, it wasn't like Erich was a perfect or trained backup dancer, but the majority of the attention of onlookers would have their focus drawn to Zahrah's performance due to the doll's much more experienced practice in being so multi-talented when it came to performing. Their whole thing would go off rather difficulty-free as the end of the song was met with cheering and applause by those who were around to hear as well as those who had been attracted to listen.

When the two would finish their performance, their unnamed zombie friend was waiting for them and gave a small clap to them.
"Yay! I knew you could do it. As a reward for such a good job entertaining people, I found this little stuffed ram, hopefully this works. It's small and soft and squishy, and has cute eyes and curly little horns too. Isn't something like this what you wanted?" the zombie asked as she presented and held out the soft ram plushie to them to whichever of them wanted to take it.

She hesitated a little and scratched her cheek after.
"Well, usually it's for two people, but if it will make you both such happier, I too can try the tunnel of love with you both. Although it might be a little strange to do so... " the zombie girl answered, shuffling around a little as she invited them to follow her to go to it.

After a short trip of a walk, they'd be able to make it. Some large, mysterious indoor place with a colourful door surrounded by a large heart-shaped entryway arch. The line was short, and was moving fast enough.
"Well, this is it here. I've never actually went inside it myself, though I've only heard many positive things about it that I am maybe a little curious what the interest is all about... I guess we could get in line and give it a try all together" she'd mumble, of which around that time a very tall figure in a hood would notice both Erich and Zahrah. Hastily approaching them, they would clear their throat to get their attention and look them over. With a good enough glance, they'd look around before partially moving their hood to show their identity.

"What? You two, what are you both doing here goofing off? I've been looking for an exit for ages, this place is an unending labyrinth of nonsense that some evil being stuck me in... and you both too from the looks of it. Come on, I think I figured out a way out but getting there might be hard if we waste any more time, what are you both doing messing about at some dumb fair anyway? Have you found any important artifacts or magical items of worth yet?" Giovanna, who had so suddenly found them, began questioning in a hasty pace as she sighed soon after.

"Well, we best get moving soon, it's only lucky the stupid rules of this world somehow ended me up here, it's like only certain ongoing things can exist at the same time and trying to wander into the open world will just send you to the closest one. All of this is not what I signed up for, and ever since I went off to take a look at that room whilst you all looker around the stage, things have just gotten ridiculously weirder and fake".​
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