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Finished [Widersia] Shadow Play: Act I


Valen felt his hopes and dreams crack apart as soon as he saw the cube crack itself. But then two formed in its place. He looked around as the villagers turned their ire to the adventurers. Valen sweated heavily and he shook his head in a panic. He had no idea how to fight such illusions, and he had only brought supplies for exploration and adventuring. He shivered as he looked at the Ancient being, how such a great and evil being was down here was beyond him. Actually it did not make sense..why was it down here unless it was..trapped.

You just don't get that I'm the one doing the right thing, trying to enjoy my time, but you'd rather enable this villanious spirits who lie and scheme in order to bring disorder and chaos. Be my guest, and accept your death, you will not be credited for your failure of a performance"
This was just a way for it to get entertainment. Maybe they could strike some kind of deal..yeah. Valen raises his hands and said "Wait Wa-" But as Enrich shoots at the Being, Valen internally feel this spirit deflates..so much for any other form of diplomacy. Seems like action and violence were the only ways now. He charged for the dice, sliding across the floor. Trying to make his way to them. He grabs the tow dice and rolls them as the villagers seem to be advancing upon them, "Zahrah stop hugging the serpent and do something! We all desire for this sorry state of a 'story' to end! Your words are not smiting it!" He rolls the dice with desperation. "Uhhhhh...everyone wanted to understand the significance of major character death! But it was time for intermission! so the play comes to a stop so the next act can be prepared and the actors can get their rest. So the storyteller villagers, all went away..untill the next batch of actors come to play."

Valen rolls the dice and they come up...sixes.
Maxxob Maxxob Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense
The Narrator was being driven to misery listening to all of the nonsense Zahrah and Erich had to say, making a small 'talking mouth' gesture with one of his hands as he was forced to listen to them ramble on and on. Glaring an eyeless gaze in the direction of Zahrah, he answered.
"Fertility Goddess? Make people horny?" he asked, rather confused as he looked to the two seeing as Erich was agreeing with it. A little silent on how he was even supposed to answer that, he shook his head.

"What is wrong with you people? Is that truly all that your life ambitions aspire to achieve? No wonder you know absolutely nothing of storytelling when your entire focus is only on the romance and what the characters get up to in their free time. Truly, no clue on the concept of substance and material, if all you wanted was a quick romance fix then coming to a theater was entirely the wrong place. In fact, I don't take kindly to such insulting desires for a perfomance on MY stage. Silence yourselves, pitiful failures, you have no right to speak and comment on anything let alone people of my past. Besides, this problematic 'Giovanna' you speak of will prove a thorn in my side and a difficulty to my being if she remains to be around, so I have dealt with her and trapped her elsewhere whilst I rid of you vile stooges and those spirit pests. You speak of joy and making people happy, but to want to ruin someone else's play and bring death to the person who lives in the home you so rudely entered without permission? You all reek of the disgusting scent of pride. Ridding you will be doing all of reality a favour... " the Dark Narrator figure answered as he looked to Zahrah also raising their hand.

"Silence, you insignificant little creation. You are not even a real entity, a fake facade of stuffing and forcefed beliefs. You are not real, much like these... " he answered, as he slowly moved his fingers and from nothingness above in the air dropped two dolls. They appeared to suspend and float off the ground and move like they were alive, but clearly weren't.
"Simple work of strings and illusion, they must feel like family to you, both being as insignificant and lifeless as one another. Best such is made quick and I cut the strings of all of you. You had already ruined this story the moment you first interrupted, I am simply and rightfully cleaning up loose ends. We have nothing to discuss, little doll. You would truly understand naught of the difficulties one such, or any monster, would have to go through. Your false exterior gives people a deceitful lie, you are not fit to be friends with a monster, one such as this Serpent. You would never understand what it's really like. If you would not leave me in peace after insulting me and my work, then death will be your final act" the Dark Narrator answered as one of each of these dolls hovered just slightly off the ground each side of him.

Though, as he would move to cast something, Erich's shot would manage to land its mark upon the Dark One as the shot would clearly leave an impactful mark. A gush of small flames from what appeared like ignition would mark the targetted Dark Narrator, starting to spread a little as he had grumbled in agony and recoiled to harshly pat away the flames. Lifting his hand, a dark zone of coalescing magic formed to what looked like a barrier shield in front of him to protect from receiving another shot. Unless his attack was strong enough to break it, he'd need to figure out a different way to hit him through or around the barrier.

"Pitiful being, and now you enact violence upon me in my own home and domain? I should've sensed that you were all villains, vicious antagonists looking to rob from the dead, out for only yourself not caring for the misery and pain you cause to others" he huffed in frustration, of which meanwhile the villagers who had a desire to advance forth past Erich had stopped once he aimed at them. The fact that he had clearly wounded this 'Dark Great One' with but a single shot of his weapon was a threat enough to any person, whilst it was obvious they could overwhelm him it was a question if it was risking the safety of their own just for one target. Some of the archers however would quickly loose their arrows and fire once again on the serpent, although this time it was pretty obvious that there would be no convenience to save Zahrah's commitment to the Serpent this time. As some of the arrows rain down, the Serpent monster was shot with arrows to wound it albeit not enough to kill it. The bigger worry was Zahrah however, although the arrows were a very close near-miss as they instead pierced into the body of the shrieking and pained Serpent. There was very clearly another incoming volley, one which would kill the Serpent and possibly be very dangerous to Zahrah if she wasn't prepared for all archers taking fire the next time. The glowing yellow part of the Serpent would speak in a familiar supposed 'Fertility Goddess's Voice' once again only audible to Zahrah once more.
"It is okay, there is no use in trying to reconcile with this corrupt monster. His mind is already driven insane, your minotaur companion is still safe. If you wish to escape, you must pull the Dark Charm out from within his heart... ".

"I see you, disgusting spirits trying to plot. Meet your end, like you deserve, I have spared you long enough. I will not allow another intervention!" the Dark Narrator looked to the Serpent after it had spoken to Zahrah, raising his hand that was not supporting the barrier in front of him. Some of the non-archer villagers had their appearance fizzle, and twist into one of the construct dolls like the ones beside him.

"The servants of the Great Hero clad in dark arose, and aimed to kill the unrightful mortals and spirits. They were successful in their efforts, the end" he had spoken, of which the 6 dolls nearby to Erich, Dreayth and Valen bared their long claw-like fingers. The remaining villagers and archers were a little nervous and hesitant, unsure who or what to trust at this point as most of the archers stopped their aim on the serpent wondering to fire at one of the dolls or not. There was a clear loss of order in the story that not even the fake characters knew what was happening.

Though before anything more was to happen or they could attack, Valen's attempted roll landed two sixes (who wouldve guessed) as at his command the world slowed and turned to a greyish and colourless tone with the exception of him, Dreayth, Erich, Zahrah and the Dark Narrator in front of them. Amongst everything, his dice still kept their glowing colour. He looked around, before to Valen.
"You idiot, you choose to dabble with things you don't understand? You cannot pause me, I am the entire theatre, the whole backstage crew, the audience, I am everything here. Though, your actions make dealing with some of those pesky spirits much easier. That false golden idol is nothing more than meaningless specks when frozen like this. I thank you for making this kill easier" he answered, his focus on the serpent of which not even the golden glow of it held colour nor did it speak any further words to Zahrah. Though, there was a mature feminine giggle and voice that could be heard by all as the Narrator's composure clearly faltered a little.

"Oh, so we're playing dress-up, are we? You put them in the serpent, but you never seem to give me a role, and here they are playing two parts at once. You know, you're not the only ghosts who've seen the minotaur you've trapped running circles in a different story in the back rooms. I too can copy forms, you know. Why should I have to sit here and let you all toil around with plans? Greetings little friends of the living, I'd like to make an effort of contribution, but you have to do a little something for me. All I want is to possess and inhabit that pretty little artifact in the heart of that mean ol' Narrator ghostie, it's that simple. Whether you leave it down here or take it with you is fine by me, I'll even throw you a bone. I'm the one who made those dice there, little cutie, if you really wanted then you could take us to your minotaur friend and all you'd need to do is say and roll. Please do be quick, for unlike those he casts in his play, I cease to be allowed to be active until it is over. And then, he is likely to attempt to lock me away again" the other voice spoke, of which amidst Dreayth and Valen appeared yet another person. A taller, clearly monster-like woman with both humanoid and spiderlike qualities.
"There is no other being of the afterlife you can trust in here but me, all those other ghosties and spirits will try to trick and manipulate you all for their benefit, I understand the pain of both monster and non-monster, and I truly respect and value all. If the world is to become unpaused and in motion once more, please do come make contact or hold my hand or such, so that you can place me in his artifact heart so that I may continue to live on in the moving reality amongst you all~" she answered, giving a smirk and wink to Dreayth being able to recognise something about him even at mere glance. She too was in complete grey-scale, but it seemed a part of her. That, and she very obviously wasn't paused like the rest of the play.

"No, no! I put you all away for good reason, and I will keep you at it. Only I can reign here, for the rest of you will bring discord and trouble wherever you go. For once, do NOT make a mistake, and ignore this vile demon!" the Narrator answered, charging a ball of coalescing dark energy in his free hand and raising his hand into the air. He maintained the barrier in front of him as multiple swarming projectiles found their way to all of the dolls. Although delayed, they slowly began moving back to life within the paused story. The six dolls near to the group were bound to attack. The Dark Narrator being and the two puppets alongside him began advancing closer, although the Narrator continued holding a dark barrier in front of him to protect himself from further direct shots from Erich.

Zahrah would likely also be able to notice that with Valen's command of a paused story, no longer was the serpent actually dying. The serpent would end up remaining alive and unable to die until the story continued playing. Though, Zahrah (and anyone else who looked her way) would notice something at their feet. Much like the dice bestowed to the possession of Valen, two strange dice remained on the floor near her that both possessed the exact look and six faces that all read '6' upon them. Unlike his however, they were void of any colour but as grey as the world around them.

(Things count as in combat onwards from now, abilities will go on cooldown using them here)
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Dreayth would shake his head in disappointment, it seems like the great dark one overseeing the play was enraged at how things were going and decided to intervene. However much to the monster's surprise he saw him as an ally of sorts.

“Well this is an awkward sight” Dreayth smiled looking at the group of 3 with a devilish grin. A decision would have to be made, choosing the adventurers or the monster. On one hand if he does manage to kill the adventurers, who’s to say the monster won’t just try to kill him after. Furthermore there wouldn’t be a guarantee on the monster parting ways with the treasure here if he does that. However, fighting the monster wouldn’t be an easy task seeing as he commanded a decent amount of power from his illusions of sorts.

Dreayth would tap his spear on his shoulder as he pondered, the pinkett had been making points this whole time despite being rather annoying. If what they were saying is true it might explain why the great dark one wanted to get rid of the ‘monster’ so badly.

Siding with the adventures also would give Dreayth the opportunity to rip through these pitiful villagers. He hoped that tearing through these illusions would feel like the real
deal. Erich would aim his gun at the great ones and the villayere, that trigger happy scientist had some guts as he shot at the dark one. His gun causing the monster to go up in flames.

“Thank you for the hand, Great one.” Dreayth would smirk as he turned towards the monstrous figure. The horned monster would thrust at the dark one with an excited grin plastered on his face. However as he was about to make his move the room would distort into a colorless tone followed by the emergence of another player.

“Ho-ho things just got complicated” Dreayth would smirk as the curvaceous monster gave him a wink. She must be a whole lot more powerful to notice his physiology that easily. Though, giving her more power did not seem like the proper move to do. Though whatever this interest was with the dark charm seemed to peak Dreayth’s interest.

“Change of plans Dark one. You have to go” Dreayth smirked as he charged at the barrier with reckless abandon. Once within range he would strike the barrier with monstrous might, attempting to reach what was hiding behind.

[COLOR=#F4BBFF“Yo pinky, it’s time to fight for happiness. Make the right choice.”[/color]

1.Use Fast F to get within range of the barrier.
2. Using Relentless assault on barrier (Fighting Style E, Penetrating F, Athletics F)Cooldown 1 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes the barrier with his spear in an attempt to break it.
Basic attack on the barrier
3. Basic attack on the barrier

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense

The sight of the being being wounded by enrich was truly a masterclass act. Even with he cries of the Serpent..Valen would admit, He was mostly concerned for himself at the moment. Valen would look around with a face of amazement, actually seeing everything stop in place. A world of gray and black, this was new and different. A different feeling to the village of shaodws and blue from before. He rose his head to stare at the monstrous woman that appeared. He sweated and wondered if he had just brough a ally of the Storyteller to bay...but then she spoke. He didn't trust a word out of her mouth, but he could recognize one emotion. Greed and a desire..for freedom. He could work with that. Two prisoners trapped under the same jailer.

He would look at he dice in amazement and even at the words from the storyteller say "Not much of a choice here! About to kill us all off, and now you say we side with you? HAH!...If the only way to get out of here is take the aid of a chaotic spirit?..So be it. But not you. You want some major character death? Me too. I want to see you become nothing. How does it feel to have your play become a comedy of you huh? Lets see."

Valen would look at the tall monster woman. He would huff and shiver as he looked at the abomination in his eyes. He then said "I don't care about your trust or who you respect at the moment. Your dice have been the only thing not under his control...We both want something out of this, I trust that. Save us, I will do my best to prevent you from, uh going backstage again. But we must act NOW!" He would grab the dice and then he would grab the hand of the tall monster like woman. he would roll the dice "In the confusion, villager and monster alike charged each other. Let there be chaos..so a certain yellow eyes adventurer could escape and find his employer with another...And" He pauses and looks at Enrich and then at Zahrah . Then at Dreayth charging. It could go anyway. Valen tightened his grip on the monster woman...Maybe he was making a mistake, but there was no time to hesitate now."The villagers would protect the adventures and snake in this battle. Realizing they are their only hope in this madness. Let Act 2 begin. Intermission over." He could at least try to help his party.
Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Draeyth SixSense SixSense | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Languages: Common | %Analog% | #Abyssal# |

It was amazing to hear someone like Erich back them up. Surely Erich was one of the world's most smartest and cleverest people if he know it all so well. “Indeed! We should make the story all about how horny everyone could be if we just set our minds to it and do the hormones!” They would back up that amazing plan.

“Yes, or perhaps that of mothers and fathers and parental figures in general!” They would state to Erich. “I'm sure that has to be it!” They were glad that Erich understood how logical that conclusion was.

They puffed up their cheeks at hearing Valen's words. “NEVER! I won't let go of the sad snake again! We can end it in a much better way than giving the storyteller what he wants!” Hearing Valen's conclusion, they'd protest. “NOOO! That's... wait, I mean YES! Break time!” They figured that might work, maybe, perhaps.

“I strive to make people happy! That's what I was made for! If making them hornier makes them happier, which it should, I'll make them as horny as I can!” They would confidently reply to the storyteller. “What? You captured miss Giovanna?!? THAT'S MEAN!” They'd reply, upset again.

“I'm as real as I am, you meanie!” They flawlessly argued back against the storyteller. “Reality as a concept is subjective. You can say one plus one is two, but is mathematics even real? Of course not! It's just a bunch of rules that we made up and decided upon. Yet I'm here, I can be touched! You can hear me! I'm more real than mathematics, which means that I'm also more real than the story you're trying to enforce upon us, because that's something we can't even agree upon, whilst we can agree on mathematics, which means that you can't try to story-tell me what to do!” They concluded their flawless argument.

“You're the one that's out only for himself and not even wanting to work through his issues with his parental figures in the past! I offered you to talk, but you keep being mean! You're the evil one here!” They would reply next.

They had no clue what was going on, but arrows didn't really scare them for better or worse. That said, they did hear one thing that sounded brilliant. “Therés a Dark Charm in the sad snake!?! I'll get it out! That would ensure he won't be sad again, right?” With that in mind, they would use their [Fall to Pieces] racial ability to fall into many cotton-bits, hoping to somehow enter the sad snake through its mouth, or wounds, or otherwise, they they could go look for this 'Dark Charm' inside of it.

[Special Movement [Fall to Pieces] F - your body can disassemble as part of an action in order to navigate various obstacles and attacks. While disassembled or in process of disassembling, you can still move.

The bits of them that were still floating around outside the spirit recognised the spider woman, which shocked them a lot. “OH, wow, miss!!! You look SOO MUCH like my mommy!” They replied, shocked. “Are you like my aunt or older sister or second mommy or something?” They wondered for a moment.

They puffed up their cheeks. “You're all being mean and playing mean games here! I'm starting to think someone locked you all here because you're all bad for happiness! However, you storyteller person, have been the meanest of the mean! The fertility goddess and spider mommy are at least somewhat nice to us and don't try to force us through all these mean stories!”

Considering a dice had been dropped before them and those seemed to do stuff, they would roll it. Because that's how things seemed to work. They didn't really put much more thought into it right now.

They had no clue what the shirtless exhibitionist was planning, but his words confused them. “I've been trying to fight for happiness this whole time, but they make it really difficult because nobody else seems to care!” They complained.

F – 0/0

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Seeing the success of his shot, a smirk tugged at the corner of Erich's lips. Upon the Great Dark One's protests of being assaulted in his own domain, the tinkerer raised his open, gloved left hand. "Nykkon Conglomerate's General Manual clearly states: 'whenever diplomacy cannot be achieved, or seen as a waste of resources-slash-time, violence must be employed: varying from causing grievous wounds to extermination, scorched earth tactics included'." His speech was a practiced one, reciting the contents of said book verbatim from memory.

Despite the graveness and insanity of the whole situation, a lighthearted expression was kept in Erich's face. His free hand moving to snap his goggles on top of his eyes, as the villagers were kept at bay by the threat of being shot by him. "Any further step will be faced with deadly force. No further warning will be given." He announced, the seriousness of his voice attempting to convey that he had no problem in setting the whole village alight, illusion or not.

With his hazel eyes drifting back to the Great Dark One, they narrowed, taking notice of the scarecrow-like puppets surrounding him from each side, as well as the dark barrier which now found itself protecting the narrator. His mind began racing with thoughts on how he would deal with that, when suddenly the world turned gray, the extras in this play freezing in time and another figure emerging. "Mmmm..." Muttering quietly to himself, he looked as the female proposed a new deal. While there must have been some nuanced catch or small clause on what she was offering, it was not for him to consider, no. That proposal appeared to have been done to Valen alone.

Setting his sights on the Great Dark One once more, his objective was clear. Seeing Dreayth charge the creature, Erich brought up his Danger Vaporizer up once more. However, instead of aiming directly at the Great Dark One, he aimed slightly at its side, away from his shield, hoping the [Area E] from his attack would end up having enough reach to hit them. Bringing the dial on his laser-shooting apparatus down a notch, making it let out an audible click, he squeezed the trigger once more.


The same anti-climatic sound left the toy-looking gun and the crimson beam shot about 5ft to the creature's side.

1 - Take aim at the side (about 5ft) of the Great Dark One
2 - Amped Up! - Fighting Style D, Range E, Blight [Flames] F, Area E, Selective E, Deflect E -> Overcharged shot from Erich's Danger Vaporizer, with 30ft Range and 15ft Area. If used on in a counter-attack, reduces the effectiveness of the attacking stat by 2. Cases extra +1 flame damage on hit - Grade D Cooldown 2 posts (Selective E targeting the Great Dark One and his puppets exclusively) - 14 Base Effectiveness + 1 damage [Flames] - 2 to the stat effectiveness if counter-attacked.

C - 1/3
D - 0/2
SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob
The Dark Narrator was getting a little fed up of Zahrah's constant jabbering over absolute nonsense, he was feeling a desire to eliminate their purely to shut her up at this point. Huffing and sighing, he rolled his non-existent eyes at their comments and talking back.
"What is with you and talking about ones' lack of parental love? I didn't deep-dive into your parental history, but it surely sounds like you are very much projecting and overcompensating. Nobody had a need to bring up about your lack of parental love, considering you talk all about this 'horniness' and 'goddesses' and these 'motherly spiders', that you may be in desperation of real parenthood yourself. Let me make this clear, you are a doll, an artificial object. Your life will never be truly equal to others, you are not deserving of parental love, you are not biologically related to anyone and not a real being. In fact, I don't think I want to hear another irritating word out of your ungrateful little mouth" he answered in a spiteful tone, snapping his fingers as some very faint pulse of energy took place inbetweenst him and Zahrah. He sighed with a voluntary moment of peace. Though Zahrah and everyone else would likely notice no difference after the spell had been casted whatsoever.

With the doll going ahead to search inside the serpent, they'd find... in honesty, a whole lot of nothing. It felt rather cold and lifeless inside, not very 'snakey' or 'organic creature-y' in the slightest. In fact, it felt more like thick woven linen and wood more than anything. Quite spacious even, maybe Giovanna would struggle with her height but could manage, there was somehow probably enough space for the whole squad to fit in here, yet there was nothing at all of interest to find on the inside. Their dice would... do absolutely nothing. Nothing happened. She could just leave the apparently useless dice, or take them again just in case.

"Yes, much better. Now where was I? Disposing of the lot of you, as far as I can remember. Fellow prop-dolls, do work please" the Narrator continued. With a gesture to the six dolls that had formed from the villagers, they slowly moved to life even in the grey-scale frozen world as some of them scraped and scratched their long claws at the frozen-in-time villagers as they passed with some even being pierced directly into.

Withholding his barrier in expectation that he would remain safe, his attention turned back to Dreayth as the monster had made a change of plans. Being a little distracted and too delayed to react to his fast attack, he hoped his barrier would be enough only to find that his power was already being strained with the illusionary world and that a formidable barrier for such a frontal assault would break through it with ease. Though, he was able to react and grab the tip of the spear before Dreayth could properly wound him. The force of Dreayth's weapon being grabbed by the Narrator's hand made an audible grind and scrape, not sounding like it was grabbed by of anything smooth or fleshy as his weapon clearly grinded and was not so immediately stopped by his grasp. A light huff came from the Dark One as he glared to Dreayth.

"And for a moment I found you respectable, yet in the face of pride does one show their true colors. Such a disappointment I will have to get rid of you too" he answered directly to the face of his attacker, though before he could respond he had eyed Erich taking aim again. Quickly lifting his hand to project another barrier, said last-second protective spell wouldn't do much to help as the impact area of Erich's shot had burst and found its way onto the Dark One as sparks had found their way onto him and ignited in small amounts. Hissing and trying to furiously pat them out while trying to simultaneously hold Dreayth at bay, he answered back.

"You are all animals, vicious evils in my OWN domain!" he uttered back over being attacked by multiple people.
The greyed-out Spiderlady just looked to Zahrah with rather confusion over the things they were saying, it wasn't exactly one of the first things she was expecting to hear over suddenly revealing herself to some strangers in a haunted theatre performance. Just deciding to give a light pat on Zahrah's head, she smiled.
"Whichever is most joyful for you, although I know for one thing that I'm not as deceptive and manipulative as this corrupted storyteller, or that lying witch supposed 'goddess' that you speak of. I'm sure she said that to try and get such false lies into your head, but she's a demon and anything but a 'goddess'. Now if you'd excuse us, I'm sure all of us have a date with destiny that we could at least be on time for... " she answered, extending her hand and taking hold of Valen's to put trust that whatever his dice roll was would be beneficial to them.

Though at the roll of Valen's dice, an eerie silence would fill the area as the quiet sound of cracking and creaking would could be heard. Even the Dark Narrator hesitated momentarily in his movements as he looked in the direction of Valen and the Spiderlady who was rather fine with what may have been happening. After a brief moment, the six living dolls behind them that had been making contact and striking at the villagers they passed had somewhat gotten frozen with them and turned back to a full grey as their magical repossession by the Narrator lost effect. In a way, the villagers were holding back the dolls if unintentionally.

Followed by this, the creaking grew louder until a crack and dark void opened up in the area in front of them just underneath Valen's dice of which would fall into said pitch-black pit. The illusion had broke open, a dark and dusty cobweb tunnel visible through an unnatural distorted opening in the floor that appeared to be continuing to make audible cracking as it grew wider. The illusionary floor turned to normal rubble and stage-wood as some of it fell off and down into the pitch black abyss.

"Your next act is down there, for you and your friends. If you wish to find your minotaur companion, you'll need to go down there. It is safe, I promise, I require your assistance more than anything. I warn that this room will only become more unstable by the minute, this... 'theatre', is nothing more of jokester's sandbox. I believe continued fighting here would not be safe, I would recommend for the safety of all to jump into the hole" the Spiderlady answered, gesturing and urging for Valen to take the leap into the slowly expanding abyss. The Dark Narrator grew frustrated at the sight of this and, with some effort, shoved Dreayth back.

"That is ENOUGH! You will not all intervene and ruin my own place longer!" he yelled, although all would be able to hear and feel an uncomfortable rumbling around the room for a mere moment. Some might notice or feel what felt like... dust, or loose gravel and stones, raining from the sky for a moment. Trying to rest a hand over his countless burn injuries, he pushed up his hand and Dreayth would feel himself forced some steps back by yet another barrier that he only withheld for a moment. Then, he prepared both hands clasped together as an ominous dark-orange aura coalesced and grew within his palms.

"If you will not leave me in peace, or die in peace, then I will obliterate body and soul of you all even if it kills me, it will be worth it. You all have nowhere to run or hide, accept your fate!" the Dark Narrator spoke aloud, and projected forth a spell that visibly culminated from behind him. A large, growing wave of dark magic that swept over the trees and around objects leaving what looked like corrupting and burn marks on the outside of everything it touched. He recoiled and shrieked as it past him, but he was willing to attempt to endure it for such a magical tidal wave would move its way towards everyone.

"There is at least one place to go. You can all enter the hole, it might be a detour, but it's one I will be able to help guide the way. He will not follow you down here, and you will be safe, you just have to trust me. There isn't enough time to wait around" the Spiderlady spoke to all, gesturing to the void-hole in the floor.

As said large spell had been casted, it visibly looked like the world was slowly starting to turn back to colour proceeding the spell. Zahrah would be able to hear a familiar voice of said 'goddess' albeit it was very faint and feeble.

"You... cannot leave Zahrah, you may not find your way back. You have to convince them otherwise, the other spirit-lady... is another deceptive liar. There are no others you can trust here but me. You can think of something, young bright one, you and your friends' odds are not impossible... the Dark Charm is in the heart of the Narrator, the only truth the other lying specter speaks, is that he won't follow you down there..." they spoke, though only the doll would be able to hear said words.​
Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Draeyth SixSense SixSense | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Languages: Common | %Analog% | #Abyssal# |

They were shocked to hear Erich's words. “Do you really think that we can no longer talk it out? That violence is the only thing that can still be best for happiness? My protocols says that [Nuclear Warfare] … wait, what is that? I mean, that violence is the very last resort to ever, ever use!” They wanted to double-check, just to be safe.

The Dark One confused them a lot. “My dad spent hours a day for years, trying to program and perfect my code, whilst a humanoid dad just deliver the needed biological information into the female in a matter of minutes. I believe that should mean my dad is more of a dad to me than that of most organics is.” They reasoned their flawless logic.

“Meanwhile, my mommy created this amazing body for me. It's got all sorts of cottony goodness and it totally neat and magical! With humanoids, the body just comes out as it is after being carried for nine months or something... which is weird.” They nodded to themselves.

“Even if I don't deserve parental love, I've had lots of it! I wish I could say the same for you, cause you also need it, it seems. I feel sorry for you.” They stated, feeling a tad sad for the poor Sad Dark One narrator Storyteller thingy.

As they explored the snake, they realised the truth. The real snake was dead. It had been long ago. This was just a fake, meant to make them relive trauma. How mean.

Turning to the spider lady, her answer confused them. “Whichever is most joyful? I think the truth would be the most joyful!” Or so they hoped. “The fertility goddess is lying? That'd be mean.” They were shocked at that revelation. “A date? OHHH! I like dates! Those are good for happiness! I'm not sure who Destiny is though. Are they nice?”

Upon a hole forming, they were confused. “Go down there? I'm not sure if I want too...” They mumbled. Jumping into holes was usually not the greatest for happiness. “I feel sad for this angry guy with parental issues.” They stated, upon hearing the storyteller rant more.

As they heard the fertility goddess, they figured they'd share their wisdom. “The fertility goddess is asking to take the Dark Charm out of the heart of the Narrator! She does say some mean things about spider-mommy being a liar and deceiver, but they all say that about each-other, so I don't know! However, I do think we should do what she says. This Dark Charm thing sounds bad and perhaps the Narrator might be happier if we get rid of it!” They stated, glad to have finally found the goal they should all accomplish.

“So I say we go get that Dark charm out of the Narrator's Heart and then we'll be rid of the Darkness and all the sad stuff and we can be happy!” They were sure the others would understand the need for it and all that. “If you all open up some holes or something, I'm going to see if I can enter him!” They would share their flawless masterplan, as they would [Fall to Pieces] and would attempt to float/get into the wounds/openings that the others might wish to create in it by dealing some damage or something.

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

Hearing Zahrah, Erich nodded towards them. "We have reached a boiling point which, according to protocol, cannot be solved with only words. However... it doesn't seem to be the point of [Nuclear Warfare]..." He said, a bit pensive to the doll. "... we do seem to be lacking warheads for it, at any rate." And maybe, that was good. Who knew if Erich wouldn't go nuclear if he had the chance?

The rather curvy spider monster offered a way out for them, a pitch-black hole for them to go through. However, the inventor had his suspicions if just plunging into it would be a good idea. Furthermore, for the Great Dark One to be actively trying to fight off both him and Dreayth, the monster having being wounded from the attacks, it seemed he was on the right path. Violence has always been the most direct and effective form of conflict resolution, at any rate.

And then, as the dark, corrupting spells expanded and travelled throughout the scenery, affects everything in sight, the Great Dark One included, Zahrah began sharing her talks with a fertility goddess. "A fertility goddess... sounds like someone who can get their hands on those hormones we need!" He exclaimed, remembering about their side project, before going back to the matters at hand. "That sounds like a good plan!" Another click left his Danger Vaporizer, Erich bringing down the deal once more. With the laser gun recharging, its more destructive capabilities would be available for use once more.

Keeping his aim exactly where it was previously, he would squeeze the trigger once more, the crimson, thin beam leaving the very tip of the recoilless weaponry. And with it, a new sound accompanied it. He had the same idea in mind, targeting close enough to the Great Dark One and have its [Area E] reach it.


He would then shift, aiming directly at the narrator and squeezing the trigger once more, following it with a basic attack.



1 - Amped Up! - Fighting Style E, Range E, Blight [Flames] F, Area E, Selective E, Deflect E -> Overcharged shot from Erich's Danger Vaporizer, with 30ft Range and 15ft Area. If used on in a counter-attack, reduces the effectiveness of the attacking stat by 2. Cases extra +1 flame damage on hit - Grade E Cooldown 2 posts (Selective E targeting the Great Dark One and his puppets exclusively) - 13 Base Effectiveness + 1 damage [Flames] - 2 to the stat effectiveness if counter-attacked.
2 - Take aim directly at the Great Dark One.
3 - Basic attack against the Great Dark One.

C - 2/3
D - 1/2
E - 0/1


Mentions: Femboy Femboy Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense

Valen would huff and then say to the others "Get the Charm if you can, I am going down there to look for Giovanna! If I perish..well my fault." Valen says as he takes a grin on his face. No true option that stood out to him, all options seemed to lead to disaster. Maybe this was all driving them mad, as the others were still talking of Hormones and a fertility goddess. Maybe they were all being messed with. But Valen gave his word., He would get the charm for Giovanna..and he would aid this spider spirit. Time to skip out on this show. He takes the curvy spider woman's hand and leaps into the pitt. "Charms, spirits, goddesses..I just want to get out and get that coin!"

Valen felt an ounce of reason before he went into the darkness. He realized this might not be the best idea. Yet after everything, all the forces at work and the turmoil his mind and body have gone through. Well he decided to see if he could make his own path. In the dark abyss. He descended, passing through cobwebs and waving his arms about wildly.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy

Dreayrh would grin widely as the narrator intercepted his spear, pleased that this fight wouldn’t be as easy as he had believed.

“Why yes as I am very prideful, my decision was based more logically. Why would I align myself with the losing side. Seems like you’re on your way out the door partner.” Dreayth would laugh in the dark one’s face even as it held his spear hostage.

Dreayth would heed onto Zahrahs words on violence, “well this plane seems to be imploding as we speak so violence seems appropriate!” The monster would shout as he attempted to wretch his spear free from the dark one. He would feel the force of the barrier force the monster back while also freeing his spear in the process. Perhaps he couldn’t counter attack at the moment because of Erich.

“Yo cube cradler! You want to follow a lusty spider demon into a dark void, be my guest but leave the dice behind!” Dreayth called out to Valen in the heat of battle. Perhaps it was too late as the guy had already fell prey to his desires.

“Keep raining down fire on him, don’t give this dirty monster an inch!” Dreayrh smiled deviously as he brung his spear up for another attack. “You want some holes Zahrah? Well I’ll turn this guy into cheese for ya!” The dark one smirked as he began to attack the monster once more with his spear, Dreayth would jab his spear without rest at the monster as he envisioned the dark one full of holes from his spear.

1. Using Relentless assault on barrier (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F )Cooldown 0 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes the barrier with his spear in an attempt to break it.
2. Relentless assault F (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F )
3. Relentless assault F (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F )
Elvario Elvario Sir Mayday Sir Mayday SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob
"Hmhm, a good choice... I would suggest you all should do the same, but it seems you're willing to subject yourself to your fate in combat like this. Your collective loss" the Spiderlady spoke to the others who were clearly making the choice to not come down the hole. She briely looked to Zahrah who spoke to her.
"I do think you must be very much confused, but I am truly telling the truth. That 'Charm' can be gotten later, it's not exactly going to go anywhere. Besides, if I had to guess then this supposed 'theater' might end up collapsing in on itself anytime soon, that storyteller's using a whole lot of magic that's touching and messing with the walls and ceilings that I doubt the place will last long. But if you want to crawl your way out of rubble, that's your funeral... " she added to all as she held onto Valen's hand and let him pull her down with him without much detest as they had both dropped into the opened hole that fell into the dark. Valen would find himself passing through cobwebs and what felt like a descending tunnel of stone and dirt with the air stuffed with dust particles. To others presently above, they would fall inaudible and out of sight as they dropped down below to where only Valen would find out when he eventually hit the bottom.

The Narrator appeared to completely ignore all that Zahrah had to say, having enough of it as he grew more frustrated with all that was happening. He was shaking his fists by his side at the fact that Valen and the Spiderlady had went and descended into the opened hole, focusing his attention on those who remained in order to make sure that none of them would be allowed to get away from his own wrath. Before he could properly say anything or defend himself, Dreayth's attacks would find their mark as there was no remaining barrier for the Narrator had relinquished it in order to channel and cast his dark wave spell. His weapon would pierce and penetrate into the being's body, not thrusting into anything flesh-like or organic but rather into what seemed like rotting wood, cloth and other shoddy old materials. He would find his attacks making a clinking noise and being obstructed around what may have been the main skeleton of it, clearly something made of a strong metal working as a skeleton.

Followed up by Erich's shot from his weapon, another shot would find its mark on the Narrator as any remarks or words of anger spoken from him would appear to no longer be spokenf from his part. The outside of his being at this point had sparked and started alight of which he clearly no longer held the strength to fight against it. If it weren't for the control of the impact area on Erich's part, the friendly fire to Dreayth likely wouldn't have been so kind. But with the Narrator being both set alight, fired and struck into from multiple sources, all that emitted was a husky and gravelly breath.

It slumped forward, at this point clearly just trying to grasp and claw into Dreayth with long fingers of one of its though it was more just slumping its heighty weight onto him at this point. While it partly remained on fire, a grotesque compound of rotting and mouldy materials that had been used to put it together were visibly blackened and even partly melted looking on the inside. One thing that was very clear was an internal glow that was mostly barricaded and surrounded by some sort of dark-coloured metal cage in place of a ribcage. It's free hand was obscured, but it clearly reached into the inside of its body.

Zahrah would find themselves able to get in with the given openings, albeit the inside of the Narrator thing was very dirty and unhygienic. On the deepest, darkest parts of its inside Zahrah's fallen apart pieces would be able to seep through. Surrounding her was a cacophany of deep, struggling breathing noises as she would be able to tell that a hand of the Narrator was poking and digging around inside likely looking for the charm itself. Being able to pass the metallic literal rib-cage that protected its inside, Zahrah would be able to notice the despicable dark trinket that had been so long spoken of in all of its rather unsettling and evil glory.

It... it was a turtle. It was a very little glass turtle. It was probably questionable why it was a turtle, but the key point at hand was the Narrator's hand that had managed to seep into its body and started lying its dirty fingers across the little glass creation. Strange mouldlike substance slowly seeped onto it and stuck as it had pulled it out directly in front of the fragmented doll's awareness. It'd be too small for anyone else to see the trinket, but the Narrator's arm would rather disgustingly string and fall off his body with it tightly clutched in the hand. It then, with its best ability somehow, tried to slowly crawl away from the scene.

The surrounding visuals were failing as it seemed like they were bound to return to their original surroundings at any moment, the light of the Narrator's gaze flashing once more as the unanswered dark wave of magic was forced forward onto the unprepared. Whilst Valen would be unaffected due to his descent into the pit, and Zahrah safe in the Narrator itself, Dreayth and Erich had not taken proper protective measures albeit the slumped over body of the Narrator would protect Dreayth a little. The two would feel the large magic wave pass them, causing what felt like internal pain and a hot searing feeling on the outside of their skin of which the agony along with it may have been much to bear.

But with said wave passed along with said pain, the Narrator's eye slowly faded out of having any light to it as his movement ceased and seeming more like some rotting, moulding creation that was still on fire. While it was hard to tell, everything around them was starting to lose its magical or illusional touch with their surrounded story slowly fading out of existence and the dolls that were brought to life slowly dropping to the floor lifelessly. The pit that had been opened by Valen still remained however, though most noticeably there was a lot more... gravel and loose stones falling from above on occasion.

And with the illusion finally dropping, a different sight awaited them. The theater, wasn't exactly how they would've remembered it. It was a lot more of a mess, the 'stage' they were on was a shoddy craftwork of a wooden elevated stage barely hold together with a big pitch-black drop of a hole in the middle likely the same where Valen had went off to. The rest of the room and seats were a complete mess, it looked more like a torn up camp or set up location rather than anything. The architecturally crafted walls had downgraded to nothing more than shoddy cavern walls, like a theater hadn't even been here in the first place. Some of the doorways still remained, specifically the one they used to come in, the one in the back that had not been explored, and the side one that Giovanna had originally went into. Although, they were replaced with doorless wooden arch-supports like you'd find in a mineshaft to keep structural integrity.

Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Down and down Valen would go, where would he land? Nobody knows, except the Spiderlady who had been brought down with him. It wouldn't actually be that long of a drop, and he'd end up somewhere unexpected. Landing on a setup and mass of multiple mattresses and pillows that looked so specifically put there to break ones' fall, the Spiderlady wouldn't even hit the bottom as she'd just float before reaching it and tenderly take her step down from being elevated in the air.
"See? I said it'd be fine. Some stages usually have drops underneath them because it works in certain plays of which the Narrator ghostie would've liked to have one of his own. Though clearly afraid of his 'props and actors', he'd thrown down a few soft things to help break the fall so nothing he dropped would break. He clearly didn't finish it though, and it just drops lower into caves. Though it's all part of the same place, we'll be out in no time on our way to finding your employer. In fact, I believe I can sense them rather close by, there may be time to reconvene with the rest of your friends if we get to it quickly, though maybe they'll make the intellectual choice to join us soon enough... " the Spiderlady spoke, gesturing to a certain direction of two. Offering her hand to help him up, she'd eye and tilt her head to gesture something near him. The two rigged '6' dice from before had fell down too, and were still with him for his own use.

"I can only imagine we are not fully clear out of the Narrator's 'plays' and 'stories' yet, but I am out of his woodworks now that I'm down here and away from his own control. What is your name, while I do not possess one for the Narrator does his best to not allow any of the spirits here identities so that he may 'cast us as he pleases', I'm feeling quite like a Delilah for the moment. Is there anything you'd want to know to help you understand all that's here?" she, well 'Delilah' asked as she held her hand out to help him up. Looking to the direction she felt they had to go, she added again.

"We should be off this way, the faster we do it then the faster there should be no trouble. Your friends may be in trouble still being in dangerous conflict, though I could only imagine how much worse things will get if they actually succeed. This tomb isn't prepared for a shift in the most powerful thing haunting here, much less if the place will still actually hold itself together structurally sound. I'm going to be honest, it's nice to see people that may be of use and help, but I couldn't even understand why anyone would want to come down here. It's a nightmare of make-believe twists and turns, I would've expected this place to stay unfound until every single one of us turned mad enough to somehow cease our existences" Delilah mentioned.​
Last edited:
Zahrah Fiore

Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Blue Cow Femboy Femboy | Draeyth SixSense SixSense | Erich Maxxob Maxxob | Valen Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
Languages: Common | %Analog% | #Abyssal# |

They'd nod at Erich. “We shall have to obtain those as well, in that case. I think. Make happy, use hormones, nuclear warfare if that fails?” They questioned their priorities for a moment. “Don't worry though, I still got my cotton head! Even if it's neither war-like or nuclear!”

Erich turned out to be as brilliant as they knew he was. “Of course! That's so clever! If anyone might get them, it'd be her! Cause fertility is like a hormonal thing, right?” Truly, working with such a brilliant mind was a wondrous pleasure to them.

Seeing Valen jump into the hole with spider mommy, they'd wave him off. “Have fun in the hole and see you later!” They would shout after him. They did notice one thing. “Oh my, they were holding hands! How lewd!” They would call out, embarrassed for their sakes. So brazen to do so publicly.

“Imploding? I forgot what that was, but it sounds fun!” They'd reply to Draeyth. “Oh, right, the dice! Gotta roll out them dices!” They stated, quoting some non-existent movie or something. Should they be able to grab their dice, they would do so and roll it. Just because those existed.

“The more holes, the better I can penetrate into him!” They would answer Draeyth. “I just hope I'll be getting deep enough!” That was probably the main concern.

“Don't worry, spider mommy, we'll make it out safely!” They promised. “Have fun with mister Valen!” They would call out to the spider mommy with some winks. Hand holding. The audacity.

Getting deep into Dark Narrator thing felt rather dirty. It also sounded like struggling and tortured souls. How evil and bad for happiness! To their surprise, they would eventually find something. “It's a tiny turtle! So adorable!” They were surprised something that adorable could be a Dark Charm. What a strange world they lived in.

As the hand got out and tried to run away with the Dark Charm, Zahrah got out as well and would try to catch it, stretching out their limbs (Elasticity E) to hopefully make enough distance to grab it. “That hand's got the charm! We gotta get the hand!” They'd inform the others of their utmost important mission.
Dreayth Dominatus Malus

Titles: Demon, Monster, Born for this, Offworlder
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Sir Mayday Sir Mayday Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario

Dreayth would lick his lips in satisfaction at his spear tearing the dark one into ribbons, however a bit dissatisfied that his body was lacking in flesh. Its moldy rotten corpse would leaks onto the monsters bare arms however little did it truly bother him. The void produced greater horrors and fouler stench to the point that the current experience would be called fresh air.

The wave of magical energy would Passover Dreayth with an annoying sear internally and externally. His body has been partially protected by the dark ones however his limbs were still exposed. The monster would grunt at the searing pain he felt within and externally, grinding his teeth as the magically energy assaulted him.

Zahrah would shout towards him that the arm was attempting to escape. The monster would grunt as he moved his body through the pain to look frantically for the worm attempting to escape.

“An insect trying to scatter around! Die with honor maggot!” Dreayth shouted, “Zahrah do not let him escape! Retrieve the turtle!” He called out.

Dreayth’s would prepare his spear once more for another mighty swing. His body was searing in pain as he moved forward and it was clear that he had sustained damage from how red his skin was. However his will was much stronger, the bloodlust in his eyes as he exhaled profusely. The monster would look around frantically for the arm slicking around and if he were to catch sight of it then he would rain down a [Relentless Assault].

1. Look for the arm running around
2. Use Fast F to get within range
3. Using Relentless assault on hand to skewer it (Fighting Style F, Penetrating F, Athletics F, Energized F )Cooldown 0 post - Dreayth repeatedly strikes the target with his spear
Valen would feel his heart in hsi throat as he feel. His body passing through cobwebs and dust, his already messy look going to new heights as he descended below. He wondered how far he would descend, into the depths of hell itself? He found out not so as he body crashed into mattresses and pillows. A cloud of dust and cobwebs would shoot into the air before descending. It seems Valen had arrived at the bottom of the abyss, and he was still alive.

He would burst into mad laughter, the exhiliration of being alive still filling his body. His alughter would die down to a chuckle as the spider woman spoke to him as she floated above him. He took a few deep breaths and sneezed, listening to her explain where they were. His eyes peered arond the darkness, trying to adjust to this sudden change from the chaotic stage above. "That...does make sense. Though I still am confused how you would be a prop or actor for him after all..this." He looks at her offered hand and takes it after a moment of hesitation. He pulls himself up and holds onto her hand. He looks up at the tall spider woman. "You seem like one that would..make their own employment."

He runs a hand through his hair and face, trying to clear off some of the dust and cobwebs. He coughs as he looks around. "I had guessed there would be more to do before we were free from this place. Lead me to Giovanna, let us get this done and both go our ways without that...Poor excuse of a Storyteller in our lives again." He would eye the dice and he grabbed them. He would roll them between his fingers and then he would walk beside the Spider woman. Occasionally glancing at her and studying her figure and face as she spoke. "Since you seem to be speaking some truths..and I am still alive, I shall say my name. Valen...I am just an adventurer." He would look down the cave and then say softly "Pleasure to meet you Delilah..a fine name. One for a star actress." He would shiver as he said as such, but as much as the woman unnerved him he would treat her with respect. She could have made him a meal already.

He had met fae and spirits before, but this one was very physical as she towered over him. Her limbs a constant reminder that she could pierce his body at any time. Yet she was aiding him. Likely for just for her own pursuits. But there was no other path to choose but the way Delilah was leading him.

As she explained that the whole theatre and depths were not structurally sound..Valen found himself moving closer to the Spider Woman's side bumping against her. "Oh I regret coming down here already. Trust me." Valen gave a dry chuckle.

"...But I am used to such places. Usually I go into them for treasures, relics..or just coin." Valen adds as he looks at the dark walls. "Trying to make ends meet, exploring." He then looks up at the woman and then he shakes his head "Actually it may seem I am not used to such places..never ran into so many spirits in one place. None like you or the Storyteller for sure."

He pauses letting his mind gather his thoughts "Tell me about yourself, let me know who I am making my bed with...What do you desire at the end of this other than freedom?" He then hums "And..the Storyteller is he a prisoner here as well? It seems like he would rather be anywhere else than this decrypt theatre. What holds you all here? Most of all, explain these dice."

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense Sir Mayday Sir Mayday

With the dark wave of energy passed through Erich, he would let out a loud grunt of pain, the burning sensation he felt inside his body, flaring his nervous systems, along with the scorching feeling on his skin. His face contorted in pain, as he was brought down into prone position, on his hands and knees, dropping his Danger Vaporizer in the process.

“%Warning. Unknown source of pain detected. Unable to administer anesthetics. Seeking medical aid is advised.%”

The monotone beeps and boops of his Hi-Tech Hurt Stopper advised him, yet the contraption could do little to ease his pain.

With sweat forming around his forehead, dropping onto the ground, ragged breathing and the corner of his eyes watering, the tinkerer pushed himself to his feet once more, with trembling hands and legs. Reaching into his coat, he would gather a small vial and insert it into the Hi-Tech Hurt Stopper, under his shirt [Healing F], hoping it would ease the effects on his red, somewhat raw skin, as well as bring up some energy to his weakened muscles.

Only then would he scoop his Danger Vaporizer from the ground, his vision still hazy and unfocused, being unable to carry with his assault for the moment.

1 - Recovered from prone.
2 - Used [Healing F] on himself.
3 - Picked up his dropped Danger Vaporizer.
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob SixSense SixSense
Erich's heal-tech thingamabob would work its not-really-magic magic on him a little as it would help ease up the pain suffered from the spell. It didn't seem like anything scarring or permanent, much more like just an infliction of pain and burning sensation than anything. Though, he'd start to feel a little better soon enough as he would start recuperating back to good feels. Whilst this was going on, Dreayth would be able to manage and push his way through the pain as his weapon found itself stabbing straight through the escaping hand of the dark Storyteller, it not making any sounds as it flailed and writhed around in pain and struggle. It would soon enough fall flat dead as its' hand would open revealing the little glass turtle in its' palm. Zahrah would be able to easily access the turtle and take hold of it, it having a light and tingly sensation within their hands. It tickled to the touch, but it was somewhat... pleasing, it was rather a shiny and pretty little turtle when viewed up close. After all was said and done, one thing was for certain... the Narrator that had been against them had fallen and was no more. Though they had obtained what it felt like they had been looking for, the location of their actual employer was a new mystery that had yet to be solved.

Where the theatre once was was now replaced with a cavernous mess of random objects and supplies. It didn't look at all like the place they originally showed up in, with the stage a shoddy and broken wooden platform with a large, cavernous hole in the centre. Though with said doorways from before replaced with mineshaft-esque supporting arches, there were no doors to block the ways. The way Giovanna had originally went and explored had lit torches among its suspicious corridor, of which may have been a question to Erich where she had gone even though she was waiting for him to bring them out.

Before the group could see or react much else, there'd be a distant yet quite loud and disturbing rumbling sound as the ground felt like it was lightly shaking. Without long, the entrance to the way they had came in crumbled with dust and gravel before slowly falling apart and collapsing with a blockage of rubble. Although they had what they were here for, the entrance was now blocked and they were missing of a key person to the mission. The rubble looked like it could be sifted through and moved with time, but considering they didn't know where Giovanna was, a matter of priorities would be a leading question.

Sir Mayday Sir Mayday
'Delilah' would take a peaceful smile to his sudden burst of laughter, a slight bit curious how he was taking such ease to a situation but trusting that he would likely make a viable candidate to help traverse the area. On the matter of being one to make her own employment, she hummed softly in thought for a moment and nodded.
"Yes, I too would think that. Which is why I'd rather not spend any unnecessary wasted time, I don't usually ever get to freely wander around like this, so I'd rather make the most of this time. At least I seem to be in company of someone brave enough to explore these depths, but I'll have time to get everything all said and explained as you wish" she answered with a soft smile, leading him along to where she said they should be going.

The End

... Until I post the second part, then it continues but in a different thread (I'll be replying to the last posts of this part in the next one).
Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
Femboy Femboy

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
Femboy Femboy
Highest - Standing A

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
A group of adventurers were hired, through an ad, by Giovanna. Hearing about a magical item that might be lurking inside an underground, abandoned theater, the adventurers were tasked to help her explore said theater and help her recover said item. The group arrives at the place, having to face puzzles to get entry to it. Eventually, a spirit-like entity, acting as a Narrator, ends up dragging them into an alternate dimension (either an illusion, mind control or pocket dimension) in which they have to be actors in a play. Eventually the group manages, albeit being split, to defeat the Narrator and get out of the first 'layer' of this alternate dimension, ending up in another one. And, as the group navigate through different difficulties, they are eventually 'expelled' from this alternate dimension by the Narrator, being threatened if they dared to come back.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
The RP ended up before the goal could be achieved. So the goal as neither accomplished nor failed.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)
None occurred.

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
None, most of the RP takes place in a confined space.

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)
  • None

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)
  • None

Full-Time Participants
List all full-time participants, including:

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)

  • Recommendations in the next part.

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • None

Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).
  • None

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).
  • None

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
  • None

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

  • None

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
Narrative rules?

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Nothing changed as far as lore is concerned.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)

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