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Active [???- Widersia?] Into the tunnel against the Trumpet!: Creatorโ€™s trials III


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
Out of Character:
This roleplay is a part of the Isekai Hell roleplay community in RPnationโ€™s hosted projects. Interested in joining? Click here to find out more. Things to note about this roleplay:

1. ADVANCED RULES will be put into place. Not familiar with them? Iโ€™ll teach them. Any questions involving them? Ask away.
2. Custom rules will be implemented for traps and puzzles.
3. Narration posts are every THURSDAY! of the week between 8pm -10pm MST/MDT if there is a delay players will be modified by the narrator.
4. This roleplay will be two months long and precisely Eight rounds.
5. COMMUNICATION IS ENCOURAGED. Two weeks of no communication and complete ghosting will get the character booted from this rp. Being kicked can be avoided by communicating things.
6. If a round goes by and no one has posted this roleplay will get an early conclusion.
7. this is a continuation of this roleplay and this one too!
8. Creative liberties were taken with this post.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Keircey: Cut ties with Diago luniary and (most) of his โ€˜siblingsโ€™, get rid of wanted title
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze โ€œYufiโ€ Fujiho: Reduce wanted title, Kill Diago, try to redeem Roy
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Lauren Linn: build business relations
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Demeter: get increased experienced in the Widersia Adventurerโ€™s guild, help her friend Keircey, Behead Lorelai and keep their head to put on their wall as a trophy (not exactly in that order)
Hecotoro Hecotoro Moo: N/A (Learn advanced rules and the world around her?)
Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Kenzo Takamura: understand the world more, go adventuring, test out abilities
heartspan heartspan Asahi Fukijiwa: reduce wanted title

The tunnel spanned forward into several different tunnels, some easily more illuminated with working lightbulbs, others had lights that were unstable, flickering like the beat of a heart. Others had no light at all being engulfed by pure, treacherous darkness. Music played, the sound of a trumpet where if hailed from was difficult to determine despite this the unmistakable sound of clatter followed it. The sound of liquid dripping onto the floor oozing from who knows where could be seen as well as the sight lf the reflective puddles. The tunnel was made out of pure stone with broken cart rails on the ground.
IMG_0455.png Keircey turned his head around in a desperate attempt to locate anything, though he lacked in programming the skill to navigate, after all what android would need it? The first thing that he noticed, that came to mind.

โ€œYufi do you know where Koralia went?โ€ He asked confused.

It was bad enough in the studio that people were fainting left and right, now they lost one of the people who had stuck it out that far. Koralia was on the stage with them wasnโ€™t she? He sighed. โ€œI suppose it doesnโ€™t matter. Lorelai is playing their trumpet. Andโ€ฆnow I suspect Roy wasnโ€™t warning us about the construct orcas, the appearance of the Trifecta. Or even Scrapped up Circeโ€ฆโ€

He sighed and pulled out the red fileโ€”He found it on the floor before Amelia had been removed from the facility. Similar with the White one. They didnโ€™t have Cyrusโ€™s but he doubted they would need it considering Koralia ate him. โ€œYou figure we should read Lorelaiโ€™s folder?โ€

Keircey pondered if it was possible for them to have been followedโ€”or how many tunnels were exists..or enterances to those unlucky enough to stumble into one from the outside. Would adventurers who see the job in the guild even join to investigate anymore or try and fail when they realize they are unable to get past Royโ€™s security?

โ€œI suggest we stay on guard and plan, who knows what is in this tunnel or where it leads. I know I am unfamiliar with it.hmโ€ฆwhich direction do you think we should go?โ€ He asked Yufi turning his head around the place.

If anyone new stumbled in nere and didnโ€™t know what they were doing he pitied them.

Last edited:

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyoโ€‹

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ,

Yufi would walk just a step behind Keircey. The tunnel was annoying to say the least, the constant sound of some music and a trumpet playing, the flickering of the lights. And the water droplets were slowly driving Yufi crazy. Or well crazier than she already was.

Yufi was confused at Keircey's question, even saying. "She is right behind me." She said as she turned around, finding no Koralia behind her.... "Well.... Frack all kinds of duck..." She said clearly irritated, before turning back to Keircey. "How is she gone... I did not hear her falling into any traps. She definitely followed us into the tunnels... Did she go into a different tunnel maybe?"

"Yeah probably. It's better to know what we are fighting. Especially if Roy wasn't warning us of them but of her."
She would reply to Keircey. As she began using her Third Eye Technique to try and find anyone within her sixth sense and identify them. Ultimately, trying to find Koralia but finding anyone really would be a good thing down here.
"I do not know. I could try sensing something, though I know which way we came from, so at least we won't go that way." Yufi would say as she tried to look around and find someone, anyone, or at least the way forward.
Third Eye Technique - Sixth Sense {Presence of living beings} [F], Appraisal [E], Energized [E] - Yufi focuses on one's presence around her allowing her to use appraisal on them, even though they aren't in her field of vision. - Grade [E] - 0 Post Cooldown
Asahi Fujikawa

Asahi Fujikawa, was not an official adventurer, however he had some luck with those of the fairer persuasion, and on occasion such good fortune paid out dividends in some form or another. This was supposed to be one such occasion. A fine young lady had introduced him to a job of sorts, and one that could even help to get the candy witches ( or were they candy fairies???), whatever they were off his dang back. Like, how was he supposed to know that his seduction wouldn't work on them? Dang it, it always worked in anime no matter how high level the target!!!

Nevertheless, Asahi stopped to consider his predicament. He had followed the directions on the job listing, but somehow he had failed to run into anyone else. He was now deep in some tunnel and were it not for his dark vision he might be in even more dire straits. This was clearly the work of the bad luck goddess, or as he had come to understand the luck goddess generally, at least according to the priest type he had spoken to in Ryken when last he was there. A finicky goddess was not at all a being he wanted bothering him overly much, though she had led him to his first time in Widersia, and that should have been great. It wasn't though, at least not at the current moment.

He stood at a y-shaped fork in the path, one led downward and into further darkness and the other led to some sort of lighted room. He racked his brain hard trying to determine which would be the best way to go, and all the while some damn trumpet noise hung in the air just loud enough to distract the boy. He shook his head in annoyance. What the heck was there to think about? He damn sure wasn't going down deeper into the dark, at least not by choice.

" What the fuck am I doing??" He mumbled to himself quietly as he started making his way toward the light.

Before long he emerged into a lit tunnel. To his left was more tunnel. To the right, a few paces away, stood a fellow clearly of a robotic persuasion. Behind him, a beautiful but dangerous looking girl. The sight so stunned Asahi that he shouted out a greeting without even thinking.

" Ahoy!!!" He shouted in surprise. Continuing a few heart beats later with another gem. " This wouldn't happen to be that venerable house of ill repute known as the upturned skirt would it?"

He pulled up his mana in preparation for an attack, and dearly hoped his sudden comments would distract the two long enough to give him time to properly defend himself. Then again, in the back of his head he could almost hear the luck goddess laughing in amusement at the shit storm he may just have stumbled into. He swallowed hard, and hoped for the best.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor

Moo had visited tons of caves in her younger days. Heck, she had tried to hibernate in them a handful of times too. Usually, when exploring such places, she would end up finding paths too small for her to follow or too dark. In this case though, the cave kept going and going and going, as if the structure was designed for folk to just keep on walking. Now, walking didn't bother the deer woman, in fact she loved it! But, walking randomly with no direction, wasn't as fun. In fact, it was boring, really boring. The only thing that kept Moo going was one thing.

"Can't wait to see dat bird." She told herself as the singing of some exotic creature filled the lonlely tunnels. "Never herd sumtin laikit. Must'be won of em... whachu callitt... exortic birds, yeh dats it. Wonder if's a mattin call, poor dan ain't gonna find a purry girl here!" She laughed to herself. Why did she always say the silliest things when nobody was around to laugh with her?

As Moo walked with confidence after being told that exploring caves and drawing out the maps, whatever that was, she noticed a dim light up ahead. It was possible that the exotic bird was being held captive by humans, they're always locking up innocent animals. Or maybe it was just some friendly people that could tell Moo what drawing a map meant. As she walked closer the sight of some people became more clear. They mostly looked normal and no exotic bird with them.

"Is dis were we get em drawer maps?" Moo asked proudly, as if she had achieved something. "My name's Moo, mah friends call meh Moo. Y'all seen some exortic bird round here? Been'ah heerin it for-ah bit."


Several hours prior...โ€‹

Lauren arrived in Widersia after having spent a couple weeks in the Fae See digging for information, her enchanted cloak draped over her as she consulted her map. It was cheap and bought second hand, but it at least contained some insight as to where the small technological nation's mines and caverns would likely be located. The former of which she needed to locate in hopes of negotiating deals with whoever oversaw the operation. Thanks to some help she found in town on her way to the mines, she managed to arrange a tour of the mines to see what they produced. She was in luck for the most part, as the mine regularly excavated metals such as Iron, Copper, Aluminum, and other absolute necessities for the goal she had in mind. Though...

The cave in occurred shortly after they reached the bottom of the mines, leaving her barely enough time to deploy her [Holographic Great-Shield] to protect herself and the mines owner from the falling debris...

Once the dust had settled she quickly found their only immediate escape sealed off, though the cave in also revealed a previously unexplored cavern leading deeper underground. With little other options to choose from, the two of them reluctantly delved deeper.


Lauren quietly and cautiously lead the mine owner Faro deeper into the depths, with the hood of her cloak brought down to avoid snagging it on the low hanging stalactites dangling from the cavern ceiling. Despite the situation being somewhat dire and the tension in the air, she focused on finding a way out while looking out for potential hazards. One thing that was disconcerting however was the faint sound of music playing further ahead, accompanied by the sound of someone playing the trumpet. The further ahead they proceeded the more the cavern closed in around them, gradually becoming less a cave and more of a tunnel leading to who knows where. She gave Faro a brief curious glance, though his confused and anxious expression suggested that he nor his staff knew about these secret tunnels. At the very least, they knew that there was a way out somewhere.

The lantern Lauren had on her faintly flickered as the two of them followed the sound of the music, relying solely on the light they had on them to guide them through the tunnels. Each tunnel traveled down made the tension more unbearable than the last, though the music gradually grew louder the longer they walked.
"What do you think will await us... once we find the source of the music?" Faro anxiously questioned what lay ahead, his fingers fidgeting with the buttons of his shirt. The two of them might be strangers stuck together in this mess, but something they already have in common was their prosthetics. Despite the fact that he only had his left arm and shoulder replaced with a prosthetic, he was a lot more skittish and cowardly than she was.
"I have no clue... Best case scenario, it's some rich businessman with an eccentric taste for renovated mineshafts. Worse case scenario... Well, it's hard to do worse than the nightmare I escaped several months ago." Lauren half-heartedly reassured Faro, her eyes momentarily gazing at his prosthetic. It was very similar to hers in a lot of ways, though she didn't think much of it as her eyes returned to what lay ahead of them.

Lauren and Faro found themselves at a y-shaped fork in the path, where the sound of others talking could now be heard. She gave a slight sigh of relief as she walked down the tunnel leading to where the voices were coming from, the sound of her footsteps echoing down to the others ahead of them. The voices grew louder the closer the two of them drew to their source, with lantern light signaling the exact whereabouts of the people they had heard. Stepping into view of the group, it became apparent that there were four others that had found themselves navigating the tunnels. She didn't know what to make of them nor how they ended up in these depths, though the android was the first to draw her attention. While the group didn't inherently seem hostile from a glance, she still took some precautions and avoided getting too close.
"Greetings, hope I haven't interrupted anything important. My name is Lauren, and this is Faro." Lauren gestured while making introductions, "I wish we could have met under better circumstances, but would you happen to know of a way out? Both of us got trapped in a mineshaft by a cave-in, and as luck would have it a cavern leading down into these tunnels opened up as a result of it. As such, we're both stuck down here until we can find an exit..."

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor heartspan heartspan Hecotoro Hecotoro

There's no telling what all Yufi might've sensed as she extended her senses into the caverns ahead.

But, a moment after she did, something new stepped into her range. Close, uncomfortably close, in the one of the black caverns at their side. A small thing, short for the average person, yet potent enough to leave her appraisal completely ineffective. It continued forward at a determined pace; seemingly unimpeded by the darkness of the tunnel through as it continued directly towards the party. Most of them might not've heard her footsteps beneath the booming trumpet.

"Long time no see, Kiercey," a feminine voice emanated from out of the darkness.

There was no telling what the many strangers in that cavern might've thought at that moment. Knowing why they were in these caves to begin with, it probably wasn't anything good. But Kiercey would no doubt recognize that voice. It damn sure didn't belong to one of his mechanical siblings. And, out from the shadows, a familiar face stepped forth.

"How you been? Heard you might need a hand dealing with some family issues."

A small thing- about 5'1"- with light green skin, vines for hair and sharp, golden eyes. She wore a veil of petals and walked upon the earth barefooted. At a glance, it looked like she'd been carrying nothing on her person at all. With a smile, she walked on over to Kiercey and extended a hand for a fist-bump. Then, she'd survey the rest of the group with a quick glance, and greet them all with a nod.

"Demeter," she gave her name to all of them, "Nice to meetcha!"

Then, she turned back to Kiercey.

"Sorry I'm so late. I was out on quest when your letter got delivered and then I had to find someone to help me read it, then I had to get a ride... it's a whole thing. But hopefully I'm not too late to help," her gaze shifted towards the path-the many paths- ahead, "So, what's the mission, Kiercey? Who we killing and what are we here to take?"

The young fae got straight to business, and set her sights on the task at hand. She carried an unusual amount of comfort down here, in the dark, mostly surrounded by strangers. But, then again, she made a career out of questing for the many guilds of the world. She found herself working with a different group of strangers all with widely different motives every other week. The fact that none of them were actively trying to kill each other down here was enough for her to recognize them as just the latest questing party for the mission. Well...

...at least until one of them made it clear that that wasn't the case.
Kenzo Takamura
Super Star Wrestler

HP - 3
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Natural Weapons - E
Heavy Armor - E

Kenzo wandered without much of an understanding of where to go. The note in which gave directions to the Widersia's Adventurer's Guild proved to be quite unhelpful for Kenzo. Truly and utterly lost, the young man wandered deeper into what seemed like a forest that just had no end. With a hefty sigh and a few scratches upon his wavy long hair, Kenzo stopped for a few seconds to regroup.

"I sure wish I was reincarnated with map reading skills...Or at the very least knowing where to go in case of emergency confusion. I don't even know how I got here. I'm not even sure I remember what way was which now!" His arms drooped down sluggishly as he groaned. There was no way out, and no way to know what was forward. Assessing the situation at hand, the only "intelligent" idea was to keep moving forward. -Not really-

Kenzo continued forward with no aim or direction, and continued to observe the note with an adeptness equivalent to a seal trying to understand the laws of physics. The note in question had become crumpled up and terribly mishandled by Kenzo's large hands, making it harder for the young man to discern the contents within the note. His unwavering attention towards the note gave way to Kenzo's next biggest flop of the day--A hole placed rather cartoonishly a few paces in front of him.

One big enough for the brute of a man to haphazardly fall into. Kenzo felt his whole body trip and fall down into the hole, tumbling this way and that way in an anxiety-inducing roller coaster. His yelps of surprise and shock bounced off the sinkhole, until he faceplanted right into the depths of the cavern. The group that had assembled so far watched the young man peel his face off of the cold stone floor and groan in both frustration and exasperation.

"I swear, it is always one thing after the next today.. I'm seriously going to order a ride the next time I try to go somewhere..." He said to himself, before he realized there were other people around. He scrambled to his feet and quickly swiped his head both left and right, observing the cast of people before him. "Oh, shoot! I'm sorry, am I butting in on something? I think I got lost along the way to an Adventurer's Guild... I was planning on taking up a quest with them." Kenzo scratched the back of his head in humbled embarrassment, while a light hearted chuckle danced off his lips in a modest tune.

Code by Serobliss
When the cave-in occurred a loud noise came from one of the many directions in the tunnel. Loud and sharp cutting through the air with a bang. A voice spoke after the cave-in occurred.

โ€œTestingโ€ฆโ€ Roy spoke over the intercom with a sigh. Though it didnโ€™t seem aimed at the group. โ€œLorelai is still active. No damages detected the source seems to be caused by some instabilityโ€”โ€œ a male voice cut in, though he didnโ€™t sound like he was in the same vicinity, as the cut-in implied the newer and older male voice spoke over a different mic entirely.

โ€œThe ROZE provided the supplies for itโ€”are you even fixing it over there Roy!?โ€

Royโ€™s response was. โ€œIโ€™m not but my crew is. Get over it unless you want to find your way back to Widersia from Roran. Besides Iโ€™ve been telling you since I was functional that the Roze was untrustworthy.โ€ there was a silence over the line

โ€œWhatever. Just focus on getting #14 back.โ€

Then silenceโ€ฆ

When overhearing the situation Keircey was noticeably stiff, once the conversation seemed to have ended he mimicked the deep breathing motions of a distressed human before calming down.

โ€œOk.ok. More the merrierโ€ฆgeez.โ€ He let out a laugh perhaps the result of the tiniest bit of hysteria. โ€œHaโ€ฆ a piece ruined their foundation, maybe thereโ€™ll be more interventionโ€”anyway right? New people.โ€

He looked at Demeter. And pointed at her. โ€œWell you, I know you. Hey Demeter it's been a while. Well, not that long technically I suppose. It's beenโ€ฆwell things have been going, I donโ€™t mind you being late I am just glad you got here.โ€ He gestured to Yufi.

โ€œDemeter this is Yufi I told you about her in the letter I think, Yufi this is Demeter an ally and friend I made when dealing with constructs overtaking other constructs. Complicated story.โ€

He lightly smacks Asahi upside the head. It wasnโ€™t a powerful hit as Keircey wasnโ€™t physically strong but it was to drive point. โ€œRespect you, idiot, show respect towards your peers. If you donโ€™t either I or Yufi will shock you with either electricity or lightning and I doubt you want that.โ€

He then looked at Moo. โ€œExoticโ€ฆbird? Drawer mapsโ€ฆ? Oh, you poor thing. You're lost. Howโ€™d you get here??โ€

Once he was done introducing the two he looked at the others, the skittish man, the elf-construct hybrid, and a regular human. โ€œFirst quick introductions then Iโ€™ll explain. My name is Keircey.โ€

He looked at Kenzo. โ€œIronically you just fell into the job you were looking for. At this rate Diago or Roy should remove that job listing they already have me in the tunnelโ€ฆโ€ he then addressed Faro, Lauren, and Kenzo collectively. โ€œSeems from the sounds of it that partnership is falling through if The Roze Trifecta caused instability to an area of the tunnels. I hope you arenโ€™t damaged or leaking any red or black oil. Now that Iโ€™ve said that time to clue everyone in.โ€

โ€œI was a construct built by a guy obsessed with the entertainment. Unfortunately, He wasnโ€™t sane. He started something called โ€˜The Bandโ€™ project. I was the designated singer, and Roy was the designated maintenance and technician With small bots called the stage crew who helped set up props, make clothing stuff like that. Cyrus and Circe who carried most of the instrumentals, Cyrus having been the drums and electric guitar, and Circe being the flute and Bass Guitar. And Lorelai who was also an instrumental. They are the trumpet. I was abused quite a bit before everything went south. Every ounce of disobedience got me torn apart and put back together. However, nothing truly happened until everything hit the fan all at once. We moved to Roran and got hired but before the career got started my creator Diago Luniary killed my Manager Kae. Who I had grown close with and I ran away. Now he is trying to get me back but I am trying to get rid of him and close off ties with him and kick him off my tail for good. Yufi here has a similar background with the Trifectaโ€”similar but very different. Iโ€™m sure Yufi would prefer to explain that part herself. But The Roze Trifecta and Diago Luniary and what remains are working together. This is the history of what happened and what brings us to now. Risking an encounter with The Trumpet themself. That is the gist. So let's stay grouped and try to find whatever way out. And if required fight ourselves out. As if it comes to it there wonโ€™t be any alternatives. The goal is to get out of the cave and make it to our next destinationโ€”whatever that may be. I suspect Roran over in the Duchy if Diago is still there, from what I can tell Lorelai is here thatโ€™s it, wouldnโ€™t be surprised if the Roze Trifecta were here as well.

There was a sigh over the intercom, โ€œsee the tunnel with proper lighting? Go down that way.โ€

Keircey was suspicious. โ€œWhy should we listโ€”โ€œ

โ€œBecause I want you to find the puzzles duh. Canโ€™t play if you canโ€™t find them. Now will you listen or should I explain how you behaved when you were first successfully made which was comparable to an organicโ€™s โ€˜todโ€”โ€œ

โ€œOkay okay, we get it!.โ€ Royโ€™s blackmail was admittedly strange and Keircey didnโ€™t know why he was embarrassed it was weird given they could possibly die. โ€œAnd how do we know you wonโ€™t lead us to Lorelai?โ€

โ€œBecause I donโ€™t even know where they are going. And we know they donโ€™t need my help to find you. Their hearing is too good. And you of all people should know I would never sacrifice s playmate!โ€

Long stories short, the group would find themselves going down the pathway. For now, The Trumpet seemed a distance away. Keircey stepped on something, feeling a shift of weight he pulled his foot back quickly. The stone he stepped on sank into a very deep pit of water.

โ€œFirst puzzle! Figure out how to get past this area of the floor without drowning.โ€

Roy was vague and didnโ€™t explain much else. The floor in question appeared to be checkered with designs. Some squares had Microphone engravings, others had a wrench, a flute, a pair of drumsticks, and a trumpet or sewing needle. Keircey turned to Yufi.

โ€œTime to pull out the files I guess so we can try to decrypt it.โ€

This entire situation was exhausting. With a killer construct around and puzzles blocking their paths to get away from them it would be problematic.

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Megilagor Megilagor II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II heartspan heartspan Hecotoro Hecotoro Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Demeter got hit with an absurd amount of new information in a very short amount of time; yet a crucial detail seemed to have been. First a voice on the intercom that, apparently, went by the name of Roy. At first it seemed like he might've been an ally, but he seemed more interested in having them all work through puzzles then actually helping them. Then came a second voice who spoke of the "Roze", an entirely different group that she knew nothing about. Then, Kiercey began to explain his backstory and introduce a few more names. And Demeter-


Demeter found herself a little lost in this huge cloud of information. She paused for a moment, tried to parse through all and quickly found an... interesting conclusion.

"So... you don't know where we're going, or how it will help you escape your creator, but you're going anyway. And you're trusting the maintenance man to lead you to safety despite the fact that he seems more interested in having us tackle a buncha life-threatening traps than getting us to this unknown place safely?"

There was a long pause after she asked that question. A long, contemplative pause as Demeter studied Kiercey's metallic expression with judgmental eyes. Maybe he'd simply confirm her suspicions. Maybe he'd give a long, complex answer explaining why she misunderstood the situation. Maybe he'd answer her silence with an equally poignant silence of his own. Either way, after a while, Demeter would simply shrug.

"I mean, I'm in. I just wanna make sure I understand what we're doing here."

Demeter put an arm around Kiercey and gestured for the others to come close and huddle up. She had thoughts that she wanted only those in her party to hear.

"They can't see us, right?" she'd whisper to Kiercey with a very soft voice, "I've got an idea. I've got some skills that might get us past these puzzles without even solving them. I'm probably not the only one. If we can get through here without playing by someone else's rules, that's what I'd rather do. But it might be smart to let Roy think that we are. You know, a couple of us read the files aloud and make a good act of playing to dancing to his tune."

The young fae smirked as she explained her thoughts. She had no idea if anyone here was any decent at acting. But there was one thing that she did understand about this situation.

"I'm not convinced that Roy is an ally. I'm not even convinced that... this caves leads to anything good," she explained, honestly her voice still as faint as it could be as she spoke her mind, "But in the off chance that he does actually have some information that might help Kiercey, it might be a good idea to at least... humor him. Who knows, might actually figure a few of them out, hehe."

She would then distance herself from the others, turn her attention to The First Puzzle, and use [Clairvoyance] to study it. She'd look to peer past the patterns on the floor and deep into it, looking for mechanism that might've hinted at spots that would've fallen in if stepped on, or pillars of steady floor amidst gaps of open space, or really any sort of structural information that could've queued her in on the correct path.

Then, she'd glance even farther beyond that with her keen senses, hoping to find a safe spot within a hundred feet of her current location to which she could shuttle the entire group with her trans-positioning abilities if it came to it. Yet, despite her mind being fully fixated on the environment, her words would suggest an interest in text. And she would put on her little play for their seemingly knowledgeable host in this dungeon of puzzles.

"Aight, let's get started, then. You've got the files, right Yuffie? Why don't you go ahead and read em' to us."

Or, at least, to the man on the intercom.

Actions (1/3)
1). Used
[Clairvoyance] to scan the puzzle ahead of them in an attempt to identify the correct path by studying the environment, then search for any spaces within 100ft that would act as a safe destination to teleport the group to.
Clairvoyance- Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E (1), Perception E Appraisal E, Feature [Darkvision], Energized E - Demeter utilizes her sixth sense to peer straight through walls and analyze her surroundings. Great for finding secret passages, hidden items, and enemies hidden behind cover- 1 actions- 100ft radius- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Lauren took half a minute to simply digest all of the information that came spilling out of Keircey's mouth, her blank expression after being bombarded with a lengthy explanation without pause gradually shifting to irritated concern as it all slowly sunk in. She'd already been down a similar path before, and she knew all too well the danger she now found herself in. Although, this seemed more tolerable to deal with than 'The Madman' did... Was it because she'd adjusted to this world and its oddities? Perhaps it was because of her recent growth? Or was it really that Keircey's creator only seemed less intimidating than the previous nightmare she found herself in upon reincarnating? Regardless of the potential reasons, she could at least be sure that she wasn't dealing with her own nemesis. She had her doubts that her hosts former husband would depart from turning defiled corpses into its minions.
"At least I'm not dealing with 'them' this time around..." Lauren quietly mumbled to herself under her breath, looking Keircey in the eyes before breathing in. "Luckily for both of us," She briefly gestured to Faro with her spare hand, "I have some tricks up my sleeve that have saved my skin a couple of times. And this isn't my first time dealing with a psychopathic maniac with an obsession with making artificial bodies. Though the nightmare I had to deal with preferred... much more brutal and gruesome methods of making their minions." Lauren paused as her expression turned somewhat dour, looking down to her prosthetic hand as memories of the past briefly flickered in her mind. She'd grown used to it by now, but the reminder of what her second life cost her only served to--if only slightly--dampen her positive mood. Her focus quickly cut her memories short as her gaze returned to Keircey.
"Yeah... That s-sounds... horrifying." Faro stuttered a little at the thought of what the two before him had gone through, giving the others cautious glances as he stuck behind Lauren. While he knew next to nothing about her other than her need for various metals, he at least knew she could protect him from potential danger.

Lauren and Faro followed Keircey while listening to Roy talk over the intercom, with her gut feeling being that the man talking to them would likely turn to betrayal. Though she kept her suspicions to herself for now. Though she didn't fully understand Keircey's situation, she could at least tell the two of them didn't get along well. The tunnel filled with pre-lit lights also seemed suspicious as well. As much as she'd like to be proven wrong by the stranger over the intercom, she'd be a fool to simply let him have his way. She was partially glad she had sent her robotic owls out to explore the tunnels, as it meant that they could report what they saw to her once they reconvened.

Upon entering the puzzle room Lauren gave an annoyed sigh, the sight of a deep pool of water and various stepping stones made her loath her inability to swim. Still, looking closer at the stepping stones made it apparent that they had to take a specific pattern across. Before she could think of a strategy though the dryad Demeter wanted to hold a hushed conversation, joining into the huddle alongside Faro. Hearing the dryad's suspicions about Roy was reassuring, paired with the stable head on her shoulders made her wish the two of them had met sooner. She really could of used someone with her mentality several months ago.
"I agree about getting past the puzzles, but we should probably cover our bases incase we are being watched." Lauren suggested in a quiet tone, thinking back to what Keircey had told them earlier. Some pieces started to click together in her head, based loosely about what Keircey had mentioned about themself and the other 'Band' members. Still, she needed to test whether or not her speculation was correct or not. "I have an idea on how we can make sure the puzzle isn't a trap, it won't be too much longer until they return."
As soon as the words left her lips, the sound of wings flapping down the wall drew closer and closer. Her five robotic owls came flying in one after another, flying around the group as they awaited for their next instructions. Lauren wasted no time in giving them the following command:

"Go forth, my mechanical owls. Land on the stones engraved with microphones, drumsticks, and flutes, and fly away if they begin to sink."

Actions: 1/3
1.) Commanded Minions F to land on the square stones engraved with microphones, drumsticks, and flutes, and to fly away if necessary.

Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi | heartspan heartspan | Hecotoro Hecotoro | Megilagor Megilagor
In just a matter of a few moments many things rapidly changed in the tunnel Asahi had made his way into. A cave in with it's overwhelmingly deep rumbling had occurred somewhere within the complex of tunnels. This was followed by the Voice of Roy, whoever that was, booming out over the intercom system and unnerving the robot, whose name turned out to be Keircey. Beyond this several new people had joined the duo of Keircey and the woman Yufi as he learned she was called.

There was the deer woman, inexplicably named Moo. At least she looked very much like a deer to Asahi. Then in rapid succession, Demeter that plant girl, Lauren the technomanced elf-girl and her technomanced human Faro. Lastly came the angel who fell from heaven but didn't quite stick the landing. He also didn't give his name, a fallen angel thing Asahi presumed. When everything had managed to calm down a bit, Keircey took that very moment to give him a smack. Asahi decided to let it go since the boy seemed to be having a bit of a struggle keeping his cool. Perhaps too many things had overwhelmed the poor fellow's programming. Such was life for the robotic Asahi reasoned to himself.

Yet the things that followed this brief moment of humanity were truly dark indeed. Keircey dropped the biggest dark past bomb Asahi could have imagined up until Lauren added her own. With a relatively mundane life behind him, Asahi definitely felt himself very out of his depth with these two. At the same time he was curious about the others, but really didn't want to know that they each had some uber dramatic dark past. On top of all of this there was Roy. Whoever the hell Roy was, he needed his ass kicked. Playing at some sort of ridiculous game shit he was definitely no friend to Asahi or this group of strangers he found himself a part of.

Despite his inner monologue he found both Demeter and Lauren to be very insightful and useful companions to have. Their ideas were far better than his own and at this moment their skills much more useful. Because of this he followed their lead without complaint. While he followed after them he very casually kept an eye out for camera's or anything of the sort. Wondering as he did so how this Roy was keeping track of them, and whether it could be disabled. The entire time he walked, and tried to casually spot cameras and such, he would also use his appraisal skill to see if anything useful popped up.

Once they stopped walking He would sidle up to Keircey's side.

" Say, Keircey, do you happen to know how Roy is tracking us?" he would ask in a hushed and secretive tone " Since he has such a good idea of where we are and what we are doing?"

1. Follow Demeter and the crowd
2. Use Appraisal F

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Megilagor Megilagor Hecotoro Hecotoro II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
Last edited:

"Of course Roze provided the supplies, and they are substandard at best. Why else would they be a criminal organization."
Yufi said under her own breath upon hearing it was Roze who got them the supplies, and yet when Roy said he was constantly saying Roze was untrustworthy, she yelled loudly.
"Finally someone gets my point! Thanks Roy."

"Hello Demeter. and hello to y'all, I'm Yufi. And please people do behave. I do not want to do an electric shock therapy on you in case you behave badly."
She said it first with a sincere smile that slowly transformed into a wicked one, along with a small head tilt, which normally would seem cute, but not with that smile.

Yufi stood around as Keircey explained his backstory and some time-relevant info, upon him reaching the part where he introduced her, she began to think what to share with others. Not really willing to speak yet when people were speaking and only beginning to speak as they began to walk to Roy's puzzle.
"Well, as Keircey stated, I have bad history with the Roze Trifecta. I was born into one of the three houses, which make the Roze Trifecta, at first I thought I lived in a normal merchant family. Till I found out about their crimes, which honestly I wouldn't have defected from them for just that. I know no merchant who isn't crooked in at least one way. But the fact that they were trying to sell me to the young master of the second family from the Roze Trifecta to raise their own shares in the stake of it. And of course the young mistress of the third house, who are noble's btw, wanted to kill me from the moment she learned of that. So I ran away, and have been using a fake name all this time. Though I love my new name Yufi so please keep calling me that."

Upon their arrival at the puzzle and no less nearly having Keircey fall down there, Yufi took out the files and laid them out on the ground so she could read all of them at once while speaking only the things she deemed relevant, or at least attempt to do so. But if need be, she was willing to attempt crossing the puzzle by force if need be.

The words and thought process presented by everyone else was just a big blur for Moo. She had no idea what on earth they were talking about. Puzzles? Moo didn't know what that was, the stones with the symbols looked pretty and all but she didn't know what they did or how she would go about it. Then there was that other girl summoning owls? What kinda witchery was that! heck, she didn't even regognize the species, they looked odd.

"Erm..." Moo tried to speak up. But she had no idea how to help out. Instead, she sat down right were she was at. "Lemme knaw gwen ay gotta punch sumtin." She yawned and watched the rest of the group get into their talking and puzzle solving or whatever. Part of her was really glad she wasn't alone now. If she had to solve those puzzles to get to the funny sounding bird, she would be completely lost. Not to mention, it seemed like they were afraid of the glowy stones? Moo would've just punched them already or completely ignore them. Luckily, there was more with her this time, a lot more compared to her last adventure.

If it came down to pure phyiscal labor, she was game. The thinking though? Leave that to the brainy bunch. Besides, it was smart to sit down and save energy, right?

Kenzo Takamura
Super Star Wrestler

HP - 3
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Natural Weapons - E
Heavy Armor - E

Kenzo listened to everyone while they all walked and seemed to have struck gold, considering Keircey mentioned this was the exact mission intended. So in the end, it didn't seem like Kenzo had such terrible luck after all eh? That's all that really mattered in the grand scheme of things. It gave him a moment to appreciate this world and the vastness of it was just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone around him seemed to have had some sort of past that caused them to be where they were now.

Kenzo decided it was time to break up the gloom and doom, with his own introduction. Pointing his thumb up towards his chin he gave a big, dumb smile to everyone while he walked. "My name's Kenzo! I hope to be of service to everyone, I LOVE WRESTLING!!" He laughed as he said his hobby, showing off his muscles with a few silly poses. Once the group approached the first puzzle, it seemed those with more experience began to take action.

Kenzo's intelligence wasn't anything to take pride in, he was pretty average at best. With this puzzle he was sure that the others had it under control, but he decided to observe and take mental notes on what everyone else did. If he was to become the leader of his own group one day--he needed this crucial problem solving experience under his belt. His best bet was to stick with Moo in the corner and wait for the others to figure it out.

Kenzo looked over to Moo, and gave a hearty wave towards her. "Ahoy! Nice to meet you. Uhh...Moo was your name correct?" He offered his hand to shake, smiling at Moo. Any chance to make friends was one of Kenzo's goals in this new world.

Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor Hecotoro Hecotoro heartspan heartspan Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
Code by Serobliss
โ€œNo I donโ€™t trust the maintenance man, it's called forced cooperation. We canโ€™t go back the way we came so it is either deal with his puzzles or deal with Lorelaiโ€

Keircey explained to Demeter. โ€œHe wasnโ€™t designed to fightโ€”no one in the band technically was but Lorelai seemed to be a special case. Since heโ€”he being Diagoโ€” couldnโ€™t exactly stop their Aggression towards organics completely. There was perhaps some sort of bonus to it as well.โ€

Royโ€™s voice spoke over the intercom: โ€œYes, I can see you, Greenbean. Not that I can do much from here.โ€ This was in response to Demeter.

Keircey watched as Laurenโ€™s Owls flew towards the stones landing on the ones with Microphone markings, drumstick markings, and flute markings. The constructs managed to retreat in time as they noticed the shift in the stone. โ€œGood Idea Lauren! So Microphones, Drumsticks, and Flutes are a no. Fitting since Circe and Cyrus have fallen. This leaves The Wrenches The Needles and The trumpets.โ€

While Demeterโ€™s Clairvoyance is active and being cast Keircey replies Aashi. โ€œSpeculation, if not through whatever tech he uses to see and hear us then likely some tracker in my own programming. It would be the least shocking considering they have tracked me across Ryke and Kuridan.โ€

To Yufiโ€™s words, Roy was the first to respond. โ€œAN ORGANIC WITH SENSE THANK THE GEARS.โ€

When opening Royโ€™s folder, bypassing the entries that led to the BAND Projectโ€™s constructs few things would stick out as a possibility, as besides blueprints detailing Royโ€™s machine makeup that were hard to read without engineering expertise were documents that put emphasis on Royโ€™s tendencies with puzzles and making the Stage crew.โ€‹

โ€˜Roy #2โ€™s behavior has calmed down as it has been since the first attempt at making it. Still appears strange as my monitor in his system records his interactions. There is speculation of a sense of favoritism somehow managing to develop in its code. It often does not interact with The Twin Musicians outside of show-related topics. Only on rare occasions does it play its games with them. The Trumpet makes a point to dodge as often as possible. Has it ever heeded my orders to place a tracker in the Trumpetโ€™s programming? It mainly sticks around The Stagecrew. Oftentimes times pulling those small assistants away from most of the ban in a manner. That could remind a human of an overly possessive parent. This is strange as it wasnโ€™t made with an empathy program like The Singer. There further were no attempts to install any emotional data into its hard drive. The singer is perhaps one of few let in proximity on occasion. While being the one it plays with the most in regards to its puzzles aside from the other bots around the factory.โ€™

Keircey didnโ€™t find anything when looking through Circeโ€™s folder, he made a move to open up Lorelaiโ€™s folder when telling Moo. โ€œPunch everything that is not a part of this group and if you see them or hear them yeah same with you Kenzo.โ€

He gave the black-haired man a thumbs up, Keircey didnโ€™t mind he liked wrestlingโ€”beneficial here given the situation. But the last time he met someone who liked finding it ended in a sort of debate situation about whether or not constructs should be treated like objects or people and he did not want to go through that again. Meanwhile, the sound of the trumpet played louder.

Asahi would find nothing of note due to his small range with appraisal in the current period. He would appraise 5ft of nothing.

Demeter would see and sense a lot of water beneath the stones. However her ability would find water was not beneath the needle marked stones. But marked with dirt instead
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Hecotoro Hecotoro Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Megilagor Megilagor heartspan heartspan II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-IIโ€‹

"Hmm..." as she peered deep below the earth, the young fae began to notice a pattern.

"Yes, I can see you, Greenbean."
Demeter nearly jumped. Her eyes widened and she turned her sights upwards looking for a camera or something that might've been locked onto their position. But Lauren's words brought her attention back towards the puzzle. As her owls made the first few stepping stones fall and Kiercey narrowed down their options, Demeter only felt more confident about the conclusion that she'd quickly reached in her mind. And as Kiercey gave his theory on just how Roy had been watching them, it made it clear that trying to keep secrets was probably a fruitless endeavor.

"Your programming is like your brain, right?" machines, in general, were something that Demeter was still trying to wrap her head around, "Is that... something that can be fixed? Or changed? Like, if they've actually got a tracker buried in there, somewhere?"

And more importantly, if someone was waiting at the end of the tunnel to dive into Kiercey's code to remove a tracker, would it be someone that they could trust with a delicate operation like that? Those thoughts were best saved for later. The sound of the trumpet was getting louder and Kiercey didn't seem eager to encounter its ever-approaching source. So she turned back to the puzzle and reported her findings.

"Anyway... The Needles," Demeter replied, slowly walking over to the nearest stone marked with that pattern, "It's the Needles. And I'm pretty sure that it's them all the way across. They're the only stones sitting on solid ground. Is there... a story behind that symbol, Kiercey?"

In any other situation, Demeter might've waited to hear an answer before she advanced. But right now, she decided to go ahead and take the initiative while she listened.

She would extend a foot and press on the first stone marked with a needle with her toes, then step out onto it. If she didn't fall through right then and there, then she'd continue down the Needle-marked path that sat atop solid ground. The others could wait to see what became of her before following if they wished, and she wouldn't blame them. But she would continue forward, either way; ready to catch herself if she fell.

As far as Demeter was concerned the quickest way to prove that a path was safe was to just go ahead and walk it. Best not to waste too much time on the first- and likely least dangerous- of Roy's puzzles. Especially not while they were being hunted by something down here.

Actions (3/3):
1-3): Use all three movement actions to follow the Needle-marked path to the other side of the puzzle.


Two things profoundly disappointed Asahi. First; his appraisal didn't find any cameras or any other useful shit. Though, considering he rarely used it, it was really no surprise and he would have to rectify that at a later time. The second was that Keircey themselves might be the very device used to spy on them, and at the robot's own confession it even seemed the most likely thing. Asahi gave an inward sigh, and as he watched the mechanical owls preform their sniff test he kind of just stuck to himself.

He briefly considered joining Moo and her new buddy Kenzo as they chilled and waited, but when Demeter began to make her way across the tile trap he opted to follow after. Seeing that the plant-girl had seemed to find the correct path across, he simply waited long enough to see if the first tiles held her weight and to give her enough space before he too followed after her. He took the same route that she did, but a few steps behind.

" Yo, Home-slice, wait up!" he called out to her as he began to follow in her wake. " You shouldn't get yourself separated like that, you know!"

This last bit was definitely true, a pair of people was always better than being by oneself when danger was likely. This was a fact Asahi had come to learn over time, and inwardly he shook his head at Demeter's impetuousness. She was definitely trouble for certain, as all headstrong folk tended to be. Nevertheless, for the moment they were all on the same team, and Asahi felt it best to be safe rather than sorry. Still as he followed in Demeter's wake he could not help but to wonder how such a mission could get the sweets witches out of his hair.

He really could not fancy them tied up into all of...well...this. Ultimately it didn't matter though, he was bound to gain some benefit from all of this stuff. The odds were in his favor after all. This many people, brought together by chance as it were, definitely the work of the luck goddess. After that timely chat with the priests in Ryken and upon a good deal of reflection he felt luck was most definitely on his side. Old Jim definitely liked to cut it close though, definitely real fucking damn close.

If Asahi was a betting man he would place his money on running directly into this Lorelei The Trumpet. Especially with this trumpet music coming conveniently closer. Thinking of this he paused a moment.

" Say Keircey, why don't we just meet the trumpet head on rather than doing all of this Roy stuff? I mean, fuck Roy and his puzzles. I imagine we will face this Trumpeter Lorelei eventually anyway, that is how luck always plays out. Why not take the initiative and bring the fight to them. After all luck favors the bold, right?"

With that said he continued his life as Demeter's human shadow. Old Delilah definitely liked to cut it close, real damn close to complete failure, at least so far as he had seen it. This whole thing, this whole project, it wasn't any different. They would skirt absolute destruction before it was all over, That's luck, that's Delilah at work. If he had learned anything in his short time in this world, it was that one needed to keep old Delilah entertained or things didn't quite go to plan.

1-3. follow Demeter and her path out and across the tile puzzle

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Hecotoro Hecotoro Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Megilagor Megilagor

As Lauren's owls made quick work testing the marked tiles Faro stood to the sidelines and nervously looked around the room, keeping an eye on the people he was stuck with until further notice. Between the cave-in that trapped himself and Lauren underground, and the mysterious trials that they had to solve and clear - he didn't know who to trust. What he knew for certain was that Lauren didn't immediately toss him aside, and for the moment that was good enough for him to follow her lead. As for the others... He couldn't find it in himself to trust Keircey. Moo seemed to lack the awareness of how dire of a situation they've found themselves in, Asahi seemed likely to go turncoat to survive, Demeter came off as confident yet headstrong, he didn't know what to make of Kenzo, and Yufi's demeanor only made his anxiety worse. And Roy... He knew that Roy couldn't be trusted.
I'm better off sticking near her for now... Faro thought as he saw Lauren's owls finish their task, his eyes now directed at her. She had her chance to escape the cave-in or ditch me to fend for myself, yet she chose to stick together. She risked her own safety to protect me, at the very least putting some trust in her hands wouldn't be the worst idea.

Lauren watched as all of the tiles her owls tested collapsed into the waters below, a slight sigh coming from her mouth as her hypothesis quickly proved to be incorrect. Regardless, she was at least relieved that her owls ruled out half of the options they had, even more so that she didn't have to worry about them falling into the water below. She was about to issue another set of instructions to her owls when Demeter seemed to find a breakthrough, needing a moment to take in her words before seeing the dryad run on the tiles with needle markings. She was initially a bit worried with the hasty decision, though after seeing the tiles stay rigidly in place her worries soon dissipated. She turned to the others that had yet to cross and gestured for Faro to follow suit, before looking towards Keircey and Yufi and speaking up to them.
"I think Faro and I should cross next, I can go on the defensive incase someone or something hostile is waiting for us up ahead." Lauren suggested while Faro crossed over cautiously yet quickly, then turning her attention to the path ahead of her. After waiting for Faro to finish crossing over she backed up a little to get a running start, before getting up to a sprint. She was a little worried that her prosthetics might of made her too heavy to cross normally, so she wanted to minimize the chance of the tiles collapsing under the added weight of her metallic limbs. With her swift feet she should have made it across in one piece, taking a second to straighten herself out before turning to her owl companions. "Go on ahead and scout out the next room, then return once you're done and relay what you saw." Lauren issued her command to her owls, receiving a slight nod in return before all five of them flew off towards the room ahead. She stood near the entrance to the hall ahead of them and remained vigilant, glancing over to Faro as he leaned against the wall next to her.
"So... Mind if I ask about your story? If you don't want to talk about it-"
"At the moment, not in detail."
Lauren interrupted Faro with a mild look of sorrow, though thinking of Cahron helped her spirit bounce back. "Long story short: I fell into a coma after being injured during a war between the Empire and the See, and awoke years later to find three of my limbs replaced with prosthetics. If we get a chance to discuss things further I can elaborate a bit more, but now's not the time or place."
"I understand." Faro stated, with a sympathetic look on his face. "Though... I just now noticed how our prosthetics look... similar." He added with a contemplative expression, though he gradually noticed that she seemed more familiar to him than she should have. He found his mind now filled with thoughts of whether or not they'd met somewhere before, and where/when that encounter once was.

1-2: Sprint across the puzzle on the Needle marked tiles.
3: Command her mechanical owls to scout out the next room and report back what they find.

heartspan heartspan Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Hecotoro Hecotoro DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Megilagor Megilagor

Yufi would look around once Roy spoke up clearly to her, she would finally pinpoint a general location and say loudly to Roy.
"I have a freaking name, Roy. Would you like me if I called you a rusted scrapbucket which I am not doing because I respect people... Unless they are from Roze Trifecta, or Diago."

Shortly after she would begin to read the file out loud again before forming a thought.
"So either its all needles. or it goes from Roy's most liked to least liked person. Which would be needle, wrench, microphone, the symbols for the twins and then the trumpet. Since apparently even Roy heavily dislikes her."
Yufi said before she would raise her head to look at the others, seeing all of them just booking it through the needle stones, she would heavily sigh. She then would pick up the folders she laid on the ground hiding them under her coat, only to slowly follow the others never standing on a stone someone else is currently standing on just to be extra sure taking it real slow.


"Huh?" Moo looked up at the man offering a handshake. She stood up and slapped his hand with a friendly smile. "Name's Moo, frenz call meh Moo, ya can call meh Moo." She grinned happily and looked at the thinking group. She was told to just punch anything that wasn't in the group, she was glad she wasn't the only one with those instructions. "Ya git last in hea too? Ay waz toul two just-ah... nevrmine." She chuckled.

Moo sat back down on the floor, trying to see if she could help out the thinking group, but after two sentences from Lauren was more than enough. "Wanna seet? Bet'cha gut sum neet battle storiez, huh?" Moo patted the ground next to her. "Ya laik beer? Gut me workeen theeze missionz for dem venturererss gaild ta git morr beer. Ay laik it cuz I git dizzsy."

โ€œYes, programming is akin to the organic brain,โ€ Keircey answered. โ€œWait, the brain is the control system in organics, isnโ€™t it?โ€

In truth, Keirceyโ€™s programming was mixed with a human soul, a soul that only had vague memories ingrained into it. Vague memories of childhood stories not heard of in this world, and guns and the harsh bangs of gunfire.

โ€œIt can be, but I doubt itโ€™ll be by anyone here. Once I break my connections here Iโ€™ll seek a Widersian Tinkerer to deal with that.โ€

Before Keircey could answer his inquiry Roy spoke up over the intercom sounding surprisingly energetic.
โ€œI can explain that one! Yufi understood it quite well actually! My children! The needles are the symbols of my kids; in fact, every symbol is tied to someoneโ€ฆbesides one. The wrenches are mine. The drumsticks was for Cyrus , the flute was for Circe, the Trumpet is Lorelai and the microphone Keircey. And Yufi it wasnโ€™t a nickname. Diago is an organic, your an organic the bull is an organic, black hair boy who I thought was a beastkin is an organicโ€ฆ you are organic because unlike me, or Keircey you were born into this world naturally and are not nearly as oppressed as constructs tend to be! it was a figure of speech.โ€

Keircey answers Asahiโ€™s inquiry. โ€œBecause, I assume thereโ€™s no escape from Royโ€™s sight.โ€

โ€œCorrect! Ding ding ding. Puzzles are set up everywhere and I have more cameras in the tunnels than Diago has in my program-m-min-gg~!โ€

Royโ€™s voice changed. Then went silent for a few minutes the intercom no longer active for a split moment. โ€œIgnore that last part.โ€

What Laurenโ€™s owls would report to Lauren that was ahead in the next room was a man with neck length black hair, an eye patchand a black and blue coat with grey fur wielding a sword.

โ€œWhat do they see? Is it another tunnel or possible aggressor? โ€œ Keircey asked Lauren. โ€œIf possible aggressor we may need to plan an attack. If its just a puzzle we can figure it out when we get here.โ€

โ€œOhโ€ฆboyโ€ฆโ€ Roy said over the intercoms. โ€œYufi you arenโ€™t gonna like this one! But it is fun hearing Lorelai give the other two a run for their money. Guess they were good for something after all. For now lets give around of applause Alethea's cakes and candies! For supplying treats made with delicious and most high quality cyanide for a certain puzzle later down the line!โ€

Megilagor Megilagor II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Hecotoro Hecotoro Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi heartspan heartspan Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temiโ€‹

Lauren listened to Roy's words carefully while remaining vigilant to potential danger lurking ahead, though the remark about the camera's left her feeling a bit unsettled. It seemed as if her distrust towards him was well founded. As for the rest of what Roy said previously... it mostly contained information she had already intuited from what Keircey's backstory hinted at, albeit with some new bits of information she couldn't have known included. Her gaze became fixed to the slight glimmer of metal coming from the room ahead, as her owls quickly returned and slowly flew around her. She turned to the others around her and gestured for them to be silent, carefully listening as her owls relayed what they saw to her in Morse-Code.

'A man donning a coat and eyepatch awaits in the next room, with sword in hand. Could not find anything else of note.'

Lauren gave a slight nod as she processed the information the owls provided her with, glancing to her side as Faro gave a hopeful yet concerned look.
"What did they say? Anything we need to be worried about?"
"Well, we've certainly got other company down here, and he doesn't seem too eager to chat." Lauren hinted about the mans hostile demeanor, watching regretfully as any hope Faro had slowly faded. She turned her attention to the others before continuing. "The only weapon he has on hand in a sword, though the coat the owls saw him wearing could be concealing something more dangerous underneath. More importantly though, he's got an eyepatch over one of his eyes. I doubt it's to cover the absence of an eye, so it's likely that he's wearing it to be able to see better in the absence of light." As she finished relaying what her owls saw and her thoughts about the enemy ahead, she started trying to think of a strategy they could use to defeat the foe ahead of them. A few ideas came to mind, though without knowing what the others in the group were god at she couldn't come up with a concrete plan. So instead she decided to inform them of the role she intended to fill. "With my speed and defensive capabilities I can go on the defensive and shield against incoming attacks, though I can also have my owls keep him distracted as we all get into position. I can regenerate if my prosthetics become too damaged, though that will take a bit of time to take effect. Considering that I don't know what any of you are capable of currently, now would be a good time to go over our individual strengths and strategize around them."

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi heartspan heartspan Hecotoro Hecotoro Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Megilagor Megilagor

Demeter seemed to have picked up a partner as she made her way across the puzzle trap. Asahi followed extremely close behind her; commenting about her splitting up with the group when she decided to start crossing the needle-path. The young fae's brow furrowed as she glanced back at him.

"I wasn't leaving anybody behind. I had a hunch that I'd figured the puzzle out, and I figured the best way to test it out was to just go ahead and walk. Didn't want to put anyone in danger if it turned out I was wrong. And I figured you guys would follow once you saw someone walk across safely," She chuckled to herself for a moment, "And you did."

Demeter glanced up as a few owls flew overhead to check the path ahead, then set her sights forward as Kiercey explained how his programming worked. As far as she was aware, removing the monitoring system from his brain was the most direct way to sever ties with his pursuers. Well, okay, maybe the second most direct way.

"I guess that means that we really are here to kill someone."

As the made it past the first puzzle, Kiercey made it clear that they'd likely run into more hostiles than just Lorelai down here. Lauren's owls confirmed a man standing in the next room, seemingly alone, with a sword. Probably someone working in cahoots with Roy; expecting a fight with an entire group, yet confident that he could win all alone. He was either a complete moron or had enough power to move with confidence like that.

Best to assume the latter.

As Lauren began to explain the strengths she brough to the team, Demeter found herself getting nervous. She glanced over at Kiercey, as if expecting something horrid to happen. But, as a few seconds passed and Demeter processed the situation, she calmed down a bit and look for the upsides in this less-than-ideal situation. The thing is...

"I do not like the idea of sharing everyone's skills with Kiercey when everything we tell him is probably gonna make its way back to Roy. And then, you know, everyone else working with Roy. But, you know what?" Demter shrugged dismissively, "I think being able to make stronger plans that use the best of everyone's skills, including Keircey's, is probably more of an advantage than catching the enemy by surprise."



If she was wrong, and she lived to see another day, it would just be a lesson learned for the young fae to put to use in the days that followed. But, since Lauren had already shared, she would show her some solidarity and share as well.

"Strengths? Well... I've got good reflexes and it's hard to catch me off guard. I don't need weapons to fight so, as long as I got someone to heal my wounds, I can keep up the fight as long as I need to. I can see in the dark and through walls... at the same time. Kinda how I figured out that last puzzle, actually. And I can teleport myself and... any of one of you guys around if needed. But I think my biggest strengths, at least at the moment..."

Demeter's eyes narrowed in thought. And she decided not to reveal that last fact.


With a mischievous grin, Demeter turned and put two hands onto Lauren's shoulders.

"I think you might've given me a good idea on how to tackle this guy," Lauren would see a fire burning in the young fae's eyes as they met her own, "Now we could run in there and just fight him head on. And maybe we'd win, I dunno. But we all know he's expecting that. Especially if he's just waiting there with a sword."

Demeter would move in closer- very close- and whisper into Lauren's and Lauren's ears alone. The group, Roy and whoever else was connected to then were free to know about the young dryad's abilities. The admission was likely to help with group tactics more than it would hurt them, anyway. But Roy didn't need to know exactly how she planned to make use of their abilities down here. Only Lauren needed to know her thoughts in that moment.

Because Lauren was probably the key to them actually bearing fruit.

"Send your owls in there to attack that man. I don't expect them to win or even hurt him; not against someone confident enough to want to take us all on alone. But they don't have to. They just have to get his attention. See, I can cast my spells straight through walls as if they weren't there. I don't have to do a buncha chanting or dancing to cast em'. And I've got quite a bit of range," a brief pause for the girl to process her words, I'll watch the whole thing from right here. The moment those birds have his attention? The moment they launch their attack? I'll go for his throat. Try to catch him off guard. I'd like to end the fight before it even begins. But honestly? I think a nice wound to slow him down in the next fight would make me pretty happy too. So whadda you think, Lauren?"

Demeter would back away from Lauren; the volume returning to her words for all to hear. And maybe, in that moment, the girl would understand that it wasn't just this Dryad's power that had kept her alive through her adventurous lifestyle.

"Good idea?"

Demeter would turn away from Lauren, face the room ahead, and use her [Clairvoyance] to scout ahead and monitor the foe that lay in waiting. She would be sure to not appraise him for fear of alerting him to her schemes. Mostly just preparation in the event that Lauren agreed with her idea and went along with the plan. And if the elf decided to send her owls into the next room to attack this unknown foe?

Demeter would be ready to support them and strike at any moment.

Actions (1/3):
1) Use
[Clairvoyance] to monitor the unknown foe and Lauren's owls, if she chose to send them ahead; preparing to enact the plan if Lauren found herself in agreement.
Clairvoyance- Super Sense [X-Ray Vision] E (1), Perception E, Feature [Darkvision], Energized E - Demeter utilizes her sixth sense to peer straight through walls and analyze her surroundings. Great for finding secret passages, hidden items, and enemies hidden behind cover- 1 actions- 100ft radius- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.
Kenzo Takamura
Super Star Wrestler

HP - 3
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - D
Speed - F
Character Grade - F
Natural Weapons - E
Heavy Armor - E

"Moo? Sounds easy enough to remember." Kenzo clasps his hand around Moo's forearm. Hoping Moo would do the same as well. "I did kind of get lost in here--well it was more like I fell from a hole into this place..I've only just begun to adventure, so I'm planning on getting as much experience and training as possible from questing! I'm hoping to form my own little group of friends who go out adventuring." Kenzo smiles at Moo.

"I don't mind beer, I had it a bunch back where I'm from!"
Which was before he broke his neck in the real world..
"I think we're both going to be great friends, Moo!" Kenzo chuckles lightly.

Just then, he'd realize that Demeter was already crossing the puzzle with a confident gait. Kenzo stood up in turn and decided to follow the group, heralding Moo to follow as well. When he crossed the path, he listened in as Lauren detailed the experience and skills she wields. In turn, Lauren wished to know everyone else's strengths.

Kenzo slapped his bicep and jutted his thumb up to his chin in a show of confidence and lightheartedness. "I'm Kenzo Takamura! I can take a beating and keep the enemy on me no matter what happens. I can be your tank, and continue to keep the aggro on me if anything goes south. As long as you got my back, I'll protect yours! I may be an idiot, but I'm the idiot that can't be taken down!" He laughs humbly, and smiles at everyone in turn. A plan seemed to be underway, and Kenzo readied himself for the next move. "You guys just tell me what to do, and I'll get right to it." He said to them as he warmed up with tiny hops up and down to get the blood flowing.

Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor Hecotoro Hecotoro heartspan heartspan Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
Code by Serobliss

Moo took Kenzo's forearm, figuiring it was a normal handshake. She smiled brightly. "Frenz, huh? Yeh ay laik dat!" Who knew it was so easy, this whole time Moo could just walk up to people and make friends. Now that she had someone watching her back, she could fight more freely. Which it seemed to be the next subject, finally! The rest of the group figured out yet another puzzle and with that came the reward of a possible enemy.

As much as Moo tried to understand the situation or strategy, the white haired lady and the little green one talked a lot. But she wasn't completely lost, the moose girl managed to understand the important bits. Whoever the enemy was, they were strong, so strong they were peacefully waiting for ALL of them to arrive and fight it. That just got Moo's blood boiling. She also understood the part where they were sharing their skills and abilities. That, she could do.

"Neim's Moo..." She presented herself again, just in case. "I ken, hit hard! Wit mah head too." She knocked on one of her antlers. "Erm, ay thank ay'm prrety straung too." She flex her bicep and smacked it a few times. "Jus tale me when ta panch em n I'll panch em!" She slammed her fist on the palm of her hand with a confident smile.


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