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Finished [Widersia: Gambler's Row] Heist at the Goldpot Casino

ELVYRA HIGHWATER | Blackwell Vampire-Human | VIP
Elvyra had succeeded in getting them all to work with her on this job, and she smiled flashing her fangs in a toothy grin. "Pleasure doing business with y'all, then." She said. She looked across the way at a wall, where a clock had steadily been ticking. Only an hour had passed since the night began, so there was still plenty of time to score big, and steal the treasurebox. She noticed that two of them, Whizzie and Naori, had gone off on their own seemingly to stalk about and find any openings.

That Snare fella from earlier who'd gone up against Shu Jiang had a strange look about him, but she supposed due to the low lighting none of the others had noticed. Something about his face was....off. It almost reminded her of the Monster's she'd see in her old world, Blackwell...
Probably a trick of the light. She dismissed the thought entirely.

"While your friends go and scout the rest of the casino, we can go ahead and make our way downstairs. There's bathrooms, but there's bound to be an entry way for staff...where they can go and check on the treasurebox freely." She explained. "Let's make our way there now. We can go one at a time, and meet in the downstairs foyer. It'll just look like we're new pals, gearing up to play games together." She downed the last of her drink, and then bid them goodbye as she walked through the ground floor of the casino to the stairwell that lead downward. Many people were passing by this large stairwell, most coming and going from various games that were also down here. True enough, she could see that there really was just a foyer room for people to sit and lounge in with chairs and tables. Some folks were playing poker casually, and by the looks of it, some were already missing most of their R.E's.

Just as she sat down on the lounge seat, she noticed Snare coming out of the bathroom. She waved him over like he was an old friend, though she once again noticed how strange he appeared. Well...that's none of my business. As long as he's good at his job. She'd worry about the potential humanity of her cohorts later.

As she waited downstairs for the others to follow, Elvyra decided to take a quick look around. The poker table was lively, but there was a person there who seemed Designer (41).pngout of place. He wore a uniform that was similar to the staff around the Casino, and judging from his disheveled appearance, he'd already been a few drinks in. He had a stack of R.E's next to him, and the rest of the table was full of stony faced losers who glared at him as he raked in more wins. Elvyra thought that was curious, she hadn't known any of the staff were allowed to participate.

"Ha! I'm on a roll tonight, baby! Hell yeah!" The man exclaimed loudly. His drunken state had made him far looser than normally. "I get to be off the clock, and gamble! Man, Mr. Jiang is a great boss. The rest of you shmooks are out of luck I guess."

One of the men at the table grumbled, "Will you keep it down, dumbass? You're gonna make people look this way." True to his word, the man noticed Elvyra being nosey, and glared at her as well. She smiled demurely, and turned away, looking at Snare.

"I'm betting that fella over there's off duty...guard duty. We need to corner him somehow...he might have keys on him." A simple way to make it to the treasurebox room was waiting for them right there.

GOLDPOT | Ground floor
While everyone else was gearing up to rob the place blind, Whizzie had decided he wanted none of that and was just here to have a good time. Luckily for him, he'd managed to find a very interesting scene playing out amongst the slot machines. "Hahaha! You're so silly looking like that! What a moron!" A high pitched voice chirped out. There was a small crowd of people near a table that was filled with younger individuals than what a casino should really allow. None of them seemed to have R.E.s with them, but Whizzie would notice that they were still sat with playing chips near them anyways.

There, stood in front of them all, was a man who was doing an incredibly silly and juvenile dance like a chicken. The leader of this gaggle of unattended children clapped his hands together happily and applauded the man. "Ha! This is getting kind of boring though...You're dancing not as funny after awhile." He said. He had a teddy bear with him in his hands, and he turned to the bear. "What do you think, Nian? Maybe we should make him jump off the balcony after all?" Designer (26).png

"Balcony! Balcony!" The other children cheered. The man, however, was completely against this idea.

"Oh nevermind, look! There's an interesting person there!" He pointed a finger at Whizzie. "Hey miss! Do you want to play a game? I'm bored, and there's nothing to do. If you win, I'll give you lots of those flimsy envelope things!" he explained. The other children would show that they indeed were hiding a lot of those R.E's from sight. "I'm Jiang Fu, but everyone just calls me Fu. This is Nian, my bear! He ensures I win all games, you see. He's good luck! We could play a fun game! My favorite one in the casino is called-


Hi it's me Lolory here to teach you how to play "Pig". This is a game centered around pushing your luck. Before the game, players will decide on a "winning number" between 1-20. The players will then take turns rolling a 1d6, if you roll a 2 or higher, that is how many R.E's you get. You can then choose to roll again, or
pass and the other person will roll. If you roll a 1, you will lose all of the R.E's you have accumulated up until that point, and must start over. All your R.E's will go to the other person. The game is officially "won" the moment one of the players either meets or exceeds the "Winning number" amount.

GOLDPOT | Upstairs
Naori would find that the rest of the games available on the ground floor were quite busy, which left nothing but upstairs to investigate. The large stair well that led to the second story of the casino was quite empty of people. In fact, the further Naori went, the quieter he would notice it become as he walked deeper down the long hallway. A banister overlooked the rest of the casino, it was much brighter and livelier down there.

He was not alone, however. Along the walls, gorgeous paintings of a mysterious woman were hung every few steps. A hazy smoke wafted slowly from the darkest part of the second floor, which seemingly lead to a private lounge. The door was cracked open, and inside was a woman who was laying languidly and smoking idly from a pipe. She was dressed in fine robes and had a moody, dour expression her face as if she was in mourning. She was surrounded by the same portraits of herself, as if she were a painting come to life. Designer (22).png

She glanced at the door, and noticed Naori standing there. "Oh? A visitor... How curious...most people are far too frightened to come up here by themselves." The woman said. "I don't have any games to play with you, if that's why you came all the way up here, then I'm sorry to disappoint. But having company wouldn't be too bad, I suppose. Just try not to make much noise..."

On the plaques below the largest painting in the lounge was the name "Jiang Mei".


πŸ› οΈπ™½π™°π™Ύπšπ™Έ π™³π™΄πš‚πšƒπ™Έπ™΄π™΄π™½ πŸ› οΈ[π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—], [πš†πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’:πšπšŽπšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ π™»πšŠπš’πš˜πš]
π™²πš‘πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπšπšŽπš› πšœπš‘πšŽπšŽπš
π™Έπ™½πšƒπ™΄πšπ™°π™²πšƒπ™Έπ™Ύπ™½πš‚: Lolory Lolory
IMG_0375.pngMeeting the woman was odd, and it made him raise an eyebrow at her demeanor. Such a casual demeanor towards someone who shouldn’t be there, Naori wasn’t going to attempt to make sense of that til later at any point in time. He knew some adults lacked a sense of responsibility and common sense. He had already come to the conclusion that finding β€˜parental’ relations would be difficult. He did have requirements people had to meet after all, far more difficult than qualifying for a sibling role.

β€œNo games? What a shame.”

He spoke with an empty voice as his eyes looked across the room, taking in the small details. Perhaps she knew important information? But how willing would she be able to give it was the question? The good news is he could likely kill her before she could call for help if the situation required it. His eyes looked around and scanned the room. Noticing that the paintings were of her and seeing her name on her, the paintings' plaque reading them said β€˜Jiang Mei’ before he said anything, he thought dully

β€˜Talk about being self-centered’

He then mentioned.

β€œJiang Mei, huh? Must be a relative to Jiang Xu…shame he died.”

He said, in an attempt to start up a conversation with the woman, if anyone was the perfect target to grab the information he required, it would be someone like that. He used [Deception [F] to make his words sound less emotionless and more genuine, like he actually cared.

Action 1: talk to Jiang Mei with [Deception [F]

Skills Used
Deception [F]
Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Red Envelopes: 5/5
Lolory Lolory
The instigations from all three sides were interesting. Looking beneath the surface tension, it seemed more like a game of seeing who was 'worthy' more than anything. If they had just readily accepted the 25%, then they had no spine, surely. She looked at Mors thoughtfully. Seemed like making an arrogant offer first and then bargaining for every titbit was the way to go, although Elvyra's words about the treasure box did halt the negotiations early.

Was Zeke their leader? Or did Izzy secretly have him wrapped around her finger? Was hard to say, but his sudden turnaround towards the collaboration was certainly food for thought. It definitely wasn't unheard of to have a shadow leader, but she might be letting her imagination run a little wild here from a single interaction. She had plenty of time to watch and judge. Pam's shock at the sight was equivalent to her own, nodding solemnly in agreement.

The departure of Whizzie and Naori made her thoughtful, her gaze lingering on the only one of their 'faction' left behind. Although Snare had already been a successful scout, it felt vaguely concerning that the only two scouts out at the moment were not their own. Was it not easy for them to withhold or feed them false information like this?

She found little reason to truly trust any of them yet after all. Though then again, she didn't have great reason to trust the pirate crew yet either. Whatever, though the thoughts remained, she'd deal with things as they came.

Tapping her claws lightly on the edge of the lounge chair, she spoke up with a small smile and stretched her legs. "Maybe 'sis' could work her magic on him." She offered the suggestion casually, considering they had all just seen her skill first-hand. "But, in the meanwhile, I'll scout elsewhere. My appearance is not very appropriate for covert manoeuvres." She explained lazily, before smiling and walking in another direction from the targeted poker table to look around. She vaguely recalled that previously, the demon had headed towards the slot machines whilst the youngster's blue-streaked hair had headed upstairs, so she chose to stay on the current downstairs floor for her scouting.

Although it made sense for her to learn from her 'criminal seniors' and just follow them around quietly, that was not the life she envisioned in exchange for breaking out of the laboratory. By separating, she could do things on her lonesome without fear of implicating her buddies too much. Not to mention that information lurked around every corner, and the crew would have more to bargain with when/if the other two also brought info back. Mors' assured escape plan was likely too tempting and invaluable on its own, but more cards for them to hold could never hurt.
Whizziemin the Greatest

Lolory Lolory
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

Whizzie kept in mind what Pam said about the potential information he could find, he could only assume Hiroshi wouldn't be too disappointed that he went off elsewhere. He should've only expected it at some point if he was planning to do a heist on what he believed was supposed to feel a date. Trying to forget about the mixed signals on what he was invited to for the moment, Whizziemin looked to the high-pitched kid who had noticed them and offered a way to earn red envelopes.

"Hm, again I'm not really good at these gambling things... but then again, I suppose I have no other need or reason for these red envelopes... though I wonder if there's actually anything inside them" Whizzie mumbled to himself thinking over. He'd likely lose everything immediately, but then he supposed he may as well just return to the group with said disappointment. Maybe if he wasn't having a good time from his losses, then Hiroshi would choose to pay him a little more mind to cheer him up afterwards.

He still had the five envelopes from when he arrived, so he looked to the boy called Fu and his teddy bear.
"Sure, I'll give it a little try, although I don't really ever play games like this in places like this. Uh, how do you play exactly?" he asked, soon enough finding out the rules. Hesitating for a moment, he just considered a random number to pick that felt fine.

"Hm, I'm not really that confident about my luck, so maybe a lower number or something would be good enough... I'll perhaps just go with 10 for my number for now. Though I can foresee getting to 9 and losing it all" the incubus laughed nervously, deciding he would go ahead and play the game just to fill time. Maybe he could get some interesting things to know from Fu just like Pam suggested.

Soon enough, he would go ahead and roll his first dice.

1. Play Pig (10 is selected winning number)
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory
Interactions: Maverick Six Maverick Six
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy Garbage. Garbage. SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Combat Music 1 - Empire of Sin

With Naori and Whizziemin, the two partners he had worked with previously, leaving to scout the area, Hiroshi saw himself alone with the captain’s crew and Elvyra. The very thought didn’t bother him at all, as a deal had been struck. He could only hope that some semblance of honor would be kept for what had been agreed upon, even if he only found himself in that very world because of the lack of it. A knife on someone’s back can’t be always predicted.

β€œAfraid of attracting too much attention?” He asked, looking straight at Pamela in a rather taunting tone, before taking a deep sip of the alcohol in his glass, before putting the empty container on a nearby table. Tilting his head left and right, bones of his neck would let out audible cracking. β€œJust gotta break enough skulls to make the local security to lose their will to fight, and be quick enough to avoid the local authorities.” Those harrowing words left the yakuza’s mouth, being hard to know if it was the effect of the alcohol or not, white smoke continuously blowing from the cigarette in his mouth.

Sticking his hands into the pockets of his jacket, he decided to make his own move, after seeing the aquatic fellow, Raia, to do the same. His gaze would dart around the casino ground floor, giving in a rapid, quick scan to just be sure where Whizzie was at. Locating the incubus at the distance, he would begin to move downstairs, waiting enough time so it would appear the least suspicious as possible.

Outwardly, the yakuza tried to appear absently minded, yet his eyes would wander all over the place. Eventually catching someone of interest, which Elvyra herself appeared to have her sights on. Assuming that both her and the silver-haired man would be coming up with a plan to deal with him, Hiroshi would lean against a pillar, crossing his arms, waiting to act if their attempt ended in failure.

Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Lolory Lolory Moonberry Moonberry Garbage. Garbage.
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

A small sip of beer as she listened to Elvyra dole out a few suggestions. And so far, they seemed sound. The less she bragged -- the better.

"Sounds good." The suggestion to go downstairs prompted Pam to watch as the others who were so inclined went down first. Her eyes wandered over to Snare as he came out of the bathroom, walking behind Zeke with a strange air about him. It was a wonder he managed to get much information from him at all. But it seems that with each passing moment, he was proving himself more and more useful.

Still, she couldn't say she was a big fan of how he was looking at the Captain.

The beer was put down, only having been about half-empty before being placed on the side of the counter. She was a lightweight, and she knew it. With everyone else she too got up and made her way downstairs when the time seemed about right.

When they spoke of the man, Pam never looked at him -- but her ears were held level towards him. She listened to him as he had a grand old time off in the distance. While Elvyra was pointing the guy out, Pam considered if they even needed the guy in the first place. "Key might be useful for finding the box at least. Or locking the door." She mentions, having something in the realm of incentive to actually get it.

Soon, she saw as Raia opted out, and decided to go scout. It seemed a good idea. "You stay safe up there, Raia." She said. Raia was a bit awkward herself with people. But while the feeling may not have been mutual, there were fewer people she genuinely appeared to trust at the moment.

There was a patient time taken weighing the options of what others.

The Bunnykin's eyes went to Hiroshi as taunted her. And she ironically smiled. She was quite accustomed to such remarks.

"Damn right I am." She says, chuckling before continued.. "You mention bein' quick. Should always be ready to crack skulls, but it's gonna be hard to be quick if we're cracking skulls and searching at the same time. Not to mention" She leans forward a little bit, scooting the chair back.

"Not like we're robbing something heavy as blocks. This treasure box sounds magical and not heavy. They might ski-daddle if things get hairy. That said..." At no point had she even looked at the men. But they were a target.

"Be ready for things to get hairy if need be. I'm gonna go for it. Distraction might be nice, but I might not need it."

Without any fanfare -- Pam got up and walked over to the men.

What they'd see

Pam walked casually over, walking past the man at the Poker table and then she would simply take a seat some tables away.

What actually happened

Pam strolled by without making a sound -- her feet touching the ground heel first with every movement so as not to make any noise. Yet she didn't look very much as though she was walking. Her arms swung every so slightly like anyone's else until she got closer to the man.

Time as a bandit taught her both the ways of brute force, highway robbery and the ways of infiltration. Her previous crew had been diverse in skillset. And one of the skills she picked up was how to rob a man more covertly and then leave outside the walls of a town with something of a haul -- or to open a gate for someone.

While not invisible, her relaxed air might make her seem like any other gambler. Her hand would flicker, moving with a speed that made it hard for the human eye to catch and a grace that made it harder for the man to notice her robbing him blind.

Success ought to result in the drunk man finding his pockets emptied in the literal blink of an eye. Anything resembling a key would be clutched so tightly that it wouldn't even have the chance to jingle. Failure would mean that she would likely keep in the same direction.

Then she would keep walking and simply take a seat some tables away. She wouldn't look at what she had as that would be suspicious, but she'd known of the items in her possession. The question would be if she got something useful out of it or if it even worked.

Actions: 2/3

1 + 2. Pickpocket - Stealth F, Sleight of Hand F - A form of larceny that involves the stealing of money or other valuables from the person or a victim's pocket without them noticing the theft at the time. Able to be done to small, handheld items. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


Note: Action 1 and 2 consist of both stealthy movement and Pamela pickpocketing the man


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

Zeke "Mors" Valdain
Zeke had regained his bearings from what Izzy had done, nodding with a grin on his face when Pamela said she felt he didn't plan on just walking around, rolling his shoulders. He stood from where he was, nodding to those of his crew. "Do as you see fit lads. We'll regroup here when we got a good idea of what 'ta go for." He said, rolling his shoulders as he walked off into his own direction, allowing any crewmates who desired to follow him to come with, before walking to any of the external hallways he could see, turning the corner and as he did so activating [Portal F: Spirit Realm], walking into the ethereal and invisible gateway into the realm of spirits, humming as he looked around the building now that he couldn't be perceived or touched, deciding to walk around to get a good look at persons of interest.

He walked through the wispy greyscaled realm, seeing the patrons of the casino pass by and sometimes through him, a hand on his pocket as he walked to listen in on the information gathering, eventually finding his way upstairs to Naori, seeing the woman and deciding to watch their interaction for a moment, listening to the older woman speak. He felt a twinge of meloncholy, as she reminded him of his old friend Xetian. But alas, this was not her, and so he needed not have remorse for stealing everything he could from the rich rat. Not like she had much room to complain anyhow, casino's were basically a legalized form of thieving anyhow. He was just skipping the part of being a lying weasle.
ELVYRA HIGHWATER | Blackwell Vampire-Human | VIP
Pamela was successful in her pick-pocketing endeavors, but what she got wasn't a key at all. It was instead, another R.E, but this one was obviously meant to be stuck inside of a mechanism of sorts. Elvyra hadn't been able to glean just what Pamela was doing, and it seemed the other guards were too drunk to really notice anything suspicious going on.
One of the losers at the table patted his gaurd buddy's back and stood up from the table. "Alright, I think you've had your fun for the night, give me the R.E that leads to the back. I gotta make sure everything's closed down."

The drunken winner pushed his friend away, "Meh, who cares! Mr. Jiang's there so do we really gotta close anything down for the night? 'Sides things are just starting up anyways, don't they still gotta do that uh...what was it called it again? 'Golden Hour'? I think it should be starting soon, don't you think? Hey, that's more chances to win big! What are we waiting around here for!" He stood up suddenly, and headed for the door, leaving the rest of the men behind at the table.

"Sound's like your friends let the winnings get to his head." Elvyra spoke up, and the man who'd glared at her earlier for obviously eavesdropping looked at her again. "Golden Hour sounds pretty fun too, didn't expect this place to have even more events going on."

"Golden Hour is just this thing that uh...Madame Mei came up with. She's not really our boss, but she's apart of the family who owns the Goldpot. If you're interested, I'd head up already, it's going to start." He looked down at a ticking watch on his arm. "And I have to close this whole downstairs section off for the night. It's just a...safety precaution, that's all."

Elvyra could see that the downstairs lounge had one other room left available. If her guess was correct, that'd be their ticket to the Treasure Box. But this guard was adament about doing his job well, they'd have to get past him and his buddies if they planned on actually getting anything from tonight. Elvyra stood up, and looked at Pamela noticeably with a nod. Pamela was the only one closest to the mysterious door, she'd done a lot to get the key from that guard, the least Elvyra could do was make it easier getting there.

She took her [Blackwell Colt-Pistol] out from her jacket and flashed her fangs at him in a confident smirk. "Unfortunately for y'all, I'm not leaving so soon. I need to make it to that back room, and you're gonna get out of my way if you know what's good for you." The other guards circled around, and closed the large sliding doors that led back upstairs behind them, locking all of them in the downstairs lounge. Just then, a loud and joyous racous came from the main area of the casino.

"Dammit! Golden Hour's started, and now I have to deal with a bunch of robbers? I'm not getting paid enough for this...but Mr. Jiang will have my head if I don't do something."
GUARD 1 | GRADE E | 5hp | WEAPON: [ranged]Widersian Pistol (3 shots) , [melee]Baton

GUARD 2| GRADE E | 5hp | WEAPON: [ranged]Widersian Pistol (3 shots) , [melee]Baton

GUARD 3| GRADE E | 5hp | WEAPON: [ranged]Widersian Pistol (3 shots) , [melee]Baton
Combat is pretty simple!
Use your skills, abilities, and weapons to defeat your opponent. F Grade abilities will deal 1 Dmg, while E grade abilities will deal 2 Dmg, D grade does 3, and so forth and so forth. You only have 3 actions for each post. If an enemy is about to attack you, you can roll a 1d6 to see if the hit lands! Rolling a 1 means you've been hit, rolling 2-5 means you evaded the attack, and Rolling a 6 means you evaded a hit while dealing 1 dmg to the enemy in the process.

[melee] weapons and [ranged] weapons are in play, meaning you must use movement to get your characters close enough to use those weapons. [Melee] weapons are things like knives, batons, and fists etc. You have to be next to your enemy to properly use these, otherwaise you'll hit air. Likewise, if you're too close to an enemy while using a [ranged] weapon (guns, bows, throwing knives etc) you will miss your target as there won't be enough room for you to properly throw the object.

Feel free to use the environment to your advantage! Throw some plates, flip a table, break a chair over a guys head I don't care (these goons have health insurance so it's covered!)


1. Brandish [Blackwell Colt]
2. Use The Shark's Teeth-Intimidation- The user is able to initimadate their enemies simply by flashing their fangs at them.-Grade F- 0 post cool down

GOLDPOT | Ground floor
Fu and his friends giggled as Whizzie was already close to losing everything by having his first roll be a 2. Fu slid 2 R.E's to Whizzie. "Now, it's my turn!" Fu rolled the dice once. As they played, Raia was also walking around the Ground floor of the casino, aimlessly looking for something to investigate. Lucky for her, and everyone there, Shu Jiang made his presence known as he walked up to the middle of the room, where the grand counter that kept tra"ck of all of the earnings hung above in the air.

"Hey listen up! That bastard, Lu Jiang isn't here to do the formalities and what have you, so I'm officiating this Golden Hour idea that our lovely sister, Madame Mei cooked up." It was clear from his slurred speech, and slouched over frame that he was well past the point of sobriety. His flushed face, and ruffled clothing made him appear far more shabby than a gentleman should look. "If I can have your attention, please! Look to the counter! We've been raking in a lot of R.E's but we need to get rid of everything in our coffers! So, for the next hour all earnings are DOUBLED! That's right, if you win any amount tonight for this one hour, you'll be taking home more than you could imagine. And that's not all...if any one here has managed to secure themselves at least 25 R.E's, they will become House Royalty! Becoming House Royalty means you only need to beat 4 of the top winners for the night to win it all! But none of you losers have managed that so far. Right now, I'm House Royalty!" Shu said with a scathing grin. "If anyone feels like they can beat me, come and find me! We can play all night, until every single R.E I have is gone!"

After his small speech, the lights in the casino became even more vibrant with a yellow hue, as if to emphasize that this was Golden Hour. There was a frenzy near Shu Jiang's corner as more and more people rushed to try and defeat him. In truth, if anyone beat him all they'd have to do is make their way to the rest of the top players in the Casino, and the entire Treasurebox would be their's for the taking. If Raia or Whizzie were paying attention, this spelled bad news and a ticking clock for their friends.

Surprise! Golden Hour is upon us all, and that means you have to hurry up and try and get to this treasurebox before someone else wins the whole thing! Because nobody went and beat Shu, he was able to rack up enough wins to become House Royalty. During Golden Hour, all earnings are doubled, so if you're in the midst of a game keep track of your R.E's. If you're not with the group robbing the place blind, STRIKE NOW. It's your chance to take everything in one fell swoop! Golden Hour won't come again so use this time wisely

GOLDPOT | Upstairs
Mei blew out a long whisp of smoke from her pipe as she spoke, "It was inevitable that he would die. Such is the fate of all Jiang's..." Just as Golden Hour began, she hummed with a small, content smile. "Ah perfect...it seems my idea is coming to fruition. Soon, everything in the Jiangshi Treasurebox will be gone, and the curse will be finally lifted." She was speaking mostly to herself, though she did glance at Naori. "Aren't you and your friend going to enjoy the Golden Hour? This is a prime opportunity, you know. You won't get another one."

As for the "friend" she had mentioned, she looked directly at Captain Mors unbothered. "I wouldn't walk around so incorporeal if I were you. The Treasurebox likes to trap things that are more spiritual in nature. Of course, after Golden Hour, I assume we won't have to deal with that though. Everything it holds will belong to another soon enough, so we'll be completely unburdened at long last."

"If all else fails, I suppose I could always hold an auction. That way, I will be certain to get rid of everything fairly. Is an auction a game? I feel it falls within the realm of gambling at least, so it should count."
Mei spoke idly to the both of them. "I just hope everything in that Treasurebox is gone by the end of the night..."


Maxxob Maxxob NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Lolory Lolory Moonberry Moonberry Garbage. Garbage.
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

The pickpocket had gone off without much of a hitch, probably in part due to the fact that they were drunk as hell.

Another envelope....somethin' weird about it though.

What was in her hands beneath the table felt like just a red envelope. However, there was something particular about it's shape. It seemed like it was made to fit into something. There was what looked to be another room she could peer into. But in truth she thought that what she had was a key. When Captain Mors had gotten up, to leave -- she felt herself intent on following him. However, she felt herself stopping dead in her tracks once Elvyra.

Wait what are you-

From the way the conversation was flowing, Pamela could instinctively sense a violent turn of events. Stealth appeared to be going out the window. This kept her in place her eyes darting between the Elvyra and the Captain.. She let Zeke leave the room because ultimately, it seemed as though she was going to be more needed here. If not to assist her allies out of loyalty....

.....Then to make sure none of the guards got out of this room alive.

Guess I won't be joining you yet, boss.

Elvyra brandished a gun on the enemy guards. And Pam acted in the blink of an eye.



Pam's foot hit the ground so hard it cracked. And by extension, she launched herself into the air towards the guard on her right. As she span acrobatically in the air -- the distance between her and the guard had been devoured in the blink of an eye.


The spinning leap ended with a flying kick to the man's -- the air distorting as her boot would smash into the man's face before she even hit the ground. [Dive Kick]

As she landed, she continued to spin and, all the while, raised her knee all the way to her chest. This chambered her next kick before --


Her leg exploded outward and would smash into the man's chest. The blow would feel less like being hit by a foot and more like being hit by something as solid as a warhammer. The force behind the blow would be enough to send the man flying backwards. Pam aimed to throw the man into the chair behind him. [Side Kick]

Guess I won't be needing these.

Pam slid her hands into the pockets of her Jazerant armor. As she pulled them out, her gloves were stowed inside and her hands were revealed. Each tip of her hand had a set of thick claws on them. So thick that they weren't even retractable, nor were they even sharp. They were claws made for tunneling. Shaped more like railroad spikes than blades. Her feet slid apart as she assumed a bladed stance. Her clawed hands were raised up in front of her face.

Teeth were bared as she snarled. Long, snow-white hair began to almost stand on end. Her ears swiveled as to keep track of everyone in the room. But her eyes were locked onto the target before her -- attack likely imminent within the next few fractions of a single second.

Actions: 3/3

1. + 2. Dive Kick -Fighting Style: Rabbit's Revenge F, Acrobatics F, Accurate F, Fast F, Jumping F (1), Energize F - Speed and power combine to make a distance closing kick. Pam jumps quickly into the air and kicks into an opponent. Range of 60 feet and height of 9 feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

3. Side Kick - Fighting Style: Rabbit's Revenge E, Knockback F (1), Accurate F - A lunging kick in which she blasts her opponent back and potentially into an object. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Note: Pam seeks to send the man flying into the objects behind him for additional damage via optional "Knockback Rules"


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 1 Posts Remain


He was doing quite well, considering how much he was holding back. The buzzing of hundreds of voices, and the creaks and groans of their bodies were stronger than scent of blood could be. It was nowhere near as hard to control his human urges, but this monstrous body's were much stronger. His investigation in the bathroom was proof of that; the wire craved freedom, and meat to tear asunder; The leathery exterior of his skin simply meant to keep it at bay. His serpentine gaze following the crew's movements, and the allies they had sided with. This Elvyra was a fascinating one. He didn't hear much of the conversation she had with Zeke, but it was obvious she was apart of this mission too.

He supposed he would add her to the no kill list, which had begrudgingly increased in length when he joined Zeke.

Snare combined the impromptu plans from both of his parties in his proximity, stepping into the ethereal with Zeke, but followed Pamela. He watched Elvyra's display and words; earning some respect from the monster, whatever that may be worth. She stood by her ideals, and was willing to kill for them.

He couldn't agree more, though his ideals were all about killing.

A portal opening up next to Elvyra, unleashing Snare like Zeke's own hellish attack dog. The bloodlust he had been withholding roiled barbed wire underneath the bandage like folds of his leathery skin. Pupiless Irses shone like faces of the moon, giving his enemies a quick analysis with [Evil Eye], before dropping low, onto all fours. His skin beginning to peel away like rust on a sheet metal door.

Cruel Brushstroke #2: Wanion"

He lurched across the floor, running on all fours as he targeted the guard next to Pamela. Fingertips and toes being left behind, replaced by terrible barbed wire claws; bound and twisted into deadly points. He would launch himself at their face directly; writhing wire being dug into the guard as he started to slash and cleave like a wild animal, or rather, a monster. Snare's monstrous form revealed.

"Cruel Brushstroke #1: Hiraeth"

His voice was strangled and raspy in this form, his entire body creaking and groaning like straining metal, making up his entire body. The cicada noise within him almost growing louder in convulsive mocking laughter, before raising his leg; it's wire became hardened and flanged. Snare dropped a heavy axe kick atop his prone foe. Eyes dreaming of the squelching confetti his head would erupt into.

Come to me, my angel of music!"

1 Action: Evil Eye - Perception F, Heightened Sense F, Warfare F - Snare takes stock of his surroundings and attempts to assess a target or location for tactical advantage - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
1 Action + Basic Movement (Striker Perk): Cruel Brushstroke #2: Wanion - Fighting Style E [Barbed Wire Physique], Accurate F, Penetrating F, Fast E, Warfare F, Heightened Sense [Sight] - Snare falls to all fours and pursues his target with gathering momentum, attempting to pounce and rake with barbed wire claws - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
1 Action: Cruel Brushstroke #1: Hiraeth - Fighting Style E [Barbed Wire Physique], Accurate F, Penetrating F, Fast E, Warfare F, Heightened Sense [Sight] - Snare runs toward his target, and attempts an axe kick with his barbed wire leg - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown


INTERACTIONS: Lolory Lolory NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
[π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—], [πš†πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’:πšπšŽπšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ π™»πšŠπš’πš˜πš]
β€œWell, that explains why security was so…lax… what humans do in their desperation is fairly intriguing. And this box sounds like the perfect death trap. β€œ

He said with an expressionless face. Before adding to it.

β€œThe amount of people I could contructize with such an item is truly tempting. Why I’d have more interest in the box than any monetary value that came with it if it is truly that deadly? Nearly perfect would be the better term..”

In his mind, it equaled a good weapon with potential. But if it only had an effect on its owners, such a weapon was useless.

β€œYet for something that is called a β€˜treasure box’, it sounds more like the problems that follow are from its contents….while I originally came here to steal said contents, now it is a matter if it is worth it or not. I have yet to find someone to turn me into a construct when the time comes…or maybe when I get the tools I should work on that myself…for now, though such an item would be hazardous to myself.”

It also seemed like a difficult item to take advantage of. How would

β€œI came here by myself…I wonder who followed…maybe one of the members of that pirate crew? It isn’t Whizziemin nor Hiroshi, neither are spiritually spiritual adept. I'd assume it was one of the pirate crew or a stranger who decided to be bold.”

He spoke, turning around.

β€œWell, Mei, you’ve told me quite enough… with the kind of crowd you attracted. It’s bound to be a bloodbath. That’ll be fun.”

He spoke, taking out his dagger. To see that crimson liquid oozing on the floor would be bound to brighten the night up. Naori left, walking down the stairs. Going the same route the others took. Unsurprised to see the fighting, although it seemed his assumption was wrong, it wasn’t attendee vs attendee but attendees vs guards. But bloodshed was bloodshed, seeing guards 2 and 3 busy respectively. Naori charged after guard 1. Stabbing the guard with [Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D]-Aura [F] [Bloodlust] - Blight [Poison] [F], Incurable [F]] giggling and following it up with a [Mundane Attack]

Abilities used
Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D] - Aura [F] [Bloodlust] - Blight [Poison] [F],Incurable [F]- Naori stabs his victims with a posion laced blade, radiating the feeling of blood thirst.

Action 1: walk down the stairs into the main room using the same route ss the others.
Action 2: attack guard 1 with Fighting style -Faux Innocence- [D]
Action 3: follow up with a mundane attack.

D 0/2
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Raia (#4064c3)


Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Red Envelopes: 5/5

As chaos ensued and the lights flickered an obtrusive gold, Raia clicked her tongue in contemplation. Glancing briefly towards the stairs, the crowd around Shu Jiang, and the ranking board, she didn't spare much more thought before approaching and grabbing Whizzie's shoulder carefully with her claws.

"Hey you. The downstairs has been locked off. Don't think we want to draw attention to the gang by barging down there, so we should do our best to stall this Golden Hour thing. Delay the game rounds. Target the customers with the highest REs. Seduce, distract, insult, make conversation. Do whatever works." She bent down and whispered by the little demon's ear, patting his shoulder a few times in a friendly manner before letting go with a lazy smile. "But, that's just my take on things. Do whatever you like. Feel free to holler if you need a hand or someone get's too grabby." She waved casually, before focusing her gaze back on Shu Jiang and discarding her smile.

In all honesty, Shu Jiang ending up as house royalty was probably a good thing. It was the Jiang family that wanted to rid themselves of everything, so for him to be the big winner so far was probably undesired. Still, this whole Golden Hour thing didn't spell well for their whole heist. She could only hope things were progressing smoothly downstairs, but who knows if they even knew of the urgency.

Clicking her tongue one final time, she moved forward swiftly, driving herself through the rambunctious crowd surrounding the current house royalty. "Hey Shu Jiang, sign me up for a game." She shouted with a devious smile, flaring her five red envelopes between her claws in a fan-like formation. Her intention was pretty simple. She would target the biggest fish, and probably make everyone forced to wait for their game to end angry at how slow and thoughtful she was about to be.

Femboy Femboy Lolory Lolory
Whizziemin the Greatest

Lolory Lolory SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus
REs: 7

So the Golden Hour thing was a sudden surprise, if Whizzie knew that was going to happen then we would have picked a larger target number. He wasn't entirely sure how much time he had with said Golden Hour, yet it felt like the game he was playing may have given him good odds... if he wasn't extremely unlucky which his initial roll of a 2 was very concerning. Though the sight that his opponent immediately rolled a 6 was completely disappointing. Well, maybe they had some sort of supernatural luck, it wouldn't be too out of the ordinary. It'd also explain how they manage to stay afloat outside of whatever the special treasurebox contains.

Hearing out what Raia had to say, Whizzie was a little confused what the others were getting up to in his absence. Their heist plan felt really rushed together, so he wasn't all too surprised that their might be a slow process or hiccup along the way. Nevertheless, he wasn't sure how Raia expected him to stall out Golden Hour. The only thing he could imagine was making use of it to play games, it wasn't like he could talk to all the major figures at once to get them to look the other way. Nevertheless, Whizzie considered if he could somehow speed up the envelope gathering process or have a backup plan in case of an unfortunate 1.
"Gee, you're asking a way lot of me for someone I just met, but I'll give it a little looksie... " Whizzie answered softly, letting the fish-dragon-lady go off to wherever it was she was probably going to try something similar.

"Right, got a little distracted. Say, about that man that you seemed to be toying with, you all done with that one? Perhaps it'll be nice enough to give him an envelope or so and send him on his way to get back to playing games elsewhere? I'm sure he'll be β€Šthankful for being able to go elsewhere, and it might prove beneficial and worth one's time to allow more players around. Wouldn't want things to be too boring by being so stale, right?" Whizzie spoke with a smirk, looking to the man they had been humiliating earlier with being forced to dance and threatened with being thrown of the balcony as the incubus gave him a smile and mischievous wink. Perhaps if he got this guy free from his troubles, then he'd repay his debt by going out and getting him red envelopes in kind. For now, he also kept up talk with Fu.

"So, a six on the first roll? Nian must truly help you win all the games with rolls like that, no wonder you must have much fun around here all day. Makes me curious to wonder how you ended up being a gambler in a place like this, surely with such smarts and luck you'd have a lot of capability to do a lot of things in this world. I mean, that treasurebox is the valued thing that keeps the casino going right? Imagine what all kinds of fun you could do with the entire casino's income. That's my interest in winning anyway, I'd have a world of joy at my fingertips, one of my biggest problems would be not having friends to share that fun with, or those who share the same dream" Whizzie continued on as he rolled again, wondering if he could play to the advantages of Fu. Whilst he hadn't met them all, he supposed out of the big names of this Casino, Fu would be the one that would be the most easily convinced in aiding his success if one were to do so.

1. To charm and convince the teased man and Fu to being more cooperative.
Incubus' Silver Tongue - Seduction (F), Persuasion (F), Deception (F) - Use wording and charms to win over the attention and affection of others while convincing them to assist in his own matters and what he asks or says to them, even to convince them to believe his lies and tricks - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Roll the dice for the Pig Game.

Designer (26).png
"Ha! No way, I'm not giving this loser R.E's...But he is a bit boring." Fu thought about it for a moment, before shooing the man away. "Okay, get out of here now. You can maybe earn back some of what you lost by playing another game?" Fu turned back to Whizzie, clearly not caring about the man's supposed newfound debt.

The man looked to Whizzie and thanked him profusely, "Thank you so much! I-i promise, I'll try to make it up to you some how!" It seemed he was influenced slightly by Whizzie's charm, though neither of them noticed.

"Nian's my last line of defense in game's like this! He's a gift from my sister, you know." Fu explained. "If you ask me, she's got a few screws loose though. Don't tell her I said that! It's because of this whole treasurebox curse fiasco, she went way off the deep end when our oldest brother died. I never really cared for him, guy was too obsessed with keeping this place afloat."

Fu spoke so casually about the death of his own family, it certainly painted a picture of an unhappy relationship. That, and his uncaring demeanor seemed to extend to just about anyone. "If I had access to the Treasurebox whenever I wanted, I'd use it to conjure up all sorts of fun things! Like all the latest toys, and as many snacks as I could ever want!" Fu said with a big grin on his face. "Stuff like that wouldn't cost as much too. The Treasurebox only gives what you can afford. I've never been allowed to see it, my brother's say I'm too young to deal with the issues of the casino."

Fu took the dice in hand and decided to roll again. "Nian was conjured by the Treasurebox, but my sister's never told me what she gave up to get him. I can't imagine it was a lot, but his luck factor's amazing!"

Mentions: Femboy Femboy
R.E's: 6/10​
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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory

The yakuza kept observing as the wind of fate blew, white smoke leaving from the corner of his mouth towards the ceiling. With each long, deliberate drag, as things were set in motion. It seemed that whatever the bunny beastkin had attempted bore fruit, the pickpocket being rather obvious to someone as Hiroshi: that was how he survived during his childhood. For a moment, he began relaxing. It looked that, in the end, no violence would be necessary at this moment. He was wrong.

With Elvyra brandishing a firearm, the human immediately recognizing the object despite it being uncommon in homeland of Japan, he knew things had just taken a different turn. Even then, his arms remained crossed, watching as the rest of the group was the first to strike the opposition.

There was some mirth in Hiroshi's eyes, watching the rabbit launching the opening strike. The way she fought wasn't, at first glance, that different of his own style. Precise kicks being aimed where it mattered. However, she did appear to be faster than he. Through the puffs of smoke, his mind came to the conclusion that it was only fitting to fight her at some point, if they ever crossed paths again.

His eyes would slide in the direction of the white-haired man, another of Valdain's crew member. The grotesque transformation to something inhuman made his expression shift in pure disgust. What an unsightly thing He thought to himself, accompanying the creature's movements in a precautionary attempt. The more he watched, the more his expression returned to neutral, before a wide grin appearing on his lips. "Well, seems like this world is even more fucked up than I thought." Those words were followed by a scoff, the yakuza pushing his back off the pillar and uncrossing his arms.

"Yo, Naori-kun! Smelled the opportunity of blood, have you?" His head would turn towards the teen, who wasted no time in launching himself against the guard who wasn't being attacked. While the way he fought was already known to the yakuza, there was some novelty in seeing it again.

Scratching his chin lazily, Hiroshi was deciding who he was going to attack. Tucking his hands in the pockets of his burgundy jacket, he would nonchalantly walk towards the table at the center of the room. Placing his right foot against the edge of it, the muscles on his leg began contracting and tensing. Aiming it towards the guard that was already under assault by Pamela. "Open wide!" There would be an explosion of internal force, his muscles releasing all the strength they had gathered to launch the object towards the guard.


1 - Moved towards the table
2 - Attempted to launch the table against the guard that Pamela is attacking. (Leveraging Strength B + Natural Weapons D + Fighting Style C)

C - 0/3
.Β·Ν™*Μ©Μ©Ν™ΛšΜ©Μ₯Μ©Μ₯*Μ©Μ©Μ₯Ν™βœ© Izzy ✩*Μ©Μ©Μ₯Ν™ΛšΜ©Μ₯Μ©Μ₯*̩̩͙‧͙ .

Izzy had abandoned any further attempts to drink; every sip threatened to make her gag. Instead, she chose to shadow the captain, her golden eyes keenly observing their surroundings without drawing too much attention. She flipped her long, dark brown hair over her shoulder with a groan, resenting the rigid sobriety that enveloped her. The feeling of being watched was constant, yet perhaps it was this very vigilance that served their purpose. As Zeke began his search for a secluded spot to open his portal, Izzy followed closely, her red dress rustling softly with each step.

The captain’s portals, with their strange and misty realms, always unsettled her. Despite her familiarity with them, the transition into that otherworldly space was disconcerting. She stayed near Zeke, her tan skin almost glowing in the dim, ethereal light, unwilling to risk getting lost.

Upon reaching the room where the young boy with mismatched eyes waited, Izzy listened, her expression darkening. Children in the world of blood and crime never sat well with her, though this child had an unmistakable aura of mystery. He soon left, drawn by something outside, leaving Izzy to focus on the words that seemed to apparently be directed at the captain.

The woman's words gnawed at her mind like a persistent itch. She spoke as if the box carried a curse, one that could only be lifted by losing it fairly in a game. Using a casino to rid themselves of it was clever, but it jeopardized their mission. They needed a substantial sum quickly to fund their ship. Izzy rubbed the back of her neck, worry etched in her golden eyes as she glanced at Zeke. Leaning in, she whispered quietly, her words almost lost in the cacophony of the casino.

"Mors... Ah think we migh' be losin' arh payout, from th' sounds'vit. Think she might play ah game fer th' box? Bet ah dragon' egg?"


Mentions: NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Lolory Lolory
Whizziemin the Greatest

Lolory Lolory
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus
REs: 17

Glad that he'd at least gotten that random guy to his benefit at some point perhaps, he focused his attention on the game and readied to roll a dice again. That Golden Hour beginning was real convenient, for he had made a great increase in how many envelopes he had all of a sudden. He'd just have to hope as hard as possible that he didn't fumble the bag and roll an atrocious one, he was close to hitting his required mark of 10. For the moment, he tried to remain calm and collected so he didn't end up worsening his luck with feeling off-set.

"So, since you're all looking to give whatever this magic conjurey treasurebox thing away, why didn't you consider one of you keeping it? Or well, that is if one of you hasn't considered it. Like, I think it'll be cool to get but I didn't show up with high hopes of getting such a thing. Have you... considered exactly what you're gonna do after it gets given away and this casino closes down and stuff? It's not like you'll be able to freely play and live a life of luxury after that you know, right?" Whizzie asked, unsure if Fu even had a plan for what would happen after today.

"You know, I'm just kinda here for fun and all. The prize would be cool, but you know, for entertainment and stuff I'd be willing to share the box and stuff. It might prove useful to me after all, but I don't see why not helping out a friend or someone who just wants to have a little fun. You know, maybe with a little return help or something. So, how's your future plans going? Got any neat hobbies or business or stuff to keep you going?" Whizzhe made conversation as he continued, still curious if he could get the aid of Fu to help him out. Having as many fallback plans or additional supporters as possible was always a helpful plan. Plus it kept major eyes off of... whatever the others were doing exactly, whether that was to fail or not. Either way, he continued and rolled the dice again hoping for something good.

1. Incubus' Silver Tongue - Seduction (F), Persuasion (F), Deception (F) - Use wording and charms to win over the attention and affection of others while convincing them to assist in his own matters and what he asks or says to them, even to convince them to believe his lies and tricks - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Roll dice again
ELVYRA HIGHWATER | Blackwell Vampire-Human | VIP
I lucked out when picking this crew for the job! Elvyra was impressed to say the least, and her grin showed it perfectly on her face. As a portal ripped open next to her and Snare flew from it like a bat out of hell, she let loose a triumphant laugh. All of the guards had been dealt heavy blows, what with Pamela kicking the first one into next week. Hiroshi helped finish him off kicking a table at him. More help arrived as Naori, that small kid from earlier who Elvyra hadn't considered fully, attacked the last remaining gaurd all by himself.

Elvyra took the oppurtunity to help out then, and used her [Blackwell Colt-E] to shoot the rest of the guards who were seemingly down for the count anyways.
"Good work, y'all! Now let's get past this security, I reckon we're not that far from getting this job done." She said. A shame I can't hire them to be my goons forever, they'd do good work getting my loans back... If anything, they needed to hurry. Some random on the outside could win the whole hoarde and this would all be naught.

The door that the R.E could unlock was right in front of them. Strangley enough, there was a small card holder just the perfect size of the R.E. Elvyra took the R.E from Pamela and quickly placed it in the holder, and they all watched as it opened with a golden flurry. Interestingly enough, the R.E had transformed into a sigil instead of a standard envelope. "Clever. They were hiding the key to this door as something mundane anyone would have tonight. Though I wouldn't have thought magic would be involved in the security of this place..." The door led to a long dark corridor, which at the end was another set of stairs leading downward. Lu Jiang will be waiting down there for us, I bet. We should tread lightly. Elvyra turned back to the group that had formed. "Now is a great chance to take what we want. Golden Hour is still happening, and so everyone who matters is preoccupied with it right at this moment. If we're lucky, no guards will come by thinking it's strange that this section hasn't been closed off like Lu Jiang wanted. I say we hurry and grab what we need and get the hell out!" She glanced back at the doors warily.

Unknown to the rest of them, the door had a hidden alarm that was triggered the moment the door was unsealed. Though it wasn't alerting the guards, but rather the remaining Jiang family...

ACTIONS: 1. Shoot the remaining guards with {Blackwell Colt-E]

GOLDPOT | Upstairs
Mei watched as Naori abruptly left, presumably to go and play more games. She sened something sinister in his demeanor however, and was glad to see the child leave already. That just left the other two guests who had snuck their way in. Mei frowned a bit, confused about why Naori couldn't see them when she could so plainly see them standing there. "There's no games up here for you, miss." Mei said to Izzy. "I detest gambling with every fibre in my being. This is just the hand that's been dealt to the Jiang's, we have no other choice but to participate in these horrid games..." With a forlorn sigh, Mei took a long drag off her pipe.

Suddenly, she felt a massive headache come on and grabbed her head in pain. She stood up, blinking to clear her vision of the pain. "Oh no...I fear I must leave you two, enjoy your night. Someone is downstairs doing something they're not supposed to..." She quickly dismissed herself to go downstairs, leaving Izzy and Mor's behind.

GOLDPOT | Ground floor
"Ha! Even if my family gets rid of that Treasurebox, I'll still be playing games forever and ever. I've been playing games for nearly a century now! And who needs friends? Humans are boring, and are only good as entertainment." Fu said with a shrug. "These guys here are only sticking around because I let them have some R.E.'s for free. They'll be going home when the night ends, anyways. I have no interest in the adult world or the human world outside of the Goldpot, it all sounds super lame! You're an adult, right? Do you get to do anything fun at all? To me, it just seems like everyone who's old enough has to work forever to live. I'm going to stay with my sister Mei forever and not worry about that kind of stuff at all! Especially since I'll be this cute and small forever." Fu blinked in surprise as Whizzie won the game.

"Wow Miss, you actually won! Oh well, fair is fair." He handed Whizzie the hoarde of R.E.'s he and the other children had been holding on to. "If you want, I guess you can go and try to win more games. With that amount, you should be close to becoming House Royalty or whatever. You'd just have to beat my brother, but he's a bit busy it seems...

And that was true, as Shu Jiang was just about to start another game. As Raia approached, he smiled widely. "Sure! Sit right down, let's get with the games! You know, it's been a while since a pretty ladies challenged me, I've just been dealing with loser business men all night. Finally, a frech face!"

Before the game began, however, he got a headache and winced noticeably in pain. "Ugh...that idiot let someone break the seal...oh well. Nevermind that, I won't be dealing with it." He nodded over as Mei Jiang was making her way downstairs at that moment. "My brother needs to be bailed out again, someone's causing trouble downstairs, but I'm sure it's nothing Mei can't fix."

The game they would play was Russian Roulette since it was Shu's favorite.

Two players will put both of their collection of Red Envelopes on the table. Each player will take a turn rolling a 1d6, and every time they roll a 4, they will lose one of their Red Envelopes. The game will be won until one player has all of the R.E's for themself. You can forfeit whenever you want, but be mindful that if you lose all your R.E's, you'll walk away from the table empty handed. So this means you have 5 chances to walk away before you lose everything.

Because of the nature of games, whoever is in play is free to continue playing the game without waiting for the proper post time. We will be using the RPN Dice here! In order to use the RPN Dice, first make your post, and then go back to the post and edit it, so that you can roll your 1d6. If you have any questions or are confused, please ask me.

Any skills related to gambling or giving your character in advantage in games are allowed here, meaning if your character is a super gambler magic user or something, go nuts now would be the perfect time to try and win!

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Maxxob Maxxob Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Garbage. Garbage.
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

The golden rays of the flashy Casino bathed her every movement. Loud noise served to in part, obscure. It was a race against the clock as soon as the entire casino upstairs was sent into a frenzy. Something might serve to keep what's happening here under wraps. Or it might not. Either way, she hardly felt like she could count on it.

The kicks collided well with the man, her flying kick doing well to set up into a vicious side kick -- crashing into the man's torso with bone-breaking power and sending him flying across the room the single strike. As she loomed over him however, she detected something.

With Pam's ears oriented towards the table -- she detected that it was coming. There was nothing said outwardly. If one could see into her mind, no thoughts would flicker to the surface. She didn't even really look at the table. Instead, all she did was simply duck. The table sored over her head, missing the very tippity top of her ears by an inch. And then the entire table crashed onto the man. A bullet shot into the man right after.

Squatting on all fours, she looked towards Hiroshi right after. "Nice kick." She said with a grin.

Her eyes flickered throughout the fight as she stood up ready to leap. A momentary confusion took over her as she watched a mangled form of wires spring out to attack. Hearing its mangled voice, a thought finally washed over her mind as she watched him stomp on the guard. Ally. Her eyes flickered as she watched Naori Knife, a man to death, giving off vibes similar to her own teammate, as Naori's cold facade broke in favor of childish glee.

"Guess you got some secrets huh?" She said, looking at Snare. "Whatever. No fucking with the bodies this time." They were down and that was what counts. All that was left now was to move forward. She wished the boss was here, but he wasn't. He was either out gathering info or disrupting the events upstairs. Really it was anyone's guess.

"Guess picking that guy's pocket was pointless. Ugh. Probably gonna need to move hard and fast now. I'll move ahead to see what we're up against and see if I can't get the jump on them this time." She complained as Elvyra took the envelope and began to open up the door.

With that, Pam practically disappeared downstairs in a whir of motion once the glimmering doors opened. [Bunny Hop]

True to her word, she struck ahead quite a bit of everyone else, seeking to be the first one in. However, soon she slowed down and assumed a different stance. She began to quietly and quickly tip toe about. She contorted her shape and crouched down to make herself less immediately recognizable as humanoid and able to take cover quickly. [Tip Toe]

Sniff sniff

At certain intervals, Pam took a second to sniff the air. And then she would get on all fours, palms sliding on the ground without any care for how it might have looked. Her ears curved in multiple directions, keeping track of different sounds at the same time. With her team probably behind her, she focused her hearing mostly forward, above, and to the side, scanning what she sensed with a keen sense of awareness. [Perked]

With this, hopefully, she'd be able to scout ahead for threats or get the jump on a target. But she kept her mind open for anything that might be unexpected.

Actions: 3/3

1. Bunny Hop - Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Fast F, Energize F - Staple of nimble bunny travel. An explosive burst of movement allows Pam to cover the great vertical and horizontal distances. Travels 60 feet per use and ascends up to 9 feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

2. Tip Toe - Stealth F, Acrobatics F, Energize F - Technique devised to move in a sneaky way. Pam moves quietly, flexibly contorts her body to hide behind available and generally stays out of people's line of sight. -Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

3. Perked - Supersense: Multidirectional Hearing F, Heightened Sense Smell F, Energize F - It's best for many who aren't the most durable to detect danger beforehand. Ever accustomed to being frail, Pam takes a moment to assess her environment. She raises her nose to sniff the air and her ears in multiple directions toward, danger. Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


F - 0 Posts Remain
E - 0 Posts Remain

Last edited:
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory

The yakuza watched as the table crashed against the intended target, watching the bunny woman duck under it and making it miss by a hair. "Yours looked pretty good as well." Hiroshi told Pamela in turn, giving her a wink. With all their opponents in that very room dispatched, the man hummed as a R.E. was used to open the door they had to transverse. "Hiding the key in plain sight, huh? Crafty." That was an art that had always eluded him in the few times he saw it being properly employed, this one being one of them.

"Fucking with the bodies? Oh... great..." A flash of dissatisfaction washed over Hiroshi's face with the warning given to the barbed-wire monster, his mind already going to the very worst possible interpretation of that sentence. While a criminal he was, he considered himself a professional with clear standards. And 'fucking with bodies' was a clear breach of them.

Taking the cigarette out of his mouth, he would flick some of the burned ending, littering the floor of the room. "Sure thing, Pam-san, we will be right behind you." He managed to get out just before she disappeared in a blur. Placing the cigarette between his lips once more, the Japanese man steeled his ears, trying to see if there was any strange noise coming from the path ventured by Pamela. Well, anything that wasn't the sound of a fully grown rabbit woman making her way towards something.

"I guess that should do it! Let's follow her?" While he had asked, he didn't really expect an answer. He would also begin to make his downstairs and cross the opened doors. He would walk with his usual gait, stealth not really being his game: hands tucked into his jacket, shoes hitting against the floor. The shifting form of Pamela, from up ahead on the path, neither bothered him nor made him think anything of it. If that was what it took for them to not have any nasty surprise, that was what had to be done.

C - 1/3
It had started since he awoke in this new world; a transformation. He knew he was no longer human, yet there was no answer for what filled it's space. A blanket term for his kind being 'monsters', yet to him, it was providence. There was no better pleasure than doffing the many masks he had been forced to wear over the years, forced no longer to hide what was now plain as day.

Phosphorous orbs of white light acted as his eyes, dwelling deep within cavernous sockets. An exoskeleton of barbed wire creaking around him as he rose to his feet; blood racing along steely wires before dripping onto the cold floor. Snare had never felt more like himself than he did now. A strangled cackle of cicadas churning from within his chest.

"What bliss, a portrait of perfection brimming and laden on the floor. If only it had the final touches" His voice strained and resonant, almost animalistic as he drool collected at the edges of his mouth, Pamela snapping him out of his momentary stupor.

What a waste of good art, very well" He said, clawed feet clattering across the floor as he lumbered behind Pamela.

Elvyra was quite intelligent; Snare had no reason to doubt her words. "
Then it seems I am at a crossroads, Stay here and entertain any potential flanks for us? or follow along and see how strong this family's head is" He scraped his claws across his metallic chin. He wasn't good at decisions such as these since it fought against his own natural impulses. The treasure box was the mission, so he simply needed to cut out the fat of his thinking and focus on how to help secure it. This is where experience was quite handy, and he had none in this regard.

He was a killer, and a damn good one, but this was all still very knew to him. He was not a team player, but it sure as hell beat being a monster out in the abysmal wilds, picking at scraps. He could learn to follow orders if it meant he could be like this forever.
Raia (#4064c3)


Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Red Envelopes: 5/5

"You must have quite the... odd taste to call this visage of mine pretty." She tilted her head with an amused flare of her ear fins, harmlessly poking fun at the peculiar comment, before lazily settling down across from her new opponent. "But thanks. Take it easy on me will you?" She chuckled, letting her gaze roam the table as if full of naivety and curious fascination.

Just as Raia familiarized herself with the rules, Shu's notable wince drew her attention. She tapped her claws rapidly in thought as he gave his whole spiel, her gaze flickering to the woman passing by with similar facial features to her opponent. The Jiang's words were telling. Extremely so. It seems the gang had successfully or otherwise breached prohibited territory downstairs. She knew Mei's reinforcement could be a problem, but Raia couldn't think fast enough of a method to somehow distract her from going downstairs, whilst still continuing to occupy Shu at the same time. Whizzie seemed to have the littler sibling on lock too.

Coming to a conclusion, she simply plastered on a smile. She assumed the entirety of the rest of the crew was still downstairs, so hopefully they'd be enough to deal with her and the last sibling. She should probably hold herself back from biting off more than she could chew, and trying to get the best of both worlds. Definitely a bad habit from days long past.

Looking back up at Shu, she finally rolled her die after dilly dallying in her thoughts enough. "Ah, sorry sorry, was just praying to the goddess of luck y'know? Fortuna." She managed to grab the name of a deity of luck out of her ass, faintly recalling hearing it from folk that had heritage originating from the Eastern Empire. "But you sure you're alright? Maybe you should take break for a bit, the night is still young." She hummed almost kindly, feeling such a noticeable wince couldn't have been a fun time for anyone.

Lolory Lolory
INTERACTIONS: Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob

[π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—], [πš†πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’:πšπšŽπšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ π™»πšŠπš’πš˜πš]

”I can try my hand at dismantling the security bots. I know a thing or two about machinery. As for human security, I’m sure we can all agree on the alternative method of getting them off our backs…”

Naori suggested with an empty tone. His mixed-matched eyes examining the red liquid on the blade, making everything it was worth. He may have not been born or raised in Widerisa. Matter of fact he came from the Eastern Empire. Yet that didn’t mean technology didn’t entice him. He mentions

β€œGranted the Jiangs are a little…eager to get the box out of their hands. Mei claimed it was cursed and was the cause of her brother’s death and all that adult superstition mumbo… I was told about how the Golden Hour was the perfect method of getting rid of it. And if that failed, they would auction it anyway.”

If anything, he wouldn’t be surprised if the job was a tad bit easy. He then asks Hiroshi.

β€œIf we can find a way to preserve the bodies, can I keep them? They’ll do good for experimentation. Might be able to turn them into constructs when I have the tools…”

Naori wasn’t the most stealthy person. He was yet to learn how. he could learn it now though. He is on the run after all. He follows the others, surely security wouldn’t be that much of s problem should they bump into them.

Abilities used
Action 1: follow the others
D 1/2
Whizziemin the Greatest

Lolory Lolory
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus
REs: 27

Having won the game, Whizzie took his red envelope winnings and counted 27 in total, having had it been a Golden Hour when he started playing was pretty beneficial but seeing that Shu was too busy to play a game with him, then it might feel like his time and envelopes would have truly amounted to naught much at all in the end. Maybe the others who were off on whatever impromptu heist of theirs they were doing was affording them luck, though he might as well make talk with Fu whilst he didn't have much better to do. He had been expecting to come on a date, but when said date seemed like they were much more interested in money and crime it didn't feel like much of a date at all. He had imagined that by some point Hiroshi would've been done with all his debating and bargaining at some point for how much he'd get out of it, but it felt apparent at this point that the man had been interested in robbery the entire time rather than spending any time together.

"Well, being an adult isn't too bad I suppose. I can go where I want and do what I want, I can make and be something with myself. I mean, I'd hate to break it to you kid, but I don't think you entirely understand how it works. Without effort and hard work, you're not gonna stay cute forever nor will you be able to play games or enjoy yourself all day. I wouldn't expect you can count on your sister to care for you your entire life, at some point you'll have to take responsibility. Plus, it doesn't sound all too fun being stuck inside in one place for the rest of your life, you'd be missing out on a whole lot" Whizzie answered, having kept an eye around for anything of interest for the moment.​
Zeke 'Mors' Valdain
Zeke wandered throughout the battle, wondering where he would be needed if anywhere, watching the people move about with a hum. That rat bitch in the top floor thinking she was so clever with her little game, but he supposed that was how it was. He'd be back later to kill her himself he supposed. After all, thinking she got one over on him was something he couldn't allow. Even if she really didn't, seeing as he knew someone who could remove curses like that. But for the time being, he had a job to do. He saw the fight conclude after releasing his allies from the Spirit realm, listening to Izzy behind him, humming a moment. "If it comes to it, I suppose I can do that. But we've got a clearer path in front of us. With Raia holdin' on ta half the letters, we'll have a fallback if just stealin'... the damn... thing.... don't....." He began trailing off near the end as he began staring off, his eyes clearly distracted by something as his face grew a bright red blush.

He coughed a moment, before his hat overshadowed his eyes.
"C'mere a second Izzy. We'll be joining them here." He said, opening his Portal: Mortal Realm, and walking up behind the crouched down Pam, grabbing the hem of her skirt and pulling it down against her legs. "Put it away, we're supposed to be professionals." He said, pulling his hat a bit further down his eyes so the shadows would hide the light blush he had. He had no previous interest in anyone in this world, but these damned instincts of his new body were starting to force him to change that, and he would try to avoid that if he could.


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