Roleplay Artist
The following RP Will be about Decimus and Yunaesa as well as some other Widersian military individuals being sent out to investigate another disturbance on the Widersian border, after hearing about vehicles traveling on transport routes being ransacked for unknown reasons by an unknown source.
Yunaesa and Decimus RP Goal: Find out what’s causing the disturbance on the Widersian Border, and in doing so raise Widersian Military rank/standing.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge
Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”
Back to the arid border region of Widersia Yunaesa and Decimus would go. Due to their relatively lower end Widersian military ranks these continued to be the type jobs they could expected to go on, along with clockwork soldiers. Jobs where everything wasn’t confirmed or finite on the off chance the military had been sent to deal with nothing that serious.
Jobs that while adventurers could come along when it came to matters of nation security, the military may very well be selected over picking them first with how precarious Widerisa’s border situation was between two large nations who were fairly dominant on the world stage.
The now more familiar Widerisan Landship engine and tread sounds could be heard radiating throughout the space which Yunaesa, Decimus, clockwork soldiers and Officer Surius found themselves being transported in yet again.
A couple more familiar faces could be seen, the hatted male adventurer whose injuries had healed quite well evidently since last time, as well as Ruell with his long range fire high steam power rifle.
All were at attention, with perhaps the exception being Yunaesa, who found herself wandering about the metal interior, looking at the clockwork soldiers excitedly again.
“%Hello friends! Nice to be working with you again! THere are those familiar faces! Zjorn is glad to see you all again!%” She’d announce excitedly waving to them every now and again, and like before there was an occasional wave from some of the clockwork soldiers, most however standing still and facing forward.
“[Alright listen up all of you, I think those here know the drill by now, but I still need to give a briefing on what this mission is formally going to entail. Because some of you wanted to play hero on that one operation..not that I’m complaining, it was an overwhelming success after all; but with that said, after those results higher command has agreed that you lot are capable of not only identifying the threat we are searching for here today, but are also capable of making the decision to neutralize it if it’s deemed necessary.]”
“[What will we be searching for you might ask? Well a series of vehicle convos have been found completely destroyed with multiple fatalities in each incident along popular travel routes. Surprisingly nothing appears to be stolen from the scene in each incident we’ve uncovered, in our investigations the common factor which has been discovered is there being a sizable foot print near the scene occasionally, ,these commonalities have led us to believe that these incidents are isolated, but instead are connected.]”
“[As a result our goal will be to do identify, and neutralize whatever the source of these incidents are does everyone understand, and are there any questions?]”
Officer Surius looked around to the group.
“[Yes Sir!]” Yunaesa exclaimed, giving him a salute and standing straight up.
“[We’re gonna go beat whatever this thing is that’s been destroying stuff to stop it from hurting innocent people!]” She’d repeat, less eloquently than Officer Surius explained.
Yunaesa and Decimus RP Goal: Find out what’s causing the disturbance on the Widersian Border, and in doing so raise Widersian Military rank/standing.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge
Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Back to the arid border region of Widersia Yunaesa and Decimus would go. Due to their relatively lower end Widersian military ranks these continued to be the type jobs they could expected to go on, along with clockwork soldiers. Jobs where everything wasn’t confirmed or finite on the off chance the military had been sent to deal with nothing that serious.
Jobs that while adventurers could come along when it came to matters of nation security, the military may very well be selected over picking them first with how precarious Widerisa’s border situation was between two large nations who were fairly dominant on the world stage.
The now more familiar Widerisan Landship engine and tread sounds could be heard radiating throughout the space which Yunaesa, Decimus, clockwork soldiers and Officer Surius found themselves being transported in yet again.
A couple more familiar faces could be seen, the hatted male adventurer whose injuries had healed quite well evidently since last time, as well as Ruell with his long range fire high steam power rifle.
All were at attention, with perhaps the exception being Yunaesa, who found herself wandering about the metal interior, looking at the clockwork soldiers excitedly again.
“%Hello friends! Nice to be working with you again! THere are those familiar faces! Zjorn is glad to see you all again!%” She’d announce excitedly waving to them every now and again, and like before there was an occasional wave from some of the clockwork soldiers, most however standing still and facing forward.
“[Alright listen up all of you, I think those here know the drill by now, but I still need to give a briefing on what this mission is formally going to entail. Because some of you wanted to play hero on that one operation..not that I’m complaining, it was an overwhelming success after all; but with that said, after those results higher command has agreed that you lot are capable of not only identifying the threat we are searching for here today, but are also capable of making the decision to neutralize it if it’s deemed necessary.]”
“[What will we be searching for you might ask? Well a series of vehicle convos have been found completely destroyed with multiple fatalities in each incident along popular travel routes. Surprisingly nothing appears to be stolen from the scene in each incident we’ve uncovered, in our investigations the common factor which has been discovered is there being a sizable foot print near the scene occasionally, ,these commonalities have led us to believe that these incidents are isolated, but instead are connected.]”
“[As a result our goal will be to do identify, and neutralize whatever the source of these incidents are does everyone understand, and are there any questions?]”
Officer Surius looked around to the group.
“[Yes Sir!]” Yunaesa exclaimed, giving him a salute and standing straight up.
“[We’re gonna go beat whatever this thing is that’s been destroying stuff to stop it from hurting innocent people!]” She’d repeat, less eloquently than Officer Surius explained.