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Active [Widersia, Eastern Border] Rust and Ruin


Roleplay Artist
The following RP Will be about Decimus and Yunaesa as well as some other Widersian military individuals being sent out to investigate another disturbance on the Widersian border, after hearing about vehicles traveling on transport routes being ransacked for unknown reasons by an unknown source.

Yunaesa and Decimus RP Goal: Find out what’s causing the disturbance on the Widersian Border, and in doing so raise Widersian Military rank/standing.

Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Back to the arid border region of Widersia Yunaesa and Decimus would go. Due to their relatively lower end Widersian military ranks these continued to be the type jobs they could expected to go on, along with clockwork soldiers. Jobs where everything wasn’t confirmed or finite on the off chance the military had been sent to deal with nothing that serious.

Jobs that while adventurers could come along when it came to matters of nation security, the military may very well be selected over picking them first with how precarious Widerisa’s border situation was between two large nations who were fairly dominant on the world stage.

Widersian Landship
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The now more familiar Widerisan Landship engine and tread sounds could be heard radiating throughout the space which Yunaesa, Decimus, clockwork soldiers and Officer Surius found themselves being transported in yet again.

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A couple more familiar faces could be seen, the hatted male adventurer whose injuries had healed quite well evidently since last time, as well as Ruell with his long range fire high steam power rifle.


All were at attention, with perhaps the exception being Yunaesa, who found herself wandering about the metal interior, looking at the clockwork soldiers excitedly again.

Clockwork Soldiers

“%Hello friends! Nice to be working with you again! THere are those familiar faces! Zjorn is glad to see you all again!%” She’d announce excitedly waving to them every now and again, and like before there was an occasional wave from some of the clockwork soldiers, most however standing still and facing forward.

Officer Surius
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“[Alright listen up all of you, I think those here know the drill by now, but I still need to give a briefing on what this mission is formally going to entail. Because some of you wanted to play hero on that one operation..not that I’m complaining, it was an overwhelming success after all; but with that said, after those results higher command has agreed that you lot are capable of not only identifying the threat we are searching for here today, but are also capable of making the decision to neutralize it if it’s deemed necessary.]”

“[What will we be searching for you might ask? Well a series of vehicle convos have been found completely destroyed with multiple fatalities in each incident along popular travel routes. Surprisingly nothing appears to be stolen from the scene in each incident we’ve uncovered, in our investigations the common factor which has been discovered is there being a sizable foot print near the scene occasionally, ,these commonalities have led us to believe that these incidents are isolated, but instead are connected.]”

“[As a result our goal will be to do identify, and neutralize whatever the source of these incidents are does everyone understand, and are there any questions?]”

Officer Surius looked around to the group.

“[Yes Sir!]” Yunaesa exclaimed, giving him a salute and standing straight up.

“[We’re gonna go beat whatever this thing is that’s been destroying stuff to stop it from hurting innocent people!]” She’d repeat, less eloquently than Officer Surius explained.
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus would move slightly, from one side to the other, as the landship roared through the terrain. On his hands, he held a manila folder, reviewing the bizarre case he had participated recently. He had put forth the most unusual suggestion for high-command: that the town needed to be placed under martial law, considering how lawless the place appeared to be. Hopefully, that would bear some kind of fruit.

What made the elderly man's eyes move from the folder he held carefully with his gloved hands, was bips and bops coming from a familiar face: the blond girl who swore her chainsaw was sentient and had its own opinions. "Nice to see you again and in one piece, Yunaesa." He said, with the faintest of smiles gracing his lips, as he simultaneously closed the manila folder, placing it on top of an unoccupied seat at his side. "I have heard you ventured into See territory?" Slowly, his eyes narrowed with the faintest hint of displeasure, the smile disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. "We should be as careful with them as with the East Empire."

Finishing what could very well be considered a spiel, he turned his attention briefly to two other faces he already knew: Ruell and the hatted human who he never got to know the names of. "And it is also nice to see the presence of the Adventurer's Guild once more. Long range support is always welcome." Nodding, his attention was fully directed to their commanding officer, standing from his seat.

The elderly soldier trying to parse through every single word uttered by Surius. It wasn't until the mention of nothing being stolen or about the footprint, that Decimus showed any reaction, which was the noticeable raising of one of his eyebrows. "[A sizeable footprint... more of those abominations? Is it even possible...?]" He murmured to himself. While plans were useless, planning was essential.

"[No questions, sir. Everything is crystal clear.]" Decimus would also salute the officer, his voice wisened and lacking the juvenile animus present in Yunaesa's. Still, a smirk appeared on his lips with the declaration from the blond girl, which didn't disappear this time around, giving her a firm nod. "[We will get to the bottom of this.]"
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

The inner workings and the sound of the landship moving through the terrain continued.


Yunaesa looked back at Decimus a bit of a look of brief surprise, before it turned into a grin.
(Assuming that Decimus is meaning to be speaking Terran to her here)

“[Haha! Yeah you too, Zjorn is happy to see that you’re still alive too! You were off doing stuff too! I kinda wanted Almy to invite you to come along but it was an emergency you see!]” She looked curiously over at his folder before looking back at him,

“[Zjorn’s kinda curious about what you got there! But I get if you can’t share.]”

However Yunaesa was a bit surprised when Decimus didn’t look the most pleased that she had been in the Fae See.

However she didn’t really have time to answer him immediately due to the moment with Officer Surius taking attention.

Officer Surius

However when there weren't any other questions, Officer Surius nodded his head. “[Very well then. We’ll arrive at the latest site of the incidents shortly, be ready to deploy, Decimus you’ll take the front with me and your units.

Yunaesa, you’ll be with us upfront, long ranged support you’ll be in the back, about half of my units will stay back and give you additional support. ]”

“[Yes sir!]” Yunaesa called out again with a salute.

After Officer Surius got confirmation from everyone present who he needed too presumably he’d say “[At ease.]”

Meaning the group could break their attention from him if they desired, which is exactly what Yunaesa did.

As the vehicle continued to move along there was some time for conversation after all.

Ruell looked to Decimus and gave a nod of familiarity. “[Indeed it is good to be back in business.]”

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The hatted adventurer also gave a nod, “[Heh, what happened last time to me ain’t gonna happen this time I can promise you that..I have a new toy that I’m sure will be fun to show off too.]” He spoke with more confidence.

“[Glad you agree with me!]” Yunaesa beamed at Decimus’ confirmation,

“[And yeah it’s good to see all you guys again in one piece! You got some pretty bad injuries last time huh?]” She’d look to the hatted adventurer.

“[It’s great you hear you don’t plan on it happening again, cause that wasn’t good!]”
"[Damn right little lady.]" He'd respond with a chuckle.

She then looked to Decimus as to explain her position onto why she had gone to the Fae See.

“[To be honest I didn’t know it wasn’t the best idea to go there, you see they needed help with bug attacks and Almeida went to go do work there so I thought I’d help her out but then some of our allies for the quest ended up getting killed and I really had to go to this weird bathhouse place that let us revive the two of them and that’s why I was gone so long!]” Yunaesa let it all out.

“[But on second thought I guess I can see what you mean, I just got excited and wanted to help out the civilians, I wasn’t really thinking about the possibility of their counter intelligence…but I mean I didn’t wear my uniform when I was there..]” She’d look like she was thinking to herself.

“[Either way I’m sorry I don't think I thought it all through, I don’t think Zjorn's too sorry from the sound of things, I think he’s still glad he helped prevent the deaths of innocent people.]” She’d finally conclude.

Ruell looked over to Yunaesa,

“[You should really leave adventurer work like that for the career adventurers, Yunaesa was it? Someone like you should focus on your country. I know it’s hard to standby and not help people but you’re focus should be helping people around here, let people like myself deal with stuff like bugs.]” Ruell reaffirmed.

Should Decimus wish to discuss anything else with anyone there’d be more time too before reviving.

Upon arriving the site itself was far from pretty, Officer Surius ordered the group to leave the vechicle, as the door opened up and turned into a metal ramp from the landship onto the ground.

There was an obvious dust dirt road like path which the landship arrived on, not far away from it was a very sizable indent which certainly could be construed as some kind of foot print, whether it was animal or something else was unknown however.

Transport Wreckage Site

What was disturbing was how some train like shaped transport vehicles had been completely ripped apart and flipped about, mangled into a pile, there was still evidence of blood on the vehicle itself splattered on the sides of it, as well as nearby the large foot print, it appeared the bodies had already been removed by that point. As stated many crates which it had been carrying were just scattered around the scene, no evidence of anything valuable being taken, as on a closer look the crates were still sealed shut and filled with product, including valuables like precious materials.

Officer Surius gestured for the group to follow him as he made a move to be closer to the site.

He looked a bit more solemn.

“[Unfortunately many of the bodies here of the crew were about as mangled as the the vehicle itself, we don’t have any evidence of any survivors based on the records of who was working as crew for this transport.]”

“[All we can deduce is that whatever caused this wasn’t interested in valuables, disregarded life and is assumed to be very dangerous, we already cross referenced our local fauna database and couldn’t find anything which exactly matched what appears to be some kind of footprint, but that isn’t to say that a foreign species wasn’t let loose here..one way or another.]"

"[With that said, you all have permission to take a look around briefly and see if you can learn anything else about this scene or have any ideas about what happened, after that we’re going to head further down the path there’s some signs in the landscape which suggest what path whatever caused this may have taken after the fact..]”

Clockwork Soldiers

Officer Surirus stopped at, and just like that some of the clockwork soldiers went around the area appraising parts of it and saying %clear% in analog once again as if to affirm the space was safe to be transversed.

Right in the center of the wreckage pile Decimus even from where he was standing would notice a strange faint red glow piercing through the pile, but it wasn’t constant, it was like it was blinking every once and awhile.

“[Understood sir!]” Yunaesa said with a positive inflection once again she was then quick to start poking around the piles also saying an occasional %Clear!% herself in analog after the clockwork soldiers did.
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"[Yes, sir! Command has issued me with new units, it will be a good opportunity to test their cohesion.]" Decimus once more answered officer Surius, saluting him. After told to be at ease, the elderly soldier grabbed the manila folder once more.

And, grasping it between his gloved hands, he would extend it towards Yunaesa, handing it over to her if she wished to take it. "[This is where what got me occupied between the last mission in this one.]" Allowing the blond hybrid to scan the pages for a moment, he began. "[Local police of a town named Red Haven, to the south of Widersia and near the sea, reported two sisters had gone missing. This had already become a cold case when I got there, the authorities claiming their resources would be better used somewhere else.]”

Shaking his head in displeasure, the old man took a long drag on his smoking pipe, letting the artificially cherry-scented smoke escape the small breach between his lips. “[Two civilians and I went out in a wild goose chase after these girls, that town being some lawless hive of scum and villainy. By the end, we found some magical freak, lover of theatrics, who mumbled nonsensical garbage about having ‘souls in a contract’. Tch, the fool thought he could leave an impression on me with some cheap parlor tricks and shadow plays. At any rate, the girls were fine at the end of it, but I do regret not having put a bullet through that freak’s skull. Hopefully, high-command will find a way to put that place under martial law, seeing how incompetent the local security forces are there.]” With that, Decimus finished telling about his own adventure.

“[Mmmm… having new tricks up your sleeve is always good. I’m developing my own.]” Adding to the pile of newness.

When Yunaesa began explaining things to him, he paid attention to every word said, his expression unreadable. “[So it was Almeida who ended up influencing you to go there?]” Raising one of his eyebrows, he brought a gloved hand to his face, adjusting his glasses by pushing the ridge of the frame with his middle finger. “[If their security was so lax that they didn’t check on your origins, that is excellent… for us, that is.]” Sighing, and keeping an amiable expression, he nodded. “[I understand that what both you and Zjorn did, helping those people, came from a good place. Just remember they aren’t our people and every offered hand could free their resources or manpower to act against us.]”

Ruell had put things perfectly and the elderly soldier could only nod in agreement to what the construct was saying. “[Widersia first.]” He said it briefly.

With the transport arriving at the site, Decimus made his way out of the ramp with heavy steps, the soles of his boots letting out an audible crunch as they crushed the dirt underneath it.

The first thing that called his attention was the footprint. He approached it, eyes darting around its contours as if trying to get anything out of it: if it was smooth or if it had created some sort of relief. “[Mmmm…]” Musing for a moment, his attention was next directed at the wreckage itself.

Metal and blood, both uniting in a ferrous scent tickled Decimus nostrils, yet the military man showed no discomfort to the heaviness of the air. If that was done by sheer physical prowess alone, whatever it did it had some massive strength.

And while strength it might have, it was clear that it didn’t possess higher cognitive functions, seeing how it left all the possible spoil lying around, unbothered by its value.

“[This must be the work of either a monster or some unknown animal.]” Decimus said after having listened to officer Surius. “[A monster would be more plausible for the amount of strength necessary to twist and bent a vehicle like that and either of the options would explain why it didn’t bother with any of the material that was being carried.]” That hypothesis held water, but there was a problem with it. “[Still, it doesn’t explain why bodies were left at the scene. Seems to be against their very nature…]” Regardless, investigation had to be concluded. “[I will start right away, sir.]” He said, before he began looking around the wreckage.

As he began looking amongst the twisted metal, one thing ended up catching the attention of his ashen eyes. Blinking and crimson, what could it be? Approaching it, as carefully as he could, Decimus would stop right before the wreckage pile. And, without wasting time, would reach in with his gloved hands, attempting to sift through the junk and find the source of that blinking light.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


Yunaesa would have taken the folder when it was offered and nodded along, reading it over with surprising speed, faster than what was typically..well typical of many people, making use of her [speed reading] feature.

“[Geez Decimus it really sounds and reads like they really do need a larger armed presence to enforce more laws huh? What the heck even happened there?! Even Zjorn would agree! It’s probably a good thing you killed that bad guy if they were that dangerous and problematic and weren’t willing to see reason hm?]” She'd comment.

“[Anyway glad you’re okay!]”

She’d have nodded albeit excitedly in confirmation in that almeida had been the one to get her to go there , regardless it seemed that she understood the point that Ruell and Decimus had been making. She seemed pleased that Decimus had at least understood that their intentions had been good in helping people, even if she hadn’t necessarily considered that helping them meant it could help the Fae See act against Widersia later.

“[I..think I get it, Widersia first, right.]”


While Yunaesa continued to check around with the clockwork soldiers,

Decimus investigated the foot print like symbol, in examining it closely surprisingly there was almost what looked sort of like the number indentation “#003” near what would be the “heel” of what was presumably a foot print, however the number print could have also been construed as a coincidence of indentation as it wasn’t a neat print.
The print itself was definitely strange to say the least, the rest being relatively smooth.

The scent of blood and metal, did nothing to deceive Decimus’ eyes.
“[A monster huh? You think it’s like one of those big bads we defeated from earlier? Maybe one that has a new weird foot or that can float with magic or something?]”

Yuna questioned aloud overhearing the conversation.

Officer Surius

“[Very good Cadet Valerius]” He’d give Decimus the okay, largely because Almeida wasn’t there he didn’t feel like he had to change the language up.

After doing his own looking around some, he’d look to Decimus and Yunaesa.

“[We certainly can’t rule out more occultish or monster activity or even a foreign animal, after seeing what was being conducted on the border in that last operation..it could help explain why the evidence doesn’t lead one to the most complete picture..with that said your reasoning is solid, It may very well be a monster or perhaps even a hybrid of sorts…that might help explain why the bodies were left behind…if it were a strong one acting out it’s tendencies..though it is odd I will tell you that. ]”

However when it came to Decimus sifting through the pile with the strange light that had started up, he’d find a strange device indeed, it was a sizable metal band, actually quite sizable which looked like it had places to be screwed into around the band, as well as a strange light signal of sorts on the band, which is where the flashing was coming from.

Yunaesa seeing Decimus looking through the pile and finding something interesting made her way over.

“[Oh Oh! I think I’ve seen one of those before! It’s thingies I remember seeing in my creator’s laboratory before the explosion, I saw he had a bunch of those in what sorta looked like a workshop where he did work on metal parts for constructs and stuff! He was someone who liked to experiment y’know! I also sorta remember some other weird stuff, I dunno why it started now it wasn’t blinky and glowy before..]” Yunaesa added.

Officer Surius eventually made his way over, “[I see you found something new, tch, figures these search crews..I knew it’d be worth taking another look over with fresh eyes.]” Sounding a bit displeased that something relevant may not have been seen before they got there.

Ruell and the hatted adventurer appeared to be somewhat farther off looking around the perimeter of the area, sort of looking like they were looking at some kind of marking on a sizable natural rock which jutted out of the earth not all that far away.
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"[It could very well be one of those abominations we met in our previous mission together.]" The old man told Yunaesa. "[We shouldn't discard any possibility, even if it seems unlikely that it could be those things. Still, the powers who actually were running that 'show' are still unknown to us, that culprit we apprehended at the end of it being merely a pawn of something greater...]" He remembered it crystal clear.

"[Thank you sir, it looks like, at this point, we just don't have enough information to rule out anything just yet.]"

Decimus would then hold the new apparatus on his gloved hands. Carefully, he turned the device, akin to a metal band, around. His ashen eyes moved about, trying to verify every nook and cranny it possessed.

"[So, this is a part of a construct of some sort or any other type of inorganic, manufactured being?]" Asking Yunaesa, he attempted to summarize the information that he got the half construct, half fae girl. "[I wonder if this piece is common or if it is a proprietary device that only your creator would be able to make...]" Having heard how shifty that man was, it wouldn't be a surprise if he were playing mad scientist. Having decided to being the best technologically inclined person of the group to hold on to the piece, he would attempt to hand it over to Yunaesa. "[Here you go.]"

"[Search teams are always the same. The Eastern ones were just as incompetent during the See-Empire War, sir.]"
Offering a curious consolation for the distraught officer, he decided to comment on what he might have seen. "[I'm not sure if it is conclusive, but upon closer inspection of the footprint, it appeared that there was a sort of 'serial number'. #003 was what appeared that I saw.]"
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


“[That doesn’t sound so good! Those abominations had really foul blood.]” Yunaesa replied matter of fact.

“[RIght, I hope that they took our recommendations seriously about it, I mean we have no idea how widespread that occult activity could have been, whether it was an isolated event here, or if there are more of them like that, I’m just glad we were able to spare his life to be honest..]”

Yunaesa also said reflectively on the whole case.

“[So yeah, guess we should keep it as a possibility then..]”

Officer Surius

Officer Surius nodded thoughtfully when Decimus addressed him.

When Decimus looked around the device he’d see that there were areas that jutted inward on it which looked like they could possibly connect/fit into..something, the connectors being on the smaller side of things.

“[Uh yeah that’s what I remember about them, pretty sure I saw bands like that, which were placed around constructs in his work area. You know sometimes around their “necks” and waists and stuff, they all had that little light indicator, but I don’t really know why he put them on exactly, something about limits…if its proprietary I dunno for sure , I don’t think I’ve seen them on other constructs before around Widersia though, so maybe!] ”

She’d take it and hold onto it.

“[Thanks! Another thing I know is that I’ve never had one, only whole constructs have from what I've seen!]"

Officer Surius let out a bit of a sigh, “[Is that right?]”

He’d say after Decimus told him that bit.

“[Unfortunately the upper brass like to send some of the newest and most inexperienced for this type of work, work where they aren’t entirely sure of the severity or if it’s really a big deal at all. So it doesn’t necessarily surprise me when search teams aren’t always as effective as they could be. At the very least the risk cost of life is more minimized compared to other militaries..]” he’d reflect pragmatically.

“[I often find myself overseeing these sorts of operations, at least they know well enough to do that..]”

“[But that’s fine in our case, you lot have shown them you’ve been successful in the past, keep up the good work and you’ll probably be assigned to tasks which involve more concrete issues.]”

Whether Officer Surius was telling the truth or just saying what his experience had been so far was up to interpretation but even so, he looked curious at the band.

“[A construct part you say?.]”

Yuna nodded in response, “[Yes sir!]”

Officer Surius then made his way over and looked at what Surius was talking about and looked at the ‘serial number’, suddenly his eye began to glow a greenish hue again as he crouched over to get a better look at it.

“[That’s..definitely the #003 it’s been imprinted..either our monster has a mechanical leg..or it could be a mechanical being..]” Officer Surius commented.

After some more time passed. Officer Surius looked to the group, “[Very well then, lets reassume position and move out.]”

Presumably after everyone was at attention and followed command they’d start to move along the more arid landscape. Before moving out Yuna secured the evidence.

The path the group ended up on wound through the dry dusty landscape, a subtle disruption in the otherwise undisturbed earth. Broken rocks littered the ground, their surfaces scratched and chipped as if worn down by something large but not overwhelmingly so. The dirt was cracked and uneven, with patches of darker, disturbed soil where rocks had been displaced. Small, shallow grooves scarred the surface, like faint scratches across the face of the land, leading off into the distance. The air was still, heavy with dust that stirred in the occasional breeze, creating soft swirls that seemed to hover briefly before settling again. It was a quiet, almost somber scene—something had passed through here, leaving behind a trail of broken stone and subtle marks, yet the source of the disruption remained unclear.

Eventually they’d reach a narrower section of the path which had long tall rust colored rock formations on either side, with what appeared to be scrape marks, thankfully it wasn’t so narrow that the group couldn’t keep formation.

“[Wow those marks are really big! I wonder if what we're looking for caused them.]”

Following this path on the right side suddenly they’d see an area in the distance which looked like it’d been smashed out of the rock face, limited light getting into it, a cavern of sort which didn’t look naturally occurring, and there were..what appeared to be disconnected construct arms and legs strung about of different sizes and shapes, just outside the cavernous space.

"[Yikes! What happened here?]"


"[This reminds me of the scrapyards..Probably not the best sign.]" Ruell spoke matter of fact. And depending on what part of the Empire Decimus had been from he may have been familiar with construct scrap areas himself.

Thankfully unlike last time the group had encountered a dark area, there wasn’t any sort of large mysterious door, but it was still strange just the same, the scraping marks which they had seen along the sides of the stone path ending at the cavern space.

“[We should prepare to follow breach protocol like the last time we were all together.]” Officer Surius announced

Now was the time to consider plans or alternative routes for action if there were any.
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“[Limits?]” Decimus would repeat the word from Yunaesa that caught his attention the most, thinking about what it could mean in this case. He would keep that on his mind for the moment. “[This object could have something to do with what happened here… even more with the possibility of being part of a foreign construct.]” He hypothesized about the curious band-like object. “[Excellent intel.]” Praising the blond-haired girl, he turned to Surius.

“[Hopefully, we will soon be able to serve the crown in other matters.]” Expectantly for it to happen, the old veteran would next pay close attention to the officer’s words, after its analysis of the footprint. “[So it really is a serial number after all. This points even further for this band to be connected with whoever perpetuated this attack.]” The connection between the two, in Decimus’ mind, became stronger by the second.

The elderly man would feel some of the dust blowing against his face, covering his glasses with it. Carefully, he would remove them and begin to wipe the lenses from a piece of cloth, produced from one of his pockets. Meanwhile, his ashen eyes didn’t move away from the strange scenario in front of them: the land was scarred with marks, heralding that something had moved through there.

With the plumes of gray smoke leaving his smoking pipe, the smell of cherry tobacco sweetening the air, Decimus adjusted the glasses back on his face. “[If the perpetrator caused this marks, we are probably looking for something of quite the size. It makes think of a war machine…]” That was the first thought that came to his mind.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he gazed with intensity at the unnatural entrance, as well as the macabre adornments with cluttered the superior part of its entrance. “[This was not an unfamiliar sight in some regions of the Empire. Constructs were not that welcome in them.]”

“[Form up, full division!]”
The old veteran said briefly, putting his right arm forward, before a burst of mana took place. From the sudden flash, ten of his Melee Squad and ten of his Ranged Squad, would take shape. “[Breaching protocols, get ready!]” He ordered the constructs under his command.

1 - Form up, full division! - Magic E + Ranged Squad E + Melee Squad E + Magic Duration F + Focus E - Decimus summons 10 units of his Ranged Squad and 10 units of his Melee Squad - Grade E Cooldown 1 Post
2 - Order the Minions to get ready to breach

CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 10/10
Melee Squad: 10/10
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge
Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”
Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


Yuna smiled upon hearing Decimus tell her that she collected excellent intel, giving him a salute, “[ Thanks! I plan on keeping it up!]”

Officer Surius

Surius looked to Decimus before nodding.

“[The good news is these clues are telling us more definitively what we might be dealing with, the bad news is that if these clues are accurate, this may very well end up being a..shall I say, difficult encounter if it leads to combat..we should assume there will be a high risk encounter moving forward and act accordingly]”

Surius chose his words carefully there, the end of his sentence sounding deterministic.

When Decimus made his comment about the size, officer Surius looked to him again and nodded, “[Part of the reason I’ve given the precaution I have, a large foe can be a very dangerous foe indeed..]”

Yunaesa nodded in agreement. “[Yeah it’s looking like there might be a big bad somewhere who did this! Maybe the part broke off or something when it was being moved, I don’t know for sure but that sounds like something that could be true. Zjorn seems to think it could be possible.]”

“[Oh metal guys like these weren’t as tolerated? I mean I heard that the Empire sometimes uses golems, do you think those are more acceptable?]”
Yunaesa asked Decimus curiously. She looked to the different parts around the entrance as if to see if she could recognize anything of importance.

When it came to the breaching it was successful, the swath of construct units, adventurers, and military people made their way into the cave space.

The light was dim, as the dark entrance suggested, but surprisingly there were lamps here and there, to which Surius had Yunaesa go and try to turn the closest one on to which it did.

Officer Surius himself moved into a more central location in the cave with his clockwork soldiers surrounding him and looking outwards, In a semi defensive formation.

Clockwork Soldiers

What was illuminated was curious indeed, more construct parts strewn around the cave, but also what appeared to be work areas of sorts with sizable metal tables and tools, construct internals and exteriors spread through out.

More interestingly was that some of the marks that had been seen on the outside stone walls were repeated on the interior of the work space near some of the work stations, specifically noticeable on the workstation at B13 and C24. Like the rock surface had been scratched and smashed against by something big and heavy. Some of those same marks could be seen scatching against

“[Let’s investigate the area..carefully.]” Officer Surius spoke up once more. Looking around the space with his eye, which glowed a green almost like he was appraising it.

After Yuna had turned the light on she went to go check out the nearest workstation, “[Hey! I found something interesting! I think it’s another one of those band types but it isn’t making any light!]” She’d call over to Decimus and Officer Surius.

For a change, Ruell and the hatted adventurer seemed to break off ahead and look around the space, taking note of the tunnel which lead into more darkness, however it was safe to say that the tunnel walls those of which were exposed looked like they had been sentient made, with some metal support beams put up.

There were some options moving forward, like areas to check out, the work spaces, even the bookshelf chocked with books might say something useful, or perhaps they’d get a move on sooner.

Cave Map:
Screenshot 2025-02-05 at 4.39.37 PM.png

Map Key:

Brown Squares:
Cave Stone/wall

Lamp: Gas lamps made with shells of metal and glass, illuminates area around.

Con Debris: Piles of Debris of Constructs such as internal parts, as well as the occasional limb, torso and or head.

Bookshelf: Metal bookshelves affixed to the wall with books on them, many pertaining to engineering concepts as well as working on constructs.

Hat Adven: The hatted Adventurer
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"[It will depend on where in the Empire. A lot of constructs are decommissioned and used for more peaceful work, but you are correct, golems were used in a rather large scale during the war.]" He further explained to Yunaesa, wondering who or what placed the warning 'sign' right in front of the cave's entrance.

And, after entering it, Decimus would inhale deeply, the scent of the earthy surrounding reaching his nostrils. With Yunaesa turning one of the lamps on, his ashen gaze would survey the area, catching the several piles with construct pieces, the bookshelf and even one of the work stations that Yunaesa zeroed towards it.

"[Another band? More and more, this is appearing to be the work of some engineer/tinkerer gone rogue or turned criminal.]" That was the conclusion he could reach with the available information.

"[Form up in pairs, melee and ranged. Square formation!]" Doing the same as officer Surius, the elderly man ordered his constructs to form 10 pairs: a melee and a ranged construct in each one of them. The metallic stomping and moving echoed through the space, whirring of gears, groaning of metal. Soon enough, 8 of the pairs stayed around Decimus, while two of them stayed a bit further away.

After the positioning of the constructs was done, the old man would move to B9 to investigate the bookshelf, eyes quickly scanning its contents, seeing if there was anything noteworthy to pick up and read, as well as to take it with him.

Next, he would move on to the piles of debris at E3 and E6 in that order, kneeling down and rummaging through them to see if there was anything important or out of place in them.

CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 10/10
Melee Squad: 10/10
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

“[Oh is that right? It’s great that you know so much about the Empire Decimus, to be honest I only know what I’ve heard in passing from people, some of them seem to like it more than others, I don’t know if I was aware it’s relationship with constructs was as nuanced as that to be honest..]”

When they were in the cave space, Yunaesa looked to Decimus,

“[You think so? Definitely looks like whoever was working here was working on constructs, like you say, the band showing up at the crime scene and identical bands over here..plus the serial number, maybe we are dealing with a construct after all..or at the very least someone who knows how to make them I mean the clues are making it look pretty likely..Zjorn agrees too]”

Officer Surius

Officer Surius continued to appraise the space with his mechanical green eye, giving Decimus a seemingly nod of approval at hs decision to have his units go into that formation.

When Decimus scanned the bookshelf he’d see that there were some books on building your own construct and parts there for but they were largely written for people who already seemed to know what they were doing to some extent, the text being quite technical.

However a more interesting book that he’d spot if he took a look at it in particular was one which didn’t seem to have an author, with a much less formal cover, the text written on it less neat stating ‘How to control a construct’ and if he looked on the interior there were some pages which seemed to show hand written diagrams.

As the constructs moved along with Decimus protectively, following his orders, the sounds of machines moving echoed a bit in the cave space.

Yunaesa giggled a bit, “[You really weren’t kidding you do have some new friends, I bet they’ll be great.]” She’d comment taking note of how there were ranged and melee ones.

When Decimus checked the debris at E3 he’d find one of those strange bands except this time it looked like it was around a detached construct head’s which had what sort of looked like a long lens for an eye. The band was around what appeared could be it’s “neck” even so it wasn’t functional but did further cement what purpose the band could serve.

When he checked the debris on E6, after sifting around the metal scrap pile he’d see a similar light blinking like he had at the scene of the crime but the pace began to increase, and when he fully uncovered it the sight was probably far from expected.

It was a metal cylindrical device which looked jerry rigged from scrap like it could be held in one’s hand and tossed easily, which Decimus would quickly realize was far from something that he would have wanted to encounter in the pile, his training told him immediately that it was an armed and potentially active anti personnel IED that could go off at any moment as signaled by the erratic flashing light. He'd recognize from prior briefings this was a type of grenade that was sometimes used by more tinkerer focused Adventurers in Widersia as well as less savory mercenary and criminal sorts.

There was only so much time he had to react to the explosive threat, what would he do?


While this development was taking place Ruell would speak up in the distance, “[We’ve noticed some more markings heading down that path.]”
"[Doesn't surprise me, my eye has revealed that even though this place looks natural, parts of the walls have been doctored up to make it look the part..suggests to me there might be a layer of defenses which are stronger than rock embedded in these walls..in other words we may have just stumbled into the den of advesaries..]" The officer concluded.

Clockwork Soldiers
For now his clockwork soldiers strayed true on task, protecting him while he had been assessing and appraising the area.

Yunasa had been looking through the work station some more before she came over to see what Decimus was looking at.

“[Ooo you find anything helpful?]” she’d ask excitedly, apparently unaware.

Current map:
Screenshot 2025-02-16 at 10.00.39 PM.png
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

While looking over the books on the bookshelf, Decimus began noticing the complexity contained in most of them. “[From these books, whoever was working in this cavern and with the constructs knew what they were doing. It seems like quite the advanced literature.]” Decimus said back to Yuna, eyes narrowing when drifting towards the more ‘simpler’ of them. “[Mmmm… what is this?]” He said curiously, gloved hands darting out to take a hold of the book.

Holding it firmly in his hands, he would first inspect the cover, noticing there was no author name. “[Seems like one of the these was actually written for however has been working here… or still is. ‘How to control a construct’ is the title.]” Without wasting time, he was quick to open it up, checking the few first pages and the diagrams present on them. At that moment, there was no doubt: if that cavern was the base of operations to the person that is performing those attacks, a mechanoid was indeed being used in the attacks.

Shifting briefly from his serious exterior to a more lighthearted one, he would let out a brief chuckle to Yunaesa’s commentary about the new bots under him. “[New ‘friends’, huh? I guess you could say that. Let’s see how well they end up performing during combat.]”

And, while sifting through the pile of debris in E3, he would spot the detached head. Quickly, his hands would find their way to both of its sides, bringing it closer for inspection. “[What secret are you hiding…]” He muttered to himself, ashen eyes scanning the object from every direction. “[This look like a slave collar. Weird… why would you need these to control constructs?]” He spoke the question out loud, his mind having fleeting memories of the East, before focusing it fully on the current moment. “[Guess these weren’t their constructs.]” It made sense.

Following that, he began sifting through the pile of debris in E6. The sound of rustling metal reached his ears every time his hands moved. Yet, the sound would come to a complete halt as soon as the cylindrical object was caught by his eyes. For a moment, it was like time itself came to a halt. Droplets of sweat quickly began forming on his forehead, smoke still travelling from his smoking pipe, to his mouth, only to leave it a moment later. His pulse began to increase, his chest drummed with an intensity he had not felt in a while. He knew exactly what that was.


There was a hard swallow and then movement.

His body moved by itself, gloved hand quickly darting to snatch the grenade. “[GRENADE!!!]” He bellowed from the top of his lungs, turning towards the cave entrance. Moving his hand back, holding it above his head, his muscles began to coil, storing energy as much as it was possible. Ironically, that would end up being a test if the old soldier actually had the capability to train that baseball team with Yunaesa and Almeida.

In the very next moment, all that stored energy was released, the throw attempt to either make the explosive reach the entrance or maybe even leave the cavern altogether. Things certainly were taking an explosive turn.

CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 10/10
Melee Squad: 10/10
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Officer Surius

Officer Surius listened to what Decimus had to say regarding the books, as well as his conclusions a bit of a smile forming on his otherwise serious face.

“[So it sounds like we’re making progress in our investigation then, even if that’s all we found out, it’ll give them something tangible to look out for and target around here, good work Cadet Valerius.]


Yunaesa despite her own searching also listened to what Decimus had been revealing.

“[Hah! Yeah you’re learning all kinds of helpful stuff, but I guess that means we’re dealing with people who know what they’re doing huh? Probably mean we should update the threat level in the report accordingly.]” She concluded.

Though she looked a bit more intrigued when Decimus mentioned the book which had been made for whoever was working there.

“[So..maybe less academic than I was thinking, Is there any author on it?]” She’d ask. Decimus wouldn’t have seen one notated.

“[Yeah! Maybe if I get good enough the ‘upper’ Brass will let me take some new friends along too! They look like they’re really useful and cool!]”

She’d add enthusiastically, before reeling herself back a bit, “[But, yeah guess we should see how they perform, hope they’re cut out for it since it’s kinda the whole reason they were made huh?]”

Officer Surirus once again looked somewhat intrigued by Decimus’ discovery once again. “[Are you suggesting they are taking what doesn’t belong to them and then repurposing them?..That would be in line with what appear to be illicit operations..]”

However when Decimus found his surprise, all the alarms were raised quickly, “[BRACE YOURSELVES!]” Officer Surius called out very alarmed now.

Decimus hurled it, and as determined by roll, the explosive landed just shy of outside, right between the threshold of outside and in the cave and just like that it wasn’t long before a very bright and loud explosion rang out where it had landed,

Yunaesa dashed away from the entrance toward the workstation before the boom took place looking away.

Ruell and his hatted friend were far away enough they had just taken cover behind the wall, but dust filled the cave that had been unsettled as had pieces of rock fall down toward the entrance, thankfully it had not collapsed but it was damaged.

Not long after this though did suddenly an amber light and a wailing sound began to fill the cave which was equally as loud, an alarm of sorts had been triggered from the explosion.

Then the sound of something heavy repeatedly striking the ground could be heard just outside the cave in fact more than one thing, and from the tunnel which Ruell and the hatted adventure had pointed out a stomping galloping like sound which echoed could be heard.

“[Get ready for a retaliation!]” officer Surius called out, getting his ornamental fire arm ready, also drawing his sword.

Yunaesa revved up Zjorn and looked ready to rumble, “[Let’s beat some bads up Zjorn!]”

She’d exclaim with a steely look of determination.

Suddenly two [Large] constructs with red glowing eyes appeared in the dust cloud which had formed post explosion, standing side by side.

Decimus and Surius alike recognized them quickly as constructs in the style of the East Empire. However they did not give their usual hail to the emperor when they appeared on the battlefield instead the machines spoke out,

East Empire Construct #1

East Empire Construct #2


What was notable about them was that they had the same strange looking collars on them.

Then another construct appeared down the hall, it looked similar but very different with four legs sort of like a horse, as well as a different style of arm, and this one was covered in what appeared to blood on the front and it did not have a collar anywhere visible on it.

East Empire Construct #3

“PREPARE FOR TERMINATION.” It spoke aloud in common.

Map Key update: EEC = East Empire Construct
Screenshot 2025-02-22 at 7.12.48 PM.png
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus was certainly glad he had managed to throw the grenade with enough strength that it blew up without wounded, or even worse killing, any of his allies. As the explosion took place, the veteran soldier felt his ears ringing with the explosion, the cave ended up acting as an amplifier. He would squint, bringing one arm over his face to protect his glasses from possible debris and dust, coughing a little in the process.

"[IS EVERYONE ALRIGHT?]" The old human raised his voice, a bit worried how everyone might be. His constructs would answer with some beeping, relaying to be in top shape. And, just as he began scanning his surroundings, an alarm began to rang, making Decimus' expression grow graver. "[I guess we haven't been alone after all...]"

It didn't take long for massive constructs, ones that he knew very well from the East Empire, to show up. And, once more, those curious band things made an appearance, this located around these constructs' necks. "[They are being controlled.]" He thought. Regardless, if they were acting against their own wills, it didn't matter. What mattered is that they were dangerous hostiles that needed to be taken care of. "[Ranged units, open fire against both of the constructs by the entrance! Melee units, hold position to engage if they approach!]" Those were the cadet's orders.

Decimus, however, wouldn't remain idle. He would take aim against EEC#1, before squeezing the trigger of his pistol and shooting against it.

1 - Order ranged constructs to split their assault against EEC#1 and EEC#2.
2 - Take aim against EEC#1
3 - Basic attack against EEC#1 - PRE C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7
CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 10/10
1-5 = 9 (First Basic Attack) + 2 (2 combos from one of the constructs) + 4 (team-up from the other constructs) + 1 (team-up from Decimus) = 16 Base Effectiveness vs EEC#1
6-10 = 9 (First Basic Attack) + 2 (2 combos from one of the constructs) + 4 (team-up from the other constructs) = 15 Base Effectiveness vs EEC#2
Melee Squad: 10/10 Holding Position.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

Thankfully nobody had been harmed by the grenade thanks to Decimus’ quick thinking.


“[Yeah I’m alright!]” Yunaesa called out to Decimus after.

Unfortunately the newcomers still weren’t looking very friendly.

Decimus’ ranged units gave affirmative sounds of understanding as they began to open fire on both EEC #1 and EEC #2 with their steam rifles, the concentrated shots whizzing through the cave. In response The constructs shifted, moving their more shield-like plated arms in front of them to brace themselves for the oncoming shots to the best of their abilities.

Decimus’ pistol shot also rang true, making a sound striking EEC #1 leaving a visible damage spot on it’s armor. Thankfully it looked liked they were damaging the construct’s advancing armor in both cases.

East Empire Construct #1

East Empire Construct #2



Officer Surius

Officer Surius surveyed the field a serious grim focused look on his face.

[Units #1, #3, #9 and #10! Provide Suppressive fire
fire on those East Empire units at the entrance!]”

He’d call out

They gave affirmative sounds in construct before they too started firing off steam rifles

“[Units Five through Eight move parallel to face the third construct to our right!, provide suppressive fire!]”
He’d bark out,

Officer Surius then picked up his own side arm, a somewhat ornate looking Widersian geary steam officer pistol which he began to take shots at the strange construct with horse like legs.

While shots were heard throughout the cave,

EEC #2 Decided to act and act it did as suddenly it put one foot behind the other and started to crouch down, Decimus knew full well what was likely to happen next but unfortunately even if he gave the orders it was likely too late at that point.

What he noticed was strange though was that unlike what he had witnessed prior there was no hailing of Emperor Valerius, lending further to the notion that they were under control of someone else.

EEC #2 rushed forward at a very brisk pace, much quicker than the average human could move, a harmful crackling reddish energy aura covering it’s whole body as it violently smashed it’s shield into Pair #9 leveraging it's full force sending them flying so far that they ended up colliding with Clockwork #2 sending all three to the ground in a crumbled construct pile.

Even as EEC #2 looked more damaged it then turned to Decimus looking like it was getting it’s shield ready again.

While this was going on an aura began to charge up onto EEC #1 as well as it also began to assume the defensive charge position, except it’s aura looked more intense now as if it was biding it’s time to unleash a more powerful charge than it’s compatriot had even done, Decimus could figure that much out just by looking.

Yunaesa looked at the pair before a steely glint of determination fell upon her face.

“[I’m not letting you two hurt any more of our friends!]” She’d call out defiantly before she made her way over quickly to team up on the closest construct to her, EEC #1 using Zjorn to slash against it’s leg twice in an effort to damage it enough to hinder it’s charge efforts.

“[Ngh!]” She’d call out making a pained expression on her face as she did so getting struck by the aura, but Yunaesa was undeterred going in for a second strike after.

First Strike:
[Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F Blight Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

Second Strike:
[Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F, Blight [Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

When all was said and done Yunaesa looked like she was ready to defend and retaliate again, EEC #1’s right leg armor looked compromised from her slashing, if it were to be hit again in the locations where she had cut it might be possible to destabilize the construct.


Ruell on the other hand was focused on dealing with the galloping construct.

The hatted adventurer moved to just behind him at K15, as Ruell set up his long range steam rifle which looked a bit more cannon at this point than rifle.

“#You know what to do!#” Ruell exclaimed in analog to the hatted adventurer who nodded,

Hatted Adventurer
Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 2.48.52 AM.png

“[Yep! Loading Cyro neutralization rounds! Let’s send this freakazoid back to it’s makers!]”

East Empire Construct #3

Just like that after loading and aiming East Empire Construct #3 began to charge at them, galloping, before a sizable canister was fired out of Ruell’s cannon striking #3 right in the chest, knocking it backward, it was a critical success! Icy mist spraying out all over the place, a large dent in it’s chest piece now as a heavy layer of ice spread all over the construct’s central mass.

Unfortunately even that wasn’t enough to stop it entirely as metallic tendrils extended and shot out toward Ruell and the hatted adventurer wrapping around them a high voltage of electrical energy went forward and shocked them, causing the pair to go limp after.

Officer Surius looked over, “[Decimus and company keep handling those two..I’m moving in on the third threat!] He’d exclaim Pulling out his Kuridan style sword, his constructs moving out of his way as he rushed at EEC #3 with his blade drawn in a reddish blur, his eye glowing it’s greenish hue.

Yunaesa Actions:
1. Fast E + Energized E to move to E2.
2. Use following ability on EEC #1
First Strike:
[Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F Blight Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

3. Use following Ability on EEC #2
Second Strike:
[Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F, Blight [Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 10.25.03 PM.png

Yellow Name = Sustaining Damage

Red Name = Incapacitated
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

With the pitched battle taking shape, and two of his constructs being launched backwards, Decimus kept a close eye on the battlefield. One of the gigantic constructs was now in melee range of some of his pairs, while the other began readying itself for something. "[Yuna!]" His eyes narrowed seeing the half-construct charging and ending up being affected by one of the mechanoid's aura. And, while he showed little care for his own constructs, she was a different matter entirely.

"[Focus in silencing these machines, they need to be destroyed!]" He called out, attempting to rally all his allies [Inspire F]. "[Pairs 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, surround and attack that mechanoid!]" He called out, directing them at EEC#2. Pair #5 would move to G7, pair #4 to H7 and pair #3 H6. "[Pairs 7, 1, 3, 2 move and support Yuna! Attack its exposed frame!]" These he directed to EEC#1. Pair #7 would move to E3, 1 to F3, 3 to G3 and 2 to G2. "[Pair 10, move and engage against that galloping mechanoid!]" He ordered, disregarding Surius' orders to only concentrate against the two constructs who were closer. Pair #10 would move to K14.

The metallic soldiers moved, groaning of metal accompanying every single one of their movements. The faint, azure tinge of their photoreceptors kept themselves trained towards their assigned targets. And, as each of them got into position, there as salvos of their steam-rifles, the smell of gunpowder permeated the air with the ringing of each shot. Pilebunkers extended their arms, sharpened steel shooting out of it as the machines performed precise, well-trained punching motions.

With his troops now surrounding the mechanoids, the old soldier knew he didn't have a clear line of sight against the enemies. He would move northward (E4) into a new firing position. As soon as his boots stopped kicking up the dirt, coming to a sharp stop, Decimus gritted his teeth. He could only hope that the troops' attack would be enough to bring these creatures down a few pegs.

1 - [Inspire F] - +1 effectiveness to (possibly) all towards destroying the hostile constructs
2 - Order his troops to move and re-engage
3 - Moved to (E4)
CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 9/10
Melee Squad: 9/10
vs EEC#2{
Pair 5: Moved to G2, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Aim, Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Pair 4: Moved to H7, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Aim, Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Pair 3: Moved to H6, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Aim, Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Pair 8: Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Pair 6: Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Total = 11 Base Effectiveness + 9 (Team-ups) + 1 (Inspire F) = 21 Base Effectiveness (-1 to target item effectiveness due to Penetrating F)}
vs EEC#1{
Pair 7: Moved to E3, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Aim, Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Pair 1: Moved to F3, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Aim, Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Pair 3: Moved to F4, Moved to G3, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Pair 2: Moved to F5, Moved to G2, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Total = 9 Base Effectiveness + 7 (Team-ups) + 1 (Inspire F) = 17 Base Effectiveness (-1 to target item effectiveness due to Penetrating F)
vs EEC#3{
Pair 10: Moved to H14, Moved to K14, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9)
Total = 8 Base Effectiveness + 1 (Team-up) + 1 (Inspire F) = 10 Base Effectiveness (-1 to target item effectiveness due to Penetrating F)
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


Yunaesa looked back in Decimus’ direction with a slightly pained look of determination as he called out to her.

“[I”m..alright! That just really hurt!]” She’d wince, feeling some lingering pain from the aura radiating throughout her, no doubt a feature of the construct’s design.

Thankfully It looked like Decimus’ inspire was working as his units retaliated, even if they weren’t human perhaps they put in some extra effort due to the perceived urgency of the situation at someone who Decimus cared about being hurt.

The construct pairs quickly moved to where he wanted them too, surrounding the two large East Empire constructs looking around at the various targets. It seemed that Decimus’ strategy to have the constructs split up and around was an effective choice against the foes.

While they hit hard, their attack patterns were linear, this is why in East Empire combat it wasn’t unusual to have a row of them work together to smash into enemies and send them flying but with only two of them the usual strategy was less effective, as now instead of have a clumped up mass of smaller constructs to hit, the east empire ones had to calculate where their charges and auras would deal the most damage.

However with all the fire, their natural armor was looking shredded in both cases, the shields having many holes in them, akin to swiss cheese, the armor on their bodies heavily dented, some penetration clear too at this point.

East Empire Construct #1

With the cutting that Yunaesa had done with Zjorn and the concentrated fire on the exposed area, just as East Empire Construct #1 looked like it was going to charge again with a powered up aura, suddenly the leg which had been struck was shot off entirely by the suppressive fire provided by the units and instead of charging through violently, the slowing construct became prone it’s aura fizzing out.

It was at this point that Yunaesa saw her chance, a new look of focus taking hold.

“[Come on Zjorn! We’re taking that baddie down!]”

She’d rush up and rev the chainsaw before promptly bringing it down on the construct’s now exposed neck, and then doing it again, but what was a bit surprising was that suddenly the strange collar broke off and East Empire Construct #1 went completely limp as if it powered off

“[Wait.Did we just get one together Decimus?!]” She’d call out excitedly, before turning to face the second one.

“[That’s pay back for hurting my friends!]”

East Empire Construct #2

East Empire Construct #2 eventually set its sights on Decimus again..it looked like it was getting to charge right at him, the scraps of it’s shield in front of it, but just as it began to rush forward, an intense red hellish aura enveloping it, as it looked like it was about to dedicate it’s whole being to snuffing out the life of Decimus, there was just too much suppressive fire focused on it for it to viably be able to withstand for long, as not only did all of Decimus’ units turn to focus fire on it, but so did those of Surirus’ and the combination overwhelmed it.

The Construct collapsed mid charge falling over prone, with many holes in it’s armored body, it’s natural armor completely ruined, the collar attached to it still intact, as the harmful aura died out.

Yunasa felt excited at seeing the second large enemy come crashing down to the ground, but her moment of excitement was fleeting when she remembered that officer Surirus was still engaged fighting the large galloping one.

“[If it’s down we gotta go help Officer Surius!]” She’d call out, making her way over that direction with her remaining move action to H14, moving up to 80 ft with Fast E

East Empire Construct #3


Officer Surius

And help Officer Surius needed, currently he was gritting his own teeth, his eye alight green as he swung his blade around exchanging a rapid series of blows with East Empire Construct #3, as he parried a violent punch with his blade before side stepping the other one, this time from it’s sizable claw like arm which would have impaled him otherwise, with his seemingly superhuman agility, however that didn’t stop the construct from lashing him across the chest with it’s metallic segmented whip like tendrils that came from under it.

Officer Surius let out a grunt of pain, much less than someone else who was in his position might make, blood landing on the ground.

Meanwhile Pair #10 engaged East Empire Construct #3, striking it so that it could not follow up for a finishing blow on the officer who had flinched, allowing him to resume his battle stance.

He was so focused on surviving, that he hadn’t even been able to take a moment to give further instructions to his clockwork soldiers, who did eventually turn to face toward his fight with the construct.

Unfortunately both Ruell and the hatted adventurer had seen better days, both still on the ground unconscious, both looking considerably injured with torn clothing, damaged armor, and in the hatted adventurer’s case blood.

Yunaesa Actions:
1. On EEC #1's Neck:
[Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F Blight Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
2. On EEC #1's Neck:
[Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F Blight Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
3. Use Fast E + Energized E to move 80 ft to H14

Screenshot 2025-03-08 at 1.55.45 AM.png
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

A sigh of relief left Decimus’ lips as the construct who was about to charge against him was utterly defeated. Not only that, it appeared that Yuna had not suffered any sort of serious injuries. “[Yes, we defeated them. Time to support Officer Surius, things don’t look too good on that front!]” He said, not really having visual range of what was happening, just hearing it. “[All units, move and engage the last remaining construct!]” The elderly soldier ordered quickly [Action 1], while he himself also started to move.

Unfortunately, Decimus wasn’t that mobile at the moment. The man was able to move south, but even then he had no line of sight of the construct. [Action 2 and 3]

The mechanoids under his command, on the other hand, were a totally different story. The Melee Squad in particular, who were constructs designed for quick engagement and coverage of the terrain, began an almost stampede, quick rushing towards the remaining hostile forces. The Ranged Squad, on the other hand, wasn’t that much different than Decimus in terms of mobility. They began to move, trying to get a clear line of sight towards the target.

1 - Order his troops to engage against EEC#3
2 - Moved to (E8)
3 - Moved to (E12)
CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 9/10
Melee Squad: 9/10
vs EEC#3{
Pair 10: Moved to M14, Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness)), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8)
Pair 4: Melee - Fast F to J14, Moved to M13, Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Moved to H11, Moved to J14, Moved to L18
Pair 5: Melee - Fast F to J14, Moved to M12, Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Moved to H11, Moved to J14, Moved to M18
Pair 6: Melee - Fast F to J14, Moved to L12, Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Moved to H11, Moved to J14, Moved to K18
Pair 3: Melee - Fast F to I14, Moved to K12, Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7); Ranged - Moved to H10, Moved to I14, Moved to J18
Pair 8: Melee - Fast F to I14, Moved to J12, STAND BY; Ranged - Moved to H10, Moved to I14, Moved to I18
Pair 7: Moved to E7, Moved to E11, Moved to I14
Pair 1: Moved to F7, Moved to G11, Moved to J14
Pair 3: Moved to F7, Moved to G11, Moved to I15
Pair 2: Moved to H6, Moved to H10, Moved to G14
Total = 9 + 5 (Team-up) + 1 (Inspire F) = 15 Base Effectiveness (-1 to target item due to Penetrating)}
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


Yuna nodded in agreement. “[Yeah alright Let’s go everyone! If we work together we’ll total that hunk of junk!]” She’d declare with determination, before dashing off toward the construct presumably to go and engage it.

“[Zjorn help me out here! It’s going down!]” she’d call out as she readied Zjorn, revving him up.

All of Decimus’ units moved, clanking along as they obeyed his commands ready to march onward tirelessly to defeat their designated target, some of the melee and ranged units splitting getting ready for a final stand of sorts against East Empire Construct #3.

Officer Surius

Officer Surius grit his teeth, his blood on his face, and across his chest soaking parts of his uniform now, while he kept brandishing his sword.

“[S..Suppressive Fire! Finish off the enemy! Avoid friendly fire!]” He’d exclaim, tightening his grip on his sword, his hands going pale under his officer gloves.

East Empire Construct #3

Upon being surrounded the galloping construct moved around a bit awkwardly like a horse did that charged into a group of enemies while its rider continued to fight against their adversaries.

It looked like it was trying to decide who to target next before it lashed out again with its whip-like tail at Officer Surius, as they illuminated with a powerful blue lightning.

Officer Surius’ eye lit up again as he tried his best to parry the oncoming blows, getting hit here by a few as he let out an intentionally semi stifled sound of pain, gritting his teeth.

At the same moment, Decimus’ pair #10 engaged the construct, the melee unit pounding it’s side, the ranged one opening fire,

Clockwork Soldiers
Well, like clockwork, Officer Surius’ clockwork soldiers all fired off their steam rifles at the remaining construct ralley firing in a row, hitting it’s already somewhat damaged armor further compromising it considerably.

At the moment which East Empire #3 construct was staggered Yunaesa raised Zjorn up and struck the construct twice targeting it’s left back leg attempting to cut through it like she had with the other construct, sparks flying all over the place the sound of shredding metal radiating throughout the space.

“[Come..On.!]” She’d call out

“[Let’s bring it down Zjorn!]”

East Empire Construct #3 Began to flash a reddish color from it’s eye as if it was an alert, steam starting to leave it’s body, it’s armor getting chewed up, with enough luck another volley would send it over the edge to failing.

Yunaesa actions:
  1. Move up to 80ft with Fast E + Energized E to M14
  1. Target East Empire Construct #3 leg with [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F Blight Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
  1. Target East Empire Construct #3 leg with
    [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F, Energized F Blight Slashing] F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal. Deals one extra damage from slashing blight.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
Current Map:
Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 10.57.10 PM.png
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus, still not having full knowledge of what was happening against the remaining construct, kept moving as quick as he was able to. [Action 1/2] However, even in such a pressing moment like the one all of them were in, he couldn't help but think who could be behind all those errant constructs. What could they want? What are they aiming for? Those were questions that kept being brought to the forefront of his mind. That seemed a little too much like a domestic threat, despite the origins of the construct.

Regardless, as soon as Decimus arrive to his new positioning, just behind one of his ranged constructs. He wasted little time in bringing his pistol up and firing towards that being. [Action 3] Yet, the gunfire of his pistol didn't ring out alone. No, it was accompanied by a salvo from the firing line that had been assembled, steam-rifles echoing loudly, a mix of gunpowder and whizzing of steam.

The mechanoids who were all surrounding the hostile construct didn't waste any time as well. Whirring of gears, clanking of metal resounding each time one of their arms moved in a punching motion towards the massive automata, the metal spikes shooting out moving limbs to meet protective layer, seeking to skewer and pierce.

1 - Moved to (I16)
2 - Moved to (K19)
3 - Basic attack vs EEC#3 - PRE C (4) + WPN D (3) = 7, unaimed shot -1 = 6
CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 9/10
Melee Squad: 9/10
vs EEC#3{
Pair 10: Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness)), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8)
Pair 4: Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness)), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8)
Pair 5: Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness)), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8)
Pair 6: Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness)), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8)
Pair 3: Melee - Fighting Style [Pile bunker] F - Penetrating F (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) + ABL F (1) = 8 (Penetrating F -1 to enemy item effectiveness)), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7), Basic Attack (STR C (4) + WPN D (3) =7); Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8)
Pair 8: Melee - STAND BY; Ranged - Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8), Basic Attack (PRE B (5) + WPN C (4) = 9 - 1 (Unaimed Attack) = 8)
Pair 7: STAND BY;
Pair 1: STAND BY;
Pair 3: STAND BY;
Pair 2: STAND BY;
Total = 10 + 11 (Team-up) + 1 (Inspire F) = 22 Base Effectiveness (-1 to target item due to Penetrating)}
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob

As Decimus moved himself into position as quick as he could so he could take a shot, his melee units were pretty quick to act. The ones in range all proceeded to extend and smash their pile bunker blades right into the body of East Empire Construct #3 on it’s already compromised armor causing sizable holes. Decimus’ pistol shot further damaged the construct, as it went through the compromised armor causing sparks to leave the holes as it seized up some.

Decimus' ranged units fired in lines their own shots filling the space like a well trained firing squad, causing the East Empire Construct #3 to move around trying to minimize damage it was taking to the very end but it was to little effect as the shots penetrated it's body.

Clockwork Soldiers

The Clockwork Soldiers followed their orders and more highly pressurized steam projectile beams came flying across the cave space from the line battle formation constructs , careful to avoid their allies striking East Empire Construct #3 taking advantage of where Decimus’ melee constructs had made visible holes in it.

East Empire Construct #3

Just as the construct looked like it was starting to charge up it’s aura and retaliate with a powerful striking force raising it’s large clawed metal arm toward Officer Surius, it sustained heavy damage, and it was at that point Yunaesa decided to attack it again as well.


THis time she sawed through the leg entirely with a pair of follow up strikes causing more sparks to fly all over the place, until suddenly East Empire Construct #3 collapsed it’s aura fading away, a loud metallic thud sound going through the cave after it fell over on it’s side.

Officer Surius
Officer Surius grit his teeth, and took his blade a greenish aura enveloping the blade before he brought it up executioner style and brought it down on the construct’s neck, breaking right through the control collar as well as the construct’s neck while the construct had been flailing around with three legs unable to properly fight, until suddenly the whole body ceased to move as it powered down, it’s head removed from it’s body.

The officer was left panting and bleeding.

He tightened his grip.

“[Regroup! Of Soldiers under my jurisdiction #11, #5, #6, and #7 need to stay here and keep the wounded protected and stabilized, bring them to the cave entrance.]”

“[The rest of us will move on, and hopefully there won’t be any more surprises like that..tch, maybe after the damage report the upper brass will think a bit harder whether or not we need more support going into operations with so many unknown factors ..]”

Yunaesa looked over to the ones who had fallen and he wounds on Surius

“[Oh no you three look really hurt! Are you sure you’re good to keep going Officer Surius? You could stay here and rest with them, send a signal back for medical too.]”

“[No way Private, I’m overseeing this operation, I need to see it until the end..]” One of the clockwork soldiers took out what looked like a syringe, and Officer Surius put his arm out, before it carefully injected him with it, and very quickly it looked like his bleeding had for the most part ceased from his lashes.

“[Once we’re ready, the rest of us, get back into formation, we’re heading in to breach the next space. Assume there could be equally powerful hostels lurking around every corner.]”

“[And Decimus, fully following orders or not you showed you’re capable of thinking things through back there, what’s important is results after all, and you delivered them, thank you.]”

He’d state with a nod, referencing the fact that Decimus had likely helped save his life even if he didn’t phrase it that way.

Yuna nodded, “[Alrighty then! Looks like you got this handled! Yes Sir! Let’s get ready to finish this up then!]” She’d proclaim, readying Zjorn once more before getting into position toward the front.

Finally after the storm, an almost eerie quiet fell over the battlefield, the constructs idling, waiting for additional orders.

(Narrator Note: If you want to do anything before we move into the next space now is the round to do so.)
Screenshot 2025-03-17 at 10.05.07 PM.png
Decimus Valerius



Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet E] - Widersia, [Experienced], [Soapy] - Color #a13a3a

RP GOAL → Upgrade Asset Military Cadet Widersia to the next grade
Point Booster → Attentive Student E

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Seeing the last construct fall after the gargantuan effort of more than a dozen people, Decimus sighed in relief even if they were not out of the woods just yet. "[We are fortunate that these weren't fully functional.]" The elderly soldier said as he approached the fallen construct, looking at its now headless corpse. "[Believe it or not, they were far more problematic during the war.]" With those words, he turned to Officer Surius.

His ashen eyes slid over the man's wounds, not thinking it would be that proper for him to continue on the mission. And the situation wasn't different from both adventurers from the guild. In their case, they weren't conscious. "[Thank you, sir. I understand it is imperative to remain flexible and able to adapt to the changing battlefield.]" Decimus told Surius in response. He then finally turned to the unconscious Ruell and the hatted adventurer. "[Somehow, I doubt they will be joining our operations again. That was too close of a call.]" There wasn't any way for him to be certain of that, but he had a hunch that survival instincts would weigh on their mind a bit too much.

"[Form up in pairs again, on the double!]" He would order his constructs, which would begin to shuffle together once more. Turning to Yunaesa, he let out some of the smoke slowly escape from the corner of his lips. "[A moment before we move on...]" And with that, he would walk over to the workstation on M4, checking if there was anything worthy of notice in there. After the inspection, he was ready to move on and breach the adjacent chamber, into the tunnel.

1 - Ordered the constructs to form pairs again.
2 - Walked over to investigate the workstation on M4.
CDs: E 0/1 Locked until Magic Duration F runs out
Ranged Squad: 9/10
Melee Squad: 9/10
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge

Language key: “[Terran]”, “%Analog%”

Mention: Maxxob Maxxob


Yunaesa’s eyes widened a bit upon hearing what Decimus said, “[Woah really!? They weren’t even up to full power? That’s wild! They held together pretty well with how many attacks they were getting, particularly the one with the horse legs, they must be even scarier when they aren’t only partially functional and being controlled then.]”

Yuna smiled at Decimus thanking Surius, “[Yeah! He’s really cool isn’t he huh Decimus? I know not all officers would be that cool with us doing what we think is best if it went against their orders but Officer Surius is smart enough to look past his rank and see that favorable results really are what matter at the end of all this aren’t they?]” She’d proclaim cheerily.

Officer Surius

The officer looked to Decimus and nodded when he thanked him and said his spiel.

“[Right you are, they were weakened, I would have expected them to take down many more of our units had they been at full power. It wouldn’t surprise me if we’d find that they don’t contain all their original parts..I think it’s safe to say that the galloping model is a real contender for what happened earlier, with the transports or at the very least is part of it..with all the blood that was on it’s body, and the fact I know that it has a propulsion system which while didn’t appear to be functioning entirely at the time of our encounter, lines up with what we saw earlier..of course it’s possible there were multiple constructs there are some which I Believe would not live many prints if any as well..]”

The officer nodded and allowed Decimus to take another gander at the workshop space.

“[It will be up to them if they wish to join us again, they played a significant role with that cannon in weakening the construct so we could finish it off, but I also understand as you say that they might not be so interested in partaking..it’s no matter I’m sure there are other adventurers who wouldn't mind filling in if it means getting some coin.]” He’d nod.

Yuna looked to the hurt adventurers. “[As long as they’ll be okay! It’s okay if they don’t want to come again even if it’d be nice if they did.]”

When Decimus looked around on M4, among all the scraps and pieces of metal and old tools that were thrown about, he’d notice one thing that was curious in particular, there appeared to be a metallic key that looked like it might go to some kind of locked container.

While there was no way to know for absolute sure, it might be worth picking up, particularly since it was unlikely he’d be getting any criminal titles from taking from what was presumably a whole operating group of criminals.
“[Ooo find anything good?]” Yuna asked, by the time Decimus had regrouped and they were now heading down the tunnel with their units in formation, while the most injured were left behind and being taken care of.

The tunnel carved into the rock itself it seemed with metallic pieces acting as supports eventually curved into a left corner, only really lit up by what appeared to be more of the same lamps from the other room which had been hung up along the walls sporadically.

Officer Surius narrowed his eyes, “[Prepare for the worst around that corner..]”
He’d ready his pistol, keeping it out, the clockwork soldiers holding lines, so that could volley line fire if need be.
Yuna gave a nod, with a determined look on her face, as she had Zjorn drawn once again, toward the front of the formation.

However as they turned the corner, ready for more enemies possibly, thankfully there did not appear to be any, instead there was a very sizable stone chamber which was circular, and before them towered what appeared to be a [Large] dingy construct body, which had been made of all sorts of metal and parts which were not uniform some rusted others not, being held up by large metallic support pillars, arranged sort of like an operating table, the limbs held in place with metal.

There were also large metal ladders which were leaning against parts of the construct’s body in places, suggesting that work had been ongoing on it.

Around the perimeter of the space appeared to be desks with folders with parchment as well as odds and ends of parts much like the workstation tables outside. However there was also a gray metal box sitting atop one of the workstations in the corner.

If the metal gray box is examined, it would become evident there was a key hole on the side of it which would presumably open it.

Officer Surius raised a hand up as if to let the group to know to stop, before he looked around the area like he was appraising it with his unique eye.

“[Frisking the area for traps is all..so this is a project that they were hiding..]”

After some more time he’d stop, “[We can advance, let’s see what we can find, if this is turns out to be the only unexplored space and that’s all that’s here we can lock down this whole cave area and make a report back to the higher ups.]”

He’d say, giving permission for Yunaesa and Decimus to move in, as he did himself to look around.

Yunaesa gave a salute ["Yes sir!]" Before she went off to go look at the desks, "[They were really working on something big huh?]" She'd comment looking a bit awed at the large makeshift construct.

Clockwork Soldiers

Some of the other clockwork soldiers came in as well to look around.

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