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Active [Widersia:Clockhaven] Getting rid of the Music Makers!:Creator’s trials I


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This roleplay is part of the Isekai Hell community hosted project! For more information click here. I plan on attempting to keep this weekly paced due to irl stuff posts may be little delayed or posted a little sooner goal is to post every Wednesday and communication is encouraged. Advanced rules will be loosely put into play here. This is 1 part of a 4 part roleplay series.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Keircey: Get rid of wanted title/get rid of his creator for good
Lolory Lolory Kuro: make new friends that is not Winery
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia: eat something
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze ‘Yufi’ Fujiho : find information on how to get rid of her wanted status/Find information on the criminal trifecta

Located in it’s own little nook between the Eastern Empire and the Fae See was Widersia it’s war worn borders covered in defenses damage covered the area from being stuck between the warring countries that at the moment stood at a truce, whether the truce was permeant or temporary was yet to he seen as Widersian’s walked the streets of the small country it’s air thick with fog and pollution. Within the edges of the captial Clockhaven was a worn out workshop it’s walls covered in mold the lack of up keep resulting in peeling wall paper, holes in the walls and the roof with a Pair of lanterns outside the rotted door flickering with a dim light. IMG_0455.png A robotic construct stood outside of the ruins of the workshop curiously. He muttered to himself.

“We weren’t in the duchy that long what happened…”

Despite this claim, the workshop still lay in ruin while he slowly tried to get the courage to go in and face the past. Anyone with a heightened sense of smell could smell a mixture of rust and athe smell of something Metallic and some oil. Those with Dark vision can see vague outlines of movement within the building through broken glass or holes in it’s walls and if those nearby played close enough attention they could hear vague sounds of a drum and violin. Keircey heard it muttered.

“Of course they are still here…”

There had been job at the Widersia adventurers guild to investigate the place, Keircey knew who put it there despite the Alias because he knew who the workshop belong to it was one of four located in different parts of Widersia. It was in essence a trap by his creator who knew he had been taking up jobs with the adventurers guilds the job detailed as investigating four abandoned buildings one at a time. It was an odd pattern but all the buildings did belong to Diago and Keircey wasn’t stupid to think it not a coincidence it was a trap he was willing to walk into to hopefully end the problems at the source eventally.

This was one of those issues.

KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
So far Clockhaven had been a bust for Kuro. She had to spend whatever meager savings she had to clean her very nice and expensive lordly clothing since the last job she had taken here had completely ruined the silk and linen. That left her with just her standard clothing she wore around the docks, something she had hoped she could avoid wearing out publicly. Her Uncle Saldana was still doing work for Miss Highwater so they'd have to stay in Clockhaven for just a little bit longer.

That meant that Kuro would have to find herself yet another job from the guild. Her Uncle hadn't believed her when he told her the absolutely catastrophe she'd gotten into last time taking a job in Clockhaven. "I'm not lying! There really was a rogue robot who was going to kill us all in an abandoned factory! I could've died!" She had exclaimed to him over dinner. He simply chuckled at her, sipped his beer, and then patted her head as he left to go take a smoke. If anything, he assumed it was another one of her crazy stories she'd make up to make herself seem more interesting. Her Uncle would never know the truth.

She'd picked up another job, this time it seemed far less difficult and low stakes than the last one (Then again, the previous job had also seemed suspiciously easy...) She'd just have to go and investigate some old workshop, and then report her findings back to the guild so whoever listed the job could be satisfied with what she found. Really it seemed like a job that would take her a day at most, even quicker if other people had decided to take up the listing. Unfortunately for her, however, a person she least expected had taken the same job as well. Keircey??? Oh Dear Delilah what is he doing here?! I can't let him see me like this! He's going to know I'm not really a noble! It was too late for her to hide, since she'd walked into the building after him. I know, I'll just make something up! Yes, yes...these are just... the latest fashion in Azuran city for nobles! That's what I'll say if he says anything!

"Ahem. Hello, Keircey. We meet again, I see you've also taken up this job as well then, hm?" Kuro greeted him. "It should be far easier than the last job at least."

Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Lolory Lolory , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

It was a tough decision for Yufi, coming back to Widersia meant the members of the trifecta could find her at any moment, but at the same time if she wanted to get rid of them or at least of their will to hunt her down then there was no better place to start then here. She remembered that someone out on the outskirts of Widersia worked with the Roze Trifecta, but the address of their workshop escaped her mind, that was until she found a quest at the Widersia Adventurers Guild, the address on the quest was familiar to her, with a bit of thinking and trying hard to remember she finally remembered it was there. So with that in mind, she moved to the address trying not to leave a trace while doing so.

When she arrived she saw a person enter the building, she could only hope it wasn't someone with the Trifecta. So she approached the entrance as fast and stealthily as she could, then she took a peak inside at the person who entered. Their clothing didn't have any insignia related to the Trifecta, but one could never be too careful, though if that person was from Trifecta they would attack her at sight so it was easy to check.

Having decided there was nothing to do than go inside, and knowing her skills weren't good enough to allow her to sneak past she stood up and walked inside, with her hands in the air and saying. "It seems you two took up the quest, I see. I hope the two of you don't mind if I snoop around with you, and don't worry I'm not here for the reward, more of a personal reason for me being here."
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater] - Color #876fd6

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory Megilagor Megilagor

From the scorching deserts somewhere in the West Empire to the mechanical city in Widersia, the change of scenery was certainly contrasting for Koralia. Unused to the thick pollution of the city, the shark walked its streets with heavy steps, nostrils and gills moving in tandem, appearing to not really appreciate the impurity of the air. Being the first time in the nation with mechanoids, she couldn’t help but feel out of place. And, despite its denizens not looking that appetizing than the ones she would usually find in other places, money was money, right? Still, she couldn’t help but debate how she would quench her amounting hunger for live prey.

Eventually, the muscular warrior made her way into the Widersian Adventurer’s Guild, noticing one particular request being available in the bounty board. While investigating wasn’t really Koralia’s forte, she thought she could still give a hand if things turned south and possibly take a chomp while she was at it. Extending one strong arm, her gloved hand grasped the request paper, ripping it off the wall and began marching towards the building she was supposed to investigate.

Without any care for stealth, or any possibility to do it to be more exact, the shark approached the ruined workshop, noticing there were already others present in it. Not being one fond of preamble, she approached them, her towering bestial presence stopping just a few paces from the small group. “Ya guys here for the quest, right?” She’d ask them, waiting for a moment before continuing. “If so, guess we will be workin’ together. Name’s Koralia.” A wide smile opened on her lips, revealing the rows of sharp, serrated teeth. Meanwhile, her arm shifted the massive sword resting on top of her shoulder, bringing forward and ready to be used. “Are we expectin’ some fun inside? Can’t pick up nothing from here.” The shark added, not really feeling anything amiss for the moment.

Hearing a familiar voice Keircey’s head turned to the source, which only confirmed prior suspicions about the person: Kuro not being a noble. However Keircey’s first reaction was not to tease or be crude, while the last time they had meet they hadn’t gotten along she has gained some respect from him noble or not, a life or desth situation did that for people.

“taking up another adventure Kuro? Good to see at least one familiar face. I think it’s early to assume this job will be easier then the last…”

The performer hadn’t gotten to explain anything just yet as a new face had shown up, the irony was that when Keircey first met Kuro he wouldn’t have even considered being honest with her an option but now she was the only beastkin he could consider a ‘friend’ despite the usual issues getting along right. Keircey turned his head at the voice.
IMG_0455.png he eyed the human suspiciously he knew not to be judgementsl when it came to species especially humans and their odd behaviors that never matched up to each other. He then nodded.

“Very well, you can follow as long as you help should it come to combat…and I think it will. I picked up the job for my own personal reason as well.”

He decided to admit. The music got louder he wondered if that was a warning or them just being loud again. When Koralia appeared he introduced himself.

“Nice to meet you Koralia I am Keircey this is Lord Kuro”

Probably stupid to keep up with her delusion but considered it an act of truce.

“If by fun you mean fighting? I assume so. The job description was vague appearing as just investigating four separately buildings but I know for a fact it’ll come to combat. As I was about to say before. I accepted this job for a personal reason”

Looking at it he says.

“This is my ‘birth place’ so to speak I know it’s layout like the back of my hand but things seem to have changed since I was last here, So my memory may not be as accurate as it should. I was created here, which I can already hear Circe and Cyrus from out here. I’m sure you guys can as well? Considering I am able to hear their music without advanced senses. Makes me wonder why they are playing this loudly in the first place.”

He says pondering. Then nods.

“We’ll just have to to the back way, follow me”

He said with a gesture walking around to the left side of the building he stomped in odd places on the ground that seemed to be covered in dead plants which made this stranger. There was crushing noises until finally the sound of metal. He cleared the dead grass and weeds off to reveal a metal meidum sized species cover, it looked like something someone would see on a sewer.

“Here we go. Always had exits in the weirdest of places.”

Keircey wasn’t conventionally strong so it took him a minute to get the thing open. But once he did he turned to the others a little out of breath.

“Okay are you ready? For everyones comfortability I’ll go first.”

He said before climbing down. It wasn’t a long climb it started as a tunnel but had two halls the music was harder to decipher which direction it was coming from. Weak lighting illuminated the space it flickered off and on. Keircey accidentally stepped on something upon investigating it he picked up an odd looking badge.

Design.jpeg He looked at it inquisitively and then showed it to the others.

“Odd, I don’t recognize this…”

He then signed and turned his head back to the halls.

“I suggest we split up into twos. There are only four of us two can go down one path and two can go down the other it has been a while so I don’t know what to expect. If you see any bronze constructs those are weak and uncompleted fairly easy to fight. But if you see two constructs that look similarly to me in nature with musical instruments…be careful. That is Circe and Cyrus. Consider them ‘siblings’ of mine if you will though I don’t get along with them.”

after a moment he asked.

“So who is going with who?”

Maxxob Maxxob Lolory Lolory Megilagor Megilagor
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin- Cat | Eccentric
Kuro was relieved when Keircey decided to play along with her ruse of being a noble, and was even more relieved she wouldn't have to come up with even more elaborate lies to get out of explaining things about herself. Though she was surprised to find that this Workshop was the very same one that Keircey had been created in. "Huh...I just assumed you were made in some factory like other rob- I mean, Constructs." She had since learned her lesson about being rude to Constructs, and what not to say to one. "But not to be rude or anything...why would you ever want to come back to this place? It's kind of uh..." A dump. She couldn't imagine returning to her old Orphanage ever again, and this workshop was on par with the living conditions of that horrid place.

The two newcomers, Koralia and Yufi seemed to be here for the same reason she was, to make a quick buck. "Nice to meet you both! It's not often I actually get to work alongside other Beastkin. Especially one as rare as you, I've never met a Shark before." if they were going to be exploring this place, it'd be best to split up in a pair that'd help serve the others weaknesses. With Kuro's luck however, she'd probably end up endangering whoever she partnered up with rather than helping them.

"I can hear that strange music too, I think I'll stick with Koralia here. Your big sword and my magic will be able to make short work of whatever we come across!"

Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater] - Color #876fd6

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory Megilagor Megilagor

Koralia nodded to both Keircey and Kuro, as the former introduced both of them to the shark. “Ya a ‘Lord’, huh? Not a daimyo or a magistrate?” She asked Kuro, while her thick, strong tail swished left and right. The title itself scratch some boxes of where her fellow beastkin could come from. The mercenary wondered if Kuro was the ‘soft’ type of lord or a hardened one, like she had met back in Ryke.

When there was a mention of a fight from the construct, Koralia grinned excitedly. “Of course! Ain’t no better fun than a good brawl! Well, maybe eatin’ is just as good.” Her mind wondered if she would end up some delicious morsels during this request from the guild.

She heard Keircey talk about how that place was where he had been made, only showing a visible reaction when he talked about music. With a puzzled expression, the shark brought her gloved finger to her earhole, poking against it a few times, before opening her palm and hitting it a few times against her own head. And, after shaking and tilting her head, a copious amount of sand ended up leaving her ear. “Heh, so that was it. Now I can hear it!” Exclaiming, her ears now picked up the music coming from the confines of the abandoned workshop. “They settin’ up a trap.” She declared confidently.

And, turning to Kuro once more, she smiled in a friendly manner. “Nice to meet ya, too! Can’t say I’ve met many of my kind after movin’ to The Republic as well. Guess they rather stay in the Lake.” That must be it, right? “I will be looking forward workin’ with ya as well. Never had a noble as a partner.” The anticipation on the shark was palpable, Koralia doing little to hide it.

“Oh… you a mage? This is gettin’ even more interestin’.” With narrowing of her eyes and flexing of her muscles, the mercenary was ready and prepared. “Let’s kick some ass and eat some metal-people, you and me.” The shark said, pointing an index finger at Kuro, ready to embark in this journey.

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Point Booster: Attentive Student

"It's good you know this place... I sadly always get lost in mazes..." Yufi said under her breath at Keircey's mention of knowing the place like the back of his hand even if it had changed somewhat since his last visit he would still be a better guide through this area than her going in alone.

The climb down wasn't exactly hard though the music being louder and more echoey down there didn't exactly help. Though what threw Yufi out of the loop was something she only had a clue or more of a hunch of being real, but with that in sight what she knew was confirmed. the Roze Trifecta was here, either working with the owner or trying to get something of theirs with force, either way, she could get clues from that. Yufi being a bit lost in her thoughts only came out of it when Keircey asked who was going with who.
"I do have to warn all of you. The insignia on the badge that Keircey showed. It belongs to the Roze Trifecta. A shady bunch here in Widersia made up of a merchant, a noble, and a knight family. So if that badge was found here, it means that some of their men could be here, and if they are here... Could I ask you to keep at least one of them alive... I have some questions that need answering, and they are the only ones who know the answer." Yufi said with a strange calmness in her voice, though one could tell from her body that she was containing her anger, and quite well at that, though she couldn't fool the three unless they paid no attention.

Yufi then took a deep breath to calm herself down a little, placed one of her hands on the hilt of her sword, and spoke up. "Since the two of you know each other you should be able to work easier, Which leaves me with Keircey. As for what I am... I'm a martial artist, though I do specialize in stealth, and I can temporarily enchant my sword with lighting... I am still working on my magical abilities though.."

IMG_0455.png Keircey told Kuro. “It’s not a matter of want, but a matter of need. I have personal grievances with my creator that I need to get over with, my freedom and existence may very well be on the line! He isn’t above murder if it means getting his goals achieved he showed me that at the Duchy. Also, it didn’t always look like this I’m just surprised it didn’t take long for it to turn into this…”

He looked at the molded metal walls with a confused expression.

“Didn’t know lack of upkeep could take a toll in a building this quickly, so be careful we may end up with some falling pieces of the structure if things have truly gone this bad without being a set up”

Keircey couldn’t say he was surprised Kuro opted to work with Koralia. He and Her weren’t best buddies if anything friends was an iffy line in of itself. They clashed the moment they met in the last job due to Kuro not knowing where to shut up or arrogantly claiming something she thought was a good thing, during the whole job they grew more tolerable around each other. He supposed that was just the magic of a permanent shutdown experience. He tells Koralia

“Well if you end up in a fight and defeat some bronze constructs eat to your heart's content. Just warning they are likely rusty and incomplete my creator could only keep focus on performing constructs it seems, Circe and Cirus were the band’s musicians.”

He nods at the information Yufi spills.

“I hope Diago and this…Roze Trifecta aren’t working together, he may have made constructs for the sake of entertainment but he alone is just as dangerous as any. Back in the Duchy he permanently shut down my manager that was how I learned humans weren’t as strong as they seemed to be…I don’t know what triggered him to go that far, especially since she was what was getting his work out there. He’s a dangerous man himself.”

He looked at the hall, eyeing the forked path thinking about it before suggesting.

“The right path involves general areas that he worked in, a workspace where we were constructed. A room was full of supplies to make us and a room dedicated to blueprints and odd photos I never understood. How about you go that way Kuro and Koralia?”

He told the two beasts before changing his attention to Yufi,

“We’ll go down the left path. In that direction was his living quarters, that one room where humans make their fuel and that other room in which he did I dunno what in. Always heard something running there though.”

Maxxob Maxxob Lolory Lolory

Going down the right hallway the two would see holes in the roof that let down some vague lights, the sounds of drums and electric guitar strings got louder while the noises of flute and guitar bass grew distant. On the walls were old torn-out signs written in terran. On the left hand side of the hall was a broken down steel door the top of which was stuck leaning against the door frame. had oil leaking out into the hall, a wrench as well as a few other tools scattered around the outside of it. On the right hand side of the hall was a room that had no door on its hinge, the steel door laid flat on its face. If Kuro utilized her dark sense she would spot worn out photos on the wall from where they currently stood, one had been a strawberry blonde robot in a pink dress with red eyes seemingly learning to play the flute tacked onto the wall beneath was another worn out picture which depicted a dismantled Keircey his eyes were out of socket and oil gueshed everywhere. Arms were torn off and his head dangled off his body seemingly by a thread. with a note taped onto it stating ‘attempt #1 fail’. At the end of the hall was a door surprisingly intact with a window inside the room was dark however with no lights working inside. Where they went next was up to them

IMG_0455.png DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor

The left hallway led to a somewhat neater area but not an area safe from destruction, in front of them without a door or even a wall was a kitchen with broken Widersian machinery, the aroma of old rotted food floated throughout this area of the workshop in waves, on the left side of the kitchen was a door that swung down off its hinges like a slowly dying lifeline. Water linked out of the room on the floor, the sounds of the flute and bass guitar grew louder in this distinct area while the noises of Electric guitar and drums grew quieter. On the right side of the hallway was a door that seemed to sustain minimum damage.

“Right…this place smells disgusting…”

Keircey murmured before saying

“Right right, Circe is nearby if the music is any indicator. Where do you think we should investigate first Yufi?


Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

"I don't know really. The Roze Trifecta deals with weird stuff sometimes, they could have wanted his skill but more so his knowledge on their side. And giving financial backing and helping cleanse his record of a few bad deeds could go a long way in recruiting people." Yufi added to Keircey's words about his creator Diago and the Roze Trifecta. That group's very existence was a thorn in Yufi's life and probably many others, that incident at the port was one thing but... She could not help but be worried, and yet at the same time wishing for something new, wishing to be free of their influence and connections, to be a free bird in this world.

"That's a good idea. His living quarters and the unknown room could have some information for us, like a journal in his living quarters or whatever is in that room." Yufi said while nodding to Keircey's rhythm so to speak, trying to mask her own footsteps to the rhythm of his so it sounds like one person is walking.
The smell of rotting food wasn't a nice one, though it wasn't strong enough to make her gag or puke, though it did make her a bit nauseous enough to make her irritated at the constant sound of bass and flute. "So I am not the only one who doesn't like it." Said Yufi, as she pulled up her clothing onto her face making an impromptu face mask to at least partially block out the smell of it, before replying to him.
"His living quarters are a good start, might find some notes, journals, or other things that could be useful to you, or even me."
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin-Cat | Eccentric
I've never heard of a "Daimyo in my entire life...Kuro was totally unfamiliar with any nobility outside of Azuran City but she wasn't going to let that deter her from the lifestyle. "Yep, a Lord is exactly what I am! And being one, I have friends in high places like Daimyo's and magistrates alike!" She told Koralia. She chuckled nervously at her comment on eating being better than a brawl, and hoped that cats weren't tasty to sharks. If worse came to be, she could always just shove an enemy into Koralia's path and hope she chomped them instead of her.

The room that they had entered was dark and gloomy looking, just like the rest of the workshop. Though the music continued onward as they explored more. On the wall were photos of Constructs that Kuro had never seen before, each holding some kind of instrument. The more she thought on it, the stranger the concept of this workshop was. If the Constructs here just played songs all day, why was it in such bad shape? What even happened to make it like this.

"Dear Delilah what is this photo?" Kuro spotted a very grisly looking picture of Keircey tacked onto the wall as well, and he certainly didn't look put together in it. If he were a human, the photo would be even more horrifying to witness, and she shuddered a little. "So uh...should we check out the rest of the workshop? Maybe there's something in that room up ahead." She told Koralia, as she felt around her pocket for the box of matches she carried with her, lighting one up so Koralia could see as well.

Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater] - Color #876fd6

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory

The mercenary nodded her shark head rather excitedly when she heard Keircey’s green light to feast on whatever constructs they might end up coming across during the investigation. “Ah, don’t worry. Gotta a pretty strong teeth and stomach to eat metal.” A rumbling laughter left the very depths of her throat, as her lips pulled, showing the rows of sharp teeth which she had.

Turning her attention to Kuro, and hearing the cat beastkin confirmation to being a Lord, something glimmered in Koralia’s eyes, her thick, muscular tail swishing left and right. “So a Lord, a mage and one delicious looking morsel? Bet the boys and girls are all over ya…” The shark said in a rather flirty tone, brash as always, keeping her usual strong and muscular gait. “... and have ya ever used those connections with Daimyos and Magistrates for something… interesting?” Leaving whatever interesting might mean up in the air, she began walking through the hallway on the right.

Each step Koralia took was marked by heavy steps of her towering frame. She clearly wasn’t one for sneaking or skulking around. Her massive sword was kept at the ready and, which each step, the sounds of the drums and electric guitar became more and more audible. “Huh… I feel they are tryin’ to trick us!” Blurting it, she walked into the room with the ripped off steel door.

Shifting around, she couldn’t particularly see much, at least not until Kuro reached into her pocket and lit a match. “Thanks, I couldn’t see a thing.” With her eyes now being able to scan whatever was in the room, she looked at both pictures, gaze stopping on the one which showed Keircey. “Fucking sick bastard.” She growled, attributing the construct’s miserable state seen in the picture to whoever Keircey’s creator was.

“Yeah, let’s continue. Bet there is more stuff up head.” Koralia said, her tone even, however her muscles were already tensed, bulging throughout her body in anticipation for battle. Eyebrows furrowed, lips parted slightly showing her serrated teeth, the shark began moving towards the door at the end of the wall, with a window, grabbing the knob (if there was one), with a free-hand and twisting to open the door.

Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob

The room at the end of the hall that Koralia and Kuro entered was the workshop. Closer inspection would prove even with the weak light that flickered from the match that the workshop was in better condition than the rest of the room and hallway, maybe the building as a whole. At the end of the room if investigated Kuro and Koralia would notice a broken desk, the left side of the desk was mixing its legs while the right side of the desk still had its right legs intact this resulted in the desktop being slanted against the floor the array of items that were once seated on the desk having slid down on the floor only being there for who knows how long if investigated the pair of beasts would see four thick files each file a solid color of the following: red, blue, white, pink, purple with rusted oil covered bullet pens scattered on the moldy floor with books that laid sprawled next to the files having been a pile once now on the ground in disarray which seemed to have several marks poking out the sides of each of them.

If Koralia and Kuro investigated the right side of the room they would notice a pair of incomplete bronze constructs with hollow skulls and no eyes. One had an arm that was sharp and pointed no hands or arm as had a blade instead of one the bronze metal covered in Lichtenberg figures the wiring attached to it would appear to be new compared to the rest of the rest of its body. The other one looked similar except it lacked the scarring to its metal unlike the other next to it and it retained dim red eyes;

If Koralia and Kuro investigated the left side of the room they would notice supplies and tools scattered on the floor. Buckets of paint spilled across the floor old and dry. Sheets of various metals were in a pile next to the wall as well as a bundle of wires and a note.

The room was considerably dark a [Lightsource] or other alternatives to see would be required to investigate any of the areas in the room. If the pair paid attention they would notice the music they were hearing grow louder, followed by the noises of footprints that clicked and clacked with a vague squishy noise into a different room.

Introducing a mechanic specific to this room. There is no proper lighting to see, so make sure to pick and choose what you investigate in this room first!

Light exchange: optionally if a character has a light source it can be handed to a different character. This costs the character 1 action.

Senses: most senses can in some way shape or form be used to navigate through the darkness as well. (except for senses like taste that make no sense.)

items: if character has items in their possessions list from their CS that can make light in theory they will work and may be utilized to navigate the room here
Megilagor Megilagor

IMG_0455.png “Living quarters it is”

Keircey answers walking into the only room with a functional door. Eager to get away from the rotting scent. Observing the room there was one twin sized bed that was in disarray. The floor was a mess with items scattered across the floor as if someone was rushing to leave. A beam of sunlight lit the room up from a hole in the roof. Examing the ground Keircey picked up another badge that matched the one he grabbed prior.

“Seems like those Trifecta organics managed to get here.”

He told Yufi. Although the badge was messy he noticed as he investigated it and noticed the badge was covered in a dried verison of that red oil he saw leak from his human manager before she died. various weapons could be found around the bed a few swords and a shield or two although the details of them was unidentifiable from where the pair currently stood.

The closet had no door, if investigated different piles of paper would be noticed on the ground. A blue print would’ve been seen on the wall of the closet. If the table next to the bed was investigated a
old leather journal would be found as well as a Rusty Dagger.

Footsteps could be heard passing by the door. Followed by the sound of flute and bass.

Here is how investigation will work! This mechanic is in place all over the building.

Investigating areas: to investigate an area a character must spend a action walking over to that area.

Investigating items: items listed in bold are investigable. In order to investigate them 1 action must be spent to do so.

Action 1: walk into Diago’s old room
Action 2: Investigate the floor
Action 3: investigate Roze Trifecta badge


Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

"It looks like quite a scuffle happened here if this room is in such disarray." Yufi sighed, seeing the state of the room she could only infer that a fight potentially broke out here, was Roze Trifecta wanting to get rid of Diago, or was it Diago falling out of Roze Trifecta's grace and harming a few of them before escaping, what is it Yufi did not know. But what she knew was for sure, members of the Roze Trifecta were here, and judging by the state of the room the meeting wasn't a pretty sight.

With her mind somewhat cleared, Yufi took a quick glance over the room and approached the table by the bed to look around it and within it as well. Most people hid their journals by their beds, and other valuable stuff, though she wasn't a thief but a few shinies could help her survive a longer time in this place. What she did find was an old leather journal and a rusty dagger.
Not caring much for the rusty dagger she left it on top of the table, but the journal was something that could be useful, especially since it was probably Diago's journal, being a bit too curious she opened the journal a bit too quickly scour a few of the pages from it, to see whose it was and if any mentions of key phrases such as 'Roze Trifecta', ' Yuze Fujiyo', 'Kiercey' or similar were written somewhere within, hoping to find something that could help.

Though her search was cut short as she heard the approaching footsteps, followed shortly by the sound of flute and bass, thankfully though the source of the sound passed the door.
Yufi whispered in Keircey's direction hoping that whatever was the owner of those footsteps could not hear them. "That was a bit too close for my tastes. One of your creator's creations I assume?"
1. Walk into Diago's old room.
2&3. Investigate the table by the bed, and the journal.
KURO NEKOMATA | Beastkin- Cat | Eccentric
The mysterious workshop that they entered gave Kuro the creeps, despite the small flicker of match light that she had to see around her. Her eyes were accustomed to the dark being a Catkin, but it was clear Koralia would need the matches more than her. She handed them to Koralia instead, and began to investigate. "Dear Gods, what are those things?" Kuro spotted the two dilapidated Constructs in the workshop, and winced at their decrepit appearance. "Is this not a musical workshop...? Why would Constructs need such weaponry attached to them?" This was giving her flashbacks to her previous adventure, where they had actually journeyed into a death trap of a factory.

Kuro wanted to know if anyone had been in the room recently, so she scanned the area with her [Heightened Senses (Dark Vision)] and her [Heightened Senses (Good nose)]. Otherwise, she'd leave the rest of the investigating to Koralia. Messing with the files on the table could come after they confirmed they were truly alone. She suspected there was someone who had passed through recently if the state of the workshop was to be any judge.

1. Hand Koralia Lucky cat Matches (Lightsource)
2. "Beneath the ash and soot"-Heightened Sense (Dark vision) E, Heightened Sense (Good nose) F| Let's the user see in the dark and reveal traces of things that were there previously using both their eyes and nose. Dulls the senses after prolonged use.-Grade E-1 Post Cooldown

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maxxob Maxxob
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater] - Color #876fd6

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory

“Thanks, I’m not that good in… dark places…” Koralia admitted, accepting the [Luck Cat Matches] given by Kuro. Holding them in her left hand, while her right one held the massive Zweihänder. Using the match to give her whatever vision it could provide, she began walking with heavy steps, looking around the workshop. Upon hearing Kuro’s winced question, the shark approached, looking at the unfinished constructs as well.

“Guess they are those 'bronze constructs' Keircey talked about.” Bringing the match closer to their carcasses, her predatory eyes narrowed as they wandered up and down on them. “Bet they ain’t just made to play music…” Thinking of why something like that existed, a wild possibility crossed her mind. “... bet they use the music to get close to the target, then spring whatever nasty surprises they have.”

The shark began walking again, looking around the workshop, until she found a bundle of wires and a note. That was the piece which caught her attention the most, so she approached it and trying to read what was written on the paper. However, at a moment of her own silence, she heard a noise of walking, along with the increasing music which reached her ears. “Psssst! I think there is someone nearby!” The mercenary told Kuro in a low, rumbling voice.

1 - Accept the matches from Kuro.
2 - Search around and try to read the note near the wires.
3 - Warn Kuro of the footsteps.

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