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Fantasy Wicked Stepmom (Novella)(19+)(Doubling friendly)


Unlucky Member
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello, I'm seeking someone who would be so kind as to do a rp that is similar to the concept of Not Sew Wicked (You don't have to read in order to do this with me) But with one big change. You see what if the main villainess didn't 'die' and the new character took her place, what if she came back?

Here's the plot for those who are curious (please note it differs from the actual plot of Not Sew Wicked, which is an awesome read)

A princess was wed to the king of a neighboring land whose wife had unfortunately passed away leaving behind him and his young daughter. Life would not be easy for any of the family's residents as the woman the man married would go on to be rejected by him, never rejected before it caused an obsession that would lead to madness. She would take out her anger on the daughter and the palace staff, but after two years of this madness and every attempt under the sun to get the king's attention the queen was poisoned mysteriously and hailed as dead, however just as they were to close the casket for good the queen reawakens, and with it, she has a new outlook on life.

I can discuss the characters in private so I can gauge if things should be spoilered or not, but essentially I'm seeking someone to play as the king. I would really prefer to have the daughter split between the two of us or for me to amend the plot and have a pair or twins be the children and we each take up the spot of a child.

Side characters like butlers and stuff I can mostly take up unless otherwise stated.

I can totally play a story/plot in turn for someone who does this for me be it based off a manhwa or not, will even read one if it's good and catches my attention otherwise I can easily just take the plot like we're doing here.

Anyway here are the rules!!


-Novella/mirrors post length ONLY!! I write around 400-800 words per reply with some replies exceeding that word count entirely. So please go into this knowing that you're likely to have to average around 400 at minimum in a reply.

-Anime/digital face claims only!

-Please have a writing example ready for me to read! I will gladly provide one as well.

-If you have a story you want to run for your side of the RP please have that ready for me to read as well!

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