Advice/Help Why this want for third person?

And I was actually trying to show you how making the argument into one of reading comprehension actually gets your point across better than dismissing it. Because the main reason the myth exists is BECAUSE of reading comprehension. People read a first person character as something they are supposed to put themselves into. So they naturally assume because they (the reader) are using the character as an insert than the player must be doing the same. But since roleplay isn't a passive reading experience that sense that both people are inserting into the character can feel a little like the first person player trying to take over unintentionally.

So I think if you address people by saying - Hey I know it reads X way but I promise all I'm trying to do is just get myself into the mind of the character and hopefully bring you along too.

Than you might actually get somewhere. Because you'll force people to really think about what it is that's bothering them about the first person perspective (I can about guarantee it's 90% of the time just how it's read).
Alright, alright I see your point. Though I wasn't really arguing for convincing people to roleplay with myself or any other first person roleplayer. From what I've encountered most people who don't roleplay with first person RPers either aren't willing to give it a chance (be it at all or anymore due to bad experiences or something), or if they are it is very relunctantly (and if you're doing it relunctantly you're often better off just finding someone else).
im just confused by all of this i mean i guess i used third person but then i switch to natural conversation and second person to say She and He etc. for some reason all third person feels like i writing a story about someone verses writing out their story personally and having a dialouge and story with someone Im roleplaying with. I'm not writing a book im writing out a storyline with someone.

I watch alot of soaps etc
Are you confusing second person for third person? I’m really sorry if I’m misunderstanding you, but second person is saying “you” and “your” and such. So your RPs would look like, “You went to the store and bought your favorite food.” I don’t think I’ve seen any RPs like that before.
Third person is “he” or “she”. So your RP would look like “She went to the store and bought her favorite food”.

As for why people prefer to RP in third person... well, I suppose it’s just personal preference? I myself wouldn’t be opposed to RPing in first person, but I don’t prefer it. I feel like it’s a bit awkward. I’m of the belief that first person writing should only focus on the mind and thoughts of one character and nobody else - but if multiple different people are RPing in first person, then we’re seeing into the minds of multiple characters. And in my opinion, that feels much more natural to do in third person.
Idk if I explained that well enough
I think a lot of people venture into the uncanny when people use First Person / Second Person point of view.

A lot of people aren't roleplaying to roleplay real people / self inserts / "You" and "I."

People in roleplays that use third person generally try to heavily focus on the aspect that you are playing characters. People phasing into first and second person give a feel to the roleplay that you aren't playing those characters anymore-- you're playing yourself, and you're expecting the other person to play themself, if that makes sense?

I heavily dislike the implication that people are self-projecting into a roleplay (that's probably also why I don't enjoy doing things with canon x oc roleplays too, I guess?) so I'll never partake in a roleplay that uses first and second person. It doesn't feel like a cohesive storyline roleplay then, and just feels like someone seeking some strange self insert satisfaction :(
the way i see it i like to become the character i play and lose myself to them to fully immerse myself in the roleplay i can do past tense but when im talking im presen tense in the moment of whats happening in the story.

also i recently came into the situation of past tense and present tense writing which i dont get past tense i mean if your writing a scene with someone wouldnt you want to be present vs always in the past?

this really depends on who you're asking;

past tense and present tense are preference-based. some people just prefer how one sounds over the other.

i personally prefer past tense, as i'm just more used to it. most novels i've read and grew up with have generally been in past tense so i'm just more familiar and comfortable with it. [though i'll use present tense if my partner/group uses it, since i like matching with everyone]

whether or not roleplayers' tenses match also depends on the person; generally it flows better to keep everyone in the same tense, though i'm sure there are some people out there that are cool with mismatching stuff. like the tense preference, it just really depends on who you roleplay with.

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