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Help Why is it so hard to find roleplays that accept people under 18?


The Skeleton Astronaut
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Do you guys have any Idea how to find these faster? It's really difficult for me to find some that aren't restricted to 18+.
as someone who is also under 18, i do find it really hard to find partners that accept my being under 18, so what i do is just make a rp partner recruit post and i make sure to state my age or at least that i am under 18. usually, it's not that hard to gain some people for the most part :)
My recommendation would be to make your own interest checks if you haven't already, and just be perseverant. I understand if you feel downtrodden by it but there will be people on here who are more comfortable roleplaying with minors
There are a ton of "under 18" players on RPOL.net sorry just had to throw that in there.

I do a lot of sex scenes, that's why I don't write with anyone under 18
There are a ton of "under 18" players on RPOL.net sorry just had to throw that in there.

I do a lot of sex scenes, that's why I don't write with anyone under 18
Are you allowed to do those on here? Sounds like it might violate RPN Guidelines
As long as you don't post outside of a specific section and your story isn't all about sex, no it won't violate anything.
Ive been roleplaying now for god know how many years. My start, however, was on a horse interest site where there happened to be only one roleplay going at the time, however, there were many members wanting to give it a go ALL of them under the age of 16 let alone 18 save for two of us. Myself being one of them.
Since then Ive spent years going from site to site and finding new people to write with (though at the moment Im kinda in a funk creative wise.} Anyway, over that time I may have worked with no more than 4 to 5 people OLDER than me so most of our stories had a very WIDE age group with both members and characters, it never being an issue.

In saying that. I think the key is finding a topic that a wide age group would be interested in AKA HORSES being one of them (its not just a saying} and open to everyones ideas. When it comes to the more adult side of things.... yes you CAN still have it but make it p.g or something along those lines.

Another idea is making the MAIN story okay for ALL age groups and IF you and older members want to do parts of it that are a little more grown-up do so in a more private place having them as a sort of sideline story. (I myself have done this on a few}

Finding people to write with can be hard at the best of times no matter what age of character and or members. My advice.... be clear in your stories' ideas and character development as both they and YOU grow and be open to everything and everyone both story and writer-wise. You may find (not always but more often than not... least how I found things} That younger members (most of the time 13ish and younger} are just starting out with rps so you DO have to take that into account. Sometimes this scares them in joining groups or even trying. So be willing to take it slow and teach them BUT in turn be willing to be taught... most of all. Look for sites AND subjects that not only are YOU interested in but a WIDE range of people of ALL ages. You may be surprised by what you find.... and just how many.

Good luck.
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Are you allowed to do those on here? Sounds like it might violate RPN Guidelines

As long as you don't post outside of a specific section and your story isn't all about sex, no it won't violate anything.

Sex/ERP/erotic content is not allowed anywhere on RpNation. (We do not have an 18+ section.) Just to clarify. ^33^
As to the main topic of the thread: we do have a lot of under-18 users. It can take a while to find people who don't care about age who are also interested in what you want to RP, I know, but they are out there! Like WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten said, it might be better to make your own interest check and see who turns up! Or just keep an eye on other people's interest checks. Or both. Persistence and patience really are key (I know, who wants to hear that?). But with as varied and large a userbase as we have, I'm sure you'll find someone sooner or later.
We don't allow under 13 on the site, so that should be good. ^;3^
I hope this clears things up

A lot of people under 18 have parents who still controle them and have a right to call police on someone or anyone that child comes in contact with. Ontop of the fact of that a majority of parents don't allow online talking. For safety reasons. A lot of people feel uncomfortable for thus reason. Some things can be said that triggers red flags for parents. Even if it's just roleplay.

When your 18 your parents legally can't do anything anymore. My own mother threatened to call the police on someone ones for me role-playing with them. And I suddenly they stopped talking to me and even blocked me. And I realised in that moment that is why people don't feel comfortable. It wasn't on this website but another one. And I've even had a parent threaten to call the cops on me aswel.

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