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Why Hello There...


Queen of Thonos
Role play for one special gal. Undecided subject and possibly closed rp. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/VM9221.jpg.cb96b574fc18ffb246c5aa1d24b0eb6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/VM9221.jpg.cb96b574fc18ffb246c5aa1d24b0eb6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Psst. Fesmar. Wakey-wakey!" A small male voice whispers through the messy locks of a sleepy girl with serious bed-head...wait. That's me.

I shoot up out of my straw stuffed mattress, causing a blue spark to flit across my skin, giving me chills. I got up too early and the overexcitement gave me a blue flame...ugh.

"Kelsifer, what is it that was so important that I must be woken at such an hour..?" I wipe my eyes and stretch.

" 'such an hour'? Sorry your highness, but I thought you'd want to be woken up to see...that." the steady white flame curling around the single chunk of coal seemed to point in the direction out of my window, the flame's name being Kelsifer, and his eyes stared at me in a bored fashion. "Always the smart aleck I see..." I think to myself as I slowly turn to see what he had woken me up for.

A giant ogre and the rest of his lovely muscled and horned family bore holes into my head, oddly enough I felt a burning sensation...not something I usually get, being half fire myself.

The reason this family of ogres were giving me a bloodthirsty glare was because I had kinda taken their home without asking permission to stay in. Yes, me saying it was my bed and window was a lie earlier.

I laughed nervously, "Nice house you have here. Your friend across the way recommended it to me..you know, the kind old fox lady?" I took a breath in, the air feeding the mass of flames I called hair and helped me think more calmly.

The biggest male, I'm guessing father, looks at me, deciding whether to believe me or not. Truth is, I had seen an old fox lady helping out a homeless family and mention something about the ogre's house being empty when she was talking about trying to find someone she could borrow sugar from while I was freeloading in her attic. Yes, without consent. It was believable enough that it might get me out of this jam.

I tossed Kelsifer into my pocket, "hey! Don't smother me!!"

And started to grab my things.

The father turns to his wife ("I wonder if ogres get married...") and speaks to her in a way that only sounded like grunting to me. I nodded solumley as it looked like the father was asking me questions and I bowed and made apologetic motions until I was in a clear patch and could run. When I was in said area I did so, I went so fast, I scorched a few edges of trees I ran past. No fire. Just heat. I'm not a full God so I'm technically not a fire girl. I look like I am, but all I can really do is get really heated up when I'm upset. I'm a literal hot head.
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'Why does the wasteland have to be so... Wasteland-y...?'

I held my arm out in front of my eyes and looked up at the sky, gauging the time of day with a sigh. There was no way I'd get into the kingdoms before nightfall; and with nowhere to rest...

I walked a bit faster, adjusting the bags on my back and left side.

A sudden gust of wind blew dirt and sand at my face and I pulled the scarf around my neck up over my nose, then reached around the back, pulling part of it over the top of my head.

'If I had known it would be this intense out here I would have brought a horse...'

I pressed on as the wind did the same for at least two hours, when the wind slowly settled into a breeze. The sun started to disappear behind a mountain in the distance, and I marveled at the beauty of colors and drifting light in the sky. Purples and oranges and pinks somehow caused my heart to flutter and be set to ease at the same time, a smile tugging at my lips. Perhaps the journey was worth it.

Off in the dark distance, I saw a spot of green spill out over a rocky, barren hill. As I ascended the small landform, the spot came into view.

"Oh thank the gods, a forest!" I said aloud. "Finally! Maybe someone can help me there."

I sped up my pace and as the forest grew closer, I felt something strange... Like a sense that I was trespassing. That I didn't belong here. But I kept walking.

The ground beneath me changed from desert rocks and sand to grass and, boy, did that feel nice. My feet instantly felt better and the aching pain from hot gravelly terrain ceased. I looked around and listened to the comforting sound of birds chirping and fluttering through the air, my feet carrying me farther into the woods.
I ran throughout the east forest, "Gods, I didn't know ogres were this stubborn!" I said to no one in particular.

"It's your fault for running. He was starting to believe you before you rushed off!"

Kelsifer irked me and I grit my teeth, hair flaming. "How was I supposed to know? I don't speak ogre!"

"You could have asked me, but noo..." he drYuriew out the word with annoyance, "you just shoved me in your pocket! I just had to watch it all unfold..." he shook his head. Well, I couldn't see that, but I could picture him doing that.

I huffed, all this oxygen is making me really hot.

I looked dump and saw a large tree, taller than all the others and slowed down.


He sighed, "yes, dearie?"

"Ogres can't climb trees, right?" A mischievous grin played on my lips.

"Yes-why...oh. You sly devil." He chuckles.

I took a deep breath in and went to climb the tree. The ogre was in full view and foaming at the mouth with a mixture of exhaustion and anger. I quickly scaled the easily 30' tree. At about halfway up I sat on a branch and watched him go nuts below me. I laughed along with Kelsifer and sighed in relief. I look over my shoulder and out the big, think branches and leaves to see the wasteland. "I didn't know I was this close to the border..."
As I continued into the forest, a loud but far off rumbling cane to my ears. It sounded like someone was banging on a large drum over and over. Then I saw a bit off smoke coming from farther within the forest and ascending into the sky. I raised a brow in question and treaded with caution, but at the same pace nonetheless. The rumbling grew louder until I heard a different kind of thumping; like a group of birds smacking their heads against a tree in complete unison.

I came in contact with a thick patch of bushes and weeds, creating something almost like a wall blocking my path. I sighed in frustration and started to push my way through, getting smacked in the face multiple times by branches and being stabbed by thorns. I finally stumbled out of the brush and properly found my feet... And something else's.

I slowly lifted my head to come face to face with one of the most amazing yet hideous things I have ever seen, and froze.

The ogre had stopped beating on the base of the tree. I looked down in confusion. I gape in shock to see a man at the feet of the ogre I had just recently been running from. Normally I would grin and sneak away, glad I had a distraction to get me out of trouble. The thing that shocked me was that he seemed human. No horns, animal feautures, wings, anything. He just looks

I shook my head, there's no way. He must be hiding his features. It's just an illusion...right?

"Kelsifer! Look at this!" I whisper-yelled to him as I pulled him out of my pocket. "I forgot he was still in there."

"What?" He look at me with his usual, bored expression.

"Look!"I pointed to the boy and held Kelsifer over the edge so he could see.

his mouth widened and he gaped at the boy.
"is that a human?!"
My heart felt as though it would beat out of my chest as I stared at the ogre, still frozen. I wouldn't dare move a muscle in fear that the ogre would react poorly and pummel me into the forest floor. I hardly even blinked until I heard a whispered voice come from above in the trees, and glanced up slightly, though hardly moving my head.

'What. The. Hell.' I thought to myself as my head started to swim. I became slightly dizzy at the sight above me and felt faint. A fire... Human? What...?

The ogre made a grunting noise and I quickly returned my gaze to its form with a nervous laugh.

"H-hi there... Uh... I-i-if I'm intruding I apologize... I've... I've never been here before, see? Not sure how your land works. I'll just uh, leave and we can go our separate ways! Sound... Sound good?"

The ogre growled and took a large step forward and I took one back.

Yup. Today was the day I was going to die.
"Are you human?" the ogre growled, saying what was on all our minds.

"So he does speak something other than ogre!" I say loudly.

The ogre glared at me and then let out a growl that assured me my thinking that he wants to kill me was quite the reality.
I nodded quickly and laughed a bit.

"Yes! Yes I am! So if you'll allow me to pass through and find some more humans, I will be very grateful...!"

Please don't eat me alive.
"No way!" My eyes widened, "did you hear that?" I asked Kelsifer.

"No, I don't." He said, his voice filled with an odd form of awe.

"Humans aren't allowed in the Lands of Gold..." The ogre said with a snarl.

I bit my lip. This guy is certainly in trouble. But he looks like he has no idea. and like hed never seen an ogre before. "Do you think hes a foreigner?" I said softly to Kelsifer.
"L-Lands of Gold...? Wait; have I gotten all the way to the kingdoms?" I replied with a smile and great enthusiasm. I realized this was not very well a good time for such an emotion, but I threw it out there anyway. My eyes gleamed up at the ogre, fear still within me, but I tried to keep it hidden.
"Definitely. " Kelsifer said, I nodded in agreement.

"You playing stupid or thinking me stupid?" the ogre sounded confused, "I guess he's one of those who don't believe in a land past this one."

"We are in the eastern forest of The Golden Godess's Land. The land of the gods. Tell me the truth as to why you're here."

I rolled my eyes and hang on the branch from my knees, "he's obviously a foreigner, you daft, oversized oaf."
I screeched a bit and jumped back, staring up at the girl in the tree.

"Y-yeah! I'm a foreigner! I've never been here before, so I-I didn't know humans weren't allowed!"

"That's only this land. Outside The Gold Lands is th- why am I explaining this?" I shake my head and jump down from the tree as fast as I went up it. I use the oxygen that I was absorbing on the way down to make me appear fully on fire and scare away the ogre, "do you know who my father is?"

His face falles and e seems to go pale, "it can't be...you're His daughter?!"

He starts backing away and trips over his feet, then high-tails it out of here. I snicker and the flames go way down, making me look almost human besides my hair and eyes. "Nice one." Kelsifer says, amongst my hair. I pick him out and hold him in my hands. "thank you!"
I sighed in relief and smiled a bit, taking a few steps toward the girl.

"Uh, th-thank you. I definitely owe you. I can't even thank you enough... How did you get him to leave so easily? He seemed frightened when you mentioned your... Father, was it?"
I nodded. "My father is the god, Hę." I said, then grinned, "they call him names like, "the golden godess" and "St. Helena" around here. Which is funny, because he's not female..."

I shake my head, chuckling to myself.

"Not like you to talk about your pops." Kelsifer remarked.

"Shut up, Kelly."I cup my hands around him for a moment.

"Woah! You could kill me like that-!"
"Wait, your father is a god? No way..."

This day- er, night, was just getting better and better.

"Does that mean you're a god too?"
I blink slowly, "no, only half."

Kelsifer spoke up, "and 100% arrogance, narcissism, laziness..." He trailed off and I blushed and scowled.
"That's... That's amazing...! Your father is a god... Wow..."

I shook my head, almost in disbelief, and chuckled slightly.

"O-oh, I forgot... My name is Thaegyn." I extended my hand toward her then hesitantly pulled it back a few inches.

"Wait, can you... Uh..." I mumbled as I gestured at her hands, trying my best not to be offensive.
I laughed, "let's find out..." and with a smirk I grabbed his hand before he could act. Of course I didn't burn him.
I tilted my head, "I don't know why you'd think I would burn you. My skin is an looks normal.."

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