Why Hello There


One Time Luck
Hello, my name is Justin and I'm addicted to roleplaying.

That being said, I haven't actually RP-ed in a long, long time but after my friends brought up how they were playing D&D by themselves - no board, no set-up, just on Skype - and I realized they were roleplaying with a God figure, I wanted to jump back into it but haven't found a community to do so. I've RP-ed on forums, on video game servers, but recently have gotten out of it and want back in. This community might be what I'm looking for, so hopefully my few years of experience and my writing experience helps me jump back in to the whole portraying a character deal.

Thanks for reading :)
Welcome, As for God figures, I dont know how many we have on here in the roll-plays, but im fairly new to the site lol
I wasn't inferring that I wanted a roleplay like that, just that it was what gave me a push to join a site like this. Anyway, thanks for the welcome!

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