Why hello there. (:


New Member
Hello people! I have really only roleplayed on one other RPG site before, and that's TeenRPG. My username is also cosibella, and well this is kind of different from what I'm used to I guess. Help would definitely be appreciated. (: I joined a while ago but I didn't understand it so I just never really used it, but I want to give it another try.

I really only RP in third person, and I range from semi literate to literate. I just really don't like one liners. I spend most of my time with human roleplays and one on ones in which I usually prefer to play the female part. I'm not too sure how things work around here, but I always follow the rules. I assume that rules are somewhat the same though. No god modding, power playing, etc? I'm guessing, but I could be wrong.

Well, I definitely look forward to roleplaying with all of you! I have many plots always in my head, so I hope other people will like them as well. (:
First of all, welcome to the RpNation cosibella!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend

hihi and welcome to RPN :3. We're glad to have you and i'm sure plenty of people will help you whenever asked. You'll also likely get a message from ACE featuring tons of helpful links on this post sooner or later.

Almost all the RPing on this website is in third person (and I thought generally on all RP sites). On this website almost all RP's have two threads, a sign up and an actual RP thread.

Make sure you sign up before posting in the actual RP's.

Last thing I can think of is the Shoutbox where we can talk in mostly real time. You can find it on the default page of the forums (just click forums and scroll down). Look forward to seeing you there :3
Thank you. (: Okay so this doesn't seem too much different from what I'm used to. I'm used to the whole signing up thing then posting, so that's fine.
lol well great then :3 we've gotten a few new people who mentioned being from other sites that didn't know, so I thought i'd just take the initiative :3. I see ace beat me to my posts by a few seconds, so you already have those links I mentioned also

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