Other Why did you pick your name?

I chose my username quite simply..... because i'm south asian and very very bisexual :P
My username is inspired by a mechanic from a mobile game I play, where older characters with their own personal weapons eventually get an upgrade to their weapon called a "refine". My favorite character from that game has a weapon called Niu (actually Níu), and I really enjoyed using her with her refined weapon, hence niurefine.
So i have been seeing a different variety of names many of them have different meanings or they are just them. I started to wonder.... Why? why did you guys choose your names? I choose mine because it means "the eye" refering to god. I have always been a watchful person for others and also means hot spring i always had a connection with water. hby
I use public wifi. when i sat down at the pc there was a megatron sticker on the edge of the monitors frame. so i used that as my user name.
If you’re referring to this username I got, well it’s actually called FloataSoda because it rolls up the tongue because it rhymes. It’s very original too.
It's the name I use(d) on the first site I roleplayed on, and I want any friends on there to be able to recognize me should they choose to join this website.
I wanted something other than my main username so I can keep RP separate from my 'online brand'. Was playing Sonic Adventure 2 at the time and picked this name as a result. I really like Ark as a nickname so it worked out !
I like abstract and convoluted things. Writes a novel about it.


I think it sounds cool.

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