Other Why did you pick your name?

I chose my name because I usually throw shade at people who really bug me. The princess part was just something that popped into my mind ^^.
My user name was because I always admired the first female pilots that were so brave and adventuerous and also I don't really know what I'm doing in life I'm just winging it.

So I thought this name was a good representation of how I see myself, not knowing where I'm headed but seeing it as an adventure none the less.
You know, I can't even remember why. I joined the site in 2015, and I basically picked the first awesome word that came to mind. When I signed up, I wasn't really expecting much, and only really joined because I was bored. I wasn't really intending to stay for very long.

But here I am, three years later. I still can't recall my choice.
I had a really complicated username that included my current one a the beginning and I figured I might want a shorter slicker one, so I downsized it! Also so none of my IRL friends could recognize it if they ended up on here XD
I like this song called Cleopatra but toxic masculinity fotrced me to put a male spin on it so people won't call me a girl
Mikaboshi - mostly based on the Japanese god known as Amatsu Mikaboshi who is personified as the Augustine Sun. I used it as a Surname.

Einst - German translation of Once.

Combining them is Mikaboshi Einst or Einst Mikaboshi for Western.
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Cause my name's Hanna, and my personality IRL is a 'hippy' type by default. Actually, it's a persona, but that's confusing mental issue stuff, so I'll say it's my personality so nothing gets confusing. :grinningteeth:
When I was a kid I was...infatuated with the US Army's 1st SFOD-D (Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta) aka Delta Force.
Read the books, watched documentaries, talked about them 24/7 for basically a full year. People started calling me "Delta" or "D-boy" (the latter was a nickname some other service members called the unit).
It stuck.
808 is my area code and it's almost customary for anyone from this specific place to have "808" in any username created. If not then something else that identifies you from this place.

I loved Skyrim and my favorite creatures were hagravens, in case anyone searched my name and they would only see results for skyrim I added an e so its hagraeven.
Like a couple of other people here, it's based off of one of my favorite fictional characters, Satori Komeiji. ^^
I was 12 and signing up for some fanfiction site. Thought it sounded badass. Have a terrible memory so I just started using it for all of my accounts and, well, here we are, 7 years later. ?
It comes from a quote from Notes From the Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. To be honest, I haven't read the book. I only chose this username because a few years ago I was enamored with Russian literature and it sounded pretty ^^
Hands and knees head down in defeat.
The post I wish I could constantly assume at work.
Or while trying to write posts 8'D
It sounded and looked like like a really nice name.
Partially influenced by the show Yu-Gi-Oh GX, some additions to the name were made to make it look nicer (to me)
At some point I thought "quick, I need a new username!".

At the time I was narrating a post-apoc game. In there, the "random quests" were pulled from a certain quest board, so to speak. Letters with odd jobs were written to the radio and transmitted in the city (not unlike Fallout), and the narrator had an hour a day to read new and old inquires. He was on the show 24/7, which is odd enough, and his name was Kevin. I fancied him at the time, so I took that name for myself. No capitals, because... it's hard to follow. I don't take the name Kevin, I take a sort of title of his.

My favorite author ever is Jules Verne and since I was born in June I just did a bit of an anagram of his name, if that's what is called.
I chose my name as an alias, basically. There wasn't much of a meaning behind it, it's just when I found the name online, it sort of stuck? I love it a lot.

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