Why Are Things So Complicated? {For Coedy and I}


New Member

My Characters

Name;; Layla Dalton




Day Time: Waitress Part Time, Night Time: Unknown to anyone but her colleagues

She works for her uncle and has since she was sixteen

Name;; Sugar




Day Time: None, Night Time: Colleague of

Works for Mark with

Name;; Mark Warren




He owns a business that employs females and brings in truck loads of money for him

He is Uncle


Layla sighed as she looked at her alarm clock, it was ten in the morning and she had to get up and get ready for the day. She was due in to work at Six tonight and she had plenty to do before then anyway. Getting up she walked from her bed to open the blinds before sighing, she needed to do washing today or else she wouldn't have anything to wear for tonights work. But a new outfit wouldn't go astray, and she could afford it with both jobs. Yawning she began to make her bed, moving around slowly as her brain woke up properly and got ready for today. "It's a new day today, a fresh start, the past is gone you are a new person," She told herself, the phrase she told herself every morning, so the night before didn't upset her as much. Once she had finished up her bed she gathered her clothes and went into the laundry, separating them into the right piles before putting the first load in and heading into the kitchen for breakfast. She poured herself some muesli and chopped up a banana, adding that in as well then lastly poured in the milk. She picked up her bowel and put a spoonful in her mouth as she looked down at the paper on the counter, it was her to-do-list for the day.

Her morning was open for a bit of shopping, a couple of new shoes and outfits and she would be set for another month or so, but she had agreed to lunch with her boyfriend and she knew she couldn't let him down again. Last time she had stood him up and he didn't deserve that then and especially not again. She went to sit down on the couch and turned on the news as she kept eating her breakfast, picking up her phone and turning it on. It kept beeping, the streaming in of missed calls and texts, mostly from some of the girls that worked for her uncle but a couple from her boyfriend. She decided to text him back,
'Hey babe, we still okay for lunch?x' and pressed send. Of course Layla loved him, they had been dating for a few years now, but he still didn't know about her night life and he didn't understand her at all. Why he was still with her was beyond her understanding, anyone else would have dropped her like a hot potato, but he hadn't and she really loved him for it but they could never be happy and one day he would take off.

She could never leave her employment and he could never know, both because it was illegal and because he would be disgusted in her and want nothing to do with her and as if she didn't feel worthless enough, if he left for that reason it would crush whatever life she had left within herself. She put down the phone and started eating again as she listened and watched the television.

Name;; Tony Russo

Age;; Twenty-four

Gender;; Male

Looks;; http://www.j-14.com/hot-guy-of-the-week-ryan-wieber.jpg

Job;; Currently a fitness instructor at the YMCA.

Other;; He is Layla's boyfriend

Name;; Danny Scholtens

Age;; 24

Gender;; Male

Looks;; http://cdn102.iofferphoto.com/img/item/579/370/01/abercrombie-hot-men-workout-dvd-college-jock-s-exercise-2902c.jpg

Job;; Works with Tony as a fitness instructor

Other;; Tony's best and closest friend.


Tony grumbled as he got out of his bed. He slammed his hand on the alarm clock next to his bed, and then opened his eyes. He squinted when the sun hit his eyes, he yawned and walked over to his closet where he got an Aeropostale shirt and kaki shorts on. He walked down the stairs of his small home, and began making himself breakfast.

As he popped a bagel in the toaster, he couldn't help but let his mind wonder away. The only thing on his mind lately was his girlfriend; Layla. They had been together for a good two years, and he always felt like she was going something. But he never asked her about it because he knew that if he got too nosy, her uncle would come after him. He sighed and put peanut butter on his bagel. He sat down on his small couch.

He got the text from Layla as his hands were coated in peanut butter. He quickly licked the delicious food off of his fingers, and quickly texted her back. "Hey sweetheart. Of course, I'll pick you up around 11:30." He responded, and then he continued to eat. After he finished the breakfast, he climbed up the stairs again, and bushed his teeth. And then Tony grabbed his wallet and keys, he would soon leave to get stuff for the week.

After a while Layla felt her phone beep again and she looked down at it, a small smile turning her lips upwards as she read through it, giving a small nod. That would give her enough time to head out and be back before he came around. 'Great, see you then.' She sent back as she set her phone on the coffee table and stood up, going to the sink to rinse off her bowl and setting it in the dishwasher. She then walked into her room to shower, dress and fix her hair and make up. Once she was ready she went tot he hall way, put on a pair of small heals and grabbed her bag, wallet and keys before heading down the flights of stairs and into the streets. She decided to go where Sugar had told her for the cheapest outfits, it was somewhere downtown and she had the name of the store so she knew it wouldn't be too hard for her to find. Hailing a cab Layla stepped in and told him which mall to go to, the cabbie just nodded and drove off while she sat back in the seat watching the streets they passed. Although she wasn't wasn't dressed for her night job her clothes were still tight and more something a girl would wear if she was going out, but Layla wasn't like other girls. She viewed herself differently and her life was different, not anywhere near normal so it was only natural that she dressed differently. And Tony had certainly never complained about it anyway.

When they arrived she paid the man and got out, walking into the mall and looking around for the store Sugar had recommended. Sugar was one of the girls Uncle Mark employed and the two girls had become friends, as almost all of the girls did, in their profession friends weren't as easy as one would like so they stuck together, helping each other out with different things and making sure that they were safe and eating or as much as they could. But for some reason Layla and Sugar had become more close then the other girls and they spoke about everything that was bothering them, nothing was held back. She smiled at the thought as she walked into the store, receiving a whistle from one of the male attendants, she simply smiled flirtatiously and winked back at him before she started browsing through the clothes.

Tony had just began shopping when he received Layla's text. "Ok." He responded before he stuck his iPhone back into his pocket. He whistled a soft ad happy tune as he strolled through the grocery store. He got some Gatorade, bread, bagels, peanut butter, shampoo, and a few other items. He brought them to the checkout isles, and then set then in the conveyer. He paid the old lady at the register, then took his bags and left. As he drove, he put his sunglasses down on his nose, and turned the volume up on his black mustang. He rolled the windows down, and drove down the street.

He had just gotten his new car, and he loved to show it off. Instead of going home, he went to the gym where he picked up Danny. They went down to the old thrift shop that was right next to a mall, and searched the store. Tony got a nice aqua blue hoodie, and Danny got a new flat-billed hat. Then they left, The two guys headed over to the gym again.

Today was training day; a lot of younger teens were coming in to train for the sprts season. They were in charge of helping the kids find what they wanted to train. Danny would usually handle the fundamentals, like weights and running. While Tony would usually coach basketball, track, football, ect.

Layla searched through the racks, picking up a few pieces of clothing. She got a black dress, fish net stockings and a skirt and two blouses. When she had finished going through the store she walked over to the check outs and laid the clothing on the counter as she pulled out her wallet while the assistant scanned and bagged the items. When she read out the price Layla was very surprised, it was far less then what she had been expecting, and it proved Sugar was right. She gave the girl the money and collected her bags before heading out the doors, there was time for a little grocery shopping before she had to head home to freshen up and be ready for Tony. As she entered the supermarket she picked up a basket and went to the fresh produce section, picking up a few vegetables and fruit before moving on and getting cereal, bread and some ready made, frozen pizzas. It wasn't the most healthy diet, but she kept skinny which was all her customers cared about, she wondered what type of person she would be dealing with tonight as she went to the check outs. Though as she finished loading up her items her cell phone started ringing and she picked it up seeing it was her uncle. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kiddo, I need you to start earlier tonight whaddya say, huh?" The sound of his voice made her spine chill, it obviously meant she was going to be busy, probably at some event of his or something he had organized for her.

"Uh, yeah, sure, what time?"

"Around four, and don't worry, I'll pay you extra for it." But his words didn't comfort her, only made her not want to go even more.

"Okay, no problems I'll be there. Bye Uncle." She replied then hung up, feeling sad after that, she didn't want to go in early, or even ever again but she knew she had to. Sighing she again paid the clerk and walked out of the store and to the cab rank, hailing one down quickly enough. She told him her address and he took off as she sat staring hard into the back of the seat, her mind racing with what her uncle had planned and it meant she couldn't spend the afternoon with Tony either. But they were at her house soon enough and she got out, paying as she went before going inside and putting the things away. He would be there soon and she needed to re apply her make up.

Tony looked at the time, it as around 11:00, he looked over at Danny, and stood up.

"T, I gotta go, Carrie and I have plans for this afternoon." Danny told Tony with a laugh.

Tony nodded, he stood up and let Danny out of the house. Gladly, he only lived a minute or two from Danny, so it wasnt too long of a walk. He closed the door after Danny left, and then he checked the clock again, 15 minutes until he would leave. As he sat in the silence, he thought about everything that he and Layla had gone through. Fights, arguments, and days where they had a good connection. He brushed his hair back with his fingers, then grabbed his keys. He smiled and twirled his keys around his fingers as he bounced down his font steps.

He got into his car, and turned it on. He then backed out of his driveway, and began driving to Layla's home. As he made the trip, he couldn't help but think about Layla. He didn't even know what we did for a job at night, but he never would ask another that again. Tony had asked her about it a few months earlier, but she got mad at him, and told him never to ask again. He switched subjects and thought about how different Layla was from the others girls he knew. Sure, she was rude, and unfaithful at times. But everyone needs someone to love and someone who is there for them.

As he arrived at Layla's, he under his car off, and walked up to her door. He knocked and then walked in, he usually did this when he would go to her house. "Layla, I'm here, you ready?" He asked her, not knowing exactly where she was. He leaned against the wall as he waited to hear footsteps come down the stairs or hallway. He checked his phone and then put it on vibrate. He then checked for his wallet; which he had. When he was satisfied with everything, he relaxed and waited for Layla with a smile on his face.

As soon as the groceries were away she picked up the bag of clothes and stored them away in the back part of her closet. Tony had stayed over a few times and while there was no reason for him to go through her closet she didn't want to risk him finding the bad half of her wardrobe either. But putting those clothes away made her feel even worse, because it was just more things she was lying to him about and she didn't want to be like that. She didn't want to have to be who she was. She wanted to have a normal relationship with him, to be honest with everything in her life, not sneak around doing other stuff and yelling at him and getting mad because he was asking too many questions. A real couple wouldn't be like that, they wouldn't have to ask a lot of questions because their partner wouldn't be leading a double life they didn't know about. But it was who they were, and Tony was too good for her, she knew that, but she didn't want him to go, no matter how bad she treated him. He was the only light she had in her life, the only thing she looked forward to. Nothing else was good in her life only sad and depressing. He balanced her out and it was wrong the way she treated him, yelled at him, called him a lier but she had to keep him on a short leash or else he would find out and if he found out then it was all over. So being angry at him and not seeing him all the time was the best thing for them, even though it wasn't.

She sighed at the thought, it was all so complicating. But it didn't matter, they were going to have a nice lunch and she would be happy to see him again. As she sat in front of her bathroom mirror she put the finishing touches in her make up as she heard him come in and call up to her, she instantly smiled. "Just a second," She called down to him as she put her make up away and grabbed a jacket, phone and keys on her way out. Walking down the stairs she smiled when she saw him and wrapped her arms around him, planting a kiss on his lips. Some how, just seeing him was enough to change her mood to instant happiness, he just had that effect. "I missed you," She told him as she let go.

Tony's face lit up when he heard Layla coming down the hall and down the stairs. When he saw her he instantly smiled, "Hey beautiful." He replied before he kissed her back. He hugged her, then took her hand. "Where do you want to do for lunch?" He asked her with a little tilt of his head. He opened the door for her and then walked out of her house. He looked at her, his stomach filling with happiness. They hadn't been with each other, physically, for a good two or three months. He snapped out of his deep thought and opened her door for her he let go of her hand, and walked over to the drivers side of his car.

As he climbed into his car, a few thoughts shot across his mind. He knew that they isn't have the best, relationship in the world. He had been lied to by her, and screamed at, but that would never stop him from loving her. He wished, however, that they could take a break from their hectic lives and spend quality time with each other. He did t care how many times she would threaten him, or how she would tell him that she hated him. He would always be there for her. As he buckled up, he looked over at her /!; waited to hear what she wanted for lunch.

Layla couldn't help but smile brighter when he called her 'beautiful', it didn't matter if he said it a million times she would always have the same reaction, butterflies in her stomach and a small blush on her cheeks. Apart from customers no one ever called her beautiful apart form Tony and besides the customers didn't mean it, at least, not the way he did. They didn't love her, they didn't even like her, they just wanted her body. Plain Fact. When he took her hand she laced their fingers before walking out of the door and walking to his car, she smiled when he opened the door for her and got in, waiting until he was buckled up before she answered, "Anywhere, surprise me," She told him, the thought of eating wasn't always welcome to her, sometimes she wouldn't eat for a few days in case she was gaining too much weight and even then she might only have a milkshake to make sure she didn't pass out. But when she was around Tony she didn't mind eating because she felt comfortable around him, she felt like he wasn't judging her or eying her off. He was just there, he accepted her for what she was, or at least what he thought she was.

And she knew how long it had been since they had been physical with each other but she hadn't felt up to that, and it wasn't fair to starve him of that kind of relationship, every couple was physical but she just couldn't. The last few months had been busy and she had had her fair share of customers so from her side it was justified, but that was being selfish and she had to think about him too. Business was starting to slow down a little now and although her unlce wasn't likely to decrease her days the hours would go down hopefully and maybe things could get a little more normal, but she never knew with a man like her uncle and his business, things were always unpredictable.

Tony smiled and drove out of her driveway. As he stopped at a red light, he leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Surprising it is." He agreed, chuckling softly. He leaned back into his seat, and drove as the ligt turned green. He looked over at her a few times as he drove. He loved spending time with her, being able to kiss her, and to hug her was all that made him happy. He knew her work was busy, and she often had to go in early. He didn't like that, but he respected her, so he never complained about never having Layla-and-Tony-time. As he continued to drive down the street, he scanned the street for a new resturant.

He drove into a parking lot of an Italian resturant called "Lenno's." He stopped the car, and grabbed his kya as he opened the door. He quickly walked over to Layla's side of the car, and opened it. He always had a smile stained on his face when he was with her. He looked at the not very busy resturant, then down at Layla. He reached his hands down into the car, Nd brushed down of her hair behind her ear as he waited for her to get out of the car. He smiled softly, then placed his hand on his side as he looked at her.

Layla grinned when he kissed her cheek after he pulled the car to a stop at a red light. He agreed to surprise her and she smiled, reaching over to stroke his cheek gently, she knew that she couldn't stay with him for a long time today because she was expected at work and before she went in she would have to change into something more suited for her job then make her way down to her Uncle's office and see whether it was business as usual where she would have a corner to mark and pick up a date or whether he had something else going on. But whatever time she could get to spend with him she would, but even on days when she had nothing else planned she wouldn't always call him, if she had had a rough night at work or was simply recovering emotionally she would stay home. The problem was that she could never let him see her as the emotional wreck she was, he was used to the threatening, screaming and yelling but not the constant crying and sitting in the shower thinking of how much nicer death would be, no, he didn't know that side of her and she would never let him.

But he had pulled up at a restaurant and she snapped out of her thoughts as she gathered her things as he opened the door for her, but she blushed when he brushed aside her hair and she hopped out, looking at the Italian place. It looked nice enough, but she wasn't really all that interested in food anymore, sure, she was hungry, but she wanted to make sure that Tony wasn't going anywhere. Of course she knew they'd been going out for far too long for him to just up and leave but she still worried, especially since the last time they had actually spoken she had gotten mad and it had been months since they had been with each other. But she didn't want to worry and decided against any bad thoughts, she was going to enjoy herself with him. Layla smiled and took his hand, lacing their fingers as she pecked his lips lightly before turning to the restaurant.

Tony smiled as he laced his fingers with hers, he softly kissed her forehead, and swung their arms back and forth. He opened the door to the resturant, a small bell chimed, and he looked down at Layla. They were greeted by an elderly woman who guided them to a booth on the far side of the resturant. He sat Layla down, then sat down across from her with a huge smile on his face. He reached his hands across the table, and he opened his palms so her hands would fit perfectly, like they always did.

"What are you going to get?" Tony asked her, as they were handed a menu. He opened the menu with one hand and looked through it. He decided that he would get a small panini and a water. He looked over at her and smiled softly. Of course he loved her, more times than others, but he would always love her.

Tony had fought through the fights and screaming, and he never liked it. He knew that she never wanted to yell at him, but he didn't know what pushed her to it. She knew that he didn't like their fights, but what he didn't know, was what he did after their fights. He would lay down on his bed, and go through the old photos of them wen they were a new couple. He always wanted to return to ther old relationship. But he made himself snap out of his thoughts, so he could look at Layla and listen to her.
Layla followed him into the restaurant and smiled at the lady who lead them to a booth and Layla gladly followed and sat down. She smiled when Tony put his hands across the table and placed hers on top, his hands were larger then hers but somehow they seemed to fit together just right, and everything seemed perfect in that moment, she wished it was possible to freeze time and stay right where they were, happy. But she couldn't freeze time, they couldn't stay like that forever and something would come up that would make them unhappy, it was just the sad fact of life, but then it was such that she would always find a negative point in a happy situation, she didn't know why it was but she just did. Her uncle had told her that it was because she didn't deserve happiness and that she knew it deep down so she could never accept it. But it didn't feel that way to her, she just thought that if it wasn't for him then she could have a normal life, get a day job and leave her night one. Try and make their relationship the way it used to be back in the good old days and somehow make up to Tony everything she had done wrong to him, if that was possible she owuld be happy.

But he opened the menu and asked her what she wanted and she took her gaze from theirs hands to the menu, going over the different foods as she thought. "I think a soda and a pesto and chicken panini sounds good," She replied as she looked at him, a small smile twisting her lips once again, there was something about the way he smiled the way his face softened and became so loving and to think it was for her made Layla feel like a million dollars. "What are you getting?" She asked
Tony smile and shut his menu. He squeezed her hand, and looked into her eyes.

"I'm going to get a ham and cheese panini with a water." He told her with a smile. He ran his fingers over her knuckles as the old woman came back.

"I'll be right back to take your orders." She told ten as she took their menus and wandered back into the kitchen.

Tony looked back at Layla and leaned over the table, placing a soft kiss on her lips. He sat back, and began to wonder about their future together. He shrugged it off though, and let himself enjoy the happy moment while it lasted. He knew that Layla worked for her uncle, but he didn't know what she did. This drove him into wonder, he wished that they would be happy together. He knew that this was the way it was going to be for some time.

Tony snapped himself out of his deep thought as looked at Layla, "You look great today." He said with a loving expression. He wasn't lying, she did look amazing, as always. He couldn't help but let a smile overcome his face when he was around her, he didn't know what he would do without her. And he didn't care what other people thought about their relationship, because the only thing thy mattered to him was her.
Layla nodded at his choice of lunch, "Good choice, baby," She replied returning his smile, it was hard not to, his smile was just so addictive and infectious to her that just seeing him smile made her smile as her immediate reaction. But the waitress came back and said she would be back soon to take their order and Layla nodded at her, the smile still on her face as she looked back at Tony. She gave a sift giggle when he leaned across the table to kiss her and she kissed him back, fluttering her eyes lids closed as she did so, but the kiss didn't last as long as she would have liked and she opened her eyes as he pulled away. It was little kisses like those that made her never want to leave him, to not go back to her night job, to tell her uncle to stick it and be free of him, but she simply couldn't, it wasn't possible. If she left her job, her uncle would look for her, find her and if he didn't hurt her he would find Tony and hurt him instead. Last time she had tried to leave he had taken it out on a few of the other girls he employed and he would do it again if she tried anything funny. She couldn't kill him, he was too strong and he always had his business partners around she wouldn't get the chance. He was a demon, a shadow that would always be around her, she would never be able to shake him off, he had trapped her and she would never be free.

That meant that no matter what she felt for Tony, no matter how much she loved him, nothing could ever be normal between them, it was impossible. But she wanted to give him a future that a normal couple would have, when they had been dating long enough they might move in together, and if things continued to go well they might get married and spend the rest of their time together, happy and possibly a child, though that was all a fairy tale. But maybe, just maybe they could make a go of some sort of relationship , if she could keep her night life to a secret then maybe they could continue on the way they were. His words made her snap out of her thought and she blushed at what he said, lowering her eyes and shaking her head slightly, "No, it's just my make up doesn't look smudged today," She replied with a small shrug, she never really felt she looked any good, she just felt like an object that could be made to look better with make up and the right clothes.

But with Tony she felt more then just an object, she felt like an actual person, who mattered.
Tony looked at the waitress and ordered, once she had gone off into the kitchen, Tony let himself drift off in thought. He wished that there was someway for the both of them to be happy, and to never fit. But he knew that wasn't likely to happen, the world was almost never in their favor, but when it was, he would try to make the most of it. He wondered what she did at night, and why she wouldn't tell him. He guessed it was probably because she had to keep it a secret because her uncle dust want anyone snooping around that wasnt welcome. He looked at Layla, and brushed a piece of her hair back. He looked at her hair, and then felt his heart melt. He loved everything about her, maybe not all together, but the little things always got him to think.

Tony shook his head as he heard her reply, "No, you're beautiful, and you always will be." He told her as he gently squeezed her hands. He placed his fingers under her chin, as lifted her head up. He smiled and ran his finger along her jawbone, she really was beautiful, not matter what the world thought. She would always be his perfect princess.
Layla watched him order, content in just watching him, it was almost comical their relationship, like a Romeo and Juliet take on the modern world, but with a few twists. He was free as a bird, no one held him back and therefore no one could tell him who to and not to date, but with Layla she was held back, her uncle and his evil business bound her and kept her prisoner, never being able to break free and live a happy life. But never the less she wouldn't give up on them completely, rather she would keep their relationship going as best as she could but at the same time making sure Tony never found out about her second life. He looked back at her and she smiled as he brushed the hair away from her face and replied to her previous comments, she just gave a slight roll of her eyes and nodded to avoid any possible arguments, she didn't want to spoil today.

"So how's the training going?" She asked, "And Dan? How's he going?" She added inquisitively, they just hadn't talked about him in such a long time she thought she should catch up. The time they did spend together was mostly fighting, or rather her yelling at him and him just taking it and sometimes yelling back and Layla couldn't remember when they last spoke about his work or his best friend. Though in the latter of the two she didn't like to talk about, sure she liked Danny he was a nice guy and a good friend to Tony but she had seen him one night and while she was working on picking up a customer, whether he saw her or not she wasn't quite sure but if he had and told Tony it hadn't gotten back around to her. Either way, she felt edgy knowing that talking about him could lead to Tony saying that Danny saw her and she didn't know what that would bring.
Tony looked down at the table, "Sorry Layla." He said as he drew his hand back from her face. He felt a burning dagger to through his heart when she rolled her eyes. He slumped down in his seat, and kept his gaze on his hands that were sitting in his lap. He knew she never liked it when he told her she was never ugly. He wondered why though, she was some kind of puzzle and mystery to him. But he wanted to make her happy as long as they were together. He looked at her and shrugged, trying to think of what was happening with Danny.

"Oh, training is going fine. The kids are great athletes, and barely need our help." He explained with a little chuckle. All of the teens had some kind of athletic background, so the only thing that Danny and him had to do was conditioning. He scratched his head and looked at Layla "Eh, he's still the same old playboy he has always been." He said, sighing a little. It seemed like he was never in a firm relationship. He would always come home would one girl, and leave with another. Tony sighed a little and looked at Layla. He refrained from asking her about work. He wasn't going to do that again, he wondered if she had any friends at her work, "How are the people at your work?" he asked her kindly.
When he apologized she shook her head and reached over the table to take his hands, she may not have agreed with him but she didn't want an apology, he hadn't said anything wrong she was just trying to avoid an argument. "I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry, it's just that- well, I'll explain it to you another time," She told him with an apologetic look to show him she really meant it. Thank fully though she had stopped herself from telling him why she didn't like compliments, and she would have if she had thought he wouldn't have asked anymore questions, and those questions would be too close to telling him about her other life, it was just too dangerous and there was too much at risk. It was easier if she just kept him in the dark about why. Sure she kept a lot of things from him but it made their relationship easier and simpler for her.

He told her that the training was going well and she smiled, glad that things weren't too hard for him there, "That's great! But I bet they're still not as good ad you," She replied, one of the great things about Tony was that he was always supportive of people and always there to help them along the way. Layla thought thats why he made such a good trainer, of course he was good with fitness and self discipline but that didn't always make a good trainer, it was how they related to people. She laughed when he mentioned that Danny was still a playboy, "Oh so predictable," She said, "I don't think that man will ever settle down," She added jokingly as he asked her about her work and she nodded, thinking of Sugar. "Well, there's a few people who aren't too nice, but I've got a good friend called Sugar," She told him honestly, "I think her parents were hippies," She added quickly when she realized that to anyone else Sugar was an almost dead set hookers name, so she tried to cover it up.
Tony smiled and took her hands as she reached over the table. "It's ok Layla, no need to apologize." he told her calmly he knew that she really didn't mean to bark at him, but he still was a little soft on the whole rough, secretive Layla. He shrugged a little, and looked into her eyes, and then up at the waitress when she came to their table. He drew back his arms and set out his silverware, and looked at the steaming plate in front of himself. he took a bite of his Panini, and nodded with a little chuckle.

He laughed at her comment, "Haha, they have a little ways until they are near my excellence." he said, joking. He wondered if she would ever go to the gym with him. But he refrained on asking her until they had a steady, relationship that didn't involve yelling and fighting every night. He laughed and nodded, "Yeah, Danny's always been like that." he agreed, before he listened to her talk about her friend. He thought it was an unusual name for a woman, but he shrugged. He laughed softly, he felt like she was trying to cover something up, but he didn't say much. He was just glad that they were getting along so well.

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