Other Who's your hottie?

DId you post a guy or a girl?

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Aero -

Goddess Of Sass
We're all human here. And there must have been at least one person who was so hot you wanted to cry. Celebrities are allowed.

So post a picture and tell me why.

Since it has been pointed out, I forgot to mention fcitional characters are allowed. XD
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This guy right here. He's in a local band from Edinburgh, called Jakil (who not long ago moved to London to try and get signed) and plays lead guitar/backing vocals, and I can't help but die every time I see him in person.
I've been to every one of their gigs since I turned 18, and they now recognise me and I get hugs, and I forget every English word when it comes to getting a hug from Jamie.
He just has that "too cool for even being cool" aura (if you knew him you'd know what I mean). Ugh. Perfect.
ugh, all these emo/goth/band people *facepalms*

clearly you haven't seen the true definition of a magnificent husbando in his natural habitat. observe:

I know the person irl so I can't post her.
Also I don't have a picture of her.
So I'll just substitute for someone who looks remotely like her.


The eyes have it I guess. Both also give off an aura of confidence.
*resists spamming the thread with pictures of many attractive people*
*settles for multiple pictures of the same attractive person*
Toni Mahfud, whose face makes me squeal. Squeal.

Toni Mahfud.png
Not allowing fictional characters
There's no way to take the thread seriously now.
Have one celeb crush, and a bunch of dads cause I'm their freaking daughter. You can't tell me otherwise.

This guy, however, is just an alternate version of me. The male version of me. He is absolutely hot and simply because he seems to be a genuinely great guy and is absolutely hilarious. He's been my type of humour since forever and I've been watching him for too long. Though I don't classify him as a celeb crush, just an extra awesome, attractive and inspiring person.


ANDREW! ANDREW! ANDREW!! I love him so much! When I first saw him in Pride I cried ahhhh. His hair and stubble. His thick Dublin accent those brown eyes. There is no way I can explain the way I love him.image.jpg
Brendon Urie:

Sean McLoughlin/Jacksepticeye: I have a thing for YouTubers, sue me.


And if I suddenly became a lesbian, I'd go for....


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