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Futuristic Who’s ready for a SPACE ADVENTURE? [closed]

LN: Person
FN: Jane
ALIAS: "Rachel", "Spaz"
EN: 1924762481*

HGT: 5'10"
WGT: 156
EYES: Green
HAIR: Blond
AGE: 28
NOTABLE FEATURES: Employee 1924762481 has their number tattooed on their left forearm, standard of employees. They also have a large tattoo of the ANZA-Corp's 6th Combat Infantry Regiment's logo on their back left should.

  • Primary School and Secondary School
(NOTE: Primary and Secondary education is in accordance with WEYLAND-YUTANI's Educational Department's requirements, and may not be transferrable elsewhere.)
  • ANZA-Corp Introduction to Corporate
  • ANZA-Corp Basic Combat Training
  • ANZA-Corp Advanced Combat Training
  • ANZA-Corp Advanced Survival Course
  • ANZA-Corp Human Trafficking Awareness Course
  • ANZA-Corp SERE Training (Survive, Evade, Resist, Escape)
  • ANZA-Corp Anti-Espionage Course
  • ANZA-Corp Workplace Harassment Awareness Training (Assigned following Workplace Incident 89-24-12-1283)
  • ANZA-Corp Advanced Corporate Operations Training

  1. ANZA-Corp Introduction and Training Facility 94/A (1 Year), SECURITY INTERN
  2. ANZA-Corp Security Force Detachment 94 (1 Year), SECURITY OPERATOR
  3. ANZA-Corp Combat Infantry Regiment 6 (3 Years), ANZA-Corp COMBAT SPECIALIST
  4. ANZA-Corp Station Security, Station 112 (1 Year), ANZA-Corp SECURITY MANAGER
  5. ANZA-Corp Advanced Training Facility 3 (1 Year), ANZA-Corp COMBAT SPECIALIST
  6. ANZA-Corp Special ANZA-Corp Services (3 Years), ANZA-Corp COMBAT TEAM LEADER
  • Basic Vehicle Handling: Class A
  • Combat Vehicle Handling: Class C
  • Combat Weapons Handling: Class A
  • SERE Certificate (Expires in 2 Years)
  • Workplace Harassment Awareness Certificate (Expires in 1 Years)
Following Personnel Evaluation 1924762481/F, the Department of Human Resources for ANZA-Corp has identified the following skills belonging to Employee 1924762481.

  • Employee 1924762481 has been identified to act in a manner, that can only be described as, "funny." Despite her rudimentary form of humor, she is apparent to have a profound effect on her fellow employees and is known to raise "morale." But her humor has more than once led to reprimands by her superiors, and thus Employee 1924762481 is not to be placed under the managing of "strict" individuals.
  • Employee 1924762481 has, on one incident, demonstrated their ability to fly vacuum-rated craft from orbit. This is believed to demonstrate their ability to quickly pick up on skills while under pressure and while their life is on the line.

To Whom It May Concern,

To me, Employee 1924762481, or as I know her, Rachel, is one of the best blokes I have ever worked with. Despite her... questionable humor and personality, she is an excellent asset for any team and has proven her worth more times than I can count. It is to be noted that she was involved in an incident during her time as a Security Manager on Station 112, but I have no doubt that this will not affect her future in wherever she goes. She is very qualified in vehicle handling, combat, and the likes.

Very Respectfully,

*Employee Number
It’s the last day for applications?!

Yes, it is. :) Please have them submitted by the end of the day!
Name: автомат | Avtomat

Serial #: K9Y5T2KZ

Brief description: Avtomat is an outdated version of the standard-issue Russian GUMP, designed specifically to combat US GUMPs. Equipped with upgraded optics and audio processors, Avtomat can recognize faces, voices, and various sounds. 215 centimeters and 226 kilos, built like a tank and fights like one too.

Avtomat was one of few to be part of an experimental upgrade meant to reduce and completely eliminate preemptive firing. While the project was successful in reducing preempt, there were unwanted side effects. Due to the nature of the upgrade, Avtomat was able to think for himself.


Screenshot 2022-02-11 10.12.05 AM.png

Education: N/A

Professional Experience 1: Long/medium-range combat. Avtomat, and fellow GUMPS, were always placed in front of human soldiers. He is experienced with his mounted weapon, but not hand-to-hand combat.

Professional Experience 2: Tanks and Treads. Being in a massive, slow-as-hell vehicle means painting a target on your back. Avtomat was programmed to pilot/drive large, heavy machinery.

Professional Experience 3: Weapons manufacturing. Avtomat is able to construct weapons from garbage, take apart/reassemble weapons due to exposure to gangs and lower-level soldiers.

Certificates/Licenses: Military weapons | Heavy machinery | Intergalactic Cargo Transport

Misc. Skills:
-Hard to take down
-Water combat specialist
-Quick learner
-Non-verbal communication

Cover Letter:

Greetings Hiring Manager,

My name is Vera and I am sending this on behalf of Avtomat due to his limited knowledge of professional papers. Please take time to consider his service.

He is Aвтомат, standard-issue grounded urban mechanical peacekeeper. He brings a comprehensive set of skills that I believe will be of value. During his time on and off the battlefield, he honed abilities in non-verbal communication and adaptability, providing a firm foundation for almost any position. His observation, people-centric nature, and compassion have afforded him excellent communication skills. I am excited to contribute his talents and proficiency in teamwork to your team's efforts. His focus on building strong professional relationships has been a beneficial asset throughout his career.

As a once combat-oriented robot, Aвтомат is optimal for containing violent situations. These skills are current and he is up-to-date on the latest upgrades. His priority is to guarantee my tasks are done efficiently. He is licensed to handle and use military-grade weaponry as well as heavy machinery. Do not take his background and expect cold, Aвтомат is quite curious and excitable. As well as kind.

Vera Sidorov
Throwing this in hopefully before the deadline!
Click Bar
Name \\ Dev Torvald

Brief Description \\ Dev carries herself with a confidence that makes clear the strength beneath her heavyset figure. Her tan skin is scattered with scars, the most prominent one over her left eyebrow, and her hair is dyed purple and cropped close to her head. Her dress sense leans towards masculine, prioritising practicality but still making sure to look smart, and she's almost never seen without a pair of worn, steel-toed combat boots. She tends to look vaguely annoyed, even when she's enjoying herself.

Education \\ Bilzic Town High School
2B4TX College, Interplanetary Conservation - exited program after 2 years due to complications.

Professional Experience \\
- Bass Player: The Din-Bugs-
Small independent neuro-rock band. Gained experience with travel, teamwork, and managing artistic differences.

- Bouncer: Live Wire Nightclub -
Managed customers in various states of inebriation and aggression. Handled de-escalation in high-risk situatuons. Balanced club policy with personal income opportunities.

- Warehouse Operative: X-Space -
Organised and loaded goods for long periods of time, including heavy and fragile items. Performed quality checks and quarantine appraisals.

Certificates/Licenses \\ Basic First Aid for Humans and Humanoids, Organizational Firearms License 2C, Forklift Certified

Misc. Skills \\
- Interest in the occult
- Responsible
- Intimidation
- Level-headed
- Practical

Cover Letter \\
Good afternoon,
I'd like to apply for a job in your company. I'd be suited to security, if it's going to be dangerous or high-profile, or working with heavy goods and equipment, if not. I'd also be good at making sure the crew kept in line with company policy, and dealing with any disagreements or mutiny.
The experience above should cover the necessary skills. You can contact Wilx Andere at the warehouse, or Ryan Anderton at the club, if you need to back it up. Do not attempt to contact the members of my band, they won't give a fair report.
I respect the company a fair amount, and I'd look forward to the chance to travel again.
If you want anything else, let me know.

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