Whole New World

The angel seemed to ignore Lite's reasoning for not giving her the job, and insist that she take lead and scout a head. If Lite trusted her enough, he would most likely send her out to scout a head, if they weren't a in narrow cave. In the open lands her ability to fly above the clouds and see much of what other land bound creatures cannot, would be a valuable asset. In a small cave, with a low roof and narrow walls, her wings would be nothing but nuisance and an addition to things predators would look out for. With the loud roars coming from deeper within the cave, there was no way he could send her in there, especially alone. Lucky for her, the reptilian man had appeared, offering his own assistance. He could definitely keep his own against any predators. He had plenty of strength to crush any, but none to cover an area and defend another. As well, hunting for the predators in the cave was not the mission here. Escape was the goal, and to find the escape without any casualties, that meant stealth was a slight priority. The metal clinking and clanking, the heavy steps, the immense size would make it hard not to notice the big green rock walking around. To add to the trouble, Lite had the least trust in the person who could turn into a hungry beast at any moment. Even with the of best intentions, few men can hold down the aching of savage hunger. It was kind of them to offer, but he could not give them the job, for they did not meet the standards, as far as he could tell.

Before he could decline their offers in his leadershipy way, another being stumbled into the room interrupting them and quickly began speaking nonsense. This one was small, a little girl almost, seemed that she was lost just as all the others. Another to add to the team, although the difference between her and the others was that she seemed nonchalant about everything, to the point where she seemed like a little girl lost in a cave. It took a moment of peering at the girl, as she rambled on, to figure it out, but he soon realized the truth. She is of the Kender kin! Lite hadn't an idea why, but he could not resist an incredible fear he had of the Kender. Something made him feel that he did not want to be near the creature, that the Kender were the cause for insanity. Almost like a memory, but he wasn't sure of it. He would have jumped from where he sat, if it weren't for the angel's embrace on his arm. Instead, He simply glared at the girl for a few moments, until finally calming and beginning to collect the proper words to respond to her rambling.

"I am sorry, but we are all most likely, in the same boat as you. It may sound odd of me to ask but, do you recall how you arrived here, what your name is, namely much anything of your personal history?" Lite began, "I have come to be known as Lite, I myself woke up within this cave without a trace of how, when, or what had happened to me to arrive here. In fact, I barely remember my real name." Lite gestured to the other members in the chamber, "We all have collected together in search and hope that an exit is not far, and I would assume you will do the same." Lite turned his eyes from her and looked back to Helia, clinging to his arm. "Perhaps we should begin moving in a full group soon once again, before this small room becomes overly crowded."



Zero had started to play around with his capabilities untill he noticed something....peculier about his own strenght as he forced the golem to speak.

The golem caused some rumbling from the depht of its throat before it uttered a single clunky phrase "He....rro....".

Shocked zero moved back a bit and laughed while pointing at lite "erm..what's your name...erm...mister light thingy, mister light thingy!" he spoke towards him pointing at the golem now "How about we make this guy scout ahead?".

He made the golem repeat his sentence twice as zero clapped at his archievement, he was still a child...

But why could a alchemists golem even speak?
She looked at the man with her bright blue eyes as he spoke. She listened and he would be able to see she understood, but also that her thoughts were racing a mile a second, “Well Mr. Lite, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I do remember my name, I am Raspberry Fiddlebow of the great family Fiddlebow from Kendermore, my friends call me Raspberry, or Rasp, but never Fiddler or Bow… that wouldn’t make any sense at all. I don’t really remember how I got here, I do remember that there was a black robed person, probably a wizard of some sort, and I know I was asking whomever it was some questions, but I don’t remember what the questions were. I must have asked to be transported by magic to a dark place that I could explore because wizards won't use magic unless they have to, it sucks away their physical strength you know.” She started to make a sucking sound with her mouth to better demonstrate the effect magic has on a person.

After she saw people were too uninformed to appreciate her demonstration she looked around and for the first time started to take in the others. She saw the girl with the wings and her eyes went wide with awe, she stepped forward and reached to touch them, clearly she had no hesitation in doing so, “WOW Miss, those are some amazing wings! Did you hatch from an egg? Was your mother a bird and your father a person? I am not sure how that could happen… or perhaps you were conjured by some conjuring magic user of some sort! I have heard that some wizards spend countless hours meticulously putting this and that together from different creatures so that they can make new creatures, I mean it sounds rather boring doing that over and over for years and years. I would never imagine that I would someday see someone who was half bird! Not to mention you got the GOOD half! Wings! I mean, WOW! You could have ended up born like a person but with chicken feet or something... that would be strange, but wings that’s just amazing! Perhaps you could give me a flight, I mean if we ever get out of this smelly cave. I love flying, a few years ago I was at Pax Thorax visiting the Dwarves, they refused to let me go deep into the mountain mines even though I kindly explained that Dwarves and Kender are related, like cousins really, but the ones outside by the big door were very friendly! They even gave me ‘free flying lessons’ on their trebuchet! In hindsight however I wish they had given me landing lessons first, after one flight I had to heal up for a week or so.”

She turned back to the man with the lantern who was glaring at her now, “I am sorry sir, I didn’t mean to ignore you… I would love to help you find the exit! There is nothing more fun than a good adventure!”


@Original Hylion

edited: added tags as to who I was posting to.
Helia glanced over at Day as he walked over and offered his assistance, she gave him a warm smile. The large reptile said it was because he was restless himself and what not, but Helia believed part of it was that he was just a big sweety on the inside. Of course her sensible mind knew that was unlikely and that she was being niave and she would of course keep her wits about her, however for now Day was to be considered an ally until he proved to be otherwise. Looking back at Lite she feared he was about to turn their request down to scout ahead and help, she knew her wings wouldn't be of much use, however Gratia could provide her with light in the caves, which in itself was the largest reason she was perfect to go, and even though her wings may hinder her at times, she was nimble and light footed - and even though Lite couldn't see it, Helia knew that she could hold her own should she be attacked by some sort of cave dwelling monster.

She raised her eyebrows as the small girl approached them, asking questions and talking nonsense - it was like she'd never stop! The girl chattered like a money until she finally ran out of words - which baffled Helia. For a moment she legitimately though the girl would never run out of things to say and that they would all be stuck down here listen to her talk and reason both with herself and Lite as she simply asked for a way out. Either way, clearly her questions were not helping Lite relax. Either way, back to their previous topic - Helia would have suggested someone else go, but she didn't think anyone else could. Adidas was so meek that Helia doubted she could hold her own in a fight, and even if she were to find her way out, Helia didn't honestly believe she would return to aid the rest of them. Those who seemed capable of finding a way out didn't seem as if they would return, and those who seemed loyal also seemed fragile.

Helia found herself listening while Lite spoke to the girl, something in him seemed to switch - from worried to stern. She couldn't be sure but she felt as if she was sensing he was uneasy around this small girl. Then he turned to Helia and spoke again. Helia put on another warm, serene smile and nodded, agreeing with whatever he said for now. He was so stressed, she didn't need to sense it to know it,"That sounds best then." She said, she moved her hand, rubbing his arm gently once more, comforting him and reassuring him that she would not sway from his side should he need her, and then removed her hand, finally releasing him of the warmth of her soft skin on his arm. Helia pushed her hair behind her ear, as it ruffled, as when she moved her wings, she gave off the faint scent of sunlight and lilies, it was just another part of the fabulous aura that seemed to surround her and her sunny personality.

Helia raised her eyebrows, slightly alarmed as the young girl, Raspberry she said, spoke to Helia again. Helia's wings fluttered every so slightly when the girl touched them, no one -as far as she could remember- had been so brazen as to touch her wings, ask to do so, or so rude as to touch her wings without asking or permission of some kind. Either way the feathers on Helia's wings were softer and fluffier than the softest, most manicured, plush fur, it was incredible and again when they fluttered they gave off her faint scent of sunlight and lilies. Helia just watched the girl in amazement as she spoke and continued to speak. the feeling started with the touching of her wings, which she considered to be as bad as if a man came up and grabbed her thigh, however the more the girl spoke the more insulted Helia grew - ironically she felt like a brooding bird whose feathers grew ruffled the more upset they got. But no, the girl didn't stop, she just chattered on and on, wondering if Helia was some kind of sick experiment or some kind of odd creation from the love of two odd beings. Again she was even more amazed when the girl stopped talking and she remained calm, trying to remember that this was a special situation. Something about the indignant feeling growing with in her reaffirmed the feeling, the thought of what she really was. Helia vaguely knew what she was before, however now as her feelings of pride welled up she was positive that she was in fact a Valkyrie and not just some silly girl with flitty wings.

Helia opened her mouth to correct the girl of her mistake, and to inform her that she was in fact a Valkyrie and not half chicken - but before she could the girl spoke to Lite again. Helia felt herself get a bit ruffled on the inside, even possibly a little insulted, after all a woman is still a woman no matter what species she is and Helia still felt pride in herself as a Valkyrie. However now was no time to brag or show off your vanity so Helia let it go. Not that there was any real choice in the matter, but she'd like to believe that if it was a choice, she still would have remained silent. However she felt the girl's hands on her wings again and couldn't help but feel something else as well....this was what a memory felt like, only instead of being triggered by a smell it was by a touch.

Helia stepped into a house, a small little shrub of a thing and a poor woman sat there on her knees, casting a spell or a prayer or something, As she recalled all of this she didn't know what was going on and everything was all light and sound, she didn't understand the memory at all, it was mostly emotions The woman was asking for something, something about the woman's husband, when a small toddler wandered up and touched Helia's wings, and just like a horse who had been spooked, she spread her wings and stepped back, reacting out of surprise and indignation, she glared at the boy who dared to touch her, however she didn't understand what she was feeling, what this boy had struck within her.....it was like a crack being made in a stone, it was smaller than a very fine hair, but it was there and Helia felt it....And that was it...she couldn't see any faces or hear any words, but Helila knew it happened and she remembered the feel of another human's hands on her soft, plush feathers....

She took a small breath and looked back at Lite as the girl finished her last sentences to him, the words of which Helia didn't catch.

@Original Hylion


Raspberry was amazed at how soft the chicken girls feathers were. As she touched them again and the sweet scent of lilies and sunshine entered her nose she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, “Clearly you are not a chicken, chickens stink!” She opened her eyes and looked up at the winged woman with a smile, but her smile quickly faded when she saw the menacing glare she received in return. Swallowing hard she timidly withdrew her hand and placed it in one of her pouches, looking at the winged woman apologetically.

She turned back to the lantern man and spoke again, it was obvious she could feel the tension and displeasure of those in the room, “I uh… I would be happy to help find the way out.”

Though nobody knew her, it was obvious she knew when she crossed the line, most likely from the experience of doing it many times in the past.

Day-Bane analyzed the child sized girl, and smiled to himself at her antics and how annoyed Helia became when she touched her wings. He could somewhat sympathize with her, as he himself often became angry when someone messed with his tail. However, the blade at the end usually discouraged any from touching and not looking.


For a second, his beast blood's pressure subsided. He didnt feel the need to transform. His stomach, although half empty from the seared fish he had eaten, felt content. It was gone as fast as it came, but he remembered the feeling.

"We are willing to help you." Day-Bane began, standing beside Helia. "I can see why you may not trust me. But you were a fool to bring me this far with you if you didn't." He said, stopping for a short pause. "You know what I am. And we are pack hunters. I dont abandon my pack." Another stop. "As a predator... Things dont just approach me. I want to get out of here as much as you do. But I wont leave my pack behind."

What he had said wasnt to back up his reasons for going. It was to let Lite know that he saw him as a pack mate. Someone who would defend him if he needed it. And that he would damn well return the favor.

Lite knew what he was. And so did Helia. It would be their secret. He didnt want the whole group knowing he was a werecrocodile. Weres already had a bad name for themselves. He didnt want others to judge him wrongly.

"I want you to trust me. But the only way for you to do that is to do it." He said, locking eyes with Lite. "I dont expect it now, but I hope that you can trust me before we get out if this hell hole."

[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION]

She turned and looked as the lizard man spoke and her eyes went wide. She had seen Draconians from time to time but never as sleek looking, nor speaking in a friendly manner. She could not help herself, the regret of crossing the line swiftly receding and her curiosity boiled to the surface almost instantaneously, “WOW! A Draconian! I heard that the Dark Queen hatches you from metallic dragons! Which kind are you? It has been a long time since I have seen a Draconian, and they weren’t near as nice as you are being, actually the were quite the opposite and were killing everything that wasn’t also a Draconian, it was really sad actually…”

She went quiet and half smiled as she opened her mouth to speak again, but then suddenly closed her mouth and showed a second of restraint, turning back to the lantern man to see what he would say about all of them volunteering to do the same job.

Day-Bane looked down at the little girl, and smiled slightly, laughing at the rumor. "I know nothing of this 'Dark Queen', and I'm quite certain I didn't come from a metallic dragon. My race is known as Lenngann, a beast race from a far off region. We hatch from simple eggs and grow like normal human children. In our race, we are named after about two years of age based on our personalities. At the time, I hated to go out in the sun. So my mother and father named me Day-Bane." He smiled, and allowed himself to feed the girls curiosity for a moment. He began to unconsciously speak a phrase in his native language, which comprised of hisses, clicks, and even a growl or two.

He held back his beast blood easier while he was speaking. It took his mind off of it. Made it easier to control himself.

But a thought crossed his mind. 'How the heck did I remember my native language... And how did I remember how I was named?' Another headache came on, rushing a few more memories in.

Well, some more pieces of his past have been found, but there was a lot left of the puzzle. He thanked the girl in his own mind for helping him find a piece though.
(@.@ slow down people)

There was so much talking, everyone was crowding around him. This chamber was crowded enough, he didn't need even more walls to surround him. Did they not realize that he hadn't even remembered his name? Now all this bickering and rambling was happening all around him. It was good that they could become friends with one another, but they seemed to be forgetting that this wasn't some little adventure of friends. None of them knew each other, none of them knew what to do, and they all fell onto Lite now to come up with the obvious course of action. If they wanted action, then he would take it, and if they wanted him to act, then he expected them to follow orders.

He tried to single out a few things, listen to what they were saying, so he could decide what to do with them. The small one, the Kender, had full memory of who she was, where she was from, she simply hadn't an idea of how she came upon such a place, that or she was making up wild stories, which to the sound of what she was saying, was more likely. Day seemed to fancy the innocence of the child, enjoy the childish nature and the without worry, demeanor. It was almost irritating at how well everyone got along, he couldn't figure it out, but he almost felt envy. They seemed to be remembering their pasts, slowly, remembering what once was. They seemed to slowly feel that everything was going to be alright. While Lite sat there and worried, worked to keep everyone together, to keep the others walking, and to find some trace of his own past. He still remembered nothing. The only thing he could recall distinctly was that he memorized every inch of that lantern. But it was just a lantern, not special design, nothing of interest, just a cylinder shape, a cage protecting a smaller glass cylinder concealing a small fire. Lite peered up, the light was slowly dimming, and the room would darken soon. The only light coming from the blonde winged girl's staff and the small light coming from the golem created by the new boy lighted the room. The new boy was speaking to Lite too, but Lite couldn't hear him. It was something about his golem, a scout. Scouting a head, he still needed to send someone. Or maybe they should begin moving, they've only been there for... How long have they been there?

Lite looked to his lantern once more, the light continued to shrink and to dim. With it, Lite felt that his vision was fading, even with the lights of the others. At this point, he couldn't hear the others; he was transfixed on the lantern. Sitting there, between the talkative ones, he was silent. His only movement was his breathing, and his hand inching over to Helia's knee in search for her attention, for he needed comfort. Before he knew it, he was standing up, ignoring the other two in his way, he walked right past the small Kender and the reptilian. He dropped to his knees, and then bent forward in attempt to level his eyes with the wick of the lantern that was sitting in the middle of the room. There was barely a flame, must be out of oil. Time for a refill.

Lite blew in to the wick, blowing out the flame and extinguishing the light. The room became considerably darker, but there were the lights of Helia and the boy. As the room's darkness seemed to slowly eat away at the edges and corners of the room, a rumbling from above began. Almost as if something large was running right over the top of the room. The roar from before was echoed again, this time louder, almost closer. Lite was quick to stare up at the ceiling, almost as if he could see what was above the walls. "It is not far, fast, but not far. I think it flies, or simply strides and catches air enough to glide," He began, describing something as if he could see it. "It is headed for another, further off." Lite looked to the exit, which would lead deeper into the caves. "It is too close." In the darkness, his eyes seemed to glow with the same light as his lantern.

Quickly, while in the dark, he grabbed the lantern unscrewed the base, poured a certain amount of oil into the bowl from his flask of oil, and screwed the base back on. He took the flint and steel from his tinder set and struck the flint against the steel, aiming the sparks at the open wick, once again, igniting a small flame. He closed the wick, strapped his belongings back to his waist, took hold of the lantern, and stood up. "We need to move! Hurry, everyone up, we have to hurry! Everyone!" Lite yelled frantically as he, himself began to rush for the exit. He had a hand on his scabbard as to keep one thing from jingling about. "Hurry!"

Lite did not look back to see if they were following, he knew for sure, the exit was just over yonder, that he was on the right trail. He could see it clearly, he could see a Soul. He saw one headed for another. The hunter and the prey, but the prey was within the cave! There had to be an entrance there! Lite dashed through the narrow cave walls, which slowly opened up. The walls seemed to ever so slowly become more of a mining shaft, then slowly become finely carved walls, only blemishes being that no one has taken care of them in such a long time. Lite came upon a room, a large grand hall, it reached up high, with pillars spread all around. Half of the room was still made of the cave interior; it was a long and wide path. One side was a large trench, filled with water. The place almost seemed like a ravine with a roof over it. At a top high corner, a large hole was apparent. The exit!

But where were the hunter and the prey. Lite looked further down the hall, he could see a dog, and a girl. He then looked back to the cave entrance. It was what most revered as the greatest creature alive, some considered them amongst the gods, and some considered them the bringers of death. Anyone who actually knew these creatures for what they really were knew their true and simple names, a ******* dragon, actually a wyvern to be exact. This one was thick, it was without scales, and in replacement of them were feathers and a leathery hide. It was large; Lite himself was as tall as its jaw opening. Its legs were somewhat stubby, but muscular and strong, made for jumping. Its wings, which were attached to its arms, were small, but its arms were even more muscular. The head was connected by a long extending neck. The head was large, teeth poked out in savagery, a bit of smoke rose from gabs in its closed mouth. This one was a fire breather.

[MENTION=4406]Nikki Rodgers[/MENTION]





[MENTION=4502]Broken Survivor[/MENTION]




Helia looked at the other two, at Day and Raspberry, as they spoke. Helia felt sorry for the girl when she showed remorse for her actions against Helia, however Helia's feelings of pity for the girl disappeared when she showed no possibility of stopping her rude behavior as she questioned Day, who in turn entertained her childish mind in this very serious time. Helia tried to find a way to stop all of the hysteria, the constant chattering, the moping, everything that was most likely getting their leader down, she turned her attentions back to him as he grazed her skin, his hand searching for some form of physical comfort. She watched him as he seemed to break down, he stared intensely at his lantern, the only constant, his only companion, in this frightening new world. She moved in concern for him when he rushed over to it, and before she knew it the room was almost pitch black with the exception of the other two faint lights. She heard Lite's voice, he sounded paniced but sure at the same time, by the time the light illuminated he was almots out the door it seemed. Everything moved so fast as he gave the orders for the group to move out, and fast. He was right, she knew he was right and now was the time for action, not compassion for those who were too weak or wary or frightened to move, as the roars grew louder. If they refused to move out of fear, it would get them killed. However no one took that option and Helia followed Lite, with the rest of the group, following closely as he ran and led them all.

Helia kept her wings folded close against her body as she followed Lite, willing Gratia to stay close to her as well - she felt as if she would need it soon. It felt like they were onyl running, moving through the dark passages for a split second before the cave changed into what looked more like an abandoned stone hallway instead of a cave....but she saw it...the exit. She stood right behind Lite and to the side as her bright, golden eyes fixated upon the being that stayed right in front of the exit and blocked their path. She knew it - she felt it - stirring deep with in her, now was the time to abandon the leadership of Lite and take up her own instincts if she wanted to help these others and possibly life herself. Helia took two steps forward, the first brought her to Lite's side, and the second slightly in front of him. She tapped Gratia gently on the ground and felt small tingles all over her body as she became encased in a golden colored armor. It was made of the same, strong, Valkyrie metal that made up her staff, of course it had its weak point like any other armor. It consisted of a breast plate, plates that protected her shoulders, and some gauntlets as well as plates that protected her hips, as well as a helmet that came down and framed her face perfectly. Finally she grew a few inches as her legs became encased in armor that wrapped all the way up to her thighs. She transformed from an innocent angel, to an Valkyrie warrior. "I believe I may come in handy here Lite." she said with a faint smile, her hair pulled up into a pony tail that fell down her back.

"this opening is too small to allow passage through while I engage the being, however if you see an opportunity, please take it to leave. I fear the only way out though is to stop this monster from stopping us." She said and took a moment to steel her nerves. Fighting this monster wouldn't be a problem, however she feared it may harm those behind her - she didn't want anyone to get hurt and she knew she was a marvelous warrior, however that didn't stop her from worrying about the short time companions. She then began to walk and approach the dragon, Gratia grew a large blade on the end that previously provided light and Helia walked up, taking her ground and holding a defensive position as she got as close to the being as possible, the farther away from the others the better before she engaged it in battle, or it engaged in dinner.
Seeing the large dragon himself, Day-Bane grabbed his crossbow from him waist, taking an exploding bolt from it's pouch, and pulling back, loading the massive crossbow. Will a mighty pull, the tension was set for a very powerful shot. However, he noticed something on his shoulder armor as he reached to grab the bow. Symbols engraved into the metal. In the darkness, they would be hard to see without knowing they were there.

Lifting one tree trunk of an arm to the metal piece and grabbing, Bane turned the metal to face him slightly. He... just knew what it said. "Armor.. Enlarge... Beast... Fit..." he read quietly. His eye twitched for a minute, and he knew what it was for.

He looked to his other shoulder, seeing another symbol. "Armor.. Shrink.. Human.. Fit.." he continued. To anyone not listening, it would be nothing more than a mumble.

And suddenly, he felt his body kick.

He was giving into his urge.

It would take a few minutes, but hopefully they would engage the dragon before the transformation got into full swing.

He hoped.

He winced as he felt his ribcage begin to crack. Maybe the transformation would be faster than normal. He hoped the small cracks weren't audible. He didn't want to be the one to set the dragon off before everyone was ready. But once everyone was...

Well, he would be the frist there and the last out.
Zero noticed the beast as he followed the group closely, returning the golem to its original sources.

His gut had been telling him alot of weird things lately but they were mostly correct, the golem...the speech all these things.

He followed his own instinct turning his back on the group while writing with blood on the ground as he cut his thumb tips by biting.

Zero wasn't long enough with the group to even think who would be the leader but he guessed that all help for them would be appreciated, even from a child!.

He set this magical circle up with multiple stages, the first stage would be a sphere of air that would be activated when an attack would be within its range, rotating rapidly using the words "Air, Rotation, Impact, Activation"

The second stage would be set up to return the attack while weakening the next attack coming using its own strenght, set up to drain the opponent of its strenght, nobody has a endless supply of energy, using the words "Rotation, Vacuum, Repeat"

The vacuum would force the fire to turn around already as Zero yelled at everybody to not get close to the circle on the ground as he moved backwards.

"Make him breathe fire!" he spoke trying to get his plan over to the others "That should get us some time!"

Raspberry followed with enthusiasm, however her short legs and the narrow passage made it so she was behind the group the whole time. She noticed the change in their surroundings, the walls becoming more smooth, the rock going from rough to hewn the light starting to show as the passageway opened to display that they were indeed in a mine. She skid to a halt as the group were suddenly face to face with a dragon of some sort! She smiled and slipped to the front of the group and was about to step forward and ask the dragon if it's dung, when harvested and used correctly, would be a decent and useful tool for deterring ones enemies. She stopped however, noticing the mood of the group change. They started arming themselves and preparing for an attack. Furrowing her brows more in annoyance of not getting to ask her questions rather than the looming conflict she remained where she was.

It was true that Raspberry didn't care for fighting, however if she had to it often shocked those she was fighting with or against that she was in fact a formidable opponent. Her size, stature, clothing and mannerisms gave off an impression of weakness, however like all Kender she was agile, fast, and could inflict more damage than most anticipated. She was at a major disadvantage if she did not speak the opponents language however, and being that this was a dragon of some sort she wouldn't likely be taunting it to distract and enrage it.

She was in awe at how her new friends bodies and armors changed before her eyes, inwardly she smiled, and outwardly she took a stance that made her ready for combat, though she was a Kender, she would fight and die for her friends, and though the probability was high that none of these in her new company considered her a friend, she considered every one of them a friend already, after all, if someone doesn't eat you or attack you in the first couple minutes, how bad could they really be?
The feathered dragon let out a mighty roar, echoing throughout the hall and increasing the power, creating a heaven piercing noise. The roar caused the water to ripple from the spot the dragon perched, the roar caused the entire cave to shake and rumble. After a moment, the dragon jumped from where it was perched at the exit of the cave, and glided down to the paved hall. The hall was wide enough for the dragon to walk untouched between the two rows of square, thick pillars. By now, the dragon spotted the group that was preparing for combat, and in retaliation to their preparing combat, the dragon reared back its head and made a deep gurgling noise. Then it catapulted its head forward while opening its mouth wide, releasing a massive wall of flames towards the group. The fire spread wide and tall, three times taller than the reptilian, and as wide as the entire hall, with incredible heat that would melt metal within movements. The amateur spell cast by the magi would be overpowered an ruined, the Valkyrie's armor may have special properties, but it would not withstand the heat for long, the reptile would last for only mere moments before his armor would melt and he would succumb to the heat, the others would fry in their armor or be torched by the flame.

Before any of it, Lite reacted to his group's rash actions. They really intended on fighting the dragon without order and hitting it head on. Even with their unique abilities, the dragon still had the natural upper hand in size and power. They seemed content on fighting without caution, Lite had to stop them. "This is no time to play hero!" He yelled, "Take cover, none of us alone hold enough strength to defeat such a creature!" Then the dragon landed, settling itself and preparing to pounce upon them. "Take cover now! In the water, or behind the pillars, where the fire can't consume you!" Lite commanded as he ran to one of the pillars himself, taking cover from the incoming flame. Within moments, the flame consumed everything, the only gaps being where the fire could not curve around. Lite, behind the pillar, began to choke from the lack of oxygen, and it being replaced by smoke and heat. He did his best to keep any of his limbs are belongings from being caught in the flame. He only hoped that his companions heeded him and took cover.
Day-Bane looked to Lite, and the rest of the group briefly, before launching himself towards the water, barrel rolling in before the flames could engulf him. A normal man would sink and drown from any armor's weight, but he wasn't staying man.

Not for very long.

He screamed underwater as his legs broke, and as his heels snapped. He felt them lengthen, but could do nothing but scream underwater. Within moments, his armor began to sink into his skin, and become absorbed within the muscled mass. His tail lengthened tot he point of where it would be half his crocodilian form's size, becoming nearly two feet thick at the base. His body began to grow to fit the massive appendage. thick armor sprouting from his back. His rib cage, now free from the armor's confines, expanded. Day-Bane coughed up blood as his his organs rearranged themselves within his body.

His neck and head came next. His neck extended slightly like his tail, and his head lengthened. Knobby nostrils became more prominent on the now crocodilian skull, and teeth popped out of his gums, interlocking with one another. His arms lengthened too. By this time, he could no longer scream, only thrash underwater and snarl in pain. His arms then became even more heavily muscled, and long enough to allow a quadruped stance if he so desired.

He no longer felt his body ache to be released. He felt content. A bit hungry, but otherwise content.

His eyes, now bood red and lacking pupils, studied the area with newfound detail. Everything seemed so much more clear, and the cave wasn't nearly as dark.

He emerged from the water, dripping wet and seemingly unaffected by the heat. He reared up on two legs, and unleashed a hellish roar. Not as powerful or earth shaking as the dragons, but more far more terrifying in it's own way. It was the kind that sent cold fear into the hearts of any who heard.

Flexing his massive claws, he brought them to one another. One open palm and one a fist. He brought the two together, and cracked his knuckles. Revolving and doing the same other hand. He twisted his neck, allowing several cracks to sound out.

He looked to the team, his bestial eyes seemingly saying 'I'm ready... How 'bout you?!'. Before he turned his attention back to the dragon. Snarling in primal defiance. He wasn't as big. He wasn't as bad. But he wouldn't back down because of that. He wouldn't run from a challenge. He never had. It wasn't like him. He had people who depended on him, and he on them.

They were his pack, and he would fight tooth and claw to defend them as long as they did the same.
Helia stood tall, her bravery unwavering, she wasn't afraid even though she knew she most likely should be, even as the dragon roared she felt nothing inside of her, in fact she felt even more calm now, about to face a dragon in combat, than she did when she woke up in the dark cave with only her staff to keep her company and remind her of her past. However none of this was surprised, Valkyries were extremely proud beings who would never run from a fight, decline? maybe, but never, EVER run. Her bravery didn't waver as the dragon began to approach them she she heard Lite. She stood there another moment, absolutely sure of her self, however Lite's words came into her mind and she hesitated one more second before she jumped behind a pillar as well, however it took an extreme amount of will power and sensibility to move - If she had been alone she would have taken on the beast head on and gotten in the first attack, making sure to weaken it before the actual battle began. But it was too late for that now. Gratia grew and spread out wide and flat, protecting her from the heavy, ungodly hot flames that the dragon blew. Finally the flames cleared up, but the heat was still dying down, she glanced over the pillar as she heard Day Bane finish his transformation and roar back. She looked at Day Bane, the look in his eyes was the look in her heart - she was ready for this battle, but in her mind she knew Lite was most likely right. She stood there a moment and it was clear she was deciding her next move before she finally gave in and made her way over to Lite.

"I am not so vane as to believe I can really win a battle with a dragon even with the help of our able and willing companions, but what would YOU suggest we do? Dragons are not beings who will wait for us to plan out their demise. I was hoping to keep the dragon distracted long enough for others to escape, then follow myself, but if you have a better plan my ears are open." She said, her voice obviously portraying that she was serious and in a hurry, however calm enough to think clearly and listen to his suggestion. her golden eyes were aware that they hadn't much time, she really only MAY have time for a short answer from Lite before she moved out and aid Day Bane defend against the dragon. If he didn't answer quickly though she would be forced to step out anyways and help ward off the dragon while lite devised a better plan than the same one she and Day Bane had obviously thought of at the same time. She wasn't trying to sound mean, and she knew her request was demanding, however now was not the time for coddling and mothering and compassion - she was eager for action again, but that might not have been such a bad thing since the dragon was eager for dinner.
Wen watches the beast as it emits another roar. His head begins to pound as memories try to break free. He snaps out of his thoughts at the sound of Lite's voice. He quickly places himself against the nearest pillar as the flames envelope him and lap at his clothing. He shuts his eyes tight as the burns across his body grow hotter this feeling is familiar. Thoughts come together. He can feel words he had forgotten on the tip of his tongue, almost trying to force their way out. He waits for the flames to recede and begins chanting the arcane words for "Mimic," "Beast," and "Tounge" he looks to the creature and tries not to show his fear. He feels his mouth form the word "Stop!" but only hears a deafening roar leave his lips.
Narcia was still hiding behind her rock, listening very closely to every conversation. She got very confused when one voice started talking about chickens and their wings. Who has chicken wings?

Her neck was starting to hurt again after several minutes of being crouched behind a rock and she wanted to stretch but her fear had overridden her discomfort. Instead she tried shifting a bit. Until she felt something poking at her side and arm.

Lifting up her cloak, she found a length of hallowed out wood, decorated with small designs and a small jagged dagger tied to her right arm in a leather sheath. Lifting the piece up to her eyes she found that the inside was perfectly even, no bumps or abnormalities were seen through the petite opening. It was also very light weight. Lifting off her cloak, she found a leather belt tied securely around her waist. Attached to that were several bags. Looking through the bags she founds several little colored pellets and wooden darts soaked in something. She guessed they had a purpose since their were so many of them.

In two other bags she found a bag filled with water and another filled with pieces of cheese. "They could be eaten later though" Narcia thought. She instead drank the water.

She was busy trying to figure out the exact purpose of the pills when another but more powerful and threatening roar broke through the chamber. "Oh shi-"

She didn't have anytime to think when she heard a voice shouting to follow. Everyone that was in the chamber had started to leave following the voice's orders. She would've complemented on their loyalty but a thought came across her mind. Should she follow them? "I mean" she thought " I don't really know anything about these people. They could be killers or theives. On the other hand i cant very well see in the dark and they might be the only other people in the cave. Besides wouldn't following the group be safer than being alone?"

As she was thinking about her decisions the group had almost entirely left. Now was the time to choose.

"There's not much of a choice...."

Spotting some crevices along the wall along with some stalactites she approached the wall. Coming as if naturally, a sudden skill came to her. The art of stealth and endurance. Starting to climb the side to the cave closest to her she jumps from the crevice wall and grabs onto a sturdy stalactite, small fingers digging themselves into the grooves as her light body attaches itself to it. She jumps from stalactite to stalactite with speed and silence. She catches up to the group, following their light until she noticed a problem. The crevices and stalactites had started to smooth out leaving barley any where to hold onto. At this rate she would get noticed, something she didn't want happening any time soon.

She was too busy with looking for more crevices when a voices shouted out about fires and a dragon. The group had gone ahead of her, and had encountered a dragon. Wow.

Jumping from the last stalactite she sprints her way towards the group while hiding in the shadows. It isn't until she is at a large chamber opening that she sees a large dragon adorned with feathers attacking the group with fire. Shouts echo throughout the chamber as people evaded or stood their ground against the strong searing heat. It was very much obvious that they were outmatched.

Narcia stood there hiding in the shadows observing the one-sided fight. She wasn't the only one. If she had looked towards the right she would've seen a female kender leaning onto a staff.

When she saw the group being attacked by the flames she felt almost guilty in not helping them even after most of them went through strange transformations. Still confused as what the pellets and darts did she figured it was time to find out. Taking out the length of wood she reached into one of the bags with the soaked darts carefully as not to cut herself. Remembering how to do it, she loads the dart into the piece and places the petite opening to her mouth breathing in deeply after confirming her moving target. The dragon's pearl-like eyes. A quick release of air is enough to launch. With its properties unknown, the dart exits the piece cutting through the chamber air with a shrill whistle. Its is barley a second after until a loud and almost deafening roar shakes the entire chamber.
Zero looked dissapointed as he hid behind a pillar yelling at the dragon while keeping a eye on the group, he had to stay calm, stop trying to follow his guts as his fire breath isnt air based...stupid gut he thought, but the most important fact zero thought off was, balance, for a beast of such size....what would happen if he were distracted or hurt and then lose his balance?...this would be tricky but he would be able to do it.

He drew on the floor as he looked at the dragon swiftly after the fire ended, guessing his distance as he waited, the moment he was hurt or distracted he would cause the ground underneath him to turn into mud by the use of alchemy, then turning it back. an easy trick yet also one he needed to time closely...Well here goes nothing! he thought to himself
The cave's exit was high up, there was no way any except those with wings who could reach it without first taking time to safely scale up the wall. Helia must've forgotten that no one but herself is equipped with wings. They had only a few moments before Helia's suddenly larger appearance would be noticed by the dragon's gaze. Luckily, both Wen and Bane began to roar back at the dragon, looked like their bravado was going to be the death of them if they did not take caution. At least they gave Lite more time to think while the dragon's attention rested on them rather than himself and Helia. The dragon was large, animalistic but far from stupid, it breathed fire and could most likely even throw Bane across the hall. There was near to no way to defeat it alone. Lite himself couldn't think of a proper plan other than to simply go at it with all they had, but that would inevitably lead to death. Lite begun to look about the area, searching for any advantages they would have over the dragon in the area. From what he could see, the room was thin but high up, the water seemed deep, the pillars were no longer sturdy and a majority of them did not even reach the ceiling. It would be dangerous, but Lite posed one idea. If the more combat and melee oriented members could keep the attention and attack power of the dragon on them, then the magi could go to each corner and lay down a rising mine that would fly up and blow up when reaching the roof. If done correctly, hopefully the roof would collapse, damaging the dragon enough to scare it off. And if not, when everything collapses, everyone could hid within the water, while the dragon believes they would be dead under the rubble. They were all ideas, but none were guaranteed to work and had many faults that would lead to their deaths. As far as Lite could see, they were the only options. "We'll rotate as we attack," Lite began, "attack it, take its attention, then when it begins to attack you, Day or I will move in to attack. We most likely won't do very much damage, but if we continue on like that, it will have a hard time dealing with us." Lite peeked over to the two magi that were crewing around behind a pillar, "Let's hope we can rely on them for something." Lite grunted.

The dragon's flame began to lessen until only small bits were coughed out by the drake. It was soon just coughing up small bits of flame as it seemed to be choking after releasing such a large amount. It was only a quick and temporary few coughs before it went back into action once hear the other reptilian's roar. In response the dragon seemed to growl back, before beginning to shuffle its way over to the crocodile. But then another almost dragon like noise erupted from a small human, the dragon looked about, unsure where it came from, distracted for a moment believing one of its kind was inhabiting this cave. Finding nothing, the dragon continued to hunt its prey.
Raspberry moved swiftly at Lite's command, and she swung around behind one of the pillars. The sensation of having the oxygen torn from the air was fascinating, she desperately wanted to look and watch the dragon breathing fire, what an amazing thing it must be to be able to blow fire out of one's mouth. She thought of all the practical applications, cooking your food WHILE you ate it, providing a fire without a flint or tinder, not needing a torch when going into caves... the possibilities were endless.

As the flame died and the dragon coughed Raspberry chanced a peek. She saw how the dragon was now beginning to stalk, very much like she had seen animals who hunt other animals would do. This concerned her deeply as these were her new friends and she definitely did not want to see any of them come to harm. She thought quickly and remembered a song that her father had taught her many years ago, "A song of magic" he called it, "one so beautiful that it would put sleep into people's eyes". She had even performed it once while at a tavern in Solice, and all the patrons had stopped what they were doing, it was the one time she was the center of attention and nobody was throwing anything at her or trying to kick her in the rump.

She reached and grabbed her lute which was still hanging off her travel pack. Pulling it around to the front she let it rest comfortably on her chest. Suddenly the air filled with a melodic string of notes that was amazingly delightful to the ears of all in the cave. The song lifted and bounced off the walls in an acoustically perfect manner, reverberating so that the very mold in the air seemed to take pause at it's beauty. Any who chanced a glance at her would not see the goofy little halfling that had been accompanying them the last few hours. She was now focused, in her element, doing something that she absolutely loved and some might even say, was gifted by the gods to do. Her voice suddenly lifted above the lute in a beautiful string of Elvish words, the lyrics, though many probably didn't understand them, were mesmerizing and beautiful as they floated and drifted in the cave. The lyrics were calming to say the least, the flow of them along with the chords and notes she played wove around one another in a fashion that seemed as though they were not separate elements but one single focused string of perfection. Raspberry opened her eyes and stared directly at the dragon focusing on the creature. Those in the room who had any sensitivity to magic would feel power, like static electricity, pricking at the backs of their necks. Equally amazing was that Raspberry herself didn't seem aware that she was causing magic to flow and move, it was merely happening by the very power of this song itself. Stepping slowly and deliverately towards the dragon it would also be obvious that this little creature was risking herself for their sake, to put herself in the way of harm to assist in their escape.
Zero thought to himself....what could he even do....all his tries failed!

This way he would be dependant on others again...no....wait a minute he thought as a small piece of rock fell next to him.

He could cause all towers left to the dragon to collapse onto him!, but to do that he needed atleast to make 7-8 fall...this would be a dangerous gamble but its his only ability

This would leave him unable to cast magick or even make golems for a while but it should be worth it...

He tried his best to move as fast and silently as possible when the dragon wasn't paying attention, his black cloak hiding his silloutte from clear sight as he placed two magick circles to the closest pillars from the dragon, one would create a golem strong enough to push the pillar from the bottom inward and one would create a golem stuck to the roof pushing the already unstable pillars over.

This would ensure the pillars all falling towards the dragon some even capable of hitting the dragon on the neck or even on its head....but the trick was getting the timing right...well...now that all is done.

It is time to move back into a small safe hiding spot, not really a good one but good enough and let your mind slip....he was getting tired and this took alot of him, especially since it was something new for him...

Lets hope they wont forget me, if i fall asleep, he thought while laughing, praying for this battle to end.
Day-Bane snarled, and went back down to all fours, and kicked off with his back legs. The large appendages were like pistons of muscle, pumping and flexing to push the beast as fast and as far as possible. His arms kicked up dirt as the moved with his legs, adding even more speed, and soon enough he was sprinting at the dragon at an incredibly fast pace. How a beast his size managed to get so fast was surly a feat of power.

As he met the dragon face to face, he raised his arms, and slammed them down on the dragon's head, slamming the beast down and sending him up to it's back. His massive arms lifted high in the air and ready to rake across the dragon's scaly hide. Roaring in animalistic rage, he landed, sending his claws hilt deep into the dragon's back. He raised one arm, and slammed it into a different spot, trying to cause as much damage as possible before he was inevitably thrown off the dragon's back. He repeated the process, this time bitting down on any area he could fit his jaws around.

He was going to be bucked, be would this dragon into a world of pain.

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