Whole New World

Almost directly coinciding with Logan finishing up with the unconscious girl, Lite began coming up with a plan to locate the exit of the caves the group were in. It was almost a marching structure; the type a military unit would adopt, with the front line warriors leading the way whereas the support roles, such as the magi like himself, followed behind them. Logan was not used to this rigged way of moving, or at least he thought he wasn't, but it sounded logical enough, so he listened to the brief commands.

Before he could even get in to position, however, Logan heard the slightest noise behind him. He turned sharply, his nerves sending him in to a slight panic, before he noticed what had made the noise. What had made the noise turned out to be a girl, skirting away to the farthest corner of the cave. And not just any girl, mind you, but the girl he had just recently been attempting to heal. Her expression was quivering, and her eyes beheld a deep seated fear; who could blame the girl? She had the look of a cornered deer, staring down a vicious predator.

He edged closer to her, his expression softening in genuine compassion with each light foot fall.

"Don't fret now. I know you're afraid, and that's quite alright, given the circumstances, but you have absolutely no reason to be. You're with friends." Logan held out his hand, offering it to her. "I'm Logan, pleasure to meet you."
She heard the Winged Creature speak about her. "Carry me?" the words echoed through her head. Her legs did ach a bit, but that didn't account for the thought of trust. She looked up and saw a figure approach her, he spoke the words "you're with friends" then held out his hand. She didn't exactly know whether or not to trust anyone here but she was willing to give a try. She took his hand and said "My name is...." She looked at her arm "Slim".
Logan flashed a half-smile at the girl. "Slim, eh? It suits you. Welcome to the team. If you can walk, you better start doing so. It looks like we're moving out. Just stay behind the big one and the man with the lantern and you'll be fine. And if you need anything", Logan paused in his sentence as he pulled the girl up t her feet. "Just ask."

The group began moving forward, in the formation Lite had dictated they form earlier. Logan found himself in the back, adjacent to one of the people he had yet to introduce himself to. He can't even imagine as to how he had managed to miss her. She was beautiful, her complexion, golden hair, and sparkly armour, as well as her shining white wings, stood out in clear contrast to the gloom and rough interior of the cave. He caught her eye, and nodded to her, slightly, before once again extending his hand to her in way of greeting.

"Hello. Nice to meet you, not that either of us had much choice in the matter. The name's Logan." He let a another slight smile adorn his face. He was tired, and hungry and generally wishing he had never left the darkness he had originally been cloaked in. But proper manners, especially in regards to the treatment of timid and beautiful women, should never be abandoned in favour of gruffness.
Before anyone could pick the girl up, she awoke, perfect timing really. As expected, she was confused and scared. Instead of tending to her himself, Lite continued on to Bane. Being as Logan had taken the chance to speak with the girl and calm her, Lite expected the others to fill her in on the situation. Currently, Lite's main concern was starting to move, enough of the party members were anxious enough, it would be difficult to contain there anger if they were to stay to relax yet another person. Lite at least ordered one thing of her, "Eat, you are hungry, or thirsty, trust me, we all were." The pathway opened, by the reptilian, was narrow, being as it was more of a crack in the wall. Peering into the darkness, Lite could tell it led on further. A small draft blew through the cracks, that was evidence enough that the reptilian was right. As smart as it would be to have the large green scaly wall with a good snout lead the way, it wasn't a good idea. Lite trusted the reptilian to have well senses, but he doubted the lizard's ability to see in the dark. If there were any loose rocks, drop offs, or beasts, he would not be the one who could seek them out. Of course, Lite hadn't any advantage over him in that, but Lite did have a lantern, he could at least see where they were headed, and the area around them.

"We keep the same formation, I will take point, Day shall follow, then," Lite looked back, to the skeleton of a girl, "Slim, was it? You'll be after the big guy." Lite gestured to Bane. "Then our archer," Lite continued, glancing at Adidas, "Then the winged blonde," Lite glanced at Helia, "Then our magi," Lastly looking to Logan. "Alright, we will move slowly, as not to leave any behind, and to keep our sense about us." As well to keep any beasties in the distance from noticing their loud noises. Lite glanced back once more, looking over his companions, then turned back to the narrow tunnel. He marched in, a hand resting on the scabbard of his sword, guiding it away form the walls as to keep from making any loud bangs. The jingling of his belt's supplies was enough, he didn't need any more noise from his movements.
Helia was waiting on Lite's new formation and she watched, appreciatively, as Bane made a crack for them to get through. She raised her eyebrows as she was alerted to another's presence near her as a young man introduced himself. She smiled,"I suppose it is nice to meet you Logan, I'm Helia." She said happily, giving him a warm smile. However then Lite spoke again, giving them their order of escape, she nodded and waiting on everyone to get through then, after Adidas went through, she took her turn, next to last, which wasn't a bad idea considering her staff had light of it's own and would help light the back of the group's steps. Helia got through the small opening, having to manipulate her wings in certain ways once or twice however she made it through none the less.

She turned and gave Logan a hand to help him through next, and he was the last of their small, strange group.

(AHHHH TEH BLOCK im sorry. :( )
Adidas held her sword at tip. She was anxious to leave. But the middle of the group? Seriously. She nodded as Lite commanded them wha to do. She stepped into her place. Adidas retrieved the bow from her back. Her shaking lessened, she felt better breathing the new air the tunnle had to offer. Although it was quite narrow she felt a lift of weight come from her chest.

She stepped after Slim. The girl wo had just awakened. "So your, uh... Slim? Thats an unusial name." She mumbled, retrieving a arrow. she held one in one hand and an arrow in the other. Just so se can quickly fire, in case something happened. Adidas controlled her breathing, it had became incrediably heavy.
The passage was narrow and winding, and felt as if it lead them deeper down. But the breeze of air grew ever so slightly stronger. On occasion, they would pass by an opening, a chamber, but it would be empty, and path would allow them to continue forward. For sometime, there was nothing, no echo of any living creatures, no sign of an exit, no hope, no light besides the theirs. The only thing that was before them was the tunnel, the darkness, that seemed to lead deeper down into the abyss. Perhaps they were no longer on Terryal anymore; perhaps they were in hell, and were lucky enough to be in it together. As they traveled ever deeper, further into the dark tunnels, it only grew more silent and eery, the silence only being broken by the jingling of their equipment, and there occasional banter, but nothing could rid the blank nothingness that was the noise. From even further and deeper in the cave, came a noise. A shaking echo of a roar, from a beast, breaking the insanity driving silence. A roar of something large, loud enough to awake anything residing in the caves. It seemed that it had done so, for the group wandered into another chamber, this one housing even more unconscious bodies.

Being as Lite was at the lead, he was naturally the first to stumble upon the group. Another Magi, and two forest dwellers, all being awakened by the roar as well the noise of the group. Weary at first, Lite stopped his group from flooding the chamber, not wanting to immediately scare the newly awakened fellows. Once they were conscious enough, Lite lead forward, leaving room for his group to fill in the room. Unsure of what to say, Lite stayed silent, this was an even greater inconvenience, they had more bodies to worry about, and still no sign of an exit.

"Tend to them," Lite mumbled, trying to think of something that a leader would, nothing could come to mind, "Just as we did when we woke up, tell them to calm, to eat, to breathe." That was the only thing that could come to mind. Again, he felt it would not be right to leave them here.
The skeleton girl was brought up off the ground. The pain still thrived in her legs but that didn't matter, she could both stand and walk. Her attention turned towards the Lantern man who ordered her to eat, she was indeed hungry, yet, didn't want to eat. She looked at Logan as if she was going to thank him but didn't. She bent over and picked up what seemed to belong to her, a cloth bag. She then swung the bag by it's straps onto her back and proceeded to stand behind "the big guy".

Compared to tiny Slim, he was more then just "the big guy" he was massive, a giant! She felt intimidated yet safe at the same time. She started to notice how different everyone was, this was most certianly a strange group. She got so caught up in everyones differences that she did not hear the one behind her mumble "Slim".
One chamber's occupant's body stayed still,as if dead.The roar of a beast awoke her from her rest,"Ugh..."She groaned as the dank stinch and feel of the chamber wafted up to her nose and crawled up her arms.Arkin's body finally moved to rub her head and eyes,and after doing so she looked to see some people standing outside the chamber.As she looked at them,she tried to think of what happen and when,but all she could get from her mystified thoughts,was the image of a hound playing with little kids.After a while,the images began to move...in panic.Her eyes shot up from her drowsy state,"Where are they!"She yelled looking for her little sibling,but she remember she got them to safety.Her head shot around again,"Spelt!"She cried for her hound,which jumped from the shadows,where it had been watching.He had stayed by her side,and would stay loyal.

Arkin's eyes lit up with a little joy after finding her loyal hound,"Spelt,do you know what happen?"She questioned the dog,even being a dog he shook his head.She looked up at the group that had appeared in front of her.She stood up,then noticed a pouch and a bow on the ground.She stared at the bow for a while,then felt a sort of familiar state in it,as she reached down to pick it up.After picking it up,she felt she could shoot anything,and not miss by an inch.She tucked the pouch on to her belt,then placed the bow on her back,along with the arrows.She strode slowly over to the chamber entrance.
Zero glared at them, not being completely sure about what the roar was but his body burned as he curled up letting go off the remains in his stomach before looking up at the others.

He noticed their speech was understandable for him that was a plus and with an empty stomach he couldn't try to do anything.

His tear filled eyes caused him to have a hard time inspecting the man, he couldn't be here alone... "Please, can i have some too?" he asked finally.

his stomach started to growl and he had enough off the hunger with his throat being dry as the sand we make glass off
The sound of the roar was enough to convince Wen get on his feet. he watched as more people entered the room and as the others stir. He his eyes turn to the large lizard man wondering if it was him who caused the noise. Hearing mention of food and drink makes him realize how parched he is. He moves his hand to his canteen and removes the cap. He takes a couple long swigs then hands the canteen over to the hooded boy. He turns back to who he assumes to be the leader and thus the one he will direct his questions to. "Any chance you know how we got here?" he asks wearily.
Unlike most of the others, and what Lite probably thought, Bane had night vision, not as good as some other forms o lycan, but good enough to see where he was going with relative ease. He didnt know if he had, had the ability to do it before he had become a lycan.

But the man with te lantern, Lite, was right to see him as mre of an equal. Ha it been anyone else, they might've led them wrong. Plus, it made him feel a bit more normal compared to te rest of the group. He sighed, before crackig his knuckles and takin his spot. His claws would have to do for now, after all, there wouldnt be enough space to swing a great sword in the tunnel he had made.

Taking his place infront of the tooth pick, he followed the man with the lantern, trusting him for now. His beast was beginning to calm now that he was active. But this was only a temporary stall. I wouldnt last forever.

A loud roar shook him from his thoughts. He instinctually snarled in defiance. Not from his beast blood, but his animalistic retile side didn't like being challenged.

Soon enough, they came into another chamber, this one holding more people. More to add to the group, he mused.

And more supplies and potential allies.
Helia stayed quiet, as the group walked. She wasn't fond of the group, everyone seemed nice enough, however she doubted this groups ability to survive and get along. Everyone was different and most of the women other than her seemed excessively frightened and nervous. To survive in high stress situations you needed nerves of steel and to keep a cool head. this group easily fell in line under one leader - Lite. A man who kept calm and gave sensible instructions to eat and rest before moving out. While a military style of one leader and many followers was a good formation, it was also dangerous when they were all strangers. It wouldn't be hard at all for one person to decide they didn't like the leader, and from there the group would crumble. It was a highly delicate balance they had taken, and for now Helia just prayed it didn't fall apart. Helia didn't have a hard time falling in line, however she wouldn't devote her entire trust to one person to lead her to salvation to easily. She knew better than that, her instincts for now just told her he was alright to follow, but again, if he trust faded in him she would have no issues with taking a separate way and leaving the team that had all just awoken.

Helia followed the line of them walking, she gasped when she heard the loud roar, it made her staff quiver it was so loud. She gripped her staff and found that she felt eager for the thing to show itself. She didn't know if it was just to go ahead and get it out of the way or if it was because she felt ready for a fight, a battle, anything - she still felt restless. She was uneasy without a memory and with only this strong drive deep within her. However before she could think anymore on it they stumbled upon another group who seemed to be just waking up themselves.

(Yeah im not exactly sure whats going on. everyone seems a little jumbled up)
At least these people weren't as stressed as the others, although they still looked to be scared and frightened. Lite's group was somewhat still, not entirely in a rush to help the newly awakened companions. That was fine, if he had to, Lite would tend to them himself. There were a few of them, some were still unconscious, but two were definitely awake. A peasant man and a hooded boy, both seemed to have just woken up from the roar that had echoed from the tunnel. They were already sharing a canteen of water, luckily they hadn't seemed as anxious as Lite's group to figure out what was happening.

Being as no one else had, Lite walked himself over to the two, he took a knee before them and lifted his lantern off of his belt. Looking over the two more thoroughly, they seemed fine, not in any way different from the group Lite had woken up with. As they went on into the tunnel, this place became ever more stranger. After taking a bit of lembas bread from his back satchel, and holding it out for the two to share, Lite spoke, "Breathe, you are amongst kin. Do you remember your name, how you arrived in this place, or even where this place is?" That was the obvious question, for it seemed quite clear that no one has shown any sign of memory of what happened in their pasts. Not that it was entirely a problem at the moment, just that it would become more stressing on the mind.

Lite placed his lantern down towards the middle of the chamber, as to light the entire room the best one small light could. Then he turned his attention to his group, "I am sorry to say this," He took to his feet, as he peered at his companions, "we will have to rest for a time being." He knew that many of them were feeling anxious to move out, to figure out what was going on, but Lite couldn't risk leaving anyone, who are too weak to move on, behind. From here, the only option Lite could think of doing, was to send a duo a head to search for an exit, but that would lead to trouble. He couldn't trust that anyone in this room had intentions on protecting the entire group, in fact they couldn't trust him. He felt lucky that they had followed him this far.

Needing time to think, Lite wandered over to a wall, pressed his back to it, and sunk to the ground. Finding the best course of action was what need to be done. If he did not act soon, he was sure he, himself, would lose confidence in his command.
A loud roar echoed throughout chamber. The intensity of it woke up a small hidden figure in the corner that had been resting on a small boulder. Narcia jolted from her place and gripped her dagger, before whimpering in pain. Her neck was stiff from laying on a rock for who knows how long. Grabbing her her after cracking her neck she looked around an noticed a ball of light at what seemed to be illuminating the entrance to the chamber. She was wary and curious at the same time. Why was she here and how exactly did she get here? That ball of light was suspicious. Was it a lost spirit? She hoped not. Spirits were the type of enemy that she couldn't hit. She made her way towards the light clinging close to the shadows, avoiding the bodies that lay on the floor. Two of them were awake. A figure suddenly appeared holding the light and Narcia quickly hid behind another boulder. It would seem that it was not a spirit but a man holding a lantern. A group of others followed. As she peeked from around her boulder she managed to get a glimpse of the group. She wished she hadn't.

'O-oh god' She thought. Narcia could feel that uncomfortable sensation crawling up her back and cowered behind her hiding place and shivered harshly when one of the group spoke. Little did she know her cloak was peeking out. She could only stay hidden for so long...
Zero looked up at Lite as he spoke "The only thing....i remember..is...Project zero...is zero my name?" he spoke placing his hand upon his face.

Somehow this 'Project Zero' felt familiar and hidious to him, but nothing would do better at the moment.

He tried to stand up to increase his vision as he passed the water to the next guy, his knees shook quite greatly.

It was too dark for his taste, was what passed his mind as he placed his hand upon the ground underneath him, loud cracks being heard as a small golem was formed using the heat in the air and minerals from underneath as a fuel to ignite its back to create a light source and a heat source.

This would increase zero's chance to survive if any of these people were out to backstab him instead of limiting the light to a single lantern from the guy he saw earlier.

The golem planted itself on the ground filling the role of a campfire to make some heat for the rest "Its not going to attack or anything" zero spoke as he sat back down, this drained him less than he expected..wait...since when was i able to do this?! ran through his mind as he looked shocked to the ground.

And why were the reactions of the golem more humane than just a normal controlled puppet?...this all overflowed zero's mind all unanswered questions
Having to walk through the darkness following the only light in sight wasn't exactly Slim's favorite thing to do, but it was her only chance for survival. Without this group she'd be good as gone, and she knew it, it was a obvious fact. Being the smallest, and weakest, she didn't want to be labled as a "burden" she some how wanted to be apart of this group. And not be, as she felt like, a "follower".

A loud roar emerged out of this God forsaken place, the noise caught Slim off guard, and did send chills down her back, but she wasn't going to stop just to stare into darkness trying to figure out where it came from. There was no point in that, besides, whatever it was did not sound like it was any where near the group.

She continued to stay in her possession in line and followed the Lantern man to where ever he was taking them. The group ended up another chamber where they stumbled apon others, some were already awake while others weren't.

She watched the Latern man go over and talk to the ones that were awake, when she heard him say that they're going to rest for some time, she walked over to the closets wall and sat down. She finally got the time to search the bag, that she had assumed to be hers. When opening the bag, to her suprise, she found some cloth bandages.

She took the bandages and began wrapping her legs with them, as if it came naturally.
Wen is glad not to have to begin traveling immediately. He sits back down and watches as the group continues to enter. The hooded kid, who mentioned his name was Zero, uses magic to bring up some kind of rock creature. He hears him mention that it wouldn't attack but decides that he would rather keep his distance anyway. With the new light the creature is creating he looks the room over and notices a bit of cloth sticking from behind one of the larger rocks. He removes his dagger from it's sheath and silently waves to the leader and points out the piece of clothing.
Adidas walked along, she heard the strange roar in the distance. She held her breath slightly. Adidas glanced back twice before they arrivedto another cavern. This one she had seen more people into. Many were stirring around, others were still in a fast sleep. Adidas glanced at Lite, he was taking that leader role again. She wished she had that sensation.

Adidas walked off to the corner, slid down, and sighed. She hated sitting still, but she needed to. Leaving by herself was absolutly no option. She fiddled with her bow and arrow. She watched each new and old face. Some brought smiles to her face. Others made her look away shyly. Adidas really didn't know what to do. She wanted to help, yet she wanted to run.

She glanced up to see Lite talking to the others. She could barely hear the mumble over the strong vibe she was getting from the room. Adidas flinched as she touched the wall. "We-We need to move!" She mumbled. Something set her on edge, something she couldn't explain.
Nikki Rodgers[/URL]) Helia walked over and placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder after she mumbled that they needed to move. "These people are in no shape to move, it would be best for everyone if we found the second to spare for them. There is no use in moving those who are too weak to walk. I know this is nerve wracking," She glanced over her shoulder towards the exit to this chamber and looked back at Adidas," but remaining calm is always best." She said reassuringly then walked over to Lite.

"Hi," She said softly to him, caressing the side of his arm gently, her skin was soft and she had soft, easy, warm eyes when they met his own, their golden color comforting and pure,"Why don't you take your own advice and rest a bit?" She held out her water pouch,"Drink some water." She said. "Lite if there is anything I can do to aid you please let me know. Feel free to utilize me, I know I might not look like much but I believe I can prove myself as being very useful." She said happily, trying to brighten his mood again, as she held her staff it glowed faintly, providing extra, steady, light in addition to his flickering lantern. She was proving to be calm and happy despite their grim situation as she tried to lift Lite's spirits and ease his heavy burdens.
The light of the lantern began to dim ever so slightly, Just needed a bit more oil probably. Probably best to wait for the light to burn out before adding any more, don't want to cause an oil fire. Everyone seemed settled where they were, more or less. The original group members were shuddering with fear more than the new group. Adidas began breaking down again, but Lite wanted a moment to himself before tending to her. The robbed boy in the corner seemed to be an alchemist, creating a small earthy homunculus that glowed with a warming light. How that was done, was beyond Lite. Creating life was the job of Terryal, not of mere humans. Anyhow, they seemed fine in near every way, but the older of the two gestured to a piece of the sticking from the corner. As Lite peered deeper at the shadowy corner, he noticed a leg, and after a few moments of gazing, Lite could see that it was another person, already awake and frightened by the whole situation. He would have to deal with her, more weight to burden on his own back. A leader must lead if he wants others to follow, tiring as it may be to do so every few moments. Lite would deal with them in a moment, once he had a good breather.

His hands reached up to his face, dug into his hair and brushed his mass of hair back, only for the strands to spring themselves back into their former places. What was he to do, the only thought that came to mind was to keep searching for the way out, and once up top he could be rid of all the burdens of these people. He couldn't, he had lead them this far, if he were to lead them to the surface, they would still have near to no memory at all. What was he to do then, give up his post as command, separate and run? Lite glanced up, if he were to surrender command to any other, who would be so strong as to take on the burden of another man's life. The first magi, he had compassion, but he looked to lack conviction, the strength to pull everyone along, or rally everyone together. The reptilian, no he would simply leave the group. The winged blonde, she seemed confident in herself, proud and in charge of her own mind, but it also seemed she was quick to panic, react without thinking. It could be considered good, but in times when most would rather fight then negotiate, it would only lead to trouble. At least she tried though, the others simply sulked and worried for their own well being, for the most part. Of course he couldn’t blame them for that.

Taking one task of his back, the girl decided to sooth Adidas. After doing so, she floated over to Lite's side. Immediately she took a place beside him and took hold of one of his sides. It was odd, but on reaction Lite flexed his arm. It felt natural to do so when a female was touching him in such a manner. She offered advice to him, as his almost, glowing eyes looked to hers. She spoke, asking him to 'utilize' her if he found it necessary. That she was more than she seemed. By the words she had decided to use, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. He wasn't sure why, but everything she said seemed so silly, utterly adorable, but quite naive. Lite of course knew what she meant, that perhaps she could take a position of command, but she was so fragile looking, and squishy, he couldn't put her in harm’s way. But that was his male hume instincts, he would have to find a use for her. For now, a smile amongst grimaces and frowns was enough.

"Aye," was that really escaped his lips, as he broke eye contact to grasp the flask of water. It refilled itself, most likely through arcane. Lite wasn't really one for magic, it had its uses, but he could never figure it out himself. After swishing it around a few times, staring at the circle where Helia once had her lips, he lifted the flask to his lips and poured some of the cold liquid down. It was a quick drink; he didn't want to drink too much. They hadn't time for poddy breaks. "Your wings," He finally began to speak to the girl, "They are too wide, they don't fit well in the narrow passages. It would be nice if I could send someone out ahead of everyone to search for the exit while the weak rested." There was the truth. "I am not sure who I can trust to return though." It wasn't odd for him not to trust everyone quite contently, but he was sure they were the same.

For a while Arkin sat there just cuddling Spelt,but she was lost in thought.She looked at the demon hound,"Who am I...?"She asked aloud not to any one,the dog barked at her,and for a second she thought she understood it.She thought it through for a second,and after a while she pulled together the little tid-bits she got out of his bark,"Arkin?"She questioned once more,without a third thought she went with it,"I guess I'll go by Arkin for now!"She cheer with a smile as she fiddled with the pouch at her side.After a while she started to go through it,and she pulled out a piece of meat for Spelt,"Here!Eat up,my last connection."She swooned with a smile,as she noted that he was pretty much the only connection to her pass,except for her bow and pouch.

After a few more minutes of interacting with Spelt she decided to go searching for some more people,or at least get know where she was.As she strutted out of the chamber,she heard roar coming at her in the distance.She did not have a different way to go,so she forced her nerves down and walked on.She quickly snatched out her bow and a arrow,"Let's hope we don't run into anything.This place is pretty dank and dark."She spat as she came upon a cross-road.She could not tell which way to go,and which way not to go.Her eyes glowed some,allowing her to see down the passages,after a while of looking another roar came down to them.Arkin's body tensed up a little,but Spelt barked at the creatures blood curdling voice,then rushed after it,"SPELT!!!!!!"She screamed loud enough for others to hear,as she chased after her beloved pet.
He smiled at her like an adult who was worrying over money might smile at a child who offered their piggy bank. It seemed a bit odd, Helia had to fight her natural instincts to get offended and give him a chance. Hell, even if he did disregard her it just meant he wouldn't see how truly useful she could be until later, despite her personal feelings she would never compromise his leadership and break this fragile trust he had gained...it would break everyone in this group. Either way she waited and gave him the chance to think calmly about her offer, soak it in and give him a chance to feel possibly less stressed. She was relieved when he took the water and took a drink, even if it was just a little more than a sip, it was something at the very least. She watched him and still couldn't help but feel pity for him, from his armor he was most likely someone important before all of this, but he was still just a human and he had no memory of any of his past of his experience - and suddenly he woke up and found himself the sole leader of one huge group of people. To them he was hope, he was escape, he was salvation, being the holder of the lantern - he was Lite. She could see this clearly because despite the warm glow of her staff, they all still followed the sure light of the lantern which was a man made light, a light they could trust as long as they had oil or an accelerant of some sort, it was solid and real and it had nothing to do with magic, which made it reliable.

Finally he spoke, she glanced back at her wings and fluttered them ever so softly...he was right. They were broad magnificent things and they itched to spread and feel a wind beneath them. She looked back to him as he continued speaking, Helia nodded. "I'm sure I would be able to scout ahead, even if I don't find an exit, knowledge of what lays ahead could be invaluable to the journey. I understand your skepticism, while I go you may hold my water pouch, it will be more useful to the group than it would for a single person - and it will provide you with reassurance for my return." She offered, it was surely valuable since it was a valuable resource in a cave, however it also made good sense and showed that she had just as much investment in both him as a leader and to aiding these people to escape from this cave. Helia wanted to get out as much as anyone else did, however she didn't think it would be much trouble to assist them out should she find an exit. The needs of the many outweigh the need of one person. "Since the group is resting, now would be a good time for me to take my leave. Is there anything else?" She asked him, keeping her voice quiet this entire time, this was part of her gentle nature, and partly because she didn't want to arouse others and make them feel doubtful or suspicious.

@Original Hylion
"Mind if I accompany?" Day-Bane said, piping up from his silence. "I feel restless, and two pairs of eyes will be better than one." His eyes trailed to the winged girl. He trusted her, more than the rest of the group. Hell, more than most humans that occupied the land above. She had heard him say he was a were, and accepted him and made and effort to calm him down and befriend him.

That took guts. Lots of 'em to. Enough to the point of where the thought of ripping them out made him sick to his stomach. He respected that greatly. Lite and the rest of the group, yeah, they were fine and dandy, but this girl was truly something else.

He wouldn't be able to sleep right if she got hurt, or worse.

If he slept, that is.

For a moment, he questioned why he felt so attached. Was it simply returning the favor for being so good to him? Or was it something else... Wanting to become a friend to the Valkirye. Someone she could rely on an talk to, and he to her.

It would be nice to have someone like that. He'd never had one.

At least... He didnt remember one.
Cold, damp… her eyes fluttered open and she looked around with a start. Sitting up she felt at her midsection, her legs, then her feet. She touched her forehead and felt a slight, sore bump. Wrinkling her nose as she tried to remember what had happened. There was a faint recollection of a black robed figure… maybe a magician of some sort or another… she had been asking him questions, but what were the questions… even now her questions had questions, like where was she, how did she get here, why was she here, why was it so dark, why was her bottom side wet, could dragon dung be an effective deterrent for fighting off ones enemies. Suddenly she gasped and reached for her waist, her pouches!

She felt and sighed with relief, they were still there, thank the gods. She turned over and felt around, even with her keen eyesight it was so dark in this place that she couldn’t see a thing. She felt it, her lovely and trusted hoopak, given to her by her father when her wanderlust had kicked into high gear causing her to leave the lush green of Kendermore and go out to explore the world. Then she found her pack, it was still full, probably her cloak and maps, perhaps a snack or two. She made a note to investigate what she might have been carrying once she had a little light. Her lute was still tied tightly to the back end of the pack and then her small harp beside it. She smiled, at least she had her instruments and her walking stick.

She slipped her pack on and even though she still couldn't see because of the darkness, she felt her hand slip perfectly into the well-worn, smooth grooves of her hoopak. Trying to look around with a few blinks, an old trick her grandfather had shared with her that might clear her vision, (after he was sprayed in the eyes by a hydralisk it seemed to clear his eyesight enough to find where the beast had went so he could ask it about the shiny tips of its scales), she looked around again, “Well drat the dratyness of it all.” She still couldn’t see an inch in front of her face.

Inhaling deeply and putting a smile on her face she whispered into the darkness, “Any road left untraveled is a waste of a road.” She stepped forward slowly, tapping the rock with her hoopak several times to avoid any holes or pitfalls, though what if within this place of total darkness there was a hole that would allow her to fall for ever and ever, what an incredible feeling it might be, like flying only you couldn’t get to where you were wanting to go, unless of course the place you wanted to go was straight down.

She moved on after the disappointment of not finding a forever falling hole to drop into, and she made her way slowly through the darkness. After an hour or so she heard voices, and up around what appeared to be a long curve in the rock wall she could see a faint light. She smiled as she smelled the burning oil and made her way up, curious as to who might be there. Closer and closer she crept until she was able to look around the corner, she saw several individuals, one holding a lamp and he seemed completely burdened with thought. She stepped into the light and looked around, her bright clothing almost shining like another light source, “Well well well… it’s nice to see that I am not the only one here! For a while I was starting to wonder if I had fallen off the planet or something. I mean, I like the dark and all, it’s usually in the darkest places you find the best adventures, but it was so dark that it seemed the sun had gone out, I like the sun, in fact I kind of miss it.”

She looked at the group quickly and then addressed the man holding the oil lamp, “You look like the kind of fellow who knows his way around caves and such, I mean, you’re the only one holding a lamp. It’s a nice lamp too, I love the way the copper is hammered and dimpled, so are you like the leader of this group? If so could you perhaps point me in the direction of … out? Not that I don’t like the cave, I mean, if this is your home I certainly don’t want to offend you or otherwise cause you to think that it’s an unpleasant place, it’s just that I would like to get back to the forest and continue my hunt for magic slugs, a black robed wizard sent me on an errand a couple years ago, she told me that if I brought her back a magical slug she would help me find a dragon so I could ask it about how they breath fire, the only problem so far is that the magicy thing that these slugs must do is to become invisible because I have not found any yet.”

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