• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Who used all the hot water?!?!--[applications]

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

a roleplay by logastellus


Units Available





casual-detailed, young adult

just my imagination

the cranberries

  • introducing


    Full Name: First, Middle, Last
    Nickname(s): If they have any if not put n/a
    Age: Must be between 21-29
    Unit # (You can put the apartment number that they will be applying for)
    Social Media Handle (this will be used in the discord)

    Description: Please make this at least two paragraphs
    Face Claim: Remember realistic faceclaims only!
    Ailments: If they don't have any put n/a
    Body modifications: If they don't have any put n/a
    Virtues: 3+.
    General Description: Please make this at least two paragraphs

    Likes (5+)
    Dislikes (5+)
    Hobbies (3+)

    2-3 paragraphs minimum, if there are any key events you want to keep out and save for plotting moments you can definitely do that​

    Available Units
    Unit 302-Studio: Vacant
    Unit 318-Studio: Vacant
    Unit 325-Studio: Vacant
    Unit 222-1 Bedroom: Vacant
    Unit 233-1 Bedroom: Vacant
    Unit 410-2 Bedroom: 2/2 Occupied
    Unit 437-2 Bedroom: Vacant
    Unit 110-3 Bedroom: Vacan​




♡coded by uxie♡
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"Looking Forward is good, it's what makes a plan. Looking back though, that's liable to get you killed"

Pheobe Evans

  • Move Forward.

    No matter what.

    “Force will only take you so far until you have to sit back and think”

    This character sheet contains Mentions of War


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Neve May Blake

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    Nee, Nevey, N.B
    * d.o.b.
    May 1st, 2001
    * Age
    23 years old
    * nationality
    * Occupation
    Painter/part time waitress & bartender




    #Unit 325

    * height
    * weight
    * build
    Slim and curvy
    * hair colour
    * eye colour

    Neve has a distinctive and graceful appearance. She is at an average height, standing at around 5'4, with a slender, curvy figure. She has striking expressive features with a slightly angular face and jawline and high cheekbones. Her large, almond-shaped blue-green eyes are framed by dark, full brows.
    Neve’s lips are full and naturally pink, giving her a youthful look. Neve’s hair is dark brown, most of the time styled in loose waves or pulled back in a neat updo. Although she occasionally wears it straight. She has a naturally fair complexion with a healthy glow, which adds to her youthful beauty and naturally rosy cheeks.





♡coded by uxie♡

  • riptide
    unlike pluto

    Tramel Manuelo Fitzgerald
    March 22nd, 1996
    Resident Anesthesiologist
coded by natasha.
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Lindsey Alice Lockston


♡coded by uxie♡


Full Name: Lindsey Alice Lockston
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 25
D.O.B: December 13
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Nationality: American
Occupation: Bookstore Clerk
Social Media Handle: LinUnlocked


Lindsey is a relatively short woman, standing at around 5 foot even, despite her small stature, or maybe because of it, she has a large personality. She typically keeps her brown hair shoulder length. Her eyes are Hazel, and her face is dusted under the eyes and nose with a field of freckles. While she does wear glasses occasionally she typically prefers contacts.

she also has a tattoo of the snowdrop flower on the back of her left shoulder, another small tattoo on her upper right arm of the Sagittarius constellation

Faceclaim of Shannon Lynch


Vices: Obstinate, Lindsey rarely admits she is wrong, and loves an argument. Uncouth, Lindsey is very brash at times, she likes to swear, she can be a bit of a slob. Flighty, Lin is not very reliable when she says that she will do something or be somewhere, sometimes she will cancel last minute, or just not show up at all with no word.

Virtues: Friendly, If you can get past her generally rough nature, she is a welcoming person that quickly makes friends. Loyal, There is hardly anything she wouldn't do for her friends, despite her generally flighty nature if one of her friends really needs her she will be there instantly and her first words will be "where are we hiding the body?" Smart - Though she often doesn't realize it Lindsey is quite intelligent, probably capable of doing much more then just being a clerk at a bookstore

General Description: Lindsey is a person that is hard to approach, both from her general brash, gives no fucks attitude, and obstinate, argumentative nature. But those who can get past that find Lindsey to be a friendly person that will be ride or die for life. Despite being just a clerk at a bookstore she is clearly intelligent, but seems to either not believe people who say so or think they are pulling a cruel joke


Lindsey strictly speaking, is someone that probably doesn't belong in one of Garfield's apartments, in most peoples likely assumption she is not an average 20-something riddled with student debts. Her parents are the founders of the prestigious local law firm, Lockston, Lockston & Monroe, which can be seen from any of their giant billboards that they have across the city. Lindsey has always hated that life however, the smarmy people with smiles as fake as they rolexes are real. Her parents influence had followed her her entire life. She had dropped out of two different universities because she thought that she had only been accepted because of her name, or a silent "donation" from her parents, and not of her own merit, the fact that that wasn't true she never believed. until she finally decided to break most ties, and make her own path.

It has been a couple of years since doing so, and while it has not been easy Lindsey has found a level of stability in her new life. Her parents perhaps understanding her drive to figure out who she is beyond being a Lockston, have respected her wishes and not contacted much beyond emergencies, holidays, birthdays, and the occasional dinner together. She originally was planning on applying to the 3 bedroom apartment with her now ex and his best friend. Unfortunately the Ex had unceremoniously dumped her about a month ago, Now instead of rooming with her Ex and a mutual friend, she was now hoping for a fresh start with some random roommates.


Likes: shitty greasy food, Heavy metal, Video games, Dogs, Reading, Cooking, Activism, Winter, Midnight.

Dislikes: Fine dining, Overly masculine guys, bugs, summer, People who think they know everything

Hobbies: Cooking, Video games, MMA, Reading.

Education: Community college, two years in two different well known universities that she then dropped out of

Lindsey has Astigmatism, ADHD & a severe Peanut allergy

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  • basics

    Rhodey Rhodes

    you shook me all night long


    full name

    Jameson Tyler Rhodes


    Rhodey, Rhode/Rhodes, Jimmy, Jamie

    unit #

    Applying for 222!!




    Heterosexual but Bicurious

    date of birth

    August 7th

    place of birth

    Augusta, ME


    Graduate Student, English Tutor




    Blind (Stargardt's Disease/Juvenile Macular Degeneration), Mild Anxiety, Episodic Migraines

    social handle


♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

  • Logan Josiah Reed




coded by mountainpost
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Myra Maeve Matten

unit - 110

♡coded by uxie♡


Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 25
D.O.B: Jul 15 1999
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Nationality: American
Occupation: Barista in a local coffee shop
Social Media Handle: myramadetea


She is a proud 5'5'' tall woman with a petite figure and long red curly hair framing her face. She loves her curls and likes to wear them down but due to her work demands Myra can often be found supporting a tight low bun. Her eyes are a light green shade that often appears grey.

She loves wearing loosely fitting comfortable clothes and can be found ever so often in an oversized t-shirt and shorts fumbling around with no intent of leaving the building.

Face Claim: Soula Bailey (model)
Ailments: N/A
Body modifications: Nose ring,


Shy - Myra is so terrified of initiating conversations she isn't comfortable with that she will try it every other way before even considering talking directly, but her job is a different matter.
Forgetfulness - if it weren't for her notebook she would be lost
Nervousness - she can't help but feel the jitters and pace

Kind - to Myra kindness is the basis of any relationship in the world
Cheerful - it's her uncanny ability to keep keeping on and smile no matter how bad it gets
Forgiving - her philosophy is that everyone makes mistakes and grasping too tight at ones personal on justice or stance leads to infighting.

General Description:

Myra is a kind and cheerful soul that tries to take the maximum of every situation but her own fears and anxiety often hold her back. All of this makes her quite a nervous figure in new situations and she will do everything in her power to avoid them. Around people and places she can be often found laughing and lively.

Her mind has another curse on her besides her shyness, it's her forgetfulness. She keeps a notebook to keep track of her life but not everything gets written up so awkward occurrences related to that are not a rare sight. Due to that she tries her best to be understanding and forgiving of others' mistakes too as she is not big on the blame game.

Myra comes from a small town nearby from a poor family. She has spent her life clawing away from poverty and it seems she is succeeding. Growing up she had a few friends and a joyful childhood even considering the circumstances but that doesn't mean it wasn't filled with bullying in school. Even high school didn't fare better but she survived and crew as a person.

After high school moved to the City of Charlotte to find a job and to who they truly are. Myra hopped from job to job trying to make ends meet. At first she got a job in a supermarket but all hell broke loose there so she had to switch. Next came a diner that was on it's way out and after a year or so the worst came to worst there and she was once more hunting for a new job. This is when she came across her current workplace - a fairly successful and small coffee shop. The pay was great and the atmosphere greater. It was enough to cover her costs without excessive penny picking if she were to land an apartment amongst the Garfield flats.


Likes: Cinnamon rolls, a cup of nice tea, geckos, classical music, books, the smell of coffee
Dislikes: Exessive loudness, spiders, smell of diners
Hobbies: Crocheting, watching movies, singing
Education: High school graduate

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