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Fantasy Whisperwood Academy


Junior Member

  • Name:

    Apperance (preferably realistic):

    Age (13-19):







    Power (maximum of 3 but if more than one they must be linked):

    Other(pet, theme tune ect.):

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Ryker Ace Manning (left) and Striker Jace Manning (right)

Aged at: 17

Height: Both 5'8"

Weight: Both around 145 lbs

~ Ryker's Personality: Ryker is very outgoing and cheery. He tends to make friends wherever he goes, and loves helping others feel welcome and relaxed. Ryker tends to be the more devious of the two twins, and loves to play a good joke or prank here and there.

Likes: Swimming, practicing, games, parkour, eating

Dislikes: Cooking

~ Striker's Personality: Striker is more laid back than his twin, but he is very sociable. He likes meeting new people, but tends to be a bit more quiet. Striker is the sneakier of the two.

Likes: Practicing his abilities, parkour, cooking

Dislikes: Swimming

Brief Background:

Ryker and Striker were born to a doctor and a preschool teacher. Their father, Doctor Raymond Manning, and their mother, Mrs. Annie Grace Manning, always wanted kids. They grew up in a nice home, but grew up hiding their abilities. Both didn't want to scare anyone with what they could do. They figured out early on that not everyone else had powers.

A few years ago, they finally told their parents about their abilities. Their parents took it well, as they had their suspicions, and they wanted to find a place for their twins to be where they could be themselves. Whisperwood Academy was finally found, and their parents set it up for them to go.



Both Have:

1. A Telepathic Connection - this is only between one another, and can't be stretched to others. This enables them to speak to one another through a mental channel, as well as read one another's mind unless one puts up a mental block.

2. A Psychic Shield - This blocks them from mental attacks such as manipulation or hallucinogenics since their powers are mentally involved. Since their minds are stronger, it does leave them open to physical attacks unless they're ready to defend themselves.

Striker has:

1. Telekinetic Abilities (mentally manipulate matter) -

information link -

Ryker has:

1. Psychic Navigation (track people/objects using mind and/or create mental map of an area) -

information link -

Sulfurlix said:


Ryker Ace Manning (left) and Striker Jace Manning (right)

Aged at: 17

Height: Both 5'8"

Weight: Both around 145 lbs

~ Ryker's Personality: Ryker is very outgoing and cheery. He tends to make friends wherever he goes, and loves helping others feel welcome and relaxed. Ryker tends to be the more devious of the two twins, and loves to play a good joke or prank here and there.

Likes: Swimming, practicing, games, parkour, eating

Dislikes: Cooking

~ Striker's Personality: Striker is more laid back than his twin, but he is very sociable. He likes meeting new people, but tends to be a bit more quiet. Striker is the sneakier of the two.

Likes: Practicing his abilities, parkour, cooking

Dislikes: Swimming

Brief Background:

Ryker and Striker were born to a doctor and a preschool teacher. Their father, Doctor Raymond Manning, and their mother, Mrs. Annie Grace Manning, always wanted kids. They grew up in a nice home, but grew up hiding their abilities. Both didn't want to scare anyone with what they could do. They figured out early on that not everyone else had powers.

A few years ago, they finally told their parents about their abilities. Their parents took it well, as they had their suspicions, and they wanted to find a place for their twins to be where they could be themselves. Whisperwood Academy was finally found, and their parents set it up for them to go.



Both Have:

1. A Telepathic Connection - this is only between one another, and can't be stretched to others. This enables them to speak to one another through a mental channel, as well as read one another's mind unless one puts up a mental block.

2. A Psychic Shield - This blocks them from mental attacks such as manipulation or hallucinogenics since their powers are mentally involved. Since their minds are stronger, it does leave them open to physical attacks unless they're ready to defend themselves.

Striker has:

1. Telekinetic Abilities (mentally manipulate matter) - information link -

Ryker has:

1. Psychic Navigation (track people/objects using mind and/or create mental map of an area) - information link -

Accepted :) Nice characters
Name: Jessica Kadow

Appearance (preferably realistic):


Age (13-19): 16

Height: 5'4

Weight: 109

Personality: Jessica is a relatively calm and relaxed person, not upset by much. She is very friendly with everyone she meets, including people she should probably be more authoritative towards. She believes that there is good in everyone deep down, and doesn't usually lash out at people unless under extreme stress. She isn't a very focused person, often drifting off in her own thoughts, making school quite a difficult subject for her.

Likes: Nature, adventure, talking with nice people

Dislikes: Rude people, Boredom, strict teachers

Background: Being an only child, living in a small town in rural California, Jessica didn't grow up with very many interesting people. In doing this, she started to crave adventure and anything outside her little town. Working as a lifeguard for her local community center, she was trying to save up enough money to travel. But, she only recently finding out her power, has made her life a whole lot more interesting.

Power (maximum of 3 but if more than one they must be linked): Levitation/flight
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Name: Raze Julius Maestro ( Formerly Raze James Haywood -changed his name in order to keep his friends memory alive)

Age(25-100): 47

Height: 5'11

Weight: 170 lbs

Personality: Raze is a strict and stern man, he takes his job and his students very seriously at all times during lesson. Although off duty he loosens up, and is more relaxed and joking, especially with the students and staff that he likes. He is calm during stressful situations and tends to be the voice of reason during crisis. However if you get on his bad side or break of the school's rules, he is one of the scariest men you would ever meet which gives him a generally negative reputation with students who have not had him as a teacher.

Teaching Style: Interactive, he positions the class on a circle table with him at the head of it, in which they talk thoroughly about topic they are studying. With this Raze encourages questionings of what he teaches and active discussion.

Likes: History, Reading, Well-behaved students, People with active and intelligent minds, Comedy shows and Travelling

Dislikes: Staying in one place, Idiots, Students who cannot follow instructions or rules, spicy food, bullies, talking about his past

Background: Raze was an active soldier up until the age of 26 when he left the army after losing his closest friend and comrade on the field. Unable to deal with the grief of losing the closest thing he had to a brother, he became homeless until one day he was found and recruited by Delia Blackwood, Headmistress of Whisperwood Academy. Ever since that day, he has helped the person who helped him in any way he could, serving as a loyal teacher and eventually as vice-principle after many years of service.

How long they have taught there: 19 years

What they teach: History, Helps students with controlling their powers, Head of Discipline/Vice Principal.

Power if they have one: Spacial Manipulation (Can create a maximum of 4 portals, in order to transport himself or others to different locations by travelling through these portals.)

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SimpleReading said:
Name: Jessica Kadow
Appearance (preferably realistic):


Age (13-19): 16

Height: 5'4

Weight: 109

Personality: Jessica is a relatively calm and relaxed person, not upset by much. She is very friendly with everyone she meets, including people she should probably be more authoritative towards. She believes that there is good in everyone deep down, and doesn't usually lash out at people unless under extreme stress. She isn't a very focused person, often drifting off in her own thoughts, making school quite a difficult subject for her.

Likes: Nature, adventure, talking with nice people

Dislikes: Rude people, Boredom, strict teachers

Background: Being an only child, living in a small town in rural California, Jessica didn't grow up with very many interesting people. In doing this, she started to crave adventure and anything outside her little town. Working as a lifeguard for her local community center, she was trying to save up enough money to travel. But, she only recently finding out her power, has made her life a whole lot more interesting.

Power (maximum of 3 but if more than one they must be linked): Levitation/flight

Accepted - welcome xD

Razesaph said:
Name: Raze Julius Maestro ( Formerly Raze James Haywood -changed his name in order to keep his friends memory alive)

Age(25-100): 47

Height: 5'11

Weight: 170 lbs

Personality: Raze is a strict and stern man, he takes his job and his students very seriously at all times during lesson. Although off duty he loosens up, and is more relaxed and joking, especially with the students and staff that he likes. He is calm during stressful situations and tends to be the voice of reason during crisis. However if you get on his bad side or break of the school's rules, he is one of the scariest men you would ever meet which gives him a generally negative reputation with students who have not had him as a teacher.

Teaching Style: Interactive, he positions the class on a circle table with him at the head of it, in which they talk thoroughly about topic they are studying. With this Raze encourages questionings of what he teaches and active discussion.

Likes: History, Reading, Well-behaved students, People with active and intelligent minds, Comedy shows and Travelling

Dislikes: Staying in one place, Idiots, Students who cannot follow instructions or rules, spicy food, bullies, talking about his past

Background: Raze was an active soldier up until the age of 26 when he left the army after losing his closest friend and comrade on the field. Unable to deal with the grief of losing the closest thing he had to a brother, he became homeless until one day he was found and recruited by Delia Blackwood, Headmistress of Whisperwood Academy. Ever since that day, he has helped the person who helped him in any way he could, serving as a loyal teacher and eventually as vice-principle after many years of service.

How long they have taught there: 19 years

What they teach: History, Helps students with controlling their powers, Head of Discipline/Vice Principal.

Power if they have one: Spacial Manipulation (Can create a maximum of 4 portals, in order to transport himself or others to different locations by travelling through these portals.)

Accepted :) welcome to the rp


Charra Atkins

  • Age: 16

    Birthday: April 2

    Height: 5'6"

    Weight: 124 lbs

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[QUOTE="Fish and Chips]


Charra Atkins

  • Age: 16

    Height: 5'6"

    Weight: 124 lbs

Accepted, nice sheet.

Eryn Michales


Name: Eryn Michales

Age: 14

Birthday: 1st January 2001

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5 foot 8

Ability: WIP

Digging Deeper


Eryn is a calm quiet person who rarely looses her temper. She is Loyal and hates anyone who betrays her trust. When she is nervous she puts her selves past her hands. She is quite friendly and happy and hates seeing anyone upset. She carries a notebook with her which she writes about the world around her and the people she sees as it makes her less nervous and feel more in control. Eryn likes seeing people happy and hates it when people start arguing. She will try and stay out of arguments.


She was born and raised in London, her mother was a writer and her father was a surgeon. She would spend her spare time playing with her mother, her father was away a lot and she didn't see him very much as she got older. She was quite independent as her mother tended to get lost in her own world when trying to write a book. Eryn never knew why but strange things kept happening to her. Her parents grew desperate, her father got her to see every doctor thinking his daughter must be unwell which made Eryn worse. Eventually it got to the point where her parents were scared of her and kept away from her. When the letter for Whisperwood came they had her ready and packed that night and could barley wait for her to go.​

Likes and Dislikes


Loud People


People invading her personal space





Being with her friends

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Name:Carlos Vera

Appearance (preferably realistic):​

Age (13-19): 17

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 110lbs

Personality: he is a nice and a bit reserved but is more then happy to try and communication with others and make new friends but dose fear that he won't be able to because he is can only talk with his hands and with his mind. when it comes to powers and training he takes it very seriously maybe too seriously.

Likes: music, quiet, a good book, nature, training

Dislikes: loud arguments, messy foods,

Background: Carlos was born to the family Vera who was know for genetic problems, one of the most common problem is the lose of a basic ability at birth. For Carlos he was born with out the ability to speak but with obstacle of being mute came the boon of power. Carlos was gifted with family power that only a handful was lucky enough to gain:telepathy. At a young age he found out he was able to speak with his mind an mastered it when he was a young teen, it wasn't until he was 16 he learned he could do more then just that. He seeked out Whisperwood academy to help him fine tone his newly found powers.

Power (maximum of 3 but if more than one they must be linked): Psychic Communication, Psionic Inundation, Telepathic Prediction

Limitations: When it comes to his psychic communication the only limitations is he has to see his target and can only target one person at a time. for both psionic inundation and telepathic prediction he needs eye to eye contact and be in short range to work. and lastly all powers don't work on the manning brothers due to their psychic shield.
Name: Gwen Blackwood

Apperance (preferably realistic):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1e47579ae31d8c2a7b0bd966df993fec.jpg.691e9723f88f5330c23384b2dde96633.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95761" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/1e47579ae31d8c2a7b0bd966df993fec.jpg.691e9723f88f5330c23384b2dde96633.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age (13-19): 15

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 135lbs


Gwen is very outspoken;she always speaks her mind. Usually, she is quite quiet, yet observant, but when she feels the need to stand up for something she will speak up and can often get quite violent and mad. She tends to be quite independent and prefers being left alone. But, she is focused and she works hard at everything she does. Sometimes, she can be cocky and sarcastic. She is normally really lazy but can be energetic when she needs to be. Though, she is a really supportive and good friend when you get to know her. Also, she can be reckless and rebellious. She does what she wants to do.


Rock Music

The smell of fire

Comic Books

Horror Movies

Crime Novels

Fantasy Worlds

Writing Stories

Walking In The Forest






Being told what to do


Gwen grew up in a big family with older and younger brothers and sisters from 3 different fathers. But, when she was only 11, she found out there was a 4th father - Her father. Her mother did not wish to tell her about him and his incredible healing powers and how he got taken away because of them. She was worried Gwen would be taken away too. But, when Gwen found out, her mothers current partner who was a scientist found out too and broke up with Gwen's mother, capturing Gwen to run tests on her. Fortunately, the police found him after a few weeks and he was put in a mental hospital for believing she had powers because both Gwen and her mother denied she had them. A while after, her mother and one of her brothers got into a car accident and she used her powers to heal them, though she forgot how she did it. About 2 years later, she got her letter to attend the school.

Power (maximum of 3 but if more than one they must be linked):

Healing Powers



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