• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Whispering Pines ᨒ↟ 𖠰 ~ Cozy Winter SOL ~ MAIN


valentine's day.

rowan briar.


slightly annoyed.


the carnival kissing booth.



Rowan had just finished giving a grandpa the time of his fucking life by kissing him. She was going to give the people their money's worth. She was slightly enjoying herself as it had mostly been older people who just wanted a peck. She hadn't signed up to make out with people. No, that was for when she was drunk.

When the next person approached, Rowan was thoroughly caught off guard. It was Handy fucking Manny. Her face screwed up tight and she had to fight to get it to relax. She took a deep breathe. Her go to defense was to be an asshole.
"Who are you again? I almost break a lot of people's noses."
The line was painfully true to the point as fighting was why she was in so much trouble.

"But sadly I am on the clock so I can't afford to punch anyone right now."
She gave him a sweet smile,
"Do you want a kiss? Just for you, it'll be $5."
The price advertised was $3 but Rowan was banking on him seeing that.

♡coded by uxie♡
now playing: cursive - billie marten

Molly refused to look at the test nearby. She didn't want her life to change even more than it already had. And if her parents found out that not only was she living with 'some guy' (even though she knew Clay well enough now and trusted him), but she was also pregnant for him? The shame it would cause them. If this test wasn't negative...how could she live with herself? All it would do, besides bring shame to her parents, was prove to them that this whole 'good girl gone bad' act had backfired spectacularly on her end of things. She couldn't go crawling back to them now begging for forgiveness. No - if that test was positive, she could forget that.

Hopefully it was just a scare. But the nagging feeling that it wasn't just wouldn't go away.

She didn't even notice that Clay had arrived back at the apartment until it was too late. And when he took her hands in his, the tears began to freefall. "You're going to hate me. You're going to hate me so much, and then you'll kick me out, and then I'll be all alone again in the cold." Molly couldn't look him in the eyes. She still hadn't explained, nor turned the test over to see the results. "I...I think I might be pregnant. I took a test, but...I haven't looked at it. I'm so sorry, Clay, I didn't mean to trap you in whatever this is...whatever we are. If you don't want to see me again, I'll be out of here as soon as you say the word."

wearing: i will never be myself
tags: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern (Clay)

Molly Harding

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: high school kids - lonas

Mikey was unsure of how Wren was feeling about the new hairstyle. After all, it had taken him quite a while to get used to it himself. His parents hated it, particularly his mother. Molly was disappointed as usual, but not surprised. And Marley? Well, since he didn't really talk to her like that, he didn't know. But he'd much rather keep it that way. Word obviously would have already gotten back to her by now. But it was just hair - it would grow back eventually, and he wasn't smooth and shiny bald anymore. (The baldness, by the way? Terrified him.)

If only his parents knew that he was shaking his groove thing for the patrons of the club...yeah, it was better that they didn't. He was saving up for a really nice apartment, and if they kicked him out now, it wouldn't be good. They had already turned Molly's old room into a home office. Mikey hoped that she didn't want it back anytime soon, if ever. And if she did? Well, he didn't want to be around to find out.

She was, like, totally in love with that no-good rock star bad boy roommate of hers that he disapproved of. She was too young and too pretty to be getting involved with that ugly, ulterior motive-minded man. If he ended up hurting her, he was going to go full big brother mode on him.

But anyway, Mikey was relieved to find out that Wren wasn't allergic to chocolate or strawberries. He watched in awe as Wren ate one of the strawberries, seemingly as if in slow motion. His cheeks flamed with heat - that was hot. But Wren probably didn't see him as anything more than a new friend. Mikey knew that he himself was a total catch, and was totally available for some romantical type behavior, but he didn't know how he felt. Coming out and asking felt like torture. So he didn't - instead, he popped open his own container of sweets and bit into a strawberry, careful not to get any on his shirt. He was a messy eater as is, but Wren didn't know that.

"Nah, you're good. You didn't know I was bringing anything, don't worry about it." Mikey spoke while chewing. And when they made their way over to the group of ghost tour people, his face lost all its color - he had all but forgotten that they were doing the spooky scary ghost tour. But, ever the perseverer, he quickly regained his composure. "This isn't going to be scary at all. I'm not gonna get scared because I'm a tough dude. Now, if you need to hold my hand during the tour, you totally can, but I'm not scared. Never have been, never will."

wearing: let's waste another day of the weekend
tags: celestialbody celestialbody (Wren)

Mikey Harding

bdcoded by weldherwings.
now playing: the devil - banks

Tori didn't resist when the officer fastened the handcuffs around her wrists. After all, she knew that even when she'd be sent to jail, it would be one of the cushier ones for the wealthy. Her lawyer would make sure of that. Did she have one yet? No, but she would. But for now, she remained silent as her fingerprints and fabulous mugshots were taken. Even while in police custody, Tori always found a way to make the camera love her.

Why did Tori turn herself in nearly immediately after the stabbing? Well, she figured that if Casper actually survived this damn thing, he'd rat her out to the police. And even if he didn't, she still had eyewitnesses and the flower shop cameras putting her at the scene of the crime. Tori wasn't stupid. Concocting some elaborate lie to try and save her ass was fruitless. She would have been caught regardless of if she had tried to run or hide.

Tori couldn't help but cackle when the officer took the knife, still saturated with Casper's blood, from her. He definitely deserved what was coming to him. This bitter hatred of Casper had stemmed back years ago, when they were actually friends in the hectic world of first world upper-class problems. She had missed one little event that she was supposed to be there for, supporting him in his endeavors, and he blew up on her. So this feud between them was all his fault. Tori was just getting even.

"Do I get one phone call, Mr. Officer?" Tori batted her eyelashes at the man from within the cell she was being held in. She didn't know who she'd call if granted the opportunity. There had to be some decent lawyer around these parts specializing in getting pretty girls off altogether, or, if not, a good sentence.

wearing: certified, i ain't the nice one
tags: mention of Casper, ShellBelles ShellBelles (Kingston)

Victoria Sinclair

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: 3 a.m. - gregory alan isakov

Gage and T'kaya were constantly working on music together. He really enjoyed her company and the way that her brain worked when it came down to the music. Today was like no other day in his mind. It was Valentine's Day, but he had never had a valentine of his own, so there were no thoughts of happy romantic things swirling around that big head of his. He wasn't dressed too fancy, nor too casual, and he had his guitar case in hand as he walked to the studio, eager to work on a new project with his fellow music-loving friend. Gage might not have been ready to debut his own songs, but working on them with T'kaya had given him a small boost of confidence. He had texted her to give a heads up that he was on his way, but he wasn't expecting whatever he had stumbled upon when he entered the studio.

Candles, flower petals, and a picnic basket? Was he in the right place? Or was T'kaya expecting someone else?

It's not for music. Well, then, what was it for? Certainly it wasn't for him. They were just friends, and Gage figured that she wasn't interested in him like that. But as he listened to her explanation, a sudden look of realization flashed in his eyes. She was into him. This was new. He had gotten so used to living his life on his own without any romantic suitors that hearing the words come out of her mouth took him by utter surprise.

Gage blinked a few times. Then a smile slowly crossed his lips. "You did this...all for me?" Nobody had ever put that much effort into doing something like this for him. "Thank you. I really like it." He had never really considered that his friendly feelings for T'kaya had slowly morphed into something more akin to a crush over time. It was different, but in a good way. "And, uh...we can do the date. I've never actually...been on one before, so you're going to have to take the lead here."

wearing: well, i don't mind the rain
tags: travelbypages travelbypages (T'kaya)

Gage Browning

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: i remember - lena fayre

Art wasn't Harriet's thing. Crafts also weren't Harriet's thing. Combine the two and guess what? Arts and crafts definitely weren't Harriet's thing. But she couldn't exactly make a run for it now that the woman had approached her to be partners. Maybe she could feign some enthusiasm for it, at least until the activity was over. She owed it to both the organizers and her new partner. But once it was over, she was hightailing it out of there.

The sound of the woman's voice drew her back into the present as Harriet listened to her gush over art and an art class she had apparently took in the past. She seemed sweet, unlike her bitter and cynical self. But Harriet needed to make new friends, and she needed to get over herself. She brought some materials closer to her as her partner introduced herself as Josephine - or Jo. Guess she needed to do the same. "Harriet Dunlap. And no, I'm not a big art fan, but since I'm here, I might as well make the most of it. What's the project we're supposed to be making?"

wearing: in the arms of grotesque company
tags: ShellBelles ShellBelles (Jo)

Harriet Dunlap

coded by weldherwings.
Lawson Blake Hale
Hale House
"I hope she likes Tulips"
awson looked down at Tali, noticing the way she pulled back, her voice trembling with a stutter born of nerves. When she asked if he was okay, his face went blank. He wasn’t thinking of himself—only her. Taking a moment to process his emotions, he replied softly,
“I’ll be fine.”
Gently, he brushed a strand of hair from her face.
“I know you don’t know what to do,”
he murmured, his hand sliding down to her chin, lifting it slightly.
“This isn’t something we ever expected. But if you let yourself panic, you’ll only make yourself feel worse.”
He kissed her forehead gently, his worry for her evident.

Without hesitation, Lawson scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed with her cradled close, he said reassuringly,
“Whatever you decide will be the right decision, Tali. I’ll support you.”
His voice was calm but firm as he added,
“You don’t have to decide anything today. Let’s just sit here and let it all sink in.”
Pressing his forehead against hers, he whispered,
“I’m not going anywhere. You’re not alone in this—I won’t leave you to face it by yourself.”

He held her close, his voice barely audible, as though speaking louder might shatter the fragile moment.
“Let it out,”
he urged gently.
“Let me be your comfort.”
Lawson’s thoughts swirled with fear—he couldn’t bear to lose her or let her face this pain alone. For now, she was his priority, his world. He knew the time would come when he’d have to confront his own feelings about this situation, but for now, all that mattered was being there for her.


Carmen Hyde

Do not forget what I am

Who the hell orders Four vodka sodas in one hour? Carmen didn’t know, not did she really care. As long as they were tipping her, they could order whatever the hell they wanted.

A couple sat down at the far end of the bar. The woman ordered a chilled glass of white wine and the man, a whiskey—neat. They’d been sipping and chatting like they were the only ones at the bar. The man, who’s name fell from the woman’s lips, brushed a piece of the hair from the woman’s face. Her cheeks flushed and she bit her lip seductively at him. Carmen rolled her eyes, but for some reason she couldn’t peel her eyes away. She needed what they had, maybe not in the literal sense. She didn’t need the romance, all the mushy-gushy feelings. She just needed a cover.

“Hi, um, could I get another glass of wine?” The woman held up her empty glass. She looked impatient. How long had Carmen been staring at them?

Carmen recovered quickly, placing the cloth she’d been using to dry off the freshly cleaned highball glass down and then she reached for the bottle. It was sitting in the well, getting cold. She stepped over and topped off the woman’s glass.

“Excuse me, could I get another vodka soda?”

Carmen’s head snapped up, another woman sat down at the bar and then another at the opposite end. She placed the recently cleaned highball on the counter and added ice to it. A man sat down next to the woman ordering all the vodka sodas. He smelled like cigarettes. Carmen sent him a cheerful smile while combining tonic water and vodka to the glass.

“What can I get you sir?”she asked him, since he was the closet.

“I’ll have that Hazy IPA.”

She slid the woman her fifth vodka soda and reached for a pint glass. Then, she began to fill it up with the bitter liquid.

Carmen turned her head, trying to catch the attention of another one of the Bar patrons. She was pretty, prettier than her usual costumers.

“What can I get started for you, hun?” She placed the full beer on the counter, in front of the man and then moved to stand in front of the woman. She wiped her hands on a cloth that was tucked into the pocket of her apron. The woman was prettier up close, Carmen gave her a sweet smile.

“Are you starting a tab tonight?”

coded by weldherwings.

Kennedy Redfern
Auto Shop Co-Owner
Valentine Carnival
"I am so screwed"
ennedy finally gathered the courage to look up at him, just as his eyes met hers. The fear and confusion in his gaze made another tear slip down her cheek. She tried to steady her trembling voice.
“Two days,”
she confessed softly.
“I’ve known for two days. I was trying to figure out the right time to tell you. I didn’t want it to come out like this.”
Her voice began to falter.
“At first, I thought it was a mistake—something wrong with the test. But I tried again yesterday and today…”
She shook her head, her hands trembling as her voice cracked further. Every part of her felt like it was breaking, and she could feel herself nearing the edge.

“I wasn’t scared to tell you,”
she continued, turning her face away as another tear fell, which she quickly wiped away with her sleeve.
“I was scared of telling you at the wrong time. I didn’t want to ruin things.”
The lively chatter of carnival-goers momentarily distracted her, reminding her to hold herself together. But she could hear snippets of their conversations—some speculating that they were fighting or breaking up—and that only deepened her fear. This was her worst nightmare: bringing something so personal into such a public space and being unable to take it back.

She braced herself for his reaction, expecting anger or disappointment. Maybe he’d walk away, leave for Paris, and never look back. She wouldn’t blame him; she hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. Recklessness had led her here, but he had made her laugh, smile, and feel real love—something she now feared losing in an instant. The knot in her stomach tightened with every passing second of silence between them.

All she wanted was for him to hold her, to reassure her that he wasn’t angry, that everything would be okay. But why would he be okay with this? Why wouldn’t he be upset? Her mind spiraled into worst-case scenarios, each one more painful than the last. It felt like history repeating itself—an echo of Asher’s situation with Darcy—and she could feel her heart breaking under the weight of it all.

Carson Heart
Carson raised an eyebrow, slightly squinting as he took a drag from his cigarette. "Oh, is that right?" A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, laced with feigned disappointment. "What a pity... such a shame... I mean, he was such a 'wonderful' boyfriend, wasn't he? Great guy!" His words dripped with sarcasm; deep down, he loathed the guy…Kyle, of all names. As if the moniker wasn't bad enough, the guy was just plain ugly. Liv deserved more.. she ought to elevate her standards.

He nudged her gently as she sat next to him, his eyes brightening with anticipation. "Canceled?" he asked with a raised brow. "I bet it was you who pulled the plug.. why would he ditch someone like you?" He met her gaze with sincerity, and for a moment, he wanted her to know how incredible she truly was. It irked him that she kept going back to that loser. "Oh?" he exhaled smoke, casting a side glance at her as she revealed her joyous news: her breakup with Kyle. Finally, he thought.

letting the idea sink in for a moment as he bobbed his head, searching for the right words that wouldn’t set her off. "Ah.. what are we going to do with you Liv..?" He wrapped his free arm around her, pulling her close. "Screw him," he said, rubbing her arm in a comforting manner.

"You deserve someone who treats you right, someone who actually shows up… and hell.. Actually someone who’s a little good looking..you can’t have an ugly personality with looks to match.." He mused, recalling how he had harbored feelings for her back in high school, but once she got involved with Kyle, he had stepped back. He couldn’t help but wonder how different things might have been if Liv had ever returned his feelings.

While he considered offering her his joint, the notion didn't sit right with him..especially as he wouldn't want to push her into harmful habits, even if she already smoked. "You look sexy as fuck.. Ya’ kidding Liv..? If that didn’t make him rethink his choices, well, he’s clearly blind." Releasing his hold on her, he leaned in to ruffle her dog’s head, grinning.

"I’m just messing with you," he shot her a sideways glance. "Yeah, you’ve got the looks, no doubt, but your personality.. Everything within.. Is what stands out the most..” he blew a cloud of smoke away, glancing back at her, letting his gaze linger on hers for a moment before glancing away.

coded by reveriee.

Manuel Barker

  • mood


Manuel couldn't help but flash a smirk as he caught her gaze; it was as if she was trying to place him, her expression a mixture of recognition and ice-cold aloofness. He didn't take the chill personally, knowing well that during their earlier conversation .. drivenby alcohol..she had shown a fiery side. Now, with her sobriety evident, he couldn't help but wonder just how much her demeanor had shifted.

"Handy Manny, Sad to see you forgot," he said, leaning against the counter with a playful smirk, his palms pressed down as if to emphasize his point. "Your infamous kidnapper..ring any bells?" he teased, fully aware that she likely remembered him.

The curious glances from the people around them didn’t faze him; he never let it faze him.. "I’m digging the look..Cupid?" he asked, tilting his head toward the bow she held and the adorable headband perched on her head. "Red really suits you," he added, his gaze flickering briefly to her lipstick before redirecting his focus, enjoying the tease rather than the temptation.. He wasn't interested in her like that.

It was obvious she felt a bit awkward in her outfit, and that was precisely why he kept poking fun… "Is that the whole deal? Getting a kiss from Cupid? I thought the legend was that Cupid shot someone with an arrow and boom, they fall in love," he joked, locking eyes with her for a fleeting moment before glancing around, his expression shifting as he processed her question.

"Five bucks, huh? I could have sworn it was three or something," he replied, but he still fished out a five-dollar bill, holding it up between his fingers as he met her gaze again.

A part of him couldn’t shake thoughts of Autumn, the girl who he had feelings for, and he wondered if kissing this girl would even matter since he and Autumn weren’t officially together. "Mmm," he hummed, leaning closer to her face, contemplating before placing the bill in the jar. "Put the money toward whatever cause you’re raising it for.. I don’t need a kiss," he said, stepping back and tucking his hands into his pockets. "But hey, why don’t we get out of here..? I’m sure there’s another perfect candidate for playing the Cupid people-kisser," he snorted, wanting to keep the mood light and not make her uncomfortable.

The last thing he wanted was for her to feel awkward about kissing yet another random guy. He had no intention of adding to her tally of the day. Instead, he aimed to be her refuge,"Well..?" he asked, standing tall and casting a quick glance over his shoulder at the crowd behind him.

Naturally, there was a line; Rowan was undeniably attractive. While she didn’t exactly set his heart racing, he found her intriguing in her own right. He wasn’t the type to get all worked up over appearances anyway.

"I can guarantee you’ll have a better chance of avoiding mono if you ditch this crowd and come with me," he quipped, a smirk playing on his lips as he tuned out the grumbling voices of those waiting behind him.

Sure Thing


♡coded by uxie♡
Bored, agitated.
Lacey Dixon
Lacey was having one hell of a day, and she was fed up with it. Between the nonstop barrage of calls from clients at work and her mother nagging her about family drama, all she craved was a moment to herself, a chance to breathe.

In a fit of frustration, she slammed the door in her mom's face during yet another pointless argument; they had been stuck in this exhausting back-and-forth for weeks, and she was done with the stagnation.
Now, here she stood in front of a bar, a place she hadn't visited in ages..since her college days, to be exact. Those memories flooded back, filled with shallow friendships and fleeting 'boyfriends' she never really cared about, even if public affection was still displayed, it was superficial.

It was all so ridiculous, and she couldn't help but wonder why she ever bothered. Relationships, whether deep or superficial, were the last thing on her mind. Well, maybe she had the time for one, but did she want it? Hell no. Men were the last thing she wanted to deal with, even if they hadn’t done anything wrong. (no offense men)

With those thoughts swirling, she pushed through the bar's entrance, the stench of alcohol and sweat hitting her like a brick wall. For a supposedly upscale joint, she expected a better aroma, but she shrugged it off and found a spot at the bar, tossing her things aside.
She glanced at the tiny drink menu, feeling lost; it had been so long since she’d indulged that she couldn’t even remember what she liked.

All she wanted was something to numb the chaos in her head, even if it meant waking up with a brutal hangover. Her eyes scanned the bar for the bartender, and one in particular caught her attention..she was hustling, darting from one patron to another, clearly working her ass off. Just watching her was overwhelming, and Lacey couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and exhaustion at the sight.

Lacey figured it would take a while for her turn, so she twisted in her seat and took a quick look around the crowded bar. It was packed with people, and despite the noise, she caught a voice calling out to her.
Unsure if it was aimed at her, she barely turned her head over her shoulder to see the bartender, who casually referred to her as 'hun.' How adorable, she thought, pausing briefly to register the term.

"What made you think I wanted a drink at all?" she shot back, her tone sharper than intended, her customary scowl firmly in place..after all, that was her trademark expression.
Dismissing her own dismissive posed question, she straightened up, turning, and boldly inquired, "What do you think I should drink?" as she absentmindedly rubbed the back of her neck, expecting the bartender to know her preferences.

"I’m in the mood for something strong, so let's start there," Lacey added while finally locking eyes with the bartender. The girl was undeniably attractive, but Lacey brushed the thought aside.. she never really saw women in that light..

or did she?
  • outfit

coded by reveriee.

Calista Moore

positive affirmations

Calista rolled her eyes, couldn’t this man at least wait until she had even just a sip of alcohol in her system? She was too sober to be pestered with his sly comments. But here she was, stone cold sober in some dive bar she’d never been to, looking for some solace and a stiff drink.

She could feel his eyes roam over her body, taking her in and suddenly she felt very out of place. She stuck out like a sore thumb in her nude Louboutibs, and her pink cashmere sweater.

She didn’t even spare him a glance. Why would she? She couldn’t give in, give him what he wanted, which was obviously her attention but he just kept going, unrelenting. Each comment chipped away at her already thin patience.

“ …’Any guy who talks to me must be trying to hit on me!’ ..Did I hit the nail on the head?” She tried hard to make the comments roll off her back like they were nothing but they weren’t. Each one stuck to her like glue and seeped down into her core. Maybe he was right. Calista knew she was hot. She had people fumbling all over themselves on a daily basis, feeding into her every whim. She was not lacking in the relationship department. She just didn’t want a commitment, she was too busy, too hyper focused.

There’s a pause, it seemed the man had finally run out of energy. She took this time to order her glass of wine quickly.

“You know, it’s not every day I meet someone who can throw a glare like that and still look so put together,” the backhanded compliment made her tense for a moment. Her suspicions correct—no matter how bored he pretended to sound. He so obviously wanted her attention.

She took a long sip of her wine before she even opened her mouth again, “A compliment? To do what do I owe the pleasure?” She mused, her lips pulled up at one corner.

“It’s not everyday I meet someone who won’t let me get a word in.” She took another long sip, starting to un-wind a little.

“Do you always talk this much and look so bored while you’re doing it?” She finally gave him a very obvious once-over, while keeping her face neutral.

“Do you always dress like a high-school boy? Are you even allowed to drink?” She asked, her tone light and teasing.

coded by weldherwings.


Luca Morelli

Shots! Shots! Shots

Luca couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss, that girl. The way she pressed into him at midnight and stole his breath away with one simple kiss. He had not been able to tear his thoughts away and it was driving him mad. He had to see her again but he had a problem. He couldn’t even remember her name, just what she looked like and what she did for work. She was a bartender. So he figured he’d do what any sane person would do and scour all the bars until he found her again.

For weeks, he’d get dressed up to check out each bar in town. The list wasn’t very long but it seemed his search was hopeless. Each night, he come home empty handed and more frustrated than the next. He almost decided to quit and move on until his cousin convinced him to search the last place on his list.

Luca, very reluctantly, he threw on a casual outfit so Mason could drag him out on the town.

“This is pointless, Mason.” His cousin clapped him on the back and shook his head, “I forgot today was valentines. There’s going to couples crawling all over the place.”

“You’ve just gotta give it something bro. You’ll find her,” Mason reassured him as they pushed through the doors. The building was packed, for such a small bar. They could barely squeeze their way to the bar-top. The bartender was no where to be seen and Luca felt that familiar sinking feeling in his stomach. This search was pointless. He would never—

A tiny blonde came emerging from the back room. She looked a little disheveled, and busy. That night came flooding back to him as she unknowingly came to a stop in front of him.

“It’s you.. from New Years. Don’t you remember me?” He asked, that familiar smug look settled into his features with practiced ease.

coded by weldherwings.

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern - Kennedy
Bryson was a mess, completely unprepared to process the tears streaming down her face. Fear gripped him more than anything else; how on earth had she ended up pregnant? He cursed under his breath, recalling that one reckless moment they had shared.

It hit him hard.. he'd never expected to hear such words, this.. sickening wave of dread. Then she dropped the bombshell that she had known for two days, and he could only manage a weak, "Okay."

He processed it with a mix of relief and anxiety, glad she hadn’t kept it from him for any longer. "Ruin things…?” he shot her a look, his mind racing... “Kennedy, I want you to tell me everything, no matter how messy it gets.. it’s not just you who has to deal with all this.” He turned away, his voice slightly shaky, a nervous laugh escaping him that sounded more like disbelief than mirth.

"God, I never saw this coming," he muttered..He could hear her sniffles, and it hit him hard..this was just as tough for her, if not more so. He couldn’t just leave her to wrestle with this fear alone; he was terrified too.

Rising from his seat, he moved to sit beside her, avoiding her gaze for a moment, lost in his thoughts. "I’m not going to Paris," he finally confessed, staring at his restless hands. "I canceled." He glanced up at the sky, the weight of his dreams suddenly feeling trivial. "I’ve wanted that for years, but something kept gnawing at me, telling me it wouldn’t bring me happiness. I’d just end up... alone." His eyes found hers again. "I’ve been alone my whole life, Kennedy."

He took her hand, "You’ve changed that for me; I’ve never felt so... complete, so happy." He reached up to wipe her tears away, "And I guess I feel less alone now." His hand hovered over her stomach, a deliberate gesture filled with uncertainty.. this would.. be his child too.. "I’m scared too," he admitted, no shame in his voice.

"We.. can both be scared Kennedy, as long as it's the both of us.." He gently pulled her forehead to rest against his, "Together."

coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :
zane travelbypages travelbypages , victoria fieldofclover fieldofclover

interactions :
;; Casper
Life was unfair.

When he woke up this morning, Casper had made a decision. He was going to let all his feelings out. Go right to Zane, tell him everything that he'd been thinking for the last couple months. It was Valentine's Day, so he wanted it to be a little grander than a simple conversation. He wanted to go out to a flower shop and purchase the biggest bouquet he could find. Maybe get some chocolates or something if he had time.

Zane was the first person that made Casper feel like he wanted to do this sappy shit. But, to Casper's surprise, in the time he'd spent with Zane he'd gotten used to the feeling. Didn't feel completely panicked about wanting to be around the man, completely vulnerable and head over heels. He was ready. It was time to get real.

But, the universe had other plans. And by the universe, Casper meant the bitch that thought the universe revolved around her. Victoria Sinclair. He was looking at flowers when he felt the sharp pain and heard her voice. He froze. The pain was so severe it, completely overwhelmed his senses. Until it didn't, his body going into shock. His brain caught up with what was happening as he heard someone scream, followed by more commotion. "Yeah, that checks out," he muttered weakly, trying to take a step. But he couldn't manage. He felt someone support him before he could fall, but couldn't tell who, vision going black at the edges. He heard more yelling. And then... nothing.

He woke up hours later, in an unfamiliar, sterile environment. The moment he gained consciousness, he tried to move, but ended up cringing in pain. A nurse rushed to his side, telling him to relax. Then, she called Clive in. He'd been here a while, during the surgery and everything. A doctor came in, explaining what had happened. He'd been attacked, lost a lot of blood, got internal injuries, had some sort of surgery, they wanted to keep him under observation for 48 hours, the police would want to speak to him, blah blah blah.

Casper wasn't giving his one hundred percent attention to the doctor. Between the way his mind was rushing with thoughts, still catching up on everything, and the pain management drugs being pumped straight into his veins, he wasn't completely present. He remained silent, but his brow was furrowed, looking more annoyed than ever with all these people in his space. Clive saw it, his brother knew him too well. Conversations were sped up in order to leave Casper alone faster, Clive handed him his personal belongings, told him to call if he needed anything, and then everyone was gone.

It was just Casper and a hospital room.

His stomach turned as he thought about what had happened today, and not just from the wound. He didn't even want to think about Tori. He hated her. She hated him. But he really didn't think it would go this far. But, what stuck with him the most was his interrupted Valentine's Day plans. As soon as he got on his phone, he texted Zane. His mind was all over the place, he barely registered his actions, but he got ahold of the man he wanted to see, and he was coming. Zane would be here soon. It would all be fine. Unless he died. But it would be fine. Probably.
coded by reveriee.
mood :
bitch wtf

location :
lodge, her room
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Everett PotatochipsRlit PotatochipsRlit
;; Zara
Zara took another step, closing the door behind her as she inspected her room. His flattery went right over her head, she was still shocked and annoyed that he was even here. How'd he even get into her room? She didn't bother asking, figuring he'd just paid someone off. Typical. She wanted to go chew out whatever staff member had allowed this to happen, but she couldn't. That would be a scene, cause scandal by showing them as a less than perfect, not so loving couple.

Now, she had to make sure the outside world thought she was a woman overjoyed by her fiancé surprising her on Valentine's Day. Later, she'd talk about this with some of her fake friends as if it were the most romantic thing ever, maybe even put up an instagram story about it. But right now, it was just the two of them behind closed doors. She didn't need to pretend to be happy about it.

She automatically turned her nose up at the chocolates he offered, dismissing them with an air of disgust. But, as she listened to him rambling, something stopped her from completely blowing up on him. The waver in his voice caught her off guard. Was he... worried? He didn't think he cared enough to be actually worried, he thought this was simply a ploy for an attention seeking photo opportunity or something along those lines. But this felt like something else. Her icy heart was not completely melted by the uncertainty in his voice, but it did make her shift her energy slightly.

Zara took a deep breath, keeping her face straight, unwilling to show him any softness. "Fine. Dinner is fine. After all, it's Valentine's Day and you're here now. It would look awful if you didn't take me to dinner," she rolled her eyes as she walked towards some of the gifts he'd brought. He did have taste. She had to work hard to keep her expression neutral, act unimpressed by the array of designer bags. She opened up one, an exquisite diamond necklace, and swallowed hard as she tried to refrain from reacting. Still, she couldn't completely hide the glimmer of enjoyment in her eyes. "Not bad," she shrugged, setting the necklace back in it's box.

She turned back to Everett, taking in his nervous expression. She felt a bit bad for making him feel like that. The worst part of this whole arrangement was that she actually did like him as a person. She thought he was interesting, the good taste and money was a plus, and it was rare to find someone who could match her intellect. Sure, the guy was pretty oblivious when it came to people. With other things he was quite competent, which she could appreciate.

But, on principal, she refused to give in to her positive feelings for him. She wanted to be seen as more than a wife, even if that's all her father really thought she could amount to. She wanted to prove herself as a worthy business woman. It was all so frustrating really, it wasn't even Everett's fault, she knew that. He'd been a pawn in whatever game their families were playing just as much as she had been.

"So, are you here for just the one day of love? Or are you staying longer?" Zara took off her heels as she spoke, there was a while before it would be dinner time. She couldn't help the annoyance that rose up at the prospect of him sticking around for longer. She also realized how bitchy she'd sounded since she'd spotted him. "Sorry," she muttered, the apology quieter than the words that followed. "It's just- I came up here to get some space. You should have told me you were coming."
coded by reveriee.

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