• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Whispering Pines แจ’โ†Ÿ ๐– ฐ ~ Cozy Winter SOL ~ MAIN

Esme Mensah

atching Maisel in her arms, Esme couldnโ€™t help but let a small, genuine smile form on her face. The excitable greeting made her heart swell with affection for her daughter, and the warmth of the embrace melted away the lingering nerves she had carried with her.
Esmeโ€™s gaze lifted, meeting Graysonโ€™s. She could see the conflict in his expression, the unsaid words that hung between them, but there was no anger, no resentment in his eyes. She extended her soft smile to him as well, feeling the pull between themโ€”an unspoken understanding. Complicated, but comforting in its own way.
She nodded along to Maiselโ€™s chatter, letting herself be gently dragged further into the living room by her daughterโ€™s surprisingly strong little hand.
"Of course we can watch Encanto, Maisy,"
Esme said, smiling as she followed her toward the couch.
"Just let me set these things down first."

Maisel giggled, jumping onto the soft cushions and pulling a blanket around her as she settled in, ready to start their movie, now with both of her parents.
Esme started toward the kitchen, the scent of hot chocolate pulling her in as Grayson followed behind her. She set her bags on the counter but didnโ€™t start unpacking, knowing that Maisel would begin her usual gentleโ€”and sometimes not-so-gentleโ€”reminders to hurry up if she took too long.
She looked over as Grayson spoke softly, taking in the steam rising from the kettle and the rich scent of the cocoa mix already dissolving in the mugs he had prepared before she arrived. Her eyes flicked back to him just as he invited her to join them. The smile on his face was small but real, something she hadnโ€™t seen from him in a while. It warmed her chest in a familiar wayโ€”a comforting reminder of the man sheโ€™d known before everything had changed. She smiled back, her own grin spreading naturally across her face.
Esme moved to make herself a cup of cocoa to match theirs.
She wasnโ€™t sure what more there was to sayโ€”sometimes words felt so small in moments like this. But Graysonโ€™s invitation, simple as it was, made her feel like she didnโ€™t have to try to put everything into words. But she tried to anyway.
"Iโ€™d love to,"
she said, the words coming a beat later, her tone light and affectionate. She wanted to say more, to express everything she feltโ€”how much she wanted to do for him, how much she wished she could take backโ€”but for now, just sitting down and being together felt like the best thing she could do for him.
She stepped closer, her hand reaching out, pausing briefly as doubt flickered in her eyes. Taking a small breath, she extended her hand fully, gently resting it over his for a momentโ€”just long enough to offer support, or at least, she hoped it would be seen that way, rather than feeling awkward or out of place. Quickly, she pulled her hand away and turned her gaze elsewhere.
"C'mon, before she really get's going"

With the cocoa cups ready, she made her way back to the living room, ushering in the mugs on a tray to set on the coffee table. Maisel was waiting for them, already half-lying on the couch, fully settled into her blanket cocoon. As Esme sat beside her, she gave Grayson one last smile, grateful for the simplicity of this eveningโ€”a family, a movie, and the quiet comfort of being together.
For now, it was all she needed.
And she was thankful that he seemed willing to let her share that with them.

Ex Husbands House

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
oz celestialbody celestialbody
;; Sidney
The grin that spread across Oz's face warmed Sidney's cold heart. At that point, there was no way he wasn't letting her stick around, it didn't even matter if she had been breaking in to rob him. Although Sidney had very much been looking forward to his solo survivalist fantasy, he figured he could make room for a couple more in his workshop until this blizzard died down.

He listened to Oz's story- how she was looking for the dog, got locked out of her car, then ended up at the workshop. The looking for the dog part was particularly endearing- Sidney had a soft spot for scrappy little animals, and he thought that the way Oz selflessly went out of her way to make sure the dog was ok in this weather was sweet.

"It's ok," he smiled slightly at her apology. "It's ok. I can- I can um-" he paused for a second, thinking about how he could best help out. His first instinct was to volunteer to go out in the cold and open her car up so she could get her keys, he was sure he could jimmy the lock. But, after a second of thinking, he knew it wouldn't be all that helpful. She wouldn't even be able to drive in this storm. "I can make you some soup. Come in, come in. Get comfortable."

He ushered her over to follow him to the other room, it was more comfortable than the room they were currently in- less sharp objects. And, perhaps most importantly during the storm, it was where he had a heater going. "You cold?" Sid asked. He picked up a blanket from his rocking chair and walked over to Oz, gently putting it around her shoulders since the she was holding a dog. "I have more blankets too if you're still not warm enough. And the soup will help too. And I'm sure I have something for the dog around here."
coded by reveriee.
Jessie let out a giggle, swinging her legs up onto the dashboard like they werenโ€™t totally stranded in the middle of nowhere with no real plan. โ€œOh my god, yes! We should absolutely say we almost died. Think about it, โ€˜Two stunning besties, lost in the wild, surviving on nothing but sheer wit and a single bag of gummy bears.โ€™โ€ She gasped dramatically, clutching her chest as if the weight of their definitely-not-over-exaggerated ordeal was already setting in.

โ€œWait! Do you think we could get a movie deal out of this?โ€ She twisted in her seat, her eyes sparkling with sudden excitement. โ€œMaybe a book? โ€˜Jessie and Serena: Lost but Like, Thriving.โ€™โ€ She made a grand sweeping gesture with her hands as if she could already see their names in lights. โ€œI mean, think about it! The drama! The suspense! The gummy bears! We could be more iconic than Paris Hilton and Nicole Richieโ€ She popped another one in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully, as if flashes of their newfound fame plan were actually at the forefront of her mind.

Her gaze drifted to Serena, and despite everything Jessie found herself smiling, because at least they were in this together. โ€œAnd duh, we totally have each other. Which means we have, like, entertainment and moral support and also... oh my god, do you remember that one time we got stuck at that gas station for, like, three hours and we made up that song about the suspicious-looking hot dogs?โ€ She clapped her hands together, laughing. โ€œThis is basically the extended remix version of that.โ€

Leaning back, Jessie stretched her arms over her head, letting out a satisfied sigh. โ€œHonestly, Iโ€™m kind of vibing with this though" She let her head fall to the side, her cheek resting against the seat as she looked at Serena, whoโ€”ugh, why did she have to look so effortlessly cute even in a stressful situation? Jessie quickly grabbed another gummy bear, as if eating would somehow shut her brain up. โ€œI mean, unless we actually do die out here.โ€ She wrinkled her nose, tossing a gummy bear up in the air and catching it in her mouth. โ€œThat would totally ruin the vibe.โ€

She shot Serena a playful wink, keeping things light, just like always. Because the last thing she needed was for Serena to notice that sheโ€™d been acting weird lately, or worse, to figure out why.

Mentions: Serena - Lizy Lizy
coded by kaninchen
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Aurora murphalicious murphalicious
;; Stephanie
Stephanie returned the woman's shy smile with a bright grin of her own. "You're welcome." She thought the way the woman looked down, averting her eyes, was cute, but knew that she should be more confident than that. If Stephanie could help her feel even one percent more confident by the end of their interaction, she'd walk away happy.

There was hardly anything that Stephanie disliked more than a woman undervaluing herself and not standing up for her needs and wants. She truly believed it was a societal problem, women were taught to be quiet and sit pretty. This cycle would not continue on Stephanie's watch.

She laughed slightly at the woman's timid ask, noticing the blush on her cheeks. "Yeah, I'd like that. You're sweet." She tilted her head slightly, attempting to meet the woman's lowered gaze, or get her to lift her eyes up a little. "I'm Stephanie, you can call me Steph if you want though," she introduced herself with a smile.

"So, crazy day, huh?"" Stephanie asked, figuring talking about the crazy shared experience of the blizzard would get the woman to open up a little. "I'm not from around here, so I don't have much experience with blizzards. I've just been praying that the power doesn't go out here." She giggled a bit and sighed, shaking her head at the predicament.

"So, how about you? Are you here because you're staying at the lodge? Or are you from around here and just seeking somewhere nice and warm?" she questioned, displaying a genuine interest in this woman's story.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
rowan murphalicious murphalicious
;; Casper
Casper hadn't really noticed the silence. He was too preoccupied with running through the events of last night, thinking about things seemed to have changed. He seemed to have change. It was bittersweet, really. He was scared of changing too much and falling out of his chaotic ways, he didn't see any value in himself if he couldn't bring a bit of fun into the world. But, any lingering thoughts of Zane that seeped into his mind calmed him.

When Rowan's voice cut through the air, Casper looked over at her. He paused a moment, sitting in silence again, examining her slightly worried face. This. This was exactly what he did not want. To talk about his feelings, what both of them were going through, what each of them were doing wrong. It was the kind of thing he was afraid of. The heart to hearts he'd be forced to have if things were changing was sickening to him.

"No. No. You didn't do anything. It's fine. Totally fine." He spoke in an even tone. Cold, but with a hint of frustration. It wasn't at her. He wasn't lying to Rowan, she hadn't done anything wrong. Casper was just upset because it felt like by not hooking up last night, their whole dynamic had been messed with.

He sighed and sat up, shifting to sit on the edge of the bed. "Want like... food or anything? I can call room service," he tried to change the subject, but the weight of his vague response hung in the air. It loomed over the two as something that obviously needed more discussion in order for the two to leave this room and not feel like shit, but Casper wasn't willing to give in just yet.
coded by reveriee.
now playing: glory days - betty who

Blizzard or not, Mikey had trudged through the howling wind and flurries of snow over to the lodge. Dealing with his parents for an extended period of time typically didn't end well, though his father had been in a weird mood when Mikey had left. But he wasn't going to touch that one with a ten foot pole. Mikey had overheard him mumbling something about Molly and needing her to know the truth, but that wasn't his business. What was his business was what kind of trouble he and Hollis were about to get up to. He had hoped that he'd catch her when he got inside, and by golly, he had.

Once they had convened, their goal became evidently clear - the hot tub simply had to be transformed into a bubbly paradise. Hollis broke away in search of the bubble bath solution, while Mikey headed for the gift shop, grabbing a pair of swim trunks (that he totally paid for, by the way). He quickly changed out of his heavy jacket, sweatpants, socks, and shoes, into the peach-colored trunks, leaving his shirt on underneath. He wasn't trying to scar anyone by seeing his bare chest - he wasn't a monster. But what he was was a skinny, blindingly white kid. Nobody should have to be subjected to see what was underneath that shirt.

But anyway, they were both at the hot tub area now, the huge bottle of solution in plain view in Hollis's hands. His eyes lit up as he watched her pour the bubble bath into the water, the bubbles quickly overtaking said water. Mikey set his phone and clothes down out of reach of the splash zone before hopping in himself (as if he were jumping over a turnstile), getting absolutely drenched in bubbles. He settled himself across from her, relaxing against the hot tub wall. "This was a good...no...great idea. I love the way your brain works, Hol."

wearing: stuck in a summer haze
tags: celestialbody celestialbody (Hollis)

Mikey Harding

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: spirit cold - tall heights

After their hot and heavy make out session on Christmas, Reece had more or less continued to do what he had always done - look for a steady job. If he couldn't find a carpentry job, then he would just have to settle for something else...preferably sports-related. But he'd just have to take what he could. Living at the lodge wasn't always going to be a permanent thing, after all. Eventually he'd run out of money, and being homeless wouldn't be a good look on him. Besides, he was going to have to better himself if he wanted to keep Dallas in his life.

Today, however, Reece couldn't exactly just go out business to business with a resume. He had never seen this much snow rain down from the sky before. There was no way he'd be able to leave his room. And with Dallas hopefully coming over after their goofy little Instagram interaction/text conversation, he didn't want to. Reece hadn't even been aware that she had purposefully ghosted him, if he was being entirely honest.

He had just rolled out of bed after a good nap when a knock sounded at his door. It certainly wasn't room service, so it had to be Dallas. He sat up, stretching his arms out before flipping the covers off of him. A smile found a way to his lips as he padded over to the door, unlocking and opening it to find the very girl he had been thinking about. "Hey." Reece greeted her, casually looking her up and down with a curious air around it. "Must be pajama day everywhere, huh?" He, too, was in a white undershirt and grey sweatpants. If he couldn't get out today, then he was going to stay comfortable. He let her in, closing and locking the door behind her. "So..."

wearing: let me down easy, let me down slow
tags: murphalicious murphalicious (Dallas)

Reece Spencer

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: amarillo by morning - george strait

Bad weather always worried Monroe - not only for the cattle and crop's sake, but for the entire farm itself. Most of the buildings had been built decades ago, and could topple over at any moment during a storm like this one. If enough snow piled down on a roof, it could cave in entirely. Monroe had to make sure that everything was secure before he could (try to) rest. There wasn't any time to waste. So he had snuck out before dawn to check on the land, careful not to wake a sleeping Cora in the process.

Keeping as much of the original farm intact was his goal. His ancestors had built it from the ground up, and he was determined to continue using everything that they had originally started out with. He knew that modernizing would be expensive, even though it was a good idea. Monroe pulled on his boots and heavy-duty jacket, making sure to grab his faded cowboy hat from its place on the coat rack before heading outside in the bitter cold.

He worked his way from the far corners of the land back to the farmhouse, taking his time with each new building. Monroe couldn't afford to overlook a single crack or loose piece of tile. He hadn't realized how much time had passed until he entered the barn, finding Cora with Gus. "I didn't wake you, did I? Or have I just been gone that long? Y'know everything's old here. Had to go make sure the snow wouldn't topple the ol' feed shed."

wearing: i ain't rich, but lord i'm free
tags: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern (Cora)

Monroe Calhoun

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: am i alright - aly & aj

Naomi's power had been flickering on and off for what seemed like an eternity now. And even though she had bundled up the best that she could, she was still freezing. So, before the storm outside got even worse, she had decided to pack a bag and head for the lodge. She could barely see the road as her SUV crawled through the snow, inching closer and closer to the lodge. Though the weather was getting worse by the second, she finally made it, hurrying inside and snagging one of the last rooms available. Turns out she wasn't the only one who had the same idea. At least here, she'd be able to finish her article for the magazine. She had taken the side gig at the request of her old friend Madeline Buckley, editor-in-chief of the new Revelstoke Roots magazine.

And although Naomi preferred journalism on a screen, she just couldn't seem to turn Mads down. Besides, she'd have more creative control through Roots than at the station. She'd certainly be appreciated more there too.

The warmth of her room felt amazing as she settled in, neatly folding her blazer on the bed and setting her bag down on the floor beside it. Her phone buzzed with a new notification. It was Julian - not her Julian, but instead, Julian Holt, who had continued to bother her with late night desperation and weird banter. But for some reason, she just couldn't leave him on read for good. But for now, she would, opting to soak in the tub to get rid of the last chills that had plagued her body.

One long bath later and she still found her fingers pressing keys - not on her laptop for the article, like she had wanted to, but to Julian. And after finding out that he, too, was at the lodge, she decided that she couldn't just stay in her room. He'd easily find it if he was so eager on cheering her up. So she left her phone behind, instead wandering all the way down past where guests typically shouldn't go to the basement. This would be perfect.

wearing: it can't be just me who's running on empty
tags: CozyGamer CozyGamer (Kara), mention of Julian

Naomi Irwin

coded by weldherwings.

jules st. clair.

  • mood

    hopeful & a little tired.

โ€œOh fuck,โ€
The server whispered under her breath as she looked outside. When she arrived at work, all she heard was the guests and other staff members talking about the snow coming down. Personally, Jules didnโ€™t understand all the fuss. It was just another average Canadian snowstorm, right? Well, she was proven wrong. As her shift continued more and more people chatted about the conditions outside. For a moment in the kitchen, she checked her phone to find her Aunt Adelaide checking in on her. However, now she was here looking out the window at her car. There had to be at least a foot or two on her phone. Jules had trekked through snow taller than her, but didnโ€™t expect the regular snowfall to be up to par with her height.

As her shift came to an end, she sighed realizing that there probably was no chance she wasnโ€™t leaving this place tonight. Thankfully, she had brought an extra top to wear in her bag so sheโ€™d be comfortable. Jules usually brought extra because she might cry if she stayed in her uniform top too long. Now, she made her way down to the bar. Instead of a nice strong drink, she found the bar being flooded as others had the same idea. Sheโ€™d give it to them. The line truly was not worth it. Instead, she looked around for any familiar faces. If she was going to sit here all night, she wanted someone to hang out with. In reality, Jules may be looking for one person in particular. Elodie and her had slowly been growing closer as time went on. She found herself looking forward to seeing the girl's performances and taking any chance she could to make her blush. Jules tried not to keep her hopes up, but at the end of the day, she still enjoyed talking to her- even if Elodie may felt differently.

end of beginning


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Kennedy Redfern
Auto Shop Co-Owner
Autoshop Apartment
"Yea Whatever"
ennedy found herself curled up on the couch in the autoshop's apartment, her legs tucked to her chest as she blew on a cup of hot cocoa she had made over the fireplace. She had every intention of leaving to reach the lodge before the storm hit, but circumstances had kept her there, and now she was stuck in the apartment. Not wanting to cause any drama, she decided against waking Bryson; besides, after their last text exchange, she wasnโ€™t sure how to feel about him anyway.

As she sat there, her mind began to wander. She stared out the window at the snow falling softly to the ground, her expression revealing that she was lost in a daydream. Though she had only just met Bryson, she knew from the start that he was just passing through. Yet, when he told her about the job offer in Paris, it felt like a thousand knives were piercing her heart.

Caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice the cocoa growing colder in her hands, nor did she realize that minutes had turned into hours. Glancing at the clock, she realized it must be getting close to 7 in the morning. Then only did she notice that the power to the clock was off, dead batteries. So on top of having no power, the only form of time she had was her phone; which she was trying not to use incase of an emergency.

Thinking she heard a noise she turned her head slightly to the room Bryson was in, before turning her head back to gaze out the window. She knew he would have to wake sooner or later, and that they would eventually have to talk- or at least say goodbye. But for now, she was content with sitting on the couch in her own little head. The weight of her emotions hung heavily in the air. She did enjoy the time they were spending together.

mood :
nervous, hesitant

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
blair celestialbody celestialbody
;; Soren
Soren's expression displayed a bit of worry first. As the officer said he caught him off guard, he worried that he was an unwelcome intrusion. Then, watching Officer Rosewood try to compose himself, his brows furrowed slightly, a gentle look of concern in his eyes. It wasn't judgmental or harsh at all, he could just tell that the officer was pretty upset about something and he hated to see such a kind man so unhappy.

The vulnerability and sincerity in the man's voice made Soren feel a bit better about being there, welcome even. A blush colored Soren's cheeks as Officer Rosewood said he was a nice person, and he couldn't help the partially flattered partially amused grin that spread across his face. He noticed the man's slurred words and put all the pieces of the puzzle together. He noticed that his energy was different before, but in that moment it fully clicked in his mind that the officer was drunk.

"Oh, thank you," Soren spoke softly when accepting the compliment. He froze for a second, not knowing what he should do next. He didn't want to linger around if it was an annoyance. But, for the first time in a while, he felt like he belonged exactly where he was. Soren wanted to stick around, even though Officer Rosewood was clearly a bit drunk and upset about something. He wanted to make sure the man would be ok.

Soren was about to ask if he could hang around for a little bit, but Officer Rosewood asked the question first. He did a double take, briefly thinking that he'd only imagined him asking. But nope, the officer was looking up at him, waiting for an answer. "Yeah. Yes," Soren smiled gently, warmth shining through in his voice. "I'll hang out with you, Officer Rosewood."

He took another couple steps towards the table and then sat down in the seat across from the officer. Soren was surprised at how comfortable he felt around a drunk person he hardly knew. But, the officer had only been quite sweet so far. Besides, they were in public, with lots of people around, which eased Soren's nerves when it came to the potential for an interaction to turn sour.

Soren shifted in his seat, getting comfortable. "So- uh, this blizzard, huh?" Soren attempted some small talk, unsure of how to make proper conversation. "Um- Are you ok?" He found that the question he really wanted to asked slipped out of his lips before he even had time to think. He'd noticed Officer Rosewood had been upset about something and had been wondering about it since the beginning of the chat. He hoped it didn't seem intrusive of him, but Soren also wanted to let the man know that he was willing to listen if he wanted to talk about anything
coded by reveriee.

Finn Erickson

  • mood

    Amused, what's the big deal?

Finn let out a soft chuckle, a low sound that danced between amusement and disbelief at Calla's words. Was he truly the source of her frustration? He couldn't quite grasp why she was so irate with him. "You can't be angry with me when you were just as eager to dive into this, Calla," he remarked, taking a leisurely sip from his drink, a scoff escaping his lips that mingled incredulity with a hint of mirth.

She regarded him with a look that suggested he was the villain of their little escapade, despite the fact that they had both agreed to this arrangement: a night of passion followed by a morning of separation. Was this her first experience with a one-night stand? The thought intrigued him, especially since she didnโ€™t strike him as someone who frequently entertained such encounters.

Yet, just the night before, she had boldly thrown herself into his arms, initiating the kiss and leading him to her room...

Was this perhaps her first encounter of such a nature?..

His gaze drifted to the drink she had cast a sidelong glance at but had yet to touch, indicating her reluctance to indulge. Fine, he thought, he would take it back it once he finished his own; he had no desire to waste good alcohol, which he regarded as a precious commodity.

As he pondered her accusation of him 'running away,' a spark of amusement ignited in his eyes. "Of course not. You think Iโ€™ve forgotten how you were the one who set the tone for the night with your 'just for fun' mantra? I may not recall the exact words, but the memory is etched in my mind," he teased, relishing the way her demeanor shifted, her high-and-mighty facade crumbling as she revealed her more vulnerable side. It was a delightful contrast, and while part of him felt a twinge of sympathy, another part reveled in her discomfort.

As he considered her question about his presence, he quipped, "And.. I'm here because there's a raging blizzard outside," flashing another smirk... "Why else..?" He watched as she leaned back, crossing her arms in a clear display of annoyance, making her feelings unmistakably evident.

Finn arched an eyebrow in playful disbelief, a soft snort escaping him as he absorbed her words. Calla was a multifaceted enigma, and beneath the surface of her banter lay a sharp wit that ensnared his curiosity.. her snappy retorts, often laced with a hint of sarcasm, resonated with him deeply.

It was the kind of humor he preferred, the playful jabs and snarky comments.. and it was this very quality that drew him closer to her, more evidently the night before.
As he observed her scanning him from head to toe, he sensed a weight in her gaze that hadnโ€™t been there the night before, a tangible tension that hinted at underlying feelings..

Leaning forward slightly, he tilted his head, locking his gaze onto hers with a grin... "But hey, I had a blast, I won't lieโ€ฆ" His voice was rich and teasing, laced with the earthy scent of whiskey lingering on his breath.
"Iโ€™m available anytime for more fun like last night." He shot her a smirk, eyes glimmering with mischief as he cast a fleeting glance at the untouched drink by her side, exaggerating his mock sorrow, before quickly replaced with a look of amusement.

A spark of realization crossed his face. "Ah, I see it nowโ€ฆ you're miffed because I skipped out on the cuddling, arenโ€™t you?" he probed, a teasing edge to his tone, aware of her earlier text that had conveyed a hint of disappointment.

"...you're one of those.. sentimental types." His snicker was playful, intended to poke fun at what he perceived as her sentimental inclinations, a stark contrast to his own nature. He had little patience for intimacy; it was rarely part of his repertoire. "Honestly, you might want to dial down your expectationsโ€ฆ for some guys, at least. Rumor has it, many around here dig that mushy bullshit."

He leaned back against the bar, downing the last of his drink with a wince, the burn of the whiskey familiar yet potent, but he remained unaffected, cloaked in his usual confident bravado..

Champagne Coast

Blood Orange

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
mood :

location :
Redfern Apartment
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern - Kennedy
Bryson was not one to easily rouse from his slumber, and today was no exception.

The fierce blizzard howled outside, yet it did nothing to disrupt his deep sleep...
Typically, he would have some form of white noise playing softly in the background, but the tempest outside provided a natural symphony of wind and snow that lulled him into a deeper state of rest, its chaotic melody oddly comforting.

However, since moving to this town, he had developed a peculiar habit of waking up earlier than usual, and today was no different...
As his eyelids fluttered open, they adjusted to the dimness of the room, the small sliver of light peeking through the window revealing a world blanketed in white. The wind's relentless roar seemed to threaten the very structure of the house, yet he found solace in its sound.

With a heavy sigh, he lifted his head from the pillow, still groggy as he moistened his lips, and then pushed himself upright, rubbing the sleep from his face. His thoughts drifted to the tantalizing offer he had received in Paris just days prior, a persistent echo in his mind that refused to fade.

As he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood, he glanced around the room, noting the absence of red hair..Kennedy was already up, as was her custom.

He shuffled into the bathroom, splashing water on his face to shake off the remnants of sleep before trudging into the living room, his feet dragging against the floor.

There, by the window, he found Kennedy curled up in a tight ball, her knees drawn to her chest, cradling a mug.
She appeared lost in thought, her expression distant and unfocused, a change he had noticed over the past few days since the Paris offer had landed in his lap. Despite his growing concern, he hesitated to pry; he was not one to delve into the emotions of others, preferring to let them unfold in their own time. Settling beside her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, resting his head gently against hers..

Bryson gently pressed his lips against her shoulder, a soft sigh of satisfaction escaping his lips as he did so... "Good morning," ..he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
The comforting heat radiating from her body was a delightful contrast to the biting cold that crept in through the window, and he could sense the tension in her muscles beginning to dissipate under his tender caress.

Outside, the blizzard raged on, a wild symphony of howling winds and swirling snowflakes. "Beautiful... isn't it?" he asked, hoping to draw a smile from her lips. "The way the snow blankets everything, turning the world into a magical winter landscape." Bryson had an odd way with words, perhaps all the journaling he had done with his travels and the way his photography had altered his perspective on everything.
coded by reveriee.
Ozelia Mae Bonet

he smile Sidney gave her eased any lingering worries she mightโ€™ve had about barging in on him. His offer of soup was actually quite appealing, sheโ€™d been so eager to find Honey that she hadnโ€™t eaten anything for dinner before heading out to look for him. Following Sidney as he led her out of the workshop, where sheโ€™d crawled in through a window, she let her eyes wander, taking in the space with a quiet curiosity.
The new room Sidney brought her to was much warmer, probably thanks to the heater running in the corner. She let out a soft sigh, letting the warmth wrap around her, a big difference from the biting cold that still stung her flushed cheeks from the faceplant sheโ€™d taken into the snow earlier.
Maybe Sidney noticed the flush on her face, because he quickly grabbed the blanket from his chair, walking over to drape it around her shoulders. She felt a little guilty for taking his blanket, but he insisted there were plenty more, so she didnโ€™t protest. As she wrapped herself and the pup tighter in the soft fabric, a small, silly smile tugged at her lips. The fact that Sidney had been wrapped in it just moments ago made her feel oddly giddy, but she tried not to think about that too hard, instead focusing on answering his question.
"Just the one blanket is fine! I wouldn't worry too much about Honey, I left out some food for him, that's how I caught him just before I came here. But if you're going to give him anything, just some scraps of meat or something should do just fine until he gets home!"

She bounced the little pup in her arms, his head peeking out from the fold of the blanket. Her heart swelled a little at how sweet and snug he looked.
"This is twice now you've come to my rescue. Iโ€™m really racking up a debt with you,"
she chuckled, looking up at him fondly.
"Now Iโ€™ll really have to find something nice to do for you in return."

Looking around, she realized it was just her, Sidney, and Honey in the room. Was he alone? Her curiosity got the best of her, and she looked up at him, her brow furrowing slightly as she asked the question.
"Are you all alone in here? Did you get stuck before you could head out to the lodge?"

Sidney's Workshop

Sidney Lizy Lizy
Wren Cross

ren had made sure to help as many people as he could get to the lodge safely before the blizzard fully hit. As a mountain ranger, it was second nature to navigate through the snow and help those caught in the storm, but even he was ready to take refuge from the wind and snow once the work was done. Heโ€™d helped enough for the night, and now, inside the warm comfort of Revelstoke Lodge, he found himself with a rare moment of downtime.
His sister was busy helping her boss with something, leaving Wren to fend for himself. He had a few friends around, but they were all deep in conversation in their little groups, and Wren wasnโ€™t in the mood to disrupt anything. So, he settled into a quiet corner of the lodge with the book heโ€™d brought along, hoping to escape into the pages for a while.
But after an hour or so of reading, his legs began to ache from sitting still. He needed to stretch, so he slipped the book into his bag and got up, deciding to take a short walk around the lodge.
Not really headed anywhere, more so just needing to move.
As he wandered through the hallways, he passed an open door and paused, blinking in surprise at what he saw.
In the hot tub outsideโ€”surrounded by clouds of frothy bubbles that almost reached their headsโ€”sat Mikey, the guy heโ€™d met a few days at his grandparents' neighbors house, and Hollis, the girl his sister had invited over for Christmas. The sight was strange, especially considering the blizzard still howled outside, and Wren couldnโ€™t help but scoff to himself at how absurd the situation looked.
He cleared his throat and called out, not sure if he was more confused or amused.
โ€œWell, this is... unexpected. Whatโ€™s going on in here?โ€

Revelstoke Lodge

Mikey fieldofclover fieldofclover Hollis
Blair Rosewood

orenโ€™s agreement to stay with Blair caused his drunkenly lopsided smile to spread even wider across his face.
Blairโ€™s eyes lazily followed Soren as he approached, settling into the seat across from him. For a moment, Blair didnโ€™t say anythingโ€”he simply watched Soren. He had noticed it when they first met on the side of the road, but now it was even more apparent: Soren was really, really pretty. The dark curls framing his face, those deep dark eyesโ€”it was all so striking. Blair found himself lost in the quiet moment, his gaze lingering, until he suddenly realized Soren had spoken.
Are you okay?
And with just those three simple words, Blairโ€™s carefully guarded emotions began to break. The floodgates opened, and the tears heโ€™d been fighting so hard to keep in started streaming down his face. His breath hitched in a half-laugh, half-scoff, as he quickly lowered his face, overwhelmed by the unexpected rush of feelings.
It wasnโ€™t full-on sobbing, but it was enoughโ€”just a steady, silent stream of tears that left Blair frantically pawing at his face, wiping them away and taking off his glasses in a desperate attempt to regain some composure.
"Oh my god."
he muttered under his breath.
Sniffling, he covered the lower half of his face, trying to pull himself together. He sucked in a shaky breath, willing himself to stop looking like a mess. He managed a weak, forced smile, glancing up at Soren through the wetness in his eyes.
"God, this is how you can tell I'm awful with drinking,"
he tried to joke, but the attempt felt flat, lifeless, and he couldn't suppress another shaky breath. He nodded to himself silently, before gathering the courage to glance back up at Soren, his face flushed.
"Iโ€™m sorry. I really didnโ€™t drag you down here just to whineโ€ฆ but..."
Blair hesitated, his eyes darting around the room before he leaned forward, lowering his voice to a whisper as he looked across the table at Soren.
"I... How can you tell if your friend doesnโ€™t like you anymore?"
Blair paused for a moment, furrowing his brows, chewing on his lip in thought. He was already second-guessing himself. Was he really going to unload all this on Soren? He exhaled sharply through his nose and decided to hell with it. Heโ€™d already started.
"Like... if someone you love is struggling and youโ€™re trying to help them, but they just keep pushing you away, leaving you behind, and wonโ€™t talk to you... doesnโ€™t that mean they donโ€™t trust you enough to let you in? To talk about it?"
He let his words hang in the air, vague but loaded, as he tried to keep Julianโ€™s personal life privateโ€”especially about his ongoing struggles with substance abuse. Blair didnโ€™t want to betray his trust, but it was hard not to bring it up when it felt like the weight of it was crushing him from the inside.

Revelstoke Lodge

Soren Lizy Lizy
now playing: glory days - betty who

Everything felt like it was going to be okay for a few moments. This was how life was supposed to be - carefree and nonchalant, with plenty of fun thrown in. The bad weather wasn't going to get him down. His tense familial situation wasn't going to get him down. The only thing that was going to get him down was the bubbles that could pull him under the water if he wasn't careful enough. And as he chattered away with Hollis, he could finally relax for once. The new year was coming up, and he'd have to face some difficult decisions come January 1st, but that would be future Mikey's problem. Current Mikey wasn't going to worry.

Or so he thought. So much for that.

Current Mikey froze in place at the sound of a new voice entering the mix. He slowly looked up, fearful of who his eyes might land on. But that fear washed away in an instant when he recognized Wren instead of someone else. "Hey! Come on in, the water's fine. It is a tad bit slippery, though, so just be careful. I don't know nothin' about medical stuff." He gestured for him to come over, hand covered in bubbles. "Don't tell anyone about this, though. It's, kind of, like, a private party. I don't want to get narced on or anything."

wearing: stuck in a summer haze
tags: celestialbody celestialbody (Hollis, Wren)

Mikey Harding

coded by weldherwings.
Grayson let out a slow breath as he watched Maisel settle in, her excitement buzzing through the room like static. Seeing Esme's small but genuine smile, the warmth in her expression as she looked at their daughter, tugged at something deep inside him. It was a reminder of what had always been good between them... What still could be. No matter how complicated things got between them, this, right here, was simple. This was what mattered.

He took a sip of his cocoa, letting the familiar scent ground him as he leaned back more into his spot on the couch. Just as the height of the movie reached its peak, the house was suddenly swallowed by darkness. The TV shut off, the hum of appliances died, and Maiselโ€™s delighted laughter turned into an abrupt whine of dismay. Grayson sighed, already maneuvering to his feet. 'Of course.' He thought to himself with a painful grunt. "Alright, sit tight," he said, voice calm but firm. "I'll get the generator going."

He knew this task was going to hurt, but the comfort of his family was more important to him than freezing in their house during a blizzard. Luckily, Grayson was prepared for these sort of things even if it was more ideal to happen when he wasn't hurt. But he grabbed the flashlight from its usual spot and disappeared into the cold night. Within minutes, the generator roared to life, bringing back just enough power to keep the essentials running.

When he stepped back inside, the soft glow of a few lights had returned, but the TV remained dark. He met Maiselโ€™s wide, expectant eyes and ran a hand through his hair before breaking the bad news. "Alright, kiddo," he started, plopping back down on the couch. "Weโ€™ve got power, but we need to be smart about it. That means no TV for now."

Maisel's face fell, her lower lip jutting out in an all-too-familiar pout. "But Daddy, we were watching Encanto!"

"I know, sweetheart." He softened, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. "But we gotta save power so the important stuff keeps running." But Maisel crossed her arms, unconvinced.

Grayson shot Esme a look, one that said 'help me out here,' before shifting his attention back to their daughter. "How about this? Instead of the movie, we can tell our own story. You get to be the storyteller, I'll be the supportive audience, and your mom can act it out. We can even use the flashlight for special effects."

Maisel perked up immediately. "Like a real play?"

"Exactly like a real play," Grayson confirmed with a grin. "You in?"

Her hesitation was brief before she gave an enthusiastic nod. "Okay!"

He glanced up at Esme, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. This was the sort of thing they'd lost in their divorce; the fun, the dramatics, and doing anything to keep their daughter happy. He'd been so focused on himself, on figuring out what he wanted to do with his life after Esme had left that he'd lost any excitement for the silly things in life.

Content with his genius idea, Grayson leaned back against the couch and let himself just be here with them as Maisel launched into her grand tale.

Mentions: Esme - celestialbody celestialbody
coded by kaninchen
Calla scoffed, rolling her eyes so hard she half-expected them to get stuck. She sat stiffly, arms crossed so tightly against her chest it looked like she was physically holding herself together. Every inch of her posture screamed irritation, but not in the way Finn assumed. "I not mad," she muttered, her accent thick, voice clipped with something sharp. "Say you run. Is different."

She didnโ€™t need to explain it, he knew exactly what she meant. He just liked pretending otherwise, liked twisting things around to suit whatever smug little narrative he had in his head. That much was obvious from the way he lounged back against the bar, his drink dangling lazily from his fingers, his smirk just shy of infuriating. Like this was all one big joke. Like she wasnโ€™t worth taking seriously.

Her jaw tightened. Her nails dug into her arms where they were folded. Finn was an ass, plain and simple, but Calla wasnโ€™t stupid. Sheโ€™d been around enough men like him to recognize the type. The ones who never liked admitting they cared, even a little. The ones who covered discomfort with jokes and teasing, making you feel silly for expecting anything else. And maybe she had expected something else. Not much, just...something? A little warmth, maybe. But she wasnโ€™t about to sit here and let him laugh at her for it.

Leaning forward slightly, she fixed him with a sharp stare, her eyes unreadable. "You talk much," she said, voice low, unimpressed. "Say nothing." She could tell that he was enjoying this. He liked seeing her flustered, liked watching her squirm. But she wouldnโ€™t give him the satisfaction.

Instead, she let his words roll past her, silent and unreadable. He wanted her to admit she was disappointed. He wanted her to blush, to get flustered, to fumble over her words with an excuse. He wanted to hear her say sheโ€™d been hoping for more than a one-night stand. Maybe not love, but something that lasted longer than just a few stolen hours before dawn. But Calla was not weak. She was not soft.

So she tilted her head, her lips curving in something that wasnโ€™t quite a smile. "You are so sure," she murmured, voice dipping, smooth as silk. "So sure I want you stay." She let it sit. Let the weight of her words settle in the air between them, thick and heavy.

And then, just to twist the knife, she leaned back with a lazy shrug, her expression cold, detached, cruel in the way only someone who had been hurt could be. "Maybe I glad you go," she added, her tone light, but her eyes gleaming with something dangerous. "Less work for me."

Slowly, deliberately, she reached for the drink sheโ€™d ignored all night, wrapping her fingers around the glass, her touch slow and careful, as if deciding whether it was even worth the effort. She didnโ€™t lift it to her lips just yet. She just let it sit in her grasp, letting the moment stretch long enough to make him wonder. "Rumors huh?" she echoed, tilting her head as if considering it. "Lucky you, then." She smiled, and this time, it was all teeth. "I do not."

And with that, she knocked back the drink in one smooth motion, the burn of whiskey familiar and comforting in a way Finn could never be.

Mentions: Finn - PotatochipsRlit PotatochipsRlit
coded by kaninchen
The blizzard hadn't even been considered by Khaila. She was just simply happy to be spending time with someone she actually liked. Her friend, and crush, Blythe. They had met a little while after Khaila had gotten a job as a waitress at the lodge. It made no sense to Khaila why Blythe had taken a liking to her. They were so different. Blythe had way better social skills than Khaila's ever had.

Usually Khaila always came off as irritable and awkward. Most customers expect a waitress to treat them with uttermost hospitality and manners, since it was important to make their visit to the Cafe feel welcome and comfortable. But with Khaila, every customer that's gotten her as their waitress didn't exactly get that. It wasn't that she was rude. Just often very blunt and plain-spoken. She never asked customers how they're doing, or if they're enjoying their food. Not even does she come back to check on them unless they call her over. It didn't feel like she was all that motivated to do her job well. And the case of "resting bitch face" she always had didn't really help with that either. Khaila just never seemed to be in a good mood.

That is, until Blythe came around. Blythe was a bit of a shy girl herself. But she had more confidence than Khaila, that's for sure. When they met, Blythe stuck around to talk to her about fun topics like games and fantasy stuff. She seemed to really like introducing Khaila to a bunch of video games and social media related genres. Khaila didn't really get it at first. She figured that Blythe was just being nice and probably engaging with her out of pity for her awkwardness. It wouldn't be the first time she was let down by "friends." But seeing Blythe coming back to spend more and more time with her, made her start to think twice on that. She was actually very interesting to Khaila. It sparked some kind of desire in her that she wasn't necessarily able to describe. She just wanted to be around her more.

And today, they finally got the chance to do that. Blythe offered to take Khaila to the arcade where they could hang out and game. They've been indulging in all of the arcade machines and winning a bunch of tickets. Khaila wasn't much good at them, but she always did enjoy seeing how much Blythe specialized in them. She had the skills. She was a streamer after all. This is what she does. The two of them were then about to call it a day when they suddenly got informed that the blizzard had gotten much worse. To the point of it being too damgerous to go out there. With that, the two ladies were stuck at the arcade together for God knows how long. Definitely not the worst place to get stuck in. But Khaila was a little paranoid. Being out and talking to someone for so long can really point out just how bad she was at interacting with others. But suppose this could be the one predicament that solves that.

Khaila had just stepped out of the restrooms, texting her sister on her phone as she made her way back to where Blythe was. The blue-haired girl was taking the opportunity to win more tickets for more prizes. As she aimed at the targets on her screen, Khaila stepped in beside her while watching her focus on the game. "Did you beat it yet," she asked while glancing at Blythe's score in the top right corner.

Mentions: travelbypages travelbypages - Blythe
coded by kaninchen

Finn Erickson

  • mood

    Masked panic.

Finnโ€™s eyebrows shot up in amusement as Calla attempted to brush off her anger, a clear facade that only deepened his interest in the situation.

Her tense posture screamed defiance, and those fierce, sparkling eyes of hers caught his attention like a moth to a flame, drawing him in even more.
It was as if each defensive word she fired at him was just another log on the fire of his delight, making him chuckle inwardly at her futile attempts at nonchalance.

As she leaned closer, sharpening her gaze to a point that could rival any blade, he couldnโ€™t help but maintain that teasing smirk plastered on his face, reminiscent of their playful exchanges from the night before.. yet the air around them thrummed with an intensity that hinted at something far more serious.

Her irritation was obvious, and it made her sharp comments feel like daggers aimed straight at him, each one precise, each one a pinpoint of rage that kept him on his toes...

"So sure I want you stay." Calla declared, each word like a challenge thrown his way.

Finn leaned in conspiratorially, his tone dropping.. โ€œWell... Iโ€™m not entirely sold on the idea of hanging around either, but can you deny you wanted me last night?.. That much was obvious..you were.. all over me.โ€ He pointed at his own chest, raising an eyebrow as he pressed for answers, relishing the banter that had become their signature.. thought it seemed the amusement was rather one-sided.

The familiarity of their exchanges provided a thin layer of comfort, yet he could feel the edge of their conversation cutting deeper..

But then, in the blink of an eye, her demeanor shifted. The icy glare she bestowed upon him rendered him momentarily speechless, as if she had expertly flipped a switch from fiery to frosty... It sent a shiver down his spine.

When she casually tossed out, โ€œMaybe I glad you go.โ€

Finn felt a pang in his chest..her words felt like an arrow striking true..


The coolness of her tone clawed at his resolve, leaving him momentarily disoriented...The phrase โ€œless work for meโ€ landed like a punch to the gut, worsening the bruise that was already present.. each syllable laced with a cruel twist that made his heart twist in confusion.

Was she being serious..? The way she so effortlessly turned the tables stung more than he cared to admit, and he couldn't quite tell why it caught him so off guard.

He could see the flicker of vulnerability in her eyes, quickly masked by the simmering anger that followed and questioned if he had pushed her too far.

Why did her words affect him so deeply?

"Is that.. how you really feel, Calla?" he replied, attempting to mask the unease creeping into his own tone. He leaned back slightly, crossing his arms as if to guard himself against the blow... "You haven't.. thought about me.. at all? It's what what i'm getting at, since you 'maybe' wanted me gone."

His demeanor was grave, yet a flicker of longing danced in his eyes, as if he were attempting to catch her off guard.. even if it proved futile.

He felt pathetic.

He leaned in closer, his voice low.. "And what about last night?.." The questions tumbled from his lips, defying his own reasoning, "You seem to have a taste for trouble, Calla... something you're afraid to admit..?" Each inquiry was crafted to disarm her, a playful attempt to deflect the sting of her earlier words.

Under the soft glow of the dim light, there was a slight dilation of his pupils as he leaned back just enough to watch her down her drink.
He had anticipated she would indulge in it sooner rather than later.. it sat there, almost pleading for her attention, especially given the sudden spark of defiance she now exuded.

"Are all Spanish girls this... fiery?" he inquired, tilting his head with a curious glint in his eye...it wasn't a compliment nor an insult, it was to deflect the embarrassment he felt.. "Or is it just..." he gestured toward her heart, "you?" His brow arched in playful curiosity.

Just this morning.. he had delved into her background, a task that proved surprisingly challenging.
She was unlike anyone he had pursued before, and the intrigue she sparked within him was undeniable..
Was it possible that he was subconsciously drawn to her?.. Surely he wouldn't have approached her once more if he wasn't.
The thought sent a shiver of apprehension through him. Yet, the thrill of her elusive nature only fueled his determination.

Champagne Coast

Blood Orange

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Last edited:
Blythe hadnโ€™t expected the day to turn out like this.

She had woken up to the sound of wind howling outside her window, the snow already piling up along the edges of the glass. The forecast had mentioned a possible blizzard, but she hadn't thought much of it at the time, most Canadians didn't tend to panic about these sorts of things. Her morning had been slow, wrapped in a thick blanket and scrolling through her phone while sipping on a too-sweet coffee. It was one of those rare days where she had nothing pressing to do, and for once, she wasnโ€™t glued to her streaming setup.

Then she had made plans with Khaila.

That alone had made the day feel brighter. Blythe wasnโ€™t always the best at pushing herself to go out, but spending time with Khaila was different. She liked how easy it felt, even when Khaila got all blunt and awkward. Maybe especially then. The arcade had been the perfect place to hang out, loud, bright, and filled with distractions. Blythe had spent most of the afternoon bouncing from game to game, showing off her skills and racking up a ridiculous amount of tickets. She had even managed to get a few smiles out of Khaila, which felt like its own kind of victory.

Now, she was standing in front of one of the shooting games, the neon glow reflecting off her glasses as she focused on the moving targets. She had nearly cleared the level, fingers moving over the controls with practiced ease. A familiar presence settled beside her, and she could tell without looking that Khaila had returned. A small smirk tugged at Blytheโ€™s lips. "Almost," she murmured, answering the question before it was asked. She landed another perfect shot. "But if youโ€™re offering to distract me, youโ€™re doing a great job."

The flashing lights made the space feel warmer, cozier despite the storm outside. Blythe let herself glance over for just a second, her smirk softening into something more playful. "You won't need to be asking that when I win us a top shelf prize" she teased, nodding toward the growing pile of tickets beside her. "Anything catch your eye?" It was meant to be casual, but she could feel a tiny bit of anticipation creeping in. Would Khaila actually pick something? Or would she just roll her eyes and brush it off? Either way, Blythe didnโ€™t mind. If anything, she liked the fact that they were stuck here together.

Mentions: Khaila - ShellBelles ShellBelles
coded by kaninchen
Calla blinked at him slowly, dragging out a silence between them, like a cat toying with its prey. Her lips twitched at the corners, the ghost of a smirk playing there, curling like burning paper. She studied him, gaze raking over every flicker of emotion on his face. The confidence, the curiosity, the slight falter he thought he hid so well. It amused her.

Then she leaned in, close enough that he could catch the faintest trace of her perfume, something warm and intoxicating, like spice mixed with honey. Close enough that when she spoke, her breath ghosted over his skin. "Maybe I do like trouble," she murmured, the words slow, deliberate. A challenge wrapped in velvet. She tilted her head slightly, her eyes gleaming with something unreadable before adding, "But only when it worth my time."

Her gaze flickered to his lips for just a fraction of a second, calculated, deliberate, like a blade being sharpened before the strike before she scoffed softly and leaned back, feigning disinterest. As if sheโ€™d just settled her own curiosity and found the answer unimpressive. "You?" Calla let out a small, careless laugh, barely more than an exhale. She lifted a hand, rolling her wrist in a lazy gesture. "You just little game, Finn. Fun while it last."

She let the words sit there, watching him absorb them, the way his jaw tightened just a fraction. Then, her smirk sharpened, voice dropping to something soft, something almost cruel in how smoothly it landed. "But I not keep broken toys." Her nails drummed idly against the glass as she reached for her new drink, taking her time with it. The tension between them was thick, humming, but Calla let it stretch, enjoying the way his body language shifted. Just barely, but enough for her to notice. "You ask if I think of you?" She exhaled a quiet laugh, lifting her glass as if in mock consideration. "Maybe." Then she took a slow sip, letting the moment drag, eyes steady on his over the rim of the glass. The corner of her mouth curled as she set it down, fingers lingering along the rim.

"I think of how easy you were," she admitted, her voice smooth, effortless, as if the thought had just lazily crossed her mind. Her tongue flicked out, catching a stray drop of liquor from her lip. "How quick you want believe you special." The words landed, and she could see it. The barely perceptible flicker in his expression, the way his eyes darkened just a touch. That familiar push-and-pull between them, the thrill of cutting him down just to see if heโ€™d rise again.

"But if you want truth?" Calla leaned forward just slightly, eyes locked onto his like she was about to let him in on some grand secret. "I forget you soon as I wake up." And then, just like that, she sat back again, as if the conversation had lost its charm. She waved a lazy hand, dismissing him as if he were nothing more than an afterthought.

"So go, Finn." Her voice was sweet now, in an almost mocking tone. "Or stay, if you like losing."

Mentions: Finn - PotatochipsRlit PotatochipsRlit
coded by kaninchen
mood :

location :
his room
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Florence ShellBelles ShellBelles
;; Clive
Clive opened the door even wider and nodded his head to the side, ushering Florence into his room. He let out a soft chuckle at the man's concern. "Oh, no. You're not interrupting anything." He shrugged. "Even without the storm, wasn't really planning anything." He tried not to show it, but he was internally cringing at how lame he must sound.

Clive was the kind of guy that knew how lame he was, yet didn't want to change it. And not necessarily in an afraid of change way. He just... knew what he liked. Many of his interests were lame. He understood that, yet he wasn't going to change anything because of that. Clive was fine with the way he was, a few stronger psychological issues not withstanding. Despite his acceptance of lameness, he couldn't help but be self conscious of it sometimes. Especially when he was around Florence, since he wanted Florence to at least think he was fun to hang out with.

As Florence entered Clive's room, he realized he really had no game plan for this hangout. He glanced around his room, there really wasn't much to do in here. For entertainment for himself, he usually just read a book or something. He was aware that wasn't a fun social hangout activity for most people. He really hoped he could manage to make conversation that could last a while.

"So, snowed in, huh? Is it busy out in the lobby? I haven't been out of my room all day," He gently laughed as he nervously ran a hand through his hair, hoping Florence wouldn't think him staying in all day was weird. "Oh," he muttered as he realized they were just awkwardly standing by the entrance of his room. "Take a seat wherever," he glanced around as he realized that he had thrown a pile of clothes onto the chair in his room. "The bed is fine, it's real comfortable," he nodded towards the bed that was the centerpiece of his room, before taking a seat on it himself.
coded by reveriee.

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