• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Whispering Pines ᨒ↟ 𖠰 ~ Cozy Winter SOL ~ MAIN

Talisa finally managed to calm herself down as she stepped away from Lawson. "Okay..." she said with a small sniffle, unable to fully hold back her emotions. Tilting her head back to look up at him, she offered a sad smile. For some reason, this felt... awkward? He was so stable in his life. He had a solid job and already had a family. She hadn’t expected to come to town and fall for someone, especially not him.

"I'm sorry if this put a damper on our first Valentine's Day together," she said, her voice a little shaky from her earlier tears. "Can we pretend like this didn't happen today? Do something fun to get my mind off it?" She leaned into him, genuinely upset that their day was being overshadowed. She had been excited about the little market festival, but now her thoughts about the future and what she wanted to do with this baby threatened to cloud her mind for the rest of the day.

Again, she backed away and made her way to her room to change into the cute Valentine’s Day outfit she had picked out.

As she changed into the outfit, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her eyes were still puffy from crying, but she forced a small smile anyway, smoothing down the fabric of her dress. If she tried hard enough, maybe she could push this whole thing to the back of her mind, at least for now. She wanted to enjoy today with Lawson. To pretend, even if just for a few hours, that nothing had changed.

Taking a steadying breath, she stepped out of her room, where Lawson was waiting. Seeing him standing there, steady as always, made her heart ache in a way she didn’t know how to handle just yet. She couldn’t let this situation consume her. Not yet.

With a bright, slightly forced smile, she reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. "Alright," she said, willing herself to sound more enthusiastic than she felt. "Let's go have some fun."

Even if her thoughts wouldn’t let her forget, she was determined to make today about them. Not the uncertainty. Not the fear. Just them.

Mentions: Lawson - PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern
coded by kaninchen
Zane was panicking. Probably more than anyone should in this situation. It was his day off, it was Valentine's Day, and he was stoned out of his mind.

At first, the news of Casper's stabbing had shocked him, but learning that Casper was not only stabbed but also dying sent Zane into a frenzy. He raced around his small house like a chicken with its head cut off. He couldn't drive because he was too incapacitated, and the thought of not making it in time was unbearable.

This called for one thing: his trusty old BMX bike.

Dramatically, he strapped on his helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads before setting off for the hospital. The ice on the roads slowed him down, but his determination pushed him forward. He needed to get to Casper. He needed to tell him that he loved him before it was too late.

Eventually, Zane arrived at the hospital, sweat dripping down his face. The nurses eyed him as if he were a biohazard, but he didn't care. He marched right up to the desk and slapped his hand down with urgency. “Casper Samson? Where is he? I’m his... husband.” It was a blatant lie, and it wasn’t a convincing one at that. Yet, for some reason, they let him through to Casper's room.

Hurrying through the hallways, Zane finally reached Casper’s room, and it felt like a scene straight out of one of those action movies with Vin Diesel or something. But then he realized, Casper wasn’t dead. He wasn’t too late! “Oh thank god,” he huffed, still breathless from his chaotic biking adventure. Someone should really be filming this. Zane and Casper could be movie stars.

“I got here as fast as I could,” he said, moving to sit next to Casper and immediately taking his soft, dry hand into his clammy, sweaty one.

Mentions: Casper - Lizy Lizy
coded by kaninchen
now playing: the devil - banks

The officer didn't seem like he'd be willing to put up with her shit. And honestly, good for him. She knew that she was batshit fucking crazy. Not many people willingly chose to associate with her because of her instability. And speaking of her instability, she could kiss what few 'friends' back home she had. Not a single one of them were going to want to support her now that she was locked up. But it wasn't like they were all here in Revelstoke. Truth be told, she had become somewhat of a recluse since she had forcibly been transplanted here. The only times she had been out had ended up in disaster - including this time. And once everyone found out that she was the perpetrator behind Casper's stabbing, she'd have even fewer opportunities to make friends.

Maybe she'd find like-minded people behind bars. After all, there had to be plenty of fellow knife-wielding girls like herself in there already.

For someone who was thinking about jail so much, Tori didn't seem one bit anxious or upset about it. But if she actually ended up in a maximum security penitentiary, then it would definitely set in. Fortunately, it wasn't happening right now. Sitting in a holding cell was boring as hell, though. The officer even had the nerve to deny her a call, earning a look of disgust from his prisoner. A myth? Please. He just didn't like her, that was all. Too bad - he was kind of cute. If the circumstances were different, she'd sure like to have him in a pair of handcuffs. Oh God, if she went to jail now...no sex was a death sentence. She might as well have been on death row for all she cared. Her revenge plan had backfired in a way that she hadn't expected.

But finally, the officer came back with a phone for her to use her free call. Calling a lawyer would be the most logical solution. Calling her mother (who had no part in the whole disowning thing) would also be a good idea. Instead, she found herself dialing Lucian's number. If he actually picked up, she would be surprised. It was worth a shot, after all.

wearing: certified, i ain't the nice one
tags: ShellBelles ShellBelles (Kingston), celestialbody celestialbody (Lucian)

Victoria Sinclair

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: i remember - lena fayre

All she had to do was grin and bear however long this activity center would last for. At least she'd have company to make small talk with. The best thing that she could do was just try her hardest to seem like a pleasant person. Working alone so many hours, and barely having contact with anyone outside of her father for years, had turned her into a monster. Maybe she really needed to be around others right now. And with Jo's friendly aura radiating around Harriet too, maybe some of the bitterness within herself could be replaced with better ones.

"I think this arts and crafts thing is self-guided. I wasn't really paying attention when I walked in, but I heard something about it." Harriet shrugged, glancing around at the other tables. It appeared like nobody was doing the same thing, which backed up her theory. None of the materials seemed to match what her and Jo had at their own table, either. The hosts had begun to talk to the entire room, explaining the crafts that they would be making, but she only half-listened. Instead, her ears focused on her partner, who also spoke. Jo seemed to understand where Harriet was coming from with her hatred of Valentine's Day.

"You get it. I hate the over-commercialism of everything these days, not just holidays. Not everything's got to be about money, you know." She let out a small sigh, looking down at the paper before her. "I guess what I really enjoy is Greek mythology. Persephone and Hades, Pandora's box, the Minotaur - it's all captivating to me. Perhaps that could give me inspiration for whatever we're supposed to be making here."

wearing: in the arms of grotesque company
tags: ShellBelles ShellBelles (Jo)

Harriet Dunlap

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: 3 a.m. - gregory alan isakov

This was all new to him. It was equal parts exciting and utterly terrifying, but somehow, Gage didn't mind it that much. And all he could do was muster a sheepish smile at her disbelief - it was, in fact true. It wasn't that he chose to be celibate, or that he hated women, or anything like that. It just hadn't really crossed his mind before. All he had was his dad, their dog, and his music. That was all he needed, or thought he did, until T'kaya had joined the picture.

Now he was questioning his own actions leading up to this. How did he not know that T'kaya was genuinely vibing on him? Was he just that naïve? He was totally blind to all of the possibilities that could have been. God, he felt like such a failure right now. But T'kaya was gentle. It was another reason why he liked her so much. And she liked him back - potentially all of this time!

"This is okay with me - no, it's more than okay. It's perfect, really. Being alone with you would be much better than being out in public where everyone could see me missing even more cues." Gage chuckled, shaking his head softly. He'd rather make a fool out of himself in front of just T'kaya instead of a large audience, that was for sure. And when she extended her hand, he froze. His heart was beating wildly in his chest as his eyes moved from her face down to her hand and back up again. Holding hands with someone he liked a lot...wow. After a few moments that felt like hours, he took her hand in his. They fit just right, her soft skin against his. "So, we're picnicking here, huh? You sure it's not going to ruin the instruments?"

wearing: well, i don't mind the rain
tags: travelbypages travelbypages (T'kaya)

Gage Browning

coded by weldherwings.


valentine's day.

liv darling.




her apartment.



When Carson enveloped her in his touch, she nearly cracked right down the center. She had to bite down on her lip, hard to keep herself from crying. Her eyes welled with tears and she took a breath to steady herself. She just nodded along with his words, not believing an ounce of them. Kyle loved her. He just had a shitty way of showing it. But that was how Liv knew love. After her mother died, that was the only type of 'love' she experienced.

She gave him a small smile. Normally she would try and diffuse when Brooke or Carson talked shit about Kyle but she just didn't have the heart.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed, trying to regulate her emotions,
"Yeah I guess."
She said half-heartedly. She knew Kyle wasn't inherently attractive per say but he also wasn't ugly either. It was just that Kyle had expressed interest in her all those years ago. She had been irrevocably in love with Carson, but thought he would never see her that way so when Kyle expressed interest, she jumped on it.

"Not like he will even see me. I was just gonna take Jet on a walk and then stay in for the rest of the day."
It made her sad that her outfit would basically be going to waste.

LIv again wished she could believe Carson's words. She lifted her head up and gave him a weak smile, he always saw her deeper than her looks.
"I'm such a cliche, all dressed up and nowhere to go."
She said, attempting to change the subject.

♡coded by uxie♡
Khaila set her all of her gifts down on the table. She looked at the note in her hand for a moment, before folding it up and placing it into her pocket. Everything that she had just received from Blythe, she could tell that they were supposed to be special. Khaila certainly saw it that way. It wasn't often that she had gotten a gift from someone. Not just in a romantic sense, but in general really. So she truly wanted to cherish them.

Khaila brought out a vase and set it down before placing the flowers in them. She was actually amazed that Blythe even remembered what her favorite flowers were. Whenever Khaila shared her interests, she always thought that they were pretty boring or dull to everyone. Not even worth remembering or taking note of. But Blythe seemed to have taken all the things Khaila told about herself to heart. That was one of the things that made Blythe so wondrous to Khaila. It was the amount of validation she gave her.

Which speaking of, the way that the blue-haired lady was catering to her right now was nothing short of flattering. With how hard she was trying, Khaila could see how important this was to Blythe. It did give her more reassurance about this whole thing, which is what Khaila needed. Though, she couldn't help but feel flustered by all of the attention Blythe was giving her. She could feel her face starting to catch on fire.

She turned to Blythe whilst trying to calm herself down. "W-Why don't we just order some food and watch a movie," she suggested in a shy and quiet tone. Khaila did appreciate Blythe wanting to treat her, there was no doubt about that. She just simply didn't want to explode. And plus, she did enjoy a simple hangout with the other lady. Simply being in her presence was enough.

Khaila then gathered herself enough to lead Blythe into the living room, where she then gestured for her to have a seat on the couch. "You can sit down now." After that, Khaila sat down besides Blythe. She was still blushing a bit from the overwhelming feelings that were rushing through her. So she did try to hide her face and look away. After a moment of awkward silence between the two ladies, Khaila cleared her throat before managing to speak up barely above a whisper. "So, um, what do you wanna eat?"

Mentions: travelbypages travelbypages - Blythe
coded by kaninchen
Josephine Caddel
While she was organizing her share of the art supplies, Josephine continued to listen to Harriet speak while also keeping tabs on what the hosts of the activity were saying. No one knew how she did it. Josephine just seemed to be an absolute pro at multitasking. She was a hardworking woman, with a very important job that did come with a lot of tasks. So it did make sense, at the very least. She nodded with understanding as she listened to Harriet speak her mind.

The other lady seemed to value more genuine correlations with things rather than just trying to force herself to like other stuff simply to fit in. Josephine could appreciate that. While she likes to get other people to have fun, she doesn't like to enforce or pressure them into anything that they didn't want to do. Otherwise, that sort of defeats the purpose. No, Josephine would rather spark others' interests by trying to involve what their own likes were. Which is why she lit up when Harriet mentioned Greek Mythology.

With genuine intrigue, Josephine turned to Harriet as she spoke with curiosity in her tone. "Ooh, Mythology? I've only ever heard bits and pieces of those stories. Do you know all of them?" As Josephine continued to chat with Harriet, she began to lightly trace on her sheet of paper, making the outlines of her drawing. Sometimes ideas finally came to her when she got started. So that's why she was simply doodling random shapes and patterns to build off of.

Josephine's smile never left her face as she sat there with Harriet. Even if she wasn't as enthusiastic about a lot of things, Josephine could still see her to be a good friend. After all, there was something special to everyone. That's what Josephine believed. And she could tell that Harriet has some experience to make her none the wiser about things. She wasn't afraid to tell it how it was. And Josephine supported that.

In fact, Josephine thought that Harriet just needed some support in her life. Having no one to provide that can leave a person feeling bitter. Luckily, support was Josephine's game. "I say go for it. I'd love to see what you come with." Her caring personality is what allowed Josephine to act warm and kind towards everyone. It was just a part of her nature.

Mentions: fieldofclover fieldofclover - Harriet
coded by kaninchen
Romeo Clarke

omeo's smile widened as she agreed to let him join her. Kids? So she had children. That was interesting. Did that mean she was taken? It didn't have to mean that necessarily—just because someone had kids didn't mean they weren't single after all. He’d tread carefully for now, keeping the flirtation light until he could gauge the situation more clearly. Storing that tidbit away for later, Romeo let his smile shift into something softer, a quiet and genuine warmth.
"Prove you wrong?"
He placed a hand dramatically over his chest, eyes wide in mock offense. He couldn't resist the playful banter, and he made sure his grin stayed just the right mix of cheeky and charming to let her know he wasn’t serious.
"I’d never dream of it. I promise I'll be the most charming potion partner you’ve ever had."
He gave an exaggerated half-bow, his hand still pressed to his chest in a gesture that mimicked a vow. The playful tone in his voice was matched by the bright look in his eyes, clearly enjoying this little exchange.
Letting out a low chuckle, he dropped his hand to his side, his posture shifting back into something a little more relaxed.
"I’m Romeo, by the way."
He reached for the small list of instructions that sat on the table, his fingers brushing against the parchment as he carefully picked it up, eyes flicking over the details of the potion-making process. He scanned the list with practiced ease before turning his attention back to her, clearly focused on the task at hand but still eager to keep talking to her.
"What should I be calling my lead potion maker?"
He asked with a slight tilt of his head. As he spoke, he began sorting through the ingredients on the table, his fingers moving with a methodical precision as he placed them in the correct order—first to last—just as the instructions dictated. Despite his light-hearted demeanor, it was clear that Romeo took this seriously enough to pay attention to detail.

Moonlit Aura

Jupiter Khaing

upiter leaned against the doorframe, a sigh slipping past his lips as he listened to Isabelle. He had really planned on spending the day lounging around, maybe catching up on some much-needed rest after a chaotic week. But he couldn't help but notice the way she hesitated, the way she seemed so earnest in her offer, her nerves barely contained.
He couldn’t ignore that—especially when she mentioned that everyone else had dates. It made him feel a little bad if he was being honest. Maybe she just wanted to do something different, something not overly romantic and cliché. And, well, he had a soft spot for that kind of effort.
Still, he wasn’t going to make this easy on her. He raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Potion-making, huh? Sounds…thrilling."
He was definitely trying to hide the fact that he was actually kind of intrigued. It wasn’t his first choice of activity, but hey, maybe he'd follow his brother's lead and get out and have fun. As long as that fun wasn't with Mars he honestly didn't hate the idea.
He gave her a quick glance up and down before pushing off the doorframe and grabbing his jacket from the top of the nearby dresser.
"Alright, alright, let’s do this. But,"
he paused to pull on his jacket,
"this better not go how our last few outings turned into disasters and actually be entertaining, okay?"
He smirked at her, his tone playful but with that usual hint of sass he usually put on when talking to Isabelle.
He slipped his shoes on, making sure to take his time with every move, still trying to pretend like he wasn’t as eager as he secretly was to see what this adventure was all about.
"Let's just get this over with, yeah?"

He gave her a lighthearted shrug, trying to mask the fact that he was actually kind of looking forward to it. After all, it was hard not to feel a little warm inside when someone asked you out somewhere. And even if he wasn’t the most sentimental guy, it seemed like Isabelle was making an effort—and that was enough to make him put aside his plans for the day and give this potion making crap a try.

Revelstoke Mountain Lodge

Lukas Nam

ukas nodded along as he saw Angela relaxing more into the idea that they were in this together, the tension between them starting to fade.
"Oh, I can pull my weight all right."
Lukas flexed his arms with an exaggerated grin, striking a corny pose as he showed off his muscles. His expression was almost comically over-the-top, but he couldn't resist. As she reached across him, snatching up some ingredients with a snarky retort about him calling her meek. He just kept up his pose, completely unfazed by her words, as though they were a distant echo compared to the flexing he was doing.
But then, when her voice shifted to something more sultry and she asked how she was supposed to pay attention to him while making the potion, Lukas froze. His arms still held up in dramatic fashion, but his teasing grin faltered slightly as her words struck him. For a second, he forgot to be cocky and just stared at her, his mind pausing, caught in the tone of her voice.
The teasing tone in her voice just then had honestly stirred something in him, but pushing down that flare she set off in him he shook the fleeting moment off, and quickly recovered with a smirk and a shrug, trying to stay cool despite the flurry of unexpected emotions stirring inside him.
"You seem capable, Ang. I'm sure you can multitask~"

As she began pouring ingredients into the bowl with her usual focus, Lukas lazily followed suit, tossing in handfuls of random flakes and pouring entire vials of liquid into the concoction. He wasn't exactly paying much attention to the specifics, just eyeing the ingredients and hoping for some dramatic potion explosion—but instead, it was just a murky brown mess.
He frowned, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table, humming to himself as he glanced back at the bowl. It was giving him nothing close to what he expected—fizzing, but no bubbling. Just a dull, uneventful brown. This is so lame... he thought. But Lukas wasn't one to give up easily, so he decided to keep tinkering with it.
Then, unexpectedly, Angela's voice softened, catching him off guard. Usually, she was yelling at him, snapping at him for acting like a "freak" or teasing her with some wild idea, but now...now she sounded different. So he looked up, paying attention to her words as she asked about how he got her number.
He paused for a moment, considering his response, his face softening.
"I mean, if I'm being honest with you, Angela..."
He rubbed the back of his neck, looking remorsefull for a second before he was grinning at her again like a Cheshire cat and sticking his tongue out at her.
"You were really drunk that night, and pretty much forced me to put my number in your phone. You said I was cool and funny and wanted to party again, so I made sure you texted me just to double-check I wasn’t pulling some weird fake number stunt. That's how I got your number! If you think that's hard to believe, maybe you should slow down on the alcohol next time, don't ya think?"

Lukas gave a playful wink, clearly trying to brush off the question. He wasn't about to admit he’d slipped her phone from her when she wasn’t looking, texting himself in the process. That would definitely sound weird, and he wasn’t trying to come off as creepy. He just wanted to hang out again and have some fun, no harm in that. He was an angel, after all.
But before she could question him further, Lukas quickly changed the subject, grabbing something out of his pocket. He held it up for Angela to see clearly—a minty, colorful Mentos candy.
"Alright, alright. Enough with the heart-to-heart,"
he said, his tone lighthearted as he dangled the candy in front of her face.
"Let’s make this potion fun, yeah?"

The potion they had so far was underwhelming, to say the least. But with the Mentos in his hand, he had a feeling it might just give them the kind of reaction they needed to spice things up. Maybe he didn’t have the most conventional way of approaching things, but he was sure this was about to turn into something a lot more entertaining than whatever boring brown concoction they'd ended up with.

Moonlit Aura

Wren Cross

ren nodded along as Mikey assured him he didn’t need to repay him, though he was already mentally flipping through a list of food spots they could hit after the tour. The burrito truck that sometimes parked near the end of their route came to mind first—always reliable and pretty close. There was always Linchette's Bakery, but today Wren was leaning toward the ice cream store a block away. He wasn't sure about Mikey, but for him, any time felt like the perfect time for ice cream.
Walking over to join the rest of the group, Wren perked up, listening intently as the tour guide launched into their usual spooky spiel. The way they set the tone was dark and eerie, making Wren smile a little. He couldn’t help but enjoy the dramatic atmosphere. The air felt unnervingly cool, and there was an odd stillness that hung over the town like the buildings themselves were holding their breath. The dim streetlights cast long shadows on the cracked pavement, and in the distance, a crow’s call broke the silence, adding an extra layer of tension. Wren’s grin deepened, he was having more fun then he expected.
But then his attention drifted back to Mikey, who suddenly hurriedly spoke to him, emphasizing just how absolutely not scared he was. Wren raised an eyebrow, an amused but slightly concerned look flashing over his face. Honestly? It gave him the feeling that Mikey might actually be super scared. But that couldn't be right, could it? Mikey always seemed so confident, so comfortable in his own skin, that Wren had figured a haunted town tour would be right up his alley. But...maybe Wren shouldn’t have assumed so much?
"Uhm, yeah. I might need to do that, thanks Mikey..."

Wren glanced over at Mikey again, still processing everything, but his focus wavered back to the group as they started walking deeper into the eerie area. The guide's rundown of the haunted history of the town—complete with all the ghostly happenings—didn't seem to be helping Mikey’s pale complexion. Wren’s concern grew, and before he could think too much about it, he made a decision.
Without really thinking, he reached out, closing the small gap between them and gently taking Mikey’s hand in his. He looked at him with a soft smile, trying to reassure him in whatever way he could.
"I’m, uh...I’m a little nervous, so I grabbed your hand...like you told me to...because, uh...this is kind of scary..."

Smooth, Wren. Real smooth.
He's for sure gonna believe I'm actually scared with that.

Wren mentally patted himself on the back for his performance, sure that his sister was giving him the thumbs up from wherever she was today.

Ghost Tour

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
honey celestialbody celestialbody
;; Zoe
Zoe looked up again to glance at the woman for details for the drawing, but the woman wasn't there. She glanced around, seeing if she'd left. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she jumped in her chair, heart pounding. The woman she had been sketching was standing there, quite close, looking down at the drawing.

Frantically, Zoe flipped the notebook over. But, that was pointless, the woman had clearly already seen herself in the sketch. Great. Now she looked like a stalker and a bumbling idiot. The woman was even more stunning up close, which only made Zoe more nervous as she leaned in even closer. She blinked intensely a couple times, taking in what she was saying.

"Oh my god oh my god, no. I am so so sorry," she began to ramble, turning over the notebook again. "I didn't mean anything by it really, I'm just drawing randomly. I- uh draw when I have nothing better to do. I should really stop drawing people, but- uh I usually don't do people. You were just so- um- you were sitting there and, and- um you made a really good subject. In like a normal way. A normal good subject. You know what, here, here take it."

Zoe tore the page with the woman's face on it out of her notebook. She really didn't like tearing pages out, it was a move of panic. But, she held it out to the woman, hoping she'd just take it and leave. "No need to call the cops please. But uh- I don't-" she paused for a moment, taking a breath as she processed what the woman had said, tilting her head in confusion. "I don't really think cops take calls about sketch artists." Her panic picked up once more, face feeling hot. "Still, still, take it. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."
coded by reveriee.

Percy Kramer

  • mood


Percy shot her a look.. his eyes narrowing as he turned away, contemplating whether she was even worth his time.
Yet, he could sense he’d struck a nerve, and that intrigued him. "Take it as a compliment.. an insult.. or whatever you want, sweetheart," he drawled lazily, a low chuckle escaping his lips. He never meant any harm.. he just had a talent for bestowing nicknames..innocuous ones, of course.

A laugh bubbled up at her retort, especially with that playful edge she had. Maybe she was worth the effort after all. "You’re not exactly keeping me on my toes, so naturally, I’ve got more to say," he smirked, casting her a sidelong glance that hinted at his growing interest. She seemed to be loosening up, the tension in her shoulders easing. "I’m perpetually bored, what can I say?" he chuckled, taking another swig from his bottle.

"It’s not every day I find someone who can keep me entertained." He scrutinized her for a moment, weighing whether she could spark some genuine intrigue in his otherwise dull existence.

She kept firing questions at him, "Do you always dress like a highschool boy?" Now that was one he's never heard before, it almost made him laugh..

She shot offensive questions at him that would have ruffled anyone else’s feathers, but he found them amusing.

"Do you always dress like you’re trying to impress someone?" he asked, finally turning to face her fully. "If so..consider me impressed," he added, narrowing his eyes to emphasize the sarcasm dripping from his words. "And yes, I’m allowed to drink..why should it matter to you?" He noticed the playful lilt in her voice, her teasing tone making his brows raise slightly.

He appreciated a woman who could engage in witty banter; it was a rarity. Most women either brushed him off or were too far gone to even comprehend his words, leading to more physical encounters than anything meaningful. But this one? Drinking wine at a bar? Now that was something different.

Percy emitted a low, thoughtful hum as he remarked, "At least it's me and not some creep looking to hit on you," his tone a mix of sarcasm and protectiveness.

He had clearly noticed the way a handful of guys were staring her down, their glances lingering a moment too long as they shamelessly appraised her from head to toe.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out why..she was undeniably attractive. and given her outfit choices, it was no surprise that she was drawing attention.


Alice in Chains

♡coded by uxie♡
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Florence ShellBelles ShellBelles
;; Clive
Clive did have a lot on his plate. His life came with a lot of responsibility, and what was meant to be a comforting statement from Florence only reminded him of that. It made him doubt his feelings for a moment. If Florence even did feel the same, where would he fit in? Both of them were scattered, their homes weren't even in the same country, and the lives they led were so different. There was bound to be trouble.

But, Clive was meant to be on vacation. He refused to let his worries get the best of him. Swallowing up his fears, he decided that was the best route to take. He wanted to be happy with Florence, even if it was just for a day or so.

He looked straight forward, avoiding eye contact with Florence as he called him a "cool guy". Clive didn't want him to see the flicker of disappointment and annoyance in his eyes. This always seemed to happen, just as tensions were running high, Florence said something that made him feel like maybe he should just stay in the bro zone. The moment of silence and avoidance of eye contact from them both was awkward. But, it ended in them glancing over at each other at the same time, gaze meeting once more.

Clive couldn't stay disappointed for long, not with he way Florence looked at him. The offer of a drink made him smile. "Sure," he agreed, nodding his head. Florence was buying him a drink. On Valentine's Day. He didn't know if he should read into it, but he couldn't help it. It made his feelings stir up even more, tempting him to just go for it, figure out what the man's true intentions were.

"Not really. Just, back to work for me," Clive shrugged, not really wanting to go further into his life in New York. He didn't mind the work, he liked accounting, working with numbers, but life in the office could be dull, he didn't want to bore Florence. A thought flew across his mind as he paused for a second, looking Florence over. "One new thing did happen to me though. I walked into a bar, on Valentine's Day. Saw a guy, a guy I really like, and stopped to chat with him a bit. That guy then bought me a drink. And now I'm sitting here wondering- does that mean anything? Anything beyond friendship?"
coded by reveriee.
Emiko Sallow

miko was scanning the food truck's menu when Mathieu’s voice broke through the quiet, his tone wavering.
"Oh. Oh no."

Her gaze snapped to him, surprised to see him looking like he’d just seen a ghost. His usual confident demeanor was gone, replaced by an ashen face and wide eyes that looked like they were seeing something awful. A sinking feeling tugged at Emiko's chest, and despite her best efforts to stay calm, her concern flickered across her face, a subtle dip forming in her brow.

She took a step closer, the instinct to comfort him rising, but his reaction was unnerving. He didn’t meet her eyes, still staring at the letter in his hand. Before she could press him further, he suddenly asked for their meals to go.
"Mathieu, what's going on?"

Her voice was quieter this time, threaded with worry, but he didn’t seem to hear her. Instead, he grabbed their bags, his movements stiff and hurried, before telling her to follow him. Usually, she would’ve challenged him—demanding answers now—but the urgency in his tone made her second-guess herself. The way he was acting—something was wrong. She swallowed her frustration and nodded, trusting that he would explain once they reached their new destination.
When they reached the town hall, Emiko stayed close as they walked through the familiar hallways and into Mathieu's office. The instant the door clicked shut behind them, she huffed, a blend of impatience and anxiety stirring within her.
"Mathieu, can you tell me what's going on already?!"
Her words were sharp, the urgency in her tone almost palpable. She needed answers now.
With a deep breath, Mathieu reached into his pocket and pulled out the frilly Valentine’s Day card.
Her brow furrowed as he handed it to her. For a moment, she almost expected him to say it was some kind of dumb joke, but he looked too...defeated.
Sighing, she gave him a questioning glance before breaking the seal on the card and reading aloud:
"Dear Emiko and Mathieu,
Cupid’s arrow has struck you both,
But oh, what a tangled mess you’ve both made, so bold.
Behind closed doors, you thought you were slick,
But now you’re tangled in a love too thick.

Your secret’s out, it’s no longer hid,
A little Valentine’s gift from me, you did.
You’d better listen to what I say,
Or your affair will see the light of day.

It’s quite simple, don’t make me ask,
I only need a bit of cash.
A hefty sum, don’t try to cheat,
Or your private love will hit the street.

So this Valentine’s, do the right thing,
Pay up, or face the reckoning.
I’m not just playing with Cupid’s bow—
It’s a price you’ll pay, don’t make me show.

Your secret admirer,
With love and a touch of vengeance,
The Heartbreaker<3"

Emiko’s voice lowered with each word, her gaze shifting from the card to Mathieu, her stomach sinking deeper with every corny rhyme. By the time she finished reading, her lips were pressed into a thin line, and she could barely look at the rest of the card, knowing it would only be worse. But of course, there it was—a demand for money. A large sum—in cash—and a deadline. It was the kind of demand that didn’t leave room for negotiation.
She swallowed hard, the knot in her throat tight as she looked back at Mathieu, who was slumped against his desk, shoulders sagged in defeat. Her hand trembled as she placed the letter down in front of him.
Her eyes narrowed, but her mind was spinning.
And she hadn't even seen the worse part yet.
The back of the card held something that made her stomach churn. A photo.
It was of them—of her and Mathieu. A passionate embrace. A kiss so real, so intimate, that it felt like a violation just looking at it. Emiko’s breath caught in her throat. She felt her legs start to tremble, the blood rushing to her head as the world tilted. It wasn’t like she didn’t know the risk they were taking, but this...this was the absolute worse case scenario.
Emiko stared at the photo for a long moment, then finally glanced up at Mathieu, her voice shaky as she spoke.
"I...I’m not sure,"
she said, her words coming out quieter than she intended. She shook her head, trying to push down the overwhelming shock and nausea threatening to rise in her throat.
"But we need to figure out what to do about this...maybe...maybe we could just say the photo's been doctored?"

Her voice was barely a whisper as she continued to stare at the image. The more she looked at it, the more she realized just how real it seemed. She couldn't even picture the townsfolks reaction to this. No, a lie like that wouldn’t hold water for long.
"Perhaps we could...we could..."

Her words faltered as she paced back and forth in front of his desk, tugging at a loose strand of her hair, anxiety gnawing at her insides. The wheels in her mind were turning furiously as she ran through all the possible scenarios, all the ways things could go wrong. The stress was mounting, and Emiko was running out of options. The pressure of their secret—and now the pressure of this blackmail—was suffocating.
Emiko took a deep breath, forcing herself to center and focus. She couldn’t let her fear get the best of her—not now. This wasn’t the time to despair. There had to be a way out. There had to be.
And for Mathieu, for their careers, she would figure it out. Even if it took everything she had.

Cupids Carnival

Everett Atkinson
Everett stared at her, utterly perplexed by her emotions; he was perpetually lost when it came to understanding her feelings. It was infuriatingly clear that he had never quite grasped her intricacies, nor did he know how to alleviate her moods. This was an entirely new experience for him, having only dealt with superficial women drawn to his wealth. A nagging suspicion lingered in his mind that perhaps Zara belonged to that same mold, and he couldn't shake the feeling of doubt..was she just another gold digger? He had no solid insight, no defined preferences; the only thing that mattered to him was her happiness.

His grip on the box of chocolates intensified as her face contorted in disdain at the sight of them. He was too caught up in his own head to notice the subtle shift in her expression, as if she were dissecting his every feature as his eyes darted across the selection of opulent gifts laid out just for her. She didn't even bat an eye at his attempts to 'please' her.

Did she not realize the thought that went into these gifts?.. That's all he could ponder.

The chocolates were but a cover for the giftss that sprawled before her, each item handpicked with painstaking attention to her tastes. But all he could do was squirm as her disinterested gaze flickered to the opulent offerings, and he felt the sting of self-doubt creep into his bones.

Each piece was carefully chosen, reflecting her style, adorned with the kind of jewels he knew would make most women swoon. But would she appreciate them?The tension in Everett's muscles began to ease, and a glimmer of hope flickered in his eyes.

"Yeah? Just tell me what you're in the mood for, and I'll make the reservations," he said with a smirk, feeling a rush of gratitude that she was at least willing to entertain the idea of dinner with him, even if she had turned her nose up at the chocolates. "Awful indeed.. it'd also look pretty wful if you didn't like these gifts, Zara. I did my homework, you know, asked around about what women typically go for in fashion and tailored this haul to your tastes. I hope everything lives up to your standards.." he chuckled lightly as he set the chocolates aside, trying to smooth over the awkwardness.

Everything changed when she walked over to the gifts and began unwrapping them; his heart raced when the diamond necklace revealed itself. That was a solid pick, he thought, confidence swelling within him. "I got a watch to match," he announced, rolling up his sleeve to flaunt it. "I couldn’t let such a beautiful piece go unnoticed." The smirk on his face widened as he noticed her approval. Maybe he had struck gold after all.

"You should uh.. wear it tonight..it’ll look great on you," he suggested, an almost sincere smile breaking through. Seeing Zara adorned in what he had selected made him feel like he had finally gotten something right.

Everett pondered her question, intrigued by the fact she was finally asking him some question for him to ask.. "I mean.. I wasn't exactly planning on leaving anytime soon," he admitted, exhaling heavily while watching her slip off her heels.

This could be his moment, a chance to try.. to prove he could be there for her.. in any shape or form.

He approached her, kneeling down to gently remove her other heel, hoping she wouldn’t retaliate with a kick to his face. "Honestly, I was kind of hoping to leave... with you, my fiance," he confessed, his gaze fixated on the strap of her shoe as he slid it off.

When he heard her mumble an apology, he instinctively released her foot and stood back, trying to mask his confusion..
"I get it," he said, though deep down, he really didn’t.
"If I’m being completely honest, I was worried that if I told you I was coming, you’d run off.. or something, I don’t know..." He rubbed the back of his neck, his nerves creeping back in, he never knew with her.

"And besides!" he added, attempting to lighten the mood, "This whole thing was supposed to be a surprise, and it can’t be a surprise if you know I’m coming." He flashed a smirk, gesturing dramatically as if he had orchestrated an elaborate scheme.
"Plus, it gave me enough time to pick up some gifts for you," he said, plucking a flower from the vase of roses and twirling it nervously between his fingers.
  • outfit

coded by reveriee.
Honey Potts

rin growing wider, Honey watched with a mix of amusement and curiosity as the woman began to unravel before her eyes. Frantically glancing down at her notebook, then back up at Honey, her flustered demeanor only made the situation more entertaining for Honey. But the real surprise came when the woman abruptly ripped the drawing out of her book, shoved it in Honey’s direction, and started apologizing profusely, telling her she could keep the rendition.
Honey took the page from her, enjoying the look on her face. She stood up to step away from the table, giving the woman some space. As she looked over the sketch, she couldn’t help but appreciate the effort, but a laugh bubbled up from her chest, escaping easily as she shook her head.
"No thanks, hun, this drawing is gorgeous but I've already got more than enough images of myself at home,"
Honey quipped, her voice light but full of mischief. She placed the page back down on the table in front of the woman, her playful grin not fading. With a wink, she added,
"Why don't you keep it, so you'll always have something to remember me by. Here, I can even—"

Without waiting for her to respond, Honey grabbed the chair on the opposite side of the table and dragged it right next to the woman, their knees almost touching as she slid into the seat with deliberate slowness. She crossed one leg over the other, her calf grazing the woman’s leg, and if Zoe really took the time to think about it, she'd probably be able to tell that Honey was doing this on purpose.
Grabbing the pencil she’d been drawing with, Honey signed her name in big, bold letters across the bottom of the page,
Honey Potts
For that extra flair, she leaned in and kissed the paper, her pink lip gloss leaving a perfect mark on the page. She pulled away slowly, eyes sparkling as she slid the now-lipsticked page back toward the woman, her voice dripping with amusement.
"There ya go, sweet cheeks, that’s a valuable thing I just gave you, so make sure you keep it close, alright?"

Honey let her eyes slowly trail over the woman's form, her gaze unapologetically curious. She could tell the woman was trying so hard to keep it together, but the nervous tension in the air made Honey want to play even more. It was adorable how flustered she got over nothing, and the challenge of breaking through her composure was too tempting.
Her hand instinctively twirled a strand of her hair, her fingers playing with it in a languid, casual motion as she bit her lower lip, fluttering her lashes at the woman.
"Well, maybe I can't call the police on you, but surely you can at least give me your name? Since you've got mine."

She tilted her head, a teasing glint in her eyes as she nudged the page closer with her other hand, pointing out her signature. Of course, the woman hadn’t asked for her name but that didn’t matter. She had Honey's now, and Honey knew the power it held. The way the woman had acted so far told her everything she needed to know: she’d get her way with just a little more pressure. And oh, how fun it would be to push this adorable woman's buttons.


Zoe Lizy Lizy

Heston Barker

  • mood


Heston leaned back, arms crossed, as he watched Autumn take a swig from the bottle, a skeptical eyebrow raised.

"Does this so-called potion actually do anything, or is it just a pretty little trinket?" he shot back, his hand gesturing dismissively. "I mean, it looks cute and all, but if this 'love potion' lives up to its name, consider me intrigued.." He was genuinely taken aback that she was willing to drink it, but hey, he wasn't about to complain about it.

When she revealed a pendant, he couldn't help but snort, disbelief etched across his face. "A pendant? Really? That's your big surprise?" he scoffed, clearly expecting something more impressive.
"Oh, how generous of you, Autumn. I'm sure my beloved will absolutely adore it," he added, dripping with sarcasm as he overused the cliché.

But before he could say more, she spun around and fastened the necklace around his neck, the cold metal sending a shiver down his spine. He grasped the pendant, inspecting it with a mix of curiosity and amusement... "Great, now I look like a pretty princess," he teased, his tone light and playful. He bent slightly so she could secure the clasp, then turned to admire himself in the mirror she pointed to.

"Who knew pink would suit me so well?" he grinned at his reflection, winking. He had no intention of taking the necklace off; she had given it to him, and he was determined to wear it for the day, maybe even longer, just for kicks.

Suddenly, the sound of an alarm jolted him from his thoughts. "Jeez..How long have I been here?" he muttered, scanning the room for a clock. Time really does fly when you're having fun, he thought, absentmindedly fiddling with the pendant before finally letting it go.

"Food? Hell yeah, I’m in!" he smirked, nodding at her suggestion. "Let me help you wrap things up," he offered, eager to pitch in.

After about twenty minutes of closing up, he stepped outside, allowing her to lock the door behind them. "So, what are you in the mood for?" he asked, a playful glint in his eye. "It's on me; you gave me the necklace, so it's the least I can do," he nudged her, a grin spreading across his face.

As they strolled along the sidewalk, he teetered on the edges of the curbs, hands shoved deep into his pockets. The day was shaping up nicely, far better than he had anticipated. He had expected to either wallow in solitude or awkwardly spend time with a girl he barely knew, but fate had other plans. Instead, he found himself with Autumn, his brother's peculiar situationship. Heston couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Besides, since Autumn and his brother Manuel weren't together today, what was the harm? Surely, Manuel wouldn’t go ballistic for just keeping his girl entertained for a while.

This Is The Day

The The

♡coded by uxie♡
Carson Heart
Carson could feel the tension radiating through Liv, a palpable tremor that made him question whether his restraint was worth it. In that moment, the urge to storm off and deliver a well-deserved beating to Kyle was tempting; truth be told, this ass-hat had crossed a line and Carson was teetering on the edge of his patience.

But he knew he had to stay put for Liv...she was his best friend, and with that, he had to stick by her wishes, no matter what. Even if it meant standing on the side-lines as this fucker just played around with her.. though.. there was a line he had drawn, and if Kyle crossed that, he wouldn't be so lenient.

“Don’t waste your tears on morons like him, Liv. Save them for someone who deserves you,” he blurted, recognizing the emotional precipice she was standing on. He prided himself on his knack for reading her moods, always aware of the moments when she was about to break down mentally.

"God, I hope that creep doesn't have the guts to try running back to you for the thousandth time, fucking asshole," he added, rubbing her arm in a comforting gesture. If he couldn't do anything about Kyle physically, he had to manifest his grudge into words.

"But seriously, it’d be a shame for you to waste such a hot outfit." His tone shifted to something more playful as he added, "There are tons of places we could hit up." He took one last drag from his cigarette before crushing it against the concrete, the ember dying out. With a supportive squeeze of her arm, he stood up, brushed himself off, and offered her his hand. "Come on, let’s grab some food, check out the carnival, or go anywhere you want. Just as long as we avoid that jerk," he smirked, his eyes shining with encouragement.

coded by reveriee.
Lucian Castro

ucian hadn’t been doing much on the day of love—not much for the holiday specifically, anyway. He didn’t have a Valentine, and even if he had someone in mind that he might want to take out on the day—which he definitely didn’t—what he was doing now was way more important.
He’d packed up his gear early that morning and had been camped out deep in Revelstoke’s woods for the past ten hours, the chill of the mountain air nipping at his skin. He wasn’t here for the chocolates or roses or cheesy romantic gestures. He was after something far more elusive: a Canadian lynx. The signs of its presence had been here before, and Lucian was sure that if he waited long enough, he’d get a perfect shot for his portfolio. He just needed patience. And a little luck.
The day was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant call of a bird. Lucian had set up a small makeshift tent, something to shield him from both the sun’s rays and the snow that occasionally drifted down. The scene around him was serene and untouched—perfect for his hunt.
The only company he had was a curious red fox, who had decided to curl up comfortably on his back. Lucian didn’t mind. The fox’s fluffy head rested against the back of his neck, the warmth from its body easing the tension in his shoulders. He had been lying still for hours, barely moving, trying to blend into his surroundings. His arms were stiff, and his body ached from the stillness, but it would all be worth it once that lynx appeared.
And then, as if the universe was rewarding him for his patience, there it was—a sleek, tawny shape moving slowly into the clearing about 150 meters away. Lucian’s breath caught in his chest. This was it. The lynx. His camera clicked to life as he raised it, adjusting the lens to get the perfect shot. But just as he was about to snap the first picture, his phone vibrated violently in his pocket, jarring him from his focus.
He froze, holding his breath as the vibration continued. He tried to ignore it at first, pushing the irritation down and focusing on the lynx. But something gnawed at him. Something felt off, like he had to answer it. He couldn’t explain why. Maybe it was the persistent buzz of his phone that started to grate on his nerves, or the nagging sensation that this call meant something—he wasn’t sure.
Reluctantly, he shifted just enough to slip his hand into his coat pocket, pulling the phone out with careful movements. He answered just as the call was about to end.
"Bryson, I swear to god, you know I hate getting calls when I’m—"
His irritated grumble was immediately interrupted by an automated voice.
"Hello, you have received a collect call from an inmate at Revelstoke police station. This call is being recorded and monitored for security purposes. You can accept this call by pressing 1 or decline by pressing 2. Charges for this call may apply. By accepting this call, you agree to the terms and conditions. If you do not wish to accept, please hang up now."

Lucian blinked, his frown deepening. An inmate? At Revelstoke’s police station? His brain scrambled to make sense of it. If it were Bryson, he would probably just call his 'little girlfriend' to handle something like this. It definitely wasn’t his problem. And yet, the strange feeling didn’t go away. In fact, it intensified.
With a frustrated sigh, Lucian pressed 1 without much thought, his finger quick on the screen. As the call connected, he kept his camera aimed at the lynx, his gaze flicking back and forth between the animal and the phone, irritation seeping into his tone as the call connected.
"Fucking hell, who the hell is calling me at a time like—"
His voice dropped to a grumble, barely above a whisper as he kept his eyes trained on the lynx. He needed to stay quiet, to not startle it.
The words were sharp but low, the frustration in his voice clear.

The Vault

The least Florence could do was to try and ease some of Clive's tensions. He figured that the awkwardness between the two guys was weighing on him just as much. But, of course, Florence wasn't fully aware of why. He just assumed it was him being weird about the situation, as always. But maybe a nice chat was what they could use. Florence did actually like hearing Clive talk about whatever. The man had a way with words, whether he knew that or not. And Florence only wished that he could say the same about himself.

He casually nodded while listening to Clive speak, even if he didn't have much to say. But then, while he was once again mid-sip, he suddenly froze up upon hearing Clive's last statement. Florence's whole body just shut down right then and there. His entire head was turning a reddish hue. Eyes wide and everything, as he felt a sort of whiplash. As if Clive's words had just punched him in the face. He was NOT! There was no way! Florence gulped before hesitantly looking over at the man beside him. He saw the soft look on his face. The shimmer of hope in his eyes. As though there was a certain answer he was looking for.

Florence went into full panic mode. His mind was racing, frantically trying to come up with what to say. He let out a nervous laugh, glancing at everything else around him. He couldn't even think clearly anymore. So much for staying cool and casual. Clive had managed to completely fluster him to the point of no coming back. Florence continued to struggle with his words, his voice barely managing to come above a croak. "W-Well, um...ha ha. M-Maybe that...guy is just...trying to be a bro and look out for you."

Florence felt his hands shaking as he continued to freak out. But even if he was becoming a wreck, he needed to stay focused. He needed to be cool. However, all of his wants and desires were starting to override all of that as he spoke up again. "O-Or. Maybe he, um...he would a-also, um...want something a little more than uh, uhhh" As Florence was looking at Clive, admiring him in all of his beauty, he felt like he was about to explode. And then, he finally lost what little composure he had left. And explode, he did.

Letting out a growl of frustration, Florence slammed his fists onto the counter. "GraaAAAGH! I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE!" In a swift and sudden move, Florence grabbed Clive by his shoulders, pulling him in close before he absolutely spilled out all of his guts to him. "Clive! I like you, okay? I LIKE like you! Maybe even LOVE you! I-I don't know, dude, it's just...you're so great! I mean, Hell, I liked you from the start, man! You're so chill, you're so hot! A-And the way you carry yourself with all this confidence and charm is just...it drives me insane! And I AM insane! Insane for just letting you walk away like that! You have no idea how PAINFUL it was when you left! I turned into a complete wreck! And all because I was an idiot and didn't just tell you how I felt! I honestly can't even tell you what it was! Or well, I know it was a lot of things! Like not wanting to weird you out! Not wanting to get rejected! Not wanting to- to fucking come out the closet! But you know what, I don't care anymore! I'm not gonna let all that nonsense keep holding me back! I'll say it with my chest, Clive, I'm INTO you! AND I wanna be with you! Like I really thought I lost you for a while there. But now it's just like, you're here! And I want you to stay! And I don't wanna let you go! And...and..."

Once Florence came back to his senses, he finally realized the scene he was making. His face was merely inches apart from Clive's and he was still grabbing his shoulders. He'd been practically yelling at the top of his lungs to where the whole bar could probably hear him. He didn't even wanna look to see if people were staring at them. He couldn't anyways. Florence had completely froze up again. He tried but failed to get anymore words out. He started to sweat as a mixture of fear and embarrassment enveloped him, thinking that he had just done what he had been avoiding this whole time and freaked out Clive. All he could do now was just anticipate the other man's reaction.

Mentions: Lizy Lizy - Clive
coded by kaninchen
Grudgingly amused
Angela Martinez
Angela felt a physical jolt of discomfort at his words, a cringe that rippled through her. Was he this obnoxious with everyone? She mused, deliberately keeping her gaze a safe distance from him, especially as he exaggeratedly flexed his arms.. A fleeting glance in his direction made her question her decision to be here with him.

Surely he had a whole roster of friends he could have dragged into this mess.. Why her? It was painfully obvious that she was annoyed, and he couldn’t be that oblivious, could he? Finally, after she tossed a teasing comment his way, he seemed to settle down, a smirk creeping onto her face. About time, she thought, puzzled as to why her sultry tone had thrown him off when he seemed so comfortable with flirtation.

But she didn’t dwell on it for long.. there were more pressing matters at hand.. Then, just like that, he perked up again with another snarky comment, and she felt her glare sharpen as he casually called her "Ang." No one ever called her that.. it was always Angie or Angela. "Ang" felt too intimate, too different, and a strange sensation twisted in her chest, though she couldn’t quite identify it.

This whole potion experiment had turned out to be a disaster, the concoction a murky, swampy brown that made her stomach churn. "Maybe if a certain pea-brain hadn’t tossed the instructions aside, we wouldn’t be in this mess," she muttered, biting her fingernail in frustration while casting a sidelong glance at him. There had to be a way to salvage this, but the only real solution seemed to be dumping the whole thing and starting over.

"And we’re supposed to drink this? Gross," she grumbled under her breath, though the small snicker following belied the irritation she thought she was conveying, "Just because this is your fault, you’ll be the one drinking it." For once, she found a flicker of amusement in this mess.

A thoughtful hum escaped her as she attempted to salvage the potion, her eyes glued to the bubbling mess while her ears picked up on his voice, the irritation simmering... It was as if he thrived on her annoyance, feeding off it like a parasite, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was doing it on purpose. The way he leaned back, arms crossed, a cocky grin plastered on his face, made her question everything.

His voice took on an unexpected softness as he spoke, catching Angela off guard. Could it be? Was he finally going to ease up and chill for once? She kept her focus on the potion, listening intently, but just like that, his remorseful tone evaporated, and her glare snapped back as his trademark smirk reappeared.

He even had the audacity to stick his tongue out at her, which made her grip on the potion bottle tighten before she set it down with surprising calmness. Facing him, arms crossed, she waited for a genuine response, praying he wouldn’t dodge the issue or change the subject for once...But as he continued to speak, it became painfully clear that he was just toying with her.

A laugh escaped her lips, and she quickly slapped a hand over her mouth, shaking her head in disbelief... so un-characteristic of her that it was laugh-able.. "That's bullshit!" she shot back, her laughter fading into irritation.

"As drunk as I can get, I would never hand my number to some random guy. I'm not that gullible.. I have morals, you know? Even when I’m drunk!" she snorted, her eyes drifting as she recalled that night. "I remember it quite well, actually... and I also remember how much of a pain in the ass you were." She shook her head incredulously, exaggerating her words mockingly.

"I don’t recall ever calling you ‘cool and.. funny..’.. wrong girl.. or something" They were both getting sidetracked from the potion-making, and he was the one distracting her, though she didn’t even realize it.
Her gaze narrowed as he winked at her, and doubt crept in..was he lying? Had she really...? No, she wouldn’t have. "Bullshit," she muttered under her breath, almost inaudibly, as she finally turned her attention back to the potion.

He followed suit, pulling something from his pocket..Mentos, of course. She couldn’t help but agree.. their potion looked like shit, so why not spice it up a little?.. "You’re fucking crazy, you know that?" she said, her brows raised, but she wasn’t stopping him.
An incredulous laugh escaped her.. she couldn’t help but feel a flicker of amusement at his antics. It was maddening how he could shift the atmosphere from tense to light-hearted in a heartbeat, and she found herself torn between wanting to strangle him and wanting to laugh.. entertain his ways.
As he leaned closer, his smirk widening, she felt that familiar mix of frustration and attraction bubbling up inside her. "You know what? Fine," she conceded, her tone begrudgingly playful. "But like i said before.. if this potion explodes in our faces, I’m blaming you, you lunatic." She shook her head, prompting him with a simple gesture of her hand, leaning back.

coded by reveriee.
Auriela Grace Hale
Constable Daughter/Wild Child
Hale house
"They mean the world to me"
urie couldn’t stop smiling, her heart practically bursting with joy from all the affection Roman had shown her throughout the evening. It felt like a dream—the kind of night she’d always hoped for but never quite imagined could be real. Winning the giant bunny had been such a sweet and thoughtful gesture, and taking her to do karaoke was the perfect mix of fun and silly, just like them. It was a lot to take in, but in the best way possible. Every moment felt magical, and Aurie couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world.

As they walked hand in hand through the bustling carnival grounds, Roman chuckled softly when they declined the love potion being sold at one of the booths. Aurie turned to them with a playful smile, her heart swelling even more.
"Well, I don’t need it either,"
she confessed, her voice warm and sincere.
"Because I’m also in love with you."
Her words hung in the air for a moment, carrying all the weight of her feelings. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around their neck, pulling them close before giving their nose a gentle peck.

"Tonight has been amazing, Ro,"
she said softly, her gaze locking onto their blue eyes. She felt herself getting lost in them for a moment—those eyes that always seemed to hold so much kindness and light.
"You really are the best partner. You know how to have fun, be adventurous, and embrace all the silliness that makes life special. Thank you for everything."
Her voice was filled with gratitude and love as she spoke, and when Roman smiled back at her, she felt her heart flutter all over again.

Aurie chuckled lightly as an idea popped into her head.
"We should get cotton candy to share!"
she exclaimed excitedly.
"Because you’re as sweet as it is."
Without waiting for a reply, she grabbed Roman’s hand and began leading them toward the cotton candy station nearby. When they reached the booth, Aurie insisted on paying this time despite Roman’s protests. She grinned triumphantly as she handed over her money and bought a fluffy pink and blue cotton candy on a stick for them to share.

As they walked away from the booth, Aurie tore off a small piece of cotton candy and held it up to Roman’s lips with a playful smile.
she said teasingly,
"this is just a little taste of how sweet you are."
Roman laughed as they took the bite, their cheeks slightly flushed from her words. They shared the treat as they wandered together, stopping occasionally to admire the sights or laugh at something silly.

Aurie’s eyes sparkled with love every time she glanced at Roman, and her heart felt so full. Tonight had been unforgettable, filled with laughter, adventure, and moments that felt straight out of a romantic movie. She knew this was a night she would cherish forever, not because of the carnival itself but because of who she’d shared it with—her wonderful partner Roman.






not calm and peaceful anymore



Hiking Trails



ah shit fuck how long have you been standing there fuck shit

Kara had quickly gotten sucked into the art process; she had filled in the rough sketch of the blackbirds, and started to add some colour to the page with her set of paints. The blasts of colour were slightly exaggerated compared to the real world scene in front of her, but that was her style. Kara hated showing snow in her art as just patches of white, instead preferring to stylize the shades and highlights of the snow banks with blues, pinks, and yellows, giving the whole piece a colourful overtone.

She was in her element as she painted, completely unaware of everything around her as she focused on bringing the scene to life. She had long stopped paying attention to the people walking down the trail as she added in some tree branches to frame the main scene. Instead, the noise of crunching snow joined the sound of fluttering wind and the overall cacophony of nature noises in the background.

The voice behind her though, however quiet it was, definitely stood out. Kara jumped, her brush skidding across the page as she twisted around to see who it was.

She wished she hadn’t when she saw Connor’s face.

Out of all of the people Kara was dreading running into in Revelstoke, he was the one she had been dreading the most. The two of them had been close friends since middle school, and eventually Kara had developed feelings for him.

Out of all of her friends, Kara had tried the hardest to keep in touch with Connor when she left Revelstoke, and he had even come down to New York to see her a few times. She had thought at one point that there could have been something more between them, but Connor hadn’t shared that viewpoint, and their friendship had been left to drift apart. They hadn’t talked in who knows how many years now, since that last awful fight they had had.

And now here he was, standing behind her like a fucking stalker in the woods.

”I didn’t know it was acceptable to stand behind someone like a creep. How long have you even been there?”
The words rushed out like a reflex before Kara could stop herself, both stunned at actually seeing his face as well as startled out of her flow in general. She immediately felt bad, however - it didn't feel right to snap at him out of nowhere, even if he had scared the shit out of her.

She looked between Connor and her art book, taking a moment to try and compose herself and actually respond to what he had said.
“The uh, the birds are alright, I guess. It’s more the, uh, painting itself that I’m focused on rather than what I’m painting. But they are captivating on their own, don't get me wrong,”
she stumbled through her words, letting the explanation drift off with another gust of wind. It wasn’t like Connor was actually interested in an in depth explanation of her art process. Not like he would have been in the past, anyways.

Man, this conversation was not going well, she thought, if you could even call it that.

Kara lowered her paintbrush. She thought about moving over on her blanket and inviting him to sit with her, but didn't. That was a reflex from years ago, when their relationship had been different.

”How, uh, how have you been?”
She asked him instead.

♡coded by uxie♡

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