• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Whispering Pines ᨒ↟ 𖠰 ~ Cozy Winter SOL ~ MAIN


the blizzard.

dallas beck.




the lodge | reece's room.



Dallas fake gasped when Reece said he was sick of football.
"You sick of football? Gasp! Is the world ending."
She teased, but then changed her tone,
"No I get that though, so don't worry, no football movies here."

She smiled at him.
"I guess I could pick."
Secretly, Dallas loved having control of situations like this, she didn't really want him to pick, but she did want to see what he would pick.

"I'm a sucker for 80's movies...what about the karate kid?"
She asked. Normally she didn't let people in, so it was a lot that she was giving him a glimpse into a small one of her secret obsessions.

♡coded by uxie♡
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
rowan murphalicious murphalicious
;; Casper
Casper scrunched up his eyebrows at the mention of Autumn. He didn't fully know what Rowan's situation was with this girl, but the fact that they both seemed to be thinking about other people enough to break out of their usual routine was scary. They were both changing. He didn't know if that would turn out well for either of them.

He scoffed at the mention of her job, rolling his eyes as he glanced over. After he met her eyes, took in her pathetic smile, he looked away rather quickly. This was the point where a decent person would say something comforting. Something about how it wasn't all that bad, or that he knew she'd find something better. But, her job was shitty. And he wasn't in the mood to look for silver linings in another person's life.

"Yeah, that fucking sucks dude," Casper muttered. The tension in the room was getting to his head, and he was known to get rather mean when he felt this sort of pressure. And not in the light teasing way he so often interacted with his friends. In a way that could properly hurt someone if he wasn't careful. If he only learned one thing from his father, it was how to twist the knife.

"I- um. I can go downstairs to get food." He spoke as he put his shoes on, wanting to make a quick exit. "Be back... soon." Casper hesitated slightly on the last word, knowing he needed a moment away from his friend, from the atmosphere that had been created. He wasn't sure when he'd be back, but he knew it wouldn't be soon.

And with that, Casper stood and left the room swiftly, not looking back.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
clay PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern
;; Diana
Diana smiled slightly at the man's reaction to her one woman bookclub. At least he respected that, and didn't try to push in. "Crime and Punishment," she replied, a halfhearted statement of fact rather than a response of enthusiasm. She could tell he was only asking to be polite, and didn't want to bore him with the details of her novel.

There was a moment of silence and Diana took in the rest of the lobby, really noticing how busy and chaotic it was. But in her little corner, all was fine. She wasn't about to let anyone disturb her peace right now. It was just another day she had to get through, this blizzard wasn't going to get her in a tizzy.

Her eyes fell on the man again. She noticed his posture as he leaned on a nearby wall. He was bored. Diana let out a breath of air as she put a bookmark in her novel. She decided as much as she wanted to just be a lone and read, she could humor this man and converse for a bit. After all, she didn't even know how long she could be here. She could save the book for later.

"I live here," she smiled softly, appreciating that this question was more genuine than the last. "Well, not here, here. But, in town. Power went off in my building so I'm stuck here for now." She shrugged, showing that her situation was mildly annoying, but it wasn't the end of the world for her. "How about you?"
coded by reveriee.
Esme Mensah

sme's heart ached as she watched Grayson struggle, his voice cracking in a way she hadn't heard before. Every part of her wanted to reach out, pull him close, and comfort him the way he needed. The way she knew how best to.
Her hand stayed steady where it rested on his, warm against the tremble in his fingers. When he spoke again, his words came out soft, heavy with regret, and it made her chest tighten. She felt that same guilt twist in her own stomach, but she couldn't let it consume her. They were here now. They were trying, both of them. And for the first time in a long time, that was all that mattered.
She exhaled softly, shifting closer to him on the couch so she could face him more directly. Her gaze softened as she met his eyes, her thumb gently rubbing comforting circles along the back of his hand.
"Look... maybe we both made mistakes, and we’re both paying for them."
Her voice was steady, but there was a gentleness to it. She didn’t want to argue, not even about who should blame themselves more—there was no point in that anymore. They had to move past it, together.
Her heart skipped a beat as he reached up to touch her hair. The gesture was so simple, yet it brought back so many memories, each one a bittersweet reminder of all they'd been through. She leaned into his touch without thinking, letting herself savor the warmth and familiarity of it. It was a quiet moment between them, but it said so much.
"I believe you,"
she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
"I know you want to try, and I want that too."
The words came out as much for her as they did for him. She did believe him. They were both here trying.
"Here...c'mere Gray..."

She gave him a small, soft smile before gently pulling him closer, guiding him until his head rested against her chest. She leaned back against the couch, cradling him in her arms like she hadn’t in so long.
Without hesitation, for once, she tilted her head down, placing a gentle kiss on the crown of his head. The familiar scent of his hair—woodsy and warm—flooded her senses. It was a scent she hadn't realized she'd missed so much.
"Let me take care of you, Grayson,"
she whispered, her fingers brushing softly through his hair as she settled more comfortably, resting her own head on top of his. The feeling of his body against hers just feeling so wholly completing and right.
"You’re hurt, you’ve been through enough, baby…just rest."
Her voice was tender, soothing, as she let her words wash over him like a gentle tide, urging him to let go of the weight of his worries for just a moment.
As he rested his head on her chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her, she closed her eyes. She let the calm between them settle, enveloping them in a shared silence. Whatever happened next, whatever their future held, they would face it together. They would have to work hard, yes, but for now, Esme wasn’t going to let the fear of the unknown—of what could happen, or what could go wrong—loom over them. For now, she just wanted to hold him, to enjoy the comfort of being together in each others arms, and rest after a beautiful day with their daughter.

Ex Husbands House

mood :
grumpy, flirty

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
ivy PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern
;; Julian
Julian walked up the set of stairs, towards an area with what seemed like some staff rooms and offices. "Just gotta find an open room," he murmured, testing door handles as he spoke. He was no stranger to sneaking away to a restricted area for a quickie or to get away from people so he could partake in illicit substances.

His mind briefly drifted to the baggie he knew was in his pocket, and he briefly considered telling Ivy that this may not be a good idea in order to get some time alone. But, glancing over at the woman, his desire for quick, easy sex won. She was already here, and while he was rather good at turning on the charm for strangers, he didn't want to have to work for anything.

Walking a bit further down the hallway, Julian tensed up and scowled at the mention of his brother. As far as he was concerned, he wasn't close like that with Ivy. The only person he'd be open to discussing his brother with was Blair, and even then... Julian had a hard time being vulnerable. Recalling that he had abandoned his friend made him feel a pang of guilt, which only worsened his mood. He hated feeling anything that might lead him towards accountability for his actions.

"I'm fine," Julian said, bluntly, annoyance dripping through his tone. Fortunately, Ivy changed the topic with a wink. At least she was still in the mood for something. Julian could feel his bad mood lingering in his veins, but he was determined to forget about it, use a hookup as an escape.

He tried another door, this one opened. "Well, looks like we found something." He stepped into the room, it seemed to be some sort of office. It would do. After allowing Ivy to enter, he shut the door behind them, giving them privacy. "Alone at last," he muttered with a smirk, putting his hands on her waist and pulling her closer.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
her apartment
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
ave PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern
;; Rachel
Rachel smiled at Ave's familiar term of endearment for her, and felt her cheeks heat up a bit. She glanced down at the ground, hoping her friend would just assume the redness in her cheeks was from the cold. She looked back up, glancing around her kitchen, realizing what Ave had been doing.

"Oh my god, you are so sweet!" Rachel exclaimed as she looked at the dishwasher, seeing it was finally empty. "Hollis and I put that chore off for as long as we can. You've saved us from a vicious cycle of plates getting thrown in the sink." A laugh left her lips, eyes glimmering with appreciation for what Ave had done for her.

"Hm," she contemplated the question of what she wanted for breakfast. "Lets go for eggs," she suggested with a grin, knowing how good Ave could make them. "I'll do my best to help, but if I start to hold you back feel free to fire me." Rachel poked fun at herself, knowing that her culinary skills could never even hold a candle to Ave's.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
on the road
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Jessie travelbypages travelbypages
;; Serena
The way Jessie's hand found it's way to her leg made Serena's heart beat even faster, but she tried her best to ignore it. At least she was feeling extra warm. It was all quite practical for survival, actually. They were comfortable in the backseat. Although their closeness felt different than it had in the past, Serena couldn't help but feel like it was where they were meant to be.

Serena smirked when Jessie met her gaze, excited for the alleged challenge ahead. There wasn't too much that scared Serena, especially when it came to situations of the scandalous nature, so she was looking forward to seeing what sorts of questions her friend had in mind.

"Kiss someone I know in real life but I'm secretly into." Serena's response came quickly, she didn't let herself think too much about it. A second after it slipped out of her lips, she realized she was talking about Jessie. She supposed it wasn't exactly a secret she was into Jessie, at least not physically, but on the emotional side she knew she had a secret worth keeping. If it meant keeping her best friend, she'd push those feelings down for the rest of her life.

She kept it confident, not wavering in her response, not wanting Jessie to catch on. "Yep. I think it would be great," she smirked, an excited glimmer in her eye. Now, it was her turn to ask a question. "Hm," Serena murmured, tilting her head as if she was in deep thought.

"Would you rather... be broke for the rest of your life but always have amazing sex or have a million dollars but never have good sex again?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows together as if it was something she was taking quite seriously.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
his room
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Florence ShellBelles ShellBelles
;; Clive
Clive thought Florence was a cool guy. The way he sat back on his bed, kept a cool and causal tone, seemed like he had things figured out. So, when he mentioned he didn't hang out with too many people, Clive couldn't help but smile a little. He tried to hide it, it felt weird to be smiling over someone admitting they didn't have many friends, but it was a bit of a relief to him. Told him they weren't all that different.

The way Florence added him as a friend at the end of his statement made Clive's heart beat a little faster. Made him feel special. It wasn't too often he felt that way, like he actually mattered to someone. "Yeah... me neither actually," he let out a soft breath of a laugh, a twinkle of appreciation in his eyes.

He quickly closed the drawer and nodded when Florence expressed no interest in weed. He felt a little bad since it seemed like the offer made the man a little uncomfortable. Clive really hoped Florence didn't think he was some degenerate pothead now. He wasn't like his brother, he just used it to calm his nerves sometimes, that was all. But, he didn't say anything about it, instead choosing to move past it quickly, hoping things wouldn't become awkward.

"Sure, sounds good to me," Clive nodded before getting up and going over to his desk, where the cards were stashed. He picked up the deck then went back to the bed, sitting slightly closer this time so it would be easier to play something and talk. "So, what are you in the mood for? Crazy Eights? War? Snap? I'm down for whatever you want, really."
coded by reveriee.
Blythe leaned back against the chair, stretching her arms behind her head with a lazy grin. “Well, considering we’re snowed in, I’d say we’ve got two options. One, we sit here in silence until we both die of boredom. Two…” She nudged Khaila’s knee lightly with her own, tilting her head with a playful smile. “We make the most of it. And by that, I mean I find new and exciting ways to make you blush.”

Her eyes flickered down to the little glow-in-the-dark ring in Khaila’s lap, and her grin softened. “You know, I gotta say… didn’t expect you to go for the star. But it suits you.” She rested her chin on her palm, studying her with a teasing glint in her eyes. “All mysterious and broody on the outside, but deep down? You totally have a soft side.”

Blythe's gaze flickered to the little glow-in-the-dark ring in Khaila’s lap, and a slow smirk spread across her lips. “Didn’t take you for the jewelry type, but hey, I respect the choice.” She leaned in slightly, her voice dipping into something teasing. “Though, if you wanted something shiny on your finger, you could’ve just said so. I would’ve won you something way more impressive.”

She paused for a beat, then scoffed playfully. “Not that I’m saying I’d, like, actually put a ring on your finger or anything... Unless you’re secretly planning a grand romantic gesture. In that case, I expect at least a well-rehearsed speech, candle-lit dinner, and a dramatic declaration of love.”

She placed the blanket on both of their laps, making sure Khaila wasn't cold during all of this. “Or we could just get cozy and wait out the storm. I promise I only steal like, half the blanket space.”

Mentions: Khaila - ShellBelles ShellBelles
coded by kaninchen
Jace smirked, leaning back comfortably as he watched Sutton fish out the deck of cards. "One secret per hand? Sounds fair," he mused, cracking his knuckles as if preparing for a high-stakes match. "Hope you're ready to spill, sweetheart."

He took the deck once she handed it over, expertly shuffling the cards before dealing them out between them. The first round went by quickly. Jace was sharp, reading her moves with ease, and before Sutton knew it he was flipping over his winning hand with a triumphant grin.

"Looks like I win this round," he drawled, tapping the comforter with his fingers as he leaned in slightly. His eyes gleamed with amusement as he tilted his head at her. "Alright, darlin’. A deal’s a deal. Time to pay up. Give me a secret."

He expected something small, something playful... Maybe a childhood embarrassment or a guilty pleasure. What he didn’t expect was how much he was already looking forward to whatever she had to say.

Mentions: Sutton - murphalicious murphalicious
coded by kaninchen
Jessie let out a low whistle at Serena’s quick answer, eyebrows raising in amusement. "Damn, that was fast," she teased, a smirk tugging at her lips. She wasn’t sure what she had expected Serena to say but hearing her pick the 'someone she secretly had a thing for' option made her stomach flip in a way she wasn’t entirely ready to process. It was a game. Just a game. That was all. But still, the thought lingered and settling in the back of her mind. She told herself it was nothing. It had to be nothing.

Instead of dwelling on it, she turned her focus to Serena’s question. Jessie let out a short, shaking her head. "Wow, that’s evil," she said, narrowing her eyes at her friend. "You really want me to sit here and contemplate a life without either money or orgasms? That’s just cruel." She tapped her fingers against her thigh, feigning deep thought. Though the exaggerated expression on her face gave away her amusement.

"Hypothetically speaking, I’d like to say money doesn’t matter and go for the amazing sex," she mused, shooting Serena a playful look while her lips curled just slightly at the corners. "But realistically, I need money to live and bad sex can still get the job done, so…" She sighed dramatically, throwing her head back against the seat as if the weight of the decision was too much to bear. "Give me the million, and I’ll invest in..." Jessie let the words hang for a second before turning back to Serena with a playful smile, "alternative solutions."

As the laughter between them settled, Jessie shifted closer, closing the already small space between them. Her knee brushed against Serena’s. Whether it was intentional or not, she didn’t know but she didn’t move away. "Alright, my turn," she said, tilting her head. "Would you rather kiss your best friend, just for fun with no consequences... or let them think you want to but never actually do it?"

The words came out teasing but as soon as they were spoken, Jessie felt her own heart pick up speed, pounding against her ribs. She had no idea what kind of answer she was hoping for. Maybe she just wanted to see Serena squirm. Or maybe she was hoping Serena would call her bluff.

Mentions: Serena - Lizy Lizy
coded by kaninchen
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
oz celestialbody celestialbody
;; Sidney
Sidney caught the joke about Oz being jealous about Honey being his favorite. He felt his heart beat faster and silently cursed himself for being this foolish. Of course she was just joking, it meant nothing. He couldn't afford to get hopeful that she was friendly with him for any reason more than a polite sign of tolerance. It would really fuck with his mind, he knew that.

So, he didn't say anything about it. He simply listened to to woman talk about what she liked to do and smiled. "Ok, I propose this course of action: First, a game of two truths and a lie. Then, arts and crafts time. I can teach you how to carve something. Then, if we get desperately bored, we can try to brave karaoke. I'm sure you're not that bad," he chuckled and smiled slightly, looking towards Oz to see if she liked his plan for the day.

Sidney checked the soup, it was finally up to temperature. He took it off the heat source and poured it into a bowl, handing it over to Oz along with a spoon. "Enjoy, m'lady," he said in an over exaggerated formal tone. It was an odd way to talk to someone he hardly knew, but he'd said much stranger to others, so he didn't think too much about his tone or choice in words.

"So, two truths and a lie." Sid took a seat in his rocking chair, then gestured to another chair that was across from his. "Feel free to take a seat, mi casa es su casa." He took a breath as he thought of something to say, trying to not immediately scare her off with strange facts about himself right away. "Ok, I'll go first. I'm right handed. I was born in Revelstoke. And I like waking up early."
coded by reveriee.
mood :
nervous, hesitant

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
blair celestialbody celestialbody
;; Soren
The blush on Soren's cheeks would not fade away, no matter how intensely he willed it to. The way Blair leaned forward and smiled at him sent his heart racing. For a brief second, he actually thought he might faint. Oh god. He had a crush.

The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. It was incredibly inconvenient. Blair was cute, and sweet. But, Soren didn't feel emotionally stable enough for any relationship. He was never really one for hookups, and now more than ever casual physical relationships were off the table. He feared a crush would only lead to some sort of heartbreak. The rational part of his brain wanted to shut this down, to make an excuse and leave and not let these feelings grow any further.

But, he couldn't help but shut his rational brain down in this moment. He was so happy here with Blair, he wanted to keep it going, even if it was only for a little bit. Soren smiled as Blair talked about the origin of his name. "Nice," he nodded, showing interest in what Blair had to say. He could've said something far stranger, and Soren still would have smiled in keen interest, too enchanted by the man to give him any judgement.

His heart raced again as Blair complemented his name. "All day, huh? That's- uh- I don't see why you'd ever have to do that, but thanks," with a nervous giggle, Soren glanced away for a second in embarrassment, wishing he could have had a smoother answer.

He tucked some of his hair behind his ear and leaned forward slightly. "I don't really know where my name came from. I guess... my parents just liked it or something," he shrugged. He frowned for a second at the mention of his parents, he couldn't help it. But, he realized that what he'd said really didn't give away anything about his strained (and by strained he meant practically nonexistent) relationship with his parents, so he could keep things moving without making things weird.

"I mean- I like my name too. Especially if you think you could say it all day." His words came out far flirtier than he'd intended them to, his blush deepened slightly. Soren really didn't know what his intention was, he did not think those words through at all. All he could do was hope that Blair wouldn't find it completely odd.
coded by reveriee.
Last edited:





relaxed, having a good time


Lodge Employee Uniform


Lodge Basement Storage Room



new friend?

Kara moved forward to shake Naomi’s hand eagerly.
“Awesome to meet you,”
she said with a smile.
“I’m not much of a business person myself, but I’m excited to read your showcase.”
Kara had decided to take on the gig at the town’s magazine to add some variety in her day-to-day life; working at the lodge had its fair share of downtime, meaning that there was plenty of free time for Kara to work on her new art column. She was anxious about making her writing debut, but she hoped this would be a way to keep her art knowledge up to date. Plus the extra bit of money it brought in was a big sell.

Kara made herself comfortable on one of the sturdier storage boxes.
“I wouldn’t be able to say no to Madeline either, she’s already charmed me.”
Kara smiled as Naomi talked so warmly of her friend, who Kara was also quickly coming to like.
“Can I ask why you went into broadcast journalism? Especially if you’re so close with Madeline, I’m surprised you didn’t go into written journalism with her.”

“I get avoiding people, funny enough that’s also why I’m here. I doubt I know who you’re talking about though, I haven’t been in Revelstoke for years.”
Kara smiled, inviting the other woman to sit down with her.
“Don’t worry, you’re welcome to hide in the basement with me for as long as you’d like.”
It might not be the Lodge’s aesthetic looking lobby, with its comfy couches and cozy atmosphere, but it was warm next to the furnace, and there was no risk of randomly running into unwanted individuals. And Naomi seemed like she would turn out to be good company, if Kara’s instincts were correct.

♡coded by uxie♡
now playing: glory days - betty who

Wren didn't think that the hot tub needed any more bubbles. One look at Hollis could guarantee that both she and Mikey agreed on one thing - Wren was totally wrong. And before Mikey had a chance to verbally support the idea of more bubbles, Hollis had already added a ton of more soap to the water. "Hollis is right, y'know. If there ever comes a day when I say that there's too many bubbles in this world, then I must have either lost it or been replaced with a clone." He grinned widely, gently splashing some around to emphasize his point.

It grew quiet for a little while. Hollis quickly disappeared, leaving Wren and Mikey alone. "So...what do we talk about now that she's gone? We're not going to, like, shit talk her, right? Because she's my bestie and we don't do that kind of stuff behind people's back. If you got a grudge against her, you speak now or forever hold your peace." He eyed Wren suspiciously, but also with the same teasing energy he always had.

There wasn't a chance for Wren to respond to him. Hollis was back now. "A sponsor? Who?" His eyes widened with surprise, eager to hear more about this mysterious person who had been oh-so-generous to them. "Alcoholic bubbles? Is that even a thing?" Now his mind was swirling with all kinds of new thoughts about bubbles and alcohol and experiments pertaining to either. Mikey snatched the bottle from Hollis, popping the cork and christening the water with a little bit of Pinot Grigio before taking a swig from the bottle. Wine wasn't really his thing, but as long as it got him feeling bubbly, that was all that mattered. "Alright, who's next?" He held the bottle up, eyes moving between Hollis and Wren expectedly.

wearing: stuck in a summer haze
tags: celestialbody celestialbody (Hollis, Wren)

Mikey Harding

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: spirit cold - tall heights

The dramatic gasp, obviously fake, resulted in Reece losing all his composure in a fit of laughter. "The world, I promise you, is going to still be spinning regardless of how sick I am of football." Maybe he wouldn't have felt this way had his dreams actually come true. But there would never be a way of finding out now. His dreams had been torn up and ripped to shreds, just like his ACL had been. Perhaps coaching could be a better alternative for him. But he wasn't exactly in the States right now, and the CFL...yeah, absolutely not. No offense to them, but it just wasn't the same as American football, and he knew that Dallas most likely felt the same way about it as well.

"Nah, you totally can choose. I'd watch anything you'd want to, even if it totally sucks." He rested his head against the cushioning of the couch, a smile lazily creeping onto his lips. And when she offered to put The Karate Kid on, it widened into a grin. "Absolutely. As long as it's the original, the remake was horrible." He had no problem with watching any movie. As long as he was watching it with Dallas, he had no objections (well, except for any remakes of movies. They always sucked.)

wearing: let me down easy, let me down slow
tags: murphalicious murphalicious (Dallas)

Reece Spencer

coded by weldherwings.
now playing: am i alright - aly & aj

Kara seemed warm, like a person Naomi had known all of her life. And with everything that had happened to her this year, she really needed a person like Kara in her life. "Thanks. The showcase this edition is the bakery, and it was really fun to go out there and learn about its history." Naomi hadn't been aware of just how beloved Linchette's was in the community before being assigned to report on it. But, to be fair, she wasn't a Revelstoke native to begin with. This wasn't her hometown. She was merely an outsider looking in, no matter how long it had been since she had moved here. This was Julian's hometown, and she had driven him out.

"Why did I go into broadcast journalism over print? That's...actually a good question. I guess it's because I wanted my face to be known just as well as my words, if that makes any sense. Writing for a newspaper, or magazine, or any kind of publication means that I'm hiding behind my writings, at least in my eyes. I have nothing to be ashamed of, so why would I hide?" It was just her personal opinion, and she hoped that it wouldn't be controversial. She didn't think that anyone else was hiding behind their words - if they wanted to be known, they could find a way to do so as well. "And the more obvious reason is that I was already headed down that path before I met Mads." Naomi laughed. "I was a semester away from graduating when I met her. I wasn't going to derail my entire career for someone I barely knew."

But she derailed her own life to get married at eighteen. She could have been someone entirely else had Julian's grandmother not lived next door to her.

Naomi settled in on the floor next to the furnace, basking in its warmth. "Are you originally from Revelstoke? You said you hadn't been here in years."

wearing: it can't be just me who's running on empty
tags: CozyGamer CozyGamer (Kara)

Naomi Irwin

coded by weldherwings.
Ozelia Mae Bonet

obbing her head up and down eagerly, Ozelia perked up as Sidney agreed to the games she suggested, even tossing in a few of his own ideas. Honestly, it sounded like the perfect way to spend their time. While she was excited for the "Three Truths and a Lie" game, the idea of Sidney showing her how to carve something had her absolutely buzzing. She couldn't help but think of that iconic pottery scene from 'Ghost', and she bit her lip, trying to keep her excitement in check.
"I think I'd like that a lot actually!"

With Honey snuggled in one arm, she eagerly accepted the bowl Sidney handed her, inhaling the steam rising from the soup. The scent was so warm and inviting, making her stomach twist with hunger as she grinned, the anticipation of the food nearly as delightful as the thought of spending more time with Sidney.
She kept up with her earlier momentum, walking closely behind Sidney as he made his way to the rocking chair. She mirrored his every movement, her footsteps light as she sat across from him, crossing her legs beneath her. Honey, now freed from her arms, curled up in her lap, content and warm as the pup settled in for the moment.
As Sidney listed off his two truths and a lie, Ozelia eagerly took her spoon and scooped a generous bite of the chicken noodle soup into her mouth. The moment it hit her tongue, warmth spread through her, instantly quenching the hunger that had been gnawing at her. She couldn’t help but let out a soft, appreciative groan, savoring the simple joy of a good meal.
She could’ve been handed anything at that moment, and it would’ve been just as satisfying to be honest but the fact that he had made the dish for her, no matter how simple, helped too.
With a satisfied sigh, she sucked on the spoon as she pulled it from her mouth and looked up, considering the clues carefully. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she tapped the spoon thoughtfully against her lip.
"Alright, well, I think the lie is that you're right-handed!"

She chuckled, eyeing him with a playful glint in her eyes.
"I don't know why, but something about you being left-handed just...suits you. I grew up here, and I don’t think I’ve ever noticed you. But to be fair, I’ve always been told I have tunnel vision. Aaaannnnnd since I’m a morning person myself, I’m going to take a chance and say you are too!"

She leaned forward just a little, her smile widening as she eagerly waited for his reaction.
"So? Am I a mind reader or what?"

Sidney's Workshop

Sidney Lizy Lizy


the blizzard.

rowan briar.




the lodge / casper's room.




Rowan couldn't even protest Casper leaving because he was gone before she could even react. It honestly hurt her a little. Would she admit that? No. Besides, he was coming back.

But as the minutes ticked on, Rowan started to lose hope. Which meant she went for the liquor that they had drank last night. She was drunk by the time she decided to leave before he could get back not wanting to face him.

She found the complimentary notepad in the room and scrawled a note, 'Cas, I'll see you later, sorry for everything that happened. x - Ro'

She didn't know where she was going to go. She was stuck, at a stupid lodge, in a fucking blizzard. She decided to wander outside, needing a break from the stifling inside.

But as soon as she stepped outside, she didn't get far before not seeing the ice in her drunk stupor and slipped, landing right on her shoulder.

She groaned, laying on the ground, ready to succumb to her fate.

♡coded by uxie♡
Blair Rosewood

lair gave a half-shrug, a soft chuckle escaping him as Soren nervously accepted the compliment, his cheeks tinged with a rosy glow. It was cute, honestly.
"Mmm, I guess you're right. It's a bit much. But still, a nice thought."

Blair’s stomach fluttered at the sound of Soren's words, the knot in his chest tightening when he reached up to tuck one of those distracting curls behind his ear. The movement was simple but so intimate, and it made Blair feel like there was a magnetic pull drawing him in. Soren leaned in a bit closer, and Blair could feel the warmth radiating from him, intoxicating in its closeness. He swallowed thickly, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, suddenly acutely aware of how dry they seemed to of become.
Blair slipped a hand over the back of his neck, the skin there burning beneath his fingers—not from the alcohol, though. Flirting with Soren was...nice, really nice, but it was also a bit overwhelming.
He was trying to pull himself back just enough, trying to keep from coming on too strong. He willed his racing heart to settle, focusing on Soren’s words as he commented on his name’s origins—or, in this case, the lack thereof. The conversation had turned lighthearted again, which was a welcome shift. But still, Blair couldn’t help the nagging feeling in his stomach. He was drunk. Not hammered, but enough that his usual restraint was slipping, and it made him nervous he would come off as creepy.
"As you should! It's a pretty name."

He looked away briefly, his stomach twisting uneasily, before glancing back at Soren, offering him a soft smile.
"And it's better if I say it? That's good to know, Soren."

He kept his tone light, teasing, but the way he said "Soren" carried a certain warmth, a playful undertone he couldn’t quite hide. His heart beat a little faster, and a feeling of delight ran through him, making his head spin.
"Uhm, y’know, I was thinkin—Mmm!?"

He didn’t get far before his stomach did that flip again, and an uneasy sensation suddenly made him pause. Blair quickly covered his mouth with his hand, trying to push a sudden wave of nausea back down. His eyes widened a little as he realized that it wasn’t just nerves or the butterflies in his stomach.
As cute as Soren was, blushing across from him, Blair now suspected that the lightheadedness, the dizziness, the stomach flips, were far less about his growing feelings and much more about the copious amounts of alcohol finally catching up to him. He was definitely starting to feel it now.
Oh no.

Revelstoke Lodge

Soren Lizy Lizy

Manuel Barker

  • mood

    Who is this girl?..

Manuel tousled his thick mane of hair, nodding slightly as he settled onto the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on Darcy who was futilely trying to get through on the phone to order some food.

Unsurprisingly, the line was busy, likely due to the raging blizzard outside. "It's probably the storm," he remarked, stretching his arms overhead before waving dismissively... "Don't stress about it.. i'll get us something to eat," He reached for his jacket, sliding it over his broad shoulders with a practiced ease.

"The diner’s usually packed, so I might have to go elsewhere if it comes to that," he added, adjusting the collar of his jacket while casting a quick glance at them both.. "Wait..what do you guys want?" he paused, looking back over his shoulder at them, but then rolled his eyes slightly...
"Forget it.. I’ll just surprise you," he decided, stepping out the door and shutting it behind him.

Descending the stairs, he found himself on the ground floor, hands tucked deep into his pockets. Despite the warmth radiating from the nearby fireplaces and the clusters of people huddled together, a chill lingered in the air..
As he approached the diner, he noted the crowd spilling out, packed to the brim with patrons...
Realizing he didn’t want to wait in line, he opted to brave the storm outside instead.

Pushing through the heavy wooden doors, he was immediately met by the biting winds that whipped around him, causing him to stiffen and hunch his shoulders... "Man, screw this weather," he muttered, lowering his head momentarily to trap some warmth before shaking it off.

He trudged down what he assumed was a sidewalk, though the thick blanket of snow obscured his view...
Suddenly, he spotted a figure stumbling through the snow, their gait unsteady. Curiosity piqued, he blinked in disbelief..who would willingly venture out in this frigid weather..?

His thoughts were interrupted when the figure slipped and fell into the snow.. Without hesitation, Manuel hurried over, concern etched on his face. "Woah..woah.. hey, you alright there?" he called out, his voice cutting through the howling wind...Manuel acted swiftly, lifting the girl up and out of the snow without a moment's hesitation, recognizing that she was unable to walk.. could barely walk.. and that her shoulder seemed to be in distress..perhaps dislocated.

His heart raced as he took in the sight of her injury, the storm's howling winds barely allowing his voice to rise above the chaos. "Shit.. your shoulder... just hold on," he urged..

The realization struck him that she was extremely..underdressed for the harsh weather, prompting him to quickly remove his jacket and drape it over her shoulders... "What were you thinking, wearing that out here? You must have a death wish," ..he joked lightly, trying to ease the tension despite the dire circumstances.

He crouched down to ensure the jacket enveloped her properly.. brows furrowing.."I’m gonna get you outta here.." he promised, locking eyes with her for a brief moment before lifting her securely into his arms.
Though they were strangers, he instinctively knew that tending to her injuries in the midst of the storm was not an option.. they needed shelter. With his own home closer than the hotel, he made his way through the deepening snow, holding her tightly against him.

The wind whipped around them, biting at his exposed skin, but he focused solely on her, feeling the warmth of her body against his chest, a stark contrast to the icy air swirling around them...
Upon reaching the steps of his house, he carefully navigated the slick surface, fumbling for his keys while grateful for the overhang that shielded the entrance from the accumulating snow.
The door clicked open, and he stepped inside, shutting it firmly behind them.

A wave of exhaustion washed over him as he felt the chill seep into his bones from having given her his jacket.
He gently set her down, instinctively rubbing warmth into her arms before withdrawing slightly... "Uh..I promise, I’m not a creep.. trust me on that..." he said, a hint of panic creeping into his voice as he realized the implications of having brought a stranger into his home, his only intention being to ensure her safety.. backing away to ensure a safe distance..
The interior of the house was dimly lit by the white blizzard from outside, prompting Manuel to click on a few lights.. rubbing his hands together to produce some semblance of heat into his body.

Sure Thing


♡coded by uxie♡
mood :
Why won't you talk to me?

location :
Redfern Apartment
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern - Kennedy
Bryson's gaze remained intensely fixed on hers, his brows arching in uncertainty as he searched for answers in her eyes...
The reflection of his own confusion mirrored back at him, leaving him to wonder what tumultuous thoughts were swirling in her mind...

He could sense the stammering hesitance in her voice, a clear indication that she was grappling with something profound...was it tears waiting to spill, a confession..? He had no clue.
For the first time, he felt an overwhelming urge to dig deeper, to find out what was hidden behind her guarded expression.

As he tightened his grip around her hands, he aimed to offer silent reassurance, a promise that he was there for her.. "Paris... has always been my dream," he echoed her words, nodding along, yet a nagging feeling gnawed at him; it felt as though she was forcing the sentiments, delivering what he longed to hear rather than what she truly felt.

"But... they're not here... Kennedy..." he murmured, sinking to his knees on the floor, positioning himself lower than her... The act was both a physical and emotional submission, a way to show her that he was willing to meet her at her level, "I asked you... Kennedy... what do you think I should do?" His eyes were filled with a desperate plea, yearning not just for her opinion but for her genuine openness.

Their relationship had been filled with nothing but joy..was this the beginning of their angsty phase? Whatever it was, he didn't like it, didn't like how this felt, he'd avoid it if he could, but he also recalled his fathers words: Every relationship has it's struggles; it takes conflict to make a bond stronger.

Was that true..? After all of this, would him and Kennedy.. still even be together? He waS foreign to this kind of stuff, he had never been in a relationship.. his mind filled with different things, finally focusing back on the problem at hand.

"You can talk to me, Kennedy... I'm not just your boyfriend, or merely someone to share laughter and hold hands with... I want to be the person you can confide in, the one you can cry to..." His expression shifted, sorrow etching deeper lines into his brow.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
on the road
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Jessie travelbypages travelbypages
;; Serena
Serena giggled at Jessie's response, blushing slightly from imagining the "alternative solutions" her friend would invest in. She kind of figured that's what her bestie would go with, she always did know how to get creative with things.

As they got even closer, Serena felt that familiar warmth spread across her body. It was normal. At least that's what she tried to convince herself. They were this close nearly every time they hung out, so this was all totally normal. The blizzard just had her a little stressed, that's why she got a funny feeling every time their skin touched.

But Serena was a bad liar, even to herself. She knew that Jessie was the reason those butterflies kept popping up, she was just too scared to do or say anything about it. She looked Jessie in the eyes, a playful smile on her face as she listened to her friend ask the next question.

Butterflies. Again. Even more immediate this time, and Serena could feel her heart rate pick up as well. She couldn't help but read into the question, they were best friends after all. "Hm. Well..." Serena started, somewhat nervously. She shifted in her seat slightly as her eyes flickered from Jessie's eyes, to her lips, then back to her eyes.

"I think... I think I would do... this," she spoke quickly and moved swiftly, afraid she might chicken out at the last second. Just as her sentence ended she leaned in, pressing her lips to her friend's. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she couldn't help but love the feeling.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
oz celestialbody celestialbody
;; Sidney
Sidney's eyes drifted to the spoon Oz was using to eat her soup, which just so happened to be in her mouth. The way she sighed as she sucked on the spoon made his heart flutter. He felt somewhat bad that his heart reacted in that way. This woman was just eating her soup, he should be able to be normal about that.

He swallowed hard as he awaited her response, watching the spoon tap her lip. Trying to shake all thoughts of wanting to be where that spoon was right now, he paid close attention to her words. And those were distracting enough.

A grin spread across Sidney's face as Oz guessed correctly right away. Her explanation for her choice made him feel like she already knew him so well and he let out a laugh. "You are a mind reader," he nodded, grin still on his face. "Wow. Impressive, Oz. But I'll get you next time, make sure to really pull out my strangest facts." He ended with a playful wink.

Sidney leaned back in his chair, sighing. His gazed lingered on Oz in his brief moment of silence, thinking about how strange it was that mere moments ago he was thrilled to be spending the day alone. But now, she was here, and he could think of no better company. Maybe it was a sign that he should get more friends that weren't random women he'd fallen down with on the street one time. For now though, he'd take enjoying her company as a good thing.

"So... your turn," he declared, smirking with a twinkle in his eyes. "Hit me with your best two truths and a lie."
coded by reveriee.
mood :
nervous, crushing asf

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
blair celestialbody celestialbody
;; Soren
Blair said his name again, and Soren could hear his heart pounding him his chest. He did his best to commit the sound to memory, but he held hope that he'd properly hear the man say his name at least a few more times. The way his tone shifted slightly on his name gave Soren a rush unlike any other.

He turned his head slightly in interest at Blairs next sentence, wondering what he was thinking. But his eyes quickly narrowed slightly in concern as the man across from him stopped speaking and put a hand over his mouth. He knew the officer had been drinking, so he feared however much he'd had was too much, and now it was catching up with him.

"Are you ok? Can I get you anything?" Soren asked, shifting a bit, ready to get up and get anything Blair might need. But, before he could do anything, Blair muttered something Soren didn't quite catch and ran off. Soren's head turned, gaze following the man as he disappeared into the restroom. Ah. Soren understood.

He remained frozen in his seat for a moment, thinking about what he should do. Would it be weird for him to stay? Would it be rude to leave? He wasn't sure. A couple minutes passed and he just got more and more nervous, concerned about imposing. He was also a bit worried that as he sobered up, Blair would want more space and find his company uncomfortable.

Soren just kept second guessing his decisions, until a waitress from the lodge came by and asked if he needed anything. "Oh, I'm alright! Actually, one thing... maybe," He stopped the woman as an idea popped into his head. "Would- would you by any chance have like... a napkin and a pen?" The woman smiled and said she did, producing both from her apron. "Oh, lovely, thank you so much. Do you- I know this is a long shot and I'm so so sorry for taking up your time. But did- did you by any chance see the man I was sitting with? He-" the waitress stopped him before he could attempt to describe Blair, saying she'd remembered him.

Soren smiled in relief, a bit of blush singing on his cheeks, slightly nervous to do what he was about to do. He scribbled something down on the napkin as he spoke. "Do you think... you could give him... this?" He finished up writing by the time he finished his question. A brief message- Hope you feel better! Followed by his phone number. He folded it in half as he held it up to the waitress, who at least seemed amused by his request. She accepted it and said she'd do her best to get it to him.

Soren muttered his thanks (as well as more apologies about taking up this woman's time) before getting up from the table. He looked around the lobby of the lodge as he walked through, forgetting what he'd even come down here for in the first place. As he walked up the stairs and into his room, his mind was filled with thoughts of Blair.
coded by reveriee.
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