• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Whispering Pines ᨒ↟ 𖠰 ~ Cozy Winter SOL ~ MAIN

mood :

location :
Upstairs of Redfern Autoshop
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern - Kennedy
Bryson chuckled softly to himself, his gaze fixed on the box cradled in Kennedy's hands. "Well, go on then," he urged, a glimmer of playful mischief dancing in his eyes as she pulled out the sweater and examined it.
"Now we're both going to be matching! Sort of..." He rubbed the back of his neck, a light laugh escaping him, but his amusement quickly turned to surprise as he noticed Kennedy casually shedding her old top without a hint of hesitation... "Kennedy!" he exclaimed, spinning around, his upbringing echoing in his mind..his father had always taught him that staring was rude.

"A little warning next time, please?" Despite the closer bond they shared now, he still held a deep respect for her.
When she finally turned to him with a triumphant "ta-da!" ,turning, he couldn't help but snicker, realizing she genuinely liked the sweater, reveling in its absurdity rather than being annoyed by it... "Well..." he sighed, watching her step closer, rolling his eyes as she declared, "Game on." So, she was forming some sort of competition now.. very characteristic of her.

"Game on, huh?" he replied, tilting his head down to meet her gaze, searching for a witty retort but finding himself lost in the depths of her eyes, before quickly averting his gaze and clearing his throat..
"Well, come on then, let's get going. As much as i'd like to just.. stand in one spot like this... forever... it's Christmas Eve... we save the leisurely time for Christmas Day..." he said, poking at her forehead with a playful chuckle.
He scratched at his arm in an attempt to alleviate the itchiness of the sweater that had been thrust upon him.. surely he wouldn't have to wear this ALL day..? "And maybe throw on some leggings or something under that," he suggested, a protective instinct bubbling up within him at the thought of her being half-nude in the chilly air, even if the shirt was big enough to be some sort of dress.

He turned, making his way for the window as he opened up the curtain, in awe as he studied the thick flurries of snow descending in the air.. "It's freezing out, and... snowing," he added, his eyes sparkling with childlike excitement as he grabbed his coat and draped it over his shoulders... "Let’s go grab some breakfast or something," ..he continued, the earlier fatigue forgotten as adrenaline kicked in.

"And if Anthony's not busy, we can bring him along, but honestly, I wouldn’t mind it just being the two of us." ..He stepped closer, taking her hands in his, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Anywhere we can go for some good pancakes..?" he'd question; he was still new around here, after all, making Kennedy the one responsible for being his guide.
coded by reveriee.
Blair Rosewood

lair arrived at the Holt household sometime between late morning and early afternoon. The sun was climbing steadily toward its zenith, casting a soft, golden glow over the day. The air outside was crisp, with a biting chill that nipped at his cheeks, and the ground was dusted with a thin layer of snow that crunched underfoot. The winter cold made Blair's breath visible in puffs of white. Despite the chill, he couldn't help but smile—there was something about the sharpness of the air that made the warmth of the holiday season feel even more comforting.
He’d already checked everything off his list: gifts neatly wrapped and ready to go, a hearty holiday breakfast shared with his own family, and now he was headed to spend Christmas with his longtime friend, Julian, and the rest of the Holt family.
With the car stereo cranked up, Blair let the upbeat sounds of Pocketful of Sunshine fill the car, its infectious rhythm lifting his spirits. His worries about the holiday had mostly faded as the familiar tune played. When he had first agreed to join the Holts for the holiday, he'd felt a little hesitant. Grayson and Julian’s bickering? No problem. Blair had long been used to their dynamic. But the presence of Grayson’s ex-wife, Esme, had made him nervous. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Esme—she was always kind to him—but he knew how much Julian had soured on her over the years. Blair had seen firsthand how intense Julian could get, and he’d worried about things spiraling out of control.
However, as the days had passed, his anxieties had slowly melted away. Now, with the music pumping and the warmth of the holiday spirit building, Blair felt ready for a fun-filled day with people he considered family. And with Natasha Bedingfield’s cheerful lyrics in his ears, he couldn’t help but feel like nothing could get in his way.
Pulling into the driveway, Blair parked and grabbed the stack of gifts from the back seat. His grin widened as he stepped out of the car, feeling a spark of excitement as he approached the familiar front door. The house, beckoned to him, a comforting haven against the cold. He could already smell the faint scent of freshly cooked dishes drifting through the air, reminding him of past holidays spent here. The snow crunched softly under his boots as he made his way up the steps, the cold air refreshing but not unwelcome.
The door was already unlocked, and the familiar warmth from within greeted him immediately as he stepped inside. The muffled hum of conversation reached his ears, wrapping him in a sense of ease.
"Merry Christmas, people! Your favorite cop is finally here!"
Blair called out in a cheery tone, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

Holt Household

Julian Lizy Lizy Grayson travelbypages travelbypages Esme
Auriela Grace Hale
Constable Daughter/Wild Child
Hale house
"They mean the world to me"
uriela lay in her bed, cocooned in the warmth of her blankets, reluctant to wake up. Rubbing her eyes, she glanced beside her and let out a soft sigh, feeling the weight of sleep still clinging to her. Turning away from the empty side of the bed, she reached for her phone, squinting at the screen to check the time. It was just about 7 a.m., and a wave of anticipation washed over her as she remembered that Roman, their mother, and grandmother would be arriving soon.

Although she wished she could already be with them, the thought of the day ahead filled her with excitement. Getting out of bed, she stretched lightly, shaking off the remnants of sleep before making her way to the bathroom to get ready. The routine felt comforting, a familiar ritual that she cherished, especially on a day like today.

After what felt like ages, she finally emerged from the bathroom, her hair dry and beautifully curled, framing her face perfectly. She applied her makeup in a smoky red look that added a touch of elegance, enhancing her features while capturing the festive spirit of the day.

Walking to her closet, she scanned through her clothes and settled on one of her favorite burgundy dresses. Slipping it on, she twirled in front of the mirror, admiring how the fabric hugged her curves just right. A smile spread across her face as she checked her reflection, feeling confident and ready for the celebration.

Glancing at the clock once more, she noticed it was almost time for Ro and their family to arrive. The flutter of excitement in her stomach grew stronger, and she could hardly contain her enthusiasm. Today was about togetherness, laughter, and creating cherished memories, and she was more than ready to embrace every moment of it.

POV - Roman Marshall
The alarm on Roman's phone had sounded at six o' clock that morning. Their eyes fluttered open before they sleepily reached over to hit stop. Roman yawned and stretched as they sat up in bed, scratching their messy hair as they blinked the sleep out of their eyes. They sighed to themself as they simply sat there resting for a moment. That is until their striking blue eyes suddenly widened upon coming completely to their senses and realizing what day it was today. "It's Christmas," was all they muttered to themself before they practically leapt out of bed in their nightgown, all the energy suddenly rushing through them.

It was Christmas morning. And Roman was more happy about it than they've ever been on this festive holiday. That was because this was the Christmas that theirs and Auriela's families were going to come together. Just the thought alone was enough to make Roman's heart soar. Them and the love of their life, bringing their families together to engage in nothing but Christmas cheer. It sounded like such a magical moment to Roman. And they were determined to bring it into reality.

But first things first, Roman needed to get started on their morning routine. They made their bed before heading over to the bathroom. They brushed their teeth and washed their face, moving a bit quicker than most mornings because of all the excitement welling up inside of them. Roman's inner child always seemed to come out the most during the holidays. It was just who they were. Afterwards, Roman was in their room picking out their outfit for today. They found their favorite burgundy sweater, along with some dress pants, trench coat, and a scarf.

Roman then went through the rest of their morning routine as they showered, got dressed, and combed their hair. Afterwards, Roman was all set and ready for the day, giving themself a once over in the mirror as they smiled softly. As they did, they couldn't help but think of Auriela and what she was up to this morning. Roman wondered if she was just as excited about their plans today as they were.

Once Roman was finally done getting ready, they went downstairs to join the other members of the household. Roman's grandmother, Eleanor, was sitting in her chair, watching the morning news. To which Roman happily greeted her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and wishing her a Merry Christmas. Roman then went into the kitchen, finding their mother, Vivian, in there making breakfast. They hugged her and greeted her with a "Merry Christmas" as well, to which she tiredly but happily smiled and returned the gesture.

After breakfast that morning, the family were getting themselves all prepared to join the Hales at their place for Christmas. When Roman first told them the idea, their mother was surprised but willing to go since she had been meaning to meet this woman and her family for some time now. They all put on their coats and such before they left the house. Though, before doing so, Roman made sure to grab a little something for the special occasion. Their special Christmas gift for Auriela. Once they were on the road, they drove through town, down to the Hale residence. Plenty of Christmas cheer being spread around Revelstoke, that Roman could see. Afterwards, they finally made it to the place.

Roman got out, making sure that they had everything while their mom helped their grandma out of the car. Roman carried the stuff they had brought. Just a few house gifts and a Christmas ham that their mother had cooked, wanting to be impressionable house guests. They all they walked up to the front door before Roman gave it a quick knock, eager to greet Auriela and her father, and start this fun little get-together.

PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern (Auriela)
Jupiter Khaing

s Isabelle began to stir from her slumber, Jupiter's gaze instinctively shot upwards toward the ceiling, as if the intricate patterns of the plaster might provide some escape from the current situation. One glance at the extravagant nightwear she'd chosen to wear into his bed was enough—he did not need to see that again. He quickly averted his eyes, focusing instead on the ceiling, trying to force his mind to calm, to make sense of the strange scene unfolding before him.
Isabelle finally seemed to register what was happening, and the confusion on her face mirrored his own. His heart raced as he quickly rose to his feet, maintaining his rigid stance, gaze still firmly fixed on the ceiling. Jupiter quickly rose to his feet, gaze still pointed strictly upwards, only barely keeping her in his peripheral vision as he rose.
Pointing a finger—though he wasn't sure if it was directly at her or somewhere in her general direction—his voice broke the silence, high-pitched and frantic. The words spilled out before he could stop them, every syllable punctuated with a sense of panic.
"What, no! Absolutely-"
He paused, suddenly questioning the events that had brought them to this point. Could something have happened between them? But no—his mind snapped back. He had just gone out to dinner with his brother the night before, choosing to skip the drinks afterward, instead heading home to rest. He hadn't been drinking, and he certainly hadn’t brought Isabelle here. There was no way in hell anything had happened.
His voice grew firmer as he doubled down on his denial.
"Absolutely not. We did nothing of the sort! So just toss that possibility out of your mind right this second!"

Jupiter instinctively took a few cautious steps back, but in his haste, his foot caught on the edge of the tangled sheet that had slipped out of the bed with him, and for a split second, he teetered dangerously, barely catching himself before his feet could betray him completely.
"How did you even-?"
His head snapped toward the direction of his traitorous door. Of course, the damn thing was still broken, allowing any random person to simply waltz right in. He glared in it's direction as if it were an actual sentient being that made the conscious choice of humiliating him twice now.
"Why are you in my room again?!"

His voice grew more exasperated, the bewilderment of the situation clawing at his patience. If he couldn't yell at the door he'd yell at her instead!

Revelstoke Mountain Lodge

now playing: black - pearl jam

Christmas used to be Naomi's favorite time of year, back when she was in love and everything seemed bright around her. But this year was different. Everything felt off. Even though she had strung up the lights and put up a tree, it just wasn't merry enough for her. Maybe she wasn't merry enough this year. So she had offered to take an extra shift at the station when it had been put up for grabs. It was typical of Naomi to distract herself from all of these negative feelings by jumping right back into work.

In fact, if Ivy hadn't invited her over for a Christmas celebration, Naomi would have continued to work all of Christmas Day. Who needed Christmas, anyway? But, since she was being a good best friend, she would only be helping behind the scenes today instead of helming the holiday news broadcast. Everything was just about automated at this point - interstitials, commercials, prerecorded programming - it was just to make sure that nothing went haywire and CKWC continued to run smoothly. The only live programming was its local shows, anyway. And all of them, save for the news, were airing reruns today. So, alongside the control room staff, she'd basically just be paid to sit there and observe.

That was totally fine with her. She was truly fascinated with how television worked. Creating the kind of magic that viewers would see in the area excited her. Naomi felt more at home with the control room guys anyway, if she was being entirely honest with herself. There was just so much drama and cattiness with her fellow on-air talent. Hanging with them and learning what each button and lever on the various panels did was way more entertaining than reporting on crime and politics. But she had been encouraged to become a journalist instead of majoring in broadcast communications, and she didn't feel like shelling out more money for another degree right now. Getting experience while on the job would be her only option right now.

But every fun time had to end sometime, and Naomi soon found herself clocking out and heading to her car. As much as she enjoyed spending time with Ivy, she honestly wished she could have been alone today. Being around all of those people (who did want what was best for her, of course) would be utter torture. At least she wasn't going back to the States for Christmas this year. Hearing Granny Ruth's scathing judgments of her post-divorce would have been even worse.

Naomi started for the Hayes residence, turning off the overtly jolly Christmas tune playing on the radio in favor of some 90's grunge. Her whole world had been turned to black this year. There was no doubt in her mind that next year would be just the same as this one had been. Who would blindside her next? Naomi knew that she shouldn't feel this way, especially since there was so many good things still left in her life, but damnit, Christmas just didn't feel festive this year. And no matter how much she'd be surrounded by it as soon as she walked in the door, she wouldn't be able to fake a happy smile for long.

She turned into the driveway right as the song faded into nothingness and the radio announcer came on, putting the car into park and taking a deep breath, still gripping the steering wheel. God, she needed a break from all of this. But she had promised Ivy that she'd show, and she was here now, so there was no turning back. Plus, she had gotten her the perfect gift - a custom-made friendship book, filled with pictures of all of their favorite moments. There was no doubt that Ivy would love it - Naomi was a great gift-giver. It was perfectly sentimental, with a few silly moments captured in between. Maybe Ivy would even shed a few tears at the gift. There was only one way to find out. Naomi reached over and got the wrapped gift from the backseat, bracing herself for the cold as she got out and made her way over to the front door.

As if by sheer coincidence, Oliver had gotten there at the same time as she did. She gave him a sheepish little half-smile as she reached for the doorbell, the familiar little chime going off and the door swinging wide open to greet them. She said hello to Ivy's father and discarded her heavy winter coat before entering further. "Merry Christmas."

wearing: all the pictures have all been washed in black
tags: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern (Ivy) faeriehollow faeriehollow (Oliver)

Naomi Irwin

coded by weldherwings.
Elliot’s heart skipped a beat as he bumped into Héctor, nearly dropping the tray of leftover pastries he’d been carrying back to the cafe. His face immediately flushed a deep shade of red when he looked up to meet Héctor’s gaze, which was, of course, paired with that teasing smirk that always seemed to make Elliot lose his train of thought, “Oh, uh—H-Héctor! Hi!” Elliot stammered, shifting nervously on his feet. He tried to steady the tray, but his hands were slightly shaky. “I didn’t, uh, mean to—sorry! I didn’t see you there, I—I mean, of course I saw you, I just wasn’t—uh—looking... I guess?”

The words tumbled out in a flustered mess, and Elliot immediately wanted to sink into the floor. Realizing what he’d just said, he glanced up at Héctor with wide eyes, the faintest panic setting in. He wasn’t supposed to know the names of the guests. That was against policy unless it came up in conversation, and Héctor had never formally introduced himself. Yet, since Héctor’s arrival, Elliot had found himself inexplicably drawn to him, remembering his name from the room bookings and feeling a small thrill whenever he saw him walk into the cafe.
He stole another glance at the shopping bags Héctor was carrying, grateful for the brief distraction. “You’ve been, uh... shopping?” he asked, his voice soft as his eyes darted between Héctor’s bags and his face. “Looks like you got... um, a lot. Oh, but that’s not a bad thing! I mean, it’s Christmas, so you should, you know, treat yourself.”

Elliot realized he was rambling and clamped his mouth shut, shifting his tray awkwardly in his hands. His mind raced, trying to think of something to say that didn’t make him sound like a complete fool, “I didn’t think, um, I’d see you around today,” he finally managed, his voice barely above a whisper. “Most people are... you know, with family or... someone special.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Elliot cringed internally, worried he’d overstepped. His cheeks burned, and he looked down, his messy hair falling into his face. He was acutely aware of how tired he probably looked—still in his cafe uniform, his hair slightly mussed from rushing around all day. Meanwhile, Héctor stood there, effortlessly composed and ridiculously attractive, as usual.

“I—I should probably, uh, get back to work,” Elliot mumbled, clutching the tray tighter. He hesitated, though, feeling a pang of regret at the thought of walking away. Since Héctor’s arrival, Elliot couldn’t help but notice everything about him—the confidence in his stride, the way his smile seemed to light up a room, and how he always carried himself like he belonged wherever he was. It was maddening, really, how much space Héctor had taken up in his mind. Still, Elliot started to turn away, fully expecting Héctor to tease him about the encounter—or worse, let him walk away entirely. A part of him wished Héctor would stop him, even just for a moment longer, because despite how flustered he felt, he couldn’t help but crave the attention.

Mentions: Héctor - ShellBelles ShellBelles
coded by kaninchen

POV - Héctor Castillo
Héctor's teasing look never left his face as he stood there staring up at Elliot, chuckling at the cutie's fumbling of his words. It was adorable really. And the sight alone was quite funny in and of itself. Seeing this taller guy act like a flustered schoolgirl in front of this short diva guy. Héctor's shopping bags hung off his arms, while he stood there with his hands on his hips, just watching as Elliot struggled to get the right words out.

With nothing but ease, Héctor casually used a single finger to hold the tray in Elliot's hands steady, all while never taking his eyes off the staff member. "It's quite alright," he spoke in a lower and more saucy tone, in that thick but smooth Spanish accent of his. "Perhaps neither of us were really paying much attention."

Héctor's smirk only grew at Elliot's growing bashfulness, inwardly feeling a sense of affection welling up inside him. The boy was always so shy and reserved. Every time Héctor would come into the cafe for breakfast, he would always catch Elliot staring at him in such a starstruck manner, before always immediately turning and scurrying away in embarrassment whenever Héctor made eye contact with him. It was only when Elliot brought his food over that they could actually talk, but even that wasn't much.

When hearing Elliot comment on his bags, Héctor smiled and gave a genuine laugh, not seeming at all bothered with his ramblings. "Yes, I was a bit frivolous at the stores today, I'll admit. But with so many cute accessories, I just couldn't help myself." Héctor's panache doesn't drop for a second, still just standing there and enjoying watching Elliot turn more into a flustered mess. Elliot then making the comment about spending time with someone, was when Héctor finally dropped his demeanor a bit. He simply hummed and nodded in response, glancing away for a moment as he went back to those previous thoughts he had during the drive back.

Though very quickly was Hector's attention brought back to the tired worker in front of him as Elliot attempted to leave the conversation. Héctor could see that look in his eyes. That look of desire and longing for something. And Héctor still hadn't forgotten about how run down Elliot looked. He felt sorry for the poor thing. Having to work so hard, especially on such a joyous and spirited holiday. It didn't seem fair. In fact, if you asked Héctor, it looked like Elliot could use a bit of a break. After all, they still have some getting to know each other to do. What harm would one little chat over some coffee be? It's not like he'd get in trouble for that. But even if he did, Héctor was more than willing to give whoever a piece of his mind if they even tried to throw a fit about it.

Héctor simply stood there with a raised eyebrow and almost unimpressed look as he watched Elliot start to turn away, knowing that the guy would rather do anything else but get back to work. He then smiled in that teasing fashion of his again, before speaking up in a rather flirtatious tone. "Really now? Just going to leave me alone like that, guapo? Qué maleducado, how rude. Surely a gentleman like yourself knows better than to not at least offer me a drink." As he said that, Héctor couldn't help but give a small wink to emphasize his words.

travelbypages travelbypages (Elliot)
Ozelia Mae Bonet

zelia continued her stroll around the festival, the crisp winter air nipping at her cheeks as she wandered through the festive scene. Her hot cocoa warmed her hands, offering a comforting contrast to the chilly evening. Bright, twinkling lights adorned the small town square, casting a soft, ethereal glow across the snow-covered streets. The distant sound of cheerful holiday music drifted on the breeze, adding to the magic of the season. With each step, Ozelia hummed along absentmindedly, her bubbly energy contagious as she soaked in the joy of the day.
She was just about to take a sip of her cocoa when something caught her eye—someone sitting alone on a nearby bench. Their posture was slumped, shoulders hunched, and hands tangled in their hair as they stared down at the ground in distress. Ozelia’s heart tugged in her chest. Her brows furrowed in concern, and a small frown tugged at her lips.
It wasn’t like her to just walk past someone in need. As a teacher, she’d spent years learning how to recognize when someone was struggling, even when they didn’t say anything. Without hesitation, she made her way toward the bench, her cocoa still in hand. Her footsteps were light but purposeful, her movements graceful despite the weight of concern that settled in her chest.
"Hi there!"
she called out in a bright, warm tone, careful not to startle the person. She gave a small, friendly wave, her smile wide and genuine.
"I don’t mean to intrude, but you look like you could use someone to talk to—or maybe just some company?"
She tilted her head slightly, her bangs fluttering gently in the breeze as she spoke.
Noticing how tense the person seemed, Ozelia lowered herself onto the edge of the bench, leaving a bit of space between them but offering her presence as a silent invitation. Her eyes were soft with kindness, her gaze filled with quiet empathy.
"I hope I’m not being too forward, but... sometimes, the best thing when you're feeling upset is just having a stranger to vent to who’s not afraid to listen, right?"

Her smile grew brighter, her eyes sparkling with warmth.
"I know it’s not much, but... it might help just a little bit to get whatever's bothering you off your chest?"

Ozelia rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.
"I’m Ozelia Mae, by the way. But my friends call me Oz!"
Ozelia gave a cheeky wink, the corners of her lips lifting into a wide grin.
"You can call me Oz too, if you’d like!"

She settled into a comfortable silence, waiting patiently for the other person’s response, her eyes never leaving them. There was a quiet curiosity in her gaze, but it was paired with a deep sense of empathy. Ozelia didn’t know what had caused the person’s distress, but she was certain that offering kindness—even in the smallest of ways—was always the best place to start.

Main Street

Lucian Castro

ucian let out a frustrated sigh as he stared at the ruined photo on his cameras screen. The image, nearly perfect, was now ruined due to a wandering bystander. Sucking his teeth in irritation he weighed his options, considering whether to delete it entirely or hold onto it, maybe editing out the stranger later when the anger subsided. His thoughts were interrupted, however, by a shrill, high-pitched shout that tore through the quiet.
His gaze snapped up just in time to see a woman charging toward him, a wild look in her eyes as she barreled forward, her voice rising in what sounded like an angry squawk. She was ranting about something—something to do with someone being paid off? Her words thick with a whiny British accent that grated on his nerves. The sudden chaos took him by surprise, and for a moment, he just stared, trying to make sense of what was happening.
Reacting quickly at the last minute, Lucian yanked his precious new camera away from her reach, instinctively shielding it from the chaos unfolding before him. His body shifted, keeping the expensive new camera just out of her grasp, as he raised his other hand, palm outstretched, in a clear barrier to prevent her from getting any closer.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Five feet back, you psycho! Don’t you dare put your hands anywhere near this, it’s brand new!"

His voice was sharp, laced with annoyance and a touch of disbelief. The nerve of this woman—coming at him like that, without a second thought.
Lucian took a few quick steps back, instinctively trying to create some distance between himself and the unpredictable woman charging at him. His heart raced as he maneuvered, his eyes locked on her every movement.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

His voice was sharp, a mix of disbelief and rising irritation. He couldn't comprehend why she was still coming at him, her frantic energy only escalating the situation.
His gaze swept over her, irritation etching deeper into his sharp features. What was wrong with her? She looked like she had just crawled out of bed, she was pretty sure, but who just walked around outside during the winter in a night gown and slippers?! Lucian furrowed his brow, more confused than anything now.
"What are you on, lady?!"
he snapped, his voice laced with frustration.

Outside of Revelstoke Lodge

Anthony Redfern
Auto Shop Owner
Redfern Autoshop
"Ready to leave"
Lizy Lizy -Brittain
nthony gazed at her gently, his expression softening as he contemplated her question.
“I believe we do,”
he replied thoughtfully, his voice warm with sincerity. With a purposeful step, he moved out from behind the counter, leaving the familiarity of his post to navigate through the store. The faint sound of jingling bells from the nearby holiday decorations echoed in the background as he made his way to the candy section, a spark of excitement lighting up his features.

As he scanned the shelves, his heart raced a little, searching for the perfect treat. Suddenly, his eyes landed on the last bag of jelly beans, nestled between some brightly colored wrappers. A wide grin broke across his face, and he chuckled softly to himself.
“Looks like it’s the last bag of jelly beans—must be your lucky day!”
he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm as he handed it to her. The bag crinkled in her hands, the sweet aroma wafting up, mixing with the festive scents around them.

As he observed her taking the candy, a flicker of curiosity crossed his mind, prompting him to ask,
“By the way, what brings you out alone on Christmas Eve?”
His tone was inquisitive, laced with a hint of concern, and he took a moment to look her over, intrigued by her presence in the store on such a special night. The holiday decorations twinkled around them, yet there was a palpable contrast between the festive cheer and her solitary venture. He found himself genuinely wondering about her story—what had led her to be here, at this moment, on a night typically filled with warmth and companionship?

Hades Hawthorne
Hades Apartment
"God She is something else"
ades turned his head back to Hanna as she asked,
“So, what do you have planned?”
A playful smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he observed her in her sleepy state, her hair slightly tousled, and her eyes still heavy with the remnants of sleep. She was enjoying the breakfast he had made for her, the aroma of avocado toast lingering in the air, blending with the warmth of the morning light streaming through the window.

he began softly, drawing out the word to build a little suspense, his gaze never leaving her face.
“I realized I don’t have a tree up yet since I just got back. I was hoping you would help me pick one out and decorate it. We could do some other Christmasy things, like baking cookies or watching holiday movies, and maybe throw in some non-Christmas activities to mix things up a bit,”
he suggested, his voice warm and inviting. The prospect of spending the day together filled him with a sense of excitement.
“Oh, and I have a gift for you, too,”
he added with a teasing glint in his eyes, taking a bite of the other piece of avocado toast as he let the anticipation hang in the air.

As he waited for her response, Hades couldn’t help but feel a swirl of emotions. Their relationship had been a casual arrangement of friends with benefits for a while now, a dynamic that had worked well for them both. Yet, as he watched her enjoy her breakfast, he felt a stirring desire for something deeper. He genuinely enjoyed their playful banter and the intimacy they shared, but the more time they spent together, the more he began to realize that she was something special—something he didn’t want to lose.

He found himself growing accustomed to her presence, the way she could light up a room with her laughter or bring a sense of calm with her gentle demeanor. It was a feeling he hadn’t expected, and it filled him with both excitement and trepidation. He couldn’t help but wonder if she felt the same way, if perhaps she also saw the potential for something more meaningful between them. As he observed her, he hoped she would embrace the idea of spending the day together, and maybe, just maybe, they could explore the possibility of deepening their connection beyond the playful boundaries they had set.

Kennedy Redfern
Auto Shop Co-Owner
Penthouse Party
"He's kind of cute"
ennedy chuckled at Bryson's earnestness, appreciating how he always wanted everyone to feel included.
“I think I heard the bell to the shop,”
she teased lightly, intertwining her fingers with his, feeling a warm connection between them. She paused for a moment, her expression turning thoughtful as she considered their options.
“Well, we could go out to the diner for breakfast… but why not make it more fun and whip up some pancakes ourselves?”

Her pale blue eyes sparkled with mischief, a playful glint dancing within them as a smirk curled at the corners of her lips. The idea of cooking together filled her with excitement, conjuring images of laughter and lighthearted chaos in the kitchen. She loved the thought of flipping pancakes, perhaps making a delightful mess along the way, and enjoying the simple pleasure of creating something together.

“Just imagine it,”
she continued, her voice animated with enthusiasm.
“We could have a pancake-making competition! Who can make the fluffiest pancake? Or we could get creative and add all sorts of toppings—berries, chocolate chips, whipped cream… the possibilities are endless!”
The thought of spending that time with Bryson, sharing laughter and delicious food, made her heart race a little. She looked up at him, curious to see how he would respond to her playful suggestion, hoping he would be just as excited about the idea as she was.

T’kaya’s eyes twinkled as she watched Brandon grimace after tasting the coffee. Her lips quirked into a wide grin, and she burst into a bright, carefree laugh. “I knew it! I knew it was that bad!” She threw her head back slightly, genuinely amused, letting her laughter spill into the air. “I mean, what did they even use to brew this stuff? A sock? A dishrag?” She let out another giggle, as if the very idea of the coffee being anything but terrible was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.

Wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, she caught her breath and smiled up at him. “Hey, don’t worry. We’ll get you some real coffee, none of that mystery brew. I’m thinking a proper cup of something that doesn’t taste like it was scraped off the bottom of a boot,” she said, winking playfully. “I know a place around here that brews the kind of coffee that’ll make you forget what bad coffee even tastes like.”

Her enthusiasm didn't stop there, though. She immediately leaned forward, practically bouncing on her toes. “But hey, here’s an idea. How about we really get into the Christmas spirit?” She grinned mischievously, her voice going conspiratorial. “How about a snowball fight? I’m talking full-on competition, no mercy! I’m feeling a little competitive today. What do you think, huh? First one to knock out the other’s hat wins. And don’t worry—I’ll go easy on you. Maybe.”

She was careful not to push too hard, just letting the suggestion hang in the air. She could tell he wasn’t the type to immediately jump into something like that, but something about the idea of a good old-fashioned snowball fight seemed to promise a distraction—a chance to shake off whatever was on his mind, even if only for a few minutes.

Brandon didn’t say anything for a beat, and T’kaya, ever the optimist, took that as an invitation. She stepped in close, looping her arm through his with a gleam of mischievous delight in her eyes. "You can’t say no now," she teased, smiling up at him. “You’re stuck with me. Come on! Let’s go throw some snow around, have some fun, and then we'll grab that real coffee. I’m already plotting the route—we’ll hit the sledding hill too. It’ll be perfect!”

She leaned in just enough to nudge him with her elbow, then pulled back, a grin still stretching across her face. “It’s Christmas, after all. There’s no better time for a little friendly competition. Plus, the day’s looking way better with you out of that chair and into a snowball fight.” She added, a bit of flirty teasing in her tone. T’kaya gave him an almost pleading look, her energy infectious, daring him to try and resist. And for a moment, she didn’t care what he was thinking about or why he was frowning—she was determined to turn this day around for the both of them, one snowball at a time.

Mentions: Brandon - Lizy Lizy
coded by kaninchen
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
ave PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern
;; Sidney
Sidney never liked Christmas very much. Maybe it's because he never got the whole happy family, gift exchange and nice meal experience, but he just didn't get the appeal. All he really saw was people shopping and shopping, trying to purchase the most stuff to give to other people. Mostly, it felt like something corporations pushed in order to grow their profit margins.

He had always felt this way about Christmas. Even when Violet was alive, before he gave up on the world, they were cynical about the holiday together. Sidney's childhood Christmas traditions consisted of he and his sister rushing out of the house as soon as possible and hiding away in a little wooded area near their home. Now, he didn't have much in the way of Christmas traditions. To him, it felt like any other day really. Except, his loneliness weighed on him more heavily, knowing everyone was spending time with their loved ones felt like a dagger to the heart if he thought about it too much.

He wasn't planning to go out at all, but he'd gotten a text from Aveline saying the bakery was open that morning, and he figured he could go for a fresh cup of coffee. Sidney hadn't been sleeping too well lately, something to wake him up would be nice. He entered the bakery, all cozy and Christmas-y, and couldn't help but grimace. He really wasn't in the holiday cheer mood, he never was. But, he wasn't a mean person, and didn't want to be a complete asshole to Aveline, who was probably just trying to enjoy her holiday.

"Hey Ave," He greeted as warmly as he could, but his voice sounded a bit worn and tired. "Just a cup of black coffee, please. Any holiday plans?"
coded by reveriee.
Ophelia Devereux

eeing no cars coming, Ophelia hurried across the street to join her friend. She noticed him glance at her briefly before immediately turning his back, facing away from her.
Frowning she picked up the pace, mindful of her heels clicking on the snowy pavement. It wasn’t exactly what she’d expected when stepping out today—she hadn’t planned on having to chase after someone. But she wasn’t about to let him get away without speaking to her.
Just as she was about to call out again, Soren’s “Who?” slipped from his lips. She froze, audibly gasping, hand flying to her chest in shock.
She had barely processed it when Soren, realizing how ridiculous he must have sounded when she was already directly behind him, quickly turned to face her. Regret flashed across his expression, and Ophelia couldn’t help but feel a pang in her chest.
She frowned, a small pang of hurt running through her chest as she met his gaze. It stung more than she expected to know he was so eager to avoid her that he’d outright lie about being himself while standing right in front of her.
But Ophelia took a deep breath, steadying herself before letting it all go. She didn’t have time to linger on the feelings; it was important that she stay grounded. Looking him over quickly, she noted with a small sense of relief that he seemed fine. Two arms, two legs—no obvious cuts, bruises, or scars that she could see. And that was what mattered. He was okay. Physically, at least.
"Yes, I can quite clearly tell it’s you, Soren."
She huffed, the smallest of smiles tugging at the corner of her lips, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
"I’m fine, thank you. And it’s good to see you here, as well."

She shifted the bags on her arms, adjusting the weight as she steadied herself.
"I’m here for a new project that’ll be filmed nearby... which, by the way, I could’ve told you all about if you’d answered one of the many texts I’ve been sending you these past few weeks."
Her brow raised, a pointed look creeping into her expression as she gave him a silent moment to reflect on the obvious question she wasn't directly asking.
"But what about you? What are you doing here? Are you doing a photoshoot nearby?"
Her voice softened slightly at the end of the question, curious, but still carrying a hint of underlying frustration.

Main Street

Soren Lizy Lizy
now playing: much too young (to feel this damn old) - garth brooks

Christmas was just another day for Monroe. He woke up before dawn as usual, fed and milked the cows himself, and was currently riding Gus, his trusty steed, to clear his mind. The farm was in sad shape these days, with the farmhouse falling slightly in disrepair. But his father had squandered away nearly all of the money used to operate Calhoun Farms, and what little remained went to the animals and to pay his four remaining employees. Monroe felt horrible for laying off the nearly seventy-five employees who helped the small but profitable farm succeed. He knew little about running the financial side of things as it was. He was too young to have to deal with all the stress and chaos that came with inheriting the family farm.

Gus's hooves hitting the dirt path was like music to Monroe's ears as he continued on, reminiscing on the turbulent year that was all but finished now. He didn't know how to be a good leader. This had been thrust upon him totally out of the blue - and well after his dad had already did enough damage. But it was up to Monroe to continue the now one-hundred-year-old legacy of Calhoun Farms. His grandfather (and his late great-grandfather before him) depended on it. And as he turned Gus around to start back towards the stables, Monroe knew that he'd have to bring in an outsider to help with the finances. It wasn't what he had in mind, but it was the only way that he could think of to bring the farm back to its former glory.

And speaking of former glory, he had just found out that Cora was back in town. Cora, his ex-girlfriend. Cora, the girl that he had arguably hurt in all kinds of ways when he abruptly cut things off years ago. He had been young and dumb back then. Commitment wasn't something that he had been too thrilled about. It still wasn't, if he was being entirely honest. Though he had been with other girls since, the thought of Cora back in town made him feel...something. He couldn't put an exact word for this feeling either. It just made him feel weird. They weren't exactly enemies, but they weren't exactly best friends. What they were was somewhere in between. And Monroe wasn't sure how he felt about that.

All he knew was that she'd be on her way soon. So he picked up the pace, making sure Gus was satisfied in his stall before he went off towards the farmhouse. Monroe had started working on screening in the back porch earlier in the week, and was planning on finishing it today if he could. But before he could continue on his project, the sound of tires against gravel thwarted his plans. Cora was here. Monroe wiped his palms against his jeans, walking around to find her petting Gus. She was just as beautiful as he remembered. "My, my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

wearing: no ace left in the hole
tags: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern (Cora)

Monroe Calhoun

coded by weldherwings.
Isabelle Rose Everhart
Jupiter's Bed
"Ugh... why so loud?"
elle stared at him, her mind racing as she struggled to process both his words and the bizarre situation they found themselves in. Her head throbbed uncomfortably, a reminder of the night's events.
“I, um…”
she began, searching for the right words as she fought to regain her composure.
“My room is directly across from yours.”
She took a deep breath, willing her thoughts to align.
“I must have… tried to use the key after drinking, and since it worked, my brain didn’t register that it was your room.”

As she surveyed the room, she noticed that the blanket draped over her offered little warmth, a stark contrast to the swirling confusion in her mind.
“You’re 1000% sure nothing sexual happened?”
she asked, her voice wavering slightly. The idea of being intimate with him didn’t particularly unsettle her; it was the fact that he was her nemesis that made it all the more complicated. Ever since they had met, it had been a series of unfortunate encounters, each one more disastrous than the last, and now her head was spinning from the fallout.

In that moment, she realized this might just be the inspiration for her next story—a cautionary tale dubbed
“The Blind Date Curse.”
The title could encompass everything that had gone wrong, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was trapped in a narrative she didn’t know how to escape. Taking another deep breath, she looked at him, then at her clothes strewn beside him, a reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.
“Could you…?”
she gestured toward her outfit, her heart racing with embarrassment and hope that the drink—scratch that, the entire three bottles of champagne—had dried on her.

Her gaze sharpened, and she shot him a slight glare, not directed at him personally, but rather at the absurdity of the entire situation. The annoyance bubbled within her, fueled by the uncertainty of what had truly happened and the ridiculousness of waking up next to someone she had always considered an adversary. She couldn’t help but wonder how they had ended up in this predicament, caught in the tangled web of a night that had spiraled out of control. Would she ever be able to untangle the threads of their chaotic history, or was she destined to be forever entangled in the “Blind Date Curse”?

Cora Reed
Poet/Country Girl
"Hello old flame"
ora looked up, her heart lifting at the sound of his voice. A smile crept onto her face as she turned to him, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Well, you don't look too shabby yourself,"
she said, her tone playful and light. She shifted her hand off Gus, who had been leaning against her, and leaned in closer to him, whispering,
"Sorry, old boy, but I'll be back,"
before turning her attention to Monroe.

She walked over and wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug, feeling a rush of familiarity and comfort.
"How long has it been now?"
she asked, her laughter bubbling up as she pulled back slightly to get a better look at him.
"Gus looks great, by the way! I think you might be worrying about him a bit too much,"
she added, glancing back at Gus with a teasing grin.

As she spoke, she couldn't shake the flutter in her chest that seemed to intensify. It was peculiar—after all, she hadn’t had any deep feelings for Monroe when they were younger, and their encounters had always been casual and fun. Yet, something about the moment made her heart race in a way she hadn’t expected.

She gave his arm a playful punch, her nose scrunching up with a mix of affection and amusement.
"So, need help with anything?"
she asked, her voice light and inviting.
"Honestly, I'd rather not head back to the lodge just yet. It feels nice to be here with you and just enjoy the day."
The sun was shining, and the atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie, making her hesitate to leave this moment behind.

Auriela Grace Hale
Constable Daughter/Wild Child
Hale house
"They mean the world to me"
ShellBelles ShellBelles -Roman travelbypages travelbypages - A little of Tali
s Aurie heard the unmistakable sound of a car door slamming shut, her heart raced with anticipation. She dashed out of her room, her footsteps light and eager, and caught sight of her father lounging on the couch, but not in his usual spot. Instead, they were seated next to Tali, who was animatedly chatting with them.
"Hi, Tali!"
Aurie called out, her voice ringing with excitement.
"Hi, Dad!"

With a beaming smile, she quickly made her way to the front door, her mind buzzing with thoughts of the day ahead. She swung the door open wide, her eyes lighting up as she welcomed Roman and their family with open arms.
she exclaimed, her enthusiasm palpable as it filled the air around her.
"I’m so glad you’re all here!"

She glanced back at her father before continuing,
"My dad's in the living room, and I hope you don’t mind, but they invited another guest over—her name's Tali, and she's absolutely wonderful! You’re going to love her!"

As she spoke, Aurie noticed the large ham that Roman was carrying. Without hesitation, she reached out and took it from them, her hands wrapping around it with determination.
"I’ll take this to the kitchen,"
she said, her smile brightening even more.
"You know where the living room is, so go ahead and put the presents down. I’ll come back in just a moment to help you give everyone a tour."

Her mind raced with excitement, envisioning the laughter and joy that would fill the house as both families came together. She had been looking forward to this day ever since they had discussed it, and the thought of sharing this special moment with everyone made her heart flutter. Aurie could already imagine the stories they would share, the delicious food they would enjoy, and the fun they would have as they created new memories together. With a determined nod, she headed towards the kitchen, eager to help make the day perfect.

now playing: lonely people - orla gartland

Since that fateful night, Molly had refused to go home. Her parents, no doubt, had been looking for her, but besides letting Mikey know that she was okay, she had found herself crashing with friends, or sleeping at the rink underneath the skate rental counter. She had little to her name besides the clothes on her back, but she was finding ways to survive. It was Christmas Day now, and she still hadn't planned on returning to the Harding residence. No doubt Marley was there for the holiday, rubbing her success in everyone's face. Mikey probably had skipped the festivities altogether - a smart move, in his baby sister's eyes. She definitely wasn't going to accept any gift her parents had got her, that was for sure.

It was freezing as she roamed Revelstoke, her thin sweater providing little relief to the whipping wind. If she wasn't so stubborn, she'd have probably gone home just to get a thick jacket...but she wasn't backing down without a fight. The rink wasn't open today for her to find a little more warmth in, and her friends were all spending Christmas with their loved ones, so she was alone. A million thoughts were racing through her mind as she pushed through the cold, barely paying attention to where she was walking until it was too late.

She had run into something - or someone, rather, sending her flying down onto the ground. She glanced up at the guy who she had collided with, taking his hand when he had offered it. "Sorry." Molly mumbled, walking away once more. She wasn't trying to be anyone's burden but her own today.

wearing: i'm not sure i've got the heart for this
tags: PrincessAveRedfern PrincessAveRedfern (Clay)

Molly Harding

coded by weldherwings.
Aveline Odessa Linchette
Bakery Owner
Linchette's Bakery
"Christmas time!"
Lizy Lizy -Sidney
ve looked up as she heard the door creak open, and her heart warmed at the sight of Sidney stepping inside. A small smile crept onto her lips, one that felt genuine and brightened her entire face. The moment she heard his voice, her spirits lifted even more.
"Ahh, one coffee coming up! The pot's almost done—made a fresh batch just for you. Could you mind turning the sign to say 'closed'? You’ll be the last customer of the day, and I thought you might enjoy the quiet,"
she said, her tone light and inviting, eager to share a moment of calm with him, someone she considered a friend.

As she spoke, she moved gracefully toward the coffee pot, which had just finished its last drip, the rich, dark liquid swirling in the glass carafe. She poured a steaming cup for him, relishing the comforting aroma that filled the air. A cup for herself followed, the warmth radiating through the ceramic mug as she handed it to him.
"My treat! What kind of dessert would you like with your coffee?"
she asked, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, hoping to make the moment a little more special.

After a brief pause, she continued,
"I was just visiting my grandparents. We don’t really celebrate much since my mother split the family up,"
she said, her voice faltering slightly as she forced a laugh that felt uncomfortable on her lips. The small-town atmosphere often made it hard for her to escape the whispers and lingering gazes that reminded her of her mother’s choices. Talking about it brought a knot to her stomach, but she tried to push those feelings aside, focusing instead on the warmth of the moment shared with Sidney.

She watched his expression closely, hoping to gauge his reaction. Ave appreciated his presence more than she realized; he had a way of grounding her, making the weight of her family's past feel a little lighter. "It’s just... complicated, you know?" she added, her voice quieter now, revealing a hint of vulnerability.
"Everyone knows what happened, and it’s hard not to feel the weight of it all sometimes."

She took a sip of her coffee, letting the warmth soothe her, and glanced out the window, watching the last rays of sunlight filter through the trees.
"But enough about that,"
she said, shaking her head slightly to dispel the somber thoughts.
"I’m really glad you came by. It’s nice to have someone to share a moment of calm with after a long day during the holidays."
The small coffee shop, filled with the comforting aromas of brewing coffee and baked goods, felt like a safe haven in that moment, and she cherished the peace it brought her, especially in Sidney's company.

Clay Asher Storm
Common Area
"Hate this town"
lay Clay watched as the girl he had just bumped into turned to walk away, a wave of loneliness washing over him as he considered how she was spending Christmas all alone. The thought struck him hard; it was a day meant for warmth and companionship, yet here she was, shivering in the cold. Despite his reputation for coming off as arrogant and rude, he found it hard to ignore the sight of a cute girl looking so forlorn and freezing. He couldn’t stand the thought of her being out there by herself on a day that should be filled with joy and laughter, so he quickly matched her pace, moving closer to offer some warmth.

Without thinking too much about it, he slipped his arm around her shoulders, hoping to ward off the biting cold.
"Where are you heading on this frosty day?"
he asked, glancing down at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He recalled how this place didn’t have much to offer in terms of activities, making her solitary presence feel like a red flag in his mind. Yet, there was something intriguing about her, and he couldn’t shake the thought that maybe, just maybe, he could turn this chance encounter into something more substantial. The idea floated through his mind like a whimsical Christmas wish, and he felt a flicker of hope.

"Seems like a pretty dull day to be out here alone on Christmas,"
he continued, trying to keep the conversation going, his voice friendly and inviting.
"Why don’t we make the most of it? I know a couple of great spots nearby—maybe we can grab a warm drink or something to eat?"

As he spoke, he felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He knew it was a bold move, but the holiday spirit urged him on. Who knows? Maybe this Christmas would bring him a little luck after all.

Natalia Zamora

oon's familiar cocky demeanor immediately put Natalia at ease. The same confident, almost playful tone he had used the last time they were together seemed to erase the last of her lingering anxiety. Despite still having a lot on her mind, she felt her shoulders relax and her tense smile shift into something warmer and more genuine.
Natalia licked her lips, forcing herself to focus, trying not to let the flutter of excitement in her stomach distract her. Control yourself, Natalia. You're not here to fawn over how charming he is.
"I don’t know. You probably work with so many people in your line of work, I'm not sure how memorable our project could have been to you,"
she replied nonchalantly, waving off his comment as she stepped closer to him. The impulse to flee slowly ebbed away as she did, and she found herself feeling more comfortable in his presence.
"I’ve been alright,"
she continued, her voice slightly softer.
"A lot on my mind lately. Had to take a little break from my blog to deal with... something personal. But I’m back at it now, feeling more centered. Thought I’d give the fans a glimpse into life here in Revelstoke."
She carefully avoided the specifics of why she had taken a break, not quite ready to dive into that conversation, especially in the lodge's busy lobby.
At his gloating about their past project together, she rolled her eyes playfully.
"Yes, yes, you were incredibly impressive, Joon. Truly, it was great working with you,"
she said, crossing her arms over her chest as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. A stray lock of her wild ginger hair fell into her face, and she absentmindedly tucked it behind her ear before hesitating for a moment, considering her next words.
"I could fill you in on what’s been going on with me... And you could do the same. Maybe we could grab a bite to eat and then find a quiet place to talk? Get away from all the noise?"
She paused, realizing he might not have time for that right now.
"But, of course, if you're busy, it doesn’t have to be now. We can always plan for another time."

Revelstoke Mountain Lodge

Ozelia Mae Bonet

zelia continued her stroll around the festival, the crisp winter air nipping at her cheeks as she wandered through the festive scene. Her hot cocoa warmed her hands, offering a comforting contrast to the chilly evening. Bright, twinkling lights adorned the small town square, casting a soft, ethereal glow across the snow-covered streets. The distant sound of cheerful holiday music drifted on the breeze, adding to the magic of the season. With each step, Ozelia hummed along absentmindedly, her bubbly energy contagious as she soaked in the joy of the day.
She was just about to take a sip of her cocoa when something caught her eye—someone sitting alone on a nearby bench. Their posture was slumped, shoulders hunched, and hands tangled in their hair as they stared down at the ground in distress. Ozelia’s heart tugged in her chest. Her brows furrowed in concern, and a small frown tugged at her lips.
It wasn’t like her to just walk past someone in need. As a teacher, she’d spent years learning how to recognize when someone was struggling, even when they didn’t say anything. Without hesitation, she made her way toward the bench, her cocoa still in hand. Her footsteps were light but purposeful, her movements graceful despite the weight of concern that settled in her chest.
"Hi there!"
she called out in a bright, warm tone, careful not to startle the person. She gave a small, friendly wave, her smile wide and genuine.
"I don’t mean to intrude, but you look like you could use someone to talk to—or maybe just some company?"
She tilted her head slightly, her bangs fluttering gently in the breeze as she spoke.
Noticing how tense the person seemed, Ozelia lowered herself onto the edge of the bench, leaving a bit of space between them but offering her presence as a silent invitation. Her eyes were soft with kindness, her gaze filled with quiet empathy.
"I hope I’m not being too forward, but... sometimes, the best thing when you're feeling upset is just having a stranger to vent to who’s not afraid to listen, right?"

Her smile grew brighter, her eyes sparkling with warmth.
"I know it’s not much, but... it might help just a little bit to get whatever's bothering you off your chest?"

Ozelia rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.
"I’m Ozelia Mae, by the way. But my friends call me Oz!"
Ozelia gave a cheeky wink, the corners of her lips lifting into a wide grin.
"You can call me Oz too, if you’d like!"

She settled into a comfortable silence, waiting patiently for the other person’s response, her eyes never leaving them. There was a quiet curiosity in her gaze, but it was paired with a deep sense of empathy. Ozelia didn’t know what had caused the person’s distress, but she was certain that offering kindness—even in the smallest of ways—was always the best place to start.

Main Street


POV - Eileen Harigold
Eileen continued to sulk there on the bench as she kept her head in her hands, trying to calm herself from all these overwhelming feelings. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the other person approaching her, hence why she flinched when hearing a voice right near her, regardless of the soft tone it came with.

Eileen brought her hands down and looked up to see a woman standing there, giving her a wave as she greeted her with a bubbly attitude. Eileen was caught off guard to say the least. She knew that it might have been obvious that she wasn't in the best of moods, but she figured that anybody who noticed would've just left her alone because of that. After all, today was supposed to be a day about joy. She doubted that anyone would want someone killing the mood for them.

However, despite that, the woman seemed interested in what was going on with her, seeing that she decided to sit down next to Eileen. She just simply stared at the woman with a raised eyebrow, not sure what to say as the woman continued to speak to her in a calm and caring manner. As the woman mentioned venting and getting things off her chest, Eileen awkwardly shifted in her spot, brushing a strand of hair back.

She was right. But Eileen didn't want to push her problems onto other people, especially a stranger. She was trying to lose these thoughts she was having, not bring them more into the light. She feared talking about them would only worsen her pain. She also never liked bringing up her mom. Eileen continued to not make eye contact with the woman, Ozelia or Oz, and tried to force a casual tone in her voice. "Um. Thanks but...I'm okay. I'm just trying to...clear my head, I guess." Her tone was not at all convincing, but Eileen hoped that the woman would buy it. She then managed to look back over at her again, trying to smile politely. "I'm Eileen. Uh, nice to meet you."

celestialbody celestialbody (Ozelia)

Forrest Erickson

  • mood


Forrest found himself perched at a table, his gaze fixed on his brother Finn, who was effortlessly weaving his charm around a girl he had never laid eyes on before.
Finn had always possessed an uncanny ability to draw people in, his charisma radiating like a beacon. There was no denying the girl’s beauty.. But Forrest couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the lengths Finn would go to win over a girl’s heart.

It was as if he were playing a game, and the stakes were nothing more than fleeting moments of attention and affection...
Forrest drained the last of his coffee, the warmth of the drink contrasting with the chill in the air that seeped through the café’s windows...
He could feel the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on him, a mix of amusement for his brother and frustration at his antics...

With a resigned sigh, he shrugged on his jacket, the fabric feeling heavy against his shoulders, and decided it was time to make his exit... Finn was so engrossed in his little game of “how many girls can I charm this month?” that he barely noticed Forrest slipping away, lost in his own world of flirtation and charm.

As he stepped outside, the brisk air hit him like a splash of cold water, invigorating yet jarring... He took a deep breath, letting the chill fill his lungs, and pulled out his phone, scrolling aimlessly through his contacts.
That’s when he stumbled upon a familiar name..Emara Linchette, the therapist from Reveltsoke.. the very woman he had come here to see.
His heart quickened at the thought of her.. she was the one person who truly understood him, who had listened without judgment and offered insights that had helped him navigate the complexities of his emotions.. she didn't bullshit anything, and he admired that.

A quick glance at the directions revealed it was only a six-minute walk, and he felt a spark of determination ignite within him... The thought of seeing Emara again filled him with a mix of excitement and anxiety... He had so much he wanted to talk about.. so many thoughts that had been swirling in his mind since their last session.. which was more than a few months ago.

Following the path, he soon found himself in front of her house, a cozy place adorned with subtle holiday decorations that brought a smile to his face. Twinkling lights framed the windows, and a small wreath hung on the door.
It had been ages since he last saw her, and a wave of uncertainty washed over him... What would he say? Forrest found himself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, wondering if Emara would even be interested in seeing him again. He walked up to the door, pausing for a moment before knocking on it heavily, almost like a knock of a policeman.. all while pulling out his phone to dial her as well, desperation lacing his movements.

He blinked rapidly, the phone pressed to his ear, feeling as though he had been trying to reach her for ages, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum..
As the phone began to ring for what it seemed like endlessly.. the door creaked open, and in that instant, he realized he didn’t need to make that call at all.
There she stood, the same captivating figure he had admired all those months ago..and it struck him like a bolt of lightning..he had never truly stopped thinking about her.

Their relationship had always been platonic, her being this therapist.. yet his admiration for her ran deep, a current he had kept hidden beneath the surface, maintaining a professional facade even after sharing the darker chapters of his life with her.

"Hey you," he breathed, awe spilling from his lips as he ended the call, his gaze locking onto hers. He must have looked a bit odd, lingering there outside her door, but in that moment, the rush of emotions eclipsed any sense of awkwardness he might have felt..



♡coded by uxie♡
Hollis Warner

s the brother-sister duo made their way inside, getting settled, Hollis retreated to the kitchen. She leaned back against the counter, finishing off the last of her cookie with a satisfied smile.
She wasn’t alone for long though. Raven soon followed her into the kitchen, her eyes fixed on Hollis as she approached, walking closer and closer until they were standing side by side. Hollis smirked as she bumped their shoulders together in a playful greeting. Tilting her head back, Hollis watched Raven, amused by her rambling.
"Nah, I didn’t get strong-armed into anything by them,"
Hollis said with a teasing grin, taking a step back to lean more comfortably against the counter.
"My plan from the beginning was to eat you guys out of house and home, so your grandparents being so willing honestly just helps me out in that venture."
She winked playfully, keeping a careful eye on Raven’s reactions. Hollis enjoyed playing the carefree, easygoing type, but in reality, she was always tuned into the little details—like the faint pink creeping up in Raven’s cheeks and how she kept nervously glancing at her before quickly looking away, only to peek back again.
Hmm... interesting. This could be fun.
Hollis took a slow sip from her own mug of hot chocolate, her gaze never leaving Raven as she moved to the opposite side of the counter.
"Yeah... I’m starting to think it might’ve been worth it to come today too,"
she mused aloud, leaning over the counter as she edged closer to Raven. She propped her chin in her hand, staring intently into Raven’s eyes, her voice lowering slightly as if to keep things intimate.
"And yeah, I got here fine, no issues finding anything. But I guess I should find a way to thank you for giving me such clear instructions."
Just a tiny bit of flirting to test the waters couldn't hurt.
"Don’t worry about that,"
Hollis said with a shrug, the smirk never leaving her lips.
"Your brother’s stern vibe is hot. I’m glad he’s got that going for him. Besides, it’s not like I can blame him. I’ve been told I can be a bit of a ‘bad influence’ or that I make ‘bad decisions.’"
She laughed softly, mimicking air quotes with her fingers before shrugging again. She didn’t mind the labels at all.
"What do you think, RayRay?"
Hollis asked, her tone soft and teasing as she leaned even closer. She then pouted dramatically, fluttering her lashes as she gazed up at Raven innocently.
"Do you think I’m a bad girl?"

The Cross Household

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