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Fantasy While Hell Rules (W.H.H.F Reboot)


Lord of Snow
It has been five years since heaven fell, the angels were overrun by the demons most of them killed. The Demon Lord Azazel locked away Lucifer only to be killed three years later, the demons have taken over earth and rule over the humans like tyrants. There is a group of angels that survived the slaughter and are now working towards getting rid of the demons and freeing the humans from their control.

Starter post

jasper's combat boots thumped on the roof of the building, his black wings spreading out behind him, he reached the end of the building and he looked over and down at a demon camp "Alright boys and girl" he smiled at the only girl in the group "it's time to kill some demons" he gave a wicked grin before jumping into the sky doing a flip "I call upon the lightning to be my sword" lightning flashed in his hand and a sword appeared "now Exorcise!" he flapped his wings flinging himself at the ground he plunged his sword into the ground sending a shockwave of electricity all around making demons seize and collapse to the ground he stood up and smirked at all the unconscious demons "Alright boys have fun taking the rest out" he motioned the group to attack while he flew back to the building to watch

@Hisan @KingsPlague @CasarollChicken @A Simple Egg @MuffinRPs
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How else was she to spend her day? She was bored and when Lilith was bored, there was, pun intended, Hell in wake. So, it was to no one's surprise that the Demoness, shrouded in her angelic human form, roamed the streets where hookers and pimps played ball. She could smell her own kind in the shadows, but she did not reveal her true self to them. Why should she when killing one for overstepping their place was such a delicious prospect. The sweat of sex and despair wreaked up the darkened alleys and Lilith inhaled deeply. Yes, the aroma was quite enticing. She wondered idly if a man would sell his soul to touch the supple skin of her glamour. Lilith admitted to herself that her human form was indeed a sweet sort of forbidden fruit. It was an innocent shell that quite literally hid away a monstrous form. She loved it.

Turning away from her thoughts, a whiff of something sweet filled her nostrils. Not lust and fear that she was expecting, but something sickly sweet and .. heavenly. Quite literally. Were there.... angels about? With a ferocious growl ripping through her delicate chest she took a running start at a nearby building, her finger tips crushing into the stone. She crawled inhumanly to the top and looked over. Surely, she had imagined that they would dare step in her territory.​
Jasper laughed as he watched his quad take down demons, his smirked faded when he sensed demon Lord "oooo one of the big boys have come out to play" his face broke into a grin "come out come out where ever you are" he grinned called out to the demon lord

Ty licked his lips as he hid, watching the fight go down. Not long ago he would not have heisted in taking those Angels down but... They were were helping the humans. And although he felt absolutely nothing for the pitiful human race, or so he kept telling himself, they were useful. How , he didn't know, but they were. And that's why he wasn't helping. Right...
Jin let out small yawn as he slowly walked through silent streets. As he walked he could feel a burning sensation running through his left arm, as as he took a look at the cause of the sensation, to his surprise the Revelation ring embedded into his left arm was glowing a bright red light which indicated that Angels were pretty close. "Hmm, well, well....what do we have here?", he snickered before a large of wings sprouted from his shoulder. A few seconds after the sprouting process, Jin quickly sped through the the streets with his wings as boosters.



"Come out, come out wherever you are."

Be careful what you wish for.
Lilith snarled with a nasty grin that didn't quite sit right on her delicate face. Her pale bare feet hit the ground on the building that Jasper's group had just launched themselves from. She felt the shadows twist at her back and she knew her demons had felt the excitement of their lord.

"Little white dovey too far from his golden nest," she giggled, her blue eyes flashing red in the moon light. Her nails grew rapidly, curving like talons and she heard the howls and hisses of tension behind her. She made a 'sic 'em' noise with her teeth and tongue and her shadows ran at the camp where a fight had ensued. She grinned at Jasper and then froze, hearing the powerful beat of wings and the smell of rancid tobacco. Jin was coming. With a cry of wicked pleasure, Lilith launched herself upward, black wings bursting through her pale back and her hair bleaching into an other worldly white, topped with two black horns that curved around her head as if to mock a halo. Her blue eyes bled into a glowing crimson and her slim supple body filled out into sinful curves and busts.



@A Simple Egg
As he ran through the street, he was momentarily startled by the red light in the sky, but a few seconds his shocked expression turned into a demonic grin. Jin's whole body slowly started to get covered in red with a black shade, a small golden gem slowly formed on the center of his chest. The gem started to circulate energy throughout Jin's entire body, it also enhanced the demonic aura emitting from him. After the transformation, Jin launched himself into the sky, his wings then let out slow yet powerful gusts of wind at each beat. This caused him to move at an unimaginable speed. "This is going to be fun, isn't it", he roared towards the sky as he flew towards Lilith who was the one who produced the momentary red light.
"well well well two high level demon lords for the price of one..my favorite" he smirked and looked at Lilith "last time I checked im more like a crow than a dove" his pitch black wings spreading behind him they flapped once and he was sent into the air "you know you really shouldn't mess with the son of an archangel it might cause your death!" he said before swinging out his hand causing lightning to erupt from the sky and strike down towards Lilith

@CasarollChicken @RiahB



Lilith cackled and swung her body to the side, dodging the strike. "

Child's play,"
she hissed gleefully to the higher ranking lord.

"Oh? The offspring of an Archangel," She mocked. "How terrifying. A halfling up against two origin demon lords. We mine as well throw the towels in now, huh?"

Her voice dripped with sarcasm and she through her hand up, a blinding white blast erupting from her palm and streaking toward the angel.
"Lightning be my sword" he said simply, Lightning sparked in his hand and a sword formed he swung his blade infusing it with lightning as he did so he sliced through the light causing it to turn into silver sparkles and fall to the ground below them "ooo a original demon lords I should be shaking in my boots" he matched her sarcasm "I don't know weather to laugh or run away" he chucked out before swinging his blade making lightning fly through the sky at Lilith

A few seconds later, his grin became ever more demonic and distorted that the gem on his chest started let out a golden light, which in turn caused the energy circulating through his muscles to accelerate at the fastest rate possible. His muscles slowly became more refined, it didn't look like it changed much but it was surely as hard as diamonds.

"Need some help Lilith" Jin roared. His voice slowly reverberated throughout the sky.



Need any help Lilith.

"Oh my lord," Lilith mock whimpered. "more than ever."

Lilith danced around the lightening, her eyes glued to the angel. It seemed a little far fetched that the angel would take on two demon lords unless he used it to serve as a distraction, but Lilith wasn't one to think about strategy with angel blood this close to the taking.

She could imagine the feel of this angels neck being ripped from his body with her very own teeth. She shivered in pleasure.

Balthazar flew up beside Jasper, his 6 wings beating synchronized to keep him afloat "Sir, as much as One hates to question anothers ruling and personal views on what is right and wrong, I feel that there are not enough here to face One's enemies. One can create barriers but they will remain weak against the oncoming attacks of demon lords. One fears that they will easily be broken and suggests a retreat for now." the Guardian said, his spear ready to deflect any attacks launched by their adversaries. He created shields and barriers that would hold up against a few attack but would surely break under the power from the demon lords, if the angels could defeat them they would never have lost control over the earth in the first place.

Indeed, this seemed to be a fools task.
"don't worry Balthazar" he thought for a second "that is your name correct and im not going to attempt to take them down I just wanted to have some fun" he spun his sword creating more lightning "I might be reckless but im not a fool I couldn't defeat two demon lords I would be wiped from the face of the earth if I tried" he laughed




Lilith, having tired of all of the conversation, snarled. Her sinful lips pulled back against razor sharp teeth and her glowing crimson eyes darkened to an abyssal black. She wanted the angel blood. She could smell it. The image of golden liquid oozing from their broken bodies had Lilith wanting to beat her fists against the ground in an beastly manner, but she refrained. It was not time to give in to her instincts just yet.

Something distracted her for a second though. An idle aura watched the gruesome fight below in the camp. She would not have thought much of it, but it was not an angel that watched. It was a demon aura and she remembered specifically ordering that the demons take the angels out. Lilith hissed, noting that information for later use.

"If it pleases you, Jin," she growled in the native tongue. "I wish to kill them now."




@A Simple Egg

Jin's grin slowly faded away and turned to his normal emotional-less expression. "Patience Lilith, don't let your desires take over you sanity" Jin replied, he slowly flew towards Lilith's position. As he flew towards Lilith the revelation ring on his left hand, glowed brighter by the second. "Which one will you take?" Jin asked as he appeared beside Lilith.
"blah blah blah can we just fight now?" Jasper gave a bored look. he looked over to Balthazar "make sure the angels down there survive this fight" he said to the man in Enochian the language of angels "I need them for the next attack" he said whilst looking back at Lilith "make the first move dearie" he teased

(( That's right I am going full on supernatural up in here DEAL WITH IT))



Lilith nodded at the Demon Lord in obedience, though obeying was hardly her forte, and launched her aura out toward the second angel. She would use her ability to warp emotions against him at a later moment, but now she focused on separating him from his leader.

"The Guardian," she replied. "You may have the spoiled one. His childish ranting bores me."

She pushed pressing thoughts at the Guardian Angel, hoping to bait him closer to her.

The Demoness- she is the threat. Attack the Demoness. Corner her. Get her alone.

Over and over she sent the thoughts his way and to back up the ramblings, she sent a large blast toward his leader.




@A Simple Egg

Jasper flapped his wings sending him over the blast into a whirlwind as he did so lightning sparked all around him creating a tornado of lightning. his wings opened to their full extent sending millions of streams of lightning at Jin and Lilith "your gonna have to better than that Demon" he teased as he flapped his wings making the lightning travel faster and faster

@CasarollChicken @KingsPlague @A Simple Egg @RiahB
With a flick of his spear the guardian angel warded off the deamonesses attack her poisonous words echoed in Balthazars mind, his own will fighting off the urge to attack the Demon essential as he was ordered. He remained resilient and lowered himself to follow Jaspers orders "One will do as another asks of him. One asks another to be careful, One does not trust that a situation will go well" Balthazar said, giving his spear a quick spin as the area between him and Lilith shimmered slightly, ready to create Barriers and shields at will "One does not wish to fight, only to protect many that need protecting. One asks another to respect ones views." He pleaded, trying to avoid fighting as much as possible as there had been too much fighting of late, too many had died because he could not do his job to protect them as he once could.

@RiahB @FrostXShadow
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"This one is impatient" Jin stated as the shield he spawned warded off the Lightning streaks. A sudden ball of fire slowly formed above Jin's head, but the ball of fire wasn't increasing in size. It was condensing itself into the size of a golf-ball, meaning it will be more faster, and have a higher damage radius which meant that if it was dropped, thousands of innocents will die. "I hope you understand what will happen, if this drops"
Jasper looked at the ball "crap that could kill al the humans here" he cursed. his body faded from sight fazing through the air as a lightning bolt reappearing in front of Jin "Don't you dare" he said swinging his sword towards the demon.

As the Demon Lord Jin announced the threat of destroying a large amount of people Balthazar was forced to divert his full attention into pouring all his power into creating a golden shield which coated the town beneath, this would weaken him and also leave him immobile, but it seemed as though Jasper would not see this as a great enough threat to retreat. No, Jasper decided to attack, leaving little choice for retreat. "Sir!" Balthazar shouted towards his commander "We must retreat, One cannot save Many, and One and Another persistence will result in mass Annihilation. Sir, One must insist that One and Another fall back for now or risk the loss of Many below us" he kept his spear up, but he knew he would not be able to stop the full force of this blow and would most likely cause much harm to himself.

@CasarollChicken @RiahB @FrostXShadow

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