Video Games Which game are you obsessed with?

Currently I'm dividing my time between Stardew Valley and Breath of the Wild. Though I will readily admit that as soon as I buy the DLC for Horizon Zero Dawn that game is gonna suck me in again.

Oh and Dragon Age Inquisition is just....good lord, I've sunk so many hours so many different times into that game that it is unreal.
I've recently been eyeing both Starbound and MHW but I'm afraid to buy either because I have commitment issues and tend to lose interest in games if they require any sort of effort.
Yo, but real talk though. I just discovered this hype ass game made a while back, maybe you've heard of it. Super Mario Bros. Yo, I ain't never played a game more fun in my life!
Dragon Age: Origins! It's my absolute favorite video game, and replaying it made me realize how much I adore the lore! :) It's actually the game that introduced me to story-oriented RPG's!
Persona 3 was my favorite of all time. I can play that game over and over again.
War Thunder Ground Forces. (The tanks of that game)
I have been SO obsessed with Skyrim ever since it came out. I even have a tattoo!
But right now I’m honestly obsessed with this mobile chat game called Mystic Messenger. It’s so good! Lol.
Easily Bloodborne. The atmosphere, story, lore, and gameplay are stellar all-around.

Also Ace Combat if you couldn't tell by the AV. Only reason I have kept my PS2.
I have been SO obsessed with Skyrim ever since it came out. I even have a tattoo!
But right now I’m honestly obsessed with this mobile chat game called Mystic Messenger. It’s so good! Lol.
omg omg sameeee!!!!
If you enjoy playing cross platform games, A few games that are fun would be:
- Warthunder
- Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
- BlazBlue Central
- Guilty Gear Xrd
- Fortnite (Battle Royal)
- Minecraft (If you enjoy calming music while building, or Calming music while being scared to death by Creepers, Endermen and many more terrifying creatures that appear out of the blue.)

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