Which Do You Prefer?


Burrito Connoisseur
I've been RPing for a while (on different sites) and I've noticed that people usually have two different ways of opening up an RP. Either they start off with a brief description of their character and just jump into it, or they set up the majority of the scene/world. I was wondering if you guys prefer to help build the world as the story goes on or if you like to have it set up for you to learn and explore.
Depends what it is. I mean, if it's a fantasy world or a made up one, then it's easier for me to start by laying out the entire scene, but if it's more modern, I'd prefer to jump in and build as I go along. :3
I like to develop a little backstory/world building to start off with, explain my character's place in it, then where the game starts. My writing style is as much for people who might stumble along and read it as it is to write with someone/people.
I agree with @Punyuru it depends on what the story's about. For instance if it's set in the real world or a fandom universe than obviously I just make my character and away we go. * this assumes there is already a plot in place *

If it's an original universe than I'll at least set up the basics so that everyone knows where there characters fit into the world.
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Despite the fact that I am new here (though that does not dictate my experience as a role-player), I think it depends what RP genre it is. As others have previously mentioned, I too feel that with modern or slice of life RP I simply jump right into it without a description of the environment. If it is a more foreign world like something from a fantasy or sci-fi genre, a description of the setting is very useful :)
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In my opinion, the story dies a lot faster if you're winging it. Details, especially pertaining to the setting, should be established prior to the start of actually writing. Cause you and your partner(s) might have two entirely different perceptions regarding wherever you're heading, and you'll both run out of muse relatively soon if you're not really working towards anything. Conceptual goals can't be obtained without physical destinations!

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