Which character do you hate the most?

As above, what character do you hate most?

  • The Immaculate Mastah

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • "Die, Flammable Kittens!" Terrestrial Lady

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The First and Forgotten Lion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trousers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Silver Prince

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Lover Clad in Nothing of Consequence

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Forgotten Flame

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Resonance Ben

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rockodile

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Faeries

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • House Rules Country

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elegant Nova of Progression

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ben's Band

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Redsid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Placeholder

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Elder Member
Simple question: Which character do you hate? This isn't "dislikes most" or "likes least," this is "which character makes you Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd raaaaaage! upon seeing him/her/it?

Main characters have been omitted under the presumption that nobody hates them or they wouldn't be reading the comic.
Stupid friggin' placeholder. Always getting in the way and popping up where it's not wanted.
At first, it was the Immaculate Mastah! Then I remembered how often I curse the name and descendants of Placeholder...
I almost voted the Lover Clad in Nothing of Consequence, not because I dislike the Lover, but rather because the name there is hilarious. But yeah, the place holder is one of the most damnable things to ever exist in this universe, whose evil outstrips that of the Yozis or the Neverborn. May it burn in the purging fire of the Unconquered Sun himself! (In other words, Ten Winds.)
I voted for the pants.

Be sure, I think they look cool. But people wearing pants is always a downer.
You know, Jukashi should create a collection of placeholders that are themselves comics. Just non-continuity one-off jokes and then cycle them around every now and then.
Kyeudo said:
You know, Jukashi should create a collection of placeholders that are themselves comics. Just non-continuity one-off jokes and then cycle them around every now and then.
I completely agree.
The Fair Folk would be great for these, since they can see the audience and interact with them in their own way.
Kyeudo said:
You know' date=' Jukashi should create a collection of placeholders that are themselves comics. Just non-continuity one-off jokes and then cycle them around every now and then.[/quote']I completely agree.
The Fair Folk would be great for these, since they can see the audience and interact with them in their own way.
Amen to that, Fair Folk popcorn commentary!

Also, it won't let me vote, I wonder why.
Perhaps she did, but Blossom is following along at a discrete distance and will step in at the most opportune time to forward her master's agenda.

And trousers are the enemy of freedom loving men around the world. I know this as I stand as a bastion of freedom in my Kilt, a shining example of how good life would be for all if we could just imbrace - freedom.

Pants are evil.
If Keychain ever got adapted into a radio drama, I'd have to think the white-trash DB would be one of the more fun bit parts to play, so he can't be the most hated.
Jukashi said:
the white-trash DB
But he wasn't... okay, in a way, but technically...

... Hmm.
He's clueless, uses epithets that other people use colloquially, and wants to be a representative of said people. A rose is a rose is a rose :)

I'm just surprised he wasn't decked out in Hearthstones and Jade.
Silver Prince because he stole the rightful place of Lover (I wish I found this comic at that time so Lover wouldn't lose)
Hitler was a short, brown haired, brown eyed man of jewish descent.

He was way down on his own hit list.

Where's Freud when you need him?

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