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Fantasy Wherever the Wind Takes You

Laila blinked at him, before recognizing the face immediately!

"Wow! That was really accurate, haha."

Still...Seems like I might not be able to readily talk to him as much...How should I go about communicating with him?

She thought to herself for a long moment. "By the way, you won't really have to do anything. Arioon's funding the whole trip for us as a favor for giving her Parilla, and Mom basically settled all the logistics. All I really did was show face so even if we don't have our tickets, the carriage will have us by password. Considering the thing she gave me...Who knows where we'll be able to go!"


Laila brought up her curiosity. "Question, Reeve. When you write...Like, let's say you write the word "Up", or "Yes," do the words you write remain consistent? I know that the language is basically completely altered so you can't communicate like that, but it's just because...Like, if you learned sign language, that's still 'communication', so your curse is obviously gonna stop you. Since you haven't made that effort, it hasn't tried, but I assume it's something that will stop working, but it's not like you writing the same gibberish will have that same effect. Maybe if you just kept writing really simple words like 'yes' or 'no' consistently, there might be a pattern and we can communicate some fairly simple phrases...? Like you just have to tell me what you're writing, in a way, and...All that."
It was kind of surprising to hear that others did most of the job for Laila, but anything that would get them to have a smoother time at this point. They still had the tassel after all to go through whichever territory they pleased- or most of them at the very least- so it would be for the most part a trip around the town. Something to get his body 'back in shape' as much as possible, even if it was just a slow walk or a slightly faster jog around the area. Without a sword... well, it'd definitely be a new feeling moving around so lightweight. It mattered little, but the habit built over the last years would definitely feel odd to break.

The glance he gave at her when she asked however was... confused, to say the least. His 'writing remaining consistent' could only mean one thing, and for most people it was incredibly simple. But in his own eyes and mind, he didn't even write differently to how he wrote prior to getting curse. If anything, he couldn't understand how he was writing the abyssal runes that he was- neither could he really see them, like his eyes translated everything he read in abyssal automatically to the common spoken language.

The best he could offer to answer her musing was... a shrug..? Not particularly helpful, but he could see some utility to what she was saying as well. If they had time to kill, they could definitely give it a shot and see if they could muster an answer to this question she posed. Sadly though, it wouldn't be all that practical for their upcoming challenge. If it did work though... "... I guess we could pack some writing supplies just in case. It's interesting... maybe I can teach Laila how to partially speak this language, even if I don't know how myself?"
As she suspected, it was uncertain. Out of combat, this wouldn't be a large issue. In combat, the most they would be able to do is organize the gestures of...

Laila got herself a good idea. "Back when we fought those boars and first met, I gave you those hand signals and we were able to communicate with each other that way. Ergo, there's no way this curse would affect you using hand signs, it didn't seem to register them as...Speaking; writing and speaking might be totally different from using hand signs."

She wasn't technically wrong; when they initially met, they managed to communicate that Reeve would push forward and Laila would be firing arrows and avoiding his running path; to minimize friendly fire, they succeeded in relaying where they would be going and how they would be pushing, though that was with the assistance of eye contact and weapon gesturing. Technically speaking, if they could evolve such communication, they would have access to fundamental tactics and command that, while still being leagues below verbal components, would still fit under the umbrella of speech and yet remain elusive to the curse's effects.

"The academy. The magic academy is likely going to have a combat department! We can ask them for lessons on communicating without a voice. I hear they can speak to each other through just their thoughts alone...But that in itself is a magical technique, but we might be able to learn something more physical for your sake."

As such, tactical orders that could be relayed in silence would prove useful in their endeavors.

"Eh, but I'm thinking too far into this when we haven't even gotten on the carriage...Well, there's a couple of things to do. We can get you some new equipment at the blacksmith's...With this trusty little badge Arioon gave me, I'm pretty sure we'll get special privileges! We can also spend a bit of time just hanging out, relax before the carriage ride because I think it'll be kind of uncomfortable...Can also get something good to eat! I love a good smoked duck...Mm...Oh, and there's also just buying general supplies. We'll probably be packing our own food and clothes, so it'll be good timing to get that settled...I was planning on writing some new scrolls and talismans; especially since you'll be needing some if you need to hit something but it's not immediately in front of you..."
So far, he had dreaded the two's inevitable visit to the magic academy, knowing that its time was only drawing nearer by the minute. But when she mentioned a lesson on non-verbal communication, his eyes gleamed a little as he looked at her, clapping his hands in both surprise and amusement. He could still use gestures to talk with her and convey some small emotions, it was all manners of speech that were hindered, from what he understood. Hell, thinking back to his clash with his curse, he clearly remembered one of the many words said during their brawl.

"The you meant to lead doesn't need words. The original owner this sword was made for didn't need them- but you lack the willpower. And in exchange for all this life we're blessed with, what do you choose to have? Nothing. Neither life nor magic, a shell of a puppet."

Though those words made very little sense prior to his encounter, he was beginning to understand now. His blade melting into nothingness by the time he was awake- he assumed that's what took place at least- and the lack of all magic. He was never attuned to it, but he had discovered that whatever little magic he did possess, he gave away when he picked up the blade in order to refine its own abilities. "... Maybe going to the magic academy could help. Perhaps they'll overlook my condition too and not make a hasty judgement. Laila has been scary using her magic before.", he laughed on his own as he remembered how she terrified the group of thieves that tried to attack them in the village by the cemetery, although she quickly put a halt to that train of thought.

Equipment, food, supplies... and talismans? He was completely unaware how the last of all of this worked, but for the rest of all of the above... He glanced over at his shoulderplate, vaguely remembering that he could form his own armor now that he had a better mastery over his curse, although he was still at partial risk of overexerting himself. His stomach rumbled at the mere mention of food, and for general supplies, he just found himself scratching his head and tilting it to the side a little. She said she had most of the general supplies, so...
"... Maybe just get some maintenance work on my armor then, and... A-Ahh, have Laila show me the talismans..? I think-"

Another complaint from his rowdy stomach came in at the perfect timing to interrupt him, causing him to slump and drop his arms. "If I eat anything too intense, I might vomit... but I'm so hungry.", he huffed and gave Laila a tired look, just pointing at his armor and trying his best to form a rectangle using his index fingers and thumbs. After all, the last he remembered seeing any of the talismans when Tomoe used them, they had that shape. He assumed the rest were much the same, too.

"... I sometimes feel like a child pointing at things when we can only talk like this, urgh."
Hunger and talismans, Laila presumed...Considering how tired Reeve looked, some food seemed to be in order. She was thinking about breaking the fast via classic TAVERN EXPEDITION! Thinking further on what the magic academy would be only slow down time for her, so she definitely was trying to distract herself.

Her attention was split partially when she saw him laughing. Oh, maybe he's thinking of something funny. I wish I could ask.

Regardless, she saw him doing that little gesture, with the thingy of the rectangle. "Oh, you want to know the talismans? Or I guess, what I'm drawing for you."

It was kind of funny, she partially was treating him like a kid, but she was fairly certain if she got too specific, she would be asking him questions all day and that just wasn't as efficient as a baseline educated guess.

...Laila considered this talisman exposition important, but she was also hungry, and there's no point explaining the talisman shtick if they're both looking to fill their stomachs. "How about we get something to eat, first? We've got a little bit of time and uh, yeah, we'll be here all day so it won't be a big deal...But we can leave whenever!"
It looked like even though his pantomiming was rather... dubious, it got through to her! He was excited and eager to listen, only for a rumble to echo from the both of their stomachs before het let out a low sigh and slumped his head. With a nod to Laila, he pushed himself up and off the floor to offer a hand to the shrine maiden, looking back at his armor. He considered donning the protective plates, but if they were going to be staying only inside of the town to go to a tavern... then he'd be fine without it too.

Come think of it, it had been a good while since the last he wandered around using nothing but his casual clothes- and because of his odd predicament, there wasn't a blade with him either this once. An all too casual, almost 'average commoner' attire to sport. With a small grin, he took a little bit of pride in the more relaxed feeling of it all as he glanced at the woman and gestured for her to get going. Soon enough and once the two of them were ready, they were off.

And before they even knew it, they had arrived to the tavern, having only just made their order as Reeve sat across from Laila and looked at her. His gaze was softer, leaning on one of his hands while his arm rested on the table. A small smile was teasing itself on the verge of his lips' corners, as he lost himself in her cute features for a moment before realising he was... probably being a bit too obvious about it. Coughing to clear his throat, he did the rectangle motion once more to try and get the ball rolling as best as he could, smiling sheepishly afterwards.
Tavern time.

Arioon was also there, and she offered them quite the combo platter. Toasted bread with cheese ontop, combined with healthy bowl of beef stew with enough spices to overwhelm a lot of people's noses. Arioon spared a glance to Reeve...

And rolled her eyes.

A good way to tell just how heavy the heart was could be done by seeing how much a good meal would lift it up. Laila, with crossed legs and a elbow upon the table and her fingers wrapped around her cheek, was staring longingly...

Into the ceiling fixtures. Laila was still thinking about the day and was oblivious to Reeve's obvious gaze, but eventually her attention was fished along via Reeve's little rectangular motion.

"Oh! Sorry, hehe- I got a bit distracted...Diiiid you want to talk? More accurately, I guess you want me to talk! Hahah. I-I don't blame you if you didn't find that funny."

Still, seeing Reeve wanting to converse was a startling challenge for Laila; Laila could ramble, yes, but that was assuming Reeve wanted to hear about it. Trying to figure out what Reeve might want to hear or...Well, somehow communicate, was going to be far more difficult on Laila's end.

"Um. You're not feeling too stressed after everything that happened, right? You seemed like you had a lot on your plate- no pun intended- but...I mean, you even lost your sword, so...If you ask me, I'd probably be losing my mind."
Reeve didn't even get much time to stare back at Arioon as by the time he realised he was being stared at, she'd already rolled her eyes and begun to walk away. He watched her silently, huffing and turning back to Laila when she finally took notice of his efforts to ask her about the talismans. Her joke got a small smile out of him, though it was mostly out of second-hand embarrassment if anything. "... Come think of it, was she always that bad at taking a hint?", he wondered with the smile turning into a small smirk, genuine and nostalgic almost for when they first started out.

He was a bit surprised seeing her skip over his admittedly vague question as she asked him on his own mood, looking at her quietly. His eyes trailed down to the stew, watching the steam rise from it as a chunk of the beef floated idly on the surface. The memories of yesterday felt like they had been much more than just one night. Hell, thinking back to the showdown with his curse, his power struggle felt like it lasted entire days if not weeks. His sense of time was muddied and so was a big part of all that was said. And yet... he was smiling by the end.

Right now, too. Though a hand moved down by his hip, there was no sword. He knew that of course, but... it was an odd feeling, wasn't it? Even so, he raised his head and looked at Laila, shaking it in refusal. He wasn't disheartened in the slightest- the fire in his eyes revealed as much.

"... now I know the answer. You are my mirror."
That's right. Even though he no longer had a sword and his armor felt rather unnecessary, he knew fully well that it would be a long time before he had to face being alone again. Hopefully never at that. His lips curved upwards as he raised a fist, extending it towards Laila for a bump. This was his own way of showing that he was ready for anything they'd have to face together, even if he was uncertain. She trusted him with her life before, and he would do the same, time and time again. For her.

The smell of the food was starting to get agonizing though, and the growl of his stomach only reinforced that feeling of hunger settling in his body. "W-We really are Arioon's favorite customers, huh..?"
Judging by that expression, Laila had little to worry about. To be fair, Reeve could always get a sword, but it was clear that sword held much history to both him and the company that gave him such a vexing curse in the first place. Could, potentially, a cure be found in the heart of his inability to talk; and...Did losing that sword also mean they would be pulled back an indefinite amount of time before coming close to that?

Well, Reeve seemed perfectly content without it, so if Laila stressed about it, it would just lead to their goals misaligning, and frankly, it made her very happy that Reeve wasn't letting his lack of voice remove his desire to convey his thoughts.

He was happy, and that was far far better than when they had first met, when they saved Alina, when they embarked to Sesseth.

She fist bumped him.

Laila didn't have much of an appetite, though she can't deny Arioon seemed to know exactly how to treat the two of them. Despite Reeve's aggression...Well, Arioon never seemed too worried.

"Um, food's ready by the way, and you look hungry. You should eat!"
"Laila... she looked like she spaced out for a hot minute."

When she told him to get to munching right after the fistbump, he knew better than to not listen. He immediately began to dig right into the hearty meal Arioon had served them, perking up for a second and looking toward wherever she went off- she was nowhere to be found, but... "... Come think of it, does she have Parilla with her? Not that it matters to us, but...", a sigh followed as he shook his head, looking back at Laila and gesturing toward her meal as well. It was a shame to leave her waiting too, but he figured she'd want some of the portion their friend had served so willingly too.

After he'd gone through about half his meal, he thought it a good idea to try once more and question her on the talisman she had brought up earlier. In his best effort possible, he waited until he had her attention and once he did, coughed to clear his throat. Carefully, he traced the rectangular shape of a talisman on the table with his fingertip, even adding some scribbles along the middle in hopes it would translate better once again. A small hopeful smile, and an ever-so-slightly expectant look were the most he could muster from there.

"That should... work... right?"
The talismans! Wow, something she actually recognized. Unlike whatever Reeve was thinking (she's no mind-reader, after all) initially, she could grasp that he wanted to know more about the talismans she was making!

"Well, I was thinking about it, and since we're going into a more mage-oriented city, I thought we would need a bit more abundance in talismans. I won't have any of my personal tools there, gotta pack lightly, so I'm making a few that should come in handy for when we need to...You know, show off some stuff that isn't just your blood thing. I feel like a lot of people will be either...Uhhh, scared or...Or worse, interested."

The last thing Laila wanted was some scummy mage to scam them into using Reeve for an experiment...Eugh. Sent shivers down her spine. She took a healthy bite of some cheese toast.

"In any case, it'll be convenient for us if we have something uncommon to show them, prove our worth or whatever. Also, juuuust in case we get attacked, we have some extra that are prepped. After that last fight, I do want to...Make sure we're not in over our heads! Last time, I had a big sword, but now, I just have a bow and a dagger, so...Gotta watch myself. You never know, right?"
Seeing her actually catch on this once, Reeve couldn't help but allow his expression to brighten up, leaning forwards and raising his hands to clap them in approval. "She actually understood it this time, this- this is easier than I thought!", as always he was quick to jump the gun in his excitement, though he quickly repressed that rush to nod along at her explanation and pay attention. He was happy to be of use even without a sword permanently by his side, knowing fully well what he was capable of with his blood and-

"... You know, show off some stuff that isn't just your blood thing."

Raising a hand from the table where they rested after his applause, he looked at his palm and frowned a little. It wasn't that Laila was trying to shut him down or anything, but... he knew she was right, too. That was perhaps what made the realisation that some of the wizards over there would try to take advantage of him and his situation, all the more painful. As normalised as this situation was in his head and clearly wasn't in Laila's, Reeve had been turned from an average swordsman into a freakish bloodmancer due to his curse.

He took a few more chomps out of his food slowly, thoughtfully while Laila spoke, his brows furrowed as he tried to think of a way to maybe disguise his abilities. He wasn't looking to ignore his partner, but... there had to be some way he could still use them and go by unnoticed, or mask them like magic- maybe he'd figure something along the way with some help from Laila. But it was also true, last they set out there was both an ego weapon and whatever Alina had made sure to prepare for the shrine maiden, that ink sword that melted halfway through their trip.

Now they're down to only her bow and dagger, and from there it was her magic and Reeve's blood manipulation that'd get them as far as it would. Given the threat they'd deal with and that magic was commonplace where they were headed... the stakes had increased just as much as he'd grown, hadn't they? But he wasn't anxious. No, he seemed... determined. Even at the tremendous task before them, he knew they could pull through. At her declaration to "prove our worth", he nodded with a grin on his face oozing with confidence. As he took the last bite out of his meal and placed the utensils in the now empty plate.

What he had seen Laila use from magic, from what he recalled, was mostly to do with utility. Either when she scared off the bandits, blinded that one dragon or- his instigative gaze was fixed right onto her as he squinted a little, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Were talismans the only form of 'offensive magic' that she could use, or was Reeve gravely misremembering what she was capable of..? Trying his best to make a waving motion followed with a shove forwards on one hand, as though casting a spell, he brought his hand back near him and leaned on it as he gave a curious look to Laila and raised an eyebrow. "... What is she capable of doing unhelped by talismans..?"
Reeve looked a lot more confident, which sparked that same energy in Laila. Following up, she stared at Reeve's motions, her eyebrows furrowing in contemplation. She repeated his motion.

"What- what's this, is this like, casting a spell? Um- Oh, if you mean...Do I do other things aside from talismans, like casting spells? I mean. No."

She chuckled awkwardly. "I, um. I'm not a spellcaster. Mom's closer to that. The whole blood thing is her thing, I mean, I'm sure I could if I wanted to, but blood magic has always been associated with war and...Blood, no pun intended. I mean, I can cast a cooouple of spells, but they're more of an emergency situation. Lights, fires, water...I can conjure that, kind of. Bare minimum essentials, survival situations. Especially because making a fire is HARD! And chopping trees is harder!"

She paused, the look in her face implying she caught herself in a tangent.

"To wrap back around, though, I'm an archer, right, at the end of the day. I shoot arrows. I have a sword, but that's just in case, you know? In a duel, I lose. That's why I have to either keep my distance or not be there at all. I'm pretty nimble, though! My magic is all related to my shrine, so it's a bit more flexible and I can do a lot more, but it's not as destructive. Without the talismans, I'm kind of like a nimble arrow shooter? A mosquito, basically?"

She scratched her head. "I mean, what are you without the blood thing?"

"... Come think of it, she's... not wrong.", he found himself agreeing with her take on being 'just an archer'. Though he didn't want to demean either of them, that's all they both were- one archer and one swordsman. He always had her in his mind as some form of wondrous caster, but that's because he too had been caught in the same awe her cantrips had lulled everyone into in that one necromancy hellscape.

If it were for him a few days back, he would have probably felt let down by the realisation that this is all they were. But maybe... she was right. The thoughtfulness reflected on his face when she turned the question to him, though he quickly nodded at her with a small smirk. It'll be hard to convey it to her, but perhaps... no, surely, if they could manage to get in deep enough to carry out their duties proper as 'just an archer and a swordsman', they could hold onto the rest of their abilities as a contingency plan to carve their way right back out and to success.

"Still, with my sword not here maybe..."

"Light, fires, water... I can conjure that, kind of."

Reeve's face glowed up as he realised they could disguise his ability to manipulate blood with light as some form of a spell Laila would cast, rather than otherwise. Even in the event the two got caught off guard then, they'd be able to function with the element of surprise should they ever be split up like they have been before. And despite all of these thoughts that ran in his mind, he could convey very few of them. They'd figure something out beyond pantomiming, but this was good- he felt so much more focused and found it easier than ever to concentrate on something like planning ahead.

By this point, he was simply eager to get up and at it once again, and even if the two took the day off, just... make ever so slightly more effort on working things out for their biggest venture yet.
Arioon inevitably made her return back to them, Laila listlessly staring at Reeve as she had the most awkward puzzled expression on her face, trying to read Reeve's motions. Arioon, glancing left and right, simply waved to get their attention.

"Oh, hey, Aroo. How's Parilla?"

"Awful, she hasn't unholstered me once. It's torture." The blade expectedly spoke back to them, to Laila's panicked surprise.

"Wait, you shouldn't be-"

"Only you two can hear me because arcana like this is strikingly easy for me to do."

Arioon, her vacant stare showing the slightest amount of irritation, commented, "She is a handful. She demands a lot."

Laila pursed her lips. "I mean, are you getting along...?"

"Getting along is one way of interpreting it."

It was by this point, Laila was already tuning this conversation out; Parilla's more prideful and talkative body clashed directly with Arioon's more reserved yet ditzy personality (Laila saw it as ditzy moreso than serious), so who knows how often Parilla squabbled.

"I see."

"Knight, where's your sword? Can't be one without a blade."

Arioon inspected Reeve with an investigative gaze. "You should obtain a new one."
Reeve almost jumped a little as he heard Parilla's voice once more, not having been expecting her to pop up like that. He turned and quickly looked towards Arioon's belt before he raised his gaze to meet hers, remaining still and silent for a brief moment before she directed him instead. With that came both Parilla's and her comment about him not having a sword, but... he simply shook his head and placed a hand by his hip, where his sheath would otherwise lie. Though it was completely free of any arms, he tapped the spot with his hand and gave a calm, collected smile before nodding.

He was certain Laila herself would be taken aback, and were they not already knee deep in a few different conspiracies and surrounded by people, perhaps he'd be up for giving the small group a demonstration, but... it'd work best with an element of surprise, given they never knew who was watching. Just looking and picking at his expression though, Arioon should have been able to tell that worries were the last thing on his mind. Whatever secret he was holding, he was more than 'a little confident' in it being able to sustain him throughout this adventure and get him through the roughest challenges they would have to face during this last push of his and Laila's for a proper contribution to this world.

All so that they could move past this and just... be adventurers together. In an effort to start a conversation though, Reeve instead gestured towards Parilla's sheathed form on Arioon's belt and tilted his head, his arms crossed as he tapped his fingers on them. Why had she yet to unsheathe her, and what exactly did she mean by 'demanding a lot'? She was the same with them, but with a quick glance at Laila... no, they definitely hadn't that much trouble getting her to 'open up' from her little shell.
Arioon looked equally confused, attempting to decipher Reeve's illegible expression.

Laila piped in. "He wants to know why you've been keeping her holstered."

"No reason to," Arioon said simply.

"Too much peace for the cold stone killer, I suppose."

"I will be sent on another mission shortly. Confidential. Just know that if you see me, to feign ignorance."

"Is it...A good mission?" Laila asked.

"...Any mission where someone must be buried is a bad one."

"It's not our right to judge life, but it's also their fault for threatening other people's. Consider this the one time I can finally stretch my legs. Edges. Whichever you wish to refer it."

"She's quite intrusive. Asks for many things. Complains. Hard to be fond of her."

"Well, if you would stop training all of the time and do more interesting things, I wouldn't be so stringent. Do you know this woman spends at least an hour in meditation? Utterly repulsive. And do not get me started on her reading habits."

"I simply take notes on each page."

Laila pursed her lips. "To each their own..." She glanced at Reeve. "Maybe it's just a personality clash..."
"N-No, Laila is absolutely right on that, it's a hell of a personality clash at that...", Reeve commented on the back of his mind as everything one said, the other appeared to push back on. Laila and Parilla, or Reeve for that matter, didn't see eye to eye either, but they were far from acting like a recently divorced couple. Still, putting the petty quarrels on display aside... Reeve gave a quiet look from the corners of his eyes to Arioon once the mission was mentioned, maintaining their eye contact for a brief moment before turning back around.

They were headed to quite the specific place, so to think that they might run into Ari over there too... something was definitely off, and Alina's information must have been right, at the very least to an extent. But where there were jobs to bury someone, there were people with motives and that... just didn't sit great with him. Perhaps it hadn't surfaced quite yet, but he was hoping to gods that he wouldn't have to draw his blade against Ari, and neither would Laila. They hadn't seen her in action, but the air she gave off alone was enough of a show of discipline for him to know what person she was and how nightmarish dealing with her could be.

Seeing as they were done and the trip they'd be making kept coming up... maybe the gesture the knight gave to the ranger was enough of a queue for them to consider getting going. They still had a short shopping trip to do, and either tomorrow or the day after, they had to get going and set right off. Though, sitting in the warmth of Ari's and Parilla's company was comforting... he could get used to it, if they hadn't chosen to live life as wandering adventurers.
"Well, it was nice seeing you!" Laila commented.

"You as well."


Arioon didn't seem to reflect the eye contact, but to be fair, it was hard making observations to Arioon, who seemed to radiate stoicism and the expressionless. Laila, in turn, saw the gesture of Reeve, recognizing the intention to leave.

"Right...Um. Let's get going..." Laila promptly paid for the shillings to Arioon.

Arioon took a glance left and right around the place, before tugging Laila's sleeve. "We will put it on your tab."

In an all-too classic way, Arioon slipped a piece of paper under Laila's sleeve before Laila could even comprehend what Arioon was trying to do.

"Keep yourselves safe." Parilla commented to the two of them just as Arioon began leaving, her footsteps scarily silent as ever.

Laila grabbed Reeve by the wrist. "Alrighty, let's pull out of here..."


"I could get us set up with a ride over to the city. It'll be a pretty long one too, just under a week...From what I hear, though, leaving the city is way easier than entering. Their magic must be pretty far out if they're boasting that kind of thing. And, surely, they'll probably know how to really help our problems out...And plus, we might make some new friends over there! Nothing like a bit of networking!"

Laila was very happy to be leaving to somewhere she'd never been before. "The logistics is going to be kind of complicated though...I think we can hitch a ride with one of the cargo suppliers if we sign up as a two wandering mercenaries. I hear the merchants will hire them on occasion to protect the cargo, and plus it works out for the both of them if they're both going to the same location, so I think this would be a great opportunity to get us somewhere and get paid for it, too! So, for this, we can afford to spend our hearts out! I'm definitely gonna stock up on some more rations...Top off with some magic scrolls, and we should be able to get by!"


"Reeve, let's get you equipped! I think that'll be more important."
Watching the odd interaction between Ari and Laila, Reeve's eyes caught some movement from the waitress as he huffed and waited silently, watching her turn. He would investigate her for a moment longer, if only his wrist wasn't grabbed and tugged right away from there by Laila in an all too endearing way. So with a smile, he twirled on his heel and followed behind, exiting the tavern with her and hearing what plans she seemed to have drummed up during his slumber.

Normally, he'd be anything but for her idea of being wandering mercenaries. But if they went under that pretense, then perhaps it'd be good if they ran into any trouble along the way and had to double as bodyguards for whatever supplier was hauling them on over too. Looking down at his hand as he opened and closed his fist a few times, he realised it would be the perfect opportunity to get a feel for what all he could do, doubly so given the scale of their next task once they made it to that town.


"Reeve, let's get you equipped! I think that'll be more important."

His inability to really speak didn't do much in his favor help him communicate his plans over to her, did it? No, he had to get out of his own head for a moment. As sweet as the element of surprise was and he could rely on himself and little physical gear after the last dream he had, he still couldn't give it all away at risk of attracting too much attention. Until the time to 'shine' came, they really had to keep a low profile and try their best to be 'just an archer and a swordsman'. They'd be allowed to make only a few exceptions before flirting all too dangerously with the idea of getting found out, so any moves from here on out must be very deliberate.

After a moment or two of seeming lost deep in thought, the man turned to Laila and nodded confidently, tapping one of his shoulders before making a motion over it like he was knocking on something covering it. "I guess then we'd have to get me some new sword that can get its job done, and give my armor a bit of maintenance before we get going. When push comes to shove it shouldn't matter, but... we'll have to be lucky to make it until then without any hiccups. Story of our lives since we've met, huh?"

Looking to the side as the two walked he did stop to gawk at a smithy, his brows furrowed as he tugged at Laila's hand and gestured towards it with his head, giving her a curious look with his eyes. This was closest to her town after all, so if anyone would know about the shops around here, it sure as hell wouldn't be him. "Maybe there'd be a better one somewhere around here, but doesn't hurt to check. I suppose I'll have to start getting creative with how I go about talking with her like this then, huh? Opportunities at every front and whatnot..."
Aghbwahhabuh...He wants a sword! I think.

Laila turned themselves over to the nearest blacksmith, particularly the one that Reeve happened to eye. Judging by his look, Laila began with, "Hmmmhmmmhmm..I don't really know which one to go to, I've never really needed a sword 'cause..." Laila's hand hovered over where her family's heirloom would've been, plus the demonic construct Alina's blade would've been..."Yeah, I jut didn't really need to get one forged...So I guess um...Usually, the farmer's markets would have some seasoned wood for me to mess with and make my bows with...Okay, okay, how about this, we'll just start looking for smiths and see which ones we like. Like this one!"

The first smithy in particular didn't seem fancy. The perfume of iron and coal resides just by being in the proximity. A modest anvil next to a bright orange-red forge and furnace, its bellowing air pumped by a modest looking female apprentice, a gingerly freckled youth half clothed in a dirty white top and suspending leather. The "patio", one might call it, had a mess of hooks and dangling chains filled with all sorts of displaying weapons, tools, and trinkets of various sizes, with a man more stone-skinned than the hammer his apprentice was using to shape metal. Wide and built like a lumber wall, he had a beard comparable to a trimmed bush, and his cheeks are dimpled in a never ending smile with his bright eyes.

Of course, he eyed the two as they approached. Laila patted Reeve's shoulders, jutting a thumb to the various items in a questioning motion, waving her arm across the entire smithy's selection.

She quickly stood in front of him and began talking up the blacksmith himself, though. While it was mostly small talk Reeve might not care about, the next following questions were more of a way to investigate Reeve's curiosities, more or less inquiring on the properties of a sword that might suit his taste. There was a strong chance Reeve might not find what he would be looking for here, but very well may find what he wants in a different smithy depending on the info Laila can extract.

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